We build mechanisms in minecraft. How to build a mechanism in "minecraft" and what is needed for this

Water bodies 03.07.2020
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In this game, practically nothing is impossible. Whatever the character needs, all this can be built. Minecraft mechanisms play an important role for the manufacture of various things. They are used to automate the everyday life of a character, for example, to automate a car or house.

To use them, you need to open the "Inventory" tab. Press the "E" key.

Red dust

Red dust (redstone) is a mechanism that provides electricity to other devices. Redsstone can be mined by shattering a block of red ore. It is mined with a pickaxe.

The lever can be used as a button. It is also used as a switch. To craft it, you need to have a cobblestone and a stick. We put the cobblestone and the stick on the workbench - and the lever is ready.

Red torch

It is used to enable various mechanisms. Also, it is a weak light source.
A red torch is made with a stick and red dust.

Mechanical doors

An ordinary door is opened by clicking on the right mouse button. But the game has the ability to build a mechanical door that only opens by using certain mechanisms. You can also craft automatic doors. This will require wires, levers, various buttons. These items will need to be installed in the place where the door opens.

It can be made of stone or wood. They serve to signal when a mob, player, etc. is detected. How to do it - see the diagram. Place the stones horizontally.

The repeater is used in the creation or use of electrical circuits. To craft a repeater, you need stones, red torches, and red dust.


The piston in the game plays a very important role, since without it it will not be possible to make some mechanisms. The main function of the piston is to set in motion various mechanisms. The piston is used to make traps, elevators, doors, and more. It can be plain or sticky. Sticky ones can not only push the object like simple pistons, but they also return the object back.
For the manufacture of a conventional piston, you will need an ingot of iron, cobblestones, boards and red dust. If you add mucus to this set, you get a sticky piston.

We arrange the components in the necessary order:

We make a sticky piston (place the mucus at the top):

It is also called trinitrotoluene or TNT. It's a good thing to blow up something in the game. Explodes approximately 4 blocks away from itself. A huge number of blocks are scattered at the epicenter of the explosion. It is very convenient to use it when clearing various areas from foreign objects. How to do it, see the diagram.


The dispenser is used when there is a need to dispense a huge number of different items at once. In order to make a dispenser, you need a bow, cobblestones and red dust.

The described technologies for manufacturing these useful mechanisms will help make the game even brighter and more like real life.

"Minecraft" can surprise any player, even one who has already studied this project a little. At first glance, it seems that this game is something very simple and straightforward - you have blocks from which you can build structures, craft tools, extract minerals. But in fact, everything turns out to be much more complicated, since there are hundreds of different blocks, their combinations, as well as such incredible possibilities as the creation of full-fledged mechanisms. This is what surprises users the most, because few people suspect, when they start playing in an eight-bit sandbox, that there you can do something similar. So, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail how to build a mechanism in Minecraft, what is needed for this and how long it will take.

The main component for any mechanism

It's no secret that the mechanisms in Minecraft are powered by electricity. But how do you use it? How to make it work for you? This is the answer to the question of how to build a mechanism in Minecraft. You will need red dust, which is also called "redstone" by the players - this is the name of this component in English. It is this ingredient that will be useful to you when creating even the simplest mechanism, since it is specifically it that is a conductor of electrical energy.

Red dust in Minecraft plays the role of a guide, so without it any attempt will be doomed to failure. You should always have a sufficient amount of redstone in your inventory with you to be able to create new mechanisms. You just need to lay a path from this material from one element of the mechanism to another in order to connect them together. But at the same time, do not forget that electricity only travels a distance of twelve blocks, that is, if you lay out a path of red dust that is too long, then after the twelfth block the signal will disappear. To extend it, use a repeater - it resets the distance traveled by the current, so you can use it to build networks of any length. But do not think that now you can immediately get down to creativity - this is just the very beginning of learning how to build a mechanism in Minecraft. There is still a lot of important and useful information ahead.

Activation elements

If you are trying to figure out how to build a mechanism in Minecraft, then you should understand that an ordinary wire, through which a current can potentially pass, will not make your mechanism work. You need to somehow activate it so that the current goes through the wires (in this case, through the red dust) and activates the mechanism. To do this, you need to craft a switch - there are several of them in the game. The simplest of these is a button, but it only attaches to horizontal surfaces. You can also make a lever and even a pressure plate that fits on the floor. All of these switches have their own characteristics that should be considered. For example, the pressure plate can be used to create traps for the mob to activate by stepping on the plate, and the button is great for activating from a distance. You don't even need Minecraft mods for mechanisms, since you can make a large number of devices and networks yourself.

The simplest example of a mechanism

A lot of information is now in front of you, and it may seem that it will be difficult to apply it in practice. Therefore, it is best to consider how they work in "Minecraft 1.7.2" and in other versions (most often the differences are almost imperceptible, sometimes more items simply appear in new versions, which expands the range of mechanisms created).

