Lunar calendar for April month Magic numbers

Reservoirs 23.09.2019

In April, we will not witness some negative aspects between the highest planets, which gives hope that a month can be more or less calm, without any serious events that affect health. However, the sun in the first half of the month will be accustomed to negative configurations that took place in previous months.

This may mean that even if you have no new health problems now, it is possible that you will be disturbed by the problems of the past. Can let yourself know unpleasant consequences, Or you will again feel some unpleasant symptoms.

Health and general condition: what do we expect from April 2017?

In the first half of the month (until April 11), the moon will be in the growing phase, but the rise of the vitality and the usual accumulation of energy, which can be spent might and there, will not be at that time. This is due to the negative aspects of the Sun, which is responsible for the vitality and energy.

Most of the month the Sun will follow the active and cheerful sign of the Aries, however, negative aspects can give greater impulsivity, a tendency to aggression and irrepression. At this time it is very easy to overestimate your capabilities. For example, after too strengthened workout, it may be possible to know any problems.

Aries need everything immediately, and with a low energy, it may pour out in extremely unwanted consequences. It is especially dangerous to reboot itself physically, since exhaustion will not make himself wait long. Take care of power, because after the full moon (April 11), energy may not be enough for many cases.

April 5-9 - Your irrepression can play a keen joke and negatively affect your health. If you do not comply with the measure in nutrition, sports, a dream or intimate life - wait for adverse consequences!

April 10-14 - these days can be some unexpected eventswho are related to health. For example, it may unexpected about yourself to know the solar sore, or you will learn something unexpected about your health.

Especially serious problems this aspect does not give, but still, in any case, you should be ready for surprises. These days your familiar life can undergo some changes. For example, a familiar schedule can break, insomnia will appear, or you will need to change something in your environment, which may not like your body too much.

These days will also be observed full moonAnd this can enhance aggressiveness. It will increase the probability of quarrels, conflicts, emotions will beat through the edge. This is the most busy time of just a month.

In addition to the Sun, it is worth paying attention to the position of Venus - the planets, which this month gives bad mood, problems in personal life, different grief and dissatisfaction. This may adversely affect the physical condition.

Astrological forecast for a month

What diseases are the highest risks?In the first half of the month, many may pursue poor well-being, fatigue, energy decline, may not have enough strength even on elementary things. Especially at this time will have to seriously elderly people suffering from heart disease. Seasons change for you - always crisis time, and now especially!

However, with such negative aspects of the Sun, it is worth be careful with the heart to everyone! Even if you are healthy - it is better to recover, do not overload the heart, for example, serious aerobic loads.

This month increases the likelihood of colds, and problems with kidneys, thyroid gland, hormones are not excluded. Attacks of pins and sadness can cause a decrease in the tone, the depressed state leading to depression. If you are inclined to seasonal depression - be especially careful, since the likelihood of these unpleasant states in April is great.

Who should fear for your health in April 2017? Walnky diseases are more likely to threaten Taurles, Cancer and Lions. Also Tales, twins, crayfish and ibex May sense the symptoms of old and chronic diseases. Although the negative aspects of the Sun may indicate problems with the heart, for him to a greater extent to worry Gemini and Aquarius. This month it costs more carefully to your health. Racks. The health of this sign of the zodiac will be particularly serious about the negative astrological factors of this month.

Calendar of favorable days in April 2017

When is it best to make an operation in April 2017? This month we do not recommend making plastic operations. Fortunately, this type of surgical intervention is usually not urgent, and it can be transferred to more successful days.

When is it best to start treatment in April 2017? In April, we will witness the next reversal of Mercury to a retrograde movement. This will happen on April 10, and the entire month of the planet will be very slow. This may be an unfavorable factor for any paper work, as well as for testing the tests before starting treatment. The fact is that on retro Mercury there are often errors in the documents due to inattention, the tests may be incorrect or your documents may simply disappear. If you really need treatment, of course, it's not worth lingering with its start. It all depends on what exactly you treat, but in general, quite good time to start treatment - favorable days on the lunar calendar: 5, 14, 17, 20 and 27 April.

