The script of the holiday village gatherings. Folklore holiday "Village gatherings

Encyclopedia of Plants 01.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Scenario of the event "Village gatherings"

Leading (against the background of music): The story has a beginning -
This is the first line.
Starts from the pier
Sailor's path on the sea.
The twist has a reason
Poems have a string of words.
Starts from the beginning
A fairy tale, a song and… love.
Gathered together when
How they beat: “ rank rank”,
We start with bread - salt,
With a good song, our beginning!

Three girls in Russian costumes come out with bread and salt. They bow.

They bow low on all four sides and hand bread and salt to the oldest. Or they put a plate on the table, and the bread “travels” in a circle and each participant pinches off a piece from the loaf, dips it in a salt shaker and eats it.


On the rubble, in the light,
Ile on logs, what.
Gatherings were going
The elderly and the young.

Did they sit by the torch,
Ile under the bright sky -
They talked, they sang songs
Yes, they led a round dance.

Enjoyed good tea
With honey, obviously without sweets.
As now we talked, -
There is no life without communication.

And how did they play? Into the burners!
Ah, the burners are good,
In a word, these gatherings
They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century.
The old world has changed.
Today we are all in the bottom of the barrel
Personal dachas, their apartments.

Our leisure is sometimes shallow
And what is there to say
It's boring to live without gatherings,
They should be revived.

If you are at ease
And they came to us not for an hour,
We offer gatherings
Spend right here now.

Rest is not trifles -
Game and news time
Let's start the party!
We open gatherings!
For friends and guests!

Leading: Good afternoon, glorious people! We are glad to welcome you to our native land. The village people are cheerful, they love to sing songs and play games, lead round dances.

Zabava and Emelya's buffoon appear.

Fun: Hello!

Leading: Have you met people?

Emelya: This is Fun! I am Emily!

They bowed low, caps fell off,

We put on caps, we start again!

This is the Entertainer!

Fun: This is Emelya.

Together: You came for a walk

Look at the guys, show yourself!

Fun: Guys let's play! Let half of the hall be Sorokino street, and I will live in it! The second half of the hall will be Voronino Street, where Emelya will live and live. Do you agree?

Emelya: What is our name, you know. But our names are unknown to us. You need to fix the error.

Fun: Residents of my Sorokino street will be called "Petka".

Emelya: And the inhabitants of my street - Voronino will be called "Vaska". Remembered ”Fun and I will sing a song and ask questions, and you will answer us!

And whoever answers louder, he will be well done! So, Vaska, remember your words:

Emelya: "Vaska, I have polka-dot pants,

I came from a fairy tale because I'm good!"

Fun: And Petka will answer with these words:

"Petka, I have a plaid shirt,

I came to you kids to eat candy!”

(Zabava and Emelya are rehearsing with the chant hall.)

Emelya: Ready? Your task is to answer our question as loudly and friendly as possible!

(Emelya and Zabava sing the chorus, after the first - Petka answers, after the second Vaska answers, and then all together).

Fun: On a sunny field

There is a green house

And next to this house

A cheerful gnome lives.

Dwarf! Dwarf! What is your name?

Emelya: In my opinion, both on your street and on mine there are the same number of good fellows and red maidens.

Fun: Not for nothing, friends, we bow to you,

By resorting to courteous words!

We like your fighting character,

Your temperament is perky, mischievous.

Leading: Russia is wooden - the edges are expensive,
Russians have been here for a long time people live,
They glorify their homes,
Razdolny Russian songs are sung ...

(The song "I'll go out into the street" is performed)

Emelya: And we came here to disperse boredom.

We're here to have fun and play.

(The game "Dress the young man" is being held).

Fun: - Oh, beautiful girls!
Do not sit on the stove - go out to the circle.
We honor our guests with:
Let's look at the people and show ourselves!

Children perform a dance

Fun: Guys, let's play with you. What did they use to carry buckets in Russia?

(A game with rocker arms is being played)


In the sky as if from whitewash
The Milky Way lit up
Noisy gatherings
In our festive light,

Where we had to rest.

Days of communication - happiness milestones,
Everyone is happy to have a get-together.
Business time, but fun

Happy people anyway.

We shared the news
We tried to entertain you.
We say goodbye to guests

Saying: See you soon!

Won't fade, won't fade
On the hills of the seven winds
Mastery of Russian cuisine,

Glory to Russian chefs!

Won't fade, won't fade
If you are not dumb, not deaf,
The lightest, the clearest

Gatherings Russian spirit.

gatherings, parties,
Stars in the festive heights -
These are Russian pictures.

Our life in Russia.

Life is not different
Not overseas, foreign
This is our side.

All that was, remembering
Let the native country live.
Very Russian, earthy,
The best country in the world!

Child: Russian nesting dolls are famous all over the world,
You look at them, well, why not beauties.
These funny, funny nesting dolls
Children will give you today.

Lidia Murintseva
Scenario of the event "As it happened in the old days." Gatherings according to the customs and traditions of the Russian people

Scenario of folklore gatherings

"How happened in the old days» .

Goals: Raising children's interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, to folk games;

cognitive goal customs, rituals with oral . - Introduce children to songs, ditties, riddles.

educational goal

Development goal

Expand views, oh traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia.

Introduce children to Russian folklore through songs, ditties, jokes, fairy tales.

Foster respect for other cultures peoples.

Develop creative imagination and imagination of children, involving them in theatrical activities.

To develop interest in the study of the history of Russia, Russian folk art.

cognitive goal: - Expand children's understanding of culture and customs, rituals with oral folk art of the Russian people. - Introduce children to songs, ditties, riddles. Educational goal: To cultivate love for one's Motherland, for native land, its history and culture.

Development goal: develop Creative skills, aesthetic culture children.


1) A table covered with a white tablecloth. On the table is a samovar, dishes with treats

Equipment: - A computer,

Multimedia projector,

Multimedia presentation « customs, traditions and rituals of the Russian people.

Musical arrangement: -

Melody of the song by E. Shavrina "Chamomile Russia".

Melodies Russian folk songs"On the mountain, viburnum" and “In the garden, in the garden.


Time spending:---


Demyanenko O. N

Murintseva L. I.

Holiday progress:

The song "In my upper room ...

Good afternoon, glorious people! We are glad to welcome you in our chamber. Rustic cheerful people, loves to sing songs and play games, lead round dances.

