When and how to plant radishes in spring in open ground, cultivation and care. When and how to sow radishes - spring and summer sowing radishes for food What to plant in place of radishes in June

reservoirs 16.06.2019

The popularity of this root crop is explained very simply. After all, this is an opportunity to crunch on the first spring salads, get a portion of "fresh" vitamins, and for those who like to tinker in the beds - a great reason to start the garden season.

The radish plant belongs to the cruciferous family. The Asian lands are considered the birthplace of this culture, from where it later spread first to China, and then to the rest of the world. Radishes appeared on domestic tables thanks to merchants from the time of Peter the Great. This spicy and juicy vegetable was accepted immediately, and became widespread throughout the Russian territory.

Radish contains phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron, therefore it has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and increases blood hemoglobin. Cholagogue properties and high fiber content helps to normalize work gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. With radish, our body, weakened by a long winter, receives the first vitamins, among which the main place is occupied by vitamins of group B, as well as C and PP.

The growing season of radishes can be one or two years. annual varieties it is more convenient to grow, therefore, among gardeners, those that give seeds in the year of sowing are popular. The shape of the root crop is very different: round, oblong, flat-round, elongated and in the form of a spindle. By color, you can choose red, pink, white and even yellow or purple radishes. Depending on the region and the timing of the cultivation of this crop, it is sown both in greenhouses or greenhouses, and in open ground.

Planting radishes in the spring - five rules for a good harvest

Taking into account that radish develops better with a short daylight hours, it must be sown at the appropriate time. Soil moisture directly affects the formation of the root crop, and the availability of the necessary fertilizers and temperature regime- on the quantity and quality of the crop. Therefore, despite the seeming simplicity of growing radishes, only compliance with certain requirements guarantees in the end a worthy reward for your work.

Rule one - deadlines

Early varieties of radishes allow you to get the first harvest after three to four weeks from the day of germination. Therefore, as soon as warm days are established, you can start preparing the beds. Radish is a fairly cold-resistant plant, it can withstand night frosts down to minus 5 - 6 degrees without loss, but at low daytime temperatures (up to +8), shoots will appear for a long time. best timing sowing is considered the end of March - the beginning of April, when the sun generously gives warmth, warming the earth and air. It is more accurate to determine the lines when you can sow radishes yourself, based on the fact that at a temperature:

  • up to + 10 degrees - seedlings will have to wait a long time;
  • from +10 to +15 - they will appear in a week;
  • closer to +18 ... +22 - the first greens will hatch on the fourth day.

+ 20 degrees is considered the most favorable average daily temperature for the successful formation of a root crop.

Depending on when such weather conditions are expected in your area, you should choose the days when to plant radishes.

The first selective harvest begins to be harvested after 20-25 days, and then the rest ripens. To maximize the "radish" season, you need to sow it with an interval of one week. So, gradually ripening, the harvest will delight you all spring with young, juicy vegetables.

It is interesting! It is thanks to the relatively short growing season that the radish was chosen for cultivation at the International space station. On its basis, studies of the genetic characteristics of crops grown under weightless conditions were carried out.

Closer to the beginning of summer, it is recommended to stop sowing, as long daylight hours and hot weather quickly lead to plants shooting and a decrease in palatability root crop. It will be possible to resume the cultivation of radishes only in September.

Rule two - soil

Like most others horticultural crops radish loves fertile soil. Therefore, before sowing radishes, you need to choose the most suitable site and prepare the ground.

Given the good responsiveness of root crops to organic fertilizers, a garden for radishes is best prepared in the fall. To do this, compost, humus or manure is brought into the ground and dug up thirty centimeters. If the soil is too clayey, then a little peat or coarse river sand should be added, because radish crops grow better on loose, light soils. When applying mineral fertilizers to square meter land, good results are shown by the addition of ammonium nitrate (10-15 g), superphosphate (20-25 g) and potassium chloride (15-20 g). The acidity of the soil for radishes is better neutral, in extreme cases, slightly acidic is allowed.