When is it best to start the process of weight loss in April 2017? This month can put the problem of weight loss in front of you. And it's not just that now Spring is approaching and approaching, when you want to show the tightened and slender figure. Due to the negative aspects of Venus, the fight against excess weight for many may result in health problems.

We advise you not to make cardinal weight relief measures, for example, do not cut your food sharply, do not sit on hard diets, do not start hard to play sports after a long break, etc.

For your benefit, it is better to go gradually. Start replacing harmful products useful and start walking more on foot before full moon - 7, April 8. On the days of the descending Moon (April 11-25), gradually increase the loads, and do not eat carbohydrates at all for dinner! You will be surprised when the weight will be reduced faster, and the proper nutrition will easily enter your life and become the norm!

01 April 2017 Saturday
The moon is in the sign of the twins.
The first moonlight phase (growing moon).
At 08:46 the 6th lunar day begins.
until 08:46 lasts 5th lunar day

The symbol is unicorn.
Symbolizes the choice of target, loyalty to the principles, debt, transformation and learning. You can and need to actively show your emotions and feelings - it will be appropriate, and you will be understood correctly. Only on this day, food is completely absorbed and converted into tissues. On this day you need to be saturated, but do not overeat. As the power base is preferable to milk and cottage cheese; Food animal contraindicated. Good on the fifth day to make a trip somewhere, cry, part with unnecessary, work with herbs - to collect, dry them and insist. This is a creative day in which knowledge is perfectly learned. You can defend your ideals, principles, beliefs.
Divination. For the future.
Dnah. Well, if you cry in a dream, is cleansing. The body is thus put in order. If dreams are connected with the road, with the movement - you have everything safely. If something unpleasant is dreaming - this is a sign that you need to do your health.
In medical attitude You should pay attention to the esophagus. Nausea and vomiting mean wrong use of this day. It is impossible to starve.
Dual day. The child is conceived on this day, can pursue strong and dangerous enemies all life. He will be punished for all misconduct and evil thoughts. All his evil will turn against him. Retribution. On the other hand, the child can become an unusual personality capable of experiencing transformations and transmutations. The fate of conceived on this day will tolerate the cardinal changes in bad or good side Two or three times.
Born in this lunar day transform food into physical and astral energy. Bogatyri, saints can be born, but without serious help from the side are short-lived. Partially it can help a good configuration in the birth horoscope with a strong jupiter, Venus or Sun.
A distinctive feature of the people of this day is a fussiness, they do not get fat. They can't eat sauer cabbage, Salted cucumbers, they must avoid products containing embryos of rotting. at 08:46 6th lunar day begins

Symbols - clouds, crane.
The day is associated with the assimilation of cosmic energy, the acquisition of grace, love, forgiveness, prophecies, mental and verbal work. The day of privacy and humility. We must calmly engage in our usual affairs, but at the same time do not grow on life, on the circumstances, on loved ones. Any discontent is or others - now is not the time. Take everything as it is, and do not want another. In the 6th moon day The intuition is greatly sharpened: you can open what was underestimated or not understood. We recommend classes with pranayama, work with smells, because only in the upper respiratory tracts, as well as in the tops of the lungs, there is a process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana. When the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds - it means that the world is devoid of harmony.
Divination. For all.
Dnah. If a familiar person dreameded - it's no accident: you owe him something. Dreams can hint at some reason that must be completed.
In medical attitude Attention should be paid to bronchi, plasma, upper respiratory tract. TOOL TRAIN DISEASES respiratory tract. The day is good for rejuvenation.
The long life of the dreamer and the wanderer is ensured by conceived on this day. Searches for ideal, freedom, communication with nature are the main features of such a person. Better if the conception occurs in nature.
Born in this lunar day will live a long and fruitful life, leaving behind a tangible trace.
Born on this day - conductors, cosmic energy transformers.
Have rich inner world. Fantasies and dreamers. They do not like pressure. Relationships value freedom.

