Creative and life path of Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich. Vladimir Mayakovsky "Life and Creative Way

Reservoirs 01.10.2019

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Vladimir Mayakovsky biography was born on July 19, 1893 in the village of Bagdadi Kutaisa province. Father - nobleman, served as a forester, ancestors - from the Cossacks of the Zaporizhzhya Schash; Mother from the kind of Kuban Cossacks. In 1902-1906 Mayakovsky studied in Kutais gymnasium, in July 1906, after the death of his father, together with his mother and two sisters, moves to Moscow, where he enters the IV class of the 5th classical gymnasium (for non-payment of money for learning was excluded from V class in March 1908 G.). In Moscow, Mayakovsky gets acquainted with revolutionary students, is fond of Marxist literature, in early 1908 in the Bolsheviks party, exposed to arrests, holds 11 months in the Butyrs prison, from where the minor is released in January 1910. In Jail, Mayakovsky wrote a poecom notebook (1909), which was selected by the warders; From her the poet calculated the beginning of his creativity. After exemption from prison, he interrupts the party work to "do socialist art." In 1911, Mayakovsky enters the School of Painting, Scary and Architecture, where he gets acquainted with D. D. Burluk, the organizer of the Futuristic group "Gileia", which opens a "brilliant poet" in it. After three years, in February 1914, Mayakovsky, together with Burluk, was excluded from the school for public speeches.

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Futurism Mayakovsky from the very beginning and until the end of the poet's days had a romantic character. Mayakovsky and in Soviet times remained a futurist, albeit with new properties: "Comfut", that is, a communist futurist, as well as the leader of the LEF (left front of the arts) (1922-1928). In 1922-1924. Mayakovsky commits several trips abroad - Latvia, France, Germany; He writes essays and poems about European impressions: "How does the Democratic Republic work?" (1922); "Paris (conversations with the Eiffel Tower)" (1923) and a number of others. In Paris, the poet will be in 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929. (lyrical cycle "Paris"); In 1925, Mayakovsky in America will be held ("My Opening of America"). In 1925-1928 He travels a lot to the Soviet Union, performs in a variety of audiences. During these years, the poet publishes many of those of their works: "Comrade Netta, steamer and man" (1926); "By the cities of the Union" (1927); "The story of Ivan Kozyrev's story ..." (1928). Researchers of the Creative Development of Mayakovsky shall like its poetic life to a five-acting action with a prologue and an epilogue. The role of a kind of prologue in the creative path of the poet played the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky" (1913), the first act of the poem "Cloud in the pants" (1914-1915) and "Flute-spine" (1915), the second act-poem "War and Peace "(1915-1916) and" man "(1916-1917), the third act - the play" Misteria-Buff "(the first version of 1918, the second-1920-1921) and the poem" 150,000,000 "(1919-1920), The fourth act of the poem "I love" (1922), "about it" (1923) and "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1924), the fifth act-poem "Good!" (1927) and the play "Klop" (1928-1929) and "Banya" (1929-1930), the epilogue-first and second entry into the poem "at the full voice" (1928-1930) and a suicide letter of the poet "All" (12 April 1930). The rest of the works of Mayakovsky, including numerous poems, is to one or another parts of this common picture, the basis of which is the basis of large works of the poet. Futurism Mayakovsky from the very beginning and until the end of the poet's days had a romantic character. Mayakovsky and in Soviet times remained a futurist, albeit with new properties: "Comfut", that is, a communist futurist, as well as the leader of the LEF (left front of the arts) (1922-1928). In 1922-1924. Mayakovsky commits several trips abroad - Latvia, France, Germany; He writes essays and poems about European impressions: "How does the Democratic Republic work?" (1922); "Paris (conversations with the Eiffel Tower)" (1923) and a number of others. In Paris, the poet will be in 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929. (lyrical cycle "Paris"); In 1925, Mayakovsky in America will be held ("My Opening of America"). In 1925-1928 He travels a lot to the Soviet Union, performs in a variety of audiences. During these years, the poet publishes many of those of their works: "Comrade Netta, steamer and man" (1926); "By the cities of the Union" (1927); "The story of Ivan Kozyrev's story ..." (1928). Researchers of the Creative Development of Mayakovsky shall like its poetic life to a five-acting action with a prologue and an epilogue. The role of a kind of prologue in the creative path of the poet played the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky" (1913), the first act of the poem "Cloud in the pants" (1914-1915) and "Flute-spine" (1915), the second act-poem "War and Peace "(1915-1916) and" man "(1916-1917), the third act - the play" Misteria-Buff "(the first version of 1918, the second-1920-1921) and the poem" 150,000,000 "(1919-1920), The fourth act of the poem "I love" (1922), "about it" (1923) and "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1924), the fifth act-poem "Good!" (1927) and the play "Klop" (1928-1929) and "Banya" (1929-1930), the epilogue-first and second entry into the poem "at the full voice" (1928-1930) and a suicide letter of the poet "All" (12 April 1930). The rest of the works of Mayakovsky, including numerous poems, is to one or another parts of this common picture, the basis of which is the basis of large works of the poet.

