Lunar Ayurveda products. Food astrology: foods of the planets

Landscaping 30.06.2020


By far the most important and most unique not only of the lunar, but of the food in general. Milk is not so much a biochemical as an energy food product, which, according to the Vedas, has no analogues in the entire universe. It helps to develop the subtle tissues of the brain and, thus, to comprehend the absolute truth. The Vedas call milk liquid prema or love. That is why the cow is considered a sacred animal and one of the 7 mothers of man, because she selflessly serves him, giving milk.

We know from various spiritual traditions that many saints ate mainly milk and bread, and some only milk alone. Since Vedic times, there has been a fast on one milk, following which a person can raise his consciousness and obtain the rarest blessings. This fast is still observed by couples in the east in order to receive a godly and spiritually exalted child. There are many cases in history when a couple, already in old age and having no children, after such a fast conceived a holy child. And nowadays, many couples are following this post to solve the problem of infertility and find the long-awaited offspring.

As already described above, the Moon gives the power of femininity, tenderness and fertility, and milk contains the most concentrated power of the Moon. Eating lunar products, especially milk, a woman accumulates these qualities in herself, which means she becomes able to give good offspring. Many modern women note the amazing effect of dairy products - after their active use, a long-awaited pregnancy often occurs!

To prevent milk from turning into mucus, it is very important to drink it properly. Fresh milk can be drunk almost at any time, but do not mix it with the main meals, observe the compatibility of the products. Otherwise, milk, as a lunar product, can and should be consumed in the dark, from 7 pm to 7 am. And it is better to drink it hot, slightly sweetened and with suitable spices to facilitate and speed up its absorption. During the day, milk is practically not digested.

In the evening, you can add ginger, black pepper (especially for those who tend to accumulate mucus, often get sick) from spices, turmeric, nutmeg, fennel, saffron, cardamom, anise, ground cumin.
In the morning, all the same will do, but you can also add more cinnamon - this will give you vigor! Each of the spices itself has healing properties and has a very beneficial effect not only on health, but also on character.

Ginger and pepper are suitable for people with poor digestion and poor digestibility of dairy products; Turmeric purifies the blood and contains iron and plant estrogen; nutmeg, anise and cumin will give you a sound restful sleep if you suffer from insomnia; fennel is indispensable for coughs and broncho-pulmonary diseases; green cardamom restores the balance of all doshas, ​​and saffron is almost the best heart and anti-aging remedy (just add 2-3 stamens per glass)

If you do not digest dairy products well, then you need to start using them with very small doses. One tablespoon per day (at night) is enough, and then you should look at the reaction. Gradually, the body can be accustomed to milk, the main thing is that in the morning you have no white bloom on your tongue. If you find plaque, reduce the milk dose. It should also be noted that milk is much easier for vegetarians to digest. their bodies are free of toxins and waste products from eating meat. In addition, eating meat neutralizes the beneficial lunar influence of milk and other lunar products.

It is better not to overuse cold dairy products. And fermented milk can be consumed from 7 am to 4 pm. When consumed later, they will oxidize the body, which is not at all conducive to health and rejuvenation. On the contrary, excessive oxidation of the skin leads to the formation of free radicals and premature aging. Correctly used dairy products can not only prolong youth and reproductive period, but fill with vitality, the charm of femininity and the power of reason)))

Dairy / fermented milk products also have different effects, selectively targeting various systems and organs of our body:

Milk - reproductive and nervous systems, brain, mind
Buttermilk, serum - lymph, immune system
Sour cream, cream - hormonal system
Ryazhenka - ligaments and tendons, smooth muscles
Kefir - enzymatic and digestive systems
Curd - bone tissue, hair, nails, teeth
Hard cheese - muscle tissue

It is best to use perishable, unpasteurized dairy / fermented milk products that are not treated with chemistry and radiation - the so-called "peaceful atom" that is used to process most yoghurts. Powdered milk, if it is real, also carries the lunar blissful energy. Ayurveda recommends adding a little milk (you can dry it) to all dishes to give them the quality of goodness.