Sowing radishes in open ground is carried out in sunny, wind-protected areas. The best for spring crops are the southern and southeastern sides, where the earth thaws faster and there is plenty of light for future entrances. Experience shows that radishes are an excellent predecessor for many garden crops, they perfectly prepare the soil for tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and cucumbers. It is especially convenient to grow radishes every year in a new place, which helps to improve the crop rotation of the garden. The only exceptions are cruciferous plants - cabbage, mustard, watercress and others, which can transmit diseases of this family to the following plantings.

Advice! Radish is an excellent compactor and a kind of "marker" of other crops.

Sowing radish seeds next to cucumber seedlings or rows of potatoes will result in two crops from the same bed. And the spring planting of onions on greens, dill and lettuce crops will go well with rows of early radishes.

Many gardeners know how laborious the first weeding of carrot beds is - its thin, barely noticeable shoots are difficult to see among the weeds that have risen. And this is where the rare radish bushes sown, along with carrot seeds, help determine future rows.

Rule three - sowing

When growing radishes in a greenhouse or film greenhouse, radishes are often sown without prior seed preparation. Between the grooves, a distance of about the width of a palm is kept, and the seeds are covered with a two-centimeter layer of earth. After the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to thin out the crops, leaving 3–5 cm between adjacent bushes. If the sowing is carried out more carefully, introducing the seeds, taking into account the required distance, then it will not be necessary to break through the entrances.

Advice! In order to sow radishes faster and better, you can still stick its seeds on long strips of paper in winter and dry them. In the spring, it will be enough just to lay these tapes in moistened grooves and cover them with earth.

Sometimes sowing radishes, especially in the northern regions, requires preliminary preparation. Calibration of seeds by size and weight is carried out to obtain friendly seedlings and a simultaneous harvest, and is more often used when planting radishes for sale. But soaking and germinating seeds allows you to get faster shoots, and hence an earlier harvest.

Before planting radishes with seeds, they are wrapped in a linen napkin, placed in a container with a small amount of water at room temperature. Usually the seeds hatch already on the second or third day and are ready for sowing.

Rule four - watering

Radish loves watering, that's for sure. Moist soil contributes to the successful formation of a regular, juicy root crop. Therefore, it is necessary to sow seeds in spilled grooves, and it is undesirable to skip sprinkling the first shoots, and further care consists in regular, generous watering. Of course, one should not forget that wet soil does not imply stagnation of water in the soil. Excessive moisture invariably leads to root rot.

Advice! It is better to water the March crops of radishes in film greenhouses with warm water, at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Such an evening “shower” will not only water the plants, but will also allow you to keep warm during the night cooling.

Rule five - fertilizer

Radish - planting and caring for this crop does not take much time. At proper preparation beds and fertile enough soil, radish plantings do not require additional fertilization. For its short growing season, the available nutrition will suffice. If the fertility of the soil leaves much to be desired, then a week after the first shoots appear, the radish can be slightly fed with organic fertilizers. Usually, compost infusion or fermented manure infusion is added to the water for irrigation. Last year's dry humus or chopped mowed grass is poured onto the garden bed as mulch. The main thing in fertilizing radishes is not to overdo it! A large number of nutrients in the soil lead to lush vegetation of radish greens, to stalk and negatively affects the shape and taste of the root crop.

The best varieties of radishes for spring crops

Depending on the time of sowing, the optimal varieties of radish are also selected.

  • French breakfast - early maturing variety. No more than 20-25 days pass from germination to ripening. The shape of the fruit is elongated, 3-4 cm long, bright red in color with a white tip.
  • Early red - matures in 27-30 days. Differs in resistance to shooting. Root crops are rounded, dark red in color with a white, juicy core.
  • Helios. Average ripening period, about 30 days . Excellent taste and unusual, yellow root crop allowed this variety to gain popularity.
  • Sora. The fruits are large (up to 4-5 cm in diameter), dense, juicy, rich red in color. It is characterized by resistance to high temperatures and diseases, does not form voids. Thanks to this, it can be successfully grown at the end of May and even in June. The popularity of this variety is its high yield.

The first spring vegetable, its quick harvest and ease of care makes the radish one of the favorite garden crops. And properly selected varieties and sowing dates of radishes provide your family with vitamin salads for a long time.

Each plant needs a different amount nutrients from the soil. It is necessary to take into account the crop rotation of plantings - the alternation of crops during sowing to obtain higher yields.