1 presenter

Sit comfortably

Don't rush, get together.

We invite you to the warmth of the hut,

We want to see you all.

How in the old fashioned way, our ancestors

Collected gatherings,

So happened in Russia

They ate kalachi with a joke.

People see and show yourself

Lead round dances, sing ugly,

Funny nursery rhymes - jokes to say,

2 leading

On the rubble, in the light,

Ile on logs, what.

Were going gatherings

The elderly and the young.

Did they sit by the torch,

Ile under the bright sky -

They talked, they sang songs

Yes, they led a round dance.

Enjoyed good tea

With honey, obviously without sweets.

As now we talked, -

There is no life without communication.

And how did they play? Into the burners!

Ah, the burners are good,

In a word, these gatherings

They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century.

changed old world.

Today we are all in the bottom of the barrel

Personal dachas, their apartments.

Our leisure is sometimes shallow

And what is there to say

It's boring to live without get-togethers,

They should be revived.

If you are at ease

And they came to us not for an hour,

We offer gatherings

Spend right here now.

(Laughter is heard, the ringing of bells. The hostess opens the door)

Reb. - Hello, let me into your hut on gatherings?

Household -What will you pay?

Reb. -What do you need?

Household - Yes, quite a bit.: a wood wagon, a jar of kerosene,

Yes, half a pood of wheat, yes, three buckets of peas,

Yes, honey tuesok, yes oil pot, yes money piglet.

That's just a little!

Yes, I joked. Why did you complain?

Drink some tea, make the hostess happy.

Tell, listen, eat pies.

Laugh, dance, show off.

Household - Peace be with you, dear guests, you came at a good hour

songs Russian and folk I meet you today.

(To the song "It's Saturday for us" guests are seated on the benches.)

Girls enter. In the hands of each some kind of treat, they put it on the table and sing a verse of the song "And I was making tea" (minus)

(knock on door)

Leading and more guests came to us, come in with what you came to us.

(younger group)

1. You guys listen

We will sing awkwardly.

A pig grazes on an oak

A bear is steaming in the bath!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense,

Pure nonsense!

Chip-chip, ah-ha-ha-

In fact, nonsense!

2 : Nonsense on the fence

Made jam.

I saw a spider

Lost my sight!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...

3 : There is a watermelon on the table,

On a watermelon - a fly!

The fly is angry at the watermelon, What does not fit into the belly!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...

4 : Camel is grazing on the mountain

In white embroidered trousers.

And behind him a flea rushes

On high heels!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...

5 : We sang ditties to you

Is it good, is it bad

And now we ask you

To clap us.

hostess: Thank you guys for funny ditties!

presenter: We have for you riddles:

Not bitter, not sour, not sweet.

Who will guess everything now

He will not know worries all year.

Riddles were present at all parties, festivities, gatherings in our city. People loved to add and guess them. Try and guess some of them. For correctly guessing the riddle you get candy.

1 Mystery first!

And caustic and nostril, and softly,

And brittle and sweeter of all! (Bread).

2 is the second riddle, the funniest one.

"Sheep in a Cow" (Sock in boot).

3. In the belly - a bath,

A sieve in the nose, a button on the head.

Only one hand, and that one on the back! (Teapot)

4. They carry it into the oven - liquid,

From the oven they carry - firmly! (Porridge).

5 Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew).

6 Five closets - one door. (Glove)

7 A new vessel, but all in holes. (Sieve)

8 Everything is in plain sight. (Box)

9 Small, hunchbacked, rummaged the whole field. (Plow)

Riddles for adults and children.

Who among us does not like pancakes - lush, ruddy, round. And who will say why pancakes are round?

Answer: They were baked at Shrovetide in the likeness of the sun.

Why in antiquity Did you embroider flowers on the pillows?

Answer: To have good dreams.

Why were roosters embroidered on towels?

Answer: This is a symbol of the morning. To get up in the morning with the crowing of roosters.

Our craftsmen were known far beyond the borders of Russia. Tula craftsmen even shod a flea. Who remembers in which work it was written?

Answer: "Lefty" Leskov.

Many of us may have Palekh caskets at home. Why are they called that?

Answer: It was made by masters from Palekh.

Famous masters of glassware. There is a city in Russia where people have been blowing glass products for a long time. What's the name of this town?

Answer: Gus-Khrustalny.

Rustic boats, spoons, bowls delight the eye with bright colors and delicate patterns. What city is this dish from?

Answer: This is Khokhloma painting from Semyonov Nizhny Novgorod region. D

(girls exit ---)

two girls read ditties before the performance dancing:

- Oh, stomp, leg

Topni right-handed

I will go dancing

Even though it's small.

- I'm going to dance

By straw

give out people

On the side!

Four more girls come out and perform ditties:

- Wider circle, wider circle,

Give me a wider circle.

I don't go dancing alone

There are four of us.

I didn't want to dance

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played

I couldn't resist.

- And in our yard

frogs croaked,

And I'm barefoot from the stove,

Girlfriends thought.

- I walked through the village

And I saw Vanya

Sitting under a bush and crying

The chicken hurt.

Now let's give you a riddle.

scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright floral sundress.

The hand rests on the wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside:

Maybe three, maybe six.

Broken up a bit...

This is Russian …. (Matryoshka)

In the 19th century lived - was alone Russian artist. While traveling around Japan, he saw many funny toys. And when he returned to Russia, he went to craftsmen: “Is it possible to carve such a funny doll?”. Carved, painted and named Russian name Matryoshka. And since then they began to make these amazing toys in Russia, but in each locality in its own way. They were especially carried away by the toy in the Nizhny Novgorod region.


And we turn again to Russian matryoshka. The competition is attended by 5 people from the team.

Get a silhouette of a nesting doll cut out of cardboard. Your task is to dress up the doll. The 1st person holds the nesting doll, sticking his face into the neckline, the 2nd person attaches a handkerchief, 3-4 - sleeves, 5th - an apron.

Attention! Get ready! Started!

(Music sounds. Competition begins)

Russian proverbs, like Russian products are famous all over the world.

Proverb - soul and mind people.

She has love for her country.

It contains the wise experience of many generations.

Praise for work in it and contempt for laziness.

Proverb - to the word it is said.

