Landing lawn grass with their own hands. How to put lawn grass to get a good lawn? Lawn grass when planting lawn in the country

Reservoirs 30.08.2019

Rightly planted and grown lawn will serve you for a long time. But, wanting to acquire lawn grass on its plot, many, especially novice daches, are faced with many questions, for example: "How to choose and calculate seeds?", "When is it better to sow a lawn - in autumn or spring?", "What should be the layout? "," How to prepare the soil? "," How to care for a lawn? ". We will try to answer these and some more questions.

Did you know? The lawn is divided into a decorative lawn and a lawn with a special purpose. Of these, you can allocate: sports, parter, meadow, Mauritanian, vague.

How to choose to choose the seeds of lawn grass

One of the most important factors for creating the right lawn with your own hands is the correct choice. sowing material. First of all, the intended purpose of the lawn should be taken into account, because for each species there is different herbs or grassresses. Although the main components of almost all such mixtures are unchanged (rags, oatmeal, mint and several others), they differ in combination and variety ratio.

From the choice will also depend when you can sow lawn grass, after all different types They have different frost resistance and growth rates (blacklist, for example, slowly growing in the first years), which will be the height of the planned lawn on your cottage (the oatmeal tolerates a short haircut), the quality of the turf (good turf is different rags) and so on.

Miscellaneous Herzismes require different soils, may differ as the seeding rate and other characteristics. All useful information You should search on the packaging and before buying, be sure to familiarize yourself with it.

Ask the seller: whether this or that mixture is suitable for your climate, when it is preferable to plant the lawn grass - in spring or autumn. When choosing, consider the features of your site (what is the illumination, are present groundwater etc.).

Important! Pay attention to the presence of state or international certificates confirming the quality of the goods.

Planning a lawn

You can plan and plant the lawn almost in any corner of your site. The shadow and the sun, and the horizontal surface, and the slopes, and sandy, and clay soils. In each case there will be only the number of material and physical efforts necessary to plant and grow a truly beautiful and green lawn. It is better if it is a solar place where there are no melting and rainwater.

Before proceeding with sowing, it is better to think about and even draw a scheme of the future lawn. Decide whether you will leave trees, arrange a flowerbed or grow individual flowers. It is necessary to pre-plan places where elements will be placed. landscape designSince then there may be difficulties with a haircut of the grown lawn.

If you enjoy a lawn mower, then for convenience, when you will sow lawn grass, leave a distance of about 1 meter between it and borders, walls or fences. Also should not be a lawn under a single tree or shrub. It is better to take advantage of decorative crumbs or decorate them with soil plants.

How to correctly calculate the number of seeds for landing

To calculate the seeding of grass mixtures, for each individual type of herbs included in its composition, the following formula is used, and the results are summarized. The seed seed rate (kg / ha) is multiplied by the percentage of this species in the mixture and divide the actual suitability of seeds.Practice shows: To sow lawn grass with their own hands, it is necessary to increase the consumption of seeds in two, and then three times.

If you decide to sow only one kind of grass, then just follow the rate of seeding the chosen culture. On average, it is necessary to take 30 -50 g of sowing material by 1 m².

Important! If you do not work correctly calculate required amount Seeds, you can try to find out the density of germination of the variety at home. Choose ~ 100 seeds and plant them at home, and in a week (10 days) Check the result.

When to plant lawn grass - in autumn or spring

Answering the question "When to plant a lawn grass - in spring or autumn?", It should be noted that there is no consequential opinion about the most appropriate time. Sowing is possible in any period since the spring and up to frosts. Some gardeners argue that the grass planted in May is better, others - that it is faster in the summer, and others are confident that the best time for sowing is autumn.

Just do not fall into extremes, do not hurry (sowing the lawn in the spring is not happening earlier than the earth warms) and do not wait for snow. For autumn landing You should correctly calculate the time. Optimal are two options.

Either sow a lawn at the very beginning of the fall (then to the frosts of grass will have time to climb, and you will be able to treat it for wintering), or wait for the frozen of the Earth, but to snow (in winter sowing material it will be stratified, it will become resistant to diseases and will grumble in spring).

When spring people sow lawn grass, they should take into account the need for regular watering and removal of weed plants, which is more difficult than landing option at the end of summer. Many experienced professionals tend to consider this period optimal, since the soil is well warm and moistened, weeds are significantly less than in the spring, and the lawn will have time to germinate well before frosts begin.

