Horticultural calendar for. Work at the beginning of the month

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

When growing plants, it is very important to choose the right timing for planting and caring for them. The success of this difficult business will directly depend on this. It is necessary to adhere to a certain plan.

It is necessary to carry out sowing work, tillage, top dressing, watering and other care measures on time. On the territory of our vast country, it is simply impossible to give clear recommendations on the timing of work in the garden and in the garden, since there are a lot of climatic zones.

Many people plant and work on the site according to the lunar calendar. Below we give you the lunar sowing calendar for 2016. You can download and print it.

On this page you will also find full calendar gardener and gardener for 2016. It tells you when to plant the main crops, when to care for the plants. All this will be accompanied by useful tips.

Sowing lunar calendar for 2016 - table.

Below is the gardener's lunar sowing calendar for 2016. It is shown in the form of a table, in the jpg extension. You can download this table to your computer and print it on a printer. It is very easy to do this:

  • Move the mouse cursor over the table with the lunar calendar 2016.
  • Click the right mouse button.
  • Select the item "Save as".
  • Choose a location for this file.

The table shows auspicious days for sowing seeds of the most common crops in our country.

To enlarge the tables just click on them.

More complete table:

This table can also be downloaded and printed.

Gardener lunar calendar 2016 for middle lane Russia: sowing work.

Lunar sowing calendar for February 2016
Eggplant 9,10,12,23,26
Horseradish 20,23,26
Greens 23,26
Strawberry 21,22,23,24
Parsley 10,11,12,23,25
Sunflower 5,6,7,15,16,17
Cauliflower 5,6,7,10,11,12
Peanut 24,26
Rhubarb 21,22,23,24
Cucumbers 26,29,30
Lunar calendar for March 2016 gardener and gardener
Eggplant 1,10,31
Legumes 23,26,29,30
Pepper 26,29,30
Horseradish 1,9,11,23,26
Greens 1,9,10,11,20,23,28,30
Zucchini 30
Strawberry 13,14,15
Parsley 23,30,31
Sunflower 9,10,23,30,31
Jerusalem artichoke 1,9,11,26,29
Cabbage 15,26,30
Potato 1,9,10,11,29
Cauliflower 3,4,5,6,8,9,10
Onion garlic 1,10,12
Peanut 9,10,11,26,29
Celery 20,23,24,30,31
Rhubarb 13,14,15
Seed onion 24,30,31
Sevok 1,10,11,12
Cucumbers 7,8,11,22,23
Tomatoes 30,31
Spinach 9,10,20,23
Salad 9,10,20,22
Radish 23,26,30,31
Corn 26,29,30
Swede 13,14,15,23,29,30
Flowers 14,17,18,19,21,22
Lunar calendar for April 2016 gardener and gardener.
Melons 8,9,20,27,30
Eggplant 7,10,22,30
Legumes 7,9,10,22
Pepper 7-12,29,30
Horseradish 2,3,7,8,9,11,12,22
Greens 2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12,22,29,30
Zucchini 2,7-10,19,22
Strawberry 16,17
Parsley 2,3,7-,12,19,23,30
Sunflower 2,3,7,8,9,10,11
Jerusalem artichoke 2,5,7-10,22
Cabbage 2,7,8,9,10,19,22
Potato 2,5,8-10,22
Cauliflower 5,6,7,10,11,12
Onion garlic 5,6,10,11,15,18,22,28,30
Peanut 2,5,6,7,8,9,10,22
Root vegetables (carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, radishes) 2,3,4,7,8,9,10,22,30
Celery 2,7,8,9,10,11,12
Rhubarb 16,17
Seed onion 2,-7,12,22
Sevok 5,6,11,15,18,23,28,30
Cucumbers 9,10,11,22
Tomatoes 7,8,9,10,11,12,22,23
Spinach 7,8,9,10,11,12,22,23,29,30
Salad 7,8,10,11,12,19,22,23
Radish 2,3,7,8,9,1,12,19,22,23
Corn 7,8,11,22,23
Swede 3,7,12,22,29
Flowers 10,11,12,13,15,16,18,19
Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for May 2016
Melons 5,8,9,10
Eggplant 8,16,17,20
Legumes 9,10
Pepper 9-11,22
Horseradish 4,9,10,11,13
Greens 5,11,12,13
Zucchini 9,11,13
Strawberry 15,16,19,20,21
Parsley 4,9-11,13,22,28
Sunflower 9,10,11
Jerusalem artichoke 9,11,13
Cabbage 4,9,10,13,27,29
Potato 9-11,13
Cauliflower 6,7,8
Onion garlic 7,9,13,14-16
Peanut 9,11,13
Root vegetables (carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, radishes) 4,9,10,11,13,22
Celery 4,9,11,13,22,28,29
Rhubarb 15,16,17,19,20,21
Seed onion 4,8-11,13,22
Sevok 7,8,9,13,14,15,16
Cucumbers 5,11,12
Tomatoes 4,9,10,11
Spinach 9,11,22,28,29
Salad 10,11,22,28,29
Radish 4,9,10,11,28,29
Corn 9,10,11,12,22
Swede 19,20,21
Flowers 12,13,14,15,17,21
Gardener and horticultural calendar for June 2015
Melons 6,10,11
Zucchini 5,11,13,15
Cauliflower 5,6
Onion garlic 7,10,15,21
Sevok 7,10,15,22
Spinach 5,11,12
Salad 5,11
Corn 5,11,12
Flowers 9,10,11,13,14,17,18,19,20
Lunar sowing calendar for July 2016
Onion garlic 10
Sevok 10
Salad 6,20
Flowers 7,11,12,13,14,15,17,18
Lunar sowing calendar of a gardener, gardener, florist for August 2016
Flowers 5-20

Gardener and gardener calendar for March.

In March, work is associated with sowing seedlings different cultures: tomatoes, petunias, cabbage, etc. When planting plant seeds for seedlings, follow agricultural practices. You can read about agricultural technology and the rules of planting crops in the relevant articles on our website.

The gardener's and gardener's calendar for April.


April is a hot season for the gardener and gardener. This month everyone is already starting to prepare their gardens for planting. Planting cold-hardy crops can already be started this month.

