Why do people live on earth? Why is a person born and living? Why do we live on this earth?

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"In the beginning was the word,

and the word was with God,

and the word was — God!!!"

Extract from my new book "Who are we? What do we live for? Why do we die?", which reveals new essence energy structure of a person included in New world- Morning of Svarog (Satya Yuga).

Modern science calls man "reasonable man" (lat. Homo sapiens).

This is pure tautology, that is, the repetition of the same thing twice - "man is man" ...

Remember the word Man" means - thinking in time, created by Heavenly and earthly forces, aware of himself.

That is, initially only those who had reason could be called human.

And, most importantly, for some reason no one writes or talks about something, it is embedded in the Knowledge that has come down to our days, through the foundations of the energy structure of a Human…

Every more or less "advanced" person knows that there is a so-called system of chakras, energy fields, subtle bodies, but when you start talking with such a person, it turns out that in addition to the names of the chakras and bodies, there may be something else for each chakra or each the subtle body is responsible, and even then at a minimum - it knows nothing more ...

He probably doesn’t know, because he didn’t understand how important it is.

But he didn’t understand, because there was no one who could explain to him the essence of energy ...

And what is the point?!

Man, like everything else in the Universe, was created by light. And each, the smallest and the most enormous parts have light in their structure. Scientists have already proven this today - the most smallest particle into which only an atom can be divided is Light! And to what extent any form of Life passes Light through itself, one can speak about what stage of its development it is at, and what transition or new dimension it is preparing for.

Each of you knows that the best way for Light to pass through is the air or the atmosphere of the Earth, there is no refraction of the Ray of Light here. It means that the atmosphere was left to us so that there would be Light on the Earth! It is the Light of the Earth's atmosphere that is something like a transformer that generates and lowers the vibrations of the Upper Light, transmitting to the earth only those vibrations that the earth itself and all life on it can accept for life. Air is also the most necessary condition for life on earth.

After air, from natural forms, water transmits Light best of all. And it is water that is the source of Life on Earth. It contains all the information of the Light of the Creator.

Human skin is devoid of cover (wool, feathers, scales, shell), it is quite soft and smooth, and it has the ability to let Light pass through itself. That is, a person can and must take the Light into himself and give the Light outward, for his connection with God and people.

Let's start again from the starting point.

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God"...

Thus begins the narrative of the Gospel of John (Bible. New Testament).

And now, it is from this point of view that we will consider how our Earth and our Universe, and man were created ...

There was something that had no form, except for information, and the Gods decided to Create something out of this (like growing a flower from a seed), what later became our Planet.

The planet has acquired linearity - an orbit around that Sun, which we call the Sun.

In order for the Planet to be illuminated from all sides - She was given rotation, and for the rotation to be constant, they gave Satellites (and at the beginning there were two of them, then there were three - and the third was transported to our Planet), which revolved around the Planet, providing Her rotation.

It's already clean physical laws that we all learned in school.

It was three satellites that could ensure the stable position of the Planet in the Universe. It was they who provided those three dimensions of space, which later we were able to express in the volume of space. And it was They who ensured the mild climate on the Planet, the fullness of the Light (each reflected the Light of the Sun to the earth) of the entire space of the Planet and the slower rotation of the Planet than it is now - and, therefore, the time was different. For example, what is an hour for us today was previously a minute or a moment ...

For the Planet to be protected from the scorching rays of the Sun, from meteorites, etc. - She was given an atmosphere - oxygen, and only after that it was possible to create life forms - This is the first day of Creation according to the Bible:

"1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light. And there was light.

4 And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light day, and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day.

(Genesis, Chapter 1).

In order for Life to exist, certain conditions for its existence are needed — this is how water and earth were created — the mainland and the oceans.

And the separation of "the waters above the firmament from the waters under the firmament" - from a purely physical point of view - is a combination or separation of hydrogen and oxygen atoms - H2O.

(This moment was very clearly shown to me by my Spiritual Teachers - how they took what was the most in the Universe, and what was the smallest in the Universe - and when these parts were combined, life was born that did not exist before!!!).


Hydrogen is the main component or substance (luminous gas) of which the Universe itself is composed - and this is 75%! In humans, hydrogen is 10%, in the world ocean - 11%, but oxygen in the Universe is only 1% ... In the world ocean - on our Earth - 86% of oxygen. The human body is made up of 61% oxygen.

Each of us, even from the school curriculum, knows the formula of water - H2O.

If we consider this formula from the point of view of the act of the Creation of Life, then it turns out that two parts of the Universe merged together to create a new one - water, carrying information about the entire structure of the Universe, but endowed with a special quality - the quality of maintaining Life, namely on Earth. And, information about the Universe was given by two identical elements of matter (2 hydrogen atoms), which form the basis of Life on Earth — that is, two carrying light with them took part in the Creation of Life on Earth! And that's the minimum...

Moreover, the spelling of this formula can also be considered from the image of letters:

H- ours, known to all of us or existing with us, moreover, this is ours invested in us twice, + O— God, He, basis.

This means that in each of us live, or exist together with us, the Gods known to us from the beginning, who gave the Basis of Life - Water.