As you can see, it does not matter much the season, nor at what air temperature you will sow grass, each option has its drawbacks and advantages.

Did you know? The most famous and expensive lawn is the one that is located near the Canberra Government Building (Australia). Hundreds of thousands of dollars spend on its content every year. Several dozen workers regulate its irrigation daily, taking into account the temperature, dryness of air and other criteria.

How to prepare the ground for landing lawn grass

Whatever the sowing of lawn grass should be prepared for her soil. This is one of the most important stages Bookmarks lawn. Remove from the site all the garbage, stones, branches, feed the stumps. Pull the soil to a depth of about 25 cm. In a heavy ground, add sand, in sandy - clay land. With low fertility it is worth taking compost. Also get rid of weeds.

A week before sowing, use comprehensive mineral fertilizer and evenly distribute it on the site using robble. Cross the plot, scatter large earthen lumps. Take advantage of the shovel and rakes. Once again, crumple the soil with a big board. This will help cut the tubercles and fall asleep the depression.

Before sowing the soil with the help of a manual roller or board (in this case, you need to shift it on the site and move it from one end to another).

Important! Whenever you decide to equip the lawn - in the spring, in summer or in the fall - be sure to note that the site can only be tamped in dry weather, with dry ground. And only in 2-3 days, before sowing lawn grass, the selected place should be poured.

How to sneeze the lawn: the process of planting lawn grass

Weather for sowing should be dry, windless. To distribute the seeds evenly, the site should be divided into square meters And in each of each of the seeds, as recommended for your chosen herb or grass.

Seeds are closed in a ground to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, first scatter them along, and then across. If it is possible, use a manual seeder, it is more convenient, but manually put the lawn itself will be quite possible. So that the seeds did not carry the wind, they can be sprinkled with a 1-centimeter layer of peat and roll.

Lawn care in the country: how to grow a good and thick lawn

It is important to care for the lawn correctly, because otherwise it will start over and fading. Watering and haircut in this process play a weighty role.

Features of watering the country lawn

Immediately after sowing, if the soil is dry, it is necessary to pour a plot, but neatly, with a weak pressure, so as not to wash the seeds. During germination and shape of the turf, make sure that the lawn does not drive. Next, watering should be regular, but consider weather conditions.

It is also necessary to water after the haircut (to help him recover, give a neat view and saturation of the color) and feed (to translate useful material In a soluble form, assimilated by the root system of plants). Specialists advise to water the lawn in the evening.

Before sowing lawn grass, you need to find out which seeds to choose how to carry out the planting process and how to prepare a place. So, consider everything in order.

Gason varieties

First we will understand how you can arrange your garden. There are such types of lawns:

Meadow. It consists of blooming annual plants and grows in the parks.

Parterial. For its landing, grasses are used, which are considered elite.

Ordinary. To grow such a lawn, cheaper seeds are used, while the grass must have a strong root system and stem, so that there is an opportunity to grow in difficult climatic conditions.

Mauritanian. He looks like meadow, only to plant it can only where cultural plants Do not sink.

What are the requirements for raw materials?

Before sowing lawn grass, be sure to find out what it should be. So, such requirements are presented to plants:

1. Resistance to extinction.

2. The ability to vegetative reproduction.

3. The presence of a strong and branched root system, which can germinate in a dense soil, and also does not destroy.

4. Ability to germination in certain climatic conditions.

5. Beautiful decorative qualities: color, height and degrades.

6. The ability to react well to feeding and quick recovery of carpet after mowing.

What is better: a mixture or one type of seed?

Before sowing lawn grass, you need to decide which seeds you will apply. You can use one type of plants or a mixture of several species. Most often, experts apply monocultures without any additional impurities. However, if you decide to choose several types of seeds, then note that plants must subsequently possess the same height, texture and color.

Since sowing lawn grass is an interesting lesson that requires a lot of strength and attention, we will deal with what requirements are presented to the mixtures. So, they should consist only of perennial plants. In addition, buying seeds, carefully read the instructions on the package. It is indicated that for which climate is intended to be a mixture, how to properly sow it, whether it has any guarantee of germination.

