Breeding decorative rabbits - business plan. Reproduction of rabbits at home

Engineering systems 30.09.2019
Engineering systems

Dwarf rabbits are bred for excellent fur, dietary meat, they can also be charming pets.

Breeds of dwarf rabbits

If ordinary rabbits have been bred for many centuries, then dwarf rabbits appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century in Great Britain, and then in Germany and the Netherlands. The work of breeders was suspended during the Second World War, but later the stock was restored, and five breeds of dwarf rabbits are now widely used:

  • hermelins - ermine rabbits, bred in Germany, with white hair, with blue or red eyes;
  • dwarf ram;
  • colored dwarfs;
  • shorthair rex;
  • long-haired dwarf foxes.

Features of keeping dwarf rabbits

The mass of a dwarf rabbit can range from 1.2 to 3 kg. The conditions of their keeping are almost the same as for ordinary rabbits, but it should be borne in mind that they are more sensitive to drafts and the quality of feed.

In summer, the main part of the diet is made up of various cereals and herbs, but it is important to ensure that poisonous plants for eared plants do not get into the feeder: buttercups, celandine and others. Useful for dwarf rabbits and branches of willow and aspen. Starting from four months, oats and wheat can be introduced into the diet of animals.

AT winter time Dwarf rabbits should be fed high quality hay and a variety of vegetables. Regardless of the time of year, clean water should always be in the rabbitry.

Highly important condition successful keeping of dwarf rabbits - cleanliness in the cells and the absence of crowding. It is important not only to regularly clean the litter and the remnants of uneaten food, but also to disinfect all surfaces, wash the drinkers and feeders.

Breeding dwarf rabbits

Dwarf rabbits are not difficult to breed, providing them with proper housing conditions. Dwarf rabbits are also fertile, like rabbits of other breeds, but unlike them, puberty in dwarf representatives occurs 2-3 months earlier, and already at 6-7 months they are ready for breeding. When the rabbit starts to worry, tries to build a nest, she can be planted with the male. If she is not ready to mate, she will run away or behave aggressively, but if mating has occurred, the female should not be taken immediately, she should be left in the male’s cage for 1-2 hours for repeated mating, which will significantly increase the likelihood of fertilization. A day later, the female is again planted with the male.

After two weeks, you can determine whether the female is pregnant or not by carefully probing her stomach. But if the animal is too shy or the owner has little experience with eared animals, it is better to judge by indirect signs: the rabbit does not let the male approach her and her appetite increases. She needs more nutrients In order for the cubs to develop well, therefore, the diet of a pregnant rabbit should be made as complete as possible by adding carrots, grass to it, and also provide round-the-clock access to fresh water.

Raising offspring

Pregnancy in dwarf rabbits lasts an average of 30-32 days, after which the female gives birth to 4-8 blind cubs. Before giving birth, she arranges a nest, which she insulates with fluff plucked from her chest, neck and abdomen. In most cases, childbirth in rabbits is easy, they are caring mothers, it is only important that after childbirth they have plenty of food and fresh water and also the nest was in a quiet place without drafts. Human intervention is practically not required, but the babies should be regularly examined - they should be quite active, the tummies should be smooth and tight, the presence of wrinkles indicates that the rabbit does not have enough mother's milk.

Like all representatives of this genus of animals, domestic rabbits are characterized by high fertility and accelerated reproduction. Rabbits are characterized by multiple pregnancies and the female domestic rabbit is no exception, she is able to bring up to 16 or more rabbits, which she intensively feeds for 30-45 days. Rabbits give birth throughout the year. On the second day after birth, the female is capable of fertilization.

The period of pregnancy is short and allows you to get up to nine births per year. Individual farms usually achieve a result of 5-7 rounds.

important and distinctive feature rabbits is precocity. By the age of six days, a rabbit already doubles its weight, and a month later it weighs ten times its original weight.

Until the age of 4 months, rabbits grow especially intensively; by this age, they practically reach the size of an adult animal (about 80%). Until the age of six months, the weight continues to increase and by this time reaches 81-87% of the weight of adults. Rabbit growth stops at 8 months.

