When sow grass. Winter sowing lawn herbs. How to plant a lawn in autumn: stages and rules

Gardening 07.09.2018

19.09.2016 10:18

Winter sowing lawn herbs

Is it possible to sow lawn in October? If the night frosts were already, then you were late. Autumn Sowing Lawn usually coincides with the sowing period of winter cereals in the region. After all, the majority lawn herbs Refers to winter-type cereals, the best of which is the right of the matstick meadow (lat. Poa Praténsis) And red oatmeal (lat. Festuca Rubra.). The autumn sowing of lawn herbs should be held a month before the frosts occur, when the average daily air temperature is + 17-15 ° C, and before the cessation of vegetation (the growth of grass is stopped at + 1 ° C), several shoots have time to form a plant. Lawn grass should go under the winter sprouted, hardened and started.

There are several ways to get the floor who is not silent, being the most common. Elimination of a few cm Earth and replace it with sand. Installation of the drainage network, that is, gutters or pipes. Earth alignment to suppress depression, which accumulate water.

Creating gentle slopes so that water flows to the selected area. It is recommended to install automatic irrigation to avoid additional efforts to use hoses. Although it may seem expensive than manual systems, in the end you will see that it is worth it.

Of course, there is still the so-called seed sowing ( without germination), coming at the end of September - mid-October. The lawn is sown before the appearance of sustainable snow cover at the time when the earth is already freezing, but not yet covered with snow. Seeds do not have time to germinate in the fall, but they spare together in the spring, actively sprout after promotion-vania ( stratification). But how to be sure that the weather is maintained, especially in middle lane Russia, when the rains can immediately come with a sharp checker, or after a few weeks of frosts, a protracted warming will come to + 10 ° C with strong frosts to -25 ° C closer to spring. If in the fall long it is warm weather, some seeds can be processed prematurely, and then perish from frosts. Therefore, when sowing under the winter, seed seed rate increases, and in the spring, if necessary, hide. It is recommended to use lawn mixtures, which include several types of lawn herbs. The more diverse the composition of the lawn mixture, the greater the likelihood to get in the spring friendly shoots.

With automatic irrigation, you can forget that you lose your precious time, shedding water into the garden. This system is programmed according to the needs of lawn or just when you decide. Spraying will be held on days and hours scheduled in advance.

Adjust the substrate if necessary and provide fertilizer

When the soil is very sandy and bad in nutrients, organic substrates must be added to improve the quality of the soil, achieving greater water retention and ensuring a larger amount of nutrients for the lawn. However, when it is very clay, it is recommended to use sand instead of organic materials.

So you decided to equip on your cottage plot lawn. The right decision, because neatly trimmed lawn grass is the basis of any landscape design. It will be the background where you can create a pleasant eye image - flower beds, alpine Gorki, tracks, arbors and other attributes of a beautiful cottage.

Planting herbs: two ways to do it

As for the dependence on fertilizers, it should be noted that doses may vary depending on the type of soil or the diversity of planted grass. Learn more about this topic in the institution where you buy fertilizer. Let's see how the grass plant. It is important to note that the seeding method varies depending on what is planted, that is, whether they are seeds or turns.

Seeds: When cropping, it is important to take into account the amount you want to throw out per square meter. This is usually indicated by the provider. If everything that has been mentioned above is fulfilled and completed, it is time to distribute seeds through the ground. The crop is carried out by scattering the sadstone of the seed evenly, making it in two passages, one along and one across. Scattered, you must bury them, only this way you get a good germination.

But that the lawn really performs this role, you need to know when to plant it and how to do it right. Let's figure it out in order.

When planting lawn

As for the time of sowing lawn grass, there is no strictly reserved time frame. All gardeners agree when it is impossible to plant a lawn - in winter. The remaining seasons for this are quite suitable. However, each has its advantages, and their cons.

