The choice of ampelous flowers for pots. Air beds

reservoirs 27.05.2019
The secret of a luxurious garden is ampelous compositions. Name, description of the variety.

What flowers are suitable for hanging arrangements. Nice pictures ampelous flowers

Today I want to introduce you to the most beautiful ampelous plants! Such beauty! Perhaps you did not know before what exactly to choose for growing flowers in pots or hanging pots.
Now you have a wonderful opportunity to write down all the varieties of flowers you like on a piece of paper and go to a specialized seed store and buy those flowers that you like. So word to the author!

Mix with petunias

Ampelous petunia is a beautiful flowering plant with long hanging shoots, with which they decorate balconies, arbors, terraces, fences. Grow in hanging baskets or planters. Adapts to any soil and climatic conditions. Like all ampelous flowers, it is sensitive to soil moisture - when insufficient watering flowers shrink, foliage thins.

After heavy rain, it loses its attractiveness for 2-3 days, until new buds bloom. To maintain a decorative look, simply cut off damaged and faded inflorescences. However, thanks to modern breeding, petunia varieties have been bred today that are not so sensitive to excess moisture in the air, and calmly react to the scorching sun. The main exquisite forms of ampelous petunias include: Surfinia (Surfinia) or cascading petunia, characterized by abundant flowering, variety and richness of shades, and rapid growth. The diameter of surfinia flowers varies from 5.5 cm to 9 cm, depending on the variety.

Reproduction is possible vegetatively.


Calibrachoa (Calibrachoa) is an ampelous species with miniature no more than 3 cm in diameter, but abundant flowers on highly branched, lignified stems. Reproduction is carried out by cuttings. This species does not tolerate excessive waterlogging of the soil, but responds with lush flowering to the application of phosphate fertilizers.

Calibrachoa (Calibrachoa)

Tumbelina (Thumbelina) is a form of chic ampel terry petunias from dark blue to soft pink colors. Several times a season, you need to cut the lashes for the appearance of young side shoots and more lush flowering. Reproduction is carried out vegetatively.

Tumbelina (Thumbelina)

Dichondra (Dichondra) is a very effective ampelous ornamental deciduous plant. Can also be used as a groundcover. Loves high humidity and sunny places, insufficient lighting causes yellowing of the leaves. The rest is not whimsical. Foliage shades, depending on the variety, are silvery ("Silver Falls") and green ("Emerald Falls"). Thick, thin, hanging whips reach a length of 1-3 meters, as if they were jets of a waterfall, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. Dichondra is used as an annual, mainly in combination with bright ampelous petunias, verbena, begonia or lobelia, creating a background for them. Growing dichondra is possible both by seeds and cuttings. Vegetative propagation is the fastest and easiest way.

Dichondra (Dichondra)

Bacopa (Bacopa) is one of the best unusually charming ampelous plants. Graceful long shoots are strewn everywhere with small flowers. Bacopa bloom alternates with dormant periods, but continues until late autumn. Prefers sunny places, does not like waterlogging. Bacopa does not lose its beauty in bad weather, it frees itself from wilted inflorescences. During the season, the shoots are pruned. Reproduction by vegetative means. Terry varieties have been bred.

Bacopa "Scopia Double Ballerina Pink"

Pelargonium (Pelargonium) is a rather unpretentious ampelous plant, which has earned its popularity among flower growers. Loves sunlight, drought tolerant. Requires protection from strong winds that can break stems with peduncles. Shoots reach 1 meter in length. Umbrella-shaped pelargonium flowers are different forms, sizes and shades depending on the variety. Ampel looks very elegant, abundantly flowering with terry hats. In order for flowering to be constant, it is necessary to manually remove faded inflorescences and make regular top dressing. Propagation is carried out by sowing seeds and cuttings.

Pelargonium "Angels Perfume"

Tuberous begonia (Begonia) - out of all the variety of species and forms, special attention is paid to ampelous begonia bushes blooming in clusters. Flowers on long stalks are large up to 8 cm in diameter, have many bright shades - lemon, pink, red, orange. Flowering with proper care is plentiful. Prefers loose soil, well-lit location, abundant watering and regular top dressing. Water stagnation must not be allowed. Withered flowers and dried leaves are removed. Propagated by cuttings, division of tubers and seeds.