Breeding and raising dwarf rabbits

Rabbits have long been famous throughout the world for their fertility, and wherever they were settled artificially, and they had no natural enemies, they became a real disaster. Especially famous is the case of rabbits in Australia. Back in the 19th century, only four pairs of domestic rabbits were brought there, which caused a rabbit invasion on the mainland. The problem of disturbing the natural balance of rabbits in Australia has not been completely resolved.

On average, wild and domestic rabbits are able to give birth about eight times a year. In nature, where the rabbits a large number of natural enemies, such fertility is very important for the conservation of the species, because during the first year of life in nature only a small part of the born wild rabbits survive. This property is perfectly used for artificial breeding of rabbits. In addition, domestic rabbits of dwarf and small breeds begin to breed from the age of six months.

The behavior of the female rabbit before mating changes, she fumbles around the litter, rakes it and may even try to make a nest. When mating, the rabbit is placed next to the rabbit, but not vice versa. Otherwise, the planted rabbit will study the new situation and will not pay attention to the female.

For those who want to start breeding animals for commercial purposes, one of the most suitable industries is rabbit breeding. Breeding cute rabbits is not only profitable, but also interesting. This is indeed a highly profitable business, and what is very important, there is no need to initial stage invest heavily. The quality of meat, the number of livestock and all other factors are directly dependent on how the certain rules. I must say that they do not differ in complexity, and if you do not serious mistakes, then everything will definitely work out. Growing rabbits at home is within the power of everyone.

Is it profitable to breed eared from scratch? If you take it seriously, then yes. For rabbit breeding, it is more profitable to take proven breeds, the most best breeds rabbits do not require complex care. Breeds of rabbits for breeding are very different, but if we grow them in our country, then beginners must be bred such that they are accustomed to the climate. Read more about how to grow them below.

Breeding all the rabbits at home for beginners can turn into a hassle, but you don’t need to be afraid, if you do everything right, then you know everything about rabbit breeding it will be possible soon. About rabbit breeding, rabbit breeding a lot of literature has been written, so you can find out how long the pregnancy lasts how reproduction is carried out.

Of course, income is also affected by how well developed trade relations are. Novice breeders start simply with the fact that the animals are bred at home or on the balcony, a more serious approach is a farm, under which a summer house can be equipped. Breeding rabbits at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Rabbit breeding at home can bring a good income with the proper approach. Breeding decorative rabbitsis also not difficult, but you need to know that breeding rabbits for beginners has its own nuances, especially when it comes to such a process as mating decorative rabbits . Rabbit rearing technology may vary by breed. Knitting decorative rabbits must be done carefully, this is in many ways the basis of rabbit breeding.

If you treat this matter as responsibly as possible, then the products from such activities will differ in variety. Here we should talk about meat, which is very tasty and has a low amount of cholesterol, as a rule, 4.5 kg of yield is obtained from one individual. Down and skin are highly valued, and from one lactating female you can get up to a kilogram of such raw materials. You should not ignore the growing young, which can be sold to those who have just decided to do such a thing.

About choosing a direction

How to start breeding rabbits? It is not so easy to choose a breed; today there are more than two hundred of them. And here, first of all, you need to answer the question - for what purposes is it planned to breed eared animals? How to start breeding rabbits so that it is not so difficult? And here, the most suitable breeds should be selected, taking into account priority, it will immediately become clear which rabbits need to be bred. You should be especially careful when choosing rabbits.

  1. If the priority is getting meat, then you should opt for the one that gives the maximum yield.
  2. If, in addition to meat, skins are also needed, then meat-skin breeds are purchased. How to grow rabbits for such purposes as correctly as possible will be discussed below.
  3. If you need skins and down, then you need to choose the appropriate breeds.