Growing moon in twins.

Best day of the month for active people and businessmen. The conclusion of large transactions will bring profit. You will be able to find like-minded people and tie a long-term relationship. Good shopping you are guaranteed today. Analyze your dreams, listen to the prompts of the universe.

April 2, Sunday - 7 Lunar Day

Growing moon in cancer.

Conservation of calm and work with its intuition into these lunar days will achieve spiritual growth, and it is also better to understand yourself and others. Internally, tune in to the positive and save the vigor of the Spirit until the evening. The day of random meetings with people who can help you and support.

April 3, Monday - 8 Moon Day

Growing moon in cancer.

Not a suitable day for new beginnings. It is better to send your energy to the execution of the work that imposes on you greater responsibility. Refuse to communicate with people who are unpleasant to you and require too much attention. Do not let yourself in other people's intrigues, you will only win, if you can save smooth and positive relationships with all the enforcement enforce Lunar calendar for April 2017

April 4, Tuesday - 9 Lunar Day

Growing moon in cancer.

We recommend to postpone the beginning important workAs well as a trip or trip for a more favorable time. The day is not suitable for the conclusion of the marriage union or the beginning of long-term cooperation. But for care for your body and hair - the time is suitable. Allow yourself to soak in the bathroom or make those cosmetic procedures that have long been dreamed of. Consign money neat and scrupulously.

April 5, Wednesday - 10 Day of the Moon

Growing moon in lion

If some global changes in life have planned, this day is clearly not suitable for their implementation. It is better to wait a little bit and release the situation so that life itself brought you up in the right direction. Wednesday - a favorable day to stay in harmony with himself and the surrounding people. Try to keep peace and calm, even if you deliberately provoke to conflict.

April 6, Thursday, 11 Lunar Day

Growing moon in lion

Energy of the day calls to be restrained, both in emotions and in making responsible solutions. You can feel the big burden of responsibility or what is called, go with your head to work. Try to distract and find time to communicate with your favorite people and close relatives. A pleasant moment: it is possible to return the old debts that you have not dreamed of returning.

April 7, Friday - 12 Day of the Moon

Growing Moon in Virgo.

Near the next 3-4 days do not take sharp movements and do not try to change something radically in your life. You can analyze events that previously happened in your life, in order to draw up good plan actions. What you dream about today can come to reality soon, if you put priorities correctly and you will progressively move towards the target target.

April 8, Saturday - 13 Day of the Moon

Growing Moon in Virgo.

Do not conflict with others and try to stay on a positive wave. If you sincerely show generosity and responsiveness in relation to people, good will definitely return to you by Storm. A favorable time to promote business and conclude business contracts. Boldly manifest latitude of nature, it will only increase your authority in the eyes of people. Proper nutrition And the sport will help to stay in a tone and cheerful spirit.

April 9, Sunday - 14 Day of the Moon

Growing Moon in Virgo.

Speak today as actively as possible, solving the most important and urgent things. Forces you have enough to do everything that has previously thought there is an unbearable burden. Solutions take quickly set in front of your tasks - do it clearly. The more saturated today, the best prospects will open in front of you in the future.

April 10, Monday - 15 Day of the Moon

Growing moon in scales.

Observe traditions and family values, listen carefully to your favorite people, they will be able to give you valuable advice. Long-round trip today do not plan. Any types of aggression, both in physical and spiritual terms, are contraindicated. Think more about health and attract only positive people to yourself.

April 11, Tuesday - 16 Day of the Moon

Full moon at 9:07. Moon in scales.

Homemade troubles and work in the garden - bring pleasure. Solving major questions and signing long-term projects - deposit to better times. Chronic diseases may be aggravated, so compliance and elementary power rules will save your health from unjustified risk.

April 12, Wednesday - 17 Lunar Day

Descending Moon in Scorpio.

