How smoking affects the female body. The harm of smoking for women as a result of the influence of nicotine

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It consists in the fact that toxic substances concentrated in tobacco smoke gradually accumulate in the egg. Complications are more common among women who smoke. Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer death among women. Nicotine and other substances accelerate the aging process and wear out the body much faster.

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Men are more likely to die from diseases that are associated with smoking. There are 2 reasons for this: men smoke more and more. The female body, although more at risk of diseases associated with smoking, tolerates them better than the male one - hence the “comforting” statistics for the fair sex.

But under equal conditions, that is, when a man and a woman smoke the same number of equally strong cigarettes, the female body will be depleted faster. Do not forget that the female image is often associated with the image of the mother, and nicotine is dangerous for the reproductive system and increases the risk of having a sick child.

Some statistics:

  • There are 1.5 billion people in the world who smoke;
  • Almost 12% of women on Earth are smokers;
  • More than 5 million people die every year due to smoking-related diseases;
  • Most smoking girls in Austria - more than 40%;
  • In Russia, 20% of women smoke;
  • For all the time of the fight against, in the Russian Federation the number of smokers decreased by only 2-3%.

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Prevention of abuse of nicotine poisons

It's easier to avoid a problem than to solve it. The same is true for smoking.

Prevention saves thousands of lives, but its lack of prevalence is the main problem.

Here are some principles to follow to protect a person from this habit:

  • Explain the dangers of smoking from childhood;
  • By your example, to show a child that smoking is harmful, not fashionable;
  • Protect from tobacco smoke;
  • Remind that a woman is a future mother, and smoking affects the offspring noticeably;
  • Explain that companies should be avoided - in a couple of years, smoking will become not a fashionable attribute for them, but a harmful, expensive and painful habit.

Prevention should be carried out at all social levels - from the family to the state.

In general, preventive methods should include:

  • Explanatory lessons at a school or other educational institution;
  • Healthy and adequate promotion of tobacco cessation;
  • Preventive conversations;
  • A strict ban on the sale of cigarettes to teenagers;
  • Increasing prices for tobacco products;
  • Helping pregnant women quit cigarettes.

Statistics show that such measures are effective if carried out in a complex. A single conversation or a couple of "thematic extra-curricular activities" will not solve the problem, of course. In many cases, this is where prevention ends.

And, of course, smoking is a huge social problem. Whom do you surprise with a smoking teenager now?

Most people start smoking at the age of 14-16. But, in addition to insufficient prevention and the widest prevalence of smoking among all segments of the population, the problem is also spurred on by poor social infrastructure.

For Russia, this is especially significant. An incomplete family, lack of attention, low culture of parents, teachers and the environment of the girl leads to the fact that she likes to smoke and raise her status in her “society” and relieve tension.

The future of smokers who use more than a pack of cigarettes a day does not look bright. Until the 2nd half of the 20th century, lung cancer was less common than. Reasons include healthier urban environments and lower prevalence of cigarettes.

Then they smoked less, alternative ways of using tobacco were common: pipe, cigar, snuff and chewing tobacco. These methods did not require smoke to be drawn into the lungs, so the risk of getting cancer and chronic bronchitis was significantly lower.

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The danger of this habit

Smoking has a complex effect. If a girl starts smoking at an early age and smokes intensively, this leads to irreversible phenomena, the consequences of addiction are always negative.

Among them: chronic lung diseases, premature aging, infertility. Not counting the aesthetic harm, such as darkening of the enamel of the teeth and bad breath.

A woman is generally more delicately arranged, her body is usually more fragile than a man's. The harm is almost the same for both sexes, and there is no particular danger (except for an increased risk during pregnancy) for women from smoking. It is worth emphasizing the word “special” here, because smoking is catastrophically harmful.

Tobacco is harmful always and in any doses. This is one of the substances that cannot be used in medicine in any way and carry at least some benefit.

An interesting fact: not so long ago, scientists found that nicotine allows those suffering from schizophrenia to stay in remission longer. Smoking slows down the manifestation of the schizophrenic defect, which explains the passion of mentally other people for cigarettes. At this point, this is the only, dubious “plus”, it can be extracted from cigarettes.

The effect of cigarettes on the female body

More than four thousand harmful substances contained in a cigarette harm almost all body systems.

