How to grow large winter garlic. How to grow large garlic

Encyclopedia of Plants 16.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The vast majority of modern gardeners practice planting garlic, but not everyone is satisfied with the quality and quantity of crops. The study of agricultural techniques, their successful application in practice is guaranteed to help any vegetable grower achieve excellent results regarding the cultivation of this useful crop.

Some inexperienced summer residents may not be aware that garlic is winter or spring. The timing, methods of growing these two varieties of plants have certain differences.

Winter garlic gives arrows, demonstrates high resistance to frost. It is planted in autumn, winters in the ground, during the next season it forms a central trunk, a full-fledged head with no large quantity(necessarily even) aligned teeth.

A novice vegetable grower should find out that spring garlic from bulbs practically does not give arrows. Planting is carried out in the spring, the shelf life of the bulbs is quite long, but the yield indicators are inferior to the winter variety. teeth may have different sizes, differ in form. Lot useful information in the article:

Features and rules for arranging beds for planting garlic

A gardener who decides: how to plant garlic should competently approach the issue of arranging beds for planting. The priority is to allocate a site well-lit by the sun to the plants, in the perimeter of which moisture will not stagnate, and the occurrence ground water will be quite deep. This is explained by the fact that the accumulation of excess moisture in the ground can lead to poor growth and the development of fungal diseases. Alternatively, you can give preference to the formation of high beds.

When deciding how to grow garlic on heads, you need to keep in mind that not all plants that grew earlier on the ridge will be good predecessors for this culture. In particular, it is advisable to refuse planting if before that onions, radishes, tomatoes, beets, eggplants or potatoes grew in the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden. But the choice of beds, where previously there were green manure (alfalfa, oats, clover, mustard), strawberries, strawberries, zucchini, pumpkin, peas, cucumbers, will surely turn out to be a win-win option.

A summer resident who is interested in how to grow winter garlic in a greenhouse will need to prepare the beds in the fall 10 to 14 days before the planned planting. This will ensure the shrinkage of the soil and eliminate excessive deepening of the teeth. Otherwise, the grown heads will be too small and will not store well.

The ridge for spring planting is also prepared in the fall, so that the applied fertilizers will have enough time to transform into a mass that is easily absorbed by plants. Digging up the earth is carried out to a depth equal to the bayonet of a shovel, then humus or compost is added in the amount of 5-8 kg / sq.m.

A vegetable grower, faced with a problem: how to grow garlic in the open field, must pay attention to the quality of the land. The plant likes loose, light soil. According to experienced gardeners, its properties can be improved by adding sand, sod land, peat, organic fertilizers. If it is impossible to use the proper amount of organic matter, it is allowed to replace it with the selected mineral complex (30 - 40 g / sq.m.).

Preplant preparation of garlic

Having studied the information on the topic: how to grow Chinese or green garlic, then you should correctly approach the choice of planting material. It is very important to decide on varieties, hybrids suitable for growing in a particular climatic region.

Having learned how to grow large garlic, you need to carry out preplant preparation of cloves before placing them in open ground. To this end, it will be necessary to carry out a number of preventive measures to ensure protection against diseases, pests, and improve the quality of the crop.

When deciding how much to grow garlic, you need to pay attention to the need to change planting material every 3 years. Failure to comply with this recommendation can lead to the degeneration of culture.

Initially, it will be necessary to select teeth for planting, rejecting those that have signs of disease, decay, mold. Peeling garlic before planting is not recommended. It is enough to separate a pair of cloves in order to identify defects during their inspection.

Heads with detected damage will not be suitable for planting. An inexperienced vegetable grower may try to separate them long before they are placed in the soil (a month or more). This is not true. A similar procedure is performed immediately before disembarkation. At the end of the inspection, the largest bulbs should be selected. It is from them that garlic of large sizes will be grown.

To disinfect garlic, experienced vegetable growers use various ways. One of the most effective methods immersion of planting material in an ash solution is considered. To do this, you need wood ash (300 gr.), Which must be boiled in water (2 l). Then the light part is separated from the resulting broth. In it, the teeth are aged for one hour.

It is also practiced to place garlic for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) or copper sulfate (1%). The use of Fitosporin-M has proven itself well.

Gardeners have special requirements for the preparation of spring garlic. If planting material stored with deviations from optimal mode(temperature + 5 ... + 8 ° С, humidity 30 - 50%), 30 days before the planned disembarkation, it must be taken out to the cold (-3 ... +2 ° С). For example, preplant storage of garlic in the refrigerator is practiced. Thanks to this cooling, heads with a large weight will subsequently be grown.

Before planting (per day), the garlic should have time to warm up to room temperature. Next, a disinfection procedure is carried out, after which the teeth will need to be exposed to a growth stimulator (Epin, Potassium Humate) for half a day by immersion in a solution.

Features of planting garlic

The vegetable grower will need to properly plan the planting event. Looking through the recommendations on how to grow garlic in large heads from seeds, we can conclude that in different regions the time of this procedure may vary.