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Mayakovsky's art world is a synthetic drama, which includes the properties of different dramaturgical genres: tragedies, mysteries, epico-heroic drama, comedy, district, cinema, extravagancies, etc., subordinates the main character from Mayakovsky - the tragic nature of his main character and The tragedy structure of all his creativity. It should be noted that not only his plays, but also the poems in their own way dramatically and most often the tragedy. In the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky" the poet sees his life duty and the appointment of his art in helping to achieve human happiness. The art for him from the very beginning was not just a reflection of life, but to the means of her alteration, a tool of life. Mayakovsky seeks to put his lyrical tragedy hero, expressing the aspiration of all mankind, to the place of God - the dyeing, helpless, not capable of any acts for the sake of people. This hero because of his undivided love for a woman and to people in general, becomes a gogieboard with the heart of Christ. However, in order to become a man-God, the hero and all the other people should be free, to reveal their best opportunities, reset all slavery. Hence the revolutionary nihilism of Mayakovsky, who found his expression in determining the program's sense of the poem "Cloud in the pants": "" Down with your love, "" Your art "," one of your stroy "," one's own religion "is four cries of four parts." Love, Art, Social Building and Religion of the Old World Mayakovsky opposes his love, his art, its idea of \u200b\u200bthe social structure of the future, his faith in the ideal new, in all respects of an excellent person. The attempt to implement this program after the revolution was for the poet tragic. In the "cloud", Mayakovsky goes to the people of the streets of the street as a poet-prophet, the "thirteenth apostle", "today's cryocubic zarathustra's day" to pronounce a new Nagorny sermon to them. Calling ourselves "today's crychubs Zarathyshi", Mayakovsky wanted to say that he, like Zaratra, is the prophet of the coming - but not superman, but liberated from the slavery of mankind.

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In the poems tragedies "Cloud in the pants", "Flute-Spine", "War and Peace", "man" and "about it" at the Hero of Mayakovsky, speaking in the role of the Bogboard, "Thirteenth Apostle", a demon and warriors, tragic appear Doubles similar to Christ. In the image of this tragic duality, Mayakovsky develops the traditions of Gogol, Lermontov, Dostoevsky and Blok, becomes a borrows with the heart of Christ. His mog care begins with a flour of unrequited love for a woman and only then acquires social and existing meaning. In the poem "Flute-Spine" he showed the coming holiday of mutual, divided love, and in the poem "War and Peace" - the holiday of the fraternal unity of all countries, peoples and continents. Mayakovsky wanted divided love not only for himself, but "so that the whole universe went love." His ideals were tragically broken about real reality. The poem "Man" is shown the collapse of all the efforts and aspirations of the hero, aimed at achieving personal and public ideals. This collapse is due to the curse of the human nature, the tragic deficit of love, the slave submissions of people to the Lord of everything - this all-industrial governor of God on Earth, the symbol of the power of money, the authorities of the bourgeoisie, capable of buying love and art, subjugate the will and mind of people. In the play "Mystery-Buff" and the poem "150,000,000" the poet puts the revolutionary masses of the people to the place of God and Christ. At the same time, unlike the "twelve" block, Mayakovsky unilaterally idealizes the social consciousness and creative possibilities of the revolutionary masses, which have recently been depicted by the poet as the faceless crowds of people, submissive to the lord of everything, and now, at the author's tip, self-confidently claiming: "We ourselves And Christ and Savior! " In the ingenious poem, the tragedy "about it" Mayakovsky showed the struggle of the lyrical hero for the ideal, divided love, without which there is no life. During this tragic duel, fantastic metamorphoses occur with the hero, its natural nature under the influence of the "romance of love" is dissolved, turns into creative and spiritual energy, whose symbols are verse, poetry and suffering Christ. The metamorphosis hyperbolic process is expressed by the poet in a complex system of tragic twins of the poet: a bear, a Komsomol suicide, similar to Jesus, and on Mayakovsky himself, and others. In general, this tragedy metamorphic process acquires the form of a mystery poem about love, suffering, death and the upcoming resurrection of the All-Shower, a man of natural, aspiring to take the place of God.