Planting seedlings.

In the very first days of April, you can still plant on. At this time, it is advisable to plant early ripening and ultra-early ripening varieties, then they will definitely have time to ripen. Melons can also be produced at the beginning of the month. It is best to grow them through seedlings, so they will definitely have time to ripen. It is preferable to plant these crops in early April.

At the beginning of the month, you can plant on. Moreover, you can plant both decorative and smoking varieties.

At the beginning - the middle of the month, they are planted on. Growing cucumbers through seedlings is a great way to get an early harvest.

Landing in open ground

In April in open ground, in the second half of the month, they plant cold-resistant vegetables and green crops... The end of April is a great time for. It is quite cold resistant and thrives even at low temperatures. Plant radishes just as boldly. This root crop ripens very quickly and in a month you can get a harvest.

Calendar of works in the garden in April.

At the beginning of the month, it is necessary to remove all the old dead bark from the trees and burn it. It is she who is an excellent breeding ground for all sorts of pests. All dry leaves and other debris should be collected around the trees.

Mid-April is the best time for the prevention of fruit trees and shrubs from various pests. For these purposes, you can use, for example, a solution of white alcohol.

Shrubs can be processed without the use of chemicals. This is done very simply: water is poured into a bucket, boiled, poured into a watering can, and from it the bushes should be watered. For pests, this procedure will be disastrous, but for the plant, on the contrary.

The gardener's and gardener's calendar for May.

First shoots photo

At the very beginning of May, potatoes must be planted in open ground. We recommend the technology.

Also, at the beginning of May, all cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground, such as: onions (onions are planted, both nigella, and sets or greens), garlic. These crops are very resistant to cold weather, they are not afraid of even short night frosts. At the beginning of the month, radish and beets are also planted. On greens you can plant parsley, dill, spinach, sorrel, lettuce. The beginning of May is a great time for sowing legumes - peas, beans, beans.

In the greenhouse, in the last month of spring, you can plant anything you want. As a rule, by this time it will warm up and be ready for planting. In the greenhouse, most often, seedlings, watermelons and melons are planted.

If you are the lucky owner of a heated greenhouse, then you can plant seedlings in it much earlier.

The gardener's and gardener's calendar for June.

If you have not yet managed to complete some planting, then you can still have time to do it. By the beginning of the first summer month, stable warm weather is already established on the street, so you can safely land in open ground. In the first half of the month, seedlings are planted in a permanent place: eggplants and cabbage.

It will not be too late to sow carrots. You can also plant any greens throughout the month: parsley, etc.
Some time after planting seedlings, it must be fed. Cucumbers are fed as soon as they have two real leaves. At this time, they need to increase the green mass, therefore, nitrogenous fertilizers are used as top dressing. As a fertilizer, either a mullein solution is suitable. Read more about it in the corresponding article. After 6-7 leaves appear on the cucumbers, they should be. Then the side lashes will start active growth and the yield will be greater.

Tomatoes will need to be fed and pinned within a month.

Gardening in June.

Strawberries in the garden must be thoroughly loosened and weeds removed. In June, the mustache is removed from the strawberries, only those that will go for seedlings are left. Then the soil is mulched and fed.

Gardener's calendar for July.

Let's start with the landings. You can plant enough in July a large number of early maturing vegetable crops... It should be planted in vacant beds that are not used in any way. In particular, you can.

It often happens that early plantings cucumbers begin to dry up by July. It's time to plant new plants. If you plant seeds directly into the ground, then you will receive the first harvest in August-September (depending on the variety). But it is best to grow seedlings in advance, then the harvest will not be long in coming. Be sure to apply organic fertilizers to the soil before planting.

Tomato care... Top dressing plays an important role in the care of tomatoes in July. In order for healthy fruits to ripen with good taste, plants need a lot nutrients... During the period of active ripening of fruits, plants need a large amount of potassium. There are many potash dressings. You can buy ready-made in the store (for example, potassium guamate), or you can make it yourself from ordinary wood ash. For feeding, take 1 tablespoon of potassium guamate and dilute in 10 liters of water. Watering at the rate of: 5 liters per 1 square meter.

Cucumber care... In July, cucumbers need special care. July is usually a very hot month and cucumbers cannot tolerate drought. With prolonged drought, they inevitably begin to dry out. Both and and begin to fade. Cucumbers in July should be watered daily, every evening. Of course, you need to be guided by the weather.

In July, cucumbers actively bear fruit, consuming large amounts of nutrients from the soil. They need to be renewed by applying fertilizers. In July, they are fed with fertilizers based on nitrogen and potassium. Fertilizer can be bought at the store, or you can use homemade fertilizer, for example, liquid chicken manure.

Works in July in the garden.

In June, there is a lot of work not only in the garden, but also in the garden. As a prophylaxis against pests, fruit trees must be treated with Bordeaux liquid. Pest breeding grounds must be removed.

The gardener's and gardener's calendar for August.

Fruit trees... In August, fruit trees put all their strength into ripening fruits. Watering in August must be completely stopped. Under the branches, which are "strewn" with fruits, you should put props so that they do not break. This is especially true for apple and pear trees.

2 weeks after the last harvest from fruit trees, they need to be fed organic fertilizers... The fact is that at this time the roots begin to grow very actively in the trees. For top dressing, sprinkle 4-5 kilograms of humus per 1 square meter of soil, under the tree trunk.

Cherries and cherries should be pruned in August. It is in August that they do not release gum.

Berry... In August, they continue to harvest gooseberries, sea buckthorn, and raspberries. Stop all watering at this time. After harvesting, feed all your berries with phosphono-potassium fertilizer and mulch the soil.

Grape... In August, the soil around the grapes is carefully loosened and fertilized. Also, for grapes, it is necessary to cut off the tops, leaving 5-6 leaves above the last bunch with berries.

Strawberries. At the end of August, it is time to plant strawberries. Before the frost begins, the plants will have time to root well.

There is no less work in the garden than in the garden. Most of the work is associated with harvesting.

Cucumbers are harvested every other day by irrigation. In tomatoes, remove all the brushes that did not have time to bloom. No harvest will come from them. The tip, after the fourth brush, should be pinched. In August, the risk of developing such an unpleasant tomato disease as. Therefore, take all the necessary preventive measures.