A great day for the shopping and drawing up a plan for the future. Decide in advance how it is more profitable to invest the money earned. If you can easily increase your life potential by receiving new knowledge and information, achieve success in any work. Create around yourself a positive atmosphere and then you are guaranteed a long period. good location Spirit. Do not risk and watch your own words.

April 13, Thursday - 18 lunar days

Descending Moon in Scorpio.

The day of long-awaited change and the beginning of great accomplishments. The head will think quickly and clearly, the work argues, and communication with people is held in a positive key. Prepare yourself in advance to the fact that some cases will not go as planned. However, it does not prevent your activity and success. You just need to be flexible in your actions and actively adjust the events taking place with you.

April 14, Friday - 19 Moonful Days

Descending moon in Sagittarius.

Show the power of character and keep a smile on the face, even when the work is not a joy. Calm and positive will have a beneficial effect on your image and career growth. Boldly conclude contracts and put your signature under important documents. Actively accept important solutions. Observe decency with business partners and responsibly belong to the fulfillment of your duties.

April 15, Saturday - 20 lunar days

Descending moon in Sagittarius.

The most dangerous day in lunar calendar for April 2017 month. Post off the start of new affairs and responsible events. Quarrels and misunderstanding will arise in the same place. Do not give in to emotions, even if any actions of people seem to you causing. Keep the world and harmony in the shower. Dreams and prophecies - will not come true. Be vigilant: increased risk of getting food poisoning.

April 16, Sunday - 20 Moon Day

Descending moon in Sagittarius.

Good day to work in the team and work for the benefit of the team. Leave your personal ambitions aside and do not pull yourself into projects that cause doubts and suspicions. Moral support will have beloved people, family and good friends. Boldly plan the purchase of real estate. Start overhaul or organize collective work Houses and at work.

April 17, Monday - 21 lunar days

Descending moon in Capricorn.

Set aside important cases and responsible decisions. Control emotions and give up important purchases. These lunar days will bring good luck to those who dedicate themselves creativity and communicating with relatives and close people in spirit. If there is an opportunity, stay at home or go to the cottage. Try to give people positive, the surrounding will appreciate all your talents. Take care of the cleaning of the soul, body and your home from the negative.

April 18, Tuesday - 22 lunar days

Descending moon in Capricorn.

Allow yourself to sail for the flow and do not rush the events. You will only win if you do not strain the situation and save calm. Today's motto: moderation and philosophical look at all that is happening. A great time in order to make new friends or to pay time to those who are especially roads to you. Develop and improve your talents, manifest generosity to those who need protection and help.

April 19, Wednesday - 23 lunar days

Descending moon in Capricorn.

Stable work in a predefined direction. Continue all previously launched projects and do not take additional goods obligations. Do not take important decisions and postpone cases requiring a responsible approach. Take care of the spiritual growth and development of their talents. Cosmetic procedures and concern for the beauty of their bodies will give a long-awaited result.

April 20, Thursday - 24 Moon Day

Descending Moon in Aquarius.

Excellent period for active work and the beginning of new cases. Your business will get a chance to develop and expand, and all business meetings Will be fruitful and benefit for you. Boldly conclude financial transactions, take important decisions, raise new acquaintances.

April 21, Friday - 25 lunar days

Descending Moon in Aquarius.

The day is more suitable for the fulfillment of routine activities and continue previously started projects. Do not trust flattering words and attempts to put your vigilance with presentations and tribulation. Protect the sphere of your business activity from unfamiliar people. Analytical view of everything that is happening will help avoid mistakes.

April 22, Saturday - 26 lunar days

Descending moon in fish.

A great day when you can relax and gain strength. In the family circle you will feel necessary and loved. Refuse active activities related to work. Allow yourself meetings exclusively with positive people. Emotional rest will make it more subtle to study their strong and weak sides In communicating with people.

April 23, Sunday - 27 Moon Day

Descending moon in fish.