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In the poem "Good!" and the satirical dylogue of "Klop" and "Banya" Mayakovsky depicts how Soviet Russia is born in the revolutionary struggle, Soviet "Fatherland ... which is, / but three times - which will be", carefully follows the sprouts of a new life, seeking a poet of romantic Futuristic warehouse help their rapid development. At the same time, it reveals in the embryo cancer tumors of Soviet society, threatening with deaths to it. After the poem "Good!" Mayakovsky wanted to write the poem "Bad", but instead I wrote the satirical plays "Klop" and "Banya", in which the most dangerous trends in the young Soviet society showed: the rebirth of the workers and parties in the meshman - lovers of the beautiful, "aristocratic" life for someone else's account (Plispkin) and strengthening the power of ignorant and incompetent party and Soviet bureaucrats like victoryosikov. Satyric dilogy of the poet showed that the bulk of people was not ready to occupy the place of God and proceed to the implementation of high ideals and potential human capabilities. In the poem "at the full voice", Mayakovsky calls the present "petrified shit", and the realization of his ideal man transfers to an indefinitely distant "communist far". Satira Poet, especially "Banya", caused betraying from the Rappovsky criticism. In February 1930, the poet enters RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers). This act of Mayakovsky was convicted of his friends. Alienation and public injury were aggravated by a personal drama ("the love boat crashed about life"). Mayakovsky stubbornly began to refuse to leave abroad, where he had to meet with a woman (poem "Letter Tatiana Yakovleva", 1928), with which he intended to tie his life. All this led Mayakovsky to suicide predicted in the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky". In the poem "Good!" and the satirical dylogue of "Klop" and "Banya" Mayakovsky depicts how Soviet Russia is born in the revolutionary struggle, Soviet "Fatherland ... which is, / but three times - which will be", carefully follows the sprouts of a new life, seeking a poet of romantic Futuristic warehouse help their rapid development. At the same time, it reveals in the embryo cancer tumors of Soviet society, threatening with deaths to it. After the poem "Good!" Mayakovsky wanted to write the poem "Bad", but instead I wrote the satirical plays "Klop" and "Banya", in which the most dangerous trends in the young Soviet society showed: the rebirth of the workers and parties in the meshman - lovers of the beautiful, "aristocratic" life for someone else's account (Plispkin) and strengthening the power of ignorant and incompetent party and Soviet bureaucrats like victoryosikov. Satyric dilogy of the poet showed that the bulk of people was not ready to occupy the place of God and proceed to the implementation of high ideals and potential human capabilities. In the poem "at the full voice", Mayakovsky calls the present "petrified shit", and the realization of his ideal man transfers to an indefinitely distant "communist far". Satira Poet, especially "Banya", caused betraying from the Rappovsky criticism. In February 1930, the poet enters RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers). This act of Mayakovsky was convicted of his friends. Alienation and public injury were aggravated by a personal drama ("the love boat crashed about life"). Mayakovsky stubbornly began to refuse to leave abroad, where he had to meet with a woman (poem "Letter Tatiana Yakovleva", 1928), with which he intended to tie his life. All this led Mayakovsky to suicide predicted in the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky".

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky - the most famous Russian poet futurist. The time of his creative heyday accounted for a dramatic period of the history of Russia, the time of revolutions and.

Childhood and her youth of the poet Mayakovsky

Vladimir Mayakovsky was born in 7 (19) in 1893 in the town of Bagdati (now in the territory of the region of Imeretius, Georgia). His father served as a forester, and the mother came from the Kuban Cossacks. In 1902, Vladimir was given to the gymnasium of Kutaisi. There, he first met with the agitation materials of Russian and Georgian revolutionaries. Four years later, Father Mayakovsky died, and the family moved to Moscow. Vladimir turned to Moscow Gymnasium No. 5, but he studied there only about a year and was deducted for non-payment. In 1908, Mayakovsky joined the RSDLP. In the same year, he was first arrested for illegal activities. In subsequent years, young people were arrested several times.

The beginning of the poetic activity of Mayakovsky

Back in the Gymnasium Mayakovsky began writing poetry. But the lines written in their early youth are not preserved. The poet himself later admitted that he considered his early works bad. In 1910, after 11 months, Mayakovsky arrest left the party to completely devote himself to poetry. The shortness of the friend of Mayakovsky Yevgeny Lang prompted him to make a painting. For a while, Mayakovsky studied at the school of men, but did not graduate from the training course.

