Tomato seed landing in March. Benefits of landing tomatoes in favorable days

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Sowing seeds and the cultivation of tomatoes seedlings is the case is responsible. In order for the plants to please the good germination, and later and yields, spend all the work in accordance with the lunar calendar. Our article will help you in this.

Many seems to be winter - time free from garden work. This is not quite so, because in January, you need to think about buying seeds: decide on varieties, seeds and manufacturers. After the seeds are successfully purchased, it's time to make sure they have what to sow them. There will be cardboard cups, plastic boxes, peat pills, dense polyethylene or something else - depends only on your choice.

Try to perform all work in accordance with the Phase of the Moon. Then your seedlings will increase the strong root system and will develop correctly, and the plants planted on a permanent place will delight good harvest.

When to plant tomatoes on seedlings on the lunar calendar in 2017 (for greenhouses)

So, when the seeds are purchased and the containers are prepared, it remains only to wait favorable for sowing days.

Sowing seed tomatoes on seedlings

If you plan to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, seed seed from the end of February to mid-March. Remember that a day before sowing, they need to soak in warm water.

Picking seedlings Tomatoes

For optimal conditions (temperature 25-27 ° C and high humidity) Tomato shoots appear on the 5-8th day after sowing. 15-20 days after their appearance (when the seedlings are 1-2 real leaves), spend the dive.

Falker seedlings Tomatov

During the cultivation, tomato seedlings are fed twice. First feeder Seedlings spend 1-2 weeks after dive. This feeder is best to make chicken litter, divorced in hot water In proportions 1:20 (mixtures need to be laid within 2 hours). If there is no litter, a solution of mineral fertilizers is prepared at the rate of 35 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulphate and 5 g of urea on 10 liters of water. The rate of applying fertilizers - as in conventional watering.

Second subcord Conducted 2 weeks after the first. The nutrient solution is prepared more concentrated than for first feeding. For this, 50 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulphate and 10 g of urea are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. You can also use ready-made comprehensive fertilizers, such as Kemira-Universal, solver, height-II (according to the instructions).

Rechazzle seedlings and cultivation of tomatoes in the greenhouse in the lunar calendar in 2017

Tomato landing for a permanent habitat is produced, as a rule, 50-60 days after the appearance of germs. Finished to the seedling plant should be strong and healthy, 25-35 cm high. On each plant there should be 8-10 well-developed leaflets of dark green and 1 flower brush.

When to plant tomato seedlings to greenhouse

In the greenhouse, the seedlings of tomatoes are planted when the temperature in it will last at 20 ° and 18 ° at night and 18 ° at night. The wells dig up the size of a little more root coma and 20 minutes before the landing are well spilled with water. Plants are plunged until the seedy or first pair of real leaves and immediately tie to the pegs or a grind so that they are more stable. The first 2-3 days landlined seedlings are recommended to be dialed.

Tomato packing in greenhouse

If you want to get a good crop of large tomatoes, you just do not do without steaming. This is an extremely important procedure, during which extra shoots from the sinuses of the leaves are removed.

You can begin to packing tomatoes already in 10-14 days after the seedlings landing at a permanent place (under the condition that steasks have already appeared in the sneakers of the leaves). It is carried out during the entire season at least once every 10 days.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

The first watering is carried out 14-17 days after the transplantation of plants to the greenhouse. In the future, tomatoes are rarely watered (approximately 1 time in 10 days), but abundantly. Moreover, it should be poured solely with warm water and under the root, not allowing droplets to fall into the leaves.

Undercalinking tomatoes in the greenhouse

It is necessary to start feeding tomatoes in the greenhouse a few days after disembarking. There is no clear instruction on the number of feeding and the time of making fertilizers. It all depends on the fertility of the soil and state of plants. Normally developing tomatoes feed 3-4 times per season. For lagging in growth, the number of feeders increase. And problem plants that are poorly developed and sick, fertilize every 10-14 days.

Camping Tomatoes in Teplice

In order for the fruits not only to be happy with their amazing taste, but also stored longer, when harvesting is also important, it is important to be guided by the commemoration for this type of work by days. Tomatoes in the greenhouses began the beginning of fruiting End of June - the first decade of July and continues up to the end of August.

