Favorable days for the device work. Work on the lunar calendar (when to look for, the best day for shift)

Reservoirs 01.10.2019
Conspiracy of the Siberian healer. Release 09 Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

When you should not leave work

If a person quit his job in an unfavorable number, then it will not find another place for a long time, and finding it may soon leave.

January - 1, 13, 20.

February - 17, 18, 27, 29.

March - 1, 3, 6, 24.

April - 24, 27, 29.

May - 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 27.

June - 7, 10, 22, 26.

July - 2, 7, 13.

August - 3, 4, 5, 9.

September - 1, 2, 27, 28.

October - 3, 6, 12, 14, 22.

November - 4, 12, 16, 18, 21, 27.

December - 14, 18.

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Everyone dreams of finding good and paid work.

On the current position you may not arrange a guide or size of the salary, but this does not mean that you need to throw everything in the same minute and stay without livelihood. It is best to like the issue of transition to another company with a cold calculation. We'll figure it out when it is better to look for work.

Not the best time to search for new work.

First of all, remember that the pre-holiday time is always a "dead" time. Personnel departments at this time are engaged in the organization of corporate evenings, drawing up the work schedule, but not finding new candidates. That is why, if you do not apply for the role of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden, do not look for work in December. The lack of a large selection of vacancies on the market lasts until mid-March.

Traditionally, not the best time of the year is summer, or rather, its first half. At this time, you can not get on the most paid job. If you have a good education, extensive experience and the desire to take a good position, then you should not go to interviews in May and June.

Remember that there are industries depending on the season. For example, in construction it makes no sense to seek the work in the fall. For this sphere, the appearance of vacancies in April is characteristic.

Lawyers receive annual premiums in February, and after March holidays, many of them change the employer. During this period, there is an opportunity to get a liberated position. Accountants usually dismissed after reporting. The position in the financial department should not be applied in March or April.

Favorable time for employment

Remember, the longer you are in the search stage, the lower your price as a specialist falls. In order not to remain without livelihood, look for work only in those moments when the vacancies market are overflowing with suggestions. It happens:

  • in early April (only note that competition increases at this moment);
  • from mid-July to the end of August;
  • from September to November.

If you do not have special merits that could attract the employer, go to search for work in the summer. In the fall, competition in the market is large, and the search goes much slower than in other months. The advantage of searching this season is that you can qualify for a higher position and find a place where they pay well. The selection at this time is engaged in large companies with decent working conditions.

Sources to search for vacancies

To get a job, you can use a variety of ways:

  • to write about the search on your page in any of the social networks;
  • contact the recruitment agency;
  • register at the employment center;
  • view newspapers with ads;
  • search for vacancies on sites on the Internet.

If you have already quitted from the previous job, be sure to register with the CZN. This will help you receive a monthly payment, get to advanced training courses and get several directions for interviews.

About the company's salary fund, while communicating with the representative of the personnel department, it is necessary to learn later. First of all, speak to the announcements with the specified salary, and with the mark "Payment by agreement" leave at a later time. At the interview, it is important to show your qualifications. After you give a preliminary positive answer, you can talk about paying your work.

Tips of astrologers. Bad and good days for a device for work

Many of us, especially in this hard period, are interested in the problem of employment. At the first interview, candidates are sometimes lost and as a result represent themselves not in such a winning light, as they would like. The feeling of unrealization is depressing and undermines faith in his strength ... Or maybe just not lucky? - Many of the rejected questions asked themselves this question. Astrologers offer a number of tips in relation to the days of the week when you are going to get a job. Perhaps, taking them into account, you can go from the category of losers to the opposite: those lucky who finally found the case. Successful searches for you and no less successful employment!

Monday. The patron of this day is the moon - a planet of tenderness and calm. Therefore, it is possible to count on success at the employer, if you behave alone, calmly, without sharp movements, to talk gently, quietly. On this day, one should not annoy the surrounding and potential boss with birds, bright outfits - we need to go into light or nonsense, with blurred tones of clothes. It is very important to show that you know how to get along with people, you understand them and have a subtle mental organization. In general, on Monday, the easiest way to get a job associated with the upbringing of children. There are many chances and teachers, as well as ... at housewives.

Tuesday. The patron of this day is Mars. In turn, he patronizes all the clear, sharp, defined and bright. Therefore, it is advisable to dress, it is best to dress in red tones. Go to work only if firmly confident - on this day with an equal degree of probability you can quickly take, but also quickly, in a sharp form, without comment - refuse. In order not to be the last, explain quickly, briefly, with minimal emotions. Show that you are a man of business that can immediately be in the essence of the situation, initiative and mandatory. Since Mars is a carrier of a warlike principle, on this day it is easier to get a military organization or to a new one, which has just created a firm.