Tuberous cascading begonia

Fuchsia (Fuchsia) - depending on the type and variety, both ampelous plants for the garden are used, and in the form standard forms. Fuchsias are photophilous, do not like heat. They require abundant watering, forming pinching and top dressing. Flowers on long pedicels, depending on the variety, are simple, semi-double and double. Fascinating flowering long and abundant. The fruits are spherical, edible. From the garden, plants can be carried home if grown in hanging planters, baskets or pots. Transplant fuchsia in the spring. Propagation is carried out by cuttings and sowing seeds.

Fuchsia ampelous

Bidens, or succession, is an annual lush plant with spreading shoots hanging up to 60 cm. Elastic, highly branched shoots can be formed into a ball shape by pinching. bright yellow fragrant flowers on stems are formed until late autumn. Prefers open sunny places, drought-resistant, does not lose its decorative effect in rainy weather. Planted in hanging planters, baskets or balcony boxes. Bidens can be grown as an independent crop, and it also goes well with red, blue and lilac petunias, dichondra, lobelia, geranium and verbena. Propagated mainly by seeds.

Beedens (string)

Lobelia (Lobelia) is an undemanding annual plant that grows in a sunny place, but does not like heat and overdrying of the soil. Shoots up to 40-50 cm long with many small flowers that abundantly cover lobelia all summer and autumn. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter have different colors and shades: blue, blue, purple, white, purple, red, with a contrasting border or dot in the center. On soils rich in organic matter, the number of flowers decreases. Lobelia is grown mainly by seeds.

Lobelia "Magenta"

Diascia is a very popular flowering plant for balconies and terraces. It develops well and blooms for a long time in sunny places. Likes moist nutrient soils. Responsive to regular watering with abundant flowering, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Flowering continues from early summer until October. Faded inflorescences are harvested to maintain an elegant appearance. Does not lose its decorative effect after rains. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. There are many types and varieties of different shades.


Verbena (Verbena) is an annual plant, not demanding on soils, grown from seedlings from the end of January. Likes sunny areas, drought tolerant. The stems are up to 60 cm long. It blooms with fragrant flowers of the most incredible colors. Requires regular plucking of faded shoots so as not to waste energy on seed maturation, which will stimulate abundant flowering. It is fed with a special fertilizer for flowering plants. Propagated by seeds.

Pelargonium "Angels Perfume"

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum) is an annual flowering plant, diverse in shape. Looks good in garden vases, hanging planters. Long climbing varieties reach 2 meters. Unpretentious, blooms profusely and on poor soil with yellow, orange, red, brown edible flowers. The leaves are also edible - often used in salads and desserts. Flowers - simple and semi-double, depending on the variety. All of them have a pleasant specific aroma. Nasturtium seeds are sown in May immediately to a permanent place.

Nasturtium foreign

Monetary loosestrife (Lysimachia nummularia) is a fast-growing perennial with creeping shoots up to 60 cm in length with small leaves. The flowers are small yellow color. Flowering depends on the location. loves sunny wet places but does not require special care. It is used as a ground cover, because of the ability to line any surface with stems in the form of a carpet, and as an ampelous plant for decorating walls, fences, vertical gardening. Reproduction is carried out vegetatively and by seeds. A variety with yellow-green leaves "Aurea" was bred.

Monetary loosestrife (Lysimachia nummularia)

In addition to the above plants, in container floriculture for compiling interesting ampel compositions cultures such as allisum (annual), kufeya, laurentia, catharanthus, ever-flowering begonia, climbing violas, sanvitalia and others are also used.

Begonia, balsam (New Guinea) and dichondra in the composition

Orange Diascia, Light Blue Bacopa and Calibrachoa

Mix of bacopa and ampel verbena

To make the garden look bright and rich, you need to use ampelous plants that can be planted in one species or combined with each other and get the most unexpected contrasts. Almost all types of ampelous flowers are perfectly combined with decorative foliage crops, as well as among themselves. Currently, it is very fashionable to decorate balconies, loggias, verandas, terraces, gazebos, patios, window and doorways with flowers.

They are planted in hanging baskets, planters, boxes, as well as flowerpots or removable containers. Bright petunia, verbena and dichondra, which are also used for decoration, are unusually beautifully combined with each other. retaining walls. Good combination there will be a red pelargonium with a white petunia or a string; lemon tuberous begonia and blue lobelia; fuchsia mixed with lobelia and bacopa, etc. For single plantings in a hanging planter or flowerpots, bacopa, diascia, bidens, nasturtium, petunia are suitable.