When sowing tomatoes on seedlings on the lunar calendar in 2017 (for open soil)

So that the seeds pleased with good shoots, they are recommended to germinate. To do this, you will need a piece of gauze, cloth or paper napkin. Moisten the material, spread the tomato seeds on it on the plate and pour on it. Top to cover them with a free edge of the fabric or napkins, and then place the plate in the package.

Sowing tomato seeds to seedlings

IN middle lane Tomato seeds for open soil are usually sessoleted from 10 March to April 15. But these deadlines can shift a little depending on which the weather was issued. If spring is early and warm, sowing can be spent a few days earlier, and if in March, on the contrary, there are still frosts, sowing is better to postpone 7-10 days.

Picking of tomato seedlings

You can start picking seedlings of tomatoes as soon as the plants will appear 2-3 sheets. Remember that tomato seedlings when transplanting must be gluable to the most seedy leaves, otherwise it does not fit in the new container.

When to feed the seedlings of street tomatoes

If your seedlings looks healthy - the plants are strong stem and developed dark green leaves, then it is necessary to feed seedlings once, as a rule, 10 days before landing on a permanent place.

Rechazzle seedlings and cultivation of tomatoes in the ground in the lunar calendar in 2017

In order not to worry about how successfully the disembarkation process will pass, and what percentage of seedlings takes on, secure yourself in advance. A few days before the planned transplant, stop watering the seedlings, and before the disembarkation itself, usefully, and so that the soil was wet. This will make it more homogeneous and, accordingly, will retain the integrity of the root system.

Rechazzle seedlings of tomatoes in the ground

Seedlings for open soil planted on the bed 60-70 days after the appearance of germs. Wells dig a little bigger sizethan the containers in which they grown seedlings. Seedlings standard sizes (25-35 cm height) plant vertically, drowning to seedy leaves or first pair of real leaves (if the cotydonal was removed during the cultivation process). Aggressive seedlings are planting at an angle of 45 degrees so that bottom leaves located at an altitude of 15-20 cm from the ground. It is desirable that the roots are directed to the south, and the trunk is north.

Packing Tomato in Open Ground

Hourging is recommended to spend throughout the season as shoots appear in the leaf sinuses (approximately once a week). Sprouts need to be removed while they are still small (no more than 5 cm long). In order for the place of the broken passage, a new one was formed, it is not at the base, but leaving the fuels with a height of 1-2 cm.

Watering tomatoes in the soil

Cold water can cause root atoms at tomatoes. Therefore, water for watering is preferably heated in the sun. Watering plants only under the root. If water falls on the leaves (especially in hot weather), it can cause their burns, and also provoke the development of phytoofluorosis.

Undercalinking tomatoes in the ground

To feed the tomatoes in the open soil is recommended in dry weather, and it is necessary to do it in the morning before sunrise, or in the evening after entering. In no case do not put fertilizer in dry soil, otherwise you can burn the roots. Before feeding, always water the tomatoes with warm water, and if the solution falls on the leaves, rinse them with clean water.

When to collect yields of tomatoes in the open ground

At tomatoes lined in open sad, Fruits begin to ripen in mid-July. In general, the plants continue to be fronently until mid-August. The last crop need to be removed as soon as the temperature at night will decrease to 10 ° C. If no entire harvest is ripe for this time, green and brown tomatoes should also be removed. They can be placed on dosing or use for ordering.

From our article you have learned about all the most important stages cultivation of tomatoes, timing of agrotechnical events and the most favorable days for this day. We hope our information will help you to collect a rich and healthy harvest.

Date of sowing of one or another variety of tomato depends on:

  • climate of your area of \u200b\u200bresidence
  • where you will land: in a greenhouse or on the ridge
  • superwaterminant, determinant or intenerminant
  • supercurrent, early or medieval

With the climate, everything is clear: in the Krasnodar Territory, tomatoes can be planted in the greenhouse in March, and in the pre-rally only in May.

Super determinant varieties Specially are intended to obtain spring early products, which are very quickly and together give the crop. Naturally, they are early or ultrasound. They can be seized in seedlings very early, in January-February, based on the windowsill and greenhouse. The first tomatoes, with early sowing, you can eat in May.

Determinant varieties of tomato (with limited growth) is convenient to grow on the ridges, albeit with the shelter in the spring, but on the ridges. Therefore, the occasion of sowing is slightly moved compared to those tomatoes that can be early to plant it in a greenhouse.