With long-term cultivation of plants in one area, specific pathogens, pests, weeds can develop, and the soil can be depleted. It is necessary to properly organize crop rotation so that the effect of alternation is only positive.

The interaction of vegetables in the beds is studied by a special science - allelopathy. Each plant is allocated in environment different substances that positively or negatively affect nearby crops. Experienced gardeners be sure to monitor mixed plantings of plants.

The following points depend on the compatibility of cultures:

  1. saving space on the site;
  2. exclusion of soil depletion;
  3. increase in crop quality;
  4. no additional fertilizing with fertilizers;
  5. improving the taste of cultivated crops;
  6. spending the least effort on the treatment of plants from pests.

crop rotation and mixed landings are regulated by specially deduced schemes of alternation of plants in the plots, as well as by time periods for organizing crops.

After what vegetables can you sow radishes?

To determine the precursor plants after which radishes can be effectively planted, you need to know how compatible the vegetables will be with the ecosystem that is already organized on garden beds as a result of growing another crop. The root crop needs lighting, good humidity (from 60 to 70%), fertile soil structure, nutrients.

It is recommended to plant radishes in the beds after harvested early potatoes when the soil will contain a small concentration of nitrogen, which will not allow the tops to develop too much, while root crops will powerfully grow. But it should be borne in mind that there is less potassium in the soil, and it is necessary for growing beautiful vegetables with a bright color. Replenish this nutrient by planting oats or additional top dressing.

Pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini, greens will be excellent predecessors for radishes. good help– application of organic fertilizers when growing such vegetables. It is permissible to plant root crops after harvesting tomatoes and beans.

Do not plant radishes after growing rutabagas, cabbages, radishes or turnips. due to the common risks of pests and diseases with these crops. It is highly undesirable to plant root crops even after harvesting peas.

Next to what will the plant feel good on the site?

The root crop grows well next to bush beans. Such a neighbor has a good effect on the taste and size of radishes, protects plantings from cabbage flies and worms. Root crops are recommended to be planted 14 days earlier than bush beans.

To get a large-fruited crop, it is necessary to plant watercress and nasturtium on a joint bed. It is useful to place radishes next to cucumbers, parsnips, strawberries, grapes, strawberries, as it has a beneficial effect on these crops. In mixed crops, root crops go well with parsley, carrots.

You can not plant radishes next to beet chard, onions, fennel, rhubarb, hyssop.

What to plant after radishes in the summer next year?

Vitamin root crops are planted from spring throughout the summer season.(depending on the ripeness of the variety), preparing the soil in advance in the fall. In June, sowing is not recommended due to the long daylight hours, as plants can go into the arrow and not produce a crop.

Radishes fully ripen from 20 to 40 days, after collecting vegetables, gardeners begin to prepare the site for other crops. If mixed landings were made, then they simply leave on the site more space for the growth of cultures.

After harvesting, root crops are not planted on the same beds:

  • cabbage vegetables;
  • swede;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • carrot.

Having harvested radishes, in the summer and for the next season, if the crops were not combined with cucumbers, bush beans, squash, you can cultivate on this site:

  1. legumes;
  2. tomatoes;
  3. potato;
  4. onion;
  5. zucchini;
  6. greenery.

You can plant gourds, but only if the area of ​​​​the allotted area allows you to grow large crops. Eggplant grows well after radish.

As for the next summer season, it is necessary to plan plantings, taking into account what was grown in the beds after harvesting the radishes. For example, if potatoes were planted after harvesting early root crops, then it is appropriate to cultivate cucumbers, pumpkin, garlic, zucchini, and beans for the next season. Cruciferous (Cabbage) vegetables are definitely not worth planting for several years.

Is it possible to plant a vegetable in the same area?

Experts do not recommend planting the same vegetables in the same area. Radishes do not deplete the soil, but re-sowing the same types of crops in one place should not be done in order to exclude plant damage by pests and diseases. It is better to take a break of 3 years. A win-win option is planting greens after radishes:

  • bow on a feather;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • some types of salads.

Can replace planting root crops cucurbits, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, peas, eggplants.