In addition, to use several types of seeds in the event that you are not too much favorable conditions For the organization of the lawn, or if you are not sure that one type of grass can give a smooth and beautiful carpet.

How to choose a place?

Just choose the source material is not enough to ensure that your garden later become beautiful and bright. Landing lawn grass requires determination right place. At this stage, the dimension of the area is also made, which makes it possible to calculate the number of fertilizers and seeds.

In addition, the landing of lawn grass should be carried out taking into account boundaries garden plot. That is, plants should not "crawl" to other related territory (garden, neighboring lawn). And do not forget about other elements of landscape design: Alpine slides, ponds. Note that the care of plants should be convenient for you.

Features of the preparation of soil

The best lawn grass is the one that is sown with your hands. However, the soil should be prepared before this procedure. So, on the square where you are going to organize lawn, construction should not be conducted. That is, all drainage channels and watering systems must be already equipped.

Now from the site, all weeds and garbage should be eliminated. If the garden is large, then to remove unnecessary plants you can apply chemicalswhich are sold in stores. However, note that this method takes time, so it is necessary to use it in advance.

Before we sow lawn grass with your own hands, we are preparing fertile layer Soil. For this, the Earth is mixed with fertilizers and other substances that will contribute to the growth of grass. Manual procedure is performed or using special equipment.

The soil must be loose enough and do not contain major lumps. A small rink is used to align the territory. In other cases, you can simply leave the territory for several months alone. Level levels himself.

Features of planting seeds

If you do not know when to sow lawn grass in the fall, then the best time is September. The fact is that this month the soil is already moisturized enough, does not dry, so often watering the plants do not have to. Now consider how to properly sow lawn grass:

1. In order for grass to grow evenly, it is necessary to scatter on the surface of the soil. At the same time, try not to use all raw materials at once. It is better divided into two parts, and spread the first half across the site, and the other - along.

2. During the sowing, it is not necessary to sow too thick, although it is not rarely throwing seeds either. Your main task is the rapid formation of the turf. If the blades will grow too close to each other, they will start just root and wake.

3. After sowing on the site you should walk with rakes or a small cultivator. Otherwise, seeds can shove the birds.

4. Last queue, the upper layer is mounted with a rink.

If you did everything right and the weather will be favorable, then in a week you can see the first sprouts. However, whether the seeds should be chewed, you will learn only in 20 days. If the soil is dry, then it takes to water from time to time. However, do not overdo it, since an excessive amount of moisture is destructive effect on the developing plant.

After the grass is rooted, you need not to forget to care for her: water, feed, destroy weeds, cut, cut forward.

Features of planting grass grown in the house

In order not to suffer with seeds on your site, you can scatter them in the pots or other tanks filled with land. Naturally, the soil must be prepared. The whole procedure is made in the house. In this case, you are not worried about the destruction of seeds by birds or unfavorable weather conditions. Naturally, you need to not forget to care for the grass.

In such conditions, it will be necessary to closely monitor feeding and irrigation of plants. After the sprouts reach approximately 5-8 centimeters, they can be planted on the site. Naturally, it should be careful not to damage the root system. That is, take the grass from the container along with the ground. Next, lay it on the plot and tamper.

It is necessary to approach the landing carefully and neatly. Try to the grass be uniform in height and density.

Features of laying a rolled lawn

The presented type of vegetable coating is the plates of the ground with grass. They are grown in special nurseries. You do not have to sow seed seeds. Everybody makes experts-agrica. How to sow lawn grass, you already know. Now you need to consider how to lay rolls.

First of all, dry, but not hot weather should be installed on the street. Next, the plates should be deployed and put on the site so that they do not come to each other (so that the carpet is solid and smooth). Now the rugs can be tamped. To do this, use a small rink. In this case, the transverse seams must go to bed chess order. Now everything is almost ready. It remains only very gently sprinkling the seams of fertile land.

That's all the features of the right sowing of lawn grass. Good luck!

So! You decided to get a lawn on my site. There is a reasonable question - when and how to put the lawn grass?
Let's start in order.

How to choose lawn grass

The decisive question for the choice of lawn grass is its target

Usually the name of the lawn grass, which you see on the packaging, speaks for itself. For example:

Sports lawn - Lawn for places subject to high load. It can be sports and playgrounds, platforms for active games Dogs. Such a lawn is resistant to pulling, but quickly grows, which requires frequent missions.