In the greenhouse, intenerminant (tall) varieties up to the most frosts are greatly growing.

However, I want to notice that I emerge from my preferences: to the greenhouse to plant intederminants, and on the ridges - determinants. But, other gardeners are planting in every way: Detterminant varieties give a magnificent harvest in a greenhouse, they simply ends with a period of fruiting and it turns out not very favorable use of greenhouse areas ...

When sow seedlings Tomato for greenhouse

Based on the fact that many gardeners prefer to buy early tomato varieties for growing in the middle strip of Russia, it is possible to determine if we sow tomato seedlings for greenhouses.

For ranseless varieties From shoots to ripening fruits take 100-110 days, that is, three months. It will recognize if the greenhouse put tomatoes in mid-May aged 1.5 months, then you can eat the first tomatoes in mid-July. If you make a landing at the age of 2 months, then the harvest will begin to shoot in June.

It is believed to be started to engage in the seedle tomato from March. In February, there is not enough light and seedy can be grown only when creating additional lighting.

Today, in 2017, the most favorable days Seeding seeds comes to the first numbers: March 2-8. If you sit at the beginning of March, then you need to prepare for the middle of May the seedlings will be already at the age of 70 days (two months with superfluous) is an adult and large for which a lot of space will be required. To such age on the windowsill, she definitely pulls out and stretches, because tomatoes unlike sweet peppers are very quickly gaining growth.

Pepper grows slowly and therefore we sow it as much as in February. And tomatoes will begin to stretch very quickly and have to resort to various tricks to restrain the growth of tomato seedlings.

Based on long-term personal experience The fight against pulling came to the conclusion that the tomato was not treated with sowing, especially since this is such a culture, which is the younger, the better one to take root in the greenhouse (at a permanent place), catch up and distinguishes in its development of other sisters older age.

And yet, it is worth sowing some, a small amount of tomato seeds (5-6 pieces to take them small square Greenhouses) in February or at the very beginning of March, the early and determined variety, in order to plant in the Greenhouse in early May, get an early and abundant yield of tomato in early June for consumption in the latest form.

You can even place them in the greenhouse already in buckets so that after the end of fruiting it is easier to remove. Yes, and in buckets, tomatoes in the greenhouse can be put in April, because they are very well warmed, giving roots the necessary heat. Growing early tomatoes in buckets in the greenhouse can significantly speed up the timing of obtaining the first harvest.

When to sow the seedlings of tomato for open soil

Also, as well as for greenhouses, it is possible to determine when sowing the seedlings of the tomato for an open soil, based on the grade you chose.

Most likely it is again early varieties (usually chosen), because in the open soil you need to cultivate and give a harvest while the summer months is allowed.

It is best to sow seedlings for open soil at the end of March-early April. Today, all sowing days comes to the first days (first week) and the last two or three days of the month (growing moon). One and a half months (45-50 days), if you plant in the ground in mid-May, it is enough to grow seedlings good quality And at the age when she has excellent survival and excellent adaptation to new conditions.

Or it will be possible to take it out of the window sills to the greenhouse and to fight there until the end of May and the beginning of June, when in the middle of Russia it will be possible to plant tomatoes in the ground at the age of 2 months, without fear of return freezers.

In order to successfully guess the weather and the date of landing in the spring in the ground, worries all gardens.

March has always been the most popular month of sitting tomato seeds. Dates of sowing Tomato may vary depending on the varieties that you have chosen for cultivation, but crops in March areniversal:

  • in early March, you can sort the varieties that will go to the greenhouse
  • at the end of March, those grades that will grow in the open soil

In April, you can also have time to sow the varieties of tomato, which are designed for landing in open ground and that you did not have time to plant in March.

Moon calendar of crops for March 2017

The lunar calendar of planting tomato in 2017 recommends the following in March:

  • March 12th-full moon-not landing day
  • March 28, new moon-not landing day
  • 2,3,4 March-4-7 moon days On the growing moon in the zodiac sign Taurus fertile and yield
  • 5.6 March-7-9 lunar days on the growing moon in twins, which is considered lowland
  • 7,8 March-9-11 Moon days on a growing moon in a fertile cancer sign
  • 9.10 March-11-13 lunar days in a non-fermentation sign of the zodiac lion
  • March 11th-growing moon, but in a non-fermentation sign of the Virgin
  • March 13-27, a decreasing moon. It does not mean that nothing can be seen. Maybe, but not tomatoes.
  • 30,31 March-3-5 Moon days on the growing moon in the fertile sign of the Taurus.