The word Water has another meaning.

There is an ancient rune (letter) - Water— Okie-yan- She knows the Acts of Agni (Holy Pure Viviparous Fire).

This means that Water is also the Ocean of Information, which is non-material and in which the life force of everything that is in the Universe is collected, this is what is called Heaven.

Water is the most amazing and most mysterious substance of the Universe so far.

Water is in the structure of any substance or serves as the basis in its structure. It is in the water that Everything that is in the Universe is recorded - from its structure, the origin of life, to everything that was originally, and that will be forever!


  • AT a bunch of; put together; the relationship between the two systems; wisdom; knowledge; information;
  • O God; something independent; the form; structure; limit;
  • D - good; development; harmony; completeness; integrity;
  • BUT - Start; source; single; God, who lives and creates on Earth, is a man.

Or Water - Wow! + Yes!- an excellent, affirming or unique form of Life.

Water is the Variety of Forms that gives the Beginning of Life on Earth.

Water is Divine Knowledge and Wisdom, giving integrity, harmony and good for a person living on Earth.

Water is the relationship between God and a person living on Earth, for Their Integrity, Harmony and Development.

And the name of the fundamental principle - Hydrogen - once again, as a confirmation -

Hydrogen— Lifebearer!

Or - Data Goods from God Sort for Life.

The designation of the word (element name) Oxygen has the following meaning:

  • Ki is energy (the names of energy in various esoteric teachings are Ki, Qi, Prana, Holy Spirit),
  • Slo - Divine materialization or created by a word,
  • Rod - the one who gave Life on Earth.
  • TO - unification of man with the universe;
  • AND - compound; unity; equilibrium; harmony; true;
  • WITH - thought; connecting form; materialization, flow;
  • L - people; unification of peaceful thinkers; community;
  • O -
  • R - saying; flow; force; energy;
  • O - God; separation of the divine from the earthly; something independent; the form; structure;
  • D - good; development; harmony; completeness; integrity.


The unification of all people with the Universe (God) gives harmony and integrity to everyone and everything, as a manifestation of God in the material world.

Or - Unification of a person with the Universe, comes from the harmony of his thought, spoken and materialized in a word for all people, giving strength and integrity to the whole system.

Or again, as confirmation - Divine energy, materialized in the word of God, who gave Life on Earth.

If you look into school curriculum in chemistry, hydrogen is the very first chemical element in the periodic table and has in its structure one atom and one electron, and oxygen is the sixteenth chemical element, and in its structure it has one atom and eight electrons ...

This is the Creation of the Skyand Water!!!

But for the existence of man, land was needed, and it was created due to the rotation of the Earth, that is, there was a distribution of water over the surface of the Planet, opening one continent, which in the Bible was called the "Garden of Eden".

And this was the second day of Creation:

"6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate water from water.

7 And God made the firmament, and separated the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament. And it became so.

8 And God called the firmament heaven. And there was evening and there was morning: the second day.

(Genesis, Chapter 1).

On the third and fourth and fifth Days of Creation The Earth and Waters were endowed with Life - plants and animals, fish and birds, which had different structure but general basic characteristics.

Each plant has roots, there is a main trunk (stem), there are leaves, there is a possibility of reproduction (seeds, shoots, spores, etc.).

Every animal, fish and bird, have in common in their structure - a spine, four limbs, a head, two ears, two eyes, one nose and one mouth, almost identically located internal organs, a circulatory system and, of course, a heart - a repository of the Spark or Light of God - Souls!

And this unites all species that live on Earth.

Although there are insects - which have their own structure, but also almost the same for all species - and they also have a heart!

There are also invertebrates - but although they are considered the simplest on Earth, they also have what we call a heart.

And each kind of living creatures has the possibility of reproduction.

That is, the Gods immediately introduced a temporary ordinate, which determined the life span for each type of Living Beings, but in order for Life on Earth to always be, the possibility was given to continue the species.

And only after that "in His own image and likeness" God created Man - Man and Woman ...

And all the information collected in the Universe from the race of people was invested in Man.

Man was given the opportunity to control everything that is on Earth.

This is the sixth day of Creation...

"9 And God said, Let the waters that are under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. And it was so.

10 And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters he called seas. And God saw that it was good.

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, herb yielding seed, fruitful tree yielding fruit after its kind, in which is its seed, on the earth. And it became so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and tree bearing fruit, wherein is its seed after its kind. And God saw that it was good.

13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to separate the day from the night, and for signs, and times, and days, and years;

15 And let them be lamps in the firmament of heaven, to give light to the earth. And it became so.

16 And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars;

17 And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light to the earth,

18 and govern the day and the night, and separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.

19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.

20 And God said, Let the water bring forth reptiles, living creatures; and let the birds fly over the earth, in the firmament of heaven.

21 And God created great fish, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind. And God saw that it was good.

22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.

23 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.

24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind. And it became so.

25 And God created the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing on the ground after its kind. And God saw that it was good.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of a tree yielding seed; - this will be food for you;

30 But to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every creeping thing on the earth, in which there is a living soul, I have given all herbs for food. And it became so.