Feel free to experiment and get amazing compositions!

Wonderful ampelous plants!

The message was found for you by an amateur florist

Ampelous (ampels, ampelniks) are called plants that themselves are not able to hold their shoots. Their long and flexible stems hang limply and charmingly from hanging planters and baskets, and sometimes creep up along walls and other vertical surfaces. They can be perennial and one year of flowering, in the first case they are taken to a heated room for the winter. For hanging compositions, ampelniks that constantly bloom throughout the summer are usually chosen. These plants are very decorative and infinitely varied in color and texture, and in skillful hands turn into indescribably charming hanging flower beds and entire garden compositions.

From a botanical point of view, there are many forms of such plants - climbing (beans, bindweed), climbing (grapes, hops), creeping (all ground cover), "whiskered" (chlorophytum, episcia). Landscape and room designers include in this group all plants that can be planted in a suspended container so that the stems hang down. They, in turn, are divided into flowering and decorative-deciduous varieties. Plants that cling to supports and crawl up, they belong to the group of vines, although by and large these are also ampels.


The advantages of designing a site using ampels are obvious:

The best ampelous flowers for the garden

Keeping outdoors, even in the warm season, makes its own demands on flowering plants. When placed in an open area, they should tolerate the sun well, and in the gazebos and on the northern walls they should be darkened, have greater resistance to winds, changes in day and night temperatures, and withstand the pressure of rain jets. In terms of resistance to various natural factors they can be divided into separate groups.

Shade resistant

Balsam (Roly wet)

Annual. Prefers moderate sun, feels great in lace shade, so flowerpots with it can be hung directly on the branches of apple trees, pears and others. fruit trees. Under the scorching sun begins to wither. In warm weather it can bloom until October.

Viola ampelnaya ( Pansies)

Selective variety of garden violet. Forms a spherical bush with large quantity variegated flowers.

The first period of vegetation shoots grow vertically, their hanging begins with the beginning of flowering. It has good shade and cold resistance. Can be grown as an annual or biennial.

Resistant to direct sunlight


This is an ampelous variety of petunias with chic double flowers.

Colors can vary from pale pink to deep blue. It reproduces vegetatively.

To enhance the splendor of flowering, you need to cut the lashes several times over the summer to stimulate the development of side shoots.

Surfinia (cascading petunia)

It blooms profusely and brightly, grows rapidly, has a wide variety of colors, and is unpretentious in care.

Mauritanian bindweed

It looks very pretty on the steps and supporting walls, flowing over them with a light colored blanket and covering bald spots and voids. Looks great in hanging vases. In care, he is content with little, but requires placement in a sunny location.



well known indoor plant, revealing itself from a completely different perspective as an element of street scenery. Light-requiring, but does not like strong heat. Drinks a lot, requires frequent watering.

Flowers, depending on the variety, can be double and simple, bloom brightly, in white-pink and crimson-violet tones. Produces flowers throughout the summer, but requires formative pinching. It can be propagated by both seeds and cuttings, it is best to do this in the spring.


Very effective decorative and deciduous ampelnik. It forms waterfall compositions with long whips hanging down to the ground. Particularly beautiful are the varieties with silvery leaves.

With its help, you can shade an open gazebo or veranda, arrange a fence, cover unsightly places. It looks better in longitudinal drawers than in round pots. Easy to plant, low maintenance.

wind resistant

Euphorbia "Diamond Frost"

A houseplant that feels great in summer and outdoors, even in fairly windy places. During flowering it is covered with a white cap of small flowers on falling shoots. Well rooted in a sand-peat mixture.

It appeared on the flower market relatively recently, reproduction occurs vegetatively. In addition to wind resistance, it tolerates a lack of moisture well, it can do without watering for several days. But in the absence of a sufficient amount of light, it does not bloom so abundantly, which is why it loses in decorativeness.


This flower is often confused with petunia, but in fact it is its F1 hybrid. Available for sale in seven colors - from pink and salmon to raspberry and purple. It blooms luxuriantly and for a long time, it has good resistance to bad weather. This perennial crop in this variation is grown as an annual.

drought resistant

Pelargonium ivy

At favorable conditions can bloom all year round.

He likes bright places, but can feel good in partial shade. Withstands drafts, so it often serves as a decoration for windows open for the summer.