Let's try to analyze the harmful effects of cigarettes point by point:

  1. Respiratory system. She is in the most obvious danger. Cigarette smoke enters the lungs through the trachea, where it lingers for a fraction of a second and is absorbed into the bloodstream. Part of the nicotine and tar remains on the inner surface of the lungs, the lungs darken. They like to depict this on packs and posters about the dangers of smoking. Resins do not lose activity even after a person - that is, they remain poisonous until they are completely out of the body. A person who quits this habit can, with unpleasant surprise, find bronchitis months later. Not to mention lung cancer, the most common cause of death from tobacco.
  2. reproductive system. Regular smoking of strong cigarettes, which, in addition to tobacco, includes impregnation, significantly reduces the possibility of normal conception. In extreme cases, infertility is possible. Women who smoke need at least a year before the planned conception and do not smoke for the entire duration of pregnancy and.
  3. The cardiovascular system. Nicotine increases heart rate and constricts blood vessels. With infrequent smoking, the wear and tear of the heart muscle is invisible, but frequent smoking harms the “motor”. Smokers are more at risk of getting myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease and other troubles.
  4. Digestive system. The digestive system includes the esophagus, stomach and intestines, and the oral cavity. Let's start with the oral cavity. The harm is obvious: deterioration in the quality of teeth, increased risk of developing caries. Further: the smoke partially passes through the esophagus, and this increases the death rate from esophageal cancer. The stomach also suffers, into which saliva with nicotine and tar, part of cigarette smoke, enters.
  5. Nails and hair. Smokers need more vitamin C than non-smokers. This is often neglected, leading to problems such as brittle hair and nails. After smoking, calcium is absorbed worse, and lovers of smoking should also remember this. As for the common belief that smoking causes yellowing of the nails: that's a myth.

Useful video on the topic

Effects of nicotine on pregnancy

Every girl knows that smoking during pregnancy is not allowed. But not everyone follows this rule. Irresponsible people begin to smoke even more, justifying themselves with stress, without thinking about the effect of these substances on the female body.

There is only one outcome of this: the statistics of infant deaths and births of children with disabilities is increasing. Replenished are children's homes for children with developmental disabilities, where these "mommies" send them almost immediately after birth.

Danger for the unborn child:

  • The concentration of harmful substances in the body of the fetus exceeds that in the blood of the mother;
  • The probability of fetal death is many times increased;
  • Children with mental and physical developmental disabilities (cleft lip, mental retardation) are more often born in women who;
  • Children of smoking mothers are more at risk of obesity during adolescence.

Already these reasons are enough to give up cigarettes at least during pregnancy, because nicotine negatively affects development. Some mothers make a compromise - they smoke several times less or stop smoking only when the tummy appears. This is the wrong approach - the risk is still huge, and is it worth it to neglect a bad habit for the sake of the future ?!

The most dangerous consequences

The cigarette contains nicotine.

Of the many hazardous substances, one can especially highlight:

  1. resins. They settle in the lungs and cause many diseases.
  2. Arsenic. The most dangerous poison, which is in tangible quantities in a cigarette.
  3. Benzene. A strong carcinogen that provokes the development of cancer.
  4. Carbon monoxide.

This is a drop in the ocean. It is not known what else is in cigarette smoke. For example, it has recently been discovered that cigarettes are radioactive, and even the latest methods of ridding cigarettes of radiation have been tested.

Let's add here cigarette “impregnations”, which improve the combustion of tobacco. It is still impossible to say with complete certainty what danger they pose.

An incomplete list of diseases caused by cigarettes is as follows:

  • Malignant and benign neoplasms: lung cancer, benign tumors;
  • Bronchitis (chronic);
  • Chronic gastritis;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Coronary artery disease;
  • Impotence;
  • Infertility;
  • Hypertension;
  • Diseases transmitted from mother to child: cleft lip, prematurity;
  • heart attack;
  • Stroke;
  • Miscarriage.

Cleansing the body of tobacco poisons

All this mountain of diseases cannot but motivate to quit smoking. And many are trying to quit. Some people get it.