I don’t think it’s worth talking a lot about the cosmetic use of milk and dairy products. Everyone knows the famous milk baths of Cleopatra and Josephine, as well as masks made of yogurt, which were made by beauties of all times and peoples to whiten the skin and give it freshness. In modern conditions, it is difficult to afford the luxury of milk too often, but on the Full Moon, any woman can feel like Cleopatra, pampering herself with a milk bath!

Cleopatra's Bath:

Bring 1.5-2 liters of fat milk to a boil (ideally homemade, country-style), immediately remove from heat. Pour about half a glass of milk into a cup, pour the rest of the milk into a bath filled with warm water (approx. 37 C). Add 2 tablespoons to a cup of milk. honey and 2 tbsp. almond oil, stir and pour into a milk bath. Bathe yourself with admiration, judgment and praise for all parts of the body. Finish with a cool shower.

I, as a Vedic astrologer, will draw up an individual natal chart, suggest effective rituals to attract wealth into your life.

Ayurveda diet for women - a set of dietary rules to increase your energy level.

Ayurvedic knowledge allows you to form a deep understanding of the relationship between disease and nutrition, evaluate food from the point of view of doshas and overcome ignorance in choosing it.

Ayurveda nutrition for women

Determining your personality constitution according to Ayurveda. What should representatives of different doshas eat?

There are 5 elements (elements) in the world that shape our reality.

Each of them is important and significantly affects the processes taking place in and around a person.

These are: Earth, Water, Air, Ether and Fire. At the moment of conception, when the soul enters the fetus, the process of the emergence of personal characteristics (doshas) of the future person takes place.

They depend on the nature of the parents, their habits, dietary rules, heredity and other things.

There are five elements in total, each of which includes a person: Earth, Water, Air, Ether, Fire

Few can boast of an ideal balance of these qualities, usually there is a bias in one direction or another, on which health depends.

You have a lot of the elements of the Earth - you are prone to obesity, Air - to anxiety and doubts, Water - to edema, Fire - almost always guarantees heartburn or ulcers.

This is, of course, not a diagnosis, but an initial predisposition that can be overcome with a balanced diet.

Doshas (there are three of them) combine several elements at the same time: Vata = Air + Ether, Kapha = Water + Earth, Pitta = Fire and Water at the same time.

Knowing which class you belong to, you need to eat food that is opposite in properties and, as it were, balance yourself.

  1. Vata-type. Such people are active, overly excitable personalities with a light, slender and mobile body. Girls of this type do not tolerate laziness and are constantly inclined to act. They love to change their place of residence, travel, this keeps them in good shape. Have dry skin and hair, and have frequent hiccups. They tend to seek relationships simply to avoid loneliness. They prefer thick, sour, salty foods.

Personality traits: cold, sour, dry.

To calm this energy, you need to eat the opposite: hot, sweet, fatty (soups, dried fruits, cereals).

Vata women are advised to consume more cereals and dried fruits.
  1. Pitta type. For the most part, this is fiery energy contained in a person, because their body temperature is often higher than usual. The digestive fire of such people is developed at a high level, they are very fond of eating, especially spicy, peppery food. The physique in most cases is average, but they are able to greatly gain or lose weight. They are smart, educated leaders who love luxury. Often they go bald and this is a consequence of their violent mind. Maximalists, prone to criticism. They have oily hair and skin and often have headaches from oily foods.

Pitta should be drunk with plenty of fluids and the acidity of the stomach diluted.

For balancing, anything wet and refreshing (juice drinks, fruit and vegetable salads) is suitable.

Pitta women should include more fruit and vegetable salads in their diet.
  1. Kapha type. This is a living symbol of fertility (Earth + Water), therefore the physique is dense, large, excess weight is not excluded. They are kind and sympathetic, movement and mindset are calm. They can be compared with noble, majestic elephants with a warm heart, they strive to sow only good. They usually live longer than others. Women of this type are born mothers and devoted spouses. Unhurried, often lazy, they like to sit in peace and quiet. They have a craving for sweets, and therefore suffer from excess weight. The metabolism is too inhibited.

Kapha is slowness, moisture and cold.