Refuse travel and trips by car. Conflicts are possible with people surrounding you because of increased irritability. Stay alone, put your body and thoughts in order. Walk to the park and fresh air will give a tide of cheerfulness and new forces.

April 24, Monday - 28 Moon Day

Descending Moon in Aries.

Today, we think well every word and do not hurry with conclusions. Decreasing moon contributes to scattered and occurrence unforeseen situations. On this day it is better to abandon large purchases and hikes to the bank in order to design a loan.

April 25, Tuesday - 29 Moon Day

Descending Moon in Aries.

Good day for privacy and thinking over your behavior. Your mind should be cleaned of destructive energy and instability in feelings. Hold yourself to communicate with others, since the slightest rudeness in statements can do you too expensive.

April 26, Wednesday - 30-1 Moonful

Moon in Taurus. New Moon at 05:27.

A suitable day for organizing a relevant trip or business trip. Life will push you to accept a very major solution that can transform the near future. The location of the stars contributes to mental activity and the ability to analyze everything that happens to you.

April 27, Thursday - 2 Day of the Moon

Growing moon in Taurus.

Luck is waiting for active people ready to communicate and search for new, more promising work. Boldly plan your own next steps, Help your friends and show punctuality in everything. Spend the second half of the day with your family and children. A quiet walk in the park will allow you to restore the energy balance.

April 28, Friday - 3 lunar days

Growing moon in twins.

A promising day to change the place of residence or arrangement on a new working field. Maximum benefits will bring collective activities. Chatting decency will return to you strengthen authority and profitable business projects. Rehabilitation procedures and care for their health positively affect the overall mood.

April 29, Saturday - 4 lunar days

Growing moon in twins.

On this day, success is guaranteed to those who actively work for the overall good and sincerely configured to help others. Fate will favorize you and present a pleasant surprise. Good day to pay old debt. Take care of health, actively participate in your family's life, help relatives.

April 30, Sunday - 5 Moon Days

Growing moon in cancer.

A sufficiently busy day requiring large energy costs to achieve the desired one. Whether your inner world from conflicts and negativity. Do not commit a vacant shopping, take care of your finances. Try to help those who fell into a difficult situation, good will return to you very quickly. Today is a magical favorable time for rituals and rituals.

Find out what prepared for you, what pleading and unfavorable days you are waiting for not to make mistakes and not miss a good day for important cases.

In contact with

Of course, the influence of the Moon on all we are indisputable. In the growing moon, people often experience a tide, willingness to solve any task and cope with any situation. During the descending Moon, on the contrary, we feel the decline of the forces, the desire to quit all things halfway. In full moon, the effect of a bright snow-white disc is especially large.

In this regard, it will not be superfluous to familiarize themselves with the lunar calendar, to find out when it is growing when the decreasing moon, exact dates New Moon I. Full moon in April 2017. Taking into account the knowledge gained, you can easier to adapt under the phases of the capricious moon.

Moon Cycle in April 2017

  • 1 - 2 April 2017 - the growing phase of the Moon;
  • April 3, 2017 - the first quarter;
  • 4 - 10 April 2017 - continuation of the growing phase of the Moon;
  • April 11, 2017 - full moon;
  • April 12 - 18, 2017 - the transition of the moon to the decreasing phase;
  • April 19, 2017 - Third quarter;
  • April 20 - 25, 2017 - the continuation of the decreasing phase of the Moon;
  • April 26, 2017 - New Moon;
  • April 27 - 30, 2017 - the transition of the moon to the growing.

April 1, 2017 (5, 6 lunar day) is a very suitable day for planning, meetings with friends and meetings with colleagues. The procedures for rejuvenation will benefit the body. Haircuts and other experiments with hairstyles better postpone.

April 2, 2017 (6, 7 lunar day) - today you need to carefully follow your actions and words, otherwise accumulated for a long time The negative may pour over others. In clothes it is worth sticking to bright shades and light air fabrics.