31 And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning: the sixth day

(Genesis, Chapter 1).


Man was Created in the Image and Likeness of God, and man is mentioned in many ways - both man and woman, as a single person!!!

God gave man power over the world of the Earth: "May they rule..."

"1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

2 And God finished on the seventh day his works which he had done, and rested on the seventh day from all his works which he had done.

3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, for in it he rested from all his works, which God created and made.

4 This is the origin of the heavens and the earth, when they were created, at the time when the Lord God created the earth and the sky,

5 and every shrub of the field that was not yet on the earth, and every grass of the field that was not yet growing, for the Lord God did not send rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the earth,

6 but steam rose up from the earth and watered the whole face of the earth.

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

8 And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man whom he had created."

(Genesis. Chapter 2).

That is, the first man was a Light Being, which means that he was not a material, not a physical body — and he could not control the Earth from a physical point of view — physical Life.

It was then that DNA was created, carrying information about physical Life. This is a kind of Matrix of Human Life. When the Light form merged with the physical form, a person was born in whom there was a Soul - the Light emanation of God (His Likeness), there was a Conscience (Knowledge of God's Horses) and there was a Mind (the possibility of Evolution - Spiritual and Soul Development, as a being belonging to the Race people of the Universe — namely, Man!) and all this was invested in the physical body.

And this man had boundless Possibilities and boundless Power, which obeyed his thoughts, images, words.

If we turn to scientific data, then genetic scientists still cannot fully decipher the information that is embedded in human DNA. But the only thing they could do was track down one repeating genome (Y-chromosome) - each nation of the earth had a common ancestor - a single father for all !!!

Here are six for you. biblical days creations!!!

But there is not just an opinion of people, but a firm belief that we are all sinners from birth. That sins were given to all people from their Ancestors - from Adam and Eve, who dared to disobey God the Father and ate an apple from the forbidden tree, for which they were expelled from paradise ... Therefore, people consider themselves sinful from their birth ... Therefore, they think that they are not road to heaven...

Let's see, what is the Truth that is hidden under the biblical text?..

Being. Chapter 3

"1 The serpent was more cunning than all the beasts of the field, which the Lord God created. And the serpent said to the woman: Did God truly say: Do not eat from any tree in paradise?

2 And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat the fruits of the trees,

3 only the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of paradise, God said, do not eat it or touch it, lest you die.

4 And the serpent said to the woman, No, you will not die,

5 but God knows that on the day you eat them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.

6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasing to the eye and desirable, because it gave knowledge; and took its fruit and ate; and gave also to her husband, and he ate.

7 And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed together fig leaves, and made themselves aprons.

9 And the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, Where are you?

11 And he said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you not eaten from the tree from which I forbade you to eat?

12 Adam said, The wife that You gave me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.

13 And the Lord God said to the woman, Why have you done this? The wife said: The serpent seduced me, and I ate.

14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; you will walk on your belly, and you will eat dust all the days of your life;

15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. it will hit you in the head, and you will sting it in the heel.

16 He said to the woman, I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in sickness you will bear children; and your desire is for your husband, and he will rule over you.

17 And he said to Adam, Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree, about which I commanded you, saying, Do not eat from it, the ground is cursed for you. in sorrow you will eat of it all the days of your life;

18 Thorns and thistles she will bring forth for you; and you will eat the grass of the field;

19 In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground from which you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you shall return.

20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve, for she became the mother of all living.

21 And the Lord God made garments of leather for Adam and his wife, and clothed them.

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, Adam has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, no matter how he stretched out his hand, and also took from the tree of life, and ate, and began to live forever.

23 And the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken.

24 And he drove out Adam, and set up in the east by the garden of Eden a Cherubim and a flaming sword that turns to guard the way to the tree of life."

Who is this snake!? And why was he smarter than all the animals!?

W- earth, soil; universal structure (planet); life form.

M- thinking; thought; wisdom; think; address; motion; transfer form; serial form; change; improvement.

E- There are (e) - five elements of life; earthly (planetary) form of life-existence; being in a manifested state.

E- Yes (ye) - a bunch; definition (I am king); plurality of existence; diversity; versatility; multidimensionality; discussion and reasoning in relation to a certain point (everything can be a point).

Y(And - short): a small part; clearance; flash; awakening; instant manifestation; brevity.

Serpent- this is the Wisdom of the Earth, given to awaken Consciousness, Reason, Imagery, Creativity, Emotions, Conscience, Feelings, Mercy, Virtues - as the Basis to be in a manifested (material) state on Planet Earth.

Therefore, the Serpent was more cunning than all the animals of the earth.

Therefore, many peoples of the Earth revere (in legends, epics, sagas, parables and the like) snakes, not as "tempters of sin", but as many-wise, many-knowing and all-healing creatures.

Remember at least the well-known fairy tale "Mowgli" with the wise python Kaa, or the symbol of doctors - a bowl entwined with a snake.