For good health, it is important for them to eat everything hot and spicy: baked vegetables with spices, ginger tea with lemon or low-fat cereals.

Spices and ginger tea are recommended for kapha representatives

Advice: several doshas can coexist in a person in different proportions. Determine your type or combination and try experimenting with all sorts of foods for a month. Write down observations and decide on a personal menu.

Signs of poor digestion and habits to avoid

You should always listen carefully to the sensations of your own body. This is especially difficult in the beginning.

This is due to the imposed habits of childhood, the opinion of others, and the peculiarities of culture.

By the way, the female body always feels better what it needs than the male. It's all about an intuitive approach to many things.

You should not feel heaviness, apathy after eating.

A bad sign is drowsiness, irritability or laziness, which means that it does not fit the constitution and is harmful to you.

While harmless at first glance, these ingredients can cause toxicity, bloating, pain, dizziness, and even vomiting.

In this case, you should urgently consult a doctor and delete them from your diet.

The urge to empty the bowels ideally occurs the next morning after consumption, if earlier, they are toxic to you.

Another sign of poor digestion is halitosis. It would seem that everything is so simple, but many do not always listen to the small clues of their own food reactions.

To improve your condition, avoid the common mistakes listed below.

In Ayurveda, it is very important to follow the rules of nutrition.

Bad habits that ruin the digestive process:

  1. Eat when you don't feel like it. Is it lunch time? What's the difference! Skip meals if you are not hungry.
  2. Wash down meals with freshly squeezed juices or eat them with fruit desserts. Yes, they are healthy, but only as a single serving.
  3. Pathological overeating(whatever is on the plate) or malnutrition. Moderation is needed in everything.
  4. Drinking ice water. First, you can get sick; secondly, it is not useful. Find your fluid intake.
  5. "Seizing" of psychological trauma and experiences. It is better to feel the emotion in full (for some reason it is given) and release it.
  6. Incorrect calculation of the time of the feast(we'll talk about this a little later).
  7. Absorption of incompatible foods.
  8. Ayurveda against unbalanced snacks with incompatible foods.
  9. If you have constipation, fast. The body must solve this problem on its own, do not aggravate the state of health.

Tip: Chew food like the Indian yogis 108 times. To quickly get used to it, learn the digestive mudras, this will help keep your restless mind and hands occupied (Chadman's Chalice, Scallop, Water Mudra).

Try to chew your food as thoroughly as yogis do.

The list of products that increase female (lunar) energy. The healing properties of spices

The moon plays a special place in the life of the beautiful half of humanity.

Her energy is considered the basis of every guardian of the home, attractiveness, personal life, an inner sense of peace, even physiological cycles depend on her.

Certain foods help maximize this amount, leading to material and spiritual happiness:

  1. Milk. It should be consumed either early in the morning (6:00) or in the evening (18:00), only then it will be beneficial. In the first case, it is better to sweeten it and boil it, use it hot with honey and spices. In the second, add sugar, fennel, cardamom. With the help of this drink, you will rest at night, gain fresh strength and awaken the hidden powers of the mind in yourself.
  2. Raisin. Fills you with fresh strength in the morning, suitable for all doshas at the same time.
  3. Banana. Brings life satisfaction, optimism, joy. Able to strongly affect a person. Use if you lack these qualities.
  4. Pear. Needed by strong-willed people, leaders, bosses.
  5. Raspberries. Ideal food for Pitt, as it normalizes the acidity of the stomach. It is better to eat it fresh or dry it in the sun. Otherwise, it will not be useful.
  6. Plums. They normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, especially help with pressure surges.
  7. Honey. According to the Hindus, he is the personification of love. This is a feminine product that gives tenderness. It is important to choose your variety. It's easy to do - just smell it. The look that suits you will smell fresh, not sweet.

Vedic cuisine would not be so beneficial without the spices carefully selected by generations of healers.

Asafoetida will help relieve headaches and normalize the nervous system, solve problems with the spine.

Ginger is a powerful stimulant of blood circulation, it successfully fights against colds, anorexia, joint pain, restores the thyroid gland.