If rabbit breeding is just beginning, then it is recommended to give preference meat breeds, since they have a calm disposition, they do not require complex care, and they also have excellent meat productivity. After the direction is chosen, you should proceed to the selection of rabbits. At the same time, you should not acquire rabbits that have not lived in the world for another month, if the cub broke up with his mother too early, then it is likely that his immunity is low, respectively, this will negatively affect productivity. When choosing rabbits, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • wool should grow densely and shine;
  • the eyes should not have a discharge, they should be clear, such a specimen is good;
  • the body must be strongly built;
  • fatness should also be paid attention to, neither emaciation nor excessive obesity is needed;
  • the animal must be active, constantly moving, it is not difficult to choose this.

There are certain factors that are disadvantages, you need to pay attention to them and you should not take such rabbits:

  • limbs are twisted;
  • head too long;
  • hips strongly protrude;
  • the tips of the ears hang;
  • the abdomen sagged, the ridge is uneven;
  • wool disheveled, uneven, unattractive.

Decorative rabbits and their breeding is a slightly different process than the methods of breeding ordinary rabbits. , so you need to immediately know which breed of rabbits is best to breed, and you especially need to cherish a pregnant rabbit who can get pregnant quickly, but if she is pregnant, then her care should be appropriate.

It is best to choose animals that can be bred at home. There are 2 technologies for keeping such animals: they can be bred in enclosed spaces(dacha, farm) or in open spaces (aviary, cage, pit). However, novice breeders can perfectly combine such technologies - that is, in the cold season, pets should live indoors, and when it gets warmer, let them live on fresh air.

It must be immediately understood that lagomorphs have an extremely negative effect on drafts, and they also do not tolerate strong humidity. Their rooms should be dry, clean and spacious, so they should be cleaned regularly. Until the cubs are two months old, they must live separately from adults. After three months, sex should be determined, and then settled by gender. Pregnant females need special conditions, that is, they need a separate cage with a mother liquor.

A suitable cage is easy to purchase at the appropriate store, but there is nothing difficult in self-manufacturing. You need to take a mesh, wooden slats or bars, as well as metal corners. It is strongly not recommended to use plywood in work, it will get wet very quickly. To avoid drafts in the house, the boards should be adjusted to each other with maximum density. Metal elements will be needed to strengthen the corners, so you can avoid the fact that the eared gnaws on the tree. The cage should be installed on dry ground, there should be a slight elevation, but direct sunlight should be avoided. It is recommended to plant plants that curl around the house. This will give a shadow, and additional food.

If you make a house yourself, then it will come out much cheaper than a purchased one. At the same time, it is possible to independently determine the size, based on how many animals it is planned to breed. However, it should be said about the shortcomings, and above all about the cellular field in which the paws get stuck, which can lead to limb ailments. If you plan to keep animals in the open air, then you should definitely insulate the walls and ceiling. Young animals in a cage should have a sector for walking and a sector for sleeping. How to breed rabbits so that they grow faster? Take care of young animals, especially rabbits.

About other ways

If you need to make a house, then you can use enclosures for this, then it is much easier to take care of pets, which is especially important for beginner rabbit breeders, since they have many opportunities to walk more in the fresh air, which helps strengthen immunity. When choosing animals, you should remember that they need to mate, and the house should be perfectly adapted to mating. Those involved in rabbit breeding are not afraid of various difficulties, especially for those who have been doing this for a long time, but those who have been engaged in this profitable business recently can, of course, be very tired. Therefore, before doing this business, it is worth calculating whether to start such a business. If you plan to breed animals in pits, which is especially practiced in country conditions, then there are a number of advantages:

  • fertility will begin to increase greatly, since the female is unpretentious in such conditions and the rabbit nurses well;
  • animals are very active, as they constantly dig holes;
  • feed is consumed rationally;
  • animals rarely get sick;
  • space is saved, care conditions are simple, suffice it to say that a two-meter pit can contain up to two hundred heads.