The good shoots of tomatoes are always obtained if you sow in the first seven lunar days, because the strength of the moon decreases, but the force of attraction of the Earth increases, which stimulates the growth of the roots. Tomato seeds rose within 4-6 days, which, by the way, falls on the second lunar week when root system Slows out its growth, but intensively starts to develop an overhead part. In the third lunar week, the roots are developing again, gaining power for further growth of seedlings. On the fourth week, all processes are slightly freezing, giving a kind of rest, before the upcoming new lunar month.

Based on this theory of John Jevons, confirmed by the practice of crops, it is always necessary to follow the well-established natural mechanism, which makes it possible to improve the viability, health and quality of plants.

Lunar calendar landing tomato in early April 2017

On the lunar calendar for April 2017 it turns out:

  • April 1, 25-5 -7 Moon Days of the growing moon in a low-grade sign of the Zodiac twins
  • On April 3 and 4 - 7-9, the lunar days of the growing moon in the fertile sign of cancer, but the eighth lunar day (April 3) has unstable energy due to the intermediate stage between the first and second phase of the moon, therefore 8 lunar day is considered unfavorable. But April 4 has all four positive characteristics For sowing Tomatov seeds. This is the most favorable day in April according to the lunar calendar of planting Tomato 2017.
  • April 5-9 - Growing Moon in non-gardening signs of Leo and Virgo
  • April 10-11, scales, you can sow
  • April 12-25, decreasing moon
  • April 27- The first lunar day on the growing moon in a fertile show of a Taurus, having all positive data for successful sowing
  • 28-29 April-Growing Moon, but in the non-fermentation sign of the twins
  • April 30- 4 Lunar day on the growing moon in good sign Cancer. This day is perfect for transplanting seedlings of peppers and tomatoes in a greenhouse, if the temperature of the soil in it is above 8 degrees ...

So, the lunar calendar of planting Tomato 2017 recommends that sowing in the first days of March and April to get well-developed and healthy seedlings To Mai for transplanting to a greenhouse or in open ground.

Good afternoon dear readers!

For many gardeners, the question of the time of planting the seedlings of tomato is very important in order to in the end excellent yield. It is very important to take into account the climatic features of the terrain, as well as the variety of tomato.

Another important factor when landing seedlings is the choice of the right term, it is precisely the ripening of fruits on time. Also need to choose right place Planting culture - greenhouse or open ground.

When sow tomatoes in the seedlings in 2019

Actually, at the same time, when it was planted in 2018 before)))

As a rule, in February-March, gardeners begin to prepare tomatoes for cultivation: soil and pots are bought for seedlings, seeds are chosen and purchased. The time of sowing seeds of tomato seedlings depends on the selected variety, as well as climatic conditions.

Tomatoes of different varieties have different times of maturation.

To obtain a rich yield of tomato, any gardener requires well to study all the subtleties of growing every variety.

It is not necessary to focus on the instructions written on the turnover of packaging from seeds, as it is often indicated there indicate the seeding time characteristic of the Middle Eastern countries with another climate, which may be unsuitable for one or another region.

Timing seeds for tomato of different varieties:

  1. For tall tomatoes, sowing on seedlings begins on February 20 to March 10.
  2. For early and secondary varieties, sowing starts from 10 to 22 March.
  3. For ultra early grades And Tomato "Cherry" also has its own customs time - the beginning of April.
  4. But the late satisfied varieties of tomatoes should be planted at seedlings in the third decade of February.

To independently define the duration of planting seeds of one or another variety of tomatoes, only one should know the time that is spent on the emergence of shoots until the culture ripening.

The vegetative period for early and hybrid varieties is one hundred days. By one hundred days should be adding about seven days that are required for seeds in order to climb. To the resulting number you need to add another day three, required for the sprouts to take root.

The result obtained is the term of ripening of culture, and therefore, start falling down the seeds of the early or hybrid variety It is necessary to the first - second April, then when landing in open soil seedlings in early June, in early July you will be pleased with the first harvest.