Secrets of gardeners - pelargonium loves to "drink" milk diluted with water and live in cramped conditions. The roots should be close to the walls of the pot.

feruloline sequence

Charming clouds of yellow delicate flowers surrounded by lacy leaves. It is very popular in Europe, although it came into the circle of interests of flower growers only in 1992. It was noticed by breeders, thanks to which, to date, a dozen varieties have already been bred.

It can be used in ground flower beds, looks charming in hanging compositions and solo. It tolerates well not only drought, but also prolonged cold snaps and shaping (haircut), does not require fertile soils, does not suffer in dense plantings.

This group includes all ampelous succulents (plants capable of accumulating moisture in special tissues). This is an ideal choice for sites whose owners do not have the opportunity to visit them every day. The best of them: wood ceropegia, ripsalis, sedum, eryphyllum, sickle-shaped crosses, rooting, large-tongued, rowley.

Ampelous flowers for planters are a simple solution not only to visual problems personal plot, but also numerous design ideas. If it is impossible to transfer perennials to a warm room for the winter, it is enough to leave one small mother plant, which is much easier to find a place in the house for. And in the spring, it will easily give life to new flower arrangements that will enliven the most modest corners of your garden.

Video review of ampelous flowers

Despite the fact that perennial and annual flowers grow in front of my house, it always seemed to me that in the general decor there were not enough planters with sprawling colorful plants. A few years ago, I decided to correct this shortcoming and did not regret it: the porch and courtyard have noticeably changed and began to look very stylish and finished.

In addition to the "standard" petunias, I began to plant other ampelous plants in pots and pots, which harmoniously and brightly complemented the overall decor of my site.

In nature, ampelous plants simply creep along the ground, but planted in tall pots or planters, they fully reveal their decorative potential.

Lush flowering hats with hanging shoots complement home interiors, but they look especially beautiful on a balcony, porch or in the garden. What are the advantages of these cultures:

  1. Ampelous plants, with proper care, grow quite quickly and move to the stage of their maximum decorative effect. They bloom throughout the warm season, delighting gardeners with bright inflorescences until frost.
  2. Hanging planters and high pots can be installed in any convenient place on your site, and the flowers will be visible from any angle.
  3. A variety of species and varieties of ampelous plants will allow you to create unique and bright compositions in your garden.

The main advantage is that ampelous plants, due to their varietal characteristics, practically do not require care, the main thing is to provide them with optimal lighting and constant watering.

Flowering ampelous plants

Today, there are many varieties of ampelous flowering plants on the market that you can grow in flowerpots and planters in your garden. Among this variety, several of the most popular with gardeners and beautiful flowers can be distinguished.


Ampel varieties of luxurious alyssum will allow you to decorate your garden with spectacular balls, completely strewn with small flowers. Dense brushes on highly branched plants have a pleasant noble aroma, which will envelop the space next to the alyssum with soft notes.

A large number of varieties of ampelous allisum will allow you to choose those plants that will be beneficial to complement your own. bright flowers the exterior of your property.

Hanging from a porch, poles or growing in lawn pots, these spherical, luxuriant shrubs are sure to be the centerpiece of your garden décor.


Classic Pansies also have ampel varieties. bright flowers with a variety of colors, planted in planters or large garden pots, will be the centerpiece of your garden.

Ampel viola is incredibly decorative and beautiful in itself. Flowering plants create a spectacular composition that does not require other additions.


The unpretentious perennial has bright flowers resembling openwork Chinese lanterns in shape. Ampel varieties are distinguished by lush inflorescences and sprawling shoots that retain their decorative effect until late autumn.

Ampel fuchsia requires painstaking care: regular pinching of shoots, timely fertilizing. In addition, for the arrangement of planters and flowerpots with sprawling plants, you will need to choose a place in partial shade, since they do not tolerate heat.


Lobelia, on the contrary, loves the sun and heat, in such conditions it actively grows, delighting gardeners with long sprawling shoots with many bright flowers. The decorative period of the plant lasts until autumn.

Lobelia is ideal for decorating the porch and terrace, combining several varieties in one planter, you can achieve a bright and harmonious composition.

An ornamental plant does not like excessive moisture, so watering should be carried out strictly according to indications.