Turmeric treats ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, relieves fatigue, removes all kinds of allergic reactions.

Chili pepper - digestive pathologies, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis and hepatitis.

Cardamom cures bronchitis and ischemia, relieves pain, has an antispasmodic effect.

Sesame is incredibly healthy for our bones, and therefore our teeth. If you add a little water and lemon juice to it, they can remove acne on the skin.

The headache is treated with a mixture of seed, cardamom, camphor and cinnamon. Spicy curry heals wounds, relieves inflammation and purifies the blood of infection. Cumin relieves microspasms of the skin.

Fennel cures myopia. Celery is good for pleurisy, blockages of internal organs (liver, spleen), relieves fever.

Black pepper activates the action of nutrients in the body. Swallow whole grains like yogis do.

Spices are emphasized in Ayurveda

Tip: Eat foreign vegetables and fruits with caution. Ayurveda believes that fruits will only benefit the person in whose edges they grew. An Indian from simple beets can be poisoned, and we can feel sick from chayote or kohlrabi.

A blissful time for eating


Many people who are not familiar with the laws of Ayurveda deliberately avoid this meal, because it immediately makes you sleepy.

They say, “I don't have breakfast. I have too much to do! ”- meaning the drowsiness that inevitably comes from ignorant products.

Forget once and for all about buns, sandwiches and cereals (all except light buckwheat) and the morning will be good!

Wake up at six in the morning and taste juicy, sweet fruits. Any dairy product, in the opinion of the Indians, will do you good.

This also includes milk (we wrote about it earlier). And, for heaven's sake, eat sweets!

A woman just needs it to balance hormonal levels. Dried fruits, chocolate, raw food sweets are allowed.

Even if you are on a diet. Until 12 o'clock everything will be digested without consequences.

There is only one ban - cakes (because of the cakes). Otherwise, you will eventually become an irritable angry person, have pity on your man.


The ideal time for him is from 11:00 to 14:00. During these hours, digestion is most active, it is fed by solar energy.

Get in the habit of cooking grains, legumes, and oil-fried vegetables.

They will help nourish the mind and improve mental performance, the main thing is to comply with the time frame and not overeat.

This reduces willpower and the ability to concentrate. Strenuous work should be avoided for the next hour.

Dinner is considered the most important meal.


Most important meal. It will depend on him whether putrefactive processes occur in your stomach or not.

Eat and feed your loved ones stewed vegetables or nuts.

Avoid butter and bread whenever possible. The fruits will help you relax after a hard day, relieve stress and prepare for a good sleep.

Avoid fire-digesting potatoes. It is better to dwell on aboveground vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, herbs).

From fermented milk, only warmed milk with spices is allowed.

Indians generally have a particularly warm attitude towards this product. Up to the rule: if after milk a person felt bad or had a nightmare, you drank too little of it.

It is worth accustoming yourself to it gradually, starting with a teaspoon, slowly increasing the dose.

If it's still bad, avoid it entirely, it doesn't suit your needs.

Tip: Eat more fruit in the summer. In the fall, switch to cheese, sour cream, ghee, buckwheat porridge with sugar. In winter, continue to eat fat, add sweet spices, but avoid cooling ones (like mint). In spring, the use of fennel, cinnamon, cumin is encouraged.

Today, there are two main directions in the diet: either you eat whatever you want, or stick to the principles of a healthy diet.

Proponents of the first approach in their defense usually say that you need to live in pleasure, there is no time to bother, etc. Followers of the second way of eating talk about the benefits and dangers of certain foods, about eating strictly on a schedule, etc. But the truth lies somewhere in the middle, as well as in a person's natal birth chart and his zodiac sign.

How does food affect the psyche?

How we eat and what food we eat is an extremely important issue for any person. After all, food is energy, on the quality of which our life depends.

In astrology, the Moon in the sign of the zodiac is responsible for food, methods of nutrition. The night light will show you how to eat right, whether you need to adhere to some kind of diet or not, which foods are most suitable for you.