Parter's lawn - A lawn with a decorative function, serves as a background for soliter plants and flower beds. He has bright color And beautiful shine. Requires regular irrigation and open to sun ray space.

Dwarf lawn - Lawn, as part of which are lowered and slowly growing herbs, which facilitates care for it and minimizes the need for a haircut. It is more often used as decorative, because it is subject to pulling.

Lawn for slopes - In this lawn, the grass is chosen in such a way as to form a durable root layer (Dernin), which is able to keep the soil on the slope and prevent erosion.

When sow lawn grass

IN middle lane Russia, the seeds of lawn grasses can be planted immediately after the melting of the snow (the end of April is the beginning of May) and until the very end of a confidently warm season (as a rule it is October). In a later period, it is not recommended to sow a lawn, since the plants do not have time to fully grow up to wintering and as a result, it will have to produce subbels, or even to rip the lawn.

The most favorable period for sowing lawn grass The end of April - May and September - the beginning of October

If you got fresh fertile soil, It is worth waiting for 1-2 weeks before sowing. After the soil strait, wait 3-4 hours, then sow a lawn.

If sowing lawn grass to spend in summer period, It is worth waiting for rainy, cloudy days.

Do not overdo it with watering. Before the appearance of shoots - watering every day, then not more than 1 time per week.

The first haircut of the lawn at the height of the grass - 15 cm.

Before planting a lawn, you need to create a drainage system if provided, the power supply system, underground system irrigation.
In order for the lawn to look perfectly, the soil is needed. A bias can be 1-3% to facilitate drain surface water. Big Square Lawn can be given a greater bias, but not more than 30%.

Soil preparation for lawn grass

Deleting weeds

The removal of weeds will provide friendly shoots, appearance Lawn and make it easy further care Behind him.

Methods for the destruction of weeds:

Foreignness - This is death underground parts Weighing plants B. winterFor this, in the fall, it is necessary to carry out deep dumping of the soil.

Suffocation - Long-term method based on multiple cutting of weeds at a small depth (harrowing for 2-3 years), the effect is achieved by depleting the root.

Provocation - in a couple of weeks before sowing it is necessary to prepare the soil, and when many sprouts appear weed herbs Conduct surface loosening, thereby sickly them.

Mulching - Covering the soil, depriving light plants. For this purpose, it is well suited for the overvalued compost, and under the trees and shrubs crushed bark.

New sad - The most effective, but time-consuming and more expensive way. Removing the old soil and laying a new soil with drainage system - The soil is removed to a depth of 30 cm and layers are laid out: crushed stone, sand and black soil, and on top rolled lawn Or seeds of lawn grass mixture.

Gerbecida - Treatment of weeds should be carried out during their active growth, but they should not be damaged mechanically. Within 5-10 days, herbicide applies throughout the plant area and after 20-30 days the plant dies entirely. About 15 days after the action of the drug, the land can be processed. Herbicides are better to apply in the fall, if the spring is planned to sowing lawn grass.

Plots on which weeds have already been removed to protect well from not yet processed.

The surface of the soil under the lawn must be aligned - there should be no bugs or pits. In the pits, subsequently, water will accumulate, which will lead to the winking of grass, and the tubercles will make it difficult to work the lawn mower.

Soil fertility

The thickness of the fertile layer for right Development The lawn grass should be at least 10 - 15 cm.
The soil should be improved, depending on its characteristics.

Soil mixture and all its components should be well mixed and thoroughly close in the soil, loosened to a depth of about 40 cm, so that the lower layers do not move, subsequently upwards. When carrying out these works, it is necessary to remove all parts of the plants from the ground, which were previously treated with chemicals, especially carefully need to remove their roots.

In order to be convenient to care for the edges of the lawn, they are better consolidated. For the design of borders, such materials are usually used as: gravel, crushed stone, you can also use a stone curb or put the tile - it will look advantaged and in decorative plan And will provide you with access to the edge of the edges of the lawn, which will greatly alleviate the pc.

How to sow lawn grass with your own hands

  • Align the soil by fan rakes. There should be no hillocks, nor depression.
  • The laying rate of lawn grass is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Sowing Hands or a special hand seeder, participation should go several times: in different directions (from left to right, right-left and diagonally). This is done for uniform distribution Seeds throughout the area.
    For the convenience of seeds before sowing, you can mix with sand. Then the seeds will not stick together, it will be convenient and evenly.
  • Then you should put the seeds with a special roller or close them with rake.
  • Be sure to shed the soil with a nozzle, a finely spraying water stream.