A good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

Next task: I name two words from the proverb. And you name the whole proverb. They called it right - they got candy.

1. Labor is a pond (You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without labor.)

2. The word is a sparrow. (The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you won’t catch it.)

3. Crane - titmouse (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.)

4. Wolf - forest. (To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.)

5. Beauty is smart. (The house is kept not by a beauty, but by a clever girl.)

6. We do not store - we cry. (What we have - we do not store, having lost - we cry.)

7. Again - from a young age. (Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age.)

8. Rotok - a scarf. (You can’t put a scarf on someone else’s mouth.)

Many foreign proverbs are very similar to ours in meaning.

I will tell you a foreign proverb, and you will answer me - Russian.

Vietnamese: "Before you speak, turn your tongue seven times"

"Seven times measure cut once"

Afghan: "Bitten by a snake, afraid of a colorful ribbon"

"Who gets burned in milk - blows water".

Finnish: "There is a lot of noise, but little wool - said the devil, cutting the cat".

"Much Ado About Nothing"

African: "The son of a leopard is also a leopard".

- "The apple never falls far from the tree".

Alive tradition.

From a generation senior

Rituals and words are important

From our past.

Three girls come out. They sit down at the table.

Mini- dramatization. Three maidens by the window

Were spinning late in the evening.

1-If I were a queen, I would make a feast for the whole honest world.

2--- If I were a queen, I would hang the world alone, puncturing the canvas.

3-If I were a queen, I would give birth to a hero for the father of the king.

1-But for this you need to get married.

(The door creaked softly and the king of that sovereign entered the room.)

Tsar. Be my bride.

And now we'll show you Russian folk rite"Redemption of the bride"

Middle group.

And now we'll see the tradition of the Russian people"Housewarming".

Senior group.

What traditions and customs of the Russian people without oral folk art.

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs."(younger group).

In the sky as if from whitewash

The Milky Way lit up

otshumeli gatherings

In our festive light,

Where we had to rest.

Days of communication - happiness milestones,

Gatherings everyone is happy.

Business before pleasure

We shared the news

We tried to entertain you.

We say goodbye to guests

talking: see you soon!

Won't fade, won't fade

If you are not dumb, not deaf,

The lightest, the clearest

Gatherings Russian spirit

gatherings, parties,

Stars in the festive heights -

This is russian pictures

Our life in Russia.

Life is not different

Not overseas, foreign

This is our side.

All that was, remembering

Let the native country live.

Highly Russian, terrestrial,

The best country in the world!

Extra-curricular work and moral education of a younger student in our gymnasium No. 3 contribute to the development of personality, the upbringing of a high spiritual culture, the development professional qualities, preservation of moral and physical health. The educational process is carried out through training sessions and extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities in the gymnasium have a personality-oriented orientation, which manifests itself in a variety of types and forms of classes. At gymnasium No. 3, an art school has been operating for 10 years. There are the following departments: art studio, dance club, theater studio, music department. During the first year of study, children attend all departments. Teachers, taking into account the individual capabilities of the child, the desire of parents, select children by department. From the 2nd grade, children are distributed according to an individual circle schedule and additionally 4 hours a week develop their abilities in mini-groups.

We teachers primary school Menyailo Irina Leonidovna and Nazarova Marina Yurievna have been working in close cooperation for 14 years. Developed interesting scenarios holidays, competitions, KVN, quizzes, sports holidays: "Dad, mom, I am a sports family." Special attention dedicate to holding family holidays associated with rituals. One of these holidays is "Village gatherings", staged for a joint holiday with parents.
At extracurricular activities, children interact with leaders and with children of three grades. Class teachers imperceptibly carried out the cooperation of children with their peers in parallel, with the heads of art schools in various activities: during the recitation of poems, in singing songs in chorus, in an ensemble, in dances. Children perceived what was happening on the stage as a standard of behavior during performances, they get acquainted with the history of the people of Russia.
The efforts of all teachers are well tracked: how class teachers, and teachers of the school of arts, influencing the formation and development of the moral personality of high school students.
The purpose of these activities: to show the achievements of each child at the end of elementary school. Establishing contact of mutual understanding with each individual child, correction of interpersonal relationships between children. A fair decision for all conflict situations(if they occur). Achieving mutual understanding between parents, teachers and children. Create an atmosphere of celebration and kindness.
The administration of the gymnasium, parents, all relatives, all working teachers in primary school. Teachers of the art studio help in the design of the scene, teachers of the art school help in recording phonograms, selecting costumes.
Holidays are colorful, bright, memorable, kind. The theme of the family, the traditions of the Russian people, runs like a red line through the entire scenario: lyrical melodies, dances, colorful costumes, beautiful Russian word. Children are proud of their country, people, family, gymnasium.
If possible, a video film is made to show it at the graduation ball of the 11th grade. Extra-curricular work is carried out not from case to case, but includes it in a well-thought-out system of comprehension of folk culture. Constantly children go on excursions to the historical places of the city of Kazan. We visited the holy places in the men's Raifa monastery, on the island of Sviyazhsk. Mandatory visits to theaters and ballet performances.
It is this kind of impact on the souls of a younger student that creates an invaluable worldview impact on children.

Scenario of extracurricular activities "Village gatherings"