Let me remind you that the Moon is also responsible for the psyche, for how we see the world, how we relax and restore strength. It is a point of comfort and tranquility. The moon is a generator of psychic energy. When it comes to the Moon, it is very important to pay attention to the close connection between the topic of nutrition and the human psyche.

Why can some foods be harmful?

Paradoxical as it may seem, it is impossible to give a single recipe for proper nutrition for all people, because you and I are all very different. Each of us needs a specific spectrum of energies derived from food. That is why diets harm some and help others. One and the same product will be poison for someone, and a medicine for another.

A few words about vegetarianism

I would also like to touch upon the issue of vegetarianism from the point of view of astrology. I know that this is a very sensitive topic, but I will nevertheless contribute. I am omitting philosophical considerations about whether you can eat meat or not. I will consider this topic purely from the perspective of astrology.

If your Moon is in the signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius or Virgo, then any diet will suit you, including vegetarianism, prano-eating, etc.

For the rest of the zodiac signs, vegetarianism will not be desirable, since the moon will not receive the necessary energy.

Case from practice

Nature will always take its toll. In my client's chart, the Moon is in Taurus. In this situation, fasting practices, vegetarianism and any austerities in nutrition are highly discouraged. The sign is animal. But the client has not eaten meat for several years, and recently she has completely switched to a raw food diet.

As a result, her psyche compensated for the lack of energy of the Moon in Taurus. The client became extremely greedy, began to buy a lot of unnecessary things, and after a while her house turned into a place for storing all kinds of trash. Her projects collapsed, and she herself went into debt. It was at such a low level that the Moon in Taurus was lost.

Find out your diet

Now let's take a look at the Moon in each sign of the Zodiac from a nutritional perspective.

  • Moon in Aries- you need rich and nutritious food, spicy and spicy. Fast digestion. Diet and fasting are highly discouraged.
  • Moon in Taurus- A moderately saturated food is suitable for you. Digestion is slow, so snacks are undesirable. Adhere to a certain meal plan, eat at the same time.
  • Moon in Gemini- light food is suitable in small portions, but often. Diversify your diet, introduce new products into it. Vegetarianism, any nutritional practices will do.
  • Moon in Cancer- homemade food. You can eat whatever you want as long as the digestion is excellent. The main recommendation is not to eat when you are in a bad mood.
  • Moon in Leo- not even the food itself is important here, but serving, serving, entourage. In this position, the food should be very rich, from a series of dishes: first, second, third and dessert. Sweets, delicacies. It is highly discouraged to starve and limit yourself in nutrition.
  • Moon in Virgo- a variety of diets are suitable here. Small portions are recommended, but also frequent. Limit the consumption of meat and heavy foods. Separate meals work well. Food made from small parts (like sushi).
  • Moon in Libra- light food. It is not recommended to eat a lot of meat and fish. Stick to your meal plan. Not desirable spicy, salty and spicy.
  • Moon in Scorpio- very good digestion. Everything spicy, spicy, with strong taste is recommended. Any experimentation with food is encouraged. Fasting practices are undesirable.
  • Moon in Sagittarius- food should be very varied and rich. It is recommended that you alternate eating periods. For example, a week without meat, the next week with meat.
  • Moon in Capricorn- it is best to eat densely, but rarely. However, excessive overeating is not desirable, it is better to always remain a little hungry. Fasting practices will be of help here. However, vegetarianism is not recommended. Meals should be at the same time.
  • Moon in Aquarius- Any experiments with food will do. Vegetarianism, prano-eating, light food. It is better to eat small portions, but often.
  • Moon in Pisces- sweets, all sorts of goodies. Food should be rich and nutritious. Fasting and any dietary restrictions are not recommended. Vegetarianism is possible, but not tough.

I have already touched on the topic of proper nutrition. True, then it was a question of diets taking into account the lunar phases and zodiacal signs. Today I will continue to publish on the topic of nutritional astrology and talk about foods influenced by certain planets, as well as how to identify harmful and healthy foods based on the analysis of the natal chart.

About the dangers and benefits of food according to the natal horoscope

Despite the physiological similarity, the body of each person is purely individual. Therefore, people have their own preferences in food and its quantity. What's more, the same foods can affect us in different ways. Someone gobbles up strawberries in handfuls, while someone gets severe allergies from a couple of berries.