How to care for lawn grass

During the growth of the young lawn, he needs to provide:

  • sufficient watering
  • deleting weeds that will attack the rapid lawn
  • razon haircut for height 5-10 cm

Formed, the lawn is considered mature, after 2-3 seasons after sowing.

Lawn grass is an excellent addition to decorative flower beds, alpine slides. it perfect place For a family picnic and afternoon recreation in the country or in the garden. From when to plant the lawn grass, the final result depends - it should be smooth, in moderation thick. To do this, it is necessary to plant lawn correctly and on time, as well as follow the rules of care. The lawn grass is characterized by soft velvety leaves, small, thin, pleasant to the touch. Root system Surface lawn, forms a dense weave of the roots. Care lies in watering, weeding and cutting with a garden lawn mower.

Specialized stores are represented a large assortment Lawn grass: in rolls with a developed root system and seeds in bags. When there is no possibility of a long-term growing of the lawn in the country of the seeds, a rolled lawn is acquired, which is rolled into the prepared surface. Rolled lawn is unpretentious, easily carries out of any soil. If necessary, it can be removed from the soil and move to another place.

Ideal time for landing lawn

The best time For planning plot, planting lawn grass, colors, devices alpine Gork, of course spring. At the end of March, you can already prepare and feed the soil, planting planning, sowing the Rannetic Plants. To saturate the soil with nutrients and abundant growth, the soil is drunk in the fall with fertilizer. In the spring of pre-sowing preparation should be started as early as possible.

Lawn grass can be planted throughout the warm period, from April to November. In the spring, the accessibility and germination of seeds are better in natural reasons. To prepare the soil before sowing seeds, activities are carried out:

The best time for planting lawn grass is spring or early autumn.

How to plant lawn seeds

Seeds of lawn grass are very small, for sowing it is recommended to use 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 100 sq.m. Therefore, seeds are sold in bags or large packages. Before sowing seeds, the plot is well moisturized and a full absorption of moisture in the soil is waiting. The windless dry weather is suitable for landing. The lawn is planted at a depth of 0.5-1.5 cm. For sowing, a seeder uses or evenly scatter the seeds by hand.

In order for the seeds to evenly put on the site, use the cross-sowing method. For this, seeds are divided into two parts. The first part seed across the site, the second part - along. It turns out a kind of grid (see video).

So that small seeds do not remove the birds, or did not dispel the wind, once again compacted the soil with a rink. Then covered with burlap or other observing material.

Before shoots, regularly watered from a watering can or with a small spray hose. The first mowing is carried out when the lawn reaches a height of 6-10 cm. Then rolling the roller section again to eliminate the formation of side tracks of grass. This procedure makes the lawn more dense.

How to plant rolled grass

Lawn in rolls has a number of benefits before planting seeds:

  • low laboriousness of soil preparation work;
  • instant transformation of the site;
  • good lawn survival rate;
  • freezing resistance;
  • aesthetic look;
  • required lawn density;
  • uniform color.

Rolled lawn is grown in special nurseries with technology compliance. It can be planted in early spring and to late autumn. Regardless of the time of the disembarkation there is a good survival and rapid growth.
For the flooring of rolls, the grass should be properly carried out correctly:

  1. Pumping soil. The soil is drunk to a depth of 10-15 cm.
  2. Remove roots of plants, lumps, stones, trash.
  3. Less area rake.
  4. Fertilize mineral I. organic fertilizers.
  5. Seal the site with a roller, with melting, lump falls. Reduce and compact again.

For landing, a rolled lawn takes no more than 3 days of exposure after removing the nursery from the soil. Ideally need to land grass the next day after cutting from the field. A rolled lawn is heavy (up to 20 kg), so a significant physical effort is required for delivery and rolling.

The laying is carried out in a checker order on the principle of laying bricks. First lay out one row, then lay out the second row so that the jokes of the lawn accounted for the middle of the previous row. Rows must be even, did not come on top of each other. When the laying is completed, with the help of a knife level the edges, cut off superfluous, rolling the rolled roller roller to eliminate the air cavities. Correctly ackle roller grass easily arrives and after 2-3 weeks will be a full place for outdoor activities.