Wednesday. The patron saint of this day is Planet Mercury, which favorabbing young, free-sighted and loosely posing his thoughts to people. On Wednesday, it is necessary to prefer younger style in clothes - put on, for example, a sweater and jeans, say a lot and, preferably, complex phrases, try to impress a smart person. Attach efforts to look younger. Since Mercury is the God of Trading, on this day it is easier to find it in the trade sphere. But be alert! Just on Wednesday, people often come across the network of unscrupulous and dishonest employers, may become a victim of financial pyramids like the infamous "MMM".

Thursday. Patron of the day, Planet Jupiter, favorably for education, travels. If you speak foreign languages, you have a higher education, dream of a career associated with abroad, you can safely get a job on Thursday. It is possible to dress modestly, unprepacently, in a business style. But it is important to show your knowledge and skills to the employer, able to show rich imagination and internal content. Show that you are ready for constant self-education, long-term fruitful cooperation, expansion of the firm's activities.

Friday. The patron of Venus favors women and beauty. Therefore, the French representatives wishing to get a job should pay special attention to their appearance on this day. Carefully select cosmetics, hairstyle, clothes, accessories - everything should be harmonized with each other, be a little, but refined. But both men, well-dressed and showing eloquence, also a good chance of employing. And the places where it is advisable to try your forces with the greatest success is the beauty salons, flower shops, atelier mod or design centers - where creative seducker is required.

Saturday. This day is influenced by Planet Saturn. She is heard by the planet-limiter by the law and real estate. If you want to get a position, get dressed strictly, simple, in classic style. No jeans, curtain navels and catchy decorations! In communication with a potential chief, try to keep seriousness, and if he provokes you to fun (you never know, suddenly he checks you), do not hurry loudly, permissible to smile slightly. Be businesslites, restrained and very correct. Do not take any informal proposals from the chef, to refuse even from a cup of coffee, not to mention a joint visit to the cafe - in a word, be "fastened to all buttons!"

Polyenova_Teatyan (Rostov-on-Don)

First Publication Date: 2009-03-26

Employment is a very complex process that affects the location of the planets, the passage of the moon on the signs of the zodiac, the lunar day and aspects and many other things.

We will look at the overall mechanism that will allow you to choose the right moment to submit documents, successfully passing the interview and obtaining the desired post. The emotional state of any person is influenced by the changes in the moon phase and many other astrological processes. It can be noted that, for example, in full moon, people are irritable, prone to aggression and conflict, and those who suffer from vascular diseases may experience unpleasant physical sensations. And in the first and last days of the lunar cycle, a person usually feels the decline of strength, insecurity in their abilities is easily subjected to manipulations and deception. Such factors are negatively reflected on any relationship, including on the relationship with the employer. In this article, I will describe the most favorable conditions for employment from the point of view of astrology.

Favorable days for interviewing and employment

4 and 7 lunar days - the time when it is necessary to utter the desired, focus on their professional advantages and talk about a high fee. These days, all you say, has great strength and affects the interlocutor. 10 and 11 lunar days are favorable for the device in a large corporation with a perspective of growth. Your place will be stable, career will go uphill, financial results will grow rapidly. 17 and 21 moon days are effective for independent people who develop creative directions are ready for responsibility and risky steps. During this period, it is successful to open its own business, radically change the scope of activity and implement your creative potential.

Favorable for employment moon position

Now we will consider the passage of the moon on the signs of the zodiac, which contributes to the achievement of career goals and prosperous employment. The moon in Lev is a good period for the implementation of global career purposes. You can get a job for competitors, try our forces in senior positions, to achieve investing in their ideas. Employment these days is advisable if you need a permanent job, career prospects and long-term. Moon in the Virgin - a good period for the device of middle officers: Accounting, management, teamwork. This is the right time for those who are ready to work disciplined for the benefit of the company, intelligently grow and master new knowledge. The moon in the Taurus is an effective time for employment on work specialties: employees of factories and factories, employees of farms, auto mechanics, plumbing - all these experts will achieve good results and worthy wages.

The moon in Scorpio is suitable for those who want to quickly enrich and consider temporary cooperation options. The moon in Sagittarius is suitable for those who want to implement their ambitions first, and the working conditions and payment are only in the second plan. The moon in Capricorn is an effective time for those who want fame and achievements in the narrow-professessional field of activity. The Moon in Aquarius is an effective period for the employment of creative personalities: musicians, poets, writers, advertisers. The moon in the fish is an effective period for the employment of people who tend to earn with the help of spiritual processes: psychologists, coaches of spiritual practices, esoteric consultants.