When to plant the seeds of tomato on seedlings for growing in greenhouses and in the open soil

In greenhouses from cellular polycarbonate, as well as glass sowing period is the period from February 26 to March 2. In the greenhouse from the film to plant tomatoes, you need one and a half weeks later.

In the open soil, planting seedlings are preferably between the ages of 50 and 60 days.By this time, add a week to the appearance of germs and a week to acclimatization during dive and disembarking into the ground.

Now count on sowing based on your regional conditions. To do this, you need to know when you have the last freezing. For example, in the Southern Urals, this is usually the end of May - the beginning of June. Then you can already plant tomatoes in open ground.

So, I referring back 2 and a half months and I get on March 14-15 - that's my best time For sowing tomatoes.

Lunar calendar 2019 for sowing tomatoes

Of course, the opinion about the influence of the moon for landing is all different. Someone is patiently waiting for favorable days, others do not pay attention and sow when they are comfortable. Both sides in their own way. Do how you think.

For those who believe in the participation of the moon and stars in the fate of their tomatoes, bring data Lunar calendar For 201.

The main rule: what grows above the earth is planted on a growing moon, the fact that under the ground is on a decreasing moon.

In the new moon and the full moon do not plant anything and do not touch the plants at all.

Adverse days in 2019:

  • January - 6,21;
  • February - 5.19;
  • March - 6, 21;
  • April - 5, 19;
  • May - 5, 19;
  • June - 3, 17;

Best signs for landing and dive - Taurus, scales, Capricorn.

Do not forget that before the sowing, seeds are soaked for 24 hours.

The earliest sowing is made in January. It is possible to conduct sowing work until April. The following numbers are considered to be favorable for the sowing of Tomatoes in 2019:

  • in January - 15, 16, 18;
  • in February - 7, 13-15;
  • in March - 7, 11-14;
  • in April - 8-11.

Tomatoes are planted at a permanent place approximately two months after germination. The height of seedlings for this period should be thirty-five centimeters.

  1. For the Moscow region, the seed landing on seedlings begins in early March and within a month. But for seedlings under film shelter - in mid-March.
  2. For Siberia and the Urals, plant seed seeds need from March to April.

But for accurate calculations, it is better to use the tips given above, depending on:

  • from the variety Tomatov
  • places of further cultivation
  • home opportunities to freeze seedlings with early landing
  • sprinkle in time to the greenhouse, under the film
  • weather conditionsWaiting for this spring.

Folk signs say:

If a snowdrop blooms, then you can plant tomatoes on seedlings.

Seedlings for a permanent place can be planted as soon as Rowan bloomed, lilac.

Early landing - problems with overgrown seedlings

The fact is that seeding must be carried out strictly at a certain time - the end of March - the beginning of April.

The reason for the process of seedlings can be:

  1. an insufficient amount sun ray During growth
  2. very high room temperature
  3. belated period with warm weather conditions needed to plant seedlings in the ground

If before boarding the permanent seedlings, the seedlings turned around, then when landing needed to make a shallow groove and put a seedling horizontally, only leaving the top above the ground surface.

In the case when the gardener saw that the seedlings turned back to the landing on a permanent place, it could be successfully possible to double the number of seedlings, which means to obtain a harvest.

It is necessary to cut off the top and put it into the water, soon she will give roots, after a seedling you can put in the ground.

The only minus of this method is a late ripening period - about two weeks later.

When disembarking, it is necessary to fasten the soil and pour well. The moisture after the landing will become an excellent activator for the development of the root system of seedlings.

It is not necessary to specifically allow the distortion of seedlings, while you lose a considerable part of the crop.

Also, there was also a growing seedlings to transport to the cottage, because in the way it can break.

Preparation of seeds

The very first stage in the seedling seedlings is used for landing, both dry and closed seeds. Before

For processing, you can resort, for example, to soaking in salts. But it is worth remembering that such a method of processing should be carried out no longer than ten minutes. After that, rinse the seeds well. Next you need to put treated seeds into clean water so that they are swollen.

The seed soaking procedure is not difficult - it should be placed in a shallow plate (you can take a saucer) a wet napkin, the seeds are laid on it and it is covered with either polyethylene or a lid and withstands the day. After you can proceed to sowing.

Selection of soil for seedlings

For tomato seedlings, it is good for both soil and a variety of mixtures suitable for growing any plants. But it is important to remember that the main component of the soil for tomatoes is a ferry and humus soil. So that the earth was loose, you can add peat, sawdust, perlite, vermiculite.