If the serpent were really evil and insidious, as the Bible describes it, then many nations would not attribute to it (the serpent) so many qualities that help, but do not harm people. Of course, one can say that snakes are very dangerous creatures, that their bites can be fatal for any creature on Earth ... But you also need to remember that snakes never attack anyone (I mean people) just like that. And if this happens, then the snakes are either forced to defend their lives, or their personal space, which the person encroached on.

And in the text of Genesis, Chapter 3, it is described that the serpent acted as a teacher who could give the Foundations to man for Life on Earth.

Many may say: "But God forbade doing this! How could God be drained?!"

And now remember yourself at the time when you were children, and even today - what are you ...

How often do you do exactly what you are told or forbidden to do?!

Any ban is a temptation! First you need to find out for yourself - why it is bad, only after knowledge can awareness come. Therefore, here we can say that according to the Bible, it is God himself who acted as a kind of "tempter" in good sense this word.

Chapter 2, Genesis.

"16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree in the garden you shall eat,

17 But do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it you will die the death."

It was God who aroused the interest of the man created by him in Knowledge. Indeed, most likely, if a person did not show creative interest and could not make decisions himself, that is, make a choice, could not realize and be responsible for his actions, then such a creature created by Him would not be interesting to God. Why not interesting? Yes, because it would be soulless and unreasonable, which means that it would not have qualities from God ...

The serpent acted here as a wise adviser and teacher, who managed to intrigue a person with his own words: "No, you will not die, but God knows that on the day you eat them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil."

What kind of death are both God and the Serpent talking about?

About the death of ignorance, about the death of lack of spirituality, lack of conscience, recklessness, joylessness, insensitivity, inactivity of a person. Having known Good and Evil, a person was able to Realize himself - what is what! And having known this, a person awakened in himself - Knowledge, Spirituality, Conscience, Reason, Joy, Feelings, Creative Activity for the Good!

Carefully read the 16th and 17th lines of the 2nd Chapter, Genesis - they do not say the name of the tree from which the fruits could not be eaten ...

But we all identify this forbidden fruit with an apple...

Moreover, even the church tells us about the apple of discord ...

And why?

An apple grows on an apple tree.

I- Ar (a-krat., I): an image of one kind; homogeneous structure;

B Gods (b): many Gods; Divine; a bunch of; superior (predominant);

L- People; on the surface;

O- On (o - debt.): God; someone, something; separation of the sacred from the earthly; something independent; form, structure;

Lo— Truth; Bosom; Bed;


Apple tree - every person is divine in nature, because he came out of the Bosom of God, and this is the Truth that is embedded in every person, and unites all people into one Human Race.

The Apple, like the fruit from the Apple Tree, looks like a ball with poles, which also resembles the shape of the Planet, those flows of energy and information that enter through the poles of the Planet, nourishing or filling the Earth. This form also resembles the energy structure of a person, around which energy and information are also located, which enters a person through the main channel from below and from above and also nourishes and fills a person. This form, perhaps, resembles the form and structure of the entire Universe.

And if the apple is cut across between the "poles", then we will see a five-pointed star, which is a symbol of a person on Earth.

Most likely, that is why the apple tree was taken - as a tree of knowledge by a person of the World of himself, the World of the Planet Earth and the Universe as a whole, which brings a person out or unites a person with God, the Father of All That Is.

To eat (taste) an apple or a fruit from the tree of knowledge means to assimilate, comprehend that information, that knowledge that is embedded in it!

Further, in the 14th and 15th lines of the 3rd Chapter of Genesis, it is said what material form on Earth God determines for snakes, and this form is different from all forms of animals on Earth. Snakes can live both on the Earth, and under the Earth, and in the Water, because they can not only crawl, but also swim superbly. The snake, due to the poison given to it from God, can cope with any other animal, regardless of its size. Therefore, all animals are afraid of snakes (or all animals "curse" snakes).

The difference between the seed of a snake and the seed of a man is well known to everyone. A snake is born from an egg, and a person is born from a mother's womb or womb.

Birth from an egg - repeats the sacred meaning of the Creation of the Universe - after all, the World Came from the Golden Egg (according to the Vedas). And the birth from the womb or womb of the mother repeats the sacred meaning of the Creation of man by God, when the flesh was taken from the flesh and the New Life was Created.

For Life on Earth, a person and a snake become material - physical beings. They are completely different from each other and the shape of the body and its structure. They are an excellent method of movement on the ground. Moreover, from animals (we do not take into account insects) on Earth, no one else can move like this - and this is the most basic difference between Snakes. Apparently, they were Consciously Created by God in this form... And why were snakes created as a complete opposite to all other creatures and as a completely separate kind of life? Yes, in order to pay attention to them, to know their life, to know their qualities - and called the Wise.

And in the confrontation of the parties - a man and a snake, like an animal ... - a person can kill a snake only by cutting off its head ... And a snake can kill a person - by stinging him in the leg ...