Before our gardeners began to grow luxurious petunias, pelargonium sat on the ampelous “throne”. Fragrant geraniums with lush inflorescences adorned balconies, terraces and gazebos.

Flexible hanging shoots of pelargonium look very elegant and spectacular, and its decorative period lasts until autumn.

Pelargonium will like a sunny place, it grows well in warmth and blooms luxuriantly. Depending on the variety chosen, white, purple, lilac or two-tone inflorescences can effectively decorate your site.

Drought-resistant, pelargonium will be the perfect decoration for giving a "weekend".


Ampel nasturtium pleases gardeners with its original red, yellow and orange flowers up to frost. Lush greenery contrasts organically with the inflorescences, creating the feeling of a bright waterfall flowing from the pots.

Nasturtium produces shoots up to a meter long, which look quite elegant in any container. Gardeners have long appreciated the decorative effect of ampelous varieties and combine different colors in flowerpots. Lush bloom, unpretentiousness and showiness - this is what makes nasturtium the most popular.


Flexible stems of achimenes have beautiful flowers similar to phloxes and petunias. This plant is rather capricious and thermophilic, so it is better to grow it in a winter garden or in pots, which you can transfer to the house during the summer cold snap.

A luxurious varietal variety will allow you to choose achimenes with inflorescences of ideal shades that will harmoniously blend with the overall exterior of your yard and with other flowers.

The only drawback is that the plant should be planted at the time recommended by the manufacturer, since each stage of its development requires a certain light regime.


Ampelous petunia today is the most popular flower that decorates the garden, gazebos and terraces. If the plant is provided good lighting, it will bloom luxuriantly and profusely, delighting the gardener with its decorative effect until frost.

In order for the petunia to bloom profusely and magnificently with its bright and large inflorescences, it needs regular daily watering. Among the many varieties of this beauty, you can easily pick up plants, the "gramophones" of which will harmoniously fit with their shade into the overall ensemble of your dacha.


Bright clusters of ampelous begonia inflorescences are large in size up to 8 cm and have a variety of shapes. Petals, depending on the variety, may have a red, orange or yellow color. By providing begonias with proper care, you will achieve its long lush flowering.

Begonia is very capricious to violations of the irrigation regime: an excess of moisture will lead to root rot, which will end with the drying of the flower. The plant is also experiencing a drought very hard, so it is better not to plant it in the dachas of the "weekend".


The snapdragon familiar to us also has spectacular ampelous varieties that you can plant in flowerpots, planters or large outdoor pots. A rich selection of colors of inflorescences will allow you, by mixing several shades, to create a unique and harmonious composition.

Snapdragon will look especially good on open terraces and on the walls of gazebos. The inflorescences have a pleasant delicate aroma that gently diffuses around. The decorative period of the ampelous plant lasts until the first frost, it is resistant to precipitation and cold snaps.


Verbena ampelous inflorescences of various colors will satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated gardeners. Red, lilac, white, blue, pink - they will fit into any floral ensemble.

The main advantage for which verbena is so loved? - its multiple flowering per season. AT middle lane a lush bush produces flower stalks up to 4 times during the summer.

You will learn more about flowering ampelous plants and the features of their choice from the video:

It is not necessary to plant in flowerpots and planters only flowering plants, in some cases, ampelous succulents or decorative leafy varieties of flowers will look much more spectacular and harmonious.

Succulents are ideal for weekend summer residents. Plants that accumulate moisture in their tissues will survive weekdays in the heat without watering without harm to themselves.

Unpretentious succulents of ampelous varieties will grow well on lighted terraces and in flowerpots in open space. Most often, gardeners for outdoor cultivation choose sedum, saropegia, ragwort and aporocactus ("rat's tail"):

From decorative leafy plants, several popular indoor flowers can be distinguished, which in summer time will become a spectacular decoration of your porch, outdoor terrace or decorative elements patio.

Green and purple tradescantia, chlorophytum, creeping ficus and Scandinavian ivy will add pleasant green notes and comfort, as well as create harmonious volumetric figures.

Dichondra looks especially incomparable in a cache-pot. It looks like a spectacular silver-emerald waterfall, and thousands of small leaves on the sprawling stems of dichondra create charming air cascades.

it amazing plant charming in that it is beautiful both on its own and in combination with decorative flowers. You can plant petunias and dichondra in one pot, put it on an elevated place.