Consequences of incompatibility violation

Violating the rules of plant compatibility in the beds, you can encounter a number of problems. These include:

  1. Disadvantages of crop care when the width of the beds will not exceed one meter, in the absence of separation of plantings by ripening time, height, lighting conditions.
  2. Soil depletion with unaccounted for crop rotation, exclusion of green manure planting for soil enrichment in free areas.
  3. Obtaining unripe or low-quality vegetables planting the same or related plants in a row in one area.

When planting root crops in the beds where radish, cabbage, horseradish, radish were harvested, the cruciferous flea begins to eat holes in the tops, the greens wither, vegetables do not gain desired weight stop growing. The leaves in this case must be treated with a solution of tobacco dust, adding 2 cups of the substance to a mixture of 50 g laundry soap and 10 liters of water.

By planting radishes near other Cruciferous crops, you can get infected. powdery mildew, at which plants are deformed, slow down in growth. Plantings are treated with fungicides or Bordeaux liquid.

The abundance of weed grasses on the site can lead to the defeat of the keel when growths form on root crops due to an acidic soil environment. The roots of plants turn brown and rot. Eliminate the disease by watering with milk of lime.

Taking into account the rules of compatibility of crops during sowing, it is possible to avoid problems related to the cultivation of radishes, simplify the care of plantings, maintain qualitative composition soil on garden beds, get big harvest delicious vegetables.

Radishes are early maturing, cold-resistant crops. This is its advantage. Short term ripening (from 16 to 30 days), early sowing, growing at several times - all this makes it possible to alternate radishes with other crops. matured radishafter him planting a different crop. We harvested early potatoes in August - before the onset of autumn cold weather, we will still have time to grow one crop of radishes.

Why plant radishes?

The radish will feel great in the garden after potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin. Ideally, if organic fertilizers were applied when growing these crops. Permissible plant radishes after tomatoes and legumes.

In addition, it is good to plant radishes in a mixed crop with parsley, carrots, and onions.

Planting radishes after rutabagas, turnips, radishes and cabbages is unacceptable. These crops have common enemies with radishes: diseases and pests. Planting peas is also highly undesirable.

What to plant after radishes?

To increase yields, gardeners use pre-sowing and re-sowing crops. So, in one area, you can first grow early potatoes, and then sow radishes after it (re-sowing). In the reference book "Garden. Practical Tips» it is mentioned that after radishes can be planted late cabbage (pre-sowing). On the contrary, Internet sources indicate that it is impossible to grow cabbage after radishes. A contradiction that can only be clarified by experience In addition to cabbage, it is not recommended to plant spinach after radishes.

On the forums, gardeners are often interested in whether it is possible planting cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes after radishes. Here is the information we found on this:

cucumber after radish - neutral (in addition, a mixed sowing of early radish with seedlings of cucumbers is recommended)

tomatoes after radish – neutral (in addition, a mixed sowing of early radish with tomato seedlings is recommended)

onion after radish - good and neutral (in addition, a mixed sowing of radish with onions is recommended)

But to plant carrot after radish not recommended, but acceptable. In addition, a mixed sowing of radishes with carrots is recommended.

On the same site, you can plant any greens to replace the radish.

Radishes are a popular spring vegetable. It is grown in gardens and fields because of its cold resistance, precocity, productivity, excellent taste, and the ability to get early products. It is not difficult to grow root crops, but it is still useful to know the intricacies of planting radishes in the spring in open ground so that you can count on good harvest and avoid shooting plants. Let's consider all the stages in detail.

Radish varieties are divided into early, mid-season and late-ripening. The former are intended for spring sowing and early harvest, the latter for summer and autumn sowing and harvest, respectively, in September-October. Early radish ripens on average in just 3 weeks, mid- and late-ripening - in 1-1.5 months, but its roots are larger and can be stored.