The song "Kalinka" sounds (ensemble)
Leading: Russia, Russia, dear edges,
Russian people have been living here for a long time.
They glorify native spaces,
Razdolny Russian songs are sung.
The Russian people have many wonderful melodious songs, beautiful incendiary dances, ancient customs and traditions. And in what people you live - you keep such customs. Perhaps the most beautiful and interesting of them is village gatherings!
Leading: In the good old days, red girls and good fellows gathered together to while away the long winter evenings. They spent time doing their favorite pastime: who is spinning, who embroiders, who knits,
who sculpts dishes from clay, who grinds various spoons and toys from wood.
presenter: And then they put aside their affairs for a while and start to have fun: sing songs and dance, start different games, tell jokes and jokes. Would you like to visit such gatherings and see with your own eyes? Well then close your eyes and count everything to 10...
Leading: We ended up in Russian wooden hut. And here is the owner and the hostess. Every house is kept by the owner and hostess.
(The hostess is busy at the stove, her daughter is embroidering).
Mistress: Lead the house - do not shake your head,
Everything needs to be saved.
Shark, Shark, what are you sewing on the back?
Daughter: Yes, I, mother, will still flog.
hostess: Hurry - you make people laugh.
Daughter: I know, mother, I know. Seven times measure cut once!
Master: To live at home - you have to grieve about everything. (Weaves bast shoes, teaches his son Fedyusha).
Presenter: Parents are hardworking
The children in this house are not lazy.
Son: Tyatenka, and tyatenka, let's play rhymes with you.
Master: And what is it - rhymes?
Son: And this is how it should be said, so that it is difficult. Tell me, what was your father's name?
Master: My dad's name was Kuzma.
Son: Here I will take your Kuzma by the beard!
Master: Why are you going to take my dad by the beard?
Son: Dude, this is a joke. So for the rhyme they say. What was your grandfather's name, dear?
Master: My grandfather's name was Ivan.
Son: Your grandfather Ivan
I put the cat in my pocket.
The cat is crying and sobbing
Your grandfather scolds.
Master: This is why my grandfather will put a cat in his pocket? (angrily) Why are you tidying up such trifles?
Son: Yes, this is for rhyme, tyatenko.
Master: I'll tell you a rhyme myself! What is your name?
Son: Fedya!
Master: If you are Fedya, then you caught a bear in the forest.
Climb on the bear, and get off my bench!
hostess: You will swear and quarrel, better guess the riddle.
Not sown, not plowed, not winnowed, not milked, moistened with water, pressed down with a stone, hidden for the winter. (Pulls out pickles.)
Daughter: And I know the riddle.
Philip came, he had a hundred lindens on him.
It is small and short, ran around the town, snuggled into a corner. (Broom)
The neighbors are running.
neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard about the fire? Oh what happened!
hostess: Oh, neighbors, do not rush, take a break, really tell us everything.
1 neighbor: Water caught fire near Ivanov's yard.
The fire was extinguished throughout the village, but the fire was not extinguished.
2 neighbor: Grandfather Foma came, spreading his beard.
He drove the people into the barn, extinguished the fire alone.
3 neighbor: How Foma put out the fire, he did not say about it.
You can only hear it from the side, he extinguished it with his beard!
Master: Oh, you can't keep up with your tongue barefoot.
hostess: You can't listen to all the speeches!
Stay, neighbors, we will have guests today.
1 neighbor: Today goulash, tomorrow goulash,
Stay shirtless. (run away)
Knock on the door.

Master: Who else is not easy to bear?
Neighbor: May I, master?
Host: A guest is not a bone, you can't throw it out the door. Come in.
Neighbor: Yes, I'm not alone.
Owner: Come on in. Hey Thomas, why aren't you going?
Neighbor: Yes, I caught a bear.
Master: So bring him here!
Neighbor A: Yes, he does not go.
Master: Go ahead yourself.
Neighbor: But he won't let me.
Master: Run, help now.
Hunters enter - dragging a bear.
Hunters: Close neighbors are better than distant relatives. You, neighbor, help us!
hostess: Fedul - why did you pout your lips?
Neighbor: Yes, the caftan broke!
Hostess: Can you fix it?
Neighbor: Yes, there is no needle!
hostess: How big is the hole?
Neighbor: Yes, there is one gate left!
Hostess: He did a good job - he was left without a caftan!
Master: Well, take it, brothers, together, it won’t be heavy!
They leave and take the bear away.
Leading: Near the road to live - all neighbors should be good!
There is a knock, a noise at the door.
hostess: Good guests are always on time!
Daughter: (looks out the door).
Ah, tara, tara-ra-ra! The girls are coming from the yard!
The girls come in, bow and chorus:
Girls: We came to sing songs, dance, and show ourselves. Peace to your home!
They preen, sit down on the bench.
1 girl: Hostess, what will you give us to do today?
hostess: Red young ladies to embroider white lenok.
Distributes the hoop, the song sounds.
presenter: Girls sit, embroider, amuse themselves with a song, each craftswoman works, is not lazy.
It is not for nothing that good people say: "What is the spin, such is the shirt on it."
Leading: Make way, honest people, do not dust the path,
Good fellows go - to walk a little.
They joke, sit down.
1 boy: The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
2 boy: Young - green - ordered to walk.
3 boy: Hey, white girls, where did you get white?
Girls: We milked cows yesterday, washed ourselves with milk.
hostess: Well, the time has come - put things aside.
Cause time - fun hour!
boys: Oh, let's pick up a balalaika!
Yes, we will amuse the owner with the hostess!
Hey Timokha, hey Ivan, Nikolay, Demyan,
Let's sit down, brothers, let's sing ditties in a row!
Girls: Balalaika, balalaika, he knows his business,
She plays well in Vanya's hands!
boys: We are friends with a cheerful song, we speak Russian,
We live well, we don’t stew, we eat bread without sour cream.
Girls: Eh, dear side, dear side,
Here everywhere we are met, oh, Russian antiquity.
boys: Oh, birch, birch,
Raskudri - curly,
You are good, the Volga River,
Volga is majestic!
boys: You listen girls,
We will sing awkwardly.
A pig grazes on an oak
A bear is steaming in the bath.
Girls: And in our yard frogs croaked,
And I'm from the stove - barefoot, I thought - girlfriends.
Boys: A hedgehog is sitting on a fence, a white shirt,
On the head - a boot, on the leg - a cap.
Girls: There is a cart on the mountain, tears drip from the arc,
Under the mountain stands a cow, puts on boots.
boys: I'll harness the cat to the droshky, and the kitten to the tarantass,
I'll take my girlfriend to show off to all the neighbors!
Girls: I walked through our village and saw Fedyusha -
He sat under a bush and cried, the chicken offended.
boys: If there was no water, there would be no mug,
If there were no girls, who would sing ditties?
boys: You play more fun, balalaika - three strings,
Sing along, who knows how, do not be shy, dancers.
Girls: Wider circle, wider circle, guys circle - wider,
I'm not going to dance alone, there are four of us.
boys: I danced with three legs, lost my boots,
I looked back - my boots are lying.
Girls: I didn’t want to dance, I stood and was shy,
But the harmonica played like that, I could not resist.
Eh, I'll stomp my foot, but I'll stomp another -
I can not resist: such a character.
Girls: Are our ditties good?
Good tunes?
Do well in school
Boys and girls?
Leading: Good fellows sing well, and the girls do not lag behind them.
Hostess: Well, now, the girls are red and kind young, dress up, and go dancing.