Spring planting culture

When planning spring planting, you need to focus on April, May. The main factor indicating the possibility of its implementation is the heating of the soil to a temperature exceeding zero. Usually such an event is carried out after the snow melts, when Sun rays The ground has already warmed up.

In the spring, planted cloves are planted in moistened soil to a shallow depth (2-3 cm), the interval between them is 9-10 cm, the recommended distance between rows is in the range: 15-20 cm. After the shoots appear, it is allowed to mulch the beds using peat, other materials.

Autumn planting garlic

As a rule, planting garlic for the winter is carried out in the period: September - October, taking into account the regional affiliation of the cultivation zone. Gardeners living in the central or middle lane of our state, such an event is performed in the last week of September or in the first days of October. Vegetable growers, whose plots are located to the south, are decisive: when to plant winter garlic, they try to carry out this procedure in mid-October.

If the planting dates are calculated correctly, the cloves will have the opportunity to take root before frost without germination, which will ensure their calm wintering, will guarantee big harvest. This will also eliminate the question from the gardener: why does the garlic turn yellow in the spring - what to do, since the cloves will not be subjected to winter freezing.

The autumn planting scheme is similar to the spring one, however, the depth of embedding into the ground should be increased to 3-5 cm.

Excessively shallow deepening of garlic cloves can lead to their freezing if the winter turns out to be little snowy, too cold. A layer of sand or wood ash can be poured into the furrows formed in the soil.

Next, the soil will need to be leveled, mulched with a layer of rotted sawdust or peat (2-3 cm thick). It is advisable to refuse the use of straw because of the possible wintering of rodents in it. Garlic planted in the fall does not need watering. If the snow has not yet fallen, but sharp frosts are observed, it is necessary to provide shelter for the ridges in the form of roofing material, a thick film. After a snowfall, such protection is removed.

Rules for caring for garlic in the garden

Caring for garlic in the garden, you can not ignore the conduct of timely top dressing. During the vegetative period, a maximum of three times fertilizer is applied.

As practice shows, the most effective feeding of garlic is carried out using organic matter. To do this, you can use a solution of mullein (1: 10) or bird droppings (1: 12). For a second procedure, it is worth using a solution of ash (200 g) in water (10 l). Applying an excess amount of fertilizer can lead to a situation: garlic leaves turn yellow, various diseases culture.

Excessive watering of plants is not welcome. Irrigation of dry land with water at the rate of 10 l / m2 with a subsequent week break will be optimal. As it matures, the amount of water decreases to 6 - 8 l / sq.m. In anticipation of harvesting (14 days in advance), irrigation activities should be stopped.

Winter varieties are watered more abundantly. V winter time the imposition of snow on the ridges will justify itself. The soil after irrigation should be carefully loosened by 2 - 3 cm (in the presence of mulch, this procedure is not performed). In addition, the vegetable grower should carry out systematic weeding of the crop. To get later a large number of large heads, it will be necessary to remove the arrows in time.

Collection, storage of crops

Experienced vegetable growers know: when garlic is harvested, the possibility of performing such a procedure is judged by the leaves that begin to wither.

In addition, conclusions can be drawn about the maturity of garlic by observing the arrows left for control: they turn from milky twisted ones into vertically aligned ones, crack in the bulb area.

If there is a need to find out: how to store garlic, you need to take into account that in dug out specimens, the roots are removed, as well as the stem indented from the head by 12 cm. Next, the crop is dried in the sun. After the upper scales are completely dry, they are removed. The heads are tied into bundles, which are then placed in jars with the stumps down. In this form, they will be perfectly stored for a long time.

Turning yellow garlic leaves

An inexperienced gardener may be concerned about the question: garlic turns yellow - what to do to get rid of such a scourge? There may be several reasons for such a decline. The most common cases are listed below.

A vegetable grower, faced with a problem: why garlic leaves turn yellow, roots die off, should not discount the infection of the plant with fusarium. As practice shows, the use of the Quadris fungicide gives good results.

Studying the information: why winter garlic turns yellow, it should be noted that this can be triggered by planting a crop in a country house in soil with high acidity. To remedy the situation, you will need to add lime to the ground (30 - 50 kg / 100 sq.m.) before spring digging.

When deciding why garlic leaves turn yellow, too little nitrogen in the soil cannot be discounted. This substance can quickly be washed out of the soil. Its deficiency is compensated by the application of nitrogenous fertilizers. best time for such a procedure will be early spring.

Growing garlic at home in winter

Many vegetable growers are sure that it is quite possible to grow garlic at home during the winter months. Prepared teeth should be planted in containers on the windowsill filled with soil. Next, the containers must be placed in a place well lit by the sun. When deciding how to grow garlic at home, it is necessary to provide the plants with sufficient watering, avoiding dryness or excessive moisture in the soil. You can count on the appearance of sprouts in an apartment on the balcony after 20 - 30 days.