But even without causing visible rejection (food allergies), some food products, when consumed, latently harm our body. The set of these products is individual and “programmed” at the moment of birth.

If we transfer the problem to the plane of astrology and try to find the answer in the natal chart, then we can conclude that two groups of planets are responsible for products harmful to humans:

1) Planets in a flawed essential position (pests)

Evil planets harm everything they touch. I already talked about this in. Therefore, one should not expect anything good from them in gastronomy either.

There is one exception to this rule: if an evil planet is associated with the ruler of the first house of the card with a favorable reception, the products controlled by it will not cause harm to health (however, one should not expect any benefit from them either).

For example, if Mars turns out to be evil in the natal chart, then all or most of the Martian products will harm the human body. But if, under the same conditions, Mars fell into the place of the essential dignity of the lord of the ascendant, then due to the favorable reception, its products will not have a harmful effect.

2) Planets that form a negative reception to the ruler of the first house of the card

In this case, it does not matter whether such planets are good or evil - the fact of negative reception is important.

For example, in the natal chart, Jupiter is located in the sign of Pisces (own abode). So he is a great benefactor. But Gemini ascends on the ascendant and Mercury turned out to be its ruler. In the sign of Pisces, Mercury has a place of exile, therefore, Jupiter forms a negative reception for it. And if so, then all Jupiterian products will harm the ruler of the ascendant (Mercury).

Following from the opposite, it is easy to determine the range of products that are useful to a person, or at least will not have a detrimental effect on him. They are associated with good (essentially strong) planets and / or planets that are in favorable reception with the ascendant's rulership. Especially energetically strong influence (and in some cases a healing effect) on the human body is exerted by food, which includes products controlled by a good planet in the presence of a reciprocal connection between it and the significator of the first house.

This is, in general terms, the theory of proper nutrition according to the horoscope. It remains only to find good and evil planets in the radix, establish all the receptions of the ascendant ruler, and then start compiling a healthy menu, saturating it with individually useful products for a person and excluding food that is contraindicated for him. If possible, of course. After all, sometimes you really want to no, no, and to eat some kind of "nasty" ... Well, do not forget to consult with the doctor too 🙂

Next, I propose to get acquainted with some food products (animal and vegetable origin, spices) that are influenced by each of the seven planets. For obvious reasons, the list is not exhaustive, but only contains indications of some gastronomic elements.

Sun Products

Lamb, beef (mixed Jupiterian influence), horse meat, rooster meat, citrus fruits, grapes, barley (it is found in some alcoholic beverages, such as beer), bay leaf, ginger, rosemary, cinnamon.

Moon products

Duck, goose, partridge (under general influence with Venus), meat of animals living in water (otters, nutria), meat of waterfowl, non-predatory fish, oysters, molluscs, meat of all crustaceans, cabbage, cucumbers, melons, pumpkin, mushrooms, poppy.

Mercury products

Walnut, hazel and other nuts growing in shell, peas, beans, pomegranate (partial Venusian influence), anise, marjoram, cumin, coriander, molasses, various sweet and sour sauces and condiments.

Venus products

Rabbit meat (under the general influence with the Moon) small livestock meat (not attributed to the influence of other planets), chicken, roe deer, olives, sweet apples (not red!), Figs, dates, peaches, apricots, raisins, chocolate, Venus also has a significant impact on any sweets (candy, cakes, cookies, etc.).

Mars products

Meat of predatory animals, birds and fish (predatory fish are controlled together with the Moon). Pepper, onion and garlic (mixed lunar influence), mustard, basil, all seasonings with a pronounced pungent taste.

Jupiter products

Venus and chicken (mixed Venus influence). Any livestock larger than a sheep has a touch of Jupiter influence. Wheat, rice, nutmeg, cloves, rhubarb, strawberries (with Venus).

Products of Saturn

Pork. The Saturnian influence extends to all root crops to varying degrees. Spinach, cumin. Roasted coffee beans.