April 3, 2017 (7, 8 lunar day) - moon calendar Indicates for a period of universal reconciliation and forgiveness of the offense. Also on April 3, 2017 - a good day for planning and active activities. Perfect time for haircuts and cardinal shifts. However, we wash the chemical curling.

April 4, 2017 (8, 9 lunar day) - the day is great for active pastime on fresh air. A favorable period for starting traveling and long-distance travel. Warning is required to their health: the risk of cardiac and vascular diseases, seasonal colds increases. Heels need to be replaced with a thin sole.

April 5, 2017 (9, 10 lunar day) - the grace period for the start of repair. Domestic affairs on this day are crowned with success. Good time For cosmetic procedures, shopping, haircuts and staining.

April 6, 2017 (10, 11 lunar day) - all the cases started earlier require completion. An unfavorable day for any undertakings. Work with securities and important documents is better transferred to another time. Hiking to the hairdresser, masseuse and cosmetologist need to be postponed.

April 7, 2017 (11, 12 lunar day) - a day suitable for a peaceful solution to issues, mutual executions. Everything coming today will return a hundredfold. You can have the attention to others, give gifts and offer free help.

April 8, 2017 (12, 13 lunar day) - a day requires an increased concentration on current tasks. In no case should not deviate from the goals set. Also today it is impossible to plan anything.

April 9, 2017 (13, 14 lunar day) - a good day to work with large projects and various information. It will be favorable to change the place of work, expansion of the horizon, new travels. Wealth and well-being will bring a hike to the hairdresser.

April 10, 2017 (14, 15 lunar day) - mental health can be today the most vulnerable, so it is worth avoiding stress. In clothes are preferable to cozy things.

April 11, 2017 (15, 16 lunar day) - the day has a calm, measured work. Good to do homemade, drawing up lists, planning, distribution of work for the future period, appointment of meetings, etc. The main thing is to achieve harmony with yourself.

April 12, 2017 (16, 17 lunar day) - today it is advisable to rest from the routine work, tune in to a positive, relax in the circle of friends, visit entertainment events. Mood will raise bright colors in wardrobe.

April 13, 2017 (17, 18 lunar day) - a pacification is the key to success. On this day there is dissatisfaction with everyone, including herself. So that the negative does not prevent relationships with loved ones, emotions need to be kept under tight control. For a haircut no lucky day.

April 14, 2017 (18, 19 lunar day) - meetings, important things, as well as marriage today should be transferred to another day. It is better to spend this time in a relaxed atmosphere, preferably in the fresh air. Bright hues In clothes will help tune in to ease.

April 15, 2017 (19, 20 lunar day) - today you need to show high vigilance, especially when preparing for travel or business trip. Possible troubles such as complex acclimatization. Haircut at this time will lead to losses.

April 16, 2017 (20 lunar day) - the day has a time spent with relatives and close in a warm family setting. Vital energy today is perishing.

April 17, 2017 (20, 21 lunar day) - this day is especially intended for goodbye with bad habits. Also, on April 17, 2017, it is possible to achieve good results in the field of personal life and in the field of health.

April 18, 2017 (21, 22 lunar day) - a wonderful period for self-development, the beginning of study, acquiring useful skills. All knowledge gained will help in promoting the career ladder and will affect personal and social life. Red I. yellow colors In the wardrobe will charge energy.

April 19, 2017 (22, 23 lunar day) - calm today should be maintained in the morning and before the evening. The day is suitable for communicating with family, it is better to spend it for household chores. Public events Attend today is not worth it. It is also necessary to fear any contact with unfamiliar people.

April 20, 2017 (23, 24 lunar day) - a favorable day for the accumulation of resources, health promotion, creating new projects. In improving well-being and mood, yoga, dancing, fitness and strength training will help.

April 21, 2017 (24, 25 lunar day) - today you need to pay more attention to your diet, in order not to subjected the organism a new disease. Hurry with important assignments will not lead anything good. Haircut on this day weaken the hair. Good to arrange a spa session or go shopping.