They are good for growing seedlings, as it does not require a dive. To obtain seedlings with the help of growing in a peat tablet, 2-3 seeds are allowed to plant in one tablet. In the event that all seeds come up, then the strongest sprout is left, the rest are pouring.

When sowing to the ground:

  • Support tomatoes for seedlings follows the boxes or a pot who have a depth of at least ten centimeters.
  • Seeds are seized close to the surface of the soil, about 1 cm in depth.
  • After it is necessary to cover the containers with polyethylene, glass, the use of a transparent cover is allowed.

The quality of the tomato seeds, as well as the air temperature affects germination. If the temperature reaches twenty-five degrees, and the seeds of proper quality, then shoots may appear within a week after landing.

After the appearance of germs. In the first week after the appearance of shoots, the backlight is better to leave on the round day, after after, it is necessary to ensure the duration of the light period for sprouts at least sixteen hours per day.

As soon as shoots appear:

  1. it is necessary to transfer pots or boxes into a more illuminated and slightly cool place, where the air temperature is about 16 ° C.
  2. For the week, the sprouts are fixed and then you can increase temperature mode Up to 20 ° C day and up to sixteen - at night.
  3. You need to take care to in place where the seedlings will be located.

Water should not be too cold - it is great for watering water room temperature.

  • Do not overcoat the soil, as it negatively affects the sprouts.
  • After the first real leaves, it is recommended to exercise every seven days.
  • When five real leaves appear, it will be necessary to water at about once every four days.

When are the seedlings on a permanent place?

Each gardener and gardener knows that the seedlings of the tomato does not tolerate spring frosts. That is why landing the tomatoes should only when they pass.

As a rule, disembarking begin to engage in late May - early June.

Tomato Review for 2019: Video

But do not forget that the period for disembarking seedlings to a permanent place depends on regional location and weather. To protect the culture from the wind and other troubles, it is required to cover it by observing material.

Now you know when you need to plant tomatoes this year on seedlings.

Successful crops and rich crop!

In winter, many home destroyed and summer houses begin to stock up the landing material of various vegetables and are wondering - when to plant pepper seeds, eggplant, cucumbers and tomato on seedlings? We told about the timing and rules for planting peppers in a separate article, which you can read by passing through this. Here you can explore how it is right and when you need to sow tomato seeds in 2019 in order to grow and get a good harvest as a result.

Tomatoes are a very popular product, which only very lazy or busy dackets are growing on their garden. Since the thermal-loving culture grows for quite a long time, it is grown by a seaside. From the appearance of germs before landing on the garden, approximately sixty days should pass. From this depend on the dates of planting seeds Tomato:

  • greenhouse varieties Saw in the end of February - early March;
  • tomatoes for open soil Sit no earlier than the end of February, since the recovered plants are worse walking.

Also, the dates of planting tomatoes depend on the weather conditions of the region. If in areas with a warm climate for permanent place tomatoes already put in April and May, then seeds can be seeded in February. In Siberia and in the Urals, at the end of May there are freezing, so seeding is recommended in March or even April.

No need to forget that different varieties have different time Development, so when buying seeds you need to pay attention to this:

  • varieties of large tomatoes usually refer to late, so they should be seated after February 20th or early March;
  • little grades for greenhouses - from the beginning to mid-April;
  • tall plants for closed soil (greenhouses, greenhouses) - at the end of March;
  • early tomatoeswho will land in a greenhouse or a greenhouse - in the second half of March;
  • early varieties for open soil - in the beginning of April.

When to plant tomatoes on seedlings in 2019?

Like other plants giving ground yield, planting tomatoes with a growing moon.

Favorable days for planting tomato on seedlings in 2019 will be:

  • january - 15,16,18;
  • february - from 6 to 8, 11, 13 and 16;
  • march - 10, 11, 12, 14, 15,16. 19, 20;
  • april - 8, 11. 18;
  • may - 9, 15, 17, 18 numbers;
  • june: 5, 11.12, 13, 15.

In the northern regions, Siberia and in the Urals, where the planting of the tomato is mainly engaged in April, there are practically no beneficial days for this, so it is recommended to choose a day for a zodiacal circle with a growing moon and plant tomatoes from 7 to 17 April.