Regardless of what is causing your depression, the following foods can help you get out of it. And even if the depression does not go away completely, the mood will improve for sure. Of course, the causes of depression need to be addressed, and it is better to do this in combination with the use of the products listed below - then the recovery from depression will be faster and more effective. In general, it is better to approach the problem of overcoming depression in a comprehensive manner, so we will consider several important points and list several more ways to improve mood.

Day regimen and diet

Before moving on to the list of natural antidepressant foods, a few words should be said about the daily routine and proper nutrition. The fact is that adherence to the daily routine is a very important point, because a person's mood and physical well-being very much depends on whether a person is in harmony with the time of day or not. It is optimal to get up in the morning at sunrise, when all nature awakens, and go to bed at about 21:00 - 22:00, then the body, mind and nervous system of a person rest in the best possible way, which is very important if we want to eliminate depression. The daily routine should definitely include physical exercises (or at least a warm-up), as well as a shower - in the morning and in the evening. Water treatments are also a remedy for depression.

As for the diet, here you should know what foods are best to eat at what time; avoid foods that are not suitable for you; know how to properly prepare and eat food. All this can be learned from lectures on Ayurveda - the oldest science of human health. There is a lot of information about the correct daily routine, it is important and useful, therefore it is worthy of careful study.

Food consumption by time of day

Products for depression are, first of all, sweet fruits and berries, the taste and aroma of which you like. Be aware that if you do not like the taste or aroma of a product, be it fruits, vegetables, berries or other foods, then it is not suitable for you now, so you should not eat it, even if it is “extremely healthy”.

You also need to know that most fruits and berries contain solar energy - the energy of joy, positiveness and enthusiasm, while vegetables contain more lunar energy - the energy of relaxation and tranquility. For this reason, it is better not to mix solar and lunar foods, but to eat separately, in different meals. Fruits and berries are best consumed in the morning, in the morning, than in the evening or at night, because they invigorate, give a boost of energy. During the day, too. But vegetables are better to eat in the late afternoon, especially stewed or boiled - they will soothe and relax. Raw vegetables can be eaten during the day, as they contain a lot of prana - vital energy that is needed to replenish reserves in the body.

Knowing this, we can to some extent control our mood and well-being, which will help improve health and get out of depression.

Best foods for depression

The following will list products that, as a rule, contain prevailing positive energies, energies of goodness. Science says that foods are good for the vitamins, trace elements, minerals, tissues (fiber), carbohydrates, fats, proteins and various chemical compounds they contain. This is true, but Ayurveda focuses our attention on the energies that these foods contain. There are energies of goodness, passion and ignorance, and it is best to use foods saturated with the power of goodness to get out of depression. Consider now the most blissful products:

ANISE- a sweetish spice containing a lot of the energy of goodness. Increases optimism, improves mood. Ground anise can be added not only to dishes, but also to drinks.

BADIAN- also a spice in goodness, increases cheerfulness, eliminates stress and depression.

BANANA- one of the most blissful foods. Banana gives calmness and optimism, has a positive effect on thinking and emotions, and softens a tough temper.

BARBERRY- one of the best berries for treating depression, as it greatly increases optimism. Dried barberry is fine too, and can be chopped and added to tea or other drinks. It is better to use it in the morning, but you can eat it a little during the day.

PEAR- contains a lot of energy of joy, greatly increases optimism, therefore, it is also an excellent way to improve mood.

GOLDEN ROOT(also called Rhodiola Rosea) is a fairly strong natural remedy for depression, so it can only be used in very small amounts in the morning (add the powder to a drink or chew a piece of the root). In the afternoon and in the evening, it is better not to use the golden root, as it can cause overexcitation of the nervous system.

CARDAMON GREEN(differs from black in appearance - a green box and light grains inside) is a very useful spice, which, in addition to many useful medicinal properties, eliminates depressive conditions. It can be consumed at any time of the day.

RASPBERRIES- improves mood, gives optimism, increases cheerfulness.

Is itself a very healthy product when ripe. It does not grow in our country, but they bring it here, picking it green, not ripe. Alternatively, buy dried mangoes. A good product for the treatment of depression.