However, in this method there are some kind of drawbacks, so it is impossible to keep in a rocky area, in clay soil, and if in upper layers there is ground water. A number of shortcomings should also be identified:

  • animals often occur after they have given birth, and this causes severe depletion of females;
  • it is absolutely impossible to ensure that there are no related sexual relations, which leads to a rapid reduction in the number of livestock;
  • it often happens that many individuals simply outgrow the deadlines for the perfect slaughter;
  • if animals live in a pit, they quickly become wild.

About the winter period

As soon as the cold hit, the pets should be promptly moved to the barn. You can, of course, leave the houses on the street, but then they must be insulated with high quality, for this gable roof, and the passages should be tightened with a film. Special attention should be given to the insulation of walls and floors. If the frost hits with increased force, then it is advisable to use an electric heater.

It is very important that the humidity in the house is up to 70 percent, and temperature regime up to 20 degrees. No sudden temperature changes should be allowed, and even more so drafts. It should also be taken into account that the duration of daylight hours should be 10 hours. It is important to equip quality system ventilation, then there will be nothing harmful in the air.

If we are talking about the cold season, then you need to consider that the rabbit diet should be more high-calorie, be sure required amount minerals and vitamins. Compound feed can be given of exceptionally high quality, and it is recommended to make it yourself, cabbage, beets - all this is loved by animals. As necessary vitamins, they should be fed with branches of needles, mineral supplements are also required, that is, you need to give salt, chalk.

About the rules of care

When leaving, it is necessary to adhere to certain hygiene, as well as constantly monitor the condition of the wards, in this regard, the recommendations are as follows:

  • cleaning should be carried out on a daily basis, the same applies to washing buckets and food containers;
  • inventory should also be regularly disinfected;
  • the operation of ventilation must be constantly monitored;
  • there should be no drafts;
  • any changes in the behavior of the animals, as well as in the appetite, should be recorded;
  • do not expose animals to stress (all kinds of sources of irritation, such as cats, dogs, children should not have free access).

It is also necessary to make injections for various ailments, especially viral ones. Moreover, you should not vaccinate yourself, for this you should invite a veterinarian who will do everything right.

About the diet

In order for pets to feel good and multiply quickly, they must be provided with high-quality and varied nutrition. If we are talking about the village, then there are no problems with hay and grass, just do not need to use those that grow in the immediate vicinity of the highway. Cereals in the diet must be present, as well as the root crop, and juicy (carrots, potatoes).

In the manufacture of compound feed (for this, cereals, grass flour and minerals are used), you can count on serious cost savings. Be sure to have convenient feeders, if there are young animals, then nursery. Vitamins and minerals should be added to food at least a couple of times a week. If the pets are in mating, or offspring are expected, then feeding should be more intense. You should not think that if you feed the animals a lot, they will grow up quickly, no, they will just get fat, which will lead to a decrease in sexual activity. So if a copy weighs more than 9 kg, then it is considered defective.

Animals should always have clean fresh water, so do not be lazy to change it. Drinkers should be cleaned from time to time. Given the activity of the inhabitants, the drinkers must be firmly installed, otherwise they will be immediately turned over. In order to prevent coccidiosis, potassium permanganate should be added to the water. If the female is pregnant, then apple cider vinegar will be useful for her; when feeding with mixed fodder, much more water is consumed.

About reproduction

You can breed eared ears at any time of the year, after giving birth the female is again ready for mating, but you should not do this, otherwise she will quickly wear out, so you need to protect her from males. It is best to organize mating at the same time with several pairs, it saves time. In addition, it is very convenient to control the timing of pregnancy. It happens that the mother rabbit does not want to feed her cubs, then you need to give the babies to another female.

The female should be planted with the male in advance, so he will not waste time getting used to it. The room must be disinfected, there must be enough space, so everything that is superfluous must be disposed of. After mating is over, the queen should be removed and then brought in for test mating purposes. You need to know that the mother-in-law does not allow the male to come to her.

On average, you can count on the fact that the uterus will give birth to up to 30 individuals per year, that is, in live weight it is 70 kg. So in a year, a family of eared - 3 females and 1 male is able to become 25 times larger! However, you should not go for a record, the female is quickly depleted, so it is strongly not recommended to allow more than two births every year. So it is not so difficult to comprehend rabbit breeding science.