Tepes: In this case, it is recommended that the adjustment of the peat is made by professionals, but if you want to install it yourself, you must take into account its characteristics. They are heavy and can not be kept for a long time, because they are perishable. As in the case of sowing with seeds, it is necessary to follow the previous steps, and as soon as the Earth is ready, it will be the perfect time to hold the landing. In this case, the soil should be slightly humid. Soda are located in parallel and stick to each other.

Requirements after landing

After installation, skip the roller to align and settle them. As soon as our lawn is planted, work is not finished yet. You have to watered several times a day that the surface is wet. Do it, as if it were a wonderful rain, so you will not be able to combine the earth. When you see that plants begin to go out, the irrigation frequency gradually decreases. Irrigation will depend not only by climate and temperature, but also from what you used.

Spring lawn landing

Lawn grass, sown in the spring, is racing rapidly and friendly.

However, behind the spring lawn will be more difficult to care. It is caused by the fact that young, rapid shoots will have to grow simultaneously with aggressive weeds and compete with them. After all, by this time you will not have time to destroy them.

The first incision is usually done when the grass reached several cm in height. To accomplish this operation, run a few days ago. To get a healthy, green and brilliant lawn, it is advisable to use fertilizer. This will replace nutrientswho are lost in their growth. You can also use preventive antiplags when you see the existence of anthills or mushrooms.

In this article, we analyze aspects and key steps to plant grass. Sowing can be made by seeds or turf. The presence of a green carpet of healthy and homogeneous grass in the garden is not difficult, but during the year a series of care is required to preserve it in an optimal state. These annual tasks are: cat, irrigation, aeration, reception, transplantation, scarification, fertilization and weeding, all of which are key operations to ensure success.

Also, spring crops of lawn grass need much more and regular watering.

Landing lawn in summer

The lawn, sown in the summer months, is also growing rapidly. But if it is planted in the second half of summer, he will require less than your attention:

  • first, the seeds are placed in a well-heated and moistened soil,
  • secondly, from already grew weeds, you got rid of preparatory StageAnd new growing will not have time.

Landing lawn in autumn

If you sow lawn grass in the country in the fall, then it will be the next year more thick and tempered.

During the year, the lawn requires a large cat. In your garden center, they will advise you everything you need to keep green and flawless lawns. As for the height of the cut, each type of grass requires a certain one. It is advisable to follow the instructions of the manufacturer, but do not forget that in extreme conditions - very cold, very hot, disadvantaged watering - You need to raise the height of the cut so that not too much to punish the grass.

Irrigation is another of the decisive factors for high-quality lawn, since most peatmans are very demanding to water. However, very frequent error Oversized. Irrigation should be made depending on the type of grass and, above all, evaporation-sweat. Its frequency also depends on climate, season and soil.

It is best to do this in September: the grass will have time to climb and grasp the onset of frosts, and it can be prepared as it should be prepared for wintering.

Selection of seeds for lawn

An equally important issue is the choice of herbal mixture. After all, it should not only fit the type of lawn (sports, parterny, etc.), but also to be as adapted to climate features in your area.

For efficient use of water in hot weather in the central clock of the day, water is not recommended to avoid evaporation loss, as well as protect the leaves from burns and, above all, from diseases. Remember that more abundant and separated irrigation contribute to the deepening of the roots and, consequently, greater resistance to drought.

Over time, the grass becomes compact, not allowing roots to grow in optimal conditions And getting water in which they need. This problem is exacerbated when the ground is clay. The work of aerated person is trying to compensate for the seal by extracting small pieces from the Earth, as if it was a blow.

For example, a mixture imported from Europe, where the climate is softer, may not survive our harsh winter. The most appropriate in this regard is the hairdryer of red, wilderness thin and meadow meadow. Therefore, choosing a mixture, prefer the one in which these herbs prevailed.

An important condition is the ability of herbs to multiply vegetatively, since regular mowing of lawn grass eliminates the possibility of aging seeds, and the prospect of squeezing the lawn every year is unlikely to please someone.