In 1912, the first publication of Mayakovsky was published in the collection of "Social Taste" - the poem "Night". The following year, his own compilation of the poet "I" was printed. Makovsky's manuscript provided with several drawings and spread lithographic method. In 1913, the Mayakovsky tragedy was also delivered, in which the young poet played himself.

In 1914, Vladimir Mayakovsky clearly expressed his anti-war position. When the poet called in the army, he assumed that he was not sent to the front, and to a part located in St. Petersburg at the training high school. Despite the government restrictions, Mayakovsky continued to be printed. In 1915, he met a clear BRIC and soon began to live with them. In the summer of 1917, Mayakovsky was a commission.

Perception of the revolution V. Mamakovsky

Mayakovsky adopted with delight. Later Mayakovsky said that the years of the civil war were the best in his life. By the anniversary of the Revolution on the Text of Mayakovsky in Petrograd, the premiere of the play "Misteria-Buff" was held in Meyerhold Staging and with Casimir Malevich's costumes. In the post-revolutionary years, recognition came to Mayakovsky. His new poems were laid by large circulations. The admiration of the poet by the Soviet government is manifested in the "verses of the Soviet passport", the poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" and in the "Soviet alphabet". In 1919-1921, Mayakovsky collaborated with the growth agency (now the TASS Agency) and produced the agitation posters "Growth windows", accompanying satirical images with their own poems.

Specificity of creativity V.Makovsky

It is generally recognized that Mayakovsky is the most outstanding of Russian futurists. His works are characterized by such features: the use of short verses and string breaks ("Lestenka"); mixing the lyrical and satirical element; consumption of emotionally painted, including obscene, vocabulary; Autobiographic and identification of the author and lyrical hero.

Last years and death of the meak

In the twenties, the poem of Mayakovsky "Good", as well as the "Klop" and "Banya" plays. From 1922 to 1928, he headed the Association "Lef", which included former futurists. At the end of the twenties, the sharp criticism of futurism and the work of Mayakovsky in particular appeared on the pages of government press. In 1928, Mayakovsky finally broke up with Lily Bric. Other love connections poet were also unsuccessful. By 1930, Mayakovsky suffered from deep depression. In early April 1930, the poet began planning suicide.

April 14, 1930 Mayakovsky shot himself in his heart. Over time, more than once arose assumptions that Mayakovsky was killed. In favor of this version, allegedly evidenced by the conflict of Vladimir Vladimirovich CO. However, the poet's biographers are confident that he brought the scores with life himself. Tens of thousands of people were attended at the funeral of the poet. Over time, Mayakovsky became the most recognizable poet of the first years of Soviet power, and his works for decades were included in the mandatory program in Russian literature.

The creative path of Mayakovsky.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (19.07.1893 - 14.04.1930) - one of the most famous Soviet poets, which had a noticeable influence on the literature of the XX century.
Vladimir Mayakovsky's childhood passed in Georgia, in 1906 the family of the future poet moved to Moscow, where the young Mayakovsky entered the local classical gymnasium, from where he was expelled in a few years due to the inability to pay for training. Then he was enrolled in the preparatory class of the school and became a member of the RSDLP.
In the period from 1909 to 1910, seven months the future poet spent in a Butyrsa prison, where the first poems composed. It is this moment that can be considered the beginning of the literary activity of Mayakovsky.
After the liberation, Vladimir Mayakovsky caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating "socialist art", and therefore in 1911 he entered the School of Painting, Scary and Architecture.
At the end of 1912, in the Almana, the "schurching of public taste" the poet debuted with the poems of Morning and Night. It was in this issue that the famous program manifesto Cubo-futurists was presented in this publication, which recorded a refusal of the country's literary heritage.
The first collection of poems Vladimir Mayakovsky "I" was released in 1913. Poet's speeches in different cities of Russia at the same time as part of the Futurist Group were the cause of his deductions.
In 1915-1917, the poet passed military service in an educational motor school. In parallel, he continued to engage in literary activities. During these years, such well-known works as the "cloud in the pants" and "man", saw the light of the collection "Easy like washed".
1915 was marked by the acquaintance of Vladimir Mayakovsky with Lilia Bric, which for many years has become a muse for him. Of difficult relationships with this woman and her husband were the cause of strong emotional experiences of the poet.
The October Revolution and inevitably followed by the change of Mayakovsky met with delight, his work at this time acquired a completely new sound.
Since 1918, Mayakovsky has actively supported the new power, became the organizer of the "Comptut" group. In 1919-1921, the poet worked in the "Growth windows", during this time he released more than one thousand campaign-satiristic posters with poetic lines. Later, Vladimir Mayakovsky acted as the organizer of the "Left Left Front" and the publisher of the LEF magazine.
During these years, Vladimir Mayakovsky traveled in Europe, visited Germany and France, in 1925 he visited the United States, where he acted before the public, introduced his work. The impressions of these trips were reflected in Paris poetic cycles and "verses of America". In 1925-1928, the poet traveled the USSR with his performances.
The end of the 20s was the time of a deep inner crisis caused by a common disappointment from the results of the revolution. These sentiments were embodied in the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky, which became more and more criticized. Many of his works (for example, the Comedy "Klop" and "Banya") were created to expose society, prevailing, according to the poet, revolutionary values.
In early 1930, Mayakovsky joined the Russian Association of Proletarian poets. However, this deed did not find an understanding among his friends and like-minded people. The poet was very hard for the alienation, burdened by problems in personal life.
The last time Vladimir Mayakovsky made a protest against all the imperfections of the post-revolutionary world in April 1930, committing suicide. His ashes was buried at the new Don Cemetery, and later moved to Novodevichi cemetery.