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Rabbit breeding from scratch

Everyone loves rabbits, both children and adults. Any family will only be delighted when one of such cute, fluffy and affectionate animals lives in their home. They will become a source of happiness and joy. Everyone will not get tired of enjoying watching the rabbit for a long time. If you want your kids to start loving animals, then a bunny kennel is the way to go.

Children will not only love the animal with all their heart and soul, they will also learn how to properly care for it, and accordingly will be responsible not only for rabbits, but also for their own actions. You can buy decorative in a single quantity or in pairs. If you have acquired a couple of animals, then it is not surprising that in the future you will receive offspring from them. Your task is to let the female go to the rabbit's cage and leave them there for 30 minutes.

Required condition! It is the female that is brought into the cage to the rabbit, in this case the male feels more confident in his territory. And if you transplant the female to the male, then the rabbit will study the site for a long time, and he will not do the "necessary" business.

For breeding decorative rabbits, you can take animals at the age of about 4 months, they are already formed and ready for breeding. But it is better, of course, to take older individuals, because in this period the females are stronger, and they will be able to bring you about 5 babies, who after a few days will turn into real decorative fluffy rabbits. And they will certainly delight your children.

Pay attention to the subtleties of breeding decorative rabbits

There are many pitfalls in this activity that the future breeder of these animals needs to know about.

First of all, pay attention to the behavior of the female, because it will show when the rabbit is ready for breeding. She will start raking sawdust into a pile all the time. Some individuals pull out shreds of wool from their chest and mix them with the same pile, thus she warms it for her future babies.

How many days does a female go pregnant?

A pregnant rabbit walks for about a month, it all depends directly on the breed of the animal. Knowing necessary information about this, you must carefully prepare the place for the birth of individuals. First of all, a cozy and dark box is placed for the rabbit in which she can hide the cubs.

Note! During this period of time, you should not take her in your arms, because rabbits "in position" are extremely irritable, and stress and disorders can adversely affect the health of future offspring.

As you can see, you can buy one or more decorative rabbits, then create a decorative rabbit nursery, delighting yourself and your family with these fluffy animals.

Funny, fluffy and soft like plush toys, decorative breeds are popular as pets today. What you need to know about domestic rabbits, their maintenance and care of animals will be discussed in this article.

Choosing the Right Breed

When choosing a breed for keeping a house, one should take into account the features - caring for long-haired animals is distinguished by daily combing. This procedure needs to be given time and attention, otherwise the animal will have tangles that will cause him inconvenience, it is impossible to comb them, only cut them off. So think about whether you will have time for scrupulous care.

After reviewing all the nuances of caring for decorative rabbits, it’s up to the choice of breed, the photo below shows the most popular of them.

Obtained by crossing the Swedish fox and the Dutch dwarf rabbit. These animals can have several color options, the “mane” on the head unites the breed. Thick fur grows on the muzzle, around the ears and neck, requiring care. The character is even, easy to get along with other animals, friendly.
- This is a sociable and calm animal, likes to show curiosity, not aggressive. The animal quickly gets used to people, recognizing the owner and running after him like a dog. Female lambs are caring and gentle mothers.
colored dwarfs- babies with erect ears, the coat is short and does not require special care. They love attention and affection, scratching between the ears. During puberty (age 5-9 months) they become aggressive, but this disappears by one and a half years.
- Long haired babies. Curious, friendly, quickly become attached to the owner. Despite the fact that the coat is long, the hair is quite hard, guard hair, so you can comb it not daily, but once a week.
need care, their hairline is like fluff up to 20 cm long. The animal needs to be combed out every three days, and during molting every other day. Such a miracle in fluff looks like a small breed, the animal is calm and affectionate.
Rabbits "rex" have a velvety short coat of different colors from black to red and even spotted. Their body is compact, the ears are slightly longer than those of colored dwarfs. The animal is calm, not aggressive.
- funny little animals with a big head and short ears. The color is white, but they also have differences - the color of the eyes in animals can be red and blue. Affectionate, attached to the owner, amenable to training.