Cultivation of seedlings Tomato at home

To get a spring healthy and strong seedlings, before sowing seeds must be prepared:

  1. Empty containers in the form of boxes, plastic containers, peat tablets, disposable cups or cassettes with pallet.
  2. Suitable soil mixture.
  3. Seeds that may need to handle before sowing.

Preparation of soil

For tomato, you should choose a soil consisting of a delicate earth, humoring (1: 1) and a small amount of peat or sawdust. Today, many specialized stores sell soil mixtures for planting tomatoes, so the substrate itself can not be prepared. But if there is an opportunity, then the soil can be prepared independently from the above components or from the garden land, sand and chernozem (1: 1: 1) to which a bit of vermiculite is added. Finished soil for tomatoes should have a pH from 5.5 to 6.0.

At any soil mixture There may be disputes of fungi and pest larvae, so it should be displaced before use. For this, everyone uses its way. Here is some of them:

  • shed a bright pink solution of manganese;
  • place in the microwave and warm up at full capacity for two minutes;
  • purchase on a tray and at a temperature of 200 degrees warm 15 minutes in the oven;
  • the soil in the well-stocked package to put in the container with hot water (+ 60 ... + 70 degrees), cover with a lid and leave until the water is completely cooled.

Processed soil should be moistened and for two weeks to hold in the warm room. During this time, the bacteria is beneficial in it useful for the growth and development of plants.

Treatment of seeds

Today in stores in most cases sold already processed planting material. Focused on the market or collected independently seeds before sowing should be processed in one way:

  1. For 20 minutes, put in 15 a solution of manganese, after wrapped in gauze.
  2. One or two hours to hold in the phytosporin solution (1 drop of the drug per 100 ml of water).
  3. Soak one day in soda solution (1 gram of soda on 200 ml of water).
  4. For a day, twice twice in the squeezed out of the leaves or acquired in the pharmacy solution aloe juice with water. Aloe juice and water are taken equally and mixed. If the juice is used, which is squeezed from home flower, His pre-5 days should be withstanding in the refrigerator. The plants obtained from the seed treated in this method will differ in high quality of fruits, good yield and resistance to various diseases.

Planting tomato on seedlings - Photo

If the seeds or containers were chosen for sowing seeds, then they are filled with wet soil, in which, with a pencil or a stick at a distance of each other, a small wells are made about 3-4 cm. In each well, it is placed on the seed, which is then sprinkled with soil and moisturized with warm water from the spray.

The seating containers are topped with a food film, a transparent cellophane package or glass and placed in a warm place with air temperature from +25 to +30 degrees.

So that the soil began to mold, it must be used every day, raising a film for this. As the soil is drying, it is moistened with a spray gun.

Care for seedy

The term of the appearance of shoots depends on the varieties of tomatoes, the quality of seeds and the conditions of sowing. The first seedlings may appear after 3-4 days. So that they do not stretch, seating containers are placed in a bright place. Film can be removed after all seavers appear. The air temperature for young plants should be within the limits of +20 degrees, and at night from +16 to +18 degrees. It is necessary to trace the seedlings not standing on draft.

Care for seedlings Tomato is to perform the following procedures:

After picking, the care of the seedle remains the same as before. Bustics need to water and provide them in a timely manner. good lighting Without direct sunlight. Since the transplant will be carried out in new sad, feeding no sense.

When to plant a tomato seedlings?

When the threat of frosts is held and warm weather will be installed, tomato seedlings can be planted in open ground.

IN Krasnodar Territory And other warm landing areas are engaged in the beginning of May. In Siberia, in the Urals and North, the Open Ground Seedlings of the Tomato are imprisoned not earlier than the end of May - early June. Under the film, greenhouse varieties should be planted for two weeks earlier.

10-14 days before plant landing hardened, for which they are in warm days to a plot or an open balcony.

Space tomatoes are recommended after beet, carrots, green onions, cabbage, turnips, patissons, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, siturates. It is impossible to plant tomatoes on the beds, where tomatoes, peas, Physalis, eggplants, peppers, potatoes grew up in the past year.

Proper landing, care and observance of crop rotation will be a guarantee good harvest Delicious and useful tomatoes that can be fed and marrying for the winter. And about when and how to plant and grow and grow and, you can find out if you go through the allocated links.

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