Harvested pepper and eggplant.

In August, you need to dig up the carrots. White cabbage is also harvested.

After the leaves turn yellow, remove the onion sets. Harvest winter garlic... At the end of August, work begins to harvest potatoes. After the tubers are dug up, they must be carefully sorted out and stored in the cellar.

After harvesting in the greenhouse, you need to produce.

The gardener's and gardener's calendar for 2016 for Siberia and the Urals.

Sowing calendar of a gardener and a gardener for 2016 for the Urals and Siberia for 2016 in tables.


The culture Days
EGGPLANT 9-15, 18,19
9-15, 18,19
1,2 5-7
TOMATO 9-11, 13-15
PEPPER 9-15, 18,19
BULBS, CLUB FLOWERS 10-15, 18,19
13-15, 18-22
PETUNIA, ASTRA 10,11,14,15,18-20
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 10,11,18,19
7-9, 22
1-7, 27-28
GRAFT 9-11, 13-20


The culture Days
EGGPLANT 12,13 16-18
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 10-13, 16-18
GREEN PERMANENT CROPS (sorrel, rhubarb, perennial onions, wild garlic, asparagus, lovage, etc.) 3-5, 8, 26-28
CABBAGE 12,13 16-18
POTATO (seeds and tubers) 3-5, 26-28
CHICKEN ONION - SEEDS 3-5, 8, 26-28
CUCUMBER 12,13 16-18
CELERY ROOT 3-5, 8, 26-28
TOMATO 12,13 16-18
PEPPER 10-13, 16-18
BULBS, CLUB FLOWERS 10-13, 16-18
Curly (clematis, nasturtium, cobea, morning glory, sweet peas, etc.) PERENNIALS (lupine, delphinium, chamomile, aquillegi, etc.) 14, 15
Biennials (carnation, viola, daisy, etc.) 8, 12, 13, 16-20
PETUNIA, ASTRA 12, 13,16-20
ANNUALS (ageratum, alissum, marigolds, cineraria, etc.) 12, 13, 16-18
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 16-18
GRAFT 14-22


The culture Days
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 8-10, 12-14
GREEN PERMANENT CROPS (sorrel, rhubarb, perennial onions, wild garlic, asparagus, lovage, etc.) 1, 4-6, 23, 24, 27-29
CABBAGE 8-10, 12-14
POTATO (seeds and tubers) 1, 4-6, 23, 24,27-29
CHICKEN ONION - SEEDS 1 ,4-6, 23-24, 27-29
CUCUMBER 8-10, 12-14
CELERY ROOT 1, 4-6, 23, 24, 27-29
SIDERATS 10-12, 17-19
TOMATO 8-10, 12-14
PEPPER 8-10, 12-14
BULBS, CLUB FLOWERS 10-12, 19-21
Curly (clematis, nasturtium, cobea, morning glory, sweet peas, etc.) PERENNIALS (lupine, delphinium, chamomile, aquillegi, etc.) 10-12, 19-21
Biennials (carnation, viola, daisy, etc.) 4-6, 8-10, 12-16, 19-21
PETUNIA, ASTRA 8-10, 12-16, 19-21
ANNUALS (ageratum, alissum, marigolds, cineraria, etc.) 8-10, 12-16, 19-21
LAWN HERBS 10-12, 17-21
FRUIT TREES 8-10, 19-21
FRUIT BUSHES 8-10, 19-21
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 12-14
GRAFT 8-14, 19-21


The culture Days
EGGPLANT 10-11, 19-21
PEAS, BEANS, BEANS 8, 9, 14-16
CORN 8, 9, 14-16
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 11, 11, 17-21
GREEN PERMANENT CROPS (sorrel, rhubarb, perennial onions, wild garlic, asparagus, lovage, etc.) 2, 3, 6, 24-26, 29-31
CABBAGE 10, 11, 17-21
POTATO (seeds and tubers) 2, 3, 24-26, 29-31
ONION SEVOK, GARLIC 2, 3, 24-26, 29, 30
CHICKEN ONION - SEEDS 2, 3, 24-26, 29-31
CARROT, BEET, REPA 2, 3, 6, 24-26, 29-31
CUCUMBER 10, 11, 17-21
REDKA, REDIS 2, 3, 24-26, 29, 30
CELERY ROOT 2, 3, 24-26, 29-31
SIDERATS 8, 9, 14-16
TOMATO 10, 11, 17-21
PEPPER 10, 11, 17-21
BULBS, CLUB FLOWERS 10, 11, 17, 18
Curly (clematis, nasturtium, cobea, morning glory, sweet peas, etc.) PERENNIALS (lupine, delphinium, chamomile, aquillegi, etc.) 8, 9, 17-19
Biennials (carnation, viola, daisy, etc.) 2, 3, 10-14, 17-19, 29, 30
PETUNIA, ASTRA 10-14, 17-19
ANNUALS (ageratum, alissum, marigolds, cineraria, etc.) 14-14, 17-19
LAWN HERBS 8, 9, 14-19
FRUIT BUSHES 10-14, 17-19
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 11, 11, 17-21
GRAFT 6-11, 17-19


The culture Days
CORN 6, 11-12
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 6-8, 13-18
GREEN PERMANENT CROPS (sorrel, rhubarb, perennial onions, wild garlic, asparagus, lovage, etc.) 2, 3, 21, 22, 25-27, 29, 30
CABBAGE 6-8, 13-18
POTATO (seeds and tubers) 2, 3, 21, 22,25-27, 29, 30
CARROT, BEET, REPA 2, 3, 25-27
CUCUMBER 6-8, 13-18
REDKA, REDIS 2, 3, 21, 22, 25-27, 29-30
CELERY ROOT 2, 3, 21, 22, 25-27, 29, 30
SIDERATS 6, 11, 12
TOMATO 6-8, 13-18
PEPPER 6-8, 13-18
Curly (clematis, nasturtium, cobea, morning glory, sweet peas, etc.) PERENNIALS (lupine, delphinium, chamomile, aquillegi, etc.) 6, 13-15
Biennials (carnation, viola, daisy, etc.) 6-10, 13-15, 25-27, 30
PETUNIA, ASTRA 14-14, 17, 18
ANNUALS (ageratum, alissum, marigolds, cineraria, etc.) 10-14, 17-18
LAWN HERBS 6, 11-15, 29, 30
FRUIT BUSHES 6-10, 13-15
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 6-8, 13-18
GRAFT 6-8, 13-15