Dance "Russian dance".

hostess: Well, dear guests, got drunk, danced, got hungry for tea?
Leading: The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies.
Master: All that is in the furnace - all swords on the table!
hostess: I go, go, go, I carry a samovar in my hands, I sing a joke.
Here is tea, tea, tea ... Meet the guest hostess! Answer with a joke!
1 guest: Drinking tea is a pleasure to live.
2 guest: Have a cup of tea - forget about melancholy!
3 guest: You don't drink tea - what strength? He drank tea - he was completely weak!
4 guest: From tea dashing does not happen.
hostess: How Marfusha cooked for Peter, baked, 92 pancakes, 53 pies. That's how many pies!
Enough for all eaters!
Master: Amuse our hostess,
Blinks, eat pies.
1 guest: We are not proud people -
No bread - serve pies!
2 guest: A tidbit - rather in the mouth.
3 guest: Eh, with butter and sour cream and eat the host's bast shoes!
presenter: There are many guests at the table, you will hear a lot of different news!
1 guest: Nazar, and Nazar, go to the market!
Buy me a sundress, neither long nor short,
Not to go into the forest, not to catch hares!
2nd guest: Ah, tari, tarra-ri, I will buy Masha amber,
If there is money left, I will buy Masha earrings,
Pennies will remain - I will buy Masha shoes,
If there are pennies left, I will buy Masha spoons.
3 guest: I went to the mountain to tear bast,
I saw a lake floating on ducks.
I cut down 3 sticks: one spruce,
Another birch, a third rowan,
I threw the spruce tree - I didn’t do it,
I threw a birch tree - I threw it,
Threw rowan - pleased,
The lake fluttered, flew away, but the ducks remained.
4 guest: There was a neighbor - a merchant past the market,
She grabbed a basket
And fell into a hole - bang!
Squashed 40 flies!
Leading: Well, dear guests, it's time and honor to know, It's time for the owner and hostess to rest.
2 guest: The "thank you" table is being painted.
3 guest: Thank you, host and hostess.
1 guest: Your pies are good, your hearts are friendly.
4 guest: Thank you, this house, let's go to another.
Leading: Here are the jokes, the jokes are over,
And who was here, but listened to us - well done!

The holiday was shown at the city seminar of primary school teachers working according to the RO system of L.V. Zankov, on April 24, 2003, class 4B.

Municipal state educational institution
"Markov secondary school"
Glushkovsky district, Kursk region

Prepared and conducted
head of the school
local history museum
Yakimova G.K.
201213 academic year

"Village Gatherings"
(Gatherings are held after the tour of the museum)
 Acquaintance with the ancient customs and traditions of the Russian people;
 Formation of interest and respect for traditions in Russia:
 Activation of students' interest in the origins and history of their people:
 Education of the moral qualities of the individual
 to acquaint students with Russian rituals that existed in the old days;
 to cultivate love for their big and small Motherland,
 instill interest in the history of the Russian people.
Event progress
Lead 1: And now we invite you to a village hut for gatherings. In the old
times there was a custom in Russia: when people finished their work, they arranged
gatherings to see people, to show themselves. Who sits behind the embroidery, who
knitting, who sharpen wooden spoons, who sew, and the youth sing and dance. Everyone was
The main feature of the gatherings was laughter and fun. I thought the more fun
gatherings, the more fertile and fruitful the year will be. Therefore, unbridled fun
became the most important thing at village gatherings.
2 host:
Very often behind events
And behind the hustle and bustle of days
We don't remember our old days
We forget about her.
Although more familiar
We fly to the moon,
Let's remember Russian customs
Let's remember our past.
1 host:

We gathered to have fun
joke! play,
Laughter and fun!
Hostess: Please, dear guests, please. Do not pass by, go into the hut.
Owner: Have fun and joy!
Hostess: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting, the holiday does not start without you!
Guest: I drove by, turned up to the smoke.
Hostess: Please go to the hut. Red guest - red place.
Host: We have a place and a word for everyone.
Hostess: We have prepared some fun for you. For every taste: to whom a fairy tale, to whom the truth,
who a song.
Host: Are you comfortable, dear guests! Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear? Does everyone
enough space?
Guest: It’s a well-known business for guests, there was enough space, but isn’t it a bit crowded for the hosts?
Owner: In tight quarters - but not offended.
Hostess: Fables in their faces, they sit in the towers of the light rooms, they crack nuts, yes
make fun of
The song "Zavalinka". Participants come out and sit on the bench
Owner: Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun.
I brought sundresses to my wife,
Mishka brought a little dog to his granddaughter:
Upright nose, crochet tail,
He also brought fun
For fun - all the glory!
But where are they funny?
Foma and Yerema come out.
And here we are both: Thomas and Yerema.
They bowed low - the caps fell off.
We put on the cap - we start again.
We have come to you both: Foma and Yerema.
Thomas: See people.
Yerema: Show yourself.
Foma: Yes, tell you fables.
Yerema: Move over.

Thomas: No, move over.
Yerema: Harmful Thomas, copper voice,
Himself with a jug, head with arshin.
You love a joke on Thomas,
So love over yourself
They lifted Yerema, tore their stomachs.
They turn away from each other.
Thomas: start
Yerema: No, you start
Like our Danila
The cattle played.
Foma: Sheep in the Donets,
Yerema: Cockroaches - in drums,
Foma: Ducks - in pipes,
Yerema: Crickets - in bows,
Foma: Mosquitoes - in boilers,
Yerema: The goat is dancing - waving its leg
The cranes went dancing
Show long legs
Boom, boom, boom, boom
Captured, brothers spirit.
Uh, uh, uh, uh.
Yerema: Dance, Thomas, for two.
Now let's sit side by side
Let's talk nice.
I went to the bast, to tear the mountain.
I saw the lake floating on ducks.
I threw three sticks:
One is spruce, the other is birch.
The third is rowan.
Threw spruce - did not do good,
Threw a birch tree - threw it,
The lake fluttered, flew,
But the ducks remained.
Eh! What's this! And it happened to me!
A bullet flies - buzzes.