By the middle of summer, a spectacular silver-emerald waterfall will “flow” down from bright inflorescences - such a composition will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ampel plants often decorate not only private gardens, but also summer cafes, parks, balconies of high-rise buildings. From German, the name "ampel" is translated as a suspended vase with flowers. Therefore, ampels are most often called plants that bloom in suspended pots.

But this is only one of the varieties of ampels. In more detail about the classification of these plants, the way they are grown, the advantages over the usual garden flowers- in this article.

Features of ampelous plants and their classification

Depending on the growth method, ampels are divided into several subspecies:

  • creeping;
  • climbing;
  • curly;
  • multi-socket.

Some of them look like creepers, growing up and having aerial roots. Others have many tendrils with which plants cling to a net, archway or fence. Another group is drop-down ampel plants for the garden. It is they that can be seen most often: gazebos, terraces and balconies are decorated with such pots.

Creeping ampels decorate horizontal surfaces. This is the so-called "rug". This variety may have inflorescences or consist of leaves alone. Creeping ampel plants decorate garden paths, zoned space in the yard, used to complement the flower arrangement.

Curly ampels decorate fences, metal and wooden arches. In order to climb up, these flowers need guides - stretched strings and ropes. With the help of climbing plants, they create “living” hedges, shade the sides of the gazebo or terrace, and decorate the roofs.

Important! The main distinguishing feature of ampels is a flexible stem, thanks to which the flower can hang from the flowerpot or take on a bizarre shape of a braided object.

How to make a composition of ampelous plants

To decorate or complement the garden with flowers, you need great taste. Ampels can be combined not only in color, size or type, these plants complement interior and exterior items, combine them with ordinary garden trees and bushes, planted not only in pots, but also on the roof or on an old stump, for example.

Competently compose a flower arrangement will help a few simple rules:

  1. Plants without flowers can be supplemented with any ampels with inflorescences.

  2. If the composition is symmetrical, its creation begins from the center of the pot or flowerpot, planting the shortest flowers there. On the sides, the container is decorated with varieties of falling ampels, combining their color and shape.

  3. For a cascade composition, it is necessary to use several types of ampels with different stem heights. The tallest flowers are planted in the far row, as they approach the viewer, the height of the bushes should decrease so that the plants do not block each other.

  4. If there is an old well on the site, an unnecessary cart, chest of drawers or a bicycle, they can be effectively beaten with the help of ampelous plants. Several pots with flowers planted in them are attached to these objects and the growth of the stems is formed.

  5. A wooden or wrought iron gazebo is simply made to be decorated with flowers. Here, ampels are hung at the entrance and near the windows, flower pots are placed on window sills and tables, corners are decorated with flowerpots with weaving plants ( great example the decor of the gazebo is shown in the photo below).

  6. An artificial pond or waterfall near the house will also not do without ampelous flowers. Plants will add colors to the pond, and water, in turn, will provide coolness to the flowers.

  7. For climbing plants, arches are made of metal, wood or plastic. Such arches decorated with vines decorate the entrance to the courtyard or the path leading to the gazebo.

  8. Green tunnels made of flowers look especially impressive, a good example of such an ensemble is shown in the photo.

  9. You can combine several types of one plant with each other, for example, ordinary and ampelous cloves.

  10. The same plants with flowers of different shades look very impressive and bright. Most often, petunia bushes are combined in this way.

  11. Another win-win option is to decorate the plot with pots with different colors one color scheme. You can choose only plants with red inflorescences, or combine all shades of yellow in a flowerpot.

Advice! When composing a composition, it is necessary to think not only about the beauty of the “bouquet”, but also about its “comfort”. For all plants, the same soil, level of humidity and light should be suitable.

How to grow ampelous plants

The easiest option is to purchase flowerpots and pots with already blooming ampels in a specialized store. In this case, it remains only to arrange the flowers on the site, arranging them into a single composition.

It is much more difficult to grow flowers from seed. Indeed, for the correct combination of ampels, you need to know exactly what will grow from these seeds.