It consists of applying a small layer of sand, mulch or mixture of both on the lawn. This work is especially manifested after aeration, because the holes are filled with a new more free substrate, which will facilitate the elongation of the roots and improve the quality of the turf.

On many lawns, the layer of vegetable garbage, moss and land accumulates at the base of grass, which protects the soil ground and contributes to the occurrence of mushrooms and pests. To eliminate this mattress, you must define, that is, scratch the surface of the earth. You can use rake on small surfaces or scarifier on large meadows. The scarification frequency will depend on the climate and the orientation of the area. In darker and more wet areas, you must do this more often, over once a year, but in more convenient lawns you do not need to resort to this work in a few years.

As for the number of seeds, do not forget that their flow per 1 m 2 The site is approximately 50 grams.

Choose the grass seeds for the lawn that can breed vegetatively

Preparation of a plot under the lawn

As with all sowing work, before sowing lawn grass, it is necessary to prepare a plot. The more carefully you do it, the easier it will be later to care for the lawn. The preparation of the site is reduced to its markup, getting rid of weeds, people and soil fertilizer.

Sometimes there appear on the lawn, where you should replant. Before doing this, you must improve the area in which this bald spot was created; To do this, apply mulch and slightly remove the soil hoe. Best times - at the beginning of spring or autumn; Avoid time too large number Heat or cold. You can use the operation of the receiver to replace.

In the spring it is best to fertilize the lawn. In the autumn and in the summer, to prepare it for temperature stress, it is better to use potash fertilizer, and for the landing is rich in phosphorus. The simplest thing is to use special fertilizers for the turf, which usually make up solids With slow release, that is, they provide the necessary nutrients within a few weeks or months. Another option is to use mulch as fertilizer, which also improves the structure and microbial soil activity.


Conducting markup, it is necessary to take into account the plan of the site. It is necessary to determine where the flower beds, paths, arbors, etc. will be located.

We remove weeds

After that, we must start fighting weeds. The plot needs to be treated with herbicides, and especially stubborn weeds (sofa, fries, etc.) should be processed repeatedly after 2 weeks.

In addition, you can use the work of the receiver after aeration to apply the mulch. In any grass is normal that weeds arise that spoil her appearance. To prevent its appearance, often mow meadows and at the lowest height allowed by the selected sepitosis and the time of the year. This will keep many unwanted tenants, although you have to combine them with manual weeds, especially if the plot is small, and weeds are grassy or chemical, using a wide herbicide.

If moss appears on your meadow, good fertilizer And regular scarification will allow you to reduce the problem. If, since it is a dark and wet area, moss is preserved, it is convenient for use an oxygen product. Ask the Council in your Garden Center.

It is important to take into account that the exposure to the herbicides is the most susceptible spring grass. Accordingly, this part of the preparation is best carried out in advance, about May, even if you want to sow lawn only in the fall. Since it is meaningless at a premium time, as part of the overwhelmed seeds can get into the soil, it is safely overwhelming there and ascend in spring, significantly complicating your works in the subsequent.

Table check. These mushrooms are installed on the underside of the leaves, which indicates the symptoms of impact on them, when they grow with longer stems than healthy, and if they are inverted, black or reddish brown spots are observed, which are disputes of these mushrooms. To prevent this disease, no specific products are known, but it can help - until we can find out which fungus or fungus it is - sprinkle the powder sulfur early in the morning, spray, stick to the sheet.

This can be made every fifteen days until it freezes, since at low temperatures the attack intensity decreases. You can also eliminate elongated leaves that are symptoms of the disease. This is a hollow, from the same family as sweet potatoes and correlane. It can be planted as fall and spring. This is an excellent replacement of traditional grass, because during the year it usually forms soft and well-ripening mattresses. It is reproduced by seeds, and then expands on the columns that are stems that crawl over the ground and emit roots in each node, such as grass.

After the grass treated will yellow and dried, it must be removed from the site, and also clean it from the remaining roots, stones and other garbage, fall asleep the pits, align the tubercles.