The culture Days
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 5, 10-15, 18-19
GREEN PERMANENT CROPS (sorrel, rhubarb, perennial onions, wild garlic, asparagus, lovage, etc.) 1, 23, 24, 27, 28
REDKA, REDIS 1, 23, 24, 27, 28
Curly (clematis, nasturtium, cobea, morning glory, sweet peas, etc.) PERENNIALS (lupine, delphinium, chamomile, aquillegi, etc.) 10-12
Biennials (carnation, viola, daisy, etc.) 1, 5-7, 10-12, 27, 28
PETUNIA, ASTRA 6-10, 13-15
ANNUALS (ageratum, alissum, marigolds, cineraria, etc.) 6-10, 13-15
LAWN HERBS 1, 8-13
CONIFEROUS 10-12, 18-19
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 5, 13-15
ROLLING POTATOES 3, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31


The culture Days
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 7-11, 14-16
GREEN PERMANENT CROPS (sorrel, rhubarb, perennial onions, wild garlic, asparagus, lovage, etc.) 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28
REDKA, REDIS 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28
Curly (clematis, nasturtium, cobea, morning glory, sweet peas, etc.) PERENNIALS (lupine, delphinium, chamomile, aquillegi, etc.) 7, 8
Biennials (carnation, viola, daisy, etc.) 4, 7-9, 19, 20, 23, 24
ANNUALS (ageratum, alissum, marigolds, cineraria, etc.) 5-7, 10-12
CONIFEROUS 7-9, 14-16
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 9-11
ROLLING POTATOES 1, 2, 18-20, 23, 24, 27-29


The culture Days
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 2-7, 10-12
GREEN PERMANENT CROPS (sorrel, rhubarb, perennial onions, wild garlic, asparagus, lovage, etc.) 19-21, 23-25
REDKA, REDIS 18-19, 21, 23
Curly (clematis, nasturtium, cobea, morning glory, sweet peas, etc.) PERENNIALS (lupine, delphinium, chamomile, aquillegi, etc.) 3-5
CONIFEROUS 3-5, 10-12
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 6, 7, 15
PROHIBITED LANDING / TRANSFER DAYS 1, 13, 14, 16, 17, 24, 25


The culture Days
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 3-5, 8-10, 13, 14
GREEN PERMANENT CROPS (sorrel, rhubarb, perennial onions, wild garlic, asparagus, lovage, etc.) 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29
ONION SEVOK, GARLIC 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29
CHICKEN ONION - SEEDS 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29
CARROT, BEET, REPA 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29
FRUIT TREES 2, 13, 14, 28, 29
FRUIT BUSHES 2-5, 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 3-5, 13, 14
GRAFT 12-14


The culture Days
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 4-6, 9-13
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 1, 9, 10
GRAFT 9-11, 13
POOLING WITH SNOW 17, 18, 26-28


The culture Days
GREEN ANNUAL CROPS (lettuce, dill, basil, parsley, etc.) 1-3, 7-13
BULBS, CLUB FLOWERS 7, 8, 11, 12
MUSHROOMS (mycelium) 7, 8
GRAFT 6-8, 11, 12
POOLING WITH SNOW 15, 16, 24, 25

The lunar sowing calendar for 2016 is an instruction-recommendation to all gardeners and gardeners when it is best to sow and plant cultivated plants. Recently, many successful gardeners are guided precisely by the lunar phases, which affect the growth and fertility of plants. So that your work is not in vain and justified by a good harvest, we recommend that you plant according to the lunar calendar.

The lunar phases have a huge impact on plants and soil. This fact has already been proven a very long time ago and many gardeners, taking this information into service, convinced of its effectiveness.

The lunar sowing calendar for 2016 will tell you when and what you need to plant on the days of the New Moon, on the waxing and waning moon.

New Moon days

On the days of the New Moon, the activity of the biofield is concentrated at the base of the trunks and roots. Avoid activities such as loosening the soil, planting and replanting plants on these days. On such days, sowing is favorable only for long-germinating seeds: bitter pepper, parsley, eggplant and celery.

You can prune diseased and dying plants, wild growth, weeds. It is undesirable to sow fast-growing plants, transplant, deep loosening of the soil, abundant watering and grafting.

Waxing Crescent

In the second and first phases of the moon, plant roots react painfully to damage. At this time, vital energy moves upward and contributes to the development of the aboveground part of the plants: stems and leaves.

In the first quarter of the Moon, sowing of annual plants "tops" is favorable: lettuce, asparagus, cabbage, cucumbers, roses, herbs, onions, grass for hay, lawn, borage, dill, basil, marjoram.

Full moon

The lunar sowing calendar for 2016 recommends sowing long-germinating seeds on the days of the full moon, weeding, watering and spilling cultivated plants... It is not advisable to plant potatoes, replace soil in pots, treat pests and collect seeds for testis.

Waning moon

In this phase, it is favorable to plant long-germinating seeds: potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnips, beets, turnips. You can also plant perennial plants: thyme, mint, chicory, lavender, yarrow, oregano. Good lunar phase affects weeding and thinning, pruning, cutting flowers and collecting roots.

In the fourth quarter of the moon, it is not worth planting and sowing anything. You can prune overgrown plants, harvest crops and seeds, remove strawberry tendrils, and lay compost heaps. At this time, it is recommended to border on watering, since the plants do not take water well and the roots can begin to rot.

Sowing lunar calendar for 2016 - table:

Since ancient times, people believed that good harvest it will turn out not only thanks to painstaking work, but also conspiracies, which are still relevant among experienced gardeners... We suggest you try such a conspiracy, which is done in early spring:

V Orthodox Church take some holy water, take it home and read the prayer "Our Father ..." over it 9 times. Then take some sand, clay and earth from the vegetable garden where the planting will be. Mix all the ingredients with water, add a pinch of sugar and throw into the garden with the words:

Earth-earth, dear sister,
Rodi-give birth-wei-win
To make everything grow
To make everything bloom
To reach the sun
To sing - not curl up,
We praise God
To give a lot.
Help, Lord Jesus Christ and Ever-dear Mary.
My word is strong, like a stone, you will not cut it!