MILK (cow)- a product of goodness that brings tranquility. But this is not a solar product, but a lunar one, so during the day it is not digested in its raw form by most people. Therefore, it is better to drink (raw) in the evening before going to bed, or in the morning, preferably before sunrise. Milk porridge and other dishes cooked in milk are well absorbed during the day. Most sweet (sweetish) spices, honey or sugar can be added to milk, from which the antidepressant effect is significantly enhanced. It is good to drink some sweetened hot milk with cardamom and fennel at night, and you can also add some nutmeg. In the morning, you can add the other beneficial spices listed here to milk.

NUTMEG- a spice containing the energies of goodness and passion. This spice should be said in more detail, since it is one of the strongest natural remedies for getting rid of depression. Muscat relaxes, calms the psyche, eliminates negative emotions, restores clarity of thoughts, gives a feeling of calm and bliss, and in large quantities - long-term euphoria. One or two medium-sized nuts can pull a person out of a serious crisis, but it should be borne in mind that the essential oils contained in nutmeg are not very favorable for the gastrointestinal tract, so you should be careful not to overdo it. You can mix ground nutmeg with kefir, then the stomach will bear it easier, and the taste will not be so sugary. It is better to use it in the morning and never at night. The effect of relaxation and pacification does not come immediately (after half an hour, sometimes even an hour or two - until the action gains its full strength), and lasts from several hours to a day. The action of nutmeg usually reduces performance, and it is advisable not to engage in strenuous physical activity; it is better to relax, relax, listen to calm music, watch a positive film or spend time in nature. At this time, you should avoid communicating with negative people, as the effect will decrease. Also, the effect of nutmeg is reduced in the cold or in water. Provide yourself with a warm and cozy environment so you can get the most out of your nutmeg treatment for depression. On the Internet there is a site, completely dedicated to nutmeg, where you can read more about this product and how to use it. Some people consider it a drug, since in large doses it gives euphoria, but from the point of view of science and esotericism, this is not the case. Nevertheless, you should not get carried away with large dosages of nutmeg, because, as mentioned above, there is also a negative side - it is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. As for small doses, this is an extremely useful spice that can be consumed every day by almost anyone without harm to health. It has a vasodilator, warming, antispasmodic effect, improves digestion, improves immunity and even relieves pain. Earlier, nutmeg, due to a wide range of useful properties, was worth its weight in gold, now it has fallen in price and is available to everyone.

HONEY- a concentrate of the energy of love, 100% of the energy of goodness, therefore, an excellent tool for improving not only the mood and tone of the body, but also for the treatment of many diseases. When choosing honey, be careful - buy only the one that has a fresh and pleasant smell, and also has a taste that you really like. Only one or two types of honey from the entire assortment on the market may suit you.

CONDENSED MILK- a product loved by many since childhood. Contains milk (one of the healthiest foods) and sugar, which is a concentrate of goodness. This combination makes condensed milk a great way to lift your mood and treat depression. Half a can or a can will be enough for an adult to “let it go”. You can add some antidepressant spices to condensed milk.

Malt(licorice root) - the strongest remedy for depression, gives a great power of optimism. You can eat this product only in the morning.

DATE FRUIT- carries a tremendous power of goodness, strongly contributes to the improvement of mood.

ROSE, ROSE, CARCADE- these are varieties of rose, and these plants are also saturated with positive energy of goodness.

All of these foods, as well as others that contain positive solar energy, miraculously help to get rid of depression. This is explained very simply: depression is the result of a lack of blissful energy, therefore, by eating blissful food, we make up for the lack of positive energy and get out of depression.

In autumn, winter and spring, when we receive much less subtle energy from the sun than in summer, we can be charged with positive solar energy by eating foods that have accumulated it as we grow and mature. It is very simple, practical and sensible. "Autumn depressions" are caused by a lack of sun, therefore, treatment is elementary.

Speaking of goodness. At the festival of goodness, you can be well charged with positive emotions, wisdom and other types of favorable energies, so if you have the opportunity, be sure to visit this festival. Also, whenever possible, share the goodness with other people, and it will come back to you many times. All the best!

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