A healthy addition to the family diet

Proper implementation of planting, agricultural techniques will be the key to obtaining a large number of large garlic heads. Self-grown delicious, healthy garlic containing many valuable vitamins, trace elements, will be an excellent addition to the family diet all year round. You can check out the article:

The nutritional and healing value of garlic is difficult to overestimate. By adding this vegetable to dishes, you can once and for all get rid of problems with the digestion and assimilation of food. In addition, it is a prophylactic against many diseases. Knowing the basic rules, you can get it at any time of the year. Vegetable feels great on household plots, in gardens, vegetable gardens and even on the windowsill. It can be planted outdoors in both autumn and spring. And garlic is also very good as a fight against numerous pests that affect currants, tomatoes, strawberries. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it next to fruit and berry and vegetable crops.

Features of growing winter garlic

At the end of October or the beginning of November, when the gardens have already been more or less cleaned, summer residents begin to new job- Preparation of sites for new guests. Not knowing how to properly grow winter garlic, novice gardeners are afraid to plant crops for the winter. Although seedlings planted in autumn are stronger and more resilient. The most important thing is to guess with the weather. Teeth should be planted about a month before a long frost. If this is done ahead of time, then the garlic may germinate and lose its cold resistance. With late planting, the vegetable does not have time to create a reliable root system.

Popular varieties

To obtain good harvest, it is important not only to know how to grow garlic, but also to choose the right seed. The bottom of the cloves should be free of corky crust, because it retards the growth of the culture. There are some of the most sought-after varieties of garlic that tolerate low temperatures very well. "Komsomolets" and "Otradnensky" are suitable for planting in cold regions. They are spicy in taste, they throw out arrows. Bulb "Komsomolets" weighs up to 30 g, forms about 8 cloves. "Otradnensky" refers to large varieties, its scales are lilac.

Also worth noting are the excellent taste qualities and cold resistance of the "Gribovsky jubilee". This garlic forms an onion with a large number of cloves, its mass reaches 40 g. Also, Poretsky and Danilovsky local varieties are very popular among summer residents. They form a large number of teeth, sharp, cold-resistant.

Planting winter garlic

To get a good harvest, you should choose a suitable site with fertile soil. About a month before planting, the earth must be dug up, organic matter and complex fertilizers applied, and fresh manure should not be used, because it is a source of fungi. The width of the beds should be about 75 cm, and the height - 8 cm. It is recommended to change the places for planting garlic annually. Large bulbs will grow in areas where zucchini, cucumbers or cabbage grew.

Beginning gardeners do not know how to grow a good winter garlic. There is a little trick here - you need to calibrate the teeth. Too small, rotten, soft should not be taken at all. It is also not recommended to plant specimens with double fruiting bodies or several peaks. Planting material should be disinfected in a 1% solution of copper sulfate. The teeth should be planted to a depth of 5 cm, with an interval of 10 cm, the distance between rows is recommended to be 20 cm. Garlic does not like density, because otherwise it will have to fight for space and fail to gain the desired weight.

Garlic care and cleaning

In autumn, it is recommended to cover the area with the culture with agrofiber, leaves or spruce branches. As soon as the snow melts, the shelter should be removed. In early spring, it is important to make two top dressings with urea, they are necessary for active vegetation. If the soil itself is poor, then for the growth of the bulb, fertilizers should be applied 2 times a month throughout the growing season. As soon as the height of the arrows reaches 20 cm, they must be pinched at a level of 5 cm. To make the garlic ripen faster, you need to rake the earth a little from the bulbs.

It is not worth delaying the harvesting of the culture, it must be carried out as soon as the lower leaves turn yellow. It is very important to know how to properly grow winter garlic, because if you do not have time to dig it up, the scales will move away and expose your teeth, and this will affect the quality of vegetable storage. The bulbs should be placed under a canopy for natural drying for a week, and when the root lobe begins to crumble into dust under the fingers, you can transfer them to a permanent storage place.

Features of growing spring garlic

Fertile loamy and sandy soils are best suited for planting bulbous crops. Knowing how to grow onions and garlic, you can achieve a good harvest. These vegetables are not demanding, but still have some growing characteristics. Garlic is a photophilous plant, so you should not plant it in the shade of trees. It can be allocated a separate bed or placed next to fruit crops or vegetables. Garlic feels good near strawberries, potatoes, raspberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, black currants, onions, gooseberries, roses, gladioli, tulips. It can be planted in areas where cabbage and legumes used to grow, but it is not recommended to combine them on the same bed.

Beginning gardeners do not know how to grow healthy and large summer garlic. To do this, you need to choose a good planting material, remove diseased and small teeth. It is worth updating varieties from time to time, because they can degenerate. In order for spring garlic to grow faster, it is germinated. The teeth are placed in a wet cloth bag and placed in a plastic bag for a couple of days. But you don't have to do all of this.