From the 16th to the 21st lines of the 3rd Chapter, Genesis, it seems that they are talking about the severity of human life on Earth, which God gives as a punishment ... But I think that it is not written in them about the hardships of Life, but about the fact that a person receives together in the physical - material body- feelings, emotions, the ability to analyze, learn, feel, do, compare, choose, give, take, create, love! Everything that was impossible in the body of Light has become real in the physical body! Man could cognize and realize the world of the Earth! Man could evolve! A person could Cultivate! Man could live!

In the 22nd and 24th lines of the 3rd Chapter of Genesis, it is said that if God had not given the Measure of Life for a person on Earth, then God Himself could not have known all the brightness of feelings and qualities that a person can know.

And the Cherub with a fiery sword, placed at the tree of Knowledge, is a symbol of the fact that only fiery, plasma, thin, light bodies or Beings can approach the Highest Light — God and His Wisdom, hidden in the fruits of the tree of Knowledge.

A person on Earth must be able to awaken in himself the deep Wisdom, which is invested in him by the fruit of the tree of knowledge at his birth in physical body. Man must know himself the world, to find God in oneself and affirm Him in earthly Life.

Then the Wisdom and Knowledge of the Tree of Knowledge will be available to him, because by knowing himself and the World, a person activates and expands his light-subtle bodies, through which he can get in touch with God (the Higher Light). For example, how can we call our parents today to ask for advice ...

It was this Primordial Image of the Wisdom of Life - the Image of Life of a person on Earth that was invested in the Sacred texts or artifacts of the Mission, carrying the Wisdom of God and the Universe. But those who have already rewritten these texts - rewrote from their own point of view or as they could understand themselves - literally, because they did not own the image of the word ...

The way of life of a person on Earth was determined from Above — by God!

I already analyzed the word "Image" earlier, and it carries the following Essence:


  • He - God - Created - By Speech - the god of the earth (man) - Claiming.
  • Or — He — Gods — Spoken — Man — Earth — Creator.
  • Or - He - to the Gods - is One (letters R + A + Z) - by Action

But the word "Life", although often repeated in the text, has not yet been understood from the point of view of the Image of the Word.

A life:

  • F- Belly (g): life is multifaceted; universal form; transformation (change); birth; growth; reaching a certain limit, beyond which a new Path appears (evolution, mutation).
  • And- Izhe (i-debt.): connection; unity; equilibrium; harmony; truth (existential).
  • W- earth (h): earth, soil; universal structure (planet); life form.
  • H- Our (n): what was known to our Ancestors; what exists with us (ours); isolated form.
  • b- Yer (e-short.): existing life, given by God; finished creation.

This is the birth of the unity of our Earth with God!

This is the Development of Harmony or Achievement by a person of a New Level of Development of Divinity on our Earth!

This is - Zhi - Belly, bosom, source! (Vo is an excellent form! T is like a statement!).

  • W- earth, being,
  • H- ours,
  • b- God-given!

That is - the Magnificent, excellent Source, our Home, our Motherland - Planet Earth, given to us by God for our Being (Life)!

Lifestyle -

Creating and affirming man, God gave him for Being and for Development, Achieving New Frontiers of Truth and Cognition - Home - Motherland - Earth!

This definition of "Lifestyle", in the original Essence, carries a completely different Meaning and Image than each of us understands it today ...

We, under the way of life, assume the type of activity, various activities, hobbies, the quality of social and family life, and so on ... but, in no way, the Exit to a New Level of Development for the Harmony of Being on the whole Earth - the Motherland!

  • Genus - God who gave birth to us!
  • AND - connection with Him!
  • N - us!
  • BUT - of people!

"The man of the future is the one with the longest memory."

Friedrich Nietzsche.

From my point of view, "long memory" is Knowledge of the History of the Family, the Earth, Knowledge and Following the Divine Horses and the Way of Life given to us by God. By acquiring this "long memory" we will indeed become the people of the future, and at the same time discover our Source!

And now, from a slightly different point of view, consider all those artifacts that amaze our imagination today ...

If we talk about Time, then time on our Earth is completely different from that in other spaces of the Universe - at the top, that is, in Higher Worlds, our age on Earth is only a moment, below is eternity ...

And the time depends on how much this Space transmits and radiates Light.

And the basis in the structure of man was and is energy - Light!

It is this Light that exists in each of us today (but in different proportions, ranges and vibrations), and there is a connection between Man and God.

Every day we repeat the usual, laid down earlier daily routine. In the morning we get up, wash ourselves, eat, go to work, do our usual things, return home, get ready for bed, and the next day the same thing is repeated. However, every person in life has a moment after which we think about why we live? Who are we on this earth? As a rule, this moment is associated with the death of one of the closest and dearest people. Then we begin to analyze, to understand that 100-200 years will pass, people will still go to work, take our positions, but strive to climb the career ladder, and no one will remember us.

Do you really remember those people who lived before you? What organization do you work for? We are sure that before your position was occupied by people, they also performed their official duties and wish happiness to yourself and your loved ones. Time has passed, these people are no longer alive, and you, sitting in their place, dream of a happy future. So, after all, what do we live for? What is life? Why are some people destined to live longer, while others die as soon as they are born? Why are some people born beautiful and enjoy their beauty all their lives, while others experience complexes about their appearance?

