How much to dry garlic after cleaning. How to properly dry winter garlic after digging and where to store it? Signs of ripening heads

Reservoirs 26.06.2020

Garlic - common garden culture, which we are happy to add to dishes as a spice. But after harvesting, fresh garlic remains long, but I would like to have it in my culinary arsenal throughout the year.

Fortunately, it is possible to achieve this by drying culture at home. But you need to know some of the features of how to properly dry garlic after digging.

For proper drying garlic, you must collect on time. The late harvest assembly can lead to the fact that the garlic will start to rot or germinate during its further storage.

The culture is digging at different times depending on the variety:

  1. The readiness for the assembly of spring garlic is determined by the fact that the upper part of the culture is yellowing and falls on the ground. Collect the harvest usually in the second half of August, but it also depends on the weather. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the state of garlic.
  2. In winter varieties, the preparedness for the assembly is determined by the aboveground part of garlic. There are cracks appear on it, the lower leaves become yellowed, the scales of the head becomes dry and thin. This variety is usually collected at the end of July.

Collect the harvest is needed in warm weather. It is recommended not to produce watering within 2-3 days.

Important! Do not dig a plant in rainy weather. This can lead to its winding while drying.

The collection should be made in a timely manner. If the right moment is missed, the culture will not work correctly. It will be especially difficult if the garlic began to give new roots. Little garlic has dry, brittle flakes, and the head itself begins to disintegrate.

How, and how much to dry after the digging?

For the right and safe digging of the culture, it is best to use forks. The shovel can damage the heads. Next, it is necessary to eliminate land from garlic. To do this, it is enough to shook it from the surface of the glove. No need to cut off the plant with the plant.

Important! To purify the plant before drying, in no case cannot be washed. Dried culture will be impossible!

After digging while you are in the country area, the plant can be decomposed on the ground or leave on the beds, the main thing is that they are in the shade. For this you need warm, dry weather, and if there is a wind - just fine.

Further drying is made in a well-ventilated, intractable room. If you live in an apartment, you can dry garlic on the balcony. The main thing is to follow the lack of rain and put a plant home in time. The drying process takes about 2 weeks.

Garlic is ready for subsequent storage when its leaves will become homogeneous color. It is important not to trim the roots and stems until the plant is completely dry. When the culture is dried, you need to handle it carefully because it becomes more fragile.

Is it possible to dry in the sun?

The process of drying garlic in the sun takes significantly less time. However, this method has a significant minus. The fact is that such a plant is stored will be significantly less. And if you plan to use the product throughout the year, this drying method is not suitable.

Important! For long-term storage of the plant, it is necessary to dry it in the shadows!

Storage after drying

In order for garlic to be suitable for use throughout the year, it needs to be properly stored.

For this, the following methods can be used:

  1. Spit. Very old method used for a long time. The stalks are poured into a spit, twisting with twine for strength, create a loop at the end and hang.
  2. Grids. Simpler method. It is enough to fold dry garlic in a grid with a layer of large diameter and hang.
  3. Capron stockings. More often this method is used for onions. The lack of it is that the Capron has a rather dense structure, as a result of which the plant does not receive the required amount of air. This can lead to its premature damage.

The room where the plant will be stored should be dark, not very wet and cool. Regardless of the storage method, you need to periodically sort out in order to eliminate the sick bulbs and prevent infection of healthy. Compliance with the rules will allow to keep garlic throughout the year.

Most dachensons prefer to plant winter garlic under winter, spring - early spring. When to clean garlic with a bed? When to dig it for storage? How to determine the timing of cleaning garlic? We will figure out more detail. After all, this most useful and savorful vegetable taste can be found almost on every garden. Overflowing garlic in the ground is extremely undesirable: he can re-enter the growth, the heads of the heads will fall into separate teeth, the long-term storage of such a crop will be under a big question. If you remove garlic from the soil earlier than the required time, it will be soft, unripe and loose. The effluent of this vegetable directly depends on the degree of its aging and the right drying, so several simple rules should be remembered, which I will tell you in this article.

Garlic on drying (photo Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk)

Signs of ripening garlic: when to clean?

Garlic ready for cleaning - Lower leaves wishes

How to determine the maturity of garlic? The surest signal is dried and yellowing the lower leaves of the plant. This process, of course, affects the air temperature (sunny summer or rainy), grade garlic, as well as the territorial location of your site (region). Among other things, the gardeners have their own "signs", pointing to the ripening of the harvest. Someone in the process of growing garlic does not break all the arrows, and leaves a couple of pieces on separate plants. When initially crispy arrow becomes smooth - this is a sure sign that garlic can be turned out.