Planting summer garlic

It is necessary to plant a crop in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up to +7 ° C (somewhere in the beginning or middle of April). Dry soil requires abundant watering, if it is wet, then watering the beds is not necessary. Garlic sits at a depth of about 6 cm, it should exceed the height of the clove twice. Germinated seed must be planted carefully without damaging the root system. The beds need to be mulched. The rows should be made about 20 cm wide, the cloves are planted with an interval of 10 cm. Spring garlic is not afraid of frost, its seedlings appear at +3 ° C. The initial growing season for the crop takes place at +10 °C, the bulb is formed at +15 °C, and it ripens at +25 °C.

Crop care

Many are wondering how to grow large garlic, especially if the summer is hot, and it is not possible to constantly water the beds. In this case, it is necessary to mulch the soil, while it is better to choose light mulch. During the growing season, you should try to provide garlic with abundant watering, because at this time it is actively growing. When the bulbs ripen, moisture is needed in smaller quantities. In rainy weather, the site should not be flooded with water at all. Waterlogging should not be allowed in any case, because it provokes the development of fungi and damage to the bulbs.

For spring garlic, it is recommended to carry out two top dressings: in early spring water the ground with a solution of bird droppings or rotted cow dung, and in the middle of summer with a solution of ash. Mineral fertilizers are not used for the crop, they do not benefit either vegetables or human health. Recommendations on how to grow garlic also include weed control and periodic loosening of the soil. Thanks to mulching, you can greatly facilitate the care of the crop, do not weed the ground and reduce the amount of watering.

What is the difference between spring and winter garlic?

Culture varieties are divided into two large groups: shooters and non-shooters. Before growing garlic, you should decide on the variety and its type. Gardeners claim that arrowheads form only winter varieties, but in some cases they may also appear on spring crops. It all depends on the climatic features of the region. Winter garlic has large cloves, they are located around the stem. Spring is smaller, its bulbs are dense. Winter crops are frost-resistant and their productivity is extremely high, but in terms of storage time they significantly lose to summer crops, which remain intact throughout the year.

What does garlic need to grow?

This is an incredibly cold-resistant plant that can withstand temperatures down to -45 ° C, so the inhabitants temperate latitudes nothing to worry about him. Under the snow cover, the bulbs are perfectly preserved, and in the spring at +3 ° C they grow. The culture develops normally at +18-25 °C. In the question of how to grow large garlic, the quality of the soil plays an important role. The plant feels best on loamy and sandy soils, but it does not tolerate acidic and saline soils.

Garlic responds well to top dressing, but mineral fertilizers and fresh manure should be excluded. Loves moisture, but waterlogging can adversely affect the bulbs. For spring garlic, the site must be prepared in the fall, and for winter - a month before planting. The bed should be dug up and about 5 kg of humus per 1 m 2 should be added.

Planting large garlic

It is necessary to immediately decide which crop to plant - winter or spring. In the question of how to grow large garlic, there are several secrets. Large bulbs are easier to get from the winter variety. Depending on the climatic features of the region, it is planted at the end of September or in October. The teeth should take root before the onset of frost, but not grow. Spring garlic is planted in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. He is not afraid of frosts, the main thing here is to gain time, because before the onset of heat, an onion should form. Otherwise, the garlic will turn out small.

In order for the vegetable to grow large, you need to make wide rows (25 cm) and plant the teeth at a distance of 12 cm from each other. It is important to guess with the planting depth, it should be equal to twice the height of the planting material. This rule does not apply to spring garlic, its teeth are deepened by 3 cm. The earth should not be made too loose, but it is not recommended to press the planting material into the ground. After planting, you need to cover the beds with mulch.

Garlic on the windowsill

Many hostesses worry in advance about the presence of greenery in the cold season. If everything is more or less clear with onions, because it sprouts incredibly quickly, then few people know how to grow garlic on a windowsill. And garlic greens are required in many dishes. If you just plant the teeth in a pot of earth, then they will germinate closer to spring. It's very easy to speed up the process. To do this, it is necessary to put containers with garlic outside late in the fall so that it undergoes cold treatment. Then you should bring the boxes home and water the soil with warm water. At a temperature of +17 ° C, greenery will appear in a week. Even those who did not know how to grow garlic at home can easily get it in the cold season. Fragrant greens on the windowsill during the period when a blizzard is raging outside the window, what could be more comfortable?

Diseases of garlic

Despite the undemanding culture, it can still be affected by various diseases during the growing season. The most common is the rot of the bottom, because of the fungus, the bulb rots, the roots die, the leaves turn yellow. If a gray coating appears on the leaves, it means that downy mildew has attacked the garlic. This disease threatens with underripe bulbs. white rot provokes the death of leaves and the formation of mycelium on the roots. The disease leads to decay of the teeth. To very backfire leads to bacterial decay. Because of it, brown sores with the smell of rot appear on the teeth. To protect the crop from pests, it is necessary to treat the garlic with an ash solution before planting. You can also plant a plant next to calendula and chicory, they save from the nematode.