The lawn care is in frequent watering, cleaning, feeding and trimming as it grows. There are rules that must be followed in different times of the year.

Let's try to figure out when it is better to sow lawn grass so that your efforts do not disappear for nothing, and the plants fit well? What time of year is considered the most optimal for this, and from which the germination depends?

When to plant a lawn: in spring, summer or autumn?

In the pictures on the Internet, fresh and even trimmed greenery looks perfect - flat, homogeneous saturated color, without propellers and omnipresent weeds. However, those who happened to face the creation of a lawn with their own hands know personal experienceWhat a beautiful picture is hidden hard work. To grow an impeccable lawn, it will take not only physical strength, but also certain knowledge: what kind of grass is to choose when we plant grass, and how then care for it throughout the season.

To grow a flawless lawn, you will need not only physical strength, but also certain knowledge

In general, sowing can be carried out at any time, starting with the spring, the Earth will almost warm up, and to autumn frosts. The main thing is not to reach the snow falling when it is too late to plant anything. Uniform opinion about best deadlines not. Someone is confident that the best of all the grass planted on the May holidays, others believe that summer Sowing Faster gives results, and the third prefer to search the grasshime in the autumn months to get a thick green cover to the next season.

Video pro right landing Lawn grass

In some cases, a special choice, when to create a lawn, simply does not remain - construction works Disclaimed, the site is not yet prepared, and after all, after clearing, pumping and leveling the site, it is necessary to give the earth to stand under the ferry even at least a month before proceeding to the sowing of grass mixture. All this sometimes takes a lot of time, and no longer have to think when it is better to plant prepared. Two options remain: carry out seeds in autumn or wait for the next year.

Despite the popularity of spring sowing, experienced specialists tend to believe that the end of summer is the most optimal option

Is it possible to sow the lawn in the fall? Of course you can, and many gardeners even like more autumn Sowingthan spring: from under the snow in spring it is so nice to observe the appearance of greenery. But here it is very important to choose the right time: either sowing grass in early September, so that the plants come to frosts, and you have time to process them before wintering, or to plant grass already in the frozen land to a steady snow cover - then the seeds will pass stability for the winter seeds. In front of diseases and in the spring, they will see together.

Despite the popularity of spring sowing, experienced specialists tend to believe that the end of summer is the most optimal option. Soil at this time is good and moistened, weeds appear much less often than in the spring, the seeds will have time to germinate and to root well before the start of frosts. The spring sowing, although it gives a beautiful lawn, but care for him is more difficult due to the need for regular watering and removal of weeds.

Video of the blank of strawberry seed

Determine optimal deadlinesWhen you get a lawn, it's just half an end. To obtain uniform thick gears, you must take into account the following rules:

  • the plot must be fully prepared for the month and a half before sowing;
  • make sure that the soil is enough in the surface layer nutrients (when aligning the site, do not cut off too much the reservoir of the upper layer, peat can be made into light soil);
  • during the day before sowing, enter fertilizers in the land;
  • in the spring and summer, fertilizers rich in nitrogen, which contributes to the growth of plants, and in the fall, you need to fertilize the lawn with fertilizers, with high content potassium and phosphorus, but with low nitrogen content to increase plant frost resistance and strengthen the root system;
  • choosing the most good time For landing, divide the plot into squares, distributing the seeds equally between all squares, and sow each square first along, then across - so you will achieve uniform shoots;
  • in the arid days, the raised lawn must be watering watering with small holes, maintaining the soil in a wet state, until the plants grow to 6 cm, then provide abundant watering by the sprinkler, thanks to which moisture penetrates the roots;
  • at the active growth of grass, the haircuts are positively affected by the first, especially the first when the plants rise to 6 cm.

The plot under the lawn should be fully prepared for the month and a half before sowing

Of course, it would be much easier if there were certain deadlines when you need to sow grass, but too much various factors It affects the results of crops. Even experienced professionals will not be able to give you a one hundred percent guarantee that the lawn will go up perfectly, in no matter how long it is planted. Therefore, everyone who dreams of getting a green lawn in front of the house, it is necessary to independently decide on the time of landing, and make every effort to make her grass well.

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