2016-02-01 301


Every farmer and gardener knows that it is impossible to grow a healthy plant from a bad seedling. Soil quality, plant care and local climate also play an important role. But not everyone knows that the phases of the moon also affect the growth rate of roots and trunks, health indicators and even the number of fruits. In some periods, experts do not recommend planting young trees and flowers at all. How to choose the right time? And how is the lunar calendar used in gardening?

What is a sowing calendar for?

To get a plentiful and high-quality harvest, it is necessary to coordinate all work related to the land with lunar calendar... As the phases of the night star gradually change, the types of work available change with them. So, for example, in one period you can plant seedlings, and in another it is better to refrain from even fertilizing the soil.

In the same time each type of plant has its own preferences, which means that a certain phase of the moon may be suitable for some seedlings, but interfere with the development of others. How not to be mistaken? This is what the sowing calendar is used for. It changes every year (following the phases of the moon), but corresponds to the priorities of the planted crops.

Also plays a role and constellation in which the moon is located. The most fertile signs are Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus. But Leo, Aquarius, Gemini and Libra are barren signs. When the moon is in one of them, it is better to refrain from sowing and planting seedlings. During the period of dominance of Sagittarius, Virgo or Aries, you can safely plant plants, but on big harvest not worth counting.

Lunar sowing calendar for February 2016: table with recommendations

Brief information on the types of work is indicated in this calendar. Here you can find all the information you need: constellation, moon phase and, of course, a list of recommended jobs. But it is worth dwelling on some periods in more detail.

The moon is waning. The dominant constellation is Scorpio.

During this period, you can:

  • sowing seedlings of ornamental annual plants;
  • planting for forcing parsley, onions, celery;
  • sowing radish, cilantro, arugula, spinach in the greenhouse.
  • replant plants,
  • trim and pinch them.

The phase of the moon remains the same, but the zodiacal constellation changes. The planet is now affected by Sagittarius.

  • prepare the soil (weeding, plowing, removing pests);
  • take care of greenhouse and indoor plants.
  • deal with vegetable plants.

The moon is in Capricorn.

  • trim and pinch greenhouse and indoor plants,
  • cook seeds ornamental plants;
  • sowing eggplant seedlings.
  • leave the ground insufficiently moistened. On these days, abundant watering is necessary.

Moon in Aquarius. But during this period, it is better not to carry out active work on the site... The thing is that February 8 is a new moon, and on this day experts recommend refraining from any work. And still 7 you can do the transplant indoor plants, and on the 9th - the preparation of seeds.

February 9-11

The moon is in Pisces. Now it enters the growth phase, which allows the plants to emerge quickly.

  • prepare the land;
  • prepare spinach, watercress, radish, cilantro for sowing in a greenhouse;
  • sowing eggplant;
  • prepare seeds for ornamental annual plants;
  • take care of indoor plants.
  • planting of plants with a bulbous root system.

The moon is in Aries

  • prepare the soil;
  • thin out early shoots;
  • sowing seedlings of radish, spinach, cilantro, arugula;
  • protect young trees (both conifers and fruit trees) from sun rays;
  • take care of greenhouse plants.

The moon is growing. The dominant constellation is Taurus.

  • fertilize with mineral fertilizers;
  • harvest cuttings;
  • sowing seedlings of ornamental plants.
  • planting plants, which should then become seed. The quality of the resulting seeds will be very low.

The moon is in Gemini.

  • preparatory work(loosening the soil, fertilizing, protecting against pests);
  • shielding of young trees;
  • sowing radish, spinach, cilantro, arugula, watercress.
  • sowing seedlings of vegetable crops.

The moon continues to rise in the constellation Cancer.

  • prepare for forcing celery, green onions, parsley;
  • sowing pepper and eggplant seedlings;
  • take care of soil fertilization.
  • sow perennial plants for open ground on seedlings.

Moon in Leo.

  • establish tree protection from the sun;
  • take care of indoor plants.
  • carry out active work and disturb the earth,
  • leave the ground too dry, during this period you need abundant watering.

The moon is located in the constellation Virgo. February 22 full moon, any work on this day is strictly prohibited.

  • take care of indoor plants,
  • protect trees from sunburn.

The moon is decreasing in Libra.

  • plant and transplant greenhouse and indoor plants;
  • sowing seedlings of vegetable crops;
  • sowing seedlings of perennial and annual ornamental plants.
  • active watering. The soil should be only slightly damp.

The moon is located in Scorpio.

  • sowing seedlings of ornamental plants;
  • feed greenhouse and indoor plants with mineral fertilizers;
  • sowing seedlings of vegetable crops (eggplants, tomatoes, peppers);
  • protect young trees from sunlight.
  • prune and pinch plants;
  • transplant plants.

Work at the country house in February 2016

It is worth noting that this month is very important for the whole next year. After all, it is preparatory work is underway in February, the soil is fertilized and plowed. In addition, it is during this period that seeds are sown for seedlings. Without such procedures, you can not even count on a good harvest. But even for them you need to choose your time. How to draw up a work schedule for the site correctly? And where should you start the month?

Work at the beginning of the month

During this period, it is best to do sowing seeds for seedlings... Give preference to early maturing greens. Attention is also paid to forcing onions. Take care of the soil, because it needs not only good moisture, but also top dressing. You also need get rid of pests and weeds... At the end of the first third of the month, all work must be stopped. This is due to the onset of the new moon.

Works in the middle of the month

The growing moon allows sprouts and branches to activate. This period is ideal for sowing. as well as plant transplantation. You can also do soil fertilization, weeding and watering. Get ready for quick sprouting.

Works at the end of the month

It is not recommended to start the last third of the month with any work on the ground. The full moon is a time when it is better not to disturb the plants and the earth. Then the moon will start to wane again, so you can start transplanting and pruning plants... At this time, the whole power of seedlings lies in the roots, so the plants can even be planted in open ground (if they are ready, and climatic features allow).