First, the seeds are sown in separate boxes to grow seedlings from them. When the plants get stronger, they are transplanted to a permanent place. Here you need to follow a number of rules:

  • each amel flower needs its own soil: some plants love loam, others need peat, for others, the nutritional value of the soil is more important. Information on the required soil composition can be found on the seed package. Or prepare a universal substrate for ampels based on purchased soil and peat.
  • Flowers in pots need to be watered more often than plants in flower beds. The following rule applies here - the smaller the flowerpot, the more often and more abundantly the ampels will have to be watered. Many ampelous flowers need watering twice a day.
  • So that weed seeds do not get into the pots, and the earth does not dry out by the sun and wind, the soil in flowerpots is mulched after seedlings are planted in them.
  • Hanging planters, baskets and pots should be filled with light substrates. In some cases, the use of gel balls, floral sponges and other devices to retain moisture is allowed. by the most the best option The substrate is considered to be coconut fibre.
  • The soil for ampelous plants must be drained. At the bottom of pots and flowerpots, it is necessary to lay fragments of earthenware or small pebbles. Hanging pots must certainly be equipped with a drainage hole.
  • If you need to decorate a balcony or windows of the upper floors with hanging flowerpots, you need to choose low-growing ampelous plants - long stems can easily be broken by a strong wind that blows at a height.
  • It is important to keep free space between the ampels, they should not be crowded. In one pot of medium size (diameter about 30 cm) you can plant no more than 5 plants.

The beauty of ampelous plants is mesmerizing. Every experienced hostess who wants to decorate a balcony without much effort and expense or will definitely choose ampelous flowers for this, which look best in hanging planters.

ampelous plants- these are those that grow mostly in hanging pots.

Did you know? The German word Ampel means "hanging flower vase".

Advantages of ampelous flowers

A huge selection and variety of ampelous crops, as well as the fact that they bloom almost all summer, is their main advantage. Also, ampelous plants act as an element that can decorate any flaw and turn it into an advantage. Creating unique flower arrangements is possible due to the incredible number of colors, shapes and types of flowers that are highly valued not only by professionals - landscape designers, but also amateur flower growers.

What ampelous flowers to choose for pots

There are many types of these wonderful flowers. To choose flowers for planters, it is important to know how to care for them.

Some information on how to grow flowers in a pot:

Important!Begonia does not tolerate heat and requires constant watering. Very affected by direct sunlight, needs shading.

Let's consider each type separately.

Petunia- the most popular type of plant among flower growers. This is due to the variety of shapes and colors that allow you to create beautiful compositions. Hanging petunias begin to sag already in the state of seedlings, they grow very quickly and begin to hang from hanging pots. A variety of ampelous petunias are the hybrids "Fortune Wonder Wave" and "Fortune Wave". They are distinguished by large and abundant flowers, and shoots sometimes reach 100 cm.

The most popular varieties of petunias:

  • "Avalanche";
  • Avalanche Red.
The Avalanche petunia variety resembles a ball during flowering, because it has dense branching and a short shoot length. Small, about 4 cm flowers densely cover the pots and are an excellent decoration. This species blooms in pink, white and carmine. 'Avalanche Red' is a petunia cultivar that has a unique, pure bright red bloom. Often, ampelous petunias are sold in the spring already in pots, three in each.

Important!To buy a quality petunia, you need to pay attention to the lower shoots: if there are no leaves on them, then they are considered overgrown. It is also not advised to purchase ampelous petunias that have too long shoots - they are difficult to transport and they need to be shaped.

About twenty years ago, this flower was considered a separate variety of petunia. But after a while it was found that these are completely different plants, although they are similar in appearance. Calibrachoa small flowers with a brightly colored throat, which stands out against the background of the main color of the petals. The branches of the plant curl and woody. characteristic feature plants - small leaves of an oblong shape. The natural color of Calibrachoa is purple with a bright yellow throat. But on this moment many varieties have been bred that have a variety of petal colors. There is a variety of calibrachoa "Million Belz". It got its name for the abundant flowering - in translation it means "a million bells".

- This is a hybrid of ampelous petunia, it was bred by Japanese breeders. Plants are very similar to each other, but still have some differences. Surfinia shoots are much more powerful and stronger, the plant itself is higher than petunia, which allows you to create many new compositions that could not be done with ampelous petunia. This hybrid blooms in white, pink, red, burgundy, purple, yellow, sometimes has several flowers.

The most popular varieties of surfinia:

  • "Hot Pink" - bright pink color of flowers with raspberry streaks;
  • "Table White" - popular because it has a long flowering period and is distinguished by large flowers in the form of white bells;
  • "Burgundy" - massive with bright wine-colored flowers;
  • "Giant Parple" - purple flowers with a red tint and a massive bush with long shoots;
  • "Elou" - different early flowering and has a bright yellow bud color;
  • "Red" - the bush has a compact shape with bright red abundant flowering.

