Moon days in April. Magic numbers

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The growing moon is a period, during which the visible size of the lunar disk increases.
The growth of the moon begins in the new moon, and ends in full moon.

When the moon grows in January 2017

In January, the moon will be growing 371.4 hours (15.5 days), which is 49.9% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the January Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in January 2017
The moon will go to height from New Moon on December 29, 2016 and will grow to full moon on January 12th.
During this period, the January growth of the Moon passes on the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Fish, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer.

From what number of the moon will go to growth in late January 2017
The moon grows from New Moon on January 28th to full moon on February 11th.
During this time, the growing moon will be held on the zodiacs of Aquarius, fish, Aries, Taurus, twins, cancer and lion.

When the moon grows in February 2017

In February, the moon will be growing 297.6 hours (12.4 days), which is 44.3% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the February Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in February 2017
The moon will go to growth from New Moon on January 28 and will grow to full moon on February 11th.
During this period of February growth, the moon passes on the signs of Aquarius, fish, Aries, Taurus, twins, cancer and lion.

From what number of the moon will go to growth in late February 2017
The moon grows from the new moon on February 26th to full moon on March 12th.
During this time, the growing moon will be held on the zodiacs of fish, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lion and Virgin.

When the moon grows in March 2017

In March, the moon will be a growing 371.9 hours (15.5 days), which is 50% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the Martov Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
First period of lunar growth in March 2017
The moon will go to growth from the new moon on February 26 and will grow to full moon on March 12th.
During this period, the Martov growth of the Moon passes on the signs of fish, Aries, Taurus, twins, cancer, lion and the virgin.

From what number of the moon will go to growth at the end of March 2017
The moon is growing from New Martha to the full moon of April 11th.
During this time, the growing moon will be held on the zodiacs of Aries, Taurus, twins, cancer, lion, virgin and scales.

When the moon grows in April 2017

In April, the moon will be growing 353.9 hours (14.7 days), which is 49.2% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the April Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in April 2017
The moon will go to growth from New Martha and will grow to full moon on April 11th.
During this period of the April growth, the moon passes on the signs of Aries, Taurus, twins, cancer, lion, virgin and scales.

From what number of the moon will go to growth at the end of April 2017
The moon grows from the new moon on April 26 to full moon on May 11th.
During this time, the growing moon will be held on the Zodiacs of the Taurus, twins, cancer, lion, virgin, scales and scorpion.

When the moon grows in May 2017

In May, the moon will be a growing 386 hours (16.1 days), which is 51.9% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the May Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in May 2017
The moon will go to growth from New Moon on April 26 and will grow to full moon on May 11th.
During this period of May growth, the moon passes on the signs of Taurus, twins, cancer, lion, maiden, weights and scorpion.

From what number of the moon will go to growth at the end of May 2017
The moon grows from the new moon on May 25th to the full moon of June 9th.
During this time, the growing moon will be held in the zodiacs of twins, cancer, lion, maiden, scales, scorpion and sirhead.

When the moon grows in June 2017

In June, the moon will be a growing 370.6 hours (15.4 days), which is 51.5% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the June Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in June 2017
The moon will go to height from the new moon on May 25 and will grow to full moon of June 9th.
During this period of the June growth, the moon passes on the signs of twins, cancer, lion, maiden, scales, scorpion and sirhead.

From what number of the moon will go to growth at the end of June 2017
The moon grows from the new moon on June 24th to full moon on July 9th.
During this time, the growing moon will be held on the zodiacs of cancer, lion, maiden, scales, scorpion, firing and Capricorn.

When the moon grows in July 2017

In July, the moon will be a growing 402.3 hours (16.8 days), which is 54.1% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the July Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in July 2017
The moon will go to growth from New Moon on June 24 and will grow to full moon on July 9th.
During this period of the July growth, the moon passes on the signs of cancer, lion, maiden, scales, scorpion, agun and Capricorn.

From what number of the moon will go to growth at the end of July 2017
The moon grows from the new moon on July 23 to full moon of August 7th.
During this time, the growing moon will be held on the zodiacs of the Lion, Virgin, Scales, Scorpion, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

When the moon grows in August 2017

In August, the moon will be a growing 407.7 hours (17 days), which is 54.8% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the August Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in August 2017
The moon will go to growth from New Moon on July 23rd and will grow to full moon of August 7th.
During this period of the August growth, the moon passes on the signs of Lion, Virgin, Scales, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

From what number of the moon will go to growth at the end of August 2017
The moon grows from the new moon on August 6th to the full moon of September 6th.
During this time, the growing moon will be held on the zodiacs of the Lion, Virgin, Scales, Scorpion, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Fish.

When the moon grows in September 2017

In September, the moon will be a growing 385.5 hours (16.1 days), which is 53.5% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the September Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in September 2017
The moon will go to growth from New Moon on August 21 and will grow to full moon on September 6th.
During this period of the September growth, the moon passes on the signs of Lion, Virgin, Scales, Scorpion, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Fish.

From what number of the moon will go to growth at the end of September 2017
The moon is growing from the new moon on September 20 to the full moon on October 5th.
During this time, the growing moon will pass through the zodiacs of the Virgin, Scales, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Fish and Aries.

When the moon grows in October 2017

In October, the moon will be a growing 407.5 hours (17 days), which is 54.8% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the October Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
First period of lunar growth in October 2017
The moon will go to height with

For a number of agricultural work, new fundamentally important undertakings in life, magical rituals, it is important to know the date of the full moon in April 2017, when the blue moon will contribute to one actions and impede others. Lunar calendar indicating accurate dat. Full moon and new moon, aging and decreasing moon will help you correctly plan your affairs for April 2017, taking into account the situation of heavenly shining.

Growing Moon in April 2017

April 1-10 - Growing Moon. In astrology, it is believed that the moon is growing, and with it the energy and life force of all living beings are growing. The moon is the strongest patron of women, and therefore it grows on a growing moon female power And influence, and men's - on the contrary, decreases. All new beginnings in which success is important to you should begin on the growing moon. While the month will grow, they will go to the mountain and your affairs.

  • Start a business
  • Change job
  • Move to a new place of residence
  • Start a new relationship
  • To register marriage
  • Plan a pregnancy
  • To plant plants
  • Start a construction
  • Complete cases
  • Divorce, part
  • Make a loan, mortgage

Full moon in April 2017

April 11, 2017 at 9.07 Moscow time we will be able to observe the full moon in the sky. The full moon is always associated with a change in the psycho-emotional state of a person: the mental illness is sharpened, emotionality increases, aggressiveness increases the number of crimes and suicides. Interesting the fact that special influence full moon Puts on female organism: Ovulation, which took place in full moon, will probably lead to a favorable pregnancy. And the established marriage couples these days, unfortunately, are especially prone to treason.

  • Full moon on April 11, 2017 recommended:
  • Conduct concerts, presentations, promotions
  • Engage in creativity in all its manifestations
  • Marriage
  • Pregnancy planning
  • Observe a diet
  • Pass medical examinations
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Stressful situations
  • Harsh change in personal life
  • Changing of the living place
  • Surgical operations

Descending Moon in April 2017

The aging moon does not contribute to active actions, this is the time of rest, calm reflection, meditations. During this period, nothing should be started, but the cases that you bring to a logical completion will be completed quite successfully. If your goal is to consolidate the result for the maximum a long period Time, active actions are allowed. So, if you plan to visit the hairdresser with the goal, so that the new haircut holds as long as possible, do it after April 11. If your goal is that the hair is ambulance overgrown, cut them until April 10, 2017.

  • Beginning in business
  • Conclusion of important contracts
  • Showdown
  • Noisy companies

Moon cycle in April 2017-01-30

In addition to the above recommendations in full moon, on a growing and descending Moon, we should not forget that in April 2017 there are several days of the so-called idle of the moon. The moon without a course carries us, as a rule, failures and prevents the implementation of conceived plans. But on the other hand, the idle of the moon is a phenomenon, fortunately, short-term.

Schedule idle in April 2017:

date Time
02.04.2017 17.42 – 21.28
04-05.04.2017 23.44-1.12
07.04.2017 3.15-7.20
09.04.2017 11.20-15.34
11-12.04.2017 21.17-1.42
14.04.2017 7.12-13.27
16-17.04.2017 21.24-2.06
19.04.2017 12.59-13.59
21.04.2017 21.21-22.44
24.04.2017 0.32-1.32
26.04.2017 0.56-4.56
28.04.2017 4.15-4.40
30.04.2017 0.30-4.46

In such periods when the moon has already left one zodiacal constellation, but has not yet entered the following, it is not recommended to do anything at all. Chinese philosophers prefer to think about eternal, meditate and contemplate the beauty of the surrounding world at this time.

April full moon in esoteric

The period when the full moon in April 2017 helps to carry out all sorts of magical rituals, is called the Moon of the Hare. The main energy of this period of time is fertility. Therefore, pregnancy planning, pregnancy plots, infertility treatment will be as effective as possible.

In addition, the Moon Hare helps to tie a romantic relationship, therefore, this is the best period in 2017 for love spells and conspiracies. But this is not the only way - in the full moon men are especially vulnerable, and their heart is easy to conquer, without resorting to magical rituals.

But the hare is not advised to guess to the moon. Predictions I. prophetic dreams come true, but sometimes quite unpredictable. Listen to your intuition - your own subconsciousness during this period can help you in solving a number of important problems.

In the period of the Moon, the hare is taken to bring sacrifices of awakening nature in the form chicken Yaitz with deposited on them magic symbols, colors and other things. It will help you draw the spirit of nature and achieve the desired results in all endeavors.

Women are especially recommended in the April full moon to dip in the transparent waters of the nearest river (but not lakes) - this simplest ritual will give strength, will restore peace of mind And charging positive energy. But it should be carried out solely with a clear sky, as soon as the moon hides for the clouds, the flow of negative energy will open.

First of all, located on this page moon calendar For April 2017 will help you find out which moon days Culmination phenomena associated with Moon this month will occur - new Moon and Full Moon, as well as what dates will become the most favorable, as the zodiacal circle will affect the flow of vitality and what favorable days and dates should be planned especially important events In your life, and what to avoid taking serious solutions.

Phases of the Moon in April 2017 - phase calendar

For all moon month There are several major transformations of the very close to earth heavenly Body - Moon. The main of these transformations are responsible for changing the lunar phases - cycles that are directly related and interact with all living creatures on the planet.

In this way, phases of the Moon in April 2017 will be built in this way:

April 3 (PN) - the first moonful quarter. The time of beginnings and the opening of new abilities. An excellent period to search for previously not the hidden potentials.

April 19 (Wed) - the last quarter. The lunar period in which it is best to sum up and stop thinking about global accomplishments, tuning on vacation.

New Moon and Full Moon

April 11 (W) - full moon. On this day, all the vital processes are gaining strength. In addition to the strong tide of concentration and energy, there is a strengthening of all both positive and negative phenomena: the pulse, heartbeat, etc. is expected.

April 26 (Wed) - New Moon. Today it is best to produce cleansing procedures for both the body and reason.

Lunar calendar for April 2017 (Table)

Favorable lunar days in April 2017

1st and 2nd April (Sat, Sun) - a growing moon in twins and cancer. Dedote these favorable days to those tasks that require special concentration and energy investment. These two days - the most impulsive period for the whole month - will help to make a high-quality and serious breakthrough in any, even responsible.

12th and 13th April (Wed, Thu) - a decreasing moon in Scorpio (see). Boldly get over the most bold projects and try the forces in those questions that you used to do not seem to the teeth. These days will fill you with decisiveness and confidence in our own forces.