The nutritional and healing value of garlic is difficult to overestimate. By adding this vegetable to dishes, you can once and for all get rid of problems with the digestion and assimilation of food. In addition, it is a prophylactic against many diseases. Knowing the basic rules, you can get it at any time of the year. The vegetable feels great on personal plots, in gardens, vegetable gardens and even on the windowsill. It can be planted outdoors in both autumn and spring. And garlic is also very good as a fight against numerous pests that affect currants, tomatoes, strawberries. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it next to fruit and berry and vegetable crops.

Features of growing winter garlic

In late October or early November, when the gardens are already more or less cleaned, the summer residents begin a new job - preparing plots for new guests. Not knowing how to properly grow winter garlic, novice gardeners are afraid to plant crops for the winter. Although seedlings planted in autumn are stronger and more resilient. The most important thing is to guess with the weather. Teeth should be planted about a month before a long frost. If this is done ahead of time, then the garlic may germinate and lose its cold resistance. With late planting, the vegetable does not have time to create a reliable root system.

Popular varieties

To get a good harvest, it is important not only to know how to grow garlic, but also to choose the right seed. The bottom of the cloves should be free of corky crust, because it retards the growth of the culture. There are some of the most sought-after varieties of garlic that tolerate low temperatures very well. "Komsomolets" and "Otradnensky" are suitable for planting in cold regions. They are spicy in taste, they throw out arrows. Bulb "Komsomolets" weighs up to 30 g, forms about 8 cloves. "Otradnensky" refers to large varieties, its scales are lilac.

It is also worth noting the excellent taste and cold resistance of "Gribovsky Jubilee". This garlic forms an onion with a large number of cloves, its mass reaches 40 g. Also, Poretsky and Danilovsky local varieties are very popular among summer residents. They form a large number of teeth, sharp, cold-resistant.

Planting winter garlic

To get a good harvest, you should choose a suitable site with fertile soil. About a month before planting, the earth must be dug up, organic matter and complex fertilizers applied, and fresh manure should not be used, because it is a source of fungi. The width of the beds should be about 75 cm, and the height - 8 cm. It is recommended to change the places for planting garlic annually. Large bulbs will grow in areas where zucchini, cucumbers or cabbage grew.

Novice gardeners don't know how to grow good winter garlic. There is a little trick here - you need to calibrate the teeth. Too small, rotten, soft should not be taken at all. It is also not recommended to plant specimens with double fruiting bodies or several peaks. Planting material should be disinfected in a 1% solution of copper sulfate. The teeth should be planted to a depth of 5 cm, with an interval of 10 cm, the distance between rows is recommended to be 20 cm. Garlic does not like density, because otherwise it will have to fight for space and fail to gain the desired weight.

Garlic care and cleaning

In autumn, it is recommended to cover the area with the culture with agrofiber, leaves or spruce branches. As soon as the snow melts, the shelter should be removed. In early spring, it is important to make two top dressings with urea, they are necessary for active vegetation. If the soil itself is poor, then for the growth of the bulb, fertilizers should be applied 2 times a month throughout the growing season. As soon as the height of the arrows reaches 20 cm, they must be pinched at a level of 5 cm. To make the garlic ripen faster, you need to rake the earth a little from the bulbs.

It is not worth delaying the harvesting of the culture, it must be carried out as soon as the lower leaves turn yellow. It is very important to know how to properly grow winter garlic, because if you do not have time to dig it up, the scales will move away and expose your teeth, and this will affect the quality of vegetable storage. The bulbs should be placed under a canopy for natural drying for a week, and when the root lobe begins to crumble into dust under the fingers, you can transfer them to a permanent storage place.

Features of growing spring garlic

Fertile loamy and sandy soils are best suited for planting bulbous crops. Knowing how to grow onions and garlic, you can achieve a good harvest. These vegetables are not demanding, but still have some growing characteristics. Garlic is a photophilous plant, so you should not plant it in the shade of trees. It can be allocated a separate bed or placed next to fruit and berry crops or vegetables. Garlic feels good near strawberries, potatoes, raspberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, black currants, onions, gooseberries, roses, gladioli, tulips. It can be planted in areas where cabbage and legumes used to grow, but it is not recommended to combine them on the same bed.

Beginning gardeners do not know how to grow healthy and large summer garlic. To do this, you need to choose a good planting material, remove diseased and small teeth. It is worth updating varieties from time to time, because they can degenerate. In order for spring garlic to grow faster, it is germinated. The teeth are placed in a wet cloth bag and placed in a plastic bag for a couple of days. But you don't have to do all of this.