Born July 19, 1893 (according to a new style) in p. Bagdadi Kutais province in the noble family. Mayakovsky's father served as a forester in the Caucasus; After his death (1906), the family lived in Moscow. Mayakovsky studied in classical gymnasium in Kutaisi (1901-1906), then in the 5th Moscow Gymnasium (1906-1908), from where it was expelled for non-payment.
Further education - artistic: He studied in the preparatory class of the Stroganovsky school (1908), in the studios of artists S. Yu. Zhukovsky and P. I. Kelin, in the figure class of School of painting, science and architecture (1911-1914), excluded for participating in the scandalous performances of futurists).
Also in 1905 In Kutaisi Mayakovsky participated in the gymnasium and student manifestations, in 1908 , joining B. RSDRP, led propaganda among Moscow workers. Several times were arrested, in 1909 spent 11 months in Butyrsa prison. The time of imprisonment called the beginning of his poetic activity; His written poems before liberation were selected.

Mayakovsky and Futurism

IN 1911 Friendship is tied Mayakovsky With the artist and poet D. D. Burlyuk, in 1912, organized the literary and artistic group of Futurists "Gileia". Since 1912 Mayakovsky constantly takes part in the disputes about the new art, exhibitions and evenings conducted by the radical associations of the Avant-garde artists "Bubnovaya Valet" and the "Union of Youth". Mayakovsky's poetry has always retained with visual arts, primarily in the very form of poems recording (a column, later "Lestenka"), which assumed an additional, purely visual, impression produced by a poetic page.

Mayakovsky poems were first published in 1912 In the almanac of the Giley group "Society to public taste," where the manifesto, signed by Mayakovsky, V. V. Khlebnikov, A. E. Klychey and Burluk, was placed in a deliberately empty form, who announced a break with the traditions of Russian classics, the need to create a new The language of literature corresponding to the era. The embodiment of the ideas of Mayakovsky and his like-minded futurists about the appointment and forms of new art was the production in the St. Petersburg Theater "Luna Park" in 1913 of his poetic tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky" (published in 1914). The scenery was written by artists from the "Union of Youth" P. N. Filonov and I. S. Schedule, and the author himself made the director and the executor of the leading role - the poet, who suffers in a disgusting modern city, mutilated, crushing his inhabitants who, although elect The poet is their prince, but do not know how to recognize and evaluate the victim.

Buin Mayakovsky against the entire world order. Poetry of the 1910s.

IN 1913 Leaves book Mayakovsky Of the four poems called " I", His poems appear on the pages of futuristic almanacov (1913-1915)" Milk of Kobylitsa "," Dusty Moon "," Rying Parnas ", begin to be printed in periodicals, the poems are published" A cloud in pants"(1915)," Flute-spine"(1916)," War and Peace "(1917), the collection" Simple, like washed "(1916). Poetry of Mayakovsky is filled riot against the whole world order - social contrasts of modern urban civilization, traditional views on excellent and poetry, ideas about the Universe, Raa and God. Mayakovsky uses the militantly broken, rough, stylisticly reduced language, contrasting traditional poetic images, - "Love on violin lodge", "Nocturne ... on the flute of drain pipes." The lyrical hero, an empty man in sharpness, breaking the tongue and blasphemy ("Arkan in the sky caught God"), remains a romantic, lonely, gentle, suffering, feeling the value of the "smallest dust of the living".