There are many hypotheses about why a person lives on this earth. Let's consider some of them.

Life is heaven and hell. Who said that heaven and hell are somewhere far away, that they are separated from each other and do not touch in any way? How does the soul determine that it is in hell if it does not see any comparison. Let's explain on simple example. If you eat porridge on the water all your life, live in an ordinary earthen house without a shower and a toilet, then how will you determine that it is bad if everyone around you is in similar conditions of existence? You will consider your life as the norm. You just have nothing to compare to. The same will happen in heaven. Here all souls live well, comfortably, but how can they understand that this comfort is given for something? Wouldn't it be better to combine heaven and hell on one platform so that we can see, analyze and now everything that life provides us with. Life is that period of time during which your soul must be cleansed, having gone through all the difficulties that fall on your destiny. It is very difficult in life to resist all the temptations, to remain honest with yourself. Maybe no one will notice your lies except you. However, your conscience will make itself felt. It is on earth, when you see a better life, that you can feel remorse, envy. You will see that someone from birth is in best conditions. So, why can't we learn for ourselves that it is on earth that heaven and hell are assembled, that someone is born in good conditions, lives happily all his long life, easily copes with all the trials that fall to his lot. And someone is born into a poor family, someone is beaten by parents from childhood, he does not even have enough money for food, as a result, illness and death. Why such different fates on the same land? Yes, all because someone here goes to heaven, and someone to hell. And all the misfortunes, difficulties, obstacles in life must be overcome, because at this moment you are paying for all your sins that you did earlier.

Book of fate. Someone believes that there is a book of fate. All children pay for the sins of their parents. Therefore, the positive and negative aspects of each person are recorded in this book. For example, if you lied to someone, then you may experience remorse, and your negative act will be entered in the book of fate. Subsequently, only your children will be able to atone for this evil of yours. The more negative, negative moments will be in your life. The more difficult it will be for your children. Sometimes, children are simply not able to atone for the sins of their parents. There are so many of them that one person cannot survive it all. Then the unredeemed sins are passed on to the children, along with the sins of their parents. Thus, the dynasty begins to live worse and worse. The birth of a child with an incurable disease, caring for him alone, can atone for all the sins that have accumulated over several generations. At the same time, both parents and children put the last point in atonement for those negative moments that were made by their ancestors. We all carry the imprint of past generations not only in character and appearance, but also in fate. Therefore, those who will continue the race (if there are any), they will start life from scratch.

Everything is predetermined. Why are we born in a certain circle, in life some people get to know us, and not others? Someone can sit at home all his life, go home from work and vice versa, meet a loved one and live happily all his life. And someone will devote all his time to finding a soul mate, but never meet anyone. As the priests say, as the analysis of our life shows, a person lives exactly the life that was intended for him even before his birth. Therefore, what we consider our achievement, in fact, was a foregone conclusion. However, this does not mean that now you should give up, sit in one place and think that everything in life will work out. You have the power to adjust your destiny to choose the best or worst path for yourself. In any case, you have some range of action within which you can live. For some, this amplitude is greater, for some it is less.

Our life. People who think that everything is possible in this life, and then absolutely nothing will happen, are extremely mistaken. Yes, we do not remember what happened to us before, but we learn from our mistakes. Someone can let his conscience betray a person, and someone will not. Life is a test of endurance. If you fail the exam this time, you will be born again to retake. If now you live "according to your conscience", then vicious circle will be broken, and you will find eternal harmony. How can you guess that there is a soul? Everything is very simple. If you want scientific evidence, then read about world studies online. And if you want to feel the soul in your body, then listen to yourself at the moment when you feel bad. What shrinks so much inside, why does it become unbearable to breathe? If our body is a mechanism, where do all these sensations come from? Where does a person have a conscience that does not allow us to exist normally after bad deeds? By answering these questions, you will begin to see a little further than your own nose.

For more than one century, and maybe a millennium, people have been trying to find answers to the questions: What is the meaning of life? Why are we born? Why does a person live on Earth? What should we do in our lifetime?

Many answers have been invented, but the truth, as always, is somewhere nearby.

And today I offer you answers that concern you personally, specifically your life, your destiny.

So, why did you personally come into the world? A colleague in the shop, Alexey Lkyanov, in his article gave 10 answers to this question.

Get answers right now!

1. Man lives on Earth to make mistakes

Admit you are not perfect. Try to write the letter "A" 30 times and they will all be different, unique.

You are a person, you have a lot of things - consciousness, subconsciousness, soul, body, brain and God knows what else. But in any case, you are not perfect and you will make mistakes.

Because mistakes are life.

If there are no mistakes in your life, then you are NOT DOING ANYTHING. Or you have been doing the same thing for 5-10-20 years.

So if you want a better life, allow yourself to be wrong more often.

And for this, you naturally have to do something new and get out of your comfort zone.

Mistakes give experience and knowledge that will allow you to become stronger and better in the future.

2. Man lives to break himself

You were born to do what makes you uncomfortable. Because that's the only way you can get better.

Most people live in a comfort zone. And he is afraid to stand out, to do things differently, to live by his own rules.