I'm to the side - she's behind me,
I am in another - she is behind me,
I fell into the bushes - she grabs me in the forehead,
I tsap hand, and this is a beetle.
1 presenter: Oh, and you are jokers! Come visit us, we always welcome guests.
Hostess:: Nuka, girls and well done, who is the most savvy among us?
(Making riddles).
1. Two mothers have five sons. One name for all (Fingers).
2. I'm sitting on horseback, I don't know on whom,
meeting a friend,
I’ll jump off - I’ll welcome (Hat).
3. A little black dog, curled up, lies,
He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house (Castle).
4. The black horse gallops into the fire (Kocherga).
5. Little black,
She jumped up in a dress.
I woke up the king. (Flea).
6. Two bellies,
Four ears (Pillow).
7. They don’t eat me alone,
And without me they eat little (Salt).
8. Not fire, but it burns (Nettle).
9. Mother is fat,
Daughter is red
Son is a falcon
Gone to heaven. (Stove, fire, smoke).
10. Three brothers
Let's go swimming,
Two are swimming
The third is lying on the shore.
Bathed, went out
They hung on the third. (buckets, yoke)

Hey hoot girls,
Sing ditties.
Sing it fast
To please your guests!
1. I start the chorus
First, initial
I want to cheer
The audience is sad.
I know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad
It's good to listen to
Who doesn't know any.
Don't look at me
Break your eyes.
I'm not from your village -
You do not know me.
I danced on three legs
Lost boots.
I looked back -
My boots are on.
On my sundress
Clubfoot roosters.
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfoot groomsmen!
We are funny guys
We won't get lost anywhere.
If necessary, we will dance
If necessary, we will sing.
My friend, oh, good,
Yes, the sprout is very small,
Walked me home
I sneezed - he fell!
On the edge of two flowers,
Blue and scarlet,

I'm a fighting boy
Although small in stature.
For ditties, my dear friend,
I will give you three rubles.
You can see in your eyes,
What did you like about us.
Hostess: And this thing was, my dears, in the old days.
When grandfather Arkhip decided to climb the moon.
Then fairy tales flew through the air,
They grabbed each other by the wings.
And I rode after them on a golden horse,
Yes, I collected these fairy tales in a bag.
I adopted one, but I brought it to you
Fairy tale "Turnip"
I planted a turnip in a soft, warm bed,
Watered to the full with delicious water.
The sun fell in love with our turnip,
A turnip made friends with a clear star.
The turnip grew - it became higher than the beds,
The turnip grew up to my waist.
Turnip small garden!
The turnip reaches the sky! (pulls)
I'll drag! I'll drag!
I'll feed the whole village!
Rooster: Chickens, chickens, crow!
Look, they are pulling turnips!
Chickens! Chickens! Cococo!
I wonder who wins?
People: Pull pull...
Can't pull out!
Grandma is younger!
Grandma will help!
Grandmother: Wait a minute, cockerel!
Pray, my friend!
We'll see who wins.
I'm a grandmother - wow!
Instead of morning exercise
I weed the beds
And I can for my granddaughter
Sew fashionable trousers.

Let me put on a scarf
Let me fire up the kerosene. (pulls)
Turnip I in a single moment ...
Toto will be happy old man!
(same words)
People: Pull, pull...
Can't pull out.
Younger granddaughter!
Granddaughter will help!
Granddaughter: Wait, Grandma!
Wait, Grandpa!
Wait for me too
In the garden, turnip!
I'll roll up my trousers
shoes shoes,
I will smear the hands with cream -
Okay, I'll help!
How sweet is
Steamed turnip! (pulls)
That's right, Grandma!
Train, Grandpa!
(same words)
People: Pull, pull...
Can't pull out.
Younger beetle!
The bug will help!
Bug: What's the noise and what's the fight?
I'm tired as a dog!
I hit my neighbor
And a neighbor's hen.
There is so much to do in the yard:
I've been wagging my tail all day!
Now right under your nose
The turnip has grown without demand!
Who let turnip
From the earth grew to the sky? (pulls)
What is this riot?
Get out, turnip, from the garden!
(same words)
People: Pull, pull...

Can't pull out.
Younger cat!
The cat will help!
Cat: I'm Kat or Katze
Late - Cat.
All languages
I murmur a little.
'Cause I'm doing science
And don't meow against me! Meow!
I don't catch mice
I'm afraid I'll be tired.
I like to study milk and sour cream.
Your nails with manicure
I love showing chickens! Meow!
People like me are extremely rare.
What do I care about grandfather's turnip? (pulls)
I will tell you a secret -
I love fish! Not a turnip! Meow!
(same words)
People: Pull, pull...
Can't pull out.
The mouse is younger!
The mouse will help!
Mouse: I'm Mouse! I am Mouse! I am very strong!
Stronger than a bear! Stronger than an elephant!
Do you want me to pull out the turnip alone?
And I don't need your help.
Nuka, Dedka, grab the turnip!
Nuka, Grandma, hold on to Grandpa!
Granddaughter, don't be lazy! Take hold of Grandma!
Bug - for Granddaughter, Cat - for Bug ...
Chur, don't bite! I'll give you a blast!
Do you want turnips? Pull together!!
Hey, let's go!
Grandma: Hey, wow!
Granddaughter: Hey, wow!
Bug: Hey, bark!
Cat: Meow!
Mouse: Hey, squeak!
Rooster: Chickens! Chickens! Crow!
The mouse pulled out a turnip!
Hey Mouse! Cococo!
There is no one stronger!

People: They threw the turnip on its side,
Destroyed ten beds,
She occupied the whole yard,
Knocked down the fence!
In the yard, neither stand nor sit,
You can't eat it alone!
Mouse: I pulled the turnip!
Effortlessly, in an instant!
Turnip, it would be mine!
I invite you all for a meal!
Glory to the mouse! Well strong!
Grandmother: You really are stronger than an elephant!
Granddaughter: I overcame our turnip ...
Bug: Apparently, she ate a lot of porridge ...
Mouse: I will fight with the Cat!
Cat: I'm afraid of this Mouse!
People: Happy harvest!
Mouse: And there will be more!
We invite everyone to the turnip!
Everyone will get it!
Hostess: Well, guys, who listened to the fairy tale - he ate honey. And who did not listen, yes
yawned, he licked an empty dish!
Owner: Have fun, have fun, it's time and honor to know.
Leading: And after the end of the holiday, the whole crowd walked through the village. Guys
escorted the girls home. And on next week gathered in another hut on
Site materials,
Magazines "Leisure at school", "Pedagogical Council"
Used resources

MOU "TsO Taidakovskiy" of the Yasnogorsk district of the Tula region.

extracurricular activity

"Village gatherings"

Scenario of a folklore holiday.