Poems Mayakovsky 1910s were focused on playing in oral form - From pop, in the evenings, disputes (collection "for voice", 1923; in magazines, newspapers and book editions, poems often appeared in a terrible censorship form). For hearing perception, their short chopped lines, "torn" syntax, "partition" and deliberately familiar ("Panibrate") intonation were suitable: "... Do you love women yes, life to give in favor?". In combination with high growth ("Hefty, with a step of a sage") and the diverse voice of Mayakovsky, all this created a unique individual image of a fighter poet, a square rally speaker, the defender of the "Non-Out of the street" in the "Adash city", whose words could not be beautiful, They are "cramps merging by a room."

Lyuric theme of Mayakovsky

Already in the early rebar verses and poems Mayakovsky Significant place occupies love lyrical theme: "My love, like the apostle during it, by a thousand thousand will smash the roads." Love "diligends the soul" of the suffering, lonely poet.
IN 1915 Mayakovsky became acquainted with who took a central place in his life. From his relationship, the poet Futurist and his beloved sought to build a model of a new family, free from jealousy, prejudice, traditional principles of women and men in the "bourgeois" society. With the name of BRIC, many works of the poet are connected, intimate intonation paints the Letters of Mayakovsky facing it. Stated in the 1920s that "now not the time of love ballasts", the poet nevertheless retains loyalty to the topic (lyrical poems, poem " About it", 1923), which reaches a tragically obscure sound in the last rows of Mayakovsky - in the unfinished entry into the poem" at the whole voice "(1930).

Mayakovsky and revolution

The revolutionmuchovsky was adopted as an exercise of retaliation for all offended in the previous world, as the path to the earthly paradise. The position of futurists in art Mayakovsky claims as a direct analogy of the theory and practice of the Bolsheviks and the proletariat in history and politics.
Mayakovsky organizes in 1918 a group "Compturism" (Communist futurism), actively participates in the newspaper "The Art of the Commune", in 1923 creates the "leftmost front of the arts" (LEF), which entered his like-minded people - writers and artists, publishes LEF magazines (1923 -1925) and "New Lef" (1927-1928).
In an effort to use all artistic means to support the new state, promoting new values, Mayakovsky writes a topical satir, poems and chastushki for campaign posters (" Growth windows", 1918-1921). Roughness, clarity, straightness of its poetic style, the ability to turn the elements of the design of a book and magazine page into effective expressive drugs of poetry - all this ensured the success of the "poet's call", and the interests of the "attacker class.". By the embodiment of the position of Mayakovsky these years, his poems became " 150 000 000 "(1921)," Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"(1924)," Okay!"(1927).

By the end 1920s Mayakovsky has a sensation non-compliance political and social reality Inspired by him from the adheral of the high ideals of the revolution, according to which he built all his life - from clothes and gait to love and creativity. Comedy " Bug"(1928) and" Banya"(1929) are satiru (with anti-spectopia elements) on owned societywho forgotten about those revolutionary values \u200b\u200bfor which it was created. The internal conflict with the surrounding reality of the advancing "Bronze" Soviet Age was undoubtedly among the most important incentives who pushed the poet to the last Bound against the laws of the world order to suicide.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (7 (19) July 1893, Bagdati, Kutaisa province - April 14, 1930, Moscow) - Russian Soviet poet.

In addition to poetry, vividly showed himself as a playwright, film director, film director, film actor, artist, LEF magazine editor ("Left Front"), "New Lef".

Vladimir Mayakovsky was born in the village of Bagdati Kutais province (in Soviet times the village was called Mayakovsky) in Georgia in the family of Vladimir Konstantinovich Mayakovsky (1857--1906), which served as the third category of the third category in the Erivan province, from 1889 in Baghdad forestry. The mother of the poet, Alexander Alekseevna Pavlenko (1867--1954), from the kind of Kuban Cossacks, was born in Kuban. One of the grandmothers, Eposinia Osipovna Danilevskaya, is the cousior sister of the author of historical novels. The future poet had two sisters: Lyudmila (1884-1972) and Olga (1890--1949) and the Konstantin brothers (died at a three-year-old age from Scarlantine) and Alexander (died in infancy).

In 1902, Mayakovsky entered the gymnasium in Kutais. In July 1906, his father died from the tetanus, after the finger of the finger with a needle, stitching the paper. Since then, Mayakovsky could not endure pin and hairpins, bacteriophobia remained lifelong.

After Father's funeral, Mayakovsky, together with his mother and sistems, moved to Moscow, where he entered the IV class of the 5th classical gymnasium (now Moscow School No. 91), where he studied in the same class with Brother B. L. Pasternak Shura. In March 1908, it was excluded from V class due to non-payment for training.

