How to find peace of mind and harmony with yourself. Peace of mind

garden equipment 20.10.2019
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Do you often feel "out of your element"? Are you tormented by self-doubt, irritability, sudden mood swings? It's time to start managing emotions, rebuilding the character with your own hands. You will achieve much more than you can imagine if you just try to act purposefully, make some effort. Work on yourself to change for the better and start living in harmony with yourself. How to find peace of mind? Pay attention to a few recommendations, remember the important points. Make a plan for self-development and work on it. A person is capable of much, and you will certainly be able to overcome spiritual discomfort, you will build your life differently.

Overcoming mental discomfort
Start with yourself. To find peace of mind, you need to engage in self-development.
  1. Think about yourself. Sit in a quiet environment, great if no one is in the room. Concentrate and evaluate yourself objectively. Look for the positives. You can start simple: you love your loved ones, do something, study or work. Of course, you have enough pluses so as not to constantly think only about the negative. Focus your attention on the positive traits of your character.
  2. Analyze and record. Take a piece of paper, preferably a notebook or notebook. Write down your positive qualities there. Determine how they help you, what you can achieve with these traits. Assess your potential.
  3. Good all around. Now think about the good things around you. You probably don't notice a lot, you take it for granted. You have friends, acquaintances, whom it is easy to turn to for advice or support, relatives. You live in a house, you have the appropriate conditions. Look at everything from a different angle: imagine that not everyone has what you have, it can be lost. Realize the value of the people around you, objects and phenomena. Learn to enjoy life.
  4. Keep a diary. Try to reflect in your diary positive and negative emotions, their causes and, of course, your systematic work on yourself. Don't forget to praise yourself for the smallest achievement.
  5. Accumulate positivity. Any positive emotion should be developed by you, focus on the good. Accumulate in yourself positive impressions, energy.
  6. What needs to be fixed. Think about those traits in yourself that you need to correct or overcome. Just decide on a specific plan right away. For example, if you are easily irritated, prone to conflicts, you need to deal with this very quality. Learn to find compromises, avoid disputes, do not enter into discussions. Step aside if others are arguing, do not let yourself be drawn into conflicts. Write down all your qualities that you decide to change, make specific action plans. Check your notes at least once a week. Control your own development.
  7. Don't scold yourself. Get rid of the habit of scolding yourself forever. You work on yourself, identify shortcomings and correct them, and do not become an enemy to yourself. Accept yourself and love. Learn to evaluate yourself objectively, set realistic goals and move towards them. The main thing is to see development, movement forward. Once you have become a little better after a month of working on yourself, managed to find peace of mind at least for a certain period of time, this is already an achievement. You have more to strive for.
  8. Forget about the unattainable. Rejoice in unexpected victories. Try to focus only on achievable tasks. Of course, you shouldn't make your life too easy. But do not try to conquer the unattainable peak. Evaluate your strengths sensibly. Doubts arose, it is difficult for you to say for sure whether you will be able to achieve the desired goal? Do you want to try? Of course, you do not need to limit yourself - go for it. Just immediately tell yourself that if you can solve such a difficult task for yourself, you will surpass yourself. Then you will rejoice. And, of course, you should not be upset in case of failure - after all, you immediately realized that you were not playing to win, you might not be able to cope. So there is no reason to worry.
  9. Work on yourself and don't miss anything. Little things don't happen here. It is likely that your self-doubt, mental discomfort are associated with real shortcomings that prevent you from living. Remember: in working on yourself, it is important to do everything carefully, to understand every nuance thoroughly. For example, ordinary absent-mindedness can lead to many conflicts, problems, constant worries and anxieties. Identify for yourself such shortcomings as obstacles that prevent you from moving on. Just get them out of the way, just do it seriously - forever. Take life into your own hands.
  10. Don't compare yourself to others. Never begin to self-flagellate by comparing yourself to other people. We all have different potential, opportunities and characters. Each person is an individual. Evaluate opportunities based only on your personal character traits, as well as those qualities that you are going to develop.
Work on yourself, but don't criticize yourself. Accept yourself with all the shortcomings, and do not forget to constantly improve. Don't be put off by action planning. Keep a diary, tune in psychologically. You can also practice meditation and self-hypnosis. If necessary, contact a psychologist - there is nothing strange in this, specialists just study and practice to help people.