But this comfort is imaginary.

Only by doing what makes you uncomfortable, you can get what you don't have yet, but what you so passionately want!

Well, actually. When you were born, everything was uncomfortable for you. You couldn't crawl, talk, eat. I could do nothing but scream and cry :)

Remember your first ride on a bike, skate, car… They were very uncomfortable. But now you don't understand anymore: What's so difficult about it?

Because you have great potential. Don't be afraid to use it because...

3. You were born here to develop the potential that is inherent in you by nature.

He's called different words- talent, vocation, life purpose, mission ... But this is not important.

The only important thing is that it is in every person. And your task is to develop this potential as much as possible while you are alive.

That's why…

4. You live here to do what no one else will do but you.

This is your talent, your uniqueness.

Living according to the standard program - kindergarten, school, college, work - you will get the same thing as current pensioners - undermined health and a pension that will barely be enough even for food.

Do you need it?

So your path to success and a better life is far from the generally accepted stereotypes.

And the most pleasant news is that there is no one to pass this path except you. Each person is unique and each has his own vocation - his own path.

This means that you will have no competitors, unlike the standard program of life, according to which billions of people flow.

And this is very positive news for you, because…

5. You were born here to get high, enjoy life and get a bunch of positive emotions

Yes, life is complicated and you don't always get what you want. Almost every day there are events that can ruin your mood.

And how to treat it is just a matter of choice. Your choice. And this choice is very easy to make.

Just remember that it is through positive emotions that you grow and develop. Negative emotions only take away strength and make you weaker.

So the next time a passing car splashes you, wish the driver good luck, take your clothes to the dry cleaners, and get on with your day.

6. Man lives to help other people

Because whatever you do, you do it for someone else. And if no one needs it, then why are you doing it?

This is the whole buzz!

Watch and see how your actions improve other people's lives, help them in something, make them happy and make their life better. Receive words of gratitude and reciprocal help from them.

7. You were born and live here to die.

As sad as it is, it all comes to an end at some point. This is natural cycle- birth, life, death.

And, most likely, a new life!

This is a natural law and there is nothing to worry about. It just happens sometime.

But at the same time…

8. A person lives here to continue his life in his children.

This is the meaning of eternal life. In your children, at least half of your genes, there is a piece of your character, your facial features ...

In fact, your child is a slightly modified copy of you that will continue to live when you are gone.

So if you want to live forever, make children and more!

And don't forget...

9. You are here to pass on your experience and knowledge to your children.

So that they can reach your level much earlier than you and go even further. Do what you couldn't do. To be where you were not. Become what you didn't have time to become.


10. You were born here to act and move.


Life is motion. Dead, inanimate can only lie still and self-destruct.

In the same way, life, which stands still and does not move anywhere, begins to self-destruct.

Try to lie in bed for a month without getting up, and you will hardly be able to get out of it. If you can at all.

Take action, say "YES" to new opportunities, go in for sports, try new things, be constantly on the move, do not let yourself turn sour.

And then you will have goals, desire and motivation to realize them, and energy for action.

And most importantly, your life will be filled with meaning. The meaning that you will not find anywhere - neither in philosophical books, nor among psychics, nor among psychologists.

The meaning that will not let you sleep, which will charge you with inspiration and give joy and high from life to you and everyone around you.

Probably, a person did not immediately think about the meaning of life. For representatives of primitive society, who lived in harsh conditions and had to face dangers, overcome difficulties and hardships every hour, the meaning of life was biological survival. To do this, it was necessary to provide themselves and their relatives with food, comfortable housing and warm clothes.

Daily life of ancestors modern man passed in labors and worries. But how much has changed since then? Mankind has at its disposal technology with its impressive capabilities. Today there is no need to spend days in the forests in search of game. And yet, the majority of people are now busy only getting their daily bread. work for a fee, household household chores take almost all the time. Where is there to think about the meaning of life.

But from time to time, some people still have a question about the purpose of their existence. Was life really given only in order to achieve a high social status, provide for oneself financially and continue one's family? Or are there other goals that are invisible in the daily bustle? Especially acutely a person feels the need to search for answers to such questions at turning points and critical moments in his life.

In search of meaning: it's too early to put an end

As a result, everyone finds their own questions about their purpose. Some in search of life meaning and purpose of earthly existence come to God. The thought of what's beyond material world there is a higher one that loves you, appreciates and guarantees the salvation of the soul, brings peace to a person’s life.

Immersion in religion helps to maintain life orientation in the face of ongoing stress and pressure from circumstances. But can achieving union with God be the true goal of life?

There are other ways for self-realization. Indeed, why look for the Creator outside of yourself when you can become one yourself? And then people plunge headlong into creativity. Behind this is often a vague desire to realize one's inner potential, reveal one's abilities and talents, and declare one's individuality to the world. Creativity as a life goal increases physical and mental longevity, brings joy to daily existence and fills life with real meaning. At the same time, it often does not matter in what area and at what level a person creates.

At some point, a creative person begins to realize that her destiny is inextricably linked with the future of mankind. And then all the daily chores, worldly concerns and material interests recede into the background.