The first "semi-civility" Mayakovsky published in the illegal magazine "Porus", which was published by the third gymnasium. According to him, " it turned out incredibly revolutionary and to the same degree ugly" In Moscow, Mayakovsky got acquainted with revolutionary students, began to get involved in Marxist literature, in 1908, awarded in the RSDLP. It was a propagandist in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in 1908--1909, three times were arrested (in the case of the underground printing house, on suspicion of the group of anarchists-Exproprianators, on suspicion of the benefit of the Break of Women's Policy-Turkishs from Novinsky Prison). Mayakovsky poet life creative

According to the first case, he was released from the transfer under the supervision of parents by the court sentence as a minor, who operated "without understanding," on the second and third case was released for a lack of evidence. In jail Mayakovsky "scandal", so it was often translated from the part to the part: Basmannaya, Meshchanskaya, Myasnitskaya and, finally, a Butyrskaya prison, where he spent 11 months in a single chamber number 103.

In prison in 1909, Mayakovsky began to write poems again, but was dissatisfied with written. In the memories he writes:

It turned out beastly and revivably. Something like:

In gold, in Purpur Forest dressed, the sun played on the chapters of churches. I waited: But in the months the days were lost, hundreds of troubling days.

He wrote as a whole notebook. Thanks to the wardens - when leaving you left. And then b it also printed! - "I myself" (1922--1928). Despite such a critical attitude, Mayakovsky precisedly calculated the beginning of his creativity from this notebook. From prison after the third arrest, he was released in January 1910.

After liberation, he left the party. In 1918 he wrote in autobiography: "Why not in the party? Communists worked on the fronts. In the art and enlightenment while the agreements. I was sent to catch fish in Astrakhan. "

In 1911, a girlfriend of the poet Bohemian artist Yevgeny Lang inspired poet to painting. Mayakovsky studied in the preparatory class of the Stroganovsky school, in the studios of artists S. Yu. Zhukovsky and P. I. Kelin. In 1911 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture - the only place where they accepted without a testimony of reliability. Having become acquainted with David Burluk, the founder of the futuristic group "Gilea", entered the poetic circle and joined the cubaceturists.

The first published poem was called "Night" (1912), it entered the futuristic collection "Society to public taste". In 1913, the first collection of Mayakovsky "I" (cycle of four poems) was released. It was written from hand, equipped with drawings of Vasily Chekrygin and Lion Zheno and multiplied by a lithographic distribution in the amount of 300 copies. As the first partition, this collection entered the poet's poems book "Simple as Soch" (1916).

Also, his poems appeared on the pages of futuristic almanacs "Milk of Kobylitsa", "Dusty Moon", "Rying Parnass", etc., began to be printed in periodicals. In the same year, the poet appealed to drama. The program tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky" was written and delivered. The scenery was written by artists from the "Union of Youth" P. N. Filonov and I. S. Schedule, and the author himself made the director and the leading role.

In February 1914, Mayakovsky and Burluk were excluded from the school for public speeches. In 1914--1915, Mayakovsky worked on the poem "Cloud in the pants". After the start of the First World War, the poem "War is declared".

In August, Mayakovsky decided to sign up to volunteers, but he did not allow him to explain it with political unreliability. Soon, his attitude to the service in the royal army Mayakovsky expressed in the poem "to you!", Which later became the song. In July 1915, the poet got acquainted with Lily by Yurieval and Osipom Maksimovich Brick.

In 1915--1917, Mayakovsky on Protection M. Gorky passed military service in Petrograd in an educational motor school. The soldiers were not allowed to be printed, but he was saved by Osip Bric, who bought the poems "Flute-Spine" and "cloud in pants" for 50 kopecks per line and published. Anti-war lyrics: "Mom and the Germans killed by the evening", "I and Napoleon", the poem "War and Peace" (1915). Appeal to satire. The "Hymns" cycle for the magazine "New Satirikon" (1915). In 1916, the first large collection of "Simple as Soch" came out. 1917 - "Revolution. Pootakhronik. " On March 3, 1917, Mayakovsky was headed by a detachment of 7 soldiers who arrested the commander of the educational automotive school of General P. I. Secretayeva. It is curious that shortly before that, January 31, Mayakovsky received a silver medal "for diligence" from the hands of Secretayeva. During the summer of 1917, Mayakovsky was energetically worried about recognizing him unsuitable for military service and in the fall was freed from her. Mayakovsky in 1918 was filmed in three films on its own scenarios. In August 1917, he decided to write "Mystery Buff", which was completed on October 25, 1918 and set to the anniversary of the revolution (dir. Sun. Meyerhold, Hood. K. Malevich)