You and the world around you. Find Peace of Mind: Do Good and Get Rid of Negativity
Focus on positive emotions. Finding peace of mind and harmony will help you not only common sense, the ability to work on yourself, but also a sincere positive attitude towards the world and others. Remember how in childhood everything seemed friendly and mysterious to you. Have you learned a lot of bad things? It does not matter! Now you need to start discovering the world anew, using experience and knowledge. Learn from your mistakes and enjoy the moment.

  1. Leave envy. Never envy others. You cannot know what a person has in his soul, what awaits him ahead, how his life will turn out even after a couple of hours. Think of yourself and don't compare yourself to others.
  2. Learn to forgive and forget the bad. Try to learn to forgive. This will relieve you of many worries, irritability. Is it impossible to forgive? Then forget the bad along with the person who brought it. Forever erase from life, as if nothing had happened. And don't remember.
  3. Don't bring negativity. Do not take part in intrigues, do not take revenge, do not carry negativity with you - it will certainly return to you, it will bother you, sharpen from the inside.
  4. Be more attentive to people. Think more often about your loved ones, offer them help. Be sensitive and delicate.
  5. Do good. Do not skimp on kind words and deeds. It will be much easier for you to find peace of mind when you yourself see the positive results of your actions. And people won't forget your attitude either.
Enjoy communication with family and friends, admire the beauty of nature, look at the world with a smile. Try to get better, but don't beat yourself up. You are able to change a lot and find spiritual harmony.

Love and peace are inseparable. Love is not possessing another person. This is a state of harmony with the whole world and, above all, with oneself. It is the assurance that you are moving in the right direction. If we seek love, we find peace of mind, and if we seek peace, we find love.

First of all, peace is balance

The number one challenge for martial artists is to maintain balance. When you start doing karate, you will learn that strength depends on balance and a “cold” head. It is worth adding emotions, and your song is sung.

Balance and peace of mind are the sources of our self-confidence. Calm does not mean sleepy! Calmness is the control of force, not opposition to it. Calmness is the ability to see the big picture without focusing on the details.

If you want to protect yourself from all adversity, you have chosen the wrong planet.

Peace and confidence can only be found within yourself. There is no stability in the surrounding world, everything around is in a state of eternal variability. How can we deal with the unpredictability of life? Just by accepting it!

Tell yourself, “I love surprises. It's great when you know that at any moment some kind of surprise can happen.

Make a decision: “No matter what happens, I can handle it.”

Agree with yourself: “If I get fired, I will find a job with a freer schedule. If I get hit by a bus, I won't be here anymore."

This is not a joke. This is the truth of life. The earth is a dangerous place. People are born and die here. But that doesn't mean you have to live like a cowardly rabbit.

How to achieve mental balance?

To find peace of mind, first of all, you need to change your worldview. And the habit of giving yourself a break every day can help with this.

People who have achieved peace of mind often perform certain rituals. Some pray, others meditate, some walk along the seashore at dawn. Everyone finds their own way of relaxation. It helps us better understand ourselves and learn about the world around us.

Life will remain a struggle if we insist on it

Modern Western civilization has taught us to constantly strain. I do not argue with the fact that “you can’t even pull the fish out of the pond without difficulty.” But before we start doing anything, we need to stop fighting everything and everything. We grew up believing in resistance. We tend to push events and push people. We exhaust ourselves, and this does more harm than good.

Why is relaxation needed?

Almost everything we do in life is a race for results. But deep relaxation, meditation or prayer helps us to look at life in a new way. We expect that the future will bring us many pleasant moments. However, our attention should still be focused on the present.

As we practice deep relaxation, we will begin to notice that some of the qualities acquired during the exercise gradually become habitual and change our daily life. We become calmer, we have intuition.

We all have an inner voice, but it is weak and barely audible. When life gets too hectic and noisy, we stop hearing it. But as soon as we muffle extraneous sounds, everything changes. Our intuition is always with us, but often we do not pay any attention to it.