Tumbelina is a variety of ampelous petunia.

The most popular varieties of tumbelina:

  • "Suzanne";
  • "Priscilla";
  • "Katarina".
Tumbelina "Suzanna"- a rather rare variety, since it does not Bush has double flowers of pale yellow color. Tumbelina "Priscilla"- a popular variety among flower growers, has small double flowers of pale lilac color.

Did you know?This variety received this name from the breeder David Kerley, who named the flower in honor of his beloved wife.

Tumbelina "Katarina" - a variety with crimson double flowers.

- a relatively new type of ampelous plants for the home. This type of plant is different in that it can be stored in an apartment in the winter, and planted again in a flower pot in the spring. Bacopa grows in the wild in South America. It is surprising that this flower can be used as an aquarium landscaping, since it is also found in the wild in the form water plant. This contributes to the fact that bacopa can be used in decorating ponds, lakes and pools. The plant has small bright green leaves and small flowers of various colors. Due to the fact that the flower is adapted to various weather conditions, it can be grown in different regions.

Bacopa perfectly complements other flower arrangements, but can also compete with many plants alone. Bacopa blooms simultaneously and profusely for about four weeks, then goes into a dormant period of up to 20 days. After the rest, the bacopa blooms again, and this is repeated several more times, each time the flowering becomes more abundant than the previous one.

Begonia, thanks to the beautiful decorative look, is a popular ampelous flower. There is a wide variety of begonia varieties, the most popular being "Chanson". It has single or semi-double flowers. large sizes, sometimes up to 8 cm. The shape of the flower resembles a camellia, shoots of medium length up to 40 cm. Also, this series of begonias is distinguished by a variety of colors: white, yellow, salmon, pink, copper, bright red, dark red, vanilla yellow, pink white, orange-yellow.

Verbena is most often grown as an annual, although it can easily winter in warm apartment. It is actively growing, shoots reach 60 cm in length. In the wild, verbena is found as herbaceous or semi-woody plants, lives in South America, Europe, Canada and Central Asia. Verbena leaves are quite dense, bright green in color. The flowers are small, have five petals and can be pink, purple, blue or red.

There are many varieties of ampelous verbena, but the most common are "Imagination" and "Moon River":

  • "Moon River" considered a new variety of verbena, has medium length shoots (45 cm); small lavender flowers strew the plant abundantly;
  • "Imagination"- the most popular variety of ampelous verbena, the length of the shoots is about 50 cm, the flowers are lilac-violet.

The most famous type of ampelous pelargonium is the thyroid pelargonium, or ivy. In the wild, it lives in South Africa. Thyroid geranium shoots reach 90 cm. The leaves are smooth, unlike the usual vertically growing pelargonium, which has leaves covered with fluff. The flowers are in the form of stars, collected in one bunch. The inflorescence is large, has up to 30 small flowers that bloom up to 6 days each. The color of the flowers is varied: pink, magenta, white, lilac, two-tone, as well as with a border, spots and strokes.

- This is a perennial herbaceous evergreen plant belonging to the bindweed family. The genus Dichondra has 10 plant species. Dichondra is distinguished by its long shoots, which reach a length of 1.5 m. Its decorative effect, in comparison with other ampelous plants, is preserved due not to beautiful abundant flowers, but to bright green leaves densely planted on stems. They have round shape and reach 2.5 cm in diameter. Dichondra has an inconspicuous yellowish bloom, the flowers are very small, only 2 mm.

The most popular type of ampelous dichondra is silver dichondra, or creeping.

In countries where winters are frosty, dichondra is grown as annual flower, as it is considered a heat-loving plant. In warm southern countries, dichondra is grown as a perennial. Interestingly, in Australia, creeping dichondra is so common in nature that it is considered that they are actively fighting.

Ampelnaya campanulaherbaceous plant with stems up to 30 cm. The leaves are round with jagged edges, light green, up to 5 cm in diameter. Campanula blooms in white or blue in different shades. The people call this flower "bride and groom", because the campanula has two-color buds. Campanula flowers are quite abundant and large, up to 4 cm in diameter. Campanula blooms from spring to autumn, which is very attractive to flower growers, so the flower is considered quite popular for growing.

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