Arrows straightened - you can clean garlic

Another dacket looks at the floral heads: if they begin to burst and show "Bullbars", then the time has come to collect a crop.

Box with bulbs burst - a sign of ripening of garlic

There are a pair of techniques (folk) to increase the lows and teeth:

  • when we cut the arrows on garlic, then in their place stuck the burned match (the gas stove take the remains). Match the burnt depression suspension suspends - the teeth become juicy and larger.
  • green from garlic (feathers) After the arrows we break, tie into the nodule - the head of garlic will be faster to form and become larger.

"Tied" garlic - teeth are becoming more juicy and increased in the amount

It should be known that only winter grades give an arrow, the tarks do not fracture, a rare exception is only a "Gulliver" grade.

Winter and spring grade, photo:

Winter garlic on a garden (photo Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubanska)
Garlic winter after cleaning
Skar garlic

Sit winter garlic in September or in early October (it is better to do it in the Kuban later, for example, in early November), Yarova - at the end of March or in April.

And the terms of cleaning of garlic depend on whether summer was so hot. Most often, they vary between the 20th of July / the first week of August - this concerns winter varieties.

Surround varieties of garlic always ripen after wintering, because they need more time to germinate. In about the 20th of August / in the first half of September, you can start a harvest of summer (spring) varieties.

In any case, when the appearance of the external signs of maturation appears, you can always carefully dig a couple of heads and clearly make sure the degrees of their maturation.

How to find out what garlic is ready for cleaning? The ripe head is always dense to the touch, the covering of the film is easily removed, the cloves themselves are easily separated.

There is another effective admission: to speed up the ripening of garlic, garders use one effective technique: about 5-7 days before the alleged digging, slightly sprinkle the soil from the bulbs (top layer).

The deadlines for the harness of garlic of winter in Kuban is about mid-July. Again, look at the external signs of maturity and be sure to take into account the grade of garlic. The fact is that different winter varieties will have different maturation dates. Often, the dacms are confused by different varieties and plant them all together on one bed. So that it does not confuse, always pay attention to the shade of the outer shell of the head, as well as on the shape and number of teeth in it. Thus, representatives of individual varieties can be planted on separate beds.

I would also like to focus on the question, which is often asked for novice daches - is it necessary to wash the garlic before cleaning? This method is sometimes used when growing onions to speed up its maturation and stop the growth of the pen. As for garlic, it is not necessary to do this! In order for the heads to finally enjoy, it is necessary to stop watering the beds about 10 days before harvesting - to give the earth to dry.

How to dry garlic after cleaning so that it is well kept

Cleaning garlic should be carried out in a dry and sunny day. Plants should be pre-dug, it is best to remove the head to remove the heads and smooth them from the ground. Of course, it is better to spend more time and remove Earth with your hands, so you will be sure that there are no damage on the heads and they are suitable for further storage. If in the process of harvesting, you accidentally damaged the head, then set it aside or immediately use in food. Next, lay out garlic on clean paper or wooden table, located under a canopy - if you are going to dry the heads on the street. Well ventilated premises will also suit.

Drying garlic after cleaning lasts about 7-10 days. Some daches prefer to dry garlic right on the garden, where the harvest was dug. You can also do so, however, it is better to clean the garlic in a dry room at night, it may be an attic or a summer veranda. The complete and final drying of the heads is also carried out in the room (an additional 10 days), after which the remnants of the roots are necessarily removed. The roots need to cut down gently so as not to injure the bottom! An interesting point - pruning garlic after cleaning, at which the experienced gardeners strongly recommend to leave the stem and leaves intact.

The fact is that in the ground part of the plant there are many nutritious elements, which during the drying "go" into the head. It follows from this that the uncircumcised tops have a positive effect on the preservation of the healing qualities of garlic. By the way, one of the most useful ways of storing this vegetable is weaving braids for which you will need the ground part of the plant, which you have not cut off while cleaning garlic. This old, but not lost the relevance method is successfully used in our day. In one such bundle may be up to 15 heads. From the stems wearing a tight braid, in which the twine is woven for reliability, the loop is made from it for further convenient ligament hanging. Before weaving leaves can be deleted.

Garlic, woven pigtail, photo:

In such a form, garlic will be perfectly preserved even until the next harvest is harvested. The brazers are suspended in a dry, dark and cool room, they can also be used as a decorative decoration in the kitchen. If you prefer a different storage method, then after complete drying, leave about 6-8 cm of the stem (the rest do), and then sort the heads in size and transfer to the storage.

What can be planted after garlic?