So what could be simpler than an automatic door? You just need to install the door itself, as well as make a button or other switch. Redstone the button and door, checking to see if you are over the twelve block limit, then test. When the button is pressed, the network is activated, which will transmit a signal along a strip of red dust, and the door will open. Now imagine how many opportunities this opens up for you. In addition, if you play the pocket version of Minecraft on a mobile phone or tablet, then you shouldn't have any problems. Mechanisms in "Minecraft 0.8.1" work exactly the same as in the full version of the game.

Popular use of mechanisms

There are the most unusual uses for mechanisms, but most often they are useful in traps. It can also be defensive structures, just like attacking ones, for example a cannon that shoots dynamite.

Installing mods

Of course, the original is limited in its capabilities. Therefore, you can install various modifications that add either new materials or new mechanism recipes. Mods for "Minecraft" mechanisms are very common, as they make the game much more dynamic and exciting.

The list of all simple mechanisms in Minecraft can be seen in creative mode, in the "Mechanisms" tab of the inventory, more complex mechanisms can be made using red dust, we will not describe them in detail in this entry, here you can read a short description of the simple mechanisms. Here we mean by mechanisms everything that can be influenced with the help of red dust.

List of Minecraft mechanisms

Red dust is used as wires to conduct electricity to other machinery. Red dust is mined underground, and it immediately falls out of the ore in a finished form. Installed red dust is easy to collect with one blow with your hand or any object. In the screenshot, the lamp, which is activated by a lever with red dust, is the simplest use of mechanisms.


There are two types of doors - wood and iron. A wooden door can be opened by clicking on it with the left or right mouse button or using red dust, an iron door cannot be opened by hand, you need to use other mechanisms, such as a lever or a button.

Lever and button

The lever and button are used to activate other mechanisms. The lever acts as a switch and can be in two states - off / on, and the button activates the mechanism and after a few seconds goes into the “off” state.

Pressure plates are used as a button that activates mechanisms when stepped on. Pressure Plates can be used to create traps or to activate mechanisms without further action (you just need to walk on the plate instead of pressing a lever or button). In the picture there are pressure plates, one of them turns on the lamp, the second opens the wooden door.

This item is very often used in complex mechanisms that are built from red dust. A redstone torch serves as a source of current for electrical circuits.


The repeater is used to build long chains of red dust, to delay the signal, and also as a diode (only passes the signal in one direction).


The hook is used to create a stretch. By pulling a thread (web) between two hooks, you can receive a signal when someone (a mob or a player) walks along the stretch. With the help of a stretch, you can create a trap (by activating pistons or a dispenser) or an alarm (by turning on a lamp or a music box), which notifies of the approach of enemies.

Piston and sticky piston

Pistons can move blocks, this property is used to create traps and farms. The sticky piston attracts and pushes the blocks, while the ordinary piston only pushes out. The simplest example is cutting reeds using a piston, red dust and a button, thus increasing the number of pistons and connecting them with red dust, installing repeaters, you can create a reed farm that will cut 28 reeds at once by pressing one button.

Dynamite, when exploded, destroys blocks around, except for obsidian and administration. Can be used to create traps, explode mines, grief. On multiplayer servers, dynamite explosion is often disabled. Dynamite is activated by a button, a lever, a pressure plate, a stretch and red dust and explodes after a few seconds, when it explodes, the dynamite activates other dynamites that are nearby.


Can give the player items, activated by mechanisms. If you put arrows in the dispenser, you can build a "machine gun".

When conducting electricity, it emits a sound that can be adjusted with the right button. With the help of note blocks, you can create entire musical compositions.


Used as a vertical door. It opens both with a mouse click and with the help of mechanisms.


Used as a door on animal farms.

Good afternoon, dear guests and users of our portal. The editor is a sailor with you. Today we will talk about such a topic as minecraft mechanisms for home.

Home Mechanism Basics

There are three main subjects. These are doors, hatches and gates. Doors can be powered by electricity (red torch, lever, button). The other two items open only if you hover over them and press the right mouse button.

Let's start with the door. It comes in two materials. Iron and wood. Made from matching items. We open the workbench and lay out the craft in this way: put wood, or iron ingots in the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh and eighth slots.
Next is the gate. We put a stick in the fourth, sixth, seventh and ninth slots. In the fifth and ninth - boards.
Luke. In all, except for the first, second and third, we put one board.

Redstone houses

In one of the articles I have already raised the topic of redstone. Redstone is a kind of electricity. It is very difficult to build such a house; therefore, it is easier to download a map with a built house. If you nevertheless decided to build such a dwelling yourself, then there are a large number of guides on YouTube. We just drive into the search engine: "House with mechanisms."

Today we discussed minecraft mechanisms for home... The editor sailor was with you. Until next time on Play`N`Trade, as well as enjoy the game!

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