If a person was able to give up tobacco, the question arises before him: how to cleanse the lungs of tar, and indeed the whole body? Here are some effective ways:

  1. Various inhalations, for example, steam, help clear the lungs of resins well. The simplest water vapor has an effect. Inhalations work well on tinctures of wormwood, coniferous trees, mint.
  2. Sport. Gymnastics, swimming, running and squats are preferred - they develop the respiratory system well. You need to start small, gradually increasing the load. Walking helps, better in areas with low air smoke.
  3. Breathing exercises. They can be found in various literature about gymnastics, or on Internet sites. Even just deep breathing has an effect. An example of an exercise: inhale deeply, hold the air for 2-3 seconds, exhale and hold the breath on exhalation for the same time. Repeat ten to fifteen times. This exercise is good for calming the nerves and helps to fall asleep.
  4. Bath or sauna. It removes toxins through the skin well, this is a pleasant procedure. If there is no bath or sauna, you can replace it with a contrast morning shower.
  5. avoidance. It is important to minimize the amount of smoke inhaled. Beware of smoky areas, avoid smoking areas. In addition to the dangers of passive smoking, they may again attract the former smoker to this bad habit.

How to quit smoking at home

You can quit smoking anytime, anywhere. The main thing is motivation, the most difficult thing is to psychologically convince yourself that cigarettes are not needed and it is better without them.

Cigarettes are usually associated with an emergency sedative, and in a world where everyone is nervous, it is almost impossible to give up so easily. Nearly.

Psychological methods of quitting cigarettes:

  1. Decide once and for all that you have quit smoking. Tear up the pack and throw it away. You can take all your anger out on her. Motivate yourself so that if you give up slack, you will feel remorse.
  2. Give up rituals that are associated with smoking. A morning cup of coffee, a glass of beer or a gathering with friends - this will have to be abandoned for at least a month. Or come up with an alternative.
  3. Pregnancy is the best motivator for quitting tobacco. This, of course, does not mean that you need to get pregnant to quit smoking. But the future of a child should be more precious than a cigarette.
  4. Punish yourself for being weak financially. It is better if someone will control you. For example, bet that you will quit smoking and not touch a cigarette for a whole year. For money or some other value. That you will receive an additional incentive, you can also earn extra money on your own willpower.

Other methods:

  1. The most common means for quitting cigarettes include nicotine patches and various. Their effectiveness is high enough only when a person has really decided for himself that he will no longer smoke for anything. With a strong stimulus, they may not be required.
  2. Folk methods: tinctures of cereals, soothing herbs. It is advised to put a cigarette near blue vitriol - such a cigarette will cause disgust.
  3. Antidepressants - fluoxetine or bupropion. The first is cheaper, but much more powerful and is used more often for the treatment of alcoholism. But it also works against cigarettes. Of the minuses before the second - too many side effects. Bupropion is specially formulated for smokers and is gentler, but is hard to find in pharmacies and costs 20 to 30 times more than fluoxetine. But he does not have a withdrawal syndrome.

Quitting smoking is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is willpower and the understanding that smoking does not bring anything useful. It only takes years to live with clear lungs, healthy skin and a good mood.

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Not everyone knows what is the effect of smoking on a woman. Cigarettes contain many toxic substances that affect almost all systems. The female body is weaker than the male body and is more susceptible to the harmful effects of cigarettes. Currently, not only men, but also women actively smoke. Every year the number of smokers increases.

Why smoking is harmful

Female smoking is becoming more and more common. There are several reasons for this:

  • imitating friends;
  • desire for new sensations;
  • the presence of smoking relatives or a spouse.

In women who smoke, the following body systems suffer:

  • cardiovascular;
  • respiratory;
  • digestive;
  • reproductive;
  • central nervous;
  • endocrine.

Cigarette smoke contains 3,000 different compounds. Among them are cyanides, arsenic, carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, benzpyrene, carbon monoxide, as well as radioactive compounds (polonium, bismuth, radon). In women who smoke for a long time, the following organ pathology may develop:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pulmonary emphysema;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • lung cancer;
  • tissue hypoxia;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • aneurysms;
  • damage to peripheral vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • complications during pregnancy;
  • osteoporosis.

Cigarettes and the reproductive system

Women and smoking are incompatible. Substances contained in cigarettes adversely affect the genitals and the course of pregnancy. According to the results of scientific studies, it has been established that up to 40% of women who smoke cannot have children. Prolonged exposure to toxic substances leads to infertility. Active and passive smoking increases the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases (vaginitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis).

Nicotine contained in cigarettes affects the endocrine system, which can provoke hormonal disorders and menstrual cycle failure. If women actively smoked during pregnancy, then there is a chance of having a premature baby. More than 90% of all miscarriages are due to this bad habit. In such women, babies can be born with low body weight and neuropsychiatric abnormalities.