After the removal of all weeds, the soil must be carefully populated. At the same time, the struggle with weeds continues, by removing all the found roots.

This is a seed round shape, black and half of soy grain size, about 500 seeds weighs just less than 500 grams. China seeds covers approximately 80 square metersand because of its imported origin it is usually quite expensive for ordinary peopleTherefore, it is recommended to be very careful in its use. Although the bibliography says that in arid or semi-sore zones it is better to sow fall, because it is a kind that needs soil, always wet, we must take into account that in turn they cause this disease that may end them, so what can be It is preferable to make it in the spring to avoid this disease.

Also, at the peroxide, we get rid of stones, branches and other garbage.

Despite the fact that seeding will be made not deeply, it is necessary to drag the plot to a depth of 20-25 cm. It is necessary for the fact that the lawn grass could be able to root well without encouraging obstacles.

The soil must be well processed by 20 cm superficially. If you have it at hand, it is recommended to add a generous portion of compost, as it will very much so much so much and otherwise covered with a mixture of 80% sand and 20% of clay soil. It is not surprising that this species has become so popular among green coatings, because its rich and velvety texture, bright green throughout the year and the fact that they have an advantage in a full sunny or half-shade in cold or warm climates, confirmed.

This requires only abundant irrigation in areas with a large sunshine, which makes it ideal for all types of parks, gardens and areas with a light shade. The main reason for almost all requests regarding this particular type is that it causes the illusion that the garden owner will be released from weekly incisions that require lawn of oatmeal or rags. There is a big dispute about whether Dichondra likes the Sun than the middle shade and small or abundant watering. In this sense there will be many people who will tell me what they saw how they grow very well in places with a little irrigation, which is absolutely true.

Plot under the lawn you need to move well

Making fertilizers

If necessary, during the rescue, the soil fertility. The choice of fertilizer depends on the composition of the soil, sowing time, and even from the species of the hijacked grass.

So in acidic soil add haired lime (It is perfectly suitable and ordinary chalk), in clay - humus, etc.

If sowing is carried out in the spring, then the stop needs to be done on nitrogen fertilizers: they contribute to the rapid growth of grass. The lawn landed in the fall is needed in large quantities Potassium and phosphorus: they will strengthen root system A young lawn and help him to slander winter.

After all the measures described, the site is left alone for about a week so that the soil "cut out." If during this time new weeds appeared, they need to be done manually - herbicides cannot be used.

Sowing lawn grass

Now it remains to wait for warm, windless weather, and you can proceed directly to sowing. In order for the consumption of seeds uniform, mentally divide the territory into several approximately the same areas, and then divided the prepared seeds into the same parts.

So that the seeds lay evenly, they need to be sowing first along the site, and then - across. Of course, it is better to use a manual seeder: it will provide evenly sowing, and the optimal immersion of seeds into the soil (1 - 1.5 cm). But with its absence, you can do everything manually - it will also be good, just longer and stuck.

After completing sowing, sat down the crops of the earth, you can walk along the area with rakes. And then you must confuse the soil! For this purpose, you can use manual roller or other technicians - boards, logs, etc.

After sowing lawn grass, be sure to confuse the soil

Only after this slightly pour from the hose using the nozzle for small spraying.

Caring for crops

First watering

In the first two weeks, the lawn must regularly water so that the grass goes well. This is especially true in dry weather. Of course, weeds and weeds will go well. But it is not necessary to hurry to pull them out, because at the same time you can damage the undeveloped and the faster root system of lawn grass. When watering, it is necessary to use a sprayer and moisturize the soil of centimeters by 5-7.

First mowing

After about 1.5 months after the sowing, the lawn will need to take the first time. It is better to use special scissors, and already in the second and subsequent times - the lawn mower.

Machine mowing of the lawn must be carried out when it is well rooted

We hope that these tips will help you do. right choiceWhen it is better to plant lawn grass in the country, and also do it right and without errors.

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