Compiled by: Kvachko Z. S.

primary school teacher.


Village gatherings. Scenario of a folklore holiday.


To form a conscious patriotic feeling, based on an understanding of spiritual values, traditions of folk culture;

To instill a desire to know and study Russian folklore;

To instill in children love and respect for folk art, folk traditions;

To cultivate an understanding of the history of culture of Russian customs and traditions, to awaken in the hearts of younger schoolchildren a feeling of love for the fatherland.

Russian folk music sounds

Leading: Russia, Russia, dear lands, Russian people have been living here for a long time. They glorify the expanses of native Razdolny Russian songs sing

In the old days, on long winter evenings, people gathered in a large hut, spun, knitted, embroidered, wove baskets, and at the same time they always sang ditties, told fables, fairy tales. So it was more fun to work and the evening passed faster. Young people at these evenings, which were called gatherings, learned wisdom.

Gatherings, landings, sit-downs, sit-downs…

V. Dahl described the gatherings as follows: “... A gathering of peasant youth on autumn and winter nights under the guise of needlework, yarn, and more for stories, fun and songs”

1. On the rubble, in the light room Or on the logs of which Gatherings of the elderly and young gathered.

2. Whether they sat under a torch Or under a bright sky They spoke, sang songs And danced a round dance.

3. How did you play? Into the burners! Ah, the burners are good! In a word, these gatherings were a celebration of the soul.

4.Our leisure is sometimes shallow, And, what can I say, It's boring to live without gatherings, They should be revived!

5. We got the role to conceive, Do not confuse with loads. We brought you bread and salt For Russian gatherings.

6. The tradition is alive, alive! From the older generation Rites and words are important From the past from ours.

7. And therefore, if you please, accept the One who came to the gatherings, On this festive plate

From our hands and bread and salt!

8. If you are at ease And did not come to us for an hour, We offer gatherings To spend right here, now.

9. Rest is not trifles - Time for games and news, Let's start gatherings! We open gatherings! For friends and guests.

Two girls welcome guests.

Please, dear guests, please!

Fun and joy to you!

We have been waiting for you for a long time, the holiday does not start without you.

We have a warm place and a friendly word for everyone.

We have in store for you fun for every taste: for someone - a fairy tale, for someone - the truth, for someone - a song.

Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see, hear everyone, is there enough space for everyone?

Well, let's sit down in a row Let's talk nicely.

Fables in the faces They sit in the towers, Nuts crack, Yes, ridicule is spoken. Do you want to know which ones? And here are…

Two students are having a dialogue:

What are your girls doing?

They sew and sing.

And mothers?

They spit and cry.

Girl and boy:

Son, go to the river for some water.

My stomach hurts.

Son, go eat porridge.

Well, well, if mother calls, we must go.

Two boys:

What are you carrying?


What is this hay?

And if you see, what are you asking?

Girl and boy:

Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?

Caught the bear.

So bring him here!

Yes, he doesn't go.

Well, go yourself.

Yes, he won't let me.

Girl and boy:

Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

Can you sew?

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

Two boys:

Dude, do you want to eat?

No, I ate.

And what did you eat?

Yes, I ate a piece of bread.

And you would have dipped it in a pot of sour cream.

Didn't fit in the pot.

Neighbors run in

Neighbors: Have you heard? Have you heard about the fire? Oh what happened!

Hostess:- Oh, neighbor, do not rush, take a break, really tell us everything.

1 settler: Water caught fire near Ivanov's yard. The fire was extinguished throughout the village, but the fire was not extinguished.

2 neighbors: Grandfather Foma came, his beard spreading. He drove the people into the barn, extinguished the fire alone.

1 neighbor: How Thomas extinguished the fire, he did not say about it. Only audible from the outside, he extinguished with his beard.

Knock on the door. Boys enter.

Boy: Make way, honest people, do not dust the path, Good fellows go - take a walk a little.

Boy: What did I see now!

Boys: What?

Boy: The village rode past the peasant, Suddenly from under the dog the gate barked

All: Blimey!

Boy: A stick ran out With a boy in his hands, And behind him a sheepskin coat With a woman on his shoulders

All: Can not be!


The roofs were frightened, They sat on the raven, The horse drove the Man with a whip.

All: Oh oh oh!

Boy: The horse ate porridge, And the man ate oats. The horse got into the sleigh and the man took it.

All: Fables, Fables 1

Host: Yes, these are such tales, nursery rhymes, jokes - these are small funny, funny stories that made people laugh, amused, amused. Everything can be in them, even that which never happens.

And who does not know Russian proverbs, sayings. And who created them? Of course, the Russian people. They were born a long time ago, when an ax was considered wealth. They were passed down from fathers to children. Short and simple thoughts are so folded that they are remembered by themselves.

Here, listen and try to continue them.

Today stews, tomorrow stews - you will be left ... without a shirt.

A loafer and a loafer - they have a holiday ... and on Monday.

A good son is joy to his father, and a thin one ... sadness.

The bird is glad of spring, and the child ... - mothers.

A person gets sick from laziness, but from work ... he gets healthier.

The lazy Egorka will always have ... excuses.

If you want to eat kalachi - ... do not sit on the stove.

Host: And now let's sit comfortably and sing a Russian folk song. Previously, in a village hut, while doing needlework, girls sang lingering songs that helped them maintain the right rhythm for work. And the work with the song progressed more cheerfully with the song.


All people are honest, And they are not easy people, He is much more than that And now, dear guests, We will sing for you.

Song being performed:

Host: And now it's time to move on to the games. Let's remember folk games in which your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers played .. But before playing, they stood in a circle, chose the driver. But who will become the driver, the counting rhyme will help us find out.

White hare, where did you run? - Into the oak forest. - What did you do there? - Lyki tore - Where did you put it? - Under the deck. - Who stole it? - Rodion. - Get out.

Russian folk games "Ring", "Golden Gate" are held

Host: As it was said, girls and young guys gathered for gatherings not only to work, but also to listen to funny jokes and fairy tales. Here, listen to a story.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox".