Many people pass through this circle. From this we can conclude: "If you do not have time for relaxation - it is absolutely necessary for you."

Meditation will save you more time than you spend on it. Make it a habit to tune yourself the way you tune a musical instrument. Twenty minutes every day - so that the strings of your soul sound clean and harmonious. Wake up every morning with the intention of being calm and balanced. Some days you will be able to hold out until the evening, and sometimes only until breakfast. But if maintaining peace of mind becomes the goal, gradually you will learn this art.

Forces of nature

Have you ever noticed that you can wander all day in the forest and feel the influx of strength? Or spend the morning at the mall and feel like you've been run over by a truck? Everything around vibrates, be it grass, concrete, plastic or polyester. We capture her. Gardens and forests have a healing vibration - they restore our energy.

The vibration of concrete malls is of a different type: they suck energy. The vibration of cathedrals is directed upwards. In smoky bars and strip clubs, you will leave the lion's share of your vitality.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that our health and worldview depend on the elusive energy of the environment. When we are full of energy, we easily manage to resist illness and the bad mood of others. If the energy is at zero, we attract depression and illness to ourselves.

Greetings, desert corner...

It cannot be considered a mere coincidence that cultures around the world have a tradition and reverence for solitude. For the period of initiation, both the American Indian and the African Bushman left their tribes, hiding in the mountains or forests in order to understand their destiny.

Great Teachers - Christ, Buddha, Mohammed - drew inspiration from solitude, as did the millions of monks, mystics and seekers of truth who followed in their footsteps. Each of us needs such a treasured place where phones do not ring, where there is no TV or Internet. Let it be a nook in the bedroom, a corner on the balcony or a bench in the park - this is our territory for creativity and reflection.

All is one

Since the 17th century, science has been armed with Sir Isaac Newton's method: if you want to understand something, smash it to smithereens and study the pieces. If this does not add clarity, divide into even smaller parts ...

In the end, you will get to the bottom of how the universe works. But is it true? Take Shakespeare's sonnet and divide it into nouns, prepositions and pronouns, then break the words into letters. Will the author's intent become clearer to you? Lay out the "Mona Lisa" on strokes. What will it give you? Science works wonders, but it also dissects. The mind breaks things apart. The heart brings them together.

Health and well-being come when we look at the world as a whole. This fully applies to our body, and to our life, and to all of humanity.

Unfortunately, few people can calmly react when they are shouted at, humiliated, rude, when money is lost or a loved one leaves. All people face problems, and only in rare moments can you feel the joy of your life. But happiness, as they say, lives inside each individual. And not everyone can protect themselves from problems and insure their lives like a car. This means that you yourself need to become spiritually happy in order to feel the joy of being.

But how can you feel happiness when you are surrounded by numerous problems? No way. And here it is necessary to be a mentally balanced person in order to calmly relate to any troubles in life and keep joy inside oneself.

How to find peace of mind?

Need to stop playing and pretending

It is difficult for a person to be spiritually relaxed and happy just because he himself begins to be insincere, a pretender, a deceiver. Most people deceive even themselves, which becomes clear only when a person realizes that he wanted something completely different, and not what he received. People play some roles: leaving the house, each of you is no longer what he is when he is left alone with himself. You try to smile when you want to cry, maintain a good-natured relationship with colleagues when in fact they annoy you. All these games and pretense simply take away mental strength and unbalance.

You need to do something not because others want it,
but because you yourself wished it

Mental balance is lost when a person begins to live and act at the behest of other people. He no longer listens to himself, he listens to what other people tell him. And how can you be calm and balanced in such a situation, even if sometimes you don’t understand why you should do what you don’t want to do? You are used to living in accordance with the desires of the people around you, but you forgot about your own. How, then, can you talk about peace of mind if you do not even listen and do not turn to yourself?

You need to know and love yourself

You need to communicate with yourself alone more often, understand the motives of your desires and actions. Then such knowledge will lead you to self-confidence, stability. And this will not be due to whether you have large sums of money and a luxurious house, but to the fact that you understand yourself. You know what drives you, what you really want, and you love and accept everything that is connected with you. You do not condemn yourself, do not criticize, but calmly treat even what could previously cause hostility. Because this is you, which is, which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

From self-acceptance begins to develop peace of mind. You no longer judge yourself, but simply accept with those negative and positive qualities that you have. Each person has his own shortcomings, but you have the right to learn to treat your negative qualities positively.