The combination of smoking with alcohol consumption can cause birth defects in the fetus. The baby's organs are formed mainly in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Smoking for women during this period can lead to serious consequences. The fetus develops under the influence of toxic substances. This can cause birth defects.

Children born without visible deviations in the future often lag behind in mental and intellectual development, more often get sick. Such kids are inattentive, capricious and impulsive. Cigarettes are also dangerous while breastfeeding. Nicotine and other substances reduce milk production, worsen its quality, which negatively affects the child.

The circulatory system of smokers

The degree of influence of smoking on a woman's body is determined by the following factors:
  • type of smoking (active or passive);
  • the number of cigarettes smoked;
  • tightening depth;
  • type of cigarettes.

Despite this, even 1 cigarette negatively affects the functioning of the heart. The harm of smoking for women from the cardiovascular system is manifested in the following:

  • thickening of the blood;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • narrowing of blood vessels;
  • the development of atherosclerosis;
  • development of obliterating endarteritis.

Smoking is the cause of fatty degeneration of the heart and hypertrophy. Smokers increase the production of catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine). These hormones increase blood pressure and constrict blood vessels. The heart starts beating faster. This causes faster aging of the body and wear of the heart muscle.

Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide inhaled with cigarette smoke lead to the formation of pathological hemoglobin, which affects the blood supply to tissues. Women who smoke have a 2-4 times higher risk of developing acute cerebrovascular accident and myocardial infarction. These dangerous diseases are the main cause of death of people.

Effects of smoking on other systems

Smoking women and men often suffer from diseases of the digestive tract. Tobacco smoking leads to impaired motility of the stomach and intestines.

Chronic atrophic gastritis and ulcers often develop.

These diseases increase the risk of developing stomach cancer. Substances contained in the smoke inhibit the formation of saliva. The latter has bactericidal properties, so women who smoke are more likely to develop inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Increased production of gastric juice against the background of smoking often leads to the development of reflux disease and esophagitis. There is such a thing as functional dyspepsia of a smoker. This is a condition that is manifested by a violation of the digestive process. Harmful components of tobacco smoke also affect other organs (pancreas, liver, gallbladder). These women often have a history of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, or hepatitis.

Smoking for women is a risk factor for developing cancer. Smokers often suffer from hypovitaminosis. There is a link between female nicotine addiction and vision loss. Cigarette smoking disrupts the blood supply to the eyeballs, which can lead to retinal dystrophy. Cigarettes are the main cause of lung cancer. Nicotine and other harmful substances impair hearing.

female body more vulnerable to smoking than men. Currently, in many countries of the world, the number of smokers is growing mainly due to women. Girls and young women are especially fond of smoking, and they suffer more from this addiction because of the more delicate structure of the female body. In some countries, women account for up to 40% of all smokers.

Of course, smoking is harmful to everyone, but its negative impact on the children's and women's bodies is most pronounced. Thus, women who smoke are 2.5-5 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. If the number of women who smoke is not reduced in the near future, then, according to Dr. Taylor (American Cancer Society), in 3-4 years, lung cancer will become the main cause of death of women with cancer (now the main cause is breast cancer).

In addition to lung cancer, as in men, smoking in women increases the incidence of cancer of the nasopharynx, mouth, throat, and is one of the main causes of cancer of the bladder, kidneys, and pancreas.

A number of researchers have proven that women who smoke and, in addition, consume alcohol, are more likely to suffer from cancer of the oral cavity and tongue at a young age. This indicates that the simultaneous exposure of the same cells to alcohol and tobacco smoke accelerates the process of formation of a cancerous tumor.

Epidemiological studies conducted in Sweden and the United States have found a relationship between smoking and cervical cancer. For women who smoke the risk of developing pre-invasive cancer is 3.5 times higher than that of non-smokers. This risk is associated with the intensity of smoking - for heavy smokers it is 12.7 times higher than for non-smokers. The risk of severe dysplasia in smokers is 10 times higher than in non-smokers. Doctors believe that the substances contained in tobacco smoke are absorbed by the blood and reach the epithelium of the cervix. The analysis showed that both nicotine and its main metabolite cotinine are present in the cervical mucosa of women who smoke. At the same time, the level of cotinine was the same as in the blood, and the amount of nicotine in the mucous membrane exceeded its amount in the blood. Researchers believe that the cells of the cervical epithelium are especially sensitive during puberty, which makes smoking during this period especially dangerous.