If you have not been able to meet the deadline or have missed a period of plowing or fertilizing the land, then do not try to "catch up." In accordance with the lunar calendar, every single day plays a significant role. If you could not devote time to the land on the specified day, then refer to the calendar again and find the nearest recommended period.

Remember that the table is based not only on the specific phase of the moon, but also on the zodiacal constellations. Each of them has its own special influence on the Earth; at certain periods, planting even the healthiest plants can lead to their death. Be careful, keep track of the calendar and harvest.

Sowing seeds in February: video

Calendar lunar days for gardeners and gardeners - this is a great opportunity to achieve high yields... It is based on the duration of the moon phase change. For summer residents and everyone who is fond of gardening, the 2016 calendar will become a kind of monthly diary of work carried out in the garden and in the beds. All days on the calendar are divided into favorable for sowing or planting seedlings and unfavorable. A one-of-a-kind sowing calendar will make it possible, when cultivating the land, to carry out all activities as required by wildlife. If the field work will be carried out according to the vegetable care table and horticultural crops, drawn up according to the phases of the moon, then gardeners will be able to grow a generous harvest. The satellite of planet Earth is the Moon, so everyone fruit bushes, trees, flowers and vegetables obey the lunar cycles. This was noticed by our ancestors, who were engaged in agriculture.

Depending on which sign the moon is in when landing, the properties of plants are determined. If the Moon is in an unfavorable phase when sowing, then even high-quality seeds can give poor shoots. Therefore, sowing seeds and planting seedlings are recommended at a time when the moon opens a favorable phase for signs not only for tillage, but also for choosing the time for irrigation.

If the Moon enters water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Fish), water costs for irrigation are significantly reduced, since the plants absorb it well. When the moon is in another sign, more water is required. It should also be remembered that:

  • it is better to introduce complex organic compounds on the waning moon;
  • mineral fertilizers - growing.

In both cases, the Moon must be in Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio or Capricorn.

When to sow seeds

The qualities of plants are determined by the sign in which the Moon was at the time of sowing. For high germination and strong seedlings, sowing seeds should be carried out on suitable days. In addition, in auspicious signs, plants should be transplanted, fed, grafted, grafted, etc.

Seeds are considered planted from the day they are sown in the ground or soaked in water. These activities become the start for the growth of agriculture, since moisture enters the embryo of the seed and awakens the seed. High-yield programming begins at the time of planting. It is impossible to change anything later (when transplanting or grafting). Transplanting seedlings on a favorable day, we only correct its condition. For example, if the seeds were planted in Cancer, then they should be dived in Capricorn or Virgo, then the roots and stem of the sprout will strengthen a little.

Agroastrology is a very interesting thing. The main rule in it is this: when the zodiacal sign corresponds to the day of sowing, but the lunar phase is not quite suitable, you should choose the sign of the zodiac, and the activities should be carried out when the last day of the Moon's stay in suitable sign... So, for sowing carrots, the sign of Sagittarius is suitable, and the waning Moon is not suitable, we sowing in this sign of the Zodiac, but on the last day of the Moon's stay in Sagittarius. It is on this day that the lunar phase does not negatively affect the germination of carrots and productivity.

When to water

Lunar calendar for seedlings for 2016 shows that the phase of the moon does not play any role when the plants are moistened. It all depends only on the sign of the zodiac. So, when watering the sprouts at a time when the Moon is in Cancer, Scorpio or Fish (water element), the water consumption decreases, because during this period the plants absorb moisture perfectly. In other signs of the zodiac, the sprouts require a lot more water.

Irrigation features are characteristic of the Northern and North-Western regions. In these regions, the sprouts are irrigated until they are small and fragile. And when the plant grows and moisture collects on the leaves overnight, there is no need to water it. But after the rain, the soil in the beds must be loosened so that the moisture does not evaporate. On swampy soil, with frequent watering, all introduced organic matter is washed out. This should also be taken into account.

It is also possible to plant plants without constant watering. For example, tomato seedlings were planted in open ground, laying mineral fertilizers in the holes and organic matter... After the tomato sprouts, water until the water begins to remain on the surface of the earth. Then sprinkle the surface around the sprout with dry earth to prevent moisture evaporation. All summer long, the plant can not be watered, not fed, but only after the rain to loosen the soil. Tomatoes planted in this way ripen very quickly.

When to feed

It is best to introduce organic matter into the soil on the waning moon, which is in such signs as Taurus, Scorpio, as well as Capricorn, Pisces or Cancer. But mineral substances are best introduced in the same signs, but only on the growing moon.

For example, deciding to make organic fertilizing, you need to make an infusion of slurry or weeds on the waning moon immediately after the full moon day. After a few days the fertilizer ferments, you need to start feeding. We feed the plants 2-3 times during the season.

Garden work

All gardening and horticultural work is correctly carried out according to the lunar cycle.

  1. It is impossible to sow seeds on the new moon, since during this period the energy of sprouting is reduced. When the moon passes between the sun and the earth, it is best to prune fruit trees.
  2. In the cycle of the growing moon, you need to plant green plants, that is, those in which the edible part is above the surface of the earth. In addition, trees can be grafted onto the growing moon and crowns can be formed.
  3. The full moon is especially dangerous for crops and transplants. At full moon time is better to devote to combating plant diseases, as well as protecting them from pests. On a full moon, you should also pay attention to the protection of horticultural crops.
  4. In the waning of the moon, it is recommended to plant those plants that have edible "roots", that is, the part that is underground. These days, feeding the root system, watering, replanting and planting crops will be of great benefit.

You can download the lunar sowing calendar for 2016 from our website in the form of tables, print and follow it for all 12 months.

Table of the lunar sowing calendar for 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for January 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for February 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for March 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for April 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for May 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for June 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for July 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for August 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for September 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for October 2016

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for November 2016

The beginning of the new year for the majority of amateur summer residents is a hot time. The period comes when it is necessary to prepare the seed and plant on time garden crops... Everyone relies on their own own experience, but sometimes knowledge is not enough, because the correct date and even the time for planting a particular garden culture, it is impossible to pick up at random. For this, there are tips or specially designed sowing calendars.