So that the earth is not "walked", after harvesting garlic, you can always sow greens. Parsley, kinza, arugula, salad, dill, spinach grow pretty quickly and especially well if their predecessor was garlic. Many gardeners successfully grow redish, beets, radish, carrots - after garlic they go into growth much faster, and their taste properties are only better. Even early cucumbers can be planted in Kuban, and the Beijing cabbage, as well as Kohlrabi, generally grow perfectly (they have a short period of vegetation). Also after garlic, asparagus beans and the early grade of sugar pea will grow well.

Observe the rules of the agricultural engineering, follow the appearance of the stems - in what region you live, signs of ripening of this vegetable culture will always be the same. Now and you know when to clean garlic with beds, how to do it best and that planted after its cleaning.

Save garlic for the winter is not a lot of work, especially if we compete to prepare vegetables to collect and storage. Just the absence of watering and feeding a month before harvesting, as well as the competent drying significantly increases the immunity of plants, thanks to which the vegetables are well stored until the next summer (naturally, if storage conditions are observed).

If everything is clear with the cessation of watering and making fertilizers, then everything is so simple with drying. Some gardeners think that the couples of the day are enough to dry vegetables and send them to the winter. However, it is not. The drying time of garlic depends on weather conditions, and not only the weather is taken into account, during which the drying of vegetables passes, but also the weather that was before harvesting. If a month before the digging of vegetables was a lot of rainy days, then garlic should be kept in a well-ventilated room for a couple of days longer, otherwise there is a risk of not to deceve the heads, which is why their rotting will inevitably happen.

Now, as applies to the drying of garlic. After digging the culture, it is necessary to clean the ground with the heads gently, decompose the vegetables on the garden and leave them for two or three days (naturally, if the weather is allowed, that is, there are no rains). After the specified time, the drying of garlic should be continued, but already under a canopy or in a well-ventilated room. For this, vegetables should be transferred to the place specifically allotted for this, decompose them on a flat surface or suspend, toning for the stems, and leave another two-day.

How to dry garlic after digging in rainy weather

If it is rained for a long time and in the near future it is not forerunged by sunny days, it is impossible to postpone the collection of vegetables. Drop vegetables and try to remove the lumps of the earth from each head. If it fails to do this, in no case do not wash garlic, but send it to this form. Collect plants in five to seven bundles, tie them for the stems and hang out in a well-ventilated room (shed, attic). Leave the garlic to dry at least seven days.

To harvest the harvest harvest for a whole year, you need to know a few secrets of his drying. There are several methods of drying garlic after digging, each of which prepares vegetable to its further use. Before thinking how to dry garlic after digging, you need to know the peculiarities of the preparation of the vegetable to this procedure.

If the dachnik initially planned to use the harvest for drying, he needs to be put in garden Right grade vegetable. To do this, it is better to use winter or french pink variety. Such varieties do not lose their taste after drying.

Cooking the crop to dry it takes from the moment of its collection. Before removing a vegetable with a garden, you need to make sure that the soil sound well. Also, in a couple of days before the collection, it is impossible to produce watering. After extracting garlic from the soil it is impossible to wash it, it is better if its cleaning will be to remove the top layer of husk. Otherwise, the drying of the vegetable will be problematic, moreover, it can be faced.

For drying at home, a cool room with low humidity rates should be prepared. Dug-off garlic should not trim the root, foliage and stem.

Methods of drying

A mass of techniques telling how to dry garlic after harvesting is invented. Many dackets prefer to dry the dug garlic in a solid state in order to extend its freshness and get a lot of opportunities for its use. However, some of them advise to dry this vegetable, immediately shredding it. Such a method of preparation will reduce the number of time costs for the preparation of the product to use in dishes.

How to dry peeled garlic?

This method is suitable for the need to dry the greenhouse vegetable, which matures until the heat. In order to dry garlic in a purified state, it is necessary to wait for its maturity, extract from the ground and clean from the upper dirty layers. This is recommended to follow the advice:

  1. Vegetable is cleaned from a durable layer.
  2. The head is cut into several pieces having a thickness of 5-6 millimeters.
  3. Slices are distributed over the sieve. Then the slots are dried in the oven. Garlic has to dry at 50 degrees temperature indicators.
  4. Then there is a cooling of garlic slices to room temperature. After that, they need to be removed into banks and close well.

If desired, the cooked raw materials can be turned into a powder. For this, slices are placed in a coffee grinder and grind. There is a similar spice for 1 year.

