How to get rid of a wild rose. How to get rid of rosehip bushes

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

Choose the appropriate herbicide. The best remedy there will be herbicides containing glyphosate to kill the wild rose, but beware of the herbicide's effect on plants you don't intend to kill.

  • Some herbicides remain in the soil for a long time, so take their choice seriously, especially if you plan to plant something in this place soon.
  • Make sure the herbicide you choose works on woody plants.
  • If possible, get rid of wild roses at the end of summer. Exactly this best time for applying herbicides to wild rose bushes. It is always best to remove shrubs before they develop berries (late summer or fall).

    • Choose a day without wind so that the chemicals are not carried by the wind. Try also to choose a dry day when the weather forecast does not promise rain so that the herbicides are not washed away by rain.
    • It is recommended not to dig up the plants in winter as the ground is harder in winter.
  • Follow the instructions for applying the herbicide of your choice. It is best to read the instructions for the type of herbicide you purchased and follow the instructions in that instruction. But in most cases, when applying a herbicide, you can use the following principles:

    • Securely protect other plants and the ground, possibly with a plastic film. Wear protective clothing and gloves, use goggles. Keep children and animals away from the herbicide application site.
    • Spray the shrub with chemicals, making sure that the base of the shrub and its trunk are well saturated. The effect of the application will be visible in a few weeks. Repeat if necessary.
  • If you need to get rid of wild roses in winter, use a herbicide that works against stumps. Some herbicides are sold as stump control. They work best during the colder months when the plants are not sap flowing (usually from November to March).

    • Using a stump herbicide, trim the branches, then cut the main stem of the shrub down to a few inches off the ground. Treat fresh wood cuts with herbicide.
    • This method only works when applied to live wood, so if the shrub is already dead, or if the trunk you are treating is brown and withered, then the herbicide won't be able to kill the rest of the shrub.
    • You may need to make holes in the trunk to pour the herbicide in if you don't get what you want the first time.
  • Wait a few weeks before digging up a dead rose bush. Herbicides kill the plant completely, including the roots, so that it cannot grow back even if the roots remain in the soil. However, do not remove the bush for several weeks to ensure that the chemicals have penetrated into root system plants.

    • You'll probably want to dig up the dead plant so you don't trip over a stump and spoil the view of the yard.
    • Since a dead stump decomposes slowly in the soil, you will want to dig it up so that other plants can be planted in the same place. With a pickaxe, you can remove the root collar and stump from the ground a few weeks after applying the herbicide.
  • We received a question from Olga: “A few years ago we bought land plot. On its territory there are several bushes of old rose hips, which we cannot get rid of. What can you advise us?”

    We answer

    Effective ways

    There is such a drug "Tornado". It is a herbicide. You can buy such a tool in the same place where they sell chemicals or poisons for the garden.

    Use this drug as follows:

    • Small incisions are made on the plants, and a solution of the substance is applied to them.
    • After 7 days, both the plant and its roots will die.

    This is the most easy way get rid of the wild rose bushes. If it is not possible to completely remove the bushes, cut the slate around it from all sides to the depth of the roots, then the wild rose will not germinate further.

    Most reliable way- dig out all the growth. The thing is that the root offspring of the wild rose can germinate over long distances, capturing the entire territory of the site. The only way to remedy the situation is to dig by hand. Other methods do not guarantee that new young rosehip sprouts will not appear next year. Before removing the roots, cut the shrub itself.

    How to destroy weeds on the site (video)

    Decisive Methods

    If an ax and a shovel did not give the desired effect, it is worth a try chemical methods but in a special way. As herbicides, you can use not only the above drug, but also those products based on glyphos: Secateurs, Roundup. They are also sold in gardening and gardening stores.

    During the procedure, you must follow some rules:

    • increase the dosage by 5 times, compared with the instructions;
    • all work on herbicide treatment is carried out in the fall;
    • after processing, there is no need to water the shrub or cut its branches.

    Rosehip will not die instantly. The next year, he can again give growth. AT this case have to repeat the procedure. After that, the issue will be finally resolved.

    If none of the above methods helped, you will have to call the tractor. He uproots the bush with a bucket like a shovel. This is the most effective method in overgrown areas. In other cases, you will need to use manual labor, and not the fact that the result will please you.

    To make sure everything works out, collect the rosehip roots remaining after processing with the technique, lying on the surface. If this is not done, the shrub may sprout again.

    You can also try to burn out the wild rose, but in this case you will have to act very carefully.

    This method is only suitable for those areas where there is a minimum number of plants and they are located away from the bush.

    We received a question from Olga: “Several years ago we bought a plot of land. Several old bushes grow on its territory, which we cannot get rid of. What can you advise us?"

    We answer

    Effective ways

    There is such a drug "Tornado". It is a herbicide. You can buy such a tool in the same place where they sell chemicals or poisons for the garden.

    Use this drug as follows:

    • Small incisions are made on the plants, and a solution of the substance is applied to them.
    • After 7 days, both the plant and its roots will die.

    This is the easiest way to get rid of wild rose bushes. If it is not possible to completely remove the bushes, cut the slate around it from all sides to the depth of the roots, then the wild rose will not germinate further.

    The most reliable way is to dig out all the growth. The thing is that the root offspring of the wild rose can germinate over long distances, capturing the entire territory of the site. The only way to remedy the situation is to dig by hand. Other methods do not guarantee that new young rosehip sprouts will not appear next year. Before removing the roots, cut the shrub itself.

    How to destroy weeds on the site (video)

    Decisive Methods

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