With the onset of the new year, the 2016 sowing calendar is updated taking into account the phases of the moon and the length of daylight hours.

Gardener's seeding calendar

What needs to be considered for a novice summer resident, as well as an experienced amateur gardener? Here, experts propose to reinforce their knowledge and many years of accumulated experience with information taken from special literature.

Things to consider when sowing seeds:

  1. Sowing garden crops, as well as greenery in seeds, must be performed during the growing moon. If you need to plant root crops, then try to cope with the work 7 days before the moon renews.
  2. When the moon is full or new, it is better not to sow, since such a period is considered unfavorable. If this rule is not followed, then garden crops may develop poorly. A rich harvest will take a long time.

Each country has developed its own sowing calendar for planting garden crops in 2016, taking into account the phases of the moon and the time zone. To know and plan your work in advance, you need to start studying the information indicated in the calendar, long before the arrival of spring. So you can buy or slowly prepare the necessary seeds, calculate the ripening time of each crop, find out which days are favorable for planting and transplanting plants, when it is necessary to apply useful fertilizers and when you can take care of garden crops.

There are also unfavorable days when it is better not to appear in the garden. Well, if there is a great desire to tinker in the ground, then it is better not to plant or transplant anything, it is only allowed to pull out weeds, prepare beds or do mulching.

Sowing calendar for a year or Sowing calendar table:

In June, many novice summer residents still do not know where to start work and constantly ask their neighbors if they are doing the right thing and what needs to be done next.

Here are some helpful tips:

  1. First half of June - during this period, aphids and cabbage scoops begin to actively reproduce. These pests negatively affect young seedlings, they can even destroy all your efforts in a few hours. Therefore, you should not let everything take its course, try to protect young seedlings from negative manifestations of nature (rain, frost), and also protect them from pests.
  2. For lovers garden strawberry also have useful tips: large varieties strawberries are allowed to "keep" in the garden for 3 years, then you need to change old plants and plant young ones. The habitat must also be chosen differently. Small varieties garden strawberries can be left in the same place, the quality of the harvest does not change. If the plant is sick, then in order to prevent the spread of infection to neighboring healthy bushes, the sick and all damaged berries must be removed. V compost heap they are not placed in order to prevent the rapid spread of the disease. To get rid of gray rot, you need to plant onions or garlic next to the strawberry bushes.
  3. As for planting vegetables: for tomatoes, you need to choose a warm and well-lit place. The soil must be treated with nutrients (humus, manure, bird droppings). Bad neighbors are potatoes, so as not to infect tomato bushes with bacterial brown rot.

You can talk for a long time about how to properly grow various garden crops, we will study in more detail the sowing calendar table, starting in April.

What crops can be planted and sown in April:

  1. The best dates for planting collard greens, greens and onions (growing green feathers) are from April 4 to 5, April 12 to 14, and April 22 to 24. This month 6 not the best days for planting these garden crops: this is 2-3, 6-7 and 10-11 April.
  2. Fans of celery, beetroot and carrots can start sowing these garden crops from April 1. Then you can select a few more days during the month, depending on weather conditions: this is the period from April 12 to 14, from 22 to 24, as well as on the 27th and 28th.
  3. For sowing garlic and onions, the following dates are indicated in the sowing calendar: this is April 1, 12 and 13, 22-24, and at the end of the month - April 27 and 28.
  4. Enough time has also been allocated for germination and planting (in a greenhouse) of seed potatoes: this is April 1, 4 and 5, 12-13, from 20 to 24, as well as from 27 to 28.
  5. Sowing radishes and radishes are similar days, so you can sow these garden crops at the same time as planting potatoes. Bad period: April 2-3, 10 and 11.
  6. Pumpkin and squash can be planted starting from the beginning of the month: April 4 and 5, then in the middle of the month on April 12 and 13, and at the end - from April 22 to 24. A bad time to work in the garden and plant legumes, sunflowers and strawberries is April 2-3, then on the 6th and 7th. These days, it is better to devote time to rest from working in the garden.
  7. Beans and peas can be sown from April 1, from 10 to 13, then from 17 to 28 April.
  8. Only 6 days are allocated for planting sunflower, this is April 4 and the period from April 20 to 24.
  9. Strawberries or garden strawberries can be planted from April 10 to 13, then in the middle of the month: on the 17th-18th and at the end of the month from April 20 to 24.

When to sow seeds for seedlings? This question is asked by every novice summer resident. I would like to grow popular garden crops faster, and then show off my achievements. There will be unnecessary rush, it all depends on the phases of the moon and climate. All these nuances were taken into account when drawing up the calendar for this year.

When can you sow seeds to grow seedlings:

  • pepper - prepared seeds (soaked and disinfected), can be sown on April 4 and 5, in the period from April 12 to 14, and then from April 22 to 24. Bad period for work: 2 and 3 numbers, 6-7, as well as 10 and 11 April;
  • cucumbers for seedlings are sown from 12 to 14 April and from 22 to 24 April;
  • cabbage, eggplants and tomatoes - on such days: from 4 to 5 April, from 12 to 14 and from 22 to 24. For these garden crops, an unfavorable period for sowing converges with the recommendations for planting peppers;
  • it is allowed to plant seedlings and dive from April 4 to 5, then from 12 to 13, from 17 to 9 and from 22 to 24 April. Bad days for work: from 1 to 3 April, from 8 to 11 and 27 and 28 April;
  • sowing cereals is allowed to be carried out in the following period: from 4 to 5, from 12 to 13, then from 20 to 24, 27 and 28. Not the best time for work: 2-3, 6-7 and 10-11 April;
  • for sowing annual flowering plants and bulbous flowers good days are approximately the same: in the first case it is April 4 and 5, 12-13, from 17 to 19, and then from 22 to 26 April. For bulbous flowers, these dates are also suitable, only instead of the period from April 17 to April 19, you need to highlight free time for landing from 20 and 21 April;
  • perennial flowers are planted from 4 to 5 April, then from 8-9, 12-13 and from 20 to 26 April.