V. - Lizaveta, hello!

L. - How are you, toothy?

V. - Nothing is going on, The head is still intact.

L. - Where were you?

V. - In the market.

L. – What did you buy?

V. - Pork.

L. - How much did you take?

V .. - Wool tufts Ripped off the right side, The tail was gnawed off in a fight.

L. - Who chewed it off?

V. - Dogs. Well, where did you wander?

L. - I caught a fish in the hole. I just lowered the tail. See how much you got.

V. - I also want fish.

L. - So catch it, I'll teach you. Go, my friend, to the river. Sit in a secluded corner Put your tail in the hole And repeat all the time: "Catch, fish, both big and small"

V, - Well, thank you, Lisaveta, Help me with advice Where is the ice hole. Show me.

L. - (Shows) Don't forget. Say the words.

Host: Oh, look, while we were having fun here, a miracle has grown

chamomile! This flower is not simple, it is a chamomile -

patter. You need to pick a petal and read

tongue twister 3 times.

Let someone speak quickly, I ask the rest to be silent.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The prokop stole the dill.

Senya wears hay in the canopy.

Senya will sleep in the hay.

Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse!

A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

Bristles at the pig, scales at the pike.

Leading: Aye well done! Nice, nice you are doing.

Brownie appears.

Brownie. Ouch! Children? It cannot be. It's probably me sleeping. Guys, is this a dream or not?.

Children: No, not a dream.

Brownie: I still can't believe it. Such happiness! Come on, pinch me. Oh, I really don't sleep. And since we met, then the first thing to do is ... which ... Damn sclerosis! Three hundred years ago he became attached, even when Baba Yaga was a little Hedgehog, and so far he will not get rid of it.

Children: Say hello!

Brownie: Hello, children! Have you forgotten me?

Children: No, don't forget!

Brownie: And how fun you have here! Why are so many of you gathered here today?

Host: We have gatherings here. Holiday!

Brownie: I love holidays more than anything in the world. Do you know why? Because I love songs. Here I have one favorite. Fu you, I forgot ... Oh, what did I suck forgot? That in this house I am the owner, and you are my guests. So I have to entertain you! Do you want me to guess riddles? Now, now ... (Looks for something on the stove and does not find it. Cries.) Probably, Baba Yaga dragged her away. Mysteries here in the iron I had.

Leading: And now we will call this Baba Yaga, let her give us our riddles. Yes guys?

Children: Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Fu, fu, fu! It smells of Russian spirit! Fathers! Brownie! Haven't seen each other for two hundred years

Brownie: I have dear guests - good fellows and red girls.

Children are strong and skillful, smart and affectionate. And courteous! Look how friendly they are.

Baba Yaga: (curtsies). It's great people are honest, cheerful. We don’t have surnames, names and patronymics, but we simply call ourselves Baba Yaga.

Children: Hello, Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: And Chavoit, did you think of shouting at me?

Brownie: Sorrow-grief oppresses me, we have trouble, injustice has come out.

Baba Yaga: Yes, you really, really. Explain everything in order. As follow.

Brownie: And I’ll tell you for sure where the trouble came from, it’s you who took the pot with fairy tales and riddles from me.

Baba Yaga: There is no FAQ, there is none! You are talking nonsense to me.

Brownie: I have a witness.

Baba Yaga: Wait, brownie. Witness you say? And who?

Brownie: I have a cat, he does not sleep at night, he saw everything.

Baba Yaga: Ha! And where is it seen that the cat was listed as a witness? This is a false witness.

Brownie: Confess, Baba Yaga, otherwise the guys are ready to help me. We will tie you up and roast you in the oven. Did Ali forget how Vanya put you in the oven?

Baba Yaga: I see, you guys are not weak, so you want to compete with me? Just know that no one has beaten me yet. I even outwitted the Serpent Gorynych.

Brownie: Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Rebchta really want to compete with you.

Baba Yaga: Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. The guys really want to compete with you.

Baba Yaga: Are they good artists? Well, look, if I don’t like it, sit your heads on a pole!

Brownie: Don't scare me. Better open up wider eyes put your ears on top of your head.

Chastushki are performed

1. Eh, stomp, leg, Stomp, right-handed, I'll go dancing, Even though I'm small,

2. I'm going to dance On the straw, Disperse the people On the side!

3. I stood barefoot, I examined everything around. I looked back - My boots are lying.

4. I didn't want to dance. I stood and was shy And the accordion began to play I could not resist. .

5. A hedgehog sits on a birch White shirt, On the head - a boot, On the leg - a cap.

6. There is a cart on the mountain, Tears drip from the arc. Under the mountain stands a cow, Puts on boots

7. Balalaika-hooter Knows his business, She plays well in Vanya's hands.

8. If Masha hadn't stared into the keyhole, Tone would not have had a large-block cone on her forehead.

9. If there were no water, There would be no mugs, If there were no girls, Who would sing ditties?

Baba Yaga: Oh, you? But who hasn't heard ditties?

Brownie: You shouldn't rejoice ahead of time. We can do everything. We can sing ditties, we can dance in a round dance. Right, guys?

A dance is being performed.

Brownie: Oh, thank you, guys, my faithful friends! So Baba Yaga, we have passed all your tests. Give me the iron with riddles!

Baba Yaga: Well, what are you, Domovushechka, boiled over? Oh, how glorious you all are, it even grabbed your soul. I also want to be friends with you. Will you hang out with me?

Brownie: We are not friends with evil spirits. Fix it, then we'll see. Really guys?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I will improve. Ugh, I'm really good at all, corrected. And here is the iron with riddles, take it!

Brownie: Let's leave Baba Yaga at the gatherings.

Children: Let it stay!

Brownie: And now we will solve riddles.

Children take riddles from the cast-iron, read them and guess.

Host: Every holiday comes to an end sometime. Our holiday is coming to an end.

In the sky, as if from whitewashing, I lit up Milky Way Gatherings died down In our festive light, Where we had to rest.

Gatherings, parties Stars in festive heights. These are Russian pictures of Our life in Russia.

Days of communication - happiness milestones, Gatherings everyone is happy. Business time, and fun people are happy after all.

We shared the news, We tried to entertain you, We say goodbye to the guests, Saying: "See you again!".

We recommend reading