It has been established that nicotine has a stronger effect on the heart of a woman than a man. A heavy smoker has a 3 times higher risk of developing a myocardial infarction than a man who smokes the same amount. For women under the age of 50, smoking is the biggest risk factor for developing heart disease. And the more cigarettes they smoke, the more likely they are to develop heart disease, even in the absence of other risk factors. If women in this age group smoke about 2 packs of cigarettes a day, then the risk of the disease increases by 7 times. And if there are additional risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol and heredity, then the risk of developing heart disease increases even more.

A woman who smokes gradually loses her attractiveness. The skin loses elasticity, wrinkles appear, the complexion becomes earthy or gray. The voice of young women becomes rough, hoarse. On the hand holding the cigarette, the nails and fingers turn yellow. The entire female body also ages ahead of time. Women who smoke often experience headaches, weakness, and fatigue quickly sets in.

The teeth of a smoking woman become yellow, the enamel is damaged. According to scientists, among women who smoke at the age of 50, about half need prosthetics, and among non-smokers - only a quarter.

According to world statistics, 30% of women who smoke suffer from hypertrophy of the thyroid gland. The frequency of this disease in non-smoking women does not exceed 5%. Often, women who smoke have symptoms resembling Graves' disease: palpitations, irritability, sweating, and others, which is reflected in the appearance: bulging eyes, emaciation, etc.

Nicotine, together with other dangerous substances in tobacco smoke, changes the regulation of complex physiological processes in the genital area of ​​a woman's body. Acting on the ovaries, they disrupt their function in metabolism. This sometimes leads to an increase in body weight, and sometimes to emaciation. Out of fear of gaining weight, a woman may start smoking or continue smoking, unfortunately, forgetting about many other, much more harmful consequences of smoking.

Tobacco smoking leads to a decrease in sex drive. Nicotine, acting on the ovaries, can cause menstrual irregularities, painful menstruation and even their cessation (early menopause). Under the influence of smoking, due to a decrease in immunological processes in women, the frequency of inflammatory processes in the genital organs increases, which, in turn, can lead to infertility.

Smoking is considered one of the most negative habits that cause significant damage to the body. But few people know that the harm from this for women is stronger than is commonly thought.

In the past, men dominated smoking. Feminists not only achieved women's freedom, empowerment, but also contributed to the introduction of a new fashion. The fair sex picked up cigarettes to emphasize their independence.

For some women, a cigarette is a way to emphasize their style and personality. An excellent example of this is the elegant mouthpieces that first appeared in the 17th century. Currently, thin women's cigarettes of various colors, with unusual flavors are in great demand.

Why smoking is bad for women

Impossible to keep a fresh look and smoke at the same time. Nicotine causes a lack of oxygen needed by the skin of the face. This leads to premature aging.

Damage to beauty

The complexion fades, new wrinkles become visible on the face. The vital elements collagen and elastin are produced in slow motion. The woman notices that non-smoking friends her age look younger and more spectacular.

Violation of the reproductive function

The female organ system is very susceptible to the harm of smoking. A huge burden is imposed on the woman's body.

A woman who smokes is at risk of infertility, especially if there are already deviations from the norm in the reproductive system. For example, the bend of the cervix, found in many of the fair sex.

A pregnant woman who does not want to give up a bad habit puts her child at an unjustified risk. The fetus will not be able to develop normally, since the elements found in tobacco smoke interfere with the production of hormones responsible for the functioning of the fetus.

Also, smoking can lead to a lack of oxygen in the embryo. resulting in fetal death and subsequent miscarriage.

Some women think that quitting smoking while expecting a baby is not worth it, as it causes stress, which causes even more damage. This is nothing more than a myth. If pregnancy has occurred, it is not too late to prevent the risks and abandon the negative habit. A woman who quits smoking in the first three months of pregnancy increases the likelihood of a successful development of her child.

Negative effect on the body as a whole

Smoking damages the nervous system. Much more significant than stressful situations. The risk of heart disease increases.

Some women start smoking in order to lose the hated kilograms. It does indeed have a medical basis. Substances present in tobacco smoke, getting into the stomach, disrupt the functioning of nerve endings. There is irritation of the stomach lining, inflammation is possible. The digestive system does not function properly, the metabolism is disturbed. Because of this, weight is lost. But you can’t call it healthy weight loss.