Planting summer garlic

It is necessary to plant a crop in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up to +7 ° C (somewhere in the beginning or middle of April). Dry soil requires abundant watering, if it is wet, then watering the beds is not necessary. Garlic sits at a depth of about 6 cm, it should exceed the height of the clove twice. Germinated seed must be planted carefully without damaging the root system. The beds need to be mulched. The rows should be made about 20 cm wide, the cloves are planted with an interval of 10 cm. Spring garlic is not afraid of frost, its seedlings appear at +3 ° C. The initial growing season for the crop takes place at +10 °C, the bulb is formed at +15 °C, and it ripens at +25 °C.

Crop care

Many are wondering how to grow large garlic, especially if the summer is hot, and it is not possible to constantly water the beds. In this case, it is necessary to mulch the soil, while it is better to choose light mulch. During the growing season, you should try to provide garlic with abundant watering, because at this time it is actively growing. When the bulbs ripen, moisture is needed in smaller quantities. In rainy weather, the site should not be flooded with water at all. Waterlogging should not be allowed in any case, because it provokes the development of fungi and damage to the bulbs.

For spring garlic, it is recommended to carry out two top dressings: in early spring, pour the ground with a solution of bird droppings or rotted cow manure, and in the middle of summer with a solution of ash. Mineral fertilizers are not used for the crop, they do not benefit either vegetables or human health. Recommendations on how to grow garlic also include weed control and periodic loosening of the soil. Thanks to mulching, you can greatly facilitate the care of the crop, do not weed the ground and reduce the amount of watering.

What is the difference between spring and winter garlic?

Varieties of culture are divided into two large groups: shooters and non-shooters. Before growing garlic, you should decide on the variety and its type. Gardeners claim that arrowheads form only winter varieties, but in some cases they may also appear on spring crops. It all depends on the climatic features of the region. Winter garlic has large cloves, they are located around the stem. Spring is smaller, its bulbs are dense. Winter crops are frost-resistant and their productivity is extremely high, but in terms of storage time they significantly lose to summer crops, which remain intact throughout the year.

What does garlic need to grow?

This is an incredibly cold-resistant plant that can withstand temperatures down to -45 ° C, so the inhabitants of temperate latitudes have nothing to worry about. Under the snow cover, the bulbs are perfectly preserved, and in the spring at +3 ° C they grow. The culture develops normally at +18-25 °C. In the question of how to grow large garlic, the quality of the soil plays an important role. The plant feels best on loamy and sandy soils, but it does not tolerate acidic and saline soils.

Garlic responds well to top dressing, but mineral fertilizers and fresh manure should be excluded. Loves moisture, but waterlogging can adversely affect the bulbs. For spring garlic, the site must be prepared in the fall, and for winter - a month before planting. The bed should be dug up and about 5 kg of humus per 1 m 2 should be added.

Planting large garlic

It is necessary to immediately decide which crop to plant - winter or spring. In the question of how to grow large garlic, there are several secrets. Large bulbs are easier to get from the winter variety. Depending on the climatic features of the region, it is planted at the end of September or in October. The teeth should take root before the onset of frost, but not grow. Spring garlic is planted in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. He is not afraid of frosts, the main thing here is to gain time, because before the onset of heat, an onion should form. Otherwise, the garlic will turn out small.

In order for the vegetable to grow large, you need to make wide rows (25 cm) and plant the teeth at a distance of 12 cm from each other. It is important to guess with the planting depth, it should be equal to twice the height of the planting material. This rule does not apply to spring garlic, its teeth are deepened by 3 cm. The earth should not be made too loose, but it is not recommended to press the planting material into the ground. After planting, you need to cover the beds with mulch.

Garlic on the windowsill

Many hostesses worry in advance about the presence of greenery in the cold season. If everything is more or less clear with onions, because it sprouts incredibly quickly, then few people know how to grow garlic on a windowsill. And garlic greens are required in many dishes. If you just plant the teeth in a pot of earth, then they will germinate closer to spring. It's very easy to speed up the process. To do this, it is necessary to put containers with garlic outside late in the fall so that it undergoes cold treatment. Then you should bring the boxes home and water the soil with warm water. At a temperature of +17 ° C, greenery will appear in a week. Even those who did not know how to grow garlic at home can easily get it in the cold season. Fragrant greens on the windowsill during the period when a blizzard is raging outside the window, what could be more comfortable?

Diseases of garlic

Despite the undemanding culture, it can still be affected by various diseases during the growing season. The most common is the rot of the bottom, because of the fungus, the bulb rots, the roots die, the leaves turn yellow. If a gray coating appears on the leaves, it means that downy mildew has attacked the garlic. This disease threatens with underripe bulbs. White rot provokes the death of leaves and the formation of mycelium on the roots. The disease leads to decay of the teeth. Bacterial rot also leads to very unpleasant consequences. Because of it, brown sores with the smell of rot appear on the teeth. To protect the crop from pests, it is necessary to treat the garlic with an ash solution before planting. You can also plant a plant next to calendula and chicory, they save from the nematode.