The most famous varieties of radish for growing in their summer cottage:

  1. 18 days - ultra-early variety, elongated cylindrical root crop, pink color, white tail. The pulp is dense white color, mildly acute.
  2. Zhara is an early variety, ripens in 18-20 days. Radishes are round in shape, red-raspberry in color, their flesh is tender, juicy, with a slightly spicy taste.
  3. French breakfast - an early variety, you can harvest on the 21-23rd day. Roots cylindrical shape, crimson red with a white tip. Pulp of slightly sharp taste.
  4. Carmen is an early variety, ripens in 20 days, the root crop is rounded, red in color, slightly spicy in taste.
  5. Cardinal is a mid-early hybrid. Resistant to bloom. Radishes are round and red.
  6. Red giant - the variety belongs to mid-season. The carmine-red root ripens in 1-1.5 months and grows up to 150 g. The flesh is white-pink, with a good taste.
  7. Octave - mid-season radish. The root crop is rounded, white in color, with delicate pulp, dense, no voids are formed in it.
  8. The red giant is a late variety. Root crops are large, weighing up to 300 g, with pink-red skin and white sweet-spicy pulp.

When choosing a variety for planting, many gardeners are interested in whether a radish called 18 days really grows in such a period? In fact, such a result can be achieved only with ideal weather conditions, so basically it is harvested a few days later. However, it is not worth it to deliberately overexpose the root crops in the beds, hoping that they will still grow: in this case, they quickly coarsen, become fibrous and hollow.

When to sow radishes outdoors

The quality of the entire crop directly depends on the timing of planting radishes. This vegetable is cold-resistant and can easily endure a cold snap or even slight frosts, so you can start growing early radishes from the end of March to the beginning of April, as soon as it gets warmer. You can sow the whole of April and until mid-May and use only early varieties.

It is not recommended to sow later, plants in the conditions of a long day will go into the arrow, while the roots will be small, hard, or they will not exist at all. The optimal length of daylight hours for this crop is 8-10 hours, after it reaches 14 hours, you need to take a break in sowing the vegetable.

You should know that radish sprouts after sowing through:

  • 1.5-2 weeks at air temperature up to +10 °C;
  • 1 week at a temperature of +10…+15 °С;
  • 3 days at a temperature of +15…+20 °C.

Ground temperature during planting should be at least 2-3 °C.

When choosing the right time for planting, you can navigate by lunar calendar. In 2018 auspicious days for planting radishes are:

  • March 20-23;
  • 6-9, 19-20, 23-29 April;
  • 7-10, 19-24 May.

To create a vitamin product pipeline, radish seeding can be done all spring every 1-2 weeks. Summer sowing is carried out throughout July, and at the onset of August they are already finishing. In this case, the crop is harvested in September-October. You can sow radishes before winter.

Sometimes a radish is transplanted to another place if it has been heavily sown. Do this when she has 2 true leaves. But, some gardeners argue that nothing good can be expected from transplanted plants, since root system they are damaged.

How to grow radishes outdoors

Important components of growing radishes in the open field are: suitable variety, correctly chosen planting dates and properly sowing, compliance with necessary rules plant care. Only by fulfilling all these conditions of agricultural technology can one count on the fact that it will be possible to get a decent harvest.

Site selection and soil preparation for planting

For growing radishes in open ground, you do not need to allocate a special area, you can plant it on a garden bed, where you can then place some other vegetables. A place for radish should be chosen so that it is lit by the sun in the first half of the day, and in partial shade in the second half. If the selected area is illuminated by the sun throughout the day, then over the ridges you need to install arcs on which to stretch the agrofiber in the afternoon.

Before this crop, cruciferous plants should not grow on the selected beds: cabbage, mustard, watercress. The best predecessors radish - nightshade, legumes, pumpkin, bad - all cruciferous and the vegetable itself. In general, it is better to sow this vegetable every year in a fresh place.

For early spring radishes, it is better to prepare the site in the fall. The earth needs to be dug deep, add a bucket of rotted humus for each m2 and leave until spring. Fresh manure cannot be brought in. Break the clods in the spring, dig the ground again and level it. If fertilizers were not applied in the fall, then this can always be done in the spring. For each m2, add 10-15 g of saltpeter, 15-20 g of potassium sulfide and 20-25 g of superphosphate. Add sand to clay soil to make it lighter.

Seed preparation

You need to purchase seeds of the variety you like in special packages from trusted manufacturers - this is a guarantee that the radish is really varietal. Before sowing it on the beds, seeds should be prepared in order to select the best ones and enhance their germination. For example, in order to select only viable strong seeds, you need to prepare a saline solution in a cup (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water), pour seeds into it and wait until some of them float. Remove them, drain the water, disinfect the remaining wet seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. Then rinse them in water and dry until dