Walkers. Which fairy tale has walking boots? Fairy tale by Charles Perrault "Thumb boy"

Engineering systems 29.09.2019
Engineering systems


A prize was appointed, and even two, one large, the other small, for the greatest speed - not in a competition, but in general for a whole year.

I got first prize! - said the hare. - In my opinion, justice can be expected if the judges are your close friends and relatives. However, to award the second prize to the snail? It even hurts me!

But after all, one must take into account both zeal and good will, as the highly respected judges rightly judged, and I fully share their opinion! - noticed the fence post, witness awarding prizes. - It took the snail half a year to crawl over the threshold, but all the same she was in a hurry and even broke her femur in a hurry! She devoted herself body and soul to her work, and even dragged her house on her back! Such diligence is worthy of every encouragement, which is why she was awarded the second prize.

They could, it seems, take me into account! - said the swallow. - Faster than me on the fly, I dare to think, there is no one! Wherever I have been! Everywhere, everywhere!

That's the trouble, - said the pillar. - Painfully much you prowl! You are always rushing to foreign lands, a little chill will blow over here. You are not a patriot, and therefore do not count.

And if I slept all winter in a swamp, then they would pay attention to me? - asked the swallow.

Bring a certificate from the swamp itself that you slept in your homeland for at least six months, then we'll see!

I deserved first prize, not second! - noticed the snail. - I know that the hare runs only when he thinks that he is being chased - in a word, out of cowardice! And I looked at the movement as my life task and suffered in the line of duty! And if anyone should have been awarded the first prize, it's me! But I don't like making noise, I can't stand it!

And she spat.

I can attest that every prize has been fairly awarded! - said milestone. - I generally keep order, measure, calculation. For the eighth time I have the honor to participate in the awarding of prizes, but only this time I insisted on my own. The fact is that I always award prizes in alphabetical order: for the first prize I take the letter from the beginning, for the second - from the end. Take the trouble now to pay attention to my score: the eighth letter from the beginning is "z", and for the first prize I voted for the hare, and the eighth letter from the end is "y", and for the second prize I voted for the snail. Next time I will assign the first prize to the letter "i", and the second prize to the letter "c". The main thing is order! Otherwise, there is nothing to rely on.

If I were not among the judges myself, I would vote for myself! - said the donkey. - It is necessary to take into account not only speed, but also other qualities - for example, cargo. This time, however, I did not want to rest on these circumstances, as well as on the mind of a hare or on the dexterity with which he confuses tracks, escaping from a chase. But there is a circumstance to which it is generally customary to pay attention and which in no way should be overlooked - this is beauty. I looked at the wonderful, well-developed ears of a hare

You really admire them - and it seemed to me that I see myself in childhood! So I voted for the hare.

Zh-zh-zhzh! the fly buzzed. - I'm not going to make a speech, I just want to say a few words. I'm more agile than any hare, I know that for sure! Recently, I even knocked out one bunny back leg. I sat on a steam locomotive, I often do it - it's best to watch your own speed. The hare ran ahead of the train for a long time; he was unaware of my presence. Finally, he had to turn aside, and then the engine pushed him in the back leg, and I was sitting on the engine. The hare remained in place, and I rushed on. Who won? I guess I am! But I really need this prize!

"But I think," I thought. wild Rose, aloud she did not say anything, it was not in her character, although it would be better if she spoke out - in my opinion, she deserves both the first and second prize Sunbeam! He instantly runs through the boundless space from the sun to the earth and awakens all nature from sleep. His kisses give beauty - we, roses, are reddened and fragrant from them. And the high judges, it seems, did not notice him at all! If I were a beam, I would repay them sunstroke... No, it would take away their last mind, and they are not rich with it anyway. It's better to remain silent. Peace and quiet in the forest! How good it is to bloom, smell sweet, revel in the light and live in legends and songs! But a ray of sunshine will outlive us all!"

What's the first prize? asked the earthworm. He overslept the event and had just arrived at the assembly point.

Free entry to the cabbage garden! - answered the donkey. - I appointed the prizes myself! The first prize was to go to the hare, and I, as a thoughtful and active member of the judging panel, paid due attention to the needs and wants of the hare. Now he is secured. And we gave the snail the right to sit on a roadside stone, bask in the sun and feast on moss. In addition, she was elected as one of the main judges in the running competitions. It's good to have a specialist in the commission, as people call it. And, frankly, judging by such a great start, we have the right to expect a lot in the future!

With the help of magical objects, they cope with difficulties that are insurmountable in the usual way.

Where did the idea of ​​fast travel come from?

Shoes, with which you can overcome considerable distances, are mentioned repeatedly in many European and Russian fairy tales. It is clear that there were no analogues of this kind of shoes in nature and still do not exist.

For the first time, shoes with which you could move around are mentioned in ancient Greek myths. The god of trade, Hermes, who was also obliged to carry the news, had special sandals with wings that allowed him to cover great distances in moments.

Walking boots in fairy tales

In Russian, fast walkers are mentioned repeatedly.

« Prophetic dream". The main thing actor- Ivan the merchant's son. In a not entirely honest way, he took possession of the three main fairy-tale attributes - an invisible hat, a flying carpet and walking boots, with the help of which he did good deeds.

"The Enchanted Princess" The protagonist- a retired soldier, by the will of fate marries the princess, temporarily in the form of a bear. To overcome obstacles, he fraudulently takes possession of a flying carpet, an invisibility cap and walking boots. When performing fabulous deeds, he did not use boots.

"Thumb Boy" - the author's fairy tale by Charles Perrault. The boy-with-a-finger steals seven-league boots (in some translations - walking boots) from the Cannibal. The kid got a job in the royal service as a messenger and, with the help of a fabulous attribute, earned a lot of money and helped the family get out of poverty.

What other fabulous shoes can you move in space

In Gauf's Little Mook, magic shoes move the wearer any distance, a property that Mook used to achieve his goals.

Andersen uses the image of "Galoshes of happiness", where magic shoes move the wearer in time. As an old pessimist, Andersen sees no use in magic shoes, and an adviser who has eaten magic shoes gets into an unpleasant situation, from which he gets out with big losses.

In F. Baum's fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz", magic shoes carry Dorothy home from a foreign land.


  • The Tale of Little Muk

New beautiful boots are so nice, but sometimes so uncomfortable! After all, just bought, unworn shoes are often slightly tight, causing great inconvenience. Therefore, before you go out in new boots, you must first lightly spread them at home. How to do it?


If you need to break in your boots urgently, and there is no time to run away, you can use or. Pour on a cotton pad, properly moisten the places where you feel tight - and then proceed in the same way as in the case of special tool for stretching. But in this case, it will take much longer to withstand the shoes.

There are also ways to stretch the shoes "at a distance" and not suffer from nursing around the apartment in tight. One of " folk remedies For such cases, it is to stuff the shoes tightly with wet newspapers and leave for about a day until the newspapers dry. But this method is quite risky: when the moisture evaporates, the boots can shrink and lose their shape.

You can also carry boots with the help of ... a refrigerator. Take a strong plastic bag, fill it with water, let out excess air and tie it tightly. You can put this water bubble in another bag for strength. And now place the bag in and place the shoes in the freezer. As we remember from the physics course, water expands when it freezes - and will gradually stretch the boot. It’s better not to experiment with autumn or summer shoes - it may not be designed for sub-zero temperatures.

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The name of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen is known to everyone almost from early childhood. Tales of the ugly duckling snow queen, The Little Mermaid, the Princess and the Pea and other characters became classics of world literature during the author's lifetime. However, Andersen himself did not like being called a children's writer, since many of his writings were addressed to adults.


Among the works of Andersen there are also good fairy tales with a happy ending, intended for children's reading, there are more serious stories that are more understandable to adults. At the same time, numerous experiences from his own life.

Strange as it may sound, one of Andersen's best fairy tales "Ugly" can be considered autobiographical to some extent. After all, the writer himself, like an ugly duckling, from childhood was distinguished by an unsightly appearance and a dreamy character. And, just as the ugly duckling at the end of a fairy tale is destined to turn into a beautiful swan, so Andersen himself turned from a constant object of ridicule into a world-famous storyteller.

Something in common with the "Ugly Duckling" and the fairy tale "Thumbelina", which tells about the numerous misadventures of a tiny girl who, like a fairy fairy, was born from a flower bud. In the finale, Thumbelina really becomes a fairy named Maya and the wife of the kind and beautiful king of the elves.

Once upon a time there was a merchant, he had two sons: Dmitry and Ivan. One evening their father said to them:

Well, children, whoever sees something in a dream, tell me in the morning; and whoever hides his dream, I will order him to be executed.

The next morning the eldest son comes and says to his father:

I dreamed, father, that brother Ivan flew high in the sky on twelve eagles; Yes, even if you lost your favorite sheep.

And you, Vanya, what did you see?

I will not say! Ivan answered.

No matter how much his father forced him, he rested and kept repeating to all exhortations: “I won’t tell!” yes “I won’t tell!” The merchant got angry, called his clerks and ordered them to take the disobedient son and tie him to a post on the high road.

The clerks seized Ivan and, as they say, tied him to the post tightly, tightly. The good fellow had a bad time: the sun baked him, hunger and thirst tormented him.

It happened to the young prince to go along that road; he saw the merchant's son, took pity and ordered to release him, dressed him in his clothes, brought him to his palace and began to ask:

Who tied you to a pole?

The father was angry.

What did you do wrong?

I didn't want to tell him what I saw in my dream.

Oh, how stupid your father is, for such a trifle and so severely punished ... And what did you dream about?

I won't tell, tsarevich!

How can you not say? I saved you from death, and you want to be rude to me? Speak now, it won't be bad!

I didn't tell my father, and I won't tell you!

The prince ordered to put him in prison; soldiers immediately ran up and took him to a stone bag.

A year passed, the prince decided to marry, got ready and went to a foreign state to woo Elena the Beautiful. That prince had a sister, and soon after his departure, she happened to be walking near the dungeon itself.

Ivan, the merchant's son, saw her through the window and shouted in a loud voice:

Have mercy, princess, set me free! Maybe I'll be nice too. After all, I know that the prince went to Elena the Beautiful to woo; only without me he will not marry, but perhaps pay with his head. Chai, I myself heard how cunning Elena the Beautiful was and how many suitors she sent to the next world.

And you undertake to help the prince?

I would help, but the falcon's wings are tied.

The princess immediately gave the order to let him out of the dungeon.

Ivan, the merchant's son, recruited comrades for himself, and there were all of them, including Ivan, twelve people, and they look alike like brothers - growth in height, voice in voice, hair in hair. They dressed up in identical caftans, sewn according to the same measurements, mounted good horses and set off on their journey.

We drove for a day, and two, and three; on the fourth they drive up to a dense forest, and they heard a terrible cry.

Stop, brothers! Ivan says. - Wait a bit, I'll go to that noise.

He jumped off his horse and ran into the forest; looks - in a clearing three old men swear.

Hello old! Why are you arguing?

Do you want me to share you?

Do me a favor!

Ivan - the merchant's son pulled his tight bow, put three arrows and let it go different sides; he orders one old man to run to the right, another to the left, and sends the third straight ahead:

Which one of you is the first to bring an arrow, that invisibility cap will go to him; whoever comes second, that magic carpet will receive; and let the last one take walking boots.

The old men ran after the arrows, and Ivan, the merchant's son, took all the curiosities and returned to his comrades.

Brothers, - he says, - let your good horses go free and sit on the magic carpet with me.

They all quickly sat down on the flying carpet and flew off to the realm of Helen the Beautiful.

They flew to her capital city, landed at the outpost and went to look for the prince. They come to his yard.

What do you need? - asked the prince.

Take us, good fellows, to your service; We will gladden you and wish you well from the bottom of our hearts.

The prince accepted them into his service and distributed them: some as cooks, some as grooms, and some where.

On the same day, the prince dressed up in a festive way and went to introduce himself to Elena the Beautiful. She greeted him kindly, treated him to all sorts of dishes and expensive drinks, and then began to ask:

And tell me, prince, in truth, why did you come to us?

Yes, I want, Elena the Beautiful, to woo you; will you marry me?

Perhaps I agree; just complete three tasks in advance. If you do, I will be yours, but if not, prepare your head for a sharp axe.

Set a task!

I will have tomorrow, but I won’t say what; contrive, prince, but bring your own pair to my unknown.

The prince returned to his apartment in great turmoil and sadness. Ivan, the merchant's son, asks him:

What, tsarevich, is unhappy? What did Elena the Beautiful annoy Ali with? Share your grief with me, it will be easier for you.

So and so, - the prince answers, - Elena the Beautiful asked me such a task that not a single sage in the world will solve it.

Well, that's still a bit of a problem! Get some sleep; the morning is wiser than the evening, tomorrow we will discuss the matter.

The prince went to bed, and Ivan, the merchant's son, put on an invisibility cap and walking boots - and marched to the palace to Elena the Beautiful; went straight into the bedchamber and listens. Meanwhile, Elena the Beautiful gave this order to her beloved maid:

Take this expensive material and take it to the shoemaker: let him make a shoe for my foot, but as soon as possible.

The maid ran where ordered, and Ivan followed her.

The master immediately set to work, quickly made a slipper and put it on the window; Ivan, the merchant's son, took that slipper and hid it slowly in his pocket.

The poor shoemaker began to fuss - the work disappeared from under his nose; already he searched, searched, searched all the corners - all in vain! “This is a miracle! - thinks. “No way, the unclean one was joking with me!” Nothing to do, he took up the needle again, worked another shoe and carried it to Elena the Beautiful.

What a baggy you are! - said Elena the Beautiful. - How much time for one shoe was transported!

She sat down at the working table, began to embroider a shoe with gold, humiliate it with large pearls, seat it with semi-precious stones.

And Ivan immediately found himself, took out his slipper and did the same himself: whichever stone she takes, he chooses the same; where she sticks a pearl, so he puts it on.

Elena Prekrasnaya finished her work, smiled and said:

The tsarevich will show up with something tomorrow!

“Wait,” Ivan thinks, “it is still unknown who will outwit whom!”

Returned home and went to bed; at dawn in the morning he got up, dressed and went to wake the prince; woke him up and gives him a slipper.

Go, - he says, - to Elena the Beautiful and show the slipper - this is her first task!

The prince washed, dressed up and galloped to the bride; and her guests are full of rooms - all the boyars and nobles, thoughtful people. As soon as the prince arrived, the music immediately began to play, the guests jumped up from their seats, the soldiers made guard duty.

Elena the Beautiful brought out a slipper, studded with large pearls, seated with semi-precious stones; and she herself looks at the prince, grins. The prince says to her:

A good shoe, but without a pair it is not suitable for anything! Looks like I need to get you another one!

With that, he took out another slipper from his pocket and laid it on the table. Then all the guests clapped their hands, shouted in one voice:

Hey prince! Worthy to marry our Empress, Elena the Beautiful.

But we'll see! - answered Elena the Beautiful. Let him do another task.

Late in the evening, the prince returned home even more cloudy than before.

It’s enough, prince, to be sad! Ivan, the merchant's son, told him. - Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.

He put him to bed, and he himself put on walking boots and a cap of invisibility and ran to the palace to Elena the Beautiful. She was at that very time giving an order to her beloved maid:

Go quickly to the poultry yard and bring me a duck. The maid ran to the poultry yard, and Ivan followed her; the maid grabbed the duck, and Ivan the drake, and came back the same way.

Elena the Beautiful sat down at the working table, took a duck, removed her wings with ribbons, a tuft with diamonds; Ivan - the merchant's son looks and does the same with the drake.

The next day, Elena the Beautiful again had guests, again music; she released her duck and asked the prince:

Did you guess my problem?

Guessed, Elena the Beautiful! Here is a couple for your duck, - and immediately a drake lets go ...

Oh, well done prince! Worthy to take Elena the Beautiful!

Wait, let him complete the third task in advance. In the evening, the prince returned home so overcast that he did not want to talk.

Do not grieve, prince, go to bed better; the morning is wiser than the evening, - said Ivan - the merchant's son.

He quickly put on his invisibility cap and walking boots and ran to Elena the Beautiful. And she was about to go to the blue sea, got into the carriage and rushed at full speed; only Ivan, the merchant's son, is not a step behind.

Elena the Beautiful came to the sea and began to call her grandfather. The waves swayed, and the old grandfather rose from the water - his beard was golden, his hair was silver. He went ashore:

Hello granddaughter! I haven't seen you for a long time: all the hair is messed up - comb it.

He lay down on her knees and fell into a sweet dream. Elena the Beautiful scratches her grandfather, and Ivan, the merchant's son, stands behind her.

She sees that the old man fell asleep, and pulled out three silver hairs from him; and Ivan - the merchant's son, not three hairs - snatched out a whole bunch. Grandfather woke up and shouted:

What you! Because it hurts!

Sorry grandpa! I haven't scratched you for a long time, all the hair is messed up.

Grandfather calmed down and after a while fell asleep again. Elena the Beautiful pulled out three golden hairs from him; and Ivan, the merchant's son, grabbed him by the beard and almost tore it all off.

The grandfather screamed terribly, jumped to his feet and threw himself into the sea.

“Now the prince is caught! - Elena the Beautiful thinks. "He can't get that kind of hair."

The next day, guests gathered to her; The prince also arrived. Elena the Beautiful shows him three silver and three golden hairs and asks:

Have you seen such a miracle?

Found something to be proud of! Do you want me to give you a whole bunch?

He took out and gave her a tuft of golden hair and a tuft of silver.

Elena the Beautiful got angry, ran to her bedchamber and began to look in a magic book: does the prince himself guess or who helps him? And he sees from the book that he is not cunning, but his servant is cunning, Ivan is a merchant's son.

She returned to the guests and stuck to the prince:

Send me your beloved servant.

I have twelve.

Came the one that is called Ivan.

Yes, they are all called Ivans!

Well, - he says, - let everyone come! - And in his mind he keeps: “I will find the guilty without you!”

The prince gave an order - and soon twelve good fellows, his faithful servants, appeared in the palace; all on the same face, height to height, voice to voice, hair to hair.

Which one of you is big? - asked Elena the Beautiful.

They all shouted at once:

I'm big! I'm big!

“Well,” she thinks, “you won’t find anything out of the blue here!” And she ordered eleven simple cups to be served, and the twelfth gold one, from which she herself always drank; poured those cups with expensive wine and began to regale the good fellows.

None of them takes a simple cup, everyone reached out for the golden one and let's snatch it from each other: they only made a noise and spilled the wine!

Elena the Beautiful sees that her joke has failed; ordered these fellows to be fed, watered and put to sleep in the palace.

That night, when everyone fell asleep soundly, she came to them with her magic book, looked into that book and immediately recognized the culprit; took scissors and cut off his temple.

“By this sign, I will recognize him tomorrow and order him to be executed.”

In the morning Ivan woke up - the merchant's son, took his head with his hand - and his temple was cut off; he jumped out of bed and let's wake up his comrades:

Full sleep, trouble is near! Take scissors and cut your temples.

An hour later, Elena the Beautiful called them to her place and began to look for the culprit ... What a miracle? Whoever he looks at, everyone has their temples cut off. Annoyed, she grabbed her magic book and threw it into the oven.

After that, it was impossible for her to excuse herself, she had to marry the prince. The wedding was gay; For three days the people were having fun, for three days the taverns and taverns stood open - whoever you want to come, drink and eat at public expense!

As soon as the feasts ended, the prince got ready to go to his state with his young wife, and let the twelve good fellows go ahead.

They went outside the city, spread out a magic carpet, sat down and rose above the walking cloud; they flew and flew and landed just at that dense forest where they left their good horses.

They just managed to get off the carpet, looking - an old man with an arrow runs towards them. Ivan, the merchant's son, gave him the cap of invisibility. After that, another old man came running and got a flying carpet, and there was a third one - this one got walking boots.

Ivan says to his comrades:

Saddle your horses, brothers, it's time to hit the road.

They immediately caught the horses, saddled them and rode to their homeland.

They arrived and came straight to the princess; she was very happy with them, asked about her own brother: how did he get married and will he be home soon?

What are you, - he asks, - to reward you for such a service?

Ivan, the merchant's son, answers:

Put me in a dungeon, in the old place.

No matter how the princess persuaded him, he still insisted on his own: the soldiers took him and took him to the dungeon.

A month later the prince arrived with his young wife; the meeting was solemn: music was playing, guns were fired, bells were rung, so many people gathered that at least go over their heads!

The boyars and all sorts of ranks came to introduce themselves to the prince; he looked around and began to ask:

Where is Ivan, my faithful servant?

He, they say, is sitting in a dungeon.

How is it in the dungeon? Who dared to plant? The princess tells him:

You yourself, brother, burned on him and ordered him to be kept in strong confinement. Do you remember that you asked him about some kind of dream, but he didn’t want to tell?

Is it really him?

He is; I let him go to you for a while.

The prince ordered to bring Ivan, the merchant's son, threw himself on his neck and asked him not to remember the old evil.

And you know, prince, - Ivan tells him, - everything that happened to you, I knew in advance, I saw it all in a dream; That's why I didn't tell you about the dream.

The prince awarded him the rank of general, endowed him with rich estates and left him to live in the palace.

Ivan, the merchant's son, sent his father and elder brother to his place, and they all began to live together, to live, to make good.

“I wish I had walking boots!” Surely there were times when such a reckless desire appeared in the minds of most of our compatriots, and not only them. Modern world requires speed from a person, and sometimes the required speed is completely unsuitable for a person. It is at such moments that you want to have walking boots in order to be in time always and everywhere. Too bad it's just a fabulous prop and real world he doesn't belong. And yet, in which fairy tale are boots-walkers?


Each nation or nationality has its own oral folk art, including fairy tales. And in these races, such strange objects as an invisibility cloak, a flying carpet, or walking boots can often be found. These items make their owners invulnerable and give them unique abilities.

In fairy tales, there are often magical objects that help heroes cope with life's difficulties. Someone steals these items, someone finds them, someone inherits them - in fact, this does not play a big role. The main task of magical artifacts is to give the story a light, magical aftertaste and make you believe in the unrealizable.

And even such “not glamorous” walking boots make you smile and mentally try on this non-existent item on your foot. So, in which fairy tale are boots-walkers and what is their origin?

Walking boots: origin

Shoes that have magical properties, is often mentioned in both Russian and European fairy tales. Naturally, in reality, such objects have never existed, do not exist, and certainly will not exist.

For the first time, stories about shoes that help you move unimaginable distances appeared in Ancient Greece. Among the myths of that time there is a story about the god of commerce Hermes, who was supposed to spread the news to all corners of the world. Especially for this task, he had sandals with wings that helped him overcome unimaginable distances in a matter of minutes.

This idea seemed interesting to many storytellers, and they adopted the basics. Over time, the type of shoes was transformed, but the main magical component remained unchanged. This is how the magic boots appeared. Now it is difficult to say from which fairy tale boots-walkers first appeared before the audience. This magical item has appeared in many stories, which are certainly worth mentioning.

"Prophetic dream"

In Russian fairy tales, magical objects repeatedly appear. For example, the fairy tale "Prophetic Dream". It tells about the main character Ivan, who did not want to tell his father the dream that he had. For this he was tied to a road post. The prince was passing by and also wanted to know what dream Ivan had (I wonder why the father executed his son). But the hero continued to remain silent. For disobedience to the royal order, the prince throws Ivan into prison.

While imprisoned, the hero meets the prince's sister and secretly helps him complete the tasks of Elena the Beautiful. To do this, he got hold of (not quite honestly) an invisibility cap, a flying carpet and walking boots. With the help of these magical artifacts, Ivan does many good deeds, arranges the fate of the prince and finds his happiness.

The tale "The Prophetic Dream" ends happily, and the reader learns that Ivan dreamed exactly what happened to him. In a dream, he saw how to get walking boots and what tasks he would have to perform.

"Thumb boy"

Next, it is worth mentioning the fairy tale of Charles Perrault “The Boy with a Finger”, known to everyone from early childhood. This is a story about the family of a poor lumberjack. Once his business went really bad and there was no money to feed his family. And he had seven sons. In order not to see her children starve to death, the wife suggested that the lumberjack take them to the forest.

There the Ogre found the boys, they were in mortal danger. But the youngest of the brothers, Little Thumb, was not at a loss, he quickly realized what was happening, sent his brothers home, and he himself stole seven-league boots from the Cannibal. In some translations, they are also called walking boots. In fact, they perform the same functions.

So, having such a valuable artifact with him, the Thumb Boy enters the royal service as a messenger and soon helps his family out of poverty. And since Charles Perrault is a very famous person, one can even say that this is the fairy tale from which boots-walkers take their origin.

"Bear Queen"

This fairy tale is known to everyone under the name "The Enchanted Princess". It tells the story of how a retired soldier, by a strange coincidence, married a princess who was temporarily in the form of a bear. He found her in an old castle and fought evil forces for three nights to break the spell.

After some time, he wanted to visit relatives who lived far away. During his journey, he met the unclean, who fought for interesting curiosities: an invisibility cap, a flying carpet, walking boots. Fraudulently, the soldier takes possession of these artifacts and returns home to his wife. It is worth noting that the hero did not use boots when performing feats.

question of the day

If you ask children and adults in which fairy tale there are walking boots, they high proportion probabilities will name the story of the Boy-with-a-Thumb. It's okay. However, it also happens that walking boots can be found in the fairy tale "Cinderella". I wonder if there was such a magical artifact in this story?

AT classic version this is a tale about a poor girl who was bullied by her stepmother. Everyone remembers the story of the glass slipper, the handsome prince and the fairy godmother who brought the girl to the ball. So, the question is: where did the boots come from in this classic idyll? In fact, the walking boots were used by the royal guards who helped the prince search for the mysterious girl. In some versions of the Cinderella fairy tale, boots were used by a messenger who brought invitations to the royal ball.

Though not boots, but also magic shoes

Now it’s clear in which fairy tale there are walking boots, only in addition to boots there are several more pairs of magical shoes. For example, in the fairy tale "Little Muck", the reader learns about the existence of magic shoes, which, like walking boots, move their owner to any distance. Also, magic shoes appear in the fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz".

But in the fairy tale "Galoshes of Happiness" by G.K. Andersen, you can find shoes that cut not space, but time. The storyteller does not see the point in magic shoes, so he shows that from her more problems than good.

Sometimes fast boots are called seven-league boots, and sometimes just magic boots, but the essence of a magical item does not change from this. They help the heroes of fairy tales to overcome great distances in a short time. And no matter what the hero's height, weight and social status, he will still be in the right place for himself.

So, everything would be fine if the latest news did not report that the Pharmacy is open.

In Mukhina, - said the announcer, - the Pharmacy unexpectedly opened.

What is wrong here? - you say. - And why was the Physician-Pharmacist so upset?

He was upset because absolutely everyone was listening to the latest news, and the announcer said that the Pharmacy was equipped with everything necessary, including blue balloons. And if - balls, therefore, Great Envious guess (or already guessed) where to look for the Doctor-Pharmacist, Petka and the Old Horse. And if he guesses...


Airplanes do not go to Mukhin, but it was necessary to hurry, and the Great Envious Man pulled Boots-Skorokhody from the closet. They lay among the old rubbish for many years, but the mechanism still worked if it was thoroughly lubricated. The only bad thing was that Laura followed him.

I know, I know everything! she screamed. - You think I didn't hear what Gus told you?

He said ha ha! shouted the Great Envious in response. - I swear to you, no more words!

No, not "ha-ha"! He said that he saw your strap on Petya.

So what? Think!

No, don't think! Now you will eat Petya. I know you'll turn it into something filthy and eat it!

Nothing like that, and I do not think! Indeed, the hunt was! Calm down, I'm begging you.

I won't calm down!

And she really did not calm down, so, unfortunately, I had to take her with me. It was unreasonable - first of all, because for Laura there were only Slippers-Walkers, which all the time fell off her clubfoot legs.

The first time they fell on the stairs - left on the seventh floor, right on the third, so that the Great Envious had to reverse his boots.

Then only the right slipper fell off. This happened when Laura was walking across the Moscow River and her left foot was already on the other side, and her right foot was still on this one.

We'll be late, they'll run away again! shouted the Great Envious in despair. - I will not eat it, I give my honest noble word! Stay, I beg you!


Do you want us to agree? I will politely ask him for a strap, and only if he does not give ...

Laura wept so bitterly that she had to go back for her slipper and tie it up at the same time with an old shoelace.

Meanwhile, they could take their time, because neither the Doctor-Pharmacist, nor Petka, and even more so the Old Horse were not going to run away. True, when the announcer said “equipped with blue balls”, the Doctor-Pharmacist, clutching his head, shouted to Petka: “Harness it up!” - and began to stack jars and flasks. But, going out into the yard in his long green coat, with a bag on his side, in a hat, from under which his anxious nose stuck out anxiously, he saw that Petka, having taken off his strap, was tying it to the harness instead of a broken bridle.

Where did you get this strap? - the Apothecary Doctor shouted shrillly.

Whoa-whoa! .. What?

I ask you where...

You see, what's the matter, Uncle Pharmacist, - Petka began embarrassed. - I took it ... Well, there, you know ... on Kozikhinskaya, three.

With a trembling hand, the Apothecary Doctor took the strap and laughed.

And you were silent, stupid boy? Did you wear that strap and keep quiet?

You see, uncle, he was lying around ... that is, he was hanging on the back of the bed. Well, I thought...

Be quiet! Now he is in our hands!

“Now they are in my hands!” - thought, stretching his lips into a terrible long tube, the Great Envious.

Mukhin was only half a kilometer away, and he took off his boots so as not to step over the small town.

Gloomy, with his little black head drawn into his shoulders, he appeared in front of the Blue Balls Pharmacy, and although he was a little funny - barefoot, with Fast Walking Boots hanging behind his back - he was also scary. So they all smiled and trembled at the same time.

He appeared unexpectedly. But the Doctor-Pharmacist still managed to come up with interesting plan: close all windows and be silent, and when he comes closer, put up a poster: "We are fine." And when it comes even closer - the second poster: "We sleep excellently." Even closer - the third: “Zabotkin has success”, even closer - shouting in turn that everyone is fine, but he is bad.

In general, the plan succeeded, but not immediately, because the Great Envious at first pretended to be kind, as always when he was in danger.

How many pharmacists I have, he said, as if to himself, but loudly enough to be heard in the house. - One ran away - and God bless him! Let him rest, all the more, he knows perfectly well that until the first of July, miracles are at my disposal.

Petka put the first poster out the window.

So what? I am very glad, - said the Great Envious. - And I'm fine.

Petka put up the second poster - "We sleep excellently", and the Great Envious turned slightly pale. As you know, those who have a clear conscience sleep excellently, and in any case, a clear conscience is worth envying.

Here's how? Is Zabotkin successful? he asked, smiling cheerfully. - What do I care? By the way, I would like to talk to you, Doctor-Apothecary. How are you in general? How's it going?

Yes, success! - Gathering his courage, the Doctor Apothecary shouted. - You have to read the papers! For "Portrait of his wife" he received the Big Gold Medal. A thousand years will pass, and people will still look at his picture. By the way, he did not think to die.

Here's how?

Yes, sir. Swimming yesterday. Dives like a fish! What, jealous?

The Great Envious smiled awkwardly:

Many happy! - Tailor shouted, - For example, I'm in love and I'm going to get married one of these days! What, jealous?

And they vying with each other began to shout to him that everything was fine. And since he was the Great Undesirer of Good to Nobody, envy, which was full of his heart, splashed out with such force that he even felt its bitterness in his mouth.

Daddy, let's go home, - Laura whispered with a frightened look at him.

Now everyone was shouting, even Goose, who had rushed over to the Apothecary Doctor - just in case.

Nobody needs your miracles! We have our own, cleaner!

All goes to good!

What, jealous? Get fat, you bastard!

Wait, you won't hear that!

And he really got fat. The jacket was already cracking at the seams, the buttons flew off the waistcoat. In the middle of the yard stood a fat man thin legs, with a small head drawn into the shoulders.

Oh! he moaned. - Belt! Give me back my belt!

Wear suspenders! shouted Goose. - Strange, this belt was given to him!

The Apothecary Doctor laughed.

I cut your belt, he said, with large tailor's scissors into small pieces.

I do not believe!

He wanted to destroy them with a glance, but he no longer had the strength, and only the door, at which he glanced briefly, fell off its hinges with a crash.

It can't be, he whispered. - It can't be true! There are no happy ones! Everything is bad and will get worse and worse! The tailor will marry and be unhappy! A horse will remain a horse! The boy will grow into a scoundrel! The artist is dead! I won't burst. Oh!

It should not be thought that cracks went through it, like a cold glass when poured into it. hot water. Rather, he became like balloon from which air has been released. His face was wrinkled, darkened. The lips stretched out, but no longer in a terrible, but in a helpless, miserable tube.

And Laura took him away, because she was a good daughter, and dad, even bursting with envy, still remains a dad.

The Good Old Horse immediately turned into a pretty kind girl, however, with a ponytail on her head. But it was even handy, because it soon became clear that many of her classmates wear exactly the same ponytail. Tanya ... But what happened to Tanya needs to be told a little more.

For several days now, the Likhobor magpies have been preparing for the event, about which, almost breathing with excitement, not only Likhobor magpies have been chirping from morning to evening: for the first time in the entire existence of birds on earth, a magpie school was opened. Moreover, it was decided to start the classes with a saying: "Not all that glitters is gold." It took almost six months to study it. Naturally, feathers were cleaned in all the nests, outfits were sewn - after all, now that the magpies had stopped stealing, it was quite difficult to decorate oneself.

No, no, you are wrong. The back and shoulders are now worn pale blue and the head is golden black.

My dear, you are wrong. The back is pink, the shoulders are white with blue scales, and the legs are red.

Well, not the red ones! At the opening of the school you need to come in something strict.

Yes, it was a big day for all Likhobor magpies. But especially for Tanya, because none other than she was appointed director of the school.

Serious, shy, acting modestly but with dignity, she flew into the clearing, and the guys, chattering with each other, were respectfully silent.

So, children ... - Tanya began.

But she did not have time to say anything more, because at that moment in the distant Mukhin the Great Envious One burst with envy and all his miracles lost their power. A girl, Tanya Zabotkina, appeared in front of the children (and her parents, who had stuck around all the bushes), dressed and combed in exactly the same way as on the night when she went to the Blue Balls pharmacy.

An hour later she was already boarding the train, and the magpies accompanied her. There were so many of them that one local Nature Lover even wrote about it in the newspaper. He was especially struck by the fact that, flying away, they shook their wings like airplanes - he did not know that they were saying goodbye to Tanya.

Shakerak! Leaning out the window, Tanya called out to them.

It meant: "Be happy!"

Shakerak margolf! - answered magpies.

It meant: "Goodbye, we will not forget you!"

A month passed, followed by another. Autumn has come. And in the fall, as you know, the guys begin to gradually forget about what happened in the summer. Tanya forgot. Petya, whom she invited to her birthday, also forgot.

He was no longer a coward, as before, but a brave boy who had time - it was evident from his thick nose - to experience a lot in life.

Of course, Tanya invited not only him, but also Ninochka, and the Apothecary Doctor, and clubfoot Laura, who now learned to walk easily, like a snow maiden, or, in any case, not as hard as a bear.

The children talked about their affairs, and the adults about theirs. And everything was as if there were no fairy tales in the world and never had been.

And suddenly Sunny Bunnies ran around the room - cheerful, multi-colored, with short pink tails.

Some hid among the glasses on the table, others, somersaulting and jumping, ran along the walls. And one, the smallest, sat on the nose of the Apothecary Doctor, bending back his multi-colored ears.

It was Petka who uncorked the bottle of Sunny Bunnies - of course, just out of mischief, because everyone was already in an excellent mood.

But maybe the Sunny Bunnies didn't jump out of the bottle? Maybe a mirror was carried down the street? Or have all the windows been opened in the house opposite?

One way or another, all ends well. And that's the most important thing, isn't it? - especially if everything starts badly.

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