Which one to choose: female or male

It is believed that males are more playful and restless than females. This is not how you initially start raising a pet, this is how he will behave.

Another misconception is that only males mark territory. Females also have glands that secrete "odorous" compounds. In nature, animals mark territory as if they were their own or to attract a mating partner. In females, the marks are located on the chin and do not have such a pungent odor as in the male.

Boys, on the other hand, often mark their territory with urine, but this problem can be solved with the help of castration. Females may have another problem, if she is not mated, then uterine cancer may occur, so either find her a partner or spend

Females during puberty begin to build "nests", using for construction any material that has fallen on the tooth: paper, wires, matter. Interestingly, males have the same instinct - they "dig" holes in the floor of the cage.

Whom to choose a male or female, there is no fundamental difference. If you are not going to have an animal, then some habits during puberty can be eliminated by sterilizing the animal, but the rest depends on the behavior instilled in the animal during care and play with it.

Purchase rules

a gentle animal that requires special care. When buying, it is advisable to contact nurseries or professional breeders involved in selection and breeding of breeds. In an ordinary pet store, there is no guarantee that the animal is exactly the one for whom it is given out and at the same time it is healthy. In the nursery, the animal has documents confirming its health and belonging to a particular breed. In addition, determining the sex is not so easy, and the breeder will cope with this task on duty.

Important!How to find out if an animal is healthy: activity, cleanliness (hair, eyes, nose and ears), appetite are signs of a healthy animal. Apathy, a dull appearance in the coat, sneezing or even coughing are a sign of illness.

It is recommended to read the relevant literature about animal care, features and description of the breed you want to buy before buying.

cage requirements

It is recommended to buy a cage based on the fact that the pet is growing rapidly, it need a house four times the size of it. Height is for full height(on hind legs), a feeder should be placed on the territory of the cage, sleeping place and toilet. In addition, there should be a resting place where the baby can stretch out in length.

The bottom of the cage should be solid, the animal will be extremely uncomfortable on the slatted floor. Attach automatic drinkers and feeders to the bars of the cage.

Place the tray under the toilet in the opposite place from the "bedroom" and feeders. The dimensions of the grate in the toilet should allow the litter to fall down onto the tray.

A place in the house for fluffy

decorative animals gentle creatures, but this does not mean that they need to be kept in greenhouse conditions.

Important!You can not put the cage near heating appliances, under the scorching sun and in no case in a place where a draft is possible.

The best would be a bright place, on a small hill (you can build something like a podium). Animals are extremely sensitive to stuffiness, sudden changes in temperature and high humidity. These factors can cause illness in your pets.
It is difficult to tolerate heat, in a hot period you should cover the cage damp cloth, and you can cool your pet by wiping the ears with a damp handkerchief. But do it carefully - the ears are a very sensitive place.

pet care

In an apartment, it is better to keep the animal in a cage, if a private house, in the warm season, you can let your pet out into the garden, into a large walking aviary. It is undesirable to start such a timid creature if there are small children in the family they will perceive him as a toy and may injure him by awkwardly picking him up.


The main thing in the diet is hay, it must be left in the manger, in no case on the floor. The product must be fresh, dry, free of musty or moldy odors.

In order for the animal to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, they are gradually introduced into the feed. mixed fodder, vegetables and fruits, grain. Can you give crackers? white bread, porridge, but without salt. Vegetables, fruits and green grass are introduced into the diet no earlier than two months old. Can't give tropical fruits, sweet and floury.

Rabbits grow incisors throughout their lives, they definitely need to gnaw something to grind them down. Pet stores sell special mineral stones for this purpose, also give your pet twigs fruit bushes and trees: pear, currant, apple, mountain ash.