On December 17, 1918, the poet first read from the scene of the Matrosian theater poems "left march". In March 1919, he moved to Moscow, begins to actively cooperate in growth (1919--1921), draws out (as a poet and as an artist) for the growth of agitational and satirical posters ("Growth windows"). In 1919, the first assembly of the composition of the poet was published - "Everyone studied by Vladimir Mayakovsky. 1909--1919. " In 1918--1919, in the newspaper "Art of the Commune". Propaganda of the world revolution and the revolution of the Spirit. In 1920 he graduated from writing the poem "150,000,000", which reflects the topic of the world revolution. In 1918, Mayakovsky organized the group "Compt" (Communist futurism), in 1922 - the Maf Publishing House (the Moscow Association of Futurists), which came out several of his books. In 1923, organized a group of LEF (the left front of the arts), the thick magazine "Lef" (in 1923--1925 seven numbers came out). Aseev, Pasternak, Osip BRIC, B. Arvatov, N. stranger, Tretyakov, Levids, Shklovsky, and others were actively printed, Tretyakov, Sklovsky, and others. Promoted the Lief Theories of Industrial Arts, Social Orders, Fact Literature. At this time, the poems "Pro it" (1923) are published, "Working Kursk, which mined the first ore, a temporary monument of the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky" (1923) and "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1924).

The years of the Civil War Mayakovsky considers the best time in life, in the poem "Good!" The most prosperous 1927 is nostalgic chapters. In 1922--1923, in a number of works continued to insist on the need for the world revolution and the revolution of the Spirit - "IV International", "Fifth International", "My Speech at the Genoese Conference" and others. In 1922--1924, Mayakovsky made several trips abroad - Latvia, France, Germany; I wrote essays and poems about European impressions: "How does the Democratic Republic work?" (1922); "Paris (conversations with the Eiffel Tower)" (1923) and a number of others.

In 1925, his longest journey took place: a trip in America. Mayakovsky visited Havana, Mexico City and for three months performed in various cities of the United States with reading poems and reports. Later, poems were written (Collection "Spain. - Ocean. - Havana. - Mexico. - America") and essay "My Opening of America".

In 1925--1928, he traveled a lot on the Soviet Union, performed in a variety of audiences. In these years, the poet published such works as "Comrade Netta, a steamer and a person" (1926); "By the cities of the Union" (1927); "The story of Ivan Kozyreva's story ..." (1928). In 1922--1926, I actively collaborated with Izvestia, in 1926--1929 with Komsomolskaya Pravda. Printed in magazines: "New World", "Young Guard", "Ogonos", "Crocodile", "Red Niva" and others worked in agita and advertising, for which he criticized Pasternak, Kataeva, Svetlova.

In 1926--1927, Nine Kinoszenarians wrote. In 1927 he restored the magazine LEF under the name "New Lef". 24 numbers came out. In the summer of 1928, Mayakovsky was disappointed with Lef and left the organization and magazine. In the same year, he began to write his personal biography "I myself". From October 8 to December 8 - a trip abroad, on the route Berlin - Paris. In November, I and II of the composition of the compositions were published. Satirical plays "Klop" (1928) and "Banya" (1929) were delivered by Meyerhold. Satira Poet, especially "Banya", caused betraying from Rappovsky criticism.

In 1929, the poet organized the "Ref" group, but in February 1930 he left it, joining PAPP. Many Researchers of the Creative Development of Mayakovsky shall like its poetic life with a five -actful action with a prologue and an epiralogue. The role of a kind of prologue in the creative path of the poet played the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky" (1913), the first act of the poem "Cloud in pants" (1914--1915) and "Flute-spine" (1915), the second act - the poems "War and the world "(1915--1916) and" man "(1916--1917), the third act - the play" Mystery-Buff "(the first option - 1918, the second - 1920--1921) and the poem" 150 000 000 "(1919--1920), the fourth act - the poems" love "(1922)," about it "(1923) and" Vladimir Ilyich Lenin "(1924), the fifth act - the poem" Good! " (1927) and the play "Klop" (1928--1929) and "Banya" (1929--1930), the epilogue - the first and second entry into the poem "at the full voice" (1928--1930) and a suicide letter of the poet " All "(April 121930).

The rest of the works of Mayakovsky, including numerous poems, is to one or another parts of this common picture, the basis of which is the basis of large works of the poet. In his works, Mayakovsky was uncompromising, therefore inconvenient. In the works written by him in the late 1920s, tragic motives began to occur. Critics called him only a "companion", and not the "proletarian writer" as he wanted to see himself. In 1929, he tried to hold an exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of his work, but he interfered in every way.

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