Garlic is a cold-resistant plant, it begins to germinate at a temperature of 3-5 ° C, it easily tolerates frosts, and in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem Zone it can winter on the vine.

Cultivated garlics are divided into two subspecies: shooters (winter) and non-shooters (spring). The non-shooter forms only bulbs consisting of cloves, and the shooter, in addition to the bulb, forms an arrow bearing an inflorescence, in which aerial bulbs (bulbs) are formed instead of seeds.

Gardens usually grow their own local forms of garlic, which are available in almost every region.

Agricultural technology of garlic. Under the garlic allocate a site with fertile soil, which has a neutral reaction.

The best predecessors- early cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, under which organic fertilizers were applied.

You can not place garlic after onions and garlic earlier than 4-5 years due to common pests and diseases.

In autumn, after harvesting the previous crop, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied for garlic (5-6 kg of humus or compost, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2). Then the site is carefully dug up on a full bayonet of a shovel, evenly mixing the fertilizer with the soil.

cultivation winter garlic .

Winter garlic is planted in the second half of September - early October in the garden in an ordinary way at a distance of 20-25 cm row from row.

The teeth, depending on the size, are planted in a row at a distance of 5 to 8 cm from each other, the planting depth is 3-4 cm, counting from the top of the clove to the soil surface. Planted garlic is mulched with peat or humus with a layer of 1.5-2 cm (1.5-2 buckets per 1 m2).

In spring and summer, garlic care consists in fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, watering as the soil dries up, weeding and loosening the soil between rows.

Arrows must be regularly removed already at the beginning of their formation, so that there are large bulbs. Leave them only on seed plants.

Winter garlic ripens in late July - early August. It is impossible to be late with the harvesting of garlic, because when overripe, the heads crumble. Therefore, when the leaves of the garlic begin to turn yellow, the plants are pulled out of the soil and dried for 4-5 days - in sunny weather on the ridge, and in rainy weather under a canopy or in a well-ventilated dry room. After drying, the roots and tops are cut off, leaving a “neck” 4-5 cm long at the bulbs.

Growing spring garlic. Spring garlic is inferior in yield to winter garlic, but has the ability to be stored for a long time.

It is grown in areas with highly fertile soil that has a neutral reaction, with the application of organic and mineral fertilizers of the same composition and in the same doses as for winter garlic. Garlic is planted in the spring after the soil has thawed, as early as possible (in April-May). The planting rate is 50-70 g per 1 m2, the distance between rows is 20-25 cm, in a row - 5-6 cm. Planting depth from the soil surface to the top of the clove is 2-3 cm.

The emerging shoots are fed with urea (10-15 g per 1 m2) and watered as the soil dries up.

During the formation of the bulbs, 50 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2 are added as top dressing.

Harvest spring garlic when dried lower leaves, yellowing and lodging top leaves at the end of August - the first half of September.

It is necessary to prepare a bed for spring garlic about a month before sowing it. It is better to choose a place for a bed where carrots, tomatoes, peppers or cauliflower used to be.

For one square meter land for garlic, you need to add one bucket of rotted humus and sawdust(you can take them fresh), one at a time liter jar herbal or wood ash, fluffy lime and bird droppings.

After making humus, the earth must be dug up and leveled. After the remaining components, a simple harrowing is sufficient. After that, the bed must be heavily watered from a watering can and covered with an old film or cardboard.

When growing garlic, consider:

- raking the earth in the second half of June from the head of garlic contributes to the formation of a more even and large head;

- if you tie the leaves of garlic in a knot two or three days before harvesting, this will speed up its ripening and improve its keeping quality;

- for getting high yield garlic, you need to feed it at least twice with mullein (1 kg per 8 liters of water) or chicken droppings (1 kg per 10 liters of water) per 5 square meters.

The first top dressing should be done in the germination phase of the plants, and the second - in the head formation phase.

To grow large garlic, you must first of all pay attention seed. The cloves of well-ripened garlic should be easily separated from each other, the skin of the cloves is dense, often pinkish-brown, not milky white, the bottom is dry.

Never plant garlic damaged by mold and rot! He will spoil the whole crop for you.

Before planting, soak the planting material for several hours in a sufficiently strong solution of manganese (the color is almost purple, not pink). If a spore or two of some kind of fungus has stuck there, manganese will disinfect everything.

I learned how to grow garlic by trial and error, and everything I'm going to talk about has been tested on own experience. It will be exclusively about winter garlic - spring garlic in our area for some reason is practically not found.

How to get a good harvest of garlic. Photo

Secret 1: boarding

As usual, it all starts with planting material. If something is wrong with him, you can not count on the harvest. That's why I've been growing garlic for some time now. in biennial culture: in the first year, air bulbs produce single cloves, and in the second year they already produce strong and healthy heads of garlic with large cloves. I talked in detail about the features and advantages of this method in the article.

I sow bulbs always before winter, at the same time as planting garlic. Theoretically, this can be done in the spring - single teeth ripen quickly, and they have enough time. Only now it is problematic to keep the seeds-bulbs in the winter at home. And with winter sowing and planting, there is only one danger: not guessing with the deadline.

Single teeth grown from bulbs are excellent planting material. Photo

If plant too early, during thaws or a prolonged warm autumn, garlic can grow. As a rule, he does not die at the same time, but weakens, and no longer gives a good harvest. If late boarding, garlic will not have time to take root and prepare for winter, which will also inevitably affect the results next season.

I sincerely do not advise you to navigate by the calendar: our climate is more and more unpredictable from year to year, nature presents surprise after surprise, and what was considered an axiom 10 years ago may not work now. Every autumn we have to follow the weather forecast, look closely at natural phenomena trying to guess the correct dates from signs. From the moment of planting winter garlic to the onset of stable cold weather, about a month should pass - this is what we proceed from in the calculations.

It is good to mulch a bed with planted garlic with peat, cover with spruce branches or straw. By itself, garlic overwinters well, but the spruce branches will help keep the snow, and this is not only a shelter from frost, but also moisture, which is so necessary in spring.

You can choose garlic for planting in our catalog, which includes offers from large garden online stores. .

Weeding especially important in the spring, while the seedlings are very young. Weeds are rampant at this time, and can rob the garlic of the light and nutrition it needs. Then it's usually enough. periodic loosening- at the same time the grass is removed. Garlic is very responsive to loosening, does not like compacted soil.

But watering- a delicate matter. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry ahead of time. But excess moisture provokes rot, and the taste of the teeth worsens: they become watery. And then such garlic is stored worse. We start watering when spring moisture leaves the soil, and we finish it a month before harvesting. The rest of the time - according to the weather and needs.

So I would be glad to specifically write how many times you need to pour the garlic and in what quantity - but only my experience says that there is no such rule. For example, even in the current hot and dry summer, my friend practically didn’t have to water the beds on her low-lying plot with moisture-intensive peat soil - and I’m on my sands all summer with a hose: in the evening you will pour abundantly, and by morning it’s already the Sahara desert ... So that all the norms here are akin " average temperature in the hospital."

Oh, and don't forget to carefully break them out as they appear. But not all! We certainly leave a few pieces: for seeds and as “beacons”, by which we will determine the harvesting time.

Secret 3: Crop rotation as prevention

Garlic is often affected by diseases and pests. And pathogens and pest larvae often persist in the soil. And planting a plant in the same place for several years in a row (or planting it after crops subject to the same misfortunes), we take a big risk. It's like a lottery: either get sick, or problems will bypass. And do we need it?

If we want a good harvest of healthy garlic, it should not be returned to its original place earlier than after 3-4 years. Moreover, if there is still a problem - the affected heads were found during harvesting - it would be nice to start improving the soil. Well, at least sow green manure - the same mustard, for example, or plant marigolds with calendula.

Let me remind you that garlic should not be planted after garlic, onions and potatoes. It is possible and necessary - after legumes, cucumbers, cauliflower and early white cabbage.

Secret 4: cleaning

Like onions, garlic is very important to remove and dry well. Winter garlic is generally stored unimportantly, and if you still delay or rush to harvest, but do not really dry the heads, we will ruin all the results of our labors with our own hands.

Heads of garlic. Photo

Do not neglect the weather forecast: if heavy and prolonged rains are promised, it is advisable to dig up the garlic before they start. And the heat can accelerate maturation, as this summer, for example.

Again, as in the case of onions, it is better to remove the garlic a little earlier than to overdo it in the garden. Overripe heads crumble, fall apart into separate teeth - they are no longer subject to storage, only for processing. On the other hand, if you rush too much, unripe garlic will fade very quickly - young heads can be harvested selectively, but not for storage.

How to guess? It is considered that a sign of maturation serves as a yellowing of its leaves about a quarter of the length from the top. But this is an unreliable guideline: the leaves may turn yellow from drought, from lack of nutrition, from diseases or damage to the root system, from uncomfortable conditions (too dense or waterlogged soil, hyperacidity soil, etc.).

You can navigate by the duration of the growing season: usually winter garlic ripens 100-110 days after germination. But, depending on the variety, options are possible here.

I usually look at peduncles. Bulbs, until they are ripe, are “packed” in cases - as soon as this shell bursts, it's time to remove the garlic. But this summer, this landmark failed too: by the end of July, the heads had already matured - their outer shells had dried up - and the bulbs are only now, a week and a half or two later, the shells are beginning to open ...

Air bulbs are not only seed, but also an indicator of crop maturation. Photo

So willy-nilly everything has to known rules check and clarify - and this is probably most main secret harvest. No need to blindly follow any instructions - it is important to apply any recommendations wisely, taking into account your own knowledge, experience and local conditions.

And what tricks and secrets of the garlic harvest do you know? Write about your experience of growing this crop, tell us how you achieve success.

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