There was a time when I could not sleep for hours. An accidental incident, an unfortunate event, a conversation that did not (as I would like) ended in a way that unsettled me for a long time. Obsession with thoughts and constant digestion of what was, reliably sucked my attention and deprived me of vital energy. The next morning I felt not cheerful and well-rested, but mortally tired and overwhelmed.

I realized that I was simply living in a negative “emotional cocoon” into which, to be completely honest, I had immersed myself. In the end, no one forced me to experience unpleasant and difficult experiences. I did it myself. Let it be unconscious.

So I started looking for a way out.

A static system is the most vulnerable

The main discovery lay on the surface.

We are not so much slaves of our own addictions and habits as slaves of stability. The older we get, the less we want something to really change in life. Especially not the way we want it to change. We crave stability and peace. Firmness and immutability. The inviolability of the established order of life. To always be constantly good, blessed and curly.

But that doesn't happen.

The world around us does not exist according to the laws that we invent for it. The world around us exists according to the laws of dialectics. And dialectics provides for the constancy and immutability of only one thing - conflicts and contradictions.

An attempt to escape from conflicts is an attempt to escape from reality or escapism. Reality will still impose them on you, but not on yours, but on your field. I learned the hard way what it is to be silent when you need to speak, what it is to push away problems when you need to solve them, what it is to sit and blink your eyes when you need to act. As a result, sooner or later I lost.

Then I realized that an attempt to ignore the world around you, being in your illusions, does not lead to peace of mind, but, on the contrary, gives rise to a bunch of situations that lead to discomfort.

I had a friend whose constant dream was to get everyone behind him. But for some reason, it always turned out that someone cared about him anyway. Miracles and more.

State of dynamic balance

One of my teachers of life was a children's toy "Roly-Vstanka". She showed me that there is such a state in which no matter how life beats you, no matter how it pushes you, you will always return to the position that you occupy. In other words, you always keep the inner balance, despite the ongoing changes and external influences.

This state is called dynamic equilibrium.

In practice, this means that nothing, no external event or circumstance is able to unsettle you and knock you off your intended goal. On the contrary, you turn any troubles to your advantage. Have you been severely criticized? Instead of becoming discouraged, you use the facts you have learned to work intensively on yourself and reach a new level. Got fired? You do not give up and do not complain about fate, but remember your forgotten talents and create a profitable business on them.

But all this is simply a consequence of the fact that you adequately perceive reality and react flexibly to it. There are no ineffective rules and limiting frames in your head, but there is a holistic perception of the world and the ability to see what is usually hidden from the eyes of other people.

Development strategy

The path to finding inner peace and peace of mind, that is, the state of dynamic balance, is the path of practice. It's constantly increasing degree of personal maturity. And this is exactly what the vast majority of people involved in "self-development" strive to avoid like fire. Because it’s very cool and fun to do something pleasant, comfortable and interesting (for example, meditation or reading books) and think that you are “developing”.

And it is very unpleasant to look deep into yourself and realize that you and only you are the only reason for the events taking place in your life - in business, in relationships, in the prevailing circumstances. Realizing this is sometimes very painful and unpleasant. It is so unpleasant that the cunning and dodgy mind begins to invent various "serious and valid" reasons in order not to do real work on oneself. To just not see the true state of things.

The husband left the woman. Went to another. He left because he was walking and because he got bored. These reasons are not hidden. They were on the surface. It was enough to take a closer look, compare some facts and signs to see them. And when you see it, take appropriate action. But what happened, happened. And she can correct/improve the situation only by realizing the processes by virtue of which she ended up in it.

Instead, a woman runs to fortune-tellers, sorceresses, attends women's trainings, “cleanses karma” and does other easy, pleasant and interesting things. The husband even returns. For a while. But then he gets bored again, and he again goes into the night in search of adventure. And this may continue for a long time.