Adverse Periods for Employment

Now we will look at the periods that need to be categorically avoided during interviews, employment and entry into new job responsibilities. 1 and 2 Moon days are instability and disappointment, as well as unjustified hopes and the inability to cope with the goals. 9 and 19 lunar days - a period of deception and destruction of illusions, which can lead to losses of finance and time. 29 Lunar day - a period when you will face injustice, which will lead to losses and difficulties in the future employment. Full moon is the most unfavorable and difficult period for employment. You will have to constantly fight and lay out all your strength and knowledge, which will result in the unfair loss of work and a lack of finance. I recommend to view my workbook, remember all the dates of interviews and employment to confirm the algorithm that is described above. After analyzing their life experience at the proposed algorithm, you will make sure that the development of situations with work occurred on a given path. Using the knowledge gained, you can avoid difficulties and mistakes, find a worthy job to realize your professional knowledge and get a decent fee. And you can also consult with an astrologer to view important details: Natal Card, aspects, the influence of the planets on your horoscope at the moment - then your success will increase many times, and you can achieve your goals without any special obstacles.

The decreasing moon is able to pick up life failures and illness, giving a positive change in return. To do this, you need to know what to do to a decreasing moon.

With a decreasing moon, many legends and legends are associated. For example, shamans call the Moon Mother Mother and build the rules of a happy life on the observance of her covenants. The energy of a decreasing moon helps those who are with her on the same wavelength, but if you do not know what you can, but what can not be done during the recession of lunar activity, then small and large troubles can be attracted.

What can not be done on a decreasing moon

A period of decreasing moon is the recession time, fading all processes. Therefore, it is not recommended during this period to start some important things, plan events and produce cardinal changes in your life aimed at acquiring and growing. For example, dismissal from work on a decreasing moon will be perfectly, but it is recommended to get a new one on the growing.

It should be understood that the moon affects different signs of the zodiac: calm Capricorn, dreamy fish and unpredictable scales perceive its influence in accordance with their individual characteristics. Therefore, the time of decreasing moon is extremely unpredictable and has only one, common to everyone, the principle: you should not start something new and implement ideas, investing time, strength and money in them. Most likely it will not bring fruit, or you will not like the result.

What you need to do on a decreasing moon

A period of decreasing moon is a good time to get rid of negative effects, diseases, quarrels and problems. So that the new moon cycle change your life for the better and brought harmony, you need to have time to do these seven things:

1. To carry out general cleaning. It is necessary to start clearing life from all unnecessary and obsolete with a living space, because the house is a place where we spend the most time. In order to "in the house even the walls helped" get rid of the rubble and unnecessary things. Unfortunately, throw out things that you were not useful for you throughout the year. It is useful will wash the windows and wash the curtains.

2. Disassemble old letters and photos. Photos contain the energy prints of the aura of the depicted man, animal or place. If you keep photos in disorder or keep many images of people of the dead or already disappeared from your life, then you will be very difficult to attract happiness.

3. Change your meals. On a decreasing moon, you can get rid of excess weight or health problems. One of the best ways is to sit on a diet, temporarily abandoning fat, salty, smoked fried and sweet. A healthy eating on a decreasing moon can get rid of a large number of problems.

4. Rip out unnecessary connections. This item suits you if you think about your surroundings for a long time or someone from your friends causes you feeling that you are deceived. In this case, the decreasing moon is the best time to stop communicating with people who causing unpleasant emotions.

5. Return debts. Money energy is very closely connected with lunar cycles. To attract wealth on the growing moon, you must not take old money debts into a new lunar cycle.

6. Put in order room flowers. Flowers in our house play a very important role: at the energy level, they filter the negative of any kind, passing it through itself and transforming energy into a positive. Pativate the colors of love and care: Feel them, cut the sick sprigs, transfer to the big pots of the plant, which in their old house it became closely.

7. Trim bad memories. If a bad event happened in your life, the memories of which tormented you so far, the energy of a decreasing moon will help you get rid of them. For this you just need to trim, while having a haircut thinking about a negative event. The more tormented the past, the shorter you need to cut your hair.

People who are fond of esoterica, a period of decreasing moon will provide good assistance in rites and conspiracies that save me and pain. Moon energy will accelerate any magical influences aimed at deliverance and cleansing.

The decreasing moon will take all the unnecessary, preventing and outdated, so that the energy of happiness, wealth and harmony flows into the freed spot. We wish you peace and prosperity, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

17.09.2016 01:07

Our mood and success in life depends on the shift of the lunar phase. Astrologers will prompt than let's march ...

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