Smokers put themselves at risk of developing lung cancer. Every cigarette you smoke increases your chances of developing cancer.

Problems with hormones

Smoking reduces estrogen production. Hence painful and irregular menstruation.

Also, the onset of menopause comes a few years ahead of schedule.

The consequences of cigarette smoking for women are quite disappointing. Therefore, it is worth giving up this terrible habit as soon as possible.

What to do to a smoker in the eyeballs

It’s not enough just to pick up and quit a bad habit. The body has undergone severe damage, and it is necessary help him restore his former state.

How to help young girls avoid smoking

It is necessary from an early age to make it clear to the girl that smoking is no longer a fashionable attribute and it will not do anything good.

In addition to raising a teenager in the family circle, important impact from other sources. For example, school activities aimed at developing healthy perceptions and instilling the right values ​​in children.

Children are very susceptible to peer influence. A group of teenagers who drink alcohol and love to smoke around the corner of an educational institution is a well-known phenomenon. It is impossible to force a daughter to stop communicating with her classmates, but it is quite possible to influence her by your own example. A non-smoking mother, who has a well-groomed, fresh appearance, causes respect and a desire to be like her.

Passion for a cigarette is a health hazard and is an extremely harmful hobby. For the female body, this addiction is especially destructive. Under attack is not only the health of the smoker herself, but also the well-being of her future children.

Today, many girls and adult women are smokers. Every fifth Russian woman is addicted to cigarettes. Statistics show an inexorable increase in the number of women who smoke, who do not realize the harm that smoking has on them. Among them, not only young people, the number of ladies-smokers aged 35-40 is increasing.

Harm of smoking for girls: why do they become smokers, and what does it threaten?

Ladies buying cigarettes in kiosks and shops are a common occurrence today. Some are aware of the harm of smoking on the female body, but still continue to inhale poisonous smoke. Why it happens?

  • Young girls think that they look stylish with a cigarette in their hand. A smoldering cigarette raises their status, with it they feel stronger and more confident.
  • Inhaling tobacco smoke, women hope to relieve stress.
  • Some believe that cigarettes help them get closer to men. In other words, it's easier to get to know each other in a smoking room.

Today, few people think about the dangers of smoking on the body of a woman. Unfortunately, not all the fair sex take this problem with due seriousness. In addition, sometimes such information is not enough. We offer you to find out what threatens each smoked cigarette.

The effect of smoking on a woman's body: figures and facts

For any person, tobacco smoke becomes a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer and general deterioration in health. However, smoking has an even greater effect on the female body.

The German gynecologist Bernhard, after studying the health status of 6,000 women, determined:

  • 42% of smokers suffer from infertility (among non-smokers, this figure is only 4%);
  • 96% of miscarriages are associated with this bad habit;
  • 30% of premature babies are born to mothers who smoke.

Inhalation of tobacco smoke creates favorable conditions for the development of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, increasing the likelihood of miscarriages. Every cigarette smoked for 3 years of conception of a child will certainly affect his health. Smoking mothers are more likely to give birth to children with developmental anomalies and pathologies, especially with neuropsychic abnormalities and underweight (from 9,700 to 18,600 per year).

Girls believe that they reduce the harm of smoking for themselves by switching to light, thin cigarettes. This deception is the merit of tobacco companies actively advertising their products. Such cigarettes are no less harmful than all the others.

A smoker can be recognized by her hoarse, unpleasant voice, characteristic cough, yellow teeth, and bad breath. Such women age early, their skin quickly becomes flabby. They are more likely to develop sexual dysfunction. The harm of smoking extends not only to the girls themselves. They put the health of others at risk.

What gives a cigarette?

  • Accelerates the aging process: wrinkles appear, bags under the eyes, the complexion becomes dull, the skin becomes dry. Such changes should be expected after 2 years of addiction to cigarettes.
  • It impairs reproductive ability: eggs die, the likelihood of premature menopause and loss of fertility increases. You need to be ready for such risks after 5 years of smoking experience.
  • It increases the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, and poses a danger to the intrauterine development of the child.
  • Promotes disruptions in the menstrual cycle, pain in the ovaries.

Knowing the effect of smoking on a woman's body, Allen Carr states that it's never too late to stop. He helps beautiful ladies get rid of bad habits in order to please themselves and their children with health and beauty.

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