A person begins to purposefully look for that area of ​​application of his talents, which will make it possible to find himself and become as useful as possible for future generations.

Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller, one of the creators of the scientific theory of creativity, was sincerely convinced that only a Worthy Purpose can give a person's life a true meaning. It must meet several requirements: be new, specific, significant and have social utility (“How to become a genius. Life strategy creative personality”, G.S. Altshuller, I.M. Vertkin, 1994).

Human life on earth would be one-sided and flawed if there were no room for friendship, love, exciting adventures and social success. Certainly, the installation creative life in no way cancels the simple joys of earthly existence. And yet, creativity is one of the most powerful ways to find your destiny and put an end to the question of why a person lives on earth. A dot, which may well turn into an ellipsis, going into eternity.

Why are we given life? Why live on Earth? To die later? Born to die? 😉 set by the author flush the best answer is God created man for a happy and eternal life on Earth. But man disobeyed God, and so death entered our lives. God is love! He did not destroy the people for their sins, and he is patient with us until that time. He sent His only Son to die, who was to atone for our guilt, to die on the cross so that we could receive forgiveness and eternal life. By believing in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and striving to change our character for the better, sinless, good and perfect, we can receive Eternal life, with God, on a renewed Earth.
Getting on a new path is not easy, but we have a Helper who promised to help us if we ask Him for it.
To know God, to get into Eternity - that is the meaning of our life.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: why are we given life? Why live on Earth? To die later? Born to die? 😉

Answer from first class[guru]
we were born into this world to find the answer to those questions that have no answers yet!

Answer from Gideon[guru]
“As for you, let what you heard from the beginning remain in you. If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, then you too will be in unity with the Son and in unity with the Father. And this is the promise that he himself promised us: eternal life." (1 John 2:24-25)
God's plans for people and the earth are repeatedly spoken of in the Bible.

Answer from Wisdom[guru]
Alas, but many live just like that, and end up with a grave.

Answer from Kalina[guru]
We were born to live.

Answer from Albina[master]
The goal of life is to restore the image of God in ourselves. Approach him. This is our only business on earth.
Nothing worldly will bring happiness and peace. It can only be temporary

Answer from Fagundas[master]
Everyone has their own purpose in this world, their own mission ... you need to feel what you like, what you do best ...

Answer from Yoveta Chernova[guru]
In the life period allotted to us, we must choose which side we are on in the great struggle between God and Satan, if we choose God, we must learn with His help to live according to the Commandments of God, and when He comes for us He will give us a new eternal life on a renewed earth, if we choose the devil, then we live all our lives according to his will and then die forever.

Answer from Oleg@tor[guru]
we were born to live. You put the question as if death occurs on the second day after birth.
Live! Happily ever after! Be loved, love, be happy. Experience the joy of communicating with people, from work, from leisure. Enjoy sex, food, sun, sea. To do what you love, to benefit people, to help loved ones.
... that's how much and more.
And you immediately death! ! Live a little longer. Get a taste for life.

Answer from Or are we the wrong people?[guru]
Being born to die is meaningless. To be born from a woman, then to be born again and live forever - there is a sense.

Answer from Rania amani[guru]
To gain experience of life in the human kingdom and move on with this experience.

Answer from Yoveloga Vasilyevich[guru]
Jesus died so that those who believe in this sacrifice and try to be worthy would not die. Death was not planned by God when man was created. This is just a temporary program glitch that will be fixed.

Answer from Vasily Petrov[guru]
only the body is born and dies, we are eternal souls, we simply observe all these vicissitudes of the body, only out of ignorance identifying ourselves with this illusory fuss.

Answer from Translation[guru]
The goal is to live. And death is the end of the process of achieving the goal

Answer from Hello again![guru]
So, reasoning, a person comes to the knowledge of God and his spiritual immortality.

Answer from with. P.[guru]
When God created our planet - with a large supply of liquid water, on the right distance from the Sun, with the correct ratio of gases in the atmosphere - he definitely had some kind of purpose or design. Of the earth, the Bible says that God “created it not in vain, created it to be inhabited” (Isaiah 45:18).
GOD implanted in the mind of man the idea of ​​eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:11). That is why a person acutely feels his helplessness in the face of death and at the same time longs to live with all his heart.
Holy Scripture - the Word of God written under the influence of the holy spirit - gives us amazing hope (2 Timothy 3:16). A God of love would not endow a person with the ability to comprehend eternity, while allowing him to live only a short time. If God created us in such a way that we feel unhappy, this would be completely contrary to his very essence.
By endowing Adam and Eve with a sense of the infinity of time, he created them so that they could live forever (Genesis 1:31). Unfortunately, our forefathers, having abused their free will, violated the prohibition given by the Creator and lost their perfection. This caused them to die and all their descendants are born imperfect and mortal (Genesis 2:17; 3:1-24; Romans 5:12). But despite the disobedience of the first couple, God's original intention did not change. It will come true! (Isaiah 55:11). The Bible promises, “The righteous will inherit the earth and live on it forever” (Psalm 36:29).

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