April 22, 2017 (25, 26 lunar day) - the lunar calendar today foreshadows the waste of forces and time. At work it is better not to overvolt, to avoid stress in every way. On a favorable work, the business suit will be configured, mainly in bright colors.

April 23, 2017 (26, 27 lunar day) - the time came close to engage in their physical and mental health. Should be distracted from fuss and pay more attention appearance. This will help restore vitality. Change hairstyles today - a pledge not only have a good mood, but also happiness.

April 24, 2017 (27, 28 lunar day) - Lunar calendar indicates internal strength and energy on this day. Today you can make large purchases and solve global questions. It is important not to retreat from the goal and move only forward. Orange, green and red colors will notice not only you, but also around.

April 25, 2017 (28, 29 lunar day) - a good day to work in the house or in the garden. Becoming something new is better to transfer. Plans to build is also not recommended. Hike to the hairdresser should be canceled.

April 26, 2017 (29, 30, 1 lunar day) - a favorable day to summarize and analyze their work. All the work started is better to complete by this moment. All debts must be given, and unnecessary things are distributed. Your attitude to the surrounding will creep their attitude towards you in the future.

April 27, 2017 (1, 2 lunar day) - great time for creativity and most creative ideas. Legal, commercial and financial issues Today it is not recommended. Wedding assigned to this day is better to transfer. The day is also not suitable for changing the image.

April 28, 2017 (2, 3 lunar day) - a wonderful moment to start engaging physical form And health in general. If you start today, then the cheerfulness and charm will not leave you. A good sports suit will help tune in to the desired wave.

April 29, 2017 (3, 4 lunar day) - on this day it is better not to hurry and thoroughly think about their next steps. On April 29, 2017, there are a lot of surprises, so you need to be ready for them.

April 30, 2017 (4, 5 lunar day) - beneficial time to prepare and planning. Great time to change image and search bright image. Good arrange a revision of old things and buy new ones.

The moon grows and decreases every month, but every time this or that state of our satellite constantly changes its characteristic. How positive or negative is a growing moon in April will tell the lunar calendar.

Positive sides of the growing moon

In this April, almost all days of the growth of the Moon will be positive or, at least, not negative. At the beginning of the month, it should be noted 1, 2, 6, 7 and 9, and at the end - 27 and 29. It is these days that the maximum physical and mental activity will be the most sought-after and relevant. Try to stick to such a policy: "I'm moving forward, then I develop and approach good luck."

Especially the period of growth from April 1 to April 10 will be good for the love sphere of life, because such signs of the zodiac as twins, maids, cancer and lion will prevail. 3 and 4 numbers should avoid sharp bursts of emotions, as it will negatively affect not only the relationship, but also on financial affairs.

As for mood and health, these days neither the other will not be exposed to serious attacks. Stable mood I. positive look The world will help you to succeed in any business. Positive thoughts will not be just fuel for good luck, but its quintessence.

The last four days of the month will also be the growth rates of the Moon. Staying in Taurus, Cancer and Gemini, the moon will activate your aspirations, will help save and shoot with your knowledge, charisma, skills.

Negative sides of the growth of the moon

Of course, it can not always be all rosy. "As in the fairy tale" lives only in fairy tales, and in real life We will have to not forget about some precautions during the growing moon. The first of them concerns energy vampires. From April 1 to April 10 and from 27 to 30, try to closely treat those who will provoke you to conflicts. Ignore people who will call you negative.

At the beginning of the month, from 1 to 10, astrologists recommend not to show their negative attitude. This applies not only to doubts about what you have to do. This also applies to questions about good and evil. Creative thinking will help you find love, but even a small desire to do something only for your loved ones can serve as the beginning of the black strip.

At the end of April, it is better not to plan anything for the future. Go away with the highest problem. Invalid priorities can destroy what you tried to build for a very long time.

One way or another, but the growing moon in April can be dangerous, although astrologers point out that good will be stronger than evil. Clean your soul from negative to see the light at the end of the tunnel and start moving right to him towards it. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

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