When can I water, weed and cut plants? For these works are also provided better days and not really. For example, you can water and feed the plants only 3 days in April: this is from the 12th to the 14th. Cutting is allowed on 1, 2 and 13, and then from 20 to 21 April. Unfavorable time for performing these works on the 25th and 26th.

You can weed garden crops on 6 and 7, it is undesirable to do this work on the 1st and 2nd, as well as 16 and 17.

A little more information about the favorable period of work in April:

  1. Beginning of the month, 1st day - waning moon. As mentioned earlier, you can sow some leeks to grow sturdy seedlings, black onions, celery (root), and potatoes for sprouting. You need to dive seedlings into a free container. Irrigation with nutrient mixtures and top dressing are allowed.
  2. From 2 to 4 April - the moon in Aquarius, waning. Not a good time to sow seeds. You can start preparing greenhouses and greenhouses, loosen the ground, thin out the first shoots, and also get rid of weed.
  3. April 4-6 - waning moon in the zodiac sign Pisces. Planting is undesirable, you can dive tomatoes ( undersized varieties), as well as sowing radish, beets and carrots (the soil is insulated, recommendations for work in greenhouses).
  4. Period from 6 to 8 April. New Moon- these days it is better not to do any gardening business at all. You can check the condition of gardening equipment, repair or purchase a new one.
  5. April 8 - Sowing of only green crops is allowed. The period from April 8 to 10 (time from 9 hours 10 minutes) is a good time for watering any plants, sowing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and pumpkins, as well as cabbage.
  6. April 10-12 - moon in Gemini - watering seedlings and indoor plants is not worth it. You can only thin out the seedlings, loosen the ground.
  7. In the period from April 12 to April 14, when the moon is in the Cancer zodiac sign, it is allowed to make additional fertilizing by sowing seeds for seedlings of early tomatoes and peppers, pumpkins, herbs, cucumbers, corn and cabbage.
  8. From April 14 to 17, the moon in Leo, growing, planting, sowing and picking - all these works are allowed to be performed.
  9. From 17 to 19 April - the moon is in Virgo, growing - it is better to rest and not "climb" into the garden. Transshipment of grown tomatoes, eggplants and peppers is allowed.
  10. April 19-21 - the moon in Libra, the optimal time for watering. You can also sow seeds of legumes, spices, rhubarb.
  11. In the period from 21 to 23 April - nothing can be done. You can only clean up the garbage, prepare the beds.
  12. April 23-26, have time to soak the seeds of cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin (for sowing in greenhouses and greenhouses).
  13. 24-27, moon in Sagittarius, waning - landing allowed early varieties potatoes, onions, garlic (spring).
  14. 28-29 is the time for planting cabbage.
  15. April 30 - waning moon - the period is not too good for garden work... It is better to rest and plan time for active work.

And what can you do next month:

Let's continue our study of the gardener's sowing calendar and find out the best time to work in the garden - consider the sowing calendar for July:

  1. Sowing garden crops such as cabbage, greens, lettuce and onions is undesirable to carry out on 1, 23 and 24, as well as from 26 to 29 July. But starting from 6 to 7, and then from 16 to 20 July, such work is allowed.
  2. Celery, beets and planting carrots, as well as other root crops, can be started from 6 to 7 July, 16 and 17, from 21 to 22, and then 25 July. Unfavorable days: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from 26 to 29 July.
  3. Planting of garlic and onions, as well as potatoes - 6-7, from 16 to 17 July, then from 21 to 22 July. Unfavorable times: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from 26 to 29 July.
  4. You can plant radishes and radishes on July 6 or 7, continue work on July 16-17. Bad days: July 1, 23, and 24, and July 26 to 29.
  5. Planting pumpkins, zucchini - 6 and 7, 16-17 July, 25 July, unfavorable times: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from 26 to 29 July.
  6. Beans and peas are allowed to be planted on 4 or 5 July, then from 16 to 20 July. Unfavorable days: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from 26 to 29 July.
  7. Planting of sunflower is approved from 8 to 10 July, and then from 16 to 17. Bad days: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from 26 to 29 July.
  8. Sowing vegetable seeds for growing seedlings is still possible on such days: from 6 to 7 July, then 16 and 17 and 25 July. Unfavorable period for planting: 1, period from 21 to 24 July, and then from 26 to 29.
  9. Planting of seedlings, as well as a dive, is allowed to be done on July 6 and 7, on the 11 and 12, on July 16 and 17, and then on the 25. The first of July, and then in the period from 21 to 24 and from 26 to 29 are unfavorable days for planting.
  10. Transplanting and planting indoor plants can be done on July 6-7, from 13 to 15, from 21 to 22 and 30 July. It is forbidden to work: from 1 to 5 July, from 23 to 24, and then from 26 to 29 July.
  11. You can plant trees and cut off branches of mature shrubs and trees from July 6 to 12 and on the 25th. Do not start this important job on July 1 and between July 13 and July 20.
  12. For sowing annual flowers, the following days are allocated: these are July 6 and 7, the period from July 1 to July 20, the 25th. Bad days: July 1 and 23-24.
  13. You can start digging the bulbous flowers from 2 to 5 July, from 8 to 10 and from 18 to 22 July, the end of the month - July 30 - is also a favorable period. But from July 16 to July 20, it is better not to engage in these works.
  14. Top dressing and watering can be carried out on such days: from 11 to 12 July, from 16 to 17, from 21 to 22 July and 25 July. Not allowed: 1, from 8 to 10 July, from 18 to 20 July and from 23 to 24 July.
  15. Cuttings are allowed from 8 to 10 July, 13-15 and from 18 to 20 July. Banned on July 1st and 25th.
  16. You can weed garden crops on July 1, then return to work on the 4th, continue from 18 to 20, and then from 26 to 29 July. With such a schedule, your garden will be free of weeds. Unfavorable time for weeding is from 21 to 24 July.
  17. Tomatoes are allowed to be pinned on July 1, then from 4 to 5, from 8 to 10 July, from 8 to 20 July, from 23 to 24. Unfavorable time for these works: from 13 to 17, and then 25 July.

You can familiarize yourself with the contents of the florist's sowing calendar in more detail if you really like to grow flowers.

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