Real personal growth cannot be replaced by simulation. No way.


I stubbornly searched for the root of anxiety, the source of all and sundry worries, anxieties and worries. And he couldn't find it. Until I realized that my current personality (and its overseer) didn't really want to look for it. For this root is a frank, impudent and shameless lie to oneself. Believe me, deceiving yourself by creating illusions and simulacra is one of the favorite activities of our limited mind.

Can you stop lying to yourself?

But then you will have to face in full the amount of truth about yourself, about people, about life that you did not want, could not and did not want to see. And after that, you will no longer be able to live as you used to before. This is a one way ticket. The choice is serious and not everyone is ready to make it. This is the destiny of truly strong people. Or those who want to be.

After that, you will have a completely different life. Outwardly, nothing will change. At least right away. But your perception will become as pure as you want it to be. You will see the world in a completely different way, completely different from what you see it now. Ready to embark on this exciting and challenging journey? Start by sending requests for a free consultation.

I'm sure you deserve a better life! Calm, happy and harmonious.

Calmness and order, general peace of mind - these are the desired states of every person. Our life basically passes like on a swing - from negative emotions to euphoria, and vice versa.

How to find and maintain a point of balance so that the world is perceived positively and calmly, nothing irritates or frightens, and the present moment brings inspiration and joy? And is it possible to find long-term peace of mind? Yes, it is possible! Moreover, along with peace comes true freedom and simple happiness to live.

These are simple rules, and they work religiously. You just need to stop thinking HOW to change and start APPLYING them.

1. Stop asking "Why did this happen to me?" Ask yourself another question: “What wonderful thing happened? What good can this do for me?” The good is there, you just have to see it. Any problem can turn into a real gift from above, if you consider it as an opportunity, and not as a punishment or injustice.

2. Practice gratitude. Every evening sum up: for what you can say “thank you” to the day you lived. If peace of mind is lost, remember the good things you have and the things you can be thankful for in life.

3. Load the body with physical exercises. Remember that the brain most actively produces “hormones of happiness” (endorphins and enkephalins) during physical training. Therefore, if you are overcome by problems, anxiety, insomnia - go outside and walk for several hours. A quick step or run will distract from sad thoughts, saturate the brain with oxygen and raise the level of positive hormones.

4. Develop a “cheerful posture” and create a happy posture for yourself. The body can help wonderfully when you need to restore peace of mind. It will “remember” the feeling of joy if you just straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, stretch happily and smile. Consciously hold yourself in this position for a while, and you will see that the thoughts in your head become calmer, more confident and happy.

5. Bring yourself back to the here and now. A simple exercise helps to get rid of anxiety: look around, focus on what you see. Start mentally "voicing" the picture, inserting as many words as possible "now" and "here". For example: “I am walking down the street now, the sun is shining here. Now I see a man, he is carrying yellow flowers…” and so on. Life consists only of "now" moments, don't forget that.

6. Don't exaggerate your problems. After all, even if you bring a fly close to your eyes, it will take on the size of an elephant! If some experience seems insurmountable to you, think as if ten years have already passed ... How many problems there were before - you solved them all. Therefore, this trouble will also pass, do not dive into it with your head!

7. Laugh more. Try to find something funny in the current state of affairs. It doesn't work - then just find a reason for sincere laughter. Watch a funny movie, remember a funny incident. The power of laughter is amazing! Peace of mind often returns after a good dose of humor.

8. Forgive more. Resentments are like heavy, foul-smelling stones that you carry around with you. What peace of mind can there be with such a burden? Therefore, do not hold evil. People are just people, they cannot be perfect and always bring only good. So forgive the offenders and forgive yourself.

10. Communicate more. Any pain hidden inside multiplies and brings new sad fruits. Therefore, share your experiences, discuss them with loved ones, look for their support. Remember that man is not meant to be alone. Peace of mind can only be found in close relationships - friendship, love, family.

11. Pray and meditate. Do not let bad evil thoughts control you, sow panic, pain and irritation. Change them to short prayers - an appeal to God or to meditation - a state of no-thinking. Stop the unruly flow of internal conversation. This is the basis of a good and stable state of mind.

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