The 18th of April (W) is a decreasing moon in Capricorn. Today it is not worth building global plans and smaller communicating with representatives state Structures. But on this lunar day, it will become excellent idea Get together in a circle of family or friends to relax and have fun.

20th April (Thu) - a decreasing moon in aquare. Do not climb on the rags with your ideas to bosses. Today, a great time to conclude real estate transactions.

26th and 27th of April (Wed, Thu) - a new and growing moon in Taurus respectively. These favorable days are best solved property issues. Do not forget about health - arrange a unloading day or just divert your menu more useful products.

See also: all, lunar calendar.

01 April 2017 Saturday
The moon is in the sign of the twins.
The first moonlight phase (growing moon).
At 08:46 the 6th lunar day begins.
until 08:46 lasts 5th lunar day

The symbol is unicorn.
Symbolizes the choice of target, loyalty to the principles, debt, transformation and learning. You can and need to actively show your emotions and feelings - it will be appropriate, and you will be understood correctly. Only on this day, food is completely absorbed and converted into tissues. On this day you need to be saturated, but do not overeat. As the power base is preferable to milk and cottage cheese; Food animal contraindicated. Good on the fifth day to make a trip somewhere, cry, part with unnecessary, work with herbs - to collect, dry them and insist. This is a creative day in which knowledge is perfectly learned. You can defend your ideals, principles, beliefs.
Divination. For the future.
Dnah. Well, if you cry in a dream, is cleansing. The body is thus put in order. If dreams are connected with the road, with the movement - you have everything safely. If something unpleasant is dreaming - this is a sign that you need to do your health.
In medical attitude You should pay attention to the esophagus. Nausea and vomiting mean wrong use of this day. It is impossible to starve.
Dual day. The child is conceived on this day, can pursue strong and dangerous enemies all life. He will be punished for all misconduct and evil thoughts. All his evil will turn against him. Retribution. On the other hand, the child can become an unusual personality capable of experiencing transformations and transmutations. The fate of conceived on this day will tolerate the cardinal changes in bad or good side Two or three times.
Born in this lunar day transform food into physical and astral energy. Bogatyri, saints can be born, but without serious help from the side are short-lived. Partially it can help a good configuration in the birth horoscope with a strong jupiter, Venus or Sun.
A distinctive feature of the people of this day is a fussiness, they do not get fat. They can't eat sauer cabbage, Salted cucumbers, they must avoid products containing embryos of rotting. at 08:46 6th lunar day begins

Symbols - clouds, crane.
The day is associated with the assimilation of cosmic energy, the acquisition of grace, love, forgiveness, prophecies, mental and verbal work. The day of privacy and humility. We must calmly engage in our usual affairs, but at the same time do not grow on life, on the circumstances, on loved ones. Any discontent is or others - now is not the time. Take everything as it is, and do not want another. In the 6th moon day The intuition is greatly sharpened: you can open what was underestimated or not understood. We recommend classes with pranayama, work with smells, because only in the upper respiratory tracts, as well as in the tops of the lungs, there is a process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana. When the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds - it means that the world is devoid of harmony.
Divination. For all.
Dnah. If a familiar person dreameded - it's no accident: you owe him something. Dreams can hint at some reason that must be completed.
In medical attitude Attention should be paid to bronchi, plasma, upper respiratory tract. TOOL TRAIN DISEASES respiratory tract. The day is good for rejuvenation.
The long life of the dreamer and the wanderer is ensured by conceived on this day. Searches for ideal, freedom, communication with nature are the main features of such a person. Better if the conception occurs in nature.
Born in this lunar day will live a long and fruitful life, leaving behind a tangible trace.
Born on this day - conductors, cosmic energy transformers.
Have rich inner world. Fantasies and dreamers. They do not like pressure. Relationships value freedom.

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