Whole heads

Drying garlic whole heads at home is produced when the vegetable is completely mature. Preservation is made indoors with good ventilation, where the temperature indicator does not exceed 10 degrees of heat. Then you need to follow the instructions:

  1. The garlic peeled from the upper layer is placed in one layer so that the heads do not come into contact with each other.
  2. How much time do you need to dry? After 2 months, the plant will dry. You can learn about it on a brown shade of foliage and wrinkled roots.
  3. Roots are trimmed so that only 6 millimeters remain from them.
  4. The top layer of the leaves is then removed so that the cloves are not screamed.
  5. The stem is cut into a height of 2.5 centimeters from the beginning of the head.

To store such vegetables you can use stockings. You should hang them in the shade.

Also for storing such a vegetable can be crushed. For this, the teeth are cut by pieces of 2 millimeters. The knife constantly needs to be wedged with water to exclude the process of darkening of poles. Then the slices are slightly dried and stored in a hermetic container.

Drying in a bundle

This method contributes to drying the roots and tops, while the vegetable itself begins to dive and does not lose its structure and taste. Dry vegetable in bundles at home you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. The vegetable is extracted from the soil, cleaned from the upper dirty layer so that the bulb does not bargain. At the same time, garlic should remain a long stem.
  2. Garlic stems are associated with a good dense pigtail so that the heads are located along different directions around it.
  3. The bunch will dry at a temperature of 30 degrees for 6-8 days. On the last day, the extra topics is cut off.

Finished ligaments outweigh in dry cool room. Storage of pigtails, dried at a temperature of 30 degrees, can continue on average for 9 months.

How to put the chopped garlic?

For drying, one-piece, not damaged head diseases is selected. Drying garlic in crushed state required by the following instructions:

  1. First of all, the product should be cleaned of husk.
  2. The head disassembles the slices, and then it cuts into slices with a knife.
  3. Slices are laid out on parchment and dry out in the oven at a temperature of 93 degrees.
  4. You can also use dryers: for this, it is laid for 2 days to fit into the device and dried at a temperature of 35 degrees.
  5. The dried slices are better to cool, and then immediately crushed with a coffee grinder to the state of the powder. If the mass is not dry, it needs to be distributed over the parchment and dry a little. At the same time, the temperature should be placed in 50 degrees.

So that the powder prepared at home has acquired a homogeneous structure, it should be skipped through a sieve.

Is it possible to dry garlic in the sun?

Many dackets are thinking, is it possible to dry the Garlic harvest in the sun? The answer to this question does not differ unambiguity. The fact is that when drying in the sun, the shelf life of the vegetable is greatly reduced. Therefore, so dry vegetables are allowed only to those who are engaged in industrial cultivation of garlic, because such a drying saves time costs significantly. If after harvesting the yield is planned to eat the product independently, to dry garlic is required by a longer way.

The best thing is to dry in the shade. If the summer house decides to put a vegetable for its landing for the next season, it needs to be dried in the sun after giving for 3 days. Drying is spent during the day, the garlic is cleaned overnight in a dry room.

The methods described allow you to maintain the harvest for a long period in the dried form. It is worth considering that such a workpiece at home helps to keep all the beneficial properties of the product. You can store the prepared product in sealed banks or in a well ventilated place, for example, in wicker baskets, stockings, ligaments. Regularly dry vegetable should be inspected for the appearance of rot or mold.

How to dry garlic?

How to dry garlic after digging?

An important condition for preparing garlic heads is their correct digging. If you grow it yourself, in a couple of days it is worth stopping watering plants, digging them from completely dry soil.

The following important condition - garlic do not wash. It simply remove the top layer of the shell. The washed can be rotated from humidity.

If you are going to dry your heads, then do not break down the stems and roots - it is easy to determine the availability of the product. As soon as these parts are uniformly yellowed and become brittle, it can be stored for storage.

Dry garlic in the following ways:

  • in a well-ventilated cool room, lay the heads into one layer and leave until complete drying. True, such a drying lasts 1-2 months. At the end, the roots and leaves are removed from garlic, leaving small areas from both sides, so as not to bargain the teeth;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bor solid teeth are dried in the electric grid, settling fine in the bowls and setting the temperature of 50 degrees;
  • for drying, the oven is suitable - the garlic is dried by a thin layer on the contrary to the open door and a temperature of 50 degrees;
  • if you have airhril, use the "Drying" mode, laying out the plates into one layer on a special lattice;
  • you can not just cut into, but chop garlic in the kitchen process, then in the oven it can be dried at a temperature of 90-95 degrees. In the electric grid, this product will be dried two days at a temperature of 35 degrees.

Garlic powder can also be obtained from dried poles - they are crushed in a coffee grinder.

How to store dried garlic

Dry product heads can be stored in old stockings or wooden boxes in a dark room with low humidity. Teeth and slices are stored in a glass container with a tightly spinning lid. Powder can also be stored in glass or in tightly closed packages with foil.

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