Do not collect fresh grass for your pet along the roads it accumulates harmful emissions. Before pouring water into the drinkers, it is better to defend, and wipe the drinkers themselves from time to time with alcohol, removing microbes. Immediately after eating, it is highly not recommended to pick up, the baby's digestion process should not be disturbed by sudden movements.

Games and walks

rabbits active animals, to maintain health they need walks and games. Before releasing the animal for a walk in the conditions of the apartment, remove everything that he can gnaw. You should not leave him alone, the animal is shy, any sharp sound can drive him into any gap, from which it will then be problematic to get him out.

In the warm season, you can take your pet outside; for a walk, you should take a leash. Perfect optionvest with harnesses, in this case, the animal will not be able to injure its neck or spine even if, in a strong fright, it sharply recoils to the side.

In order for the pet not to get bored in the cage, install a wheel or any toys for it (in pet stores big choice). You can try as a game, rabbits are not stupid at all, they can pleasantly surprise you with their abilities.

Cosmetic procedures

Consider how to care for the appearance of a decorative rabbit. Mandatory procedures are cutting incisors and nails. You can carry out the procedure at home by purchasing special tools, but it is still better to contact a veterinary clinic.
A long-haired pet once every 3-5 days needs comb out wool. This should be done with a soft brush, in the direction of hair growth. The pet must be laid on a non-slip surface, talk to him and stroke him with soothing movements so that he does not feel fear of the procedure.

Let's see if it's possible wash rabbits ornamental breeds and how to do it. These animals are very clean, but there are times when they need help, for example, in extreme heat or if the animal has diarrhea. At the time of bathing and until the animal dries, you need to close all the windows to protect against drafts. It is advisable to blot the coat with a soft towel, as wool with down dries for a long time. Avoid getting water in your ears.

Did you know?The span of a rabbit's whiskers is the width of its body. This is the most perfect organ of touch, which allows the animal to bypass all obstacles even in the dark, touches the animal not only with its mustache, but also with the hairs on the eyebrows.

Cell cleaning

The bedding at the bottom of the cage should always be clean and dry and changed three times a week. The toilet tray is washed daily, otherwise the pet will arrange a toilet nearby.
Drinkers and feeders are washed daily, the cage is removed as it gets dirty, but spring-cleaning required every two weeks. The cleanliness of the cage is the health of your pet and the absence of an unpleasant odor.


Many owners neglect vaccinations, explaining that the pet does not walk on the street. The two most dangerous diseases for rabbits myxomatosis and hemorrhoidal virus they can become infected without being outside the apartment. These diseases are transmitted by insects (mosquitoes), the infection can be brought along with hay or even on clothes. Therefore, the pet must undergo at least two vaccinations.

The first is carried out for an animal at 45 days old, the condition is a weight of 500 g; the second 10-12 days after the first. If you are going to travel with your pet, he will need a rabies vaccination, which is given at the age of two months.

Did you know?Rabbits have been kept and bred by many famous historical figures. King Frederick of Prussia kept a rabbit kennel on an island near Berlin. Napoleon lll also loved these animals and was a famous breeder of his time. The son of US President Abraham Lincoln also kept rabbits among his pets.

Mating domestic rabbits

Mating pets requires some knowledge. Decorative pets are not as healthy as their wild or commercial counterparts. After 4-5 births, the health of the female weakens, the level of health of the offspring decreases.

For successful breeding, you should know the following subtleties:

  • puberty 3-3.5 months, if you have a couple, it should be separated from this age;
  • age for mating - from seven months to a year;
  • if the female has not been mated for up to a year, this should no longer be done;
  • you should not mate individuals of the same litter, this leads to pathologies in their children;
  • do not cross a female with a larger male - it will be difficult for her to give birth;
  • both animals must be healthy at the moment.
In conclusion, we note that the average life expectancy of pets is 5-7 years, but some can live up to 10-12 years. How long decorative rabbits live at home depends on several factors: diet, care and conditions of detention, characteristics of the breed. In order for the animal to live as long as possible, it needs a mobile lifestyle, a well-designed diet (minerals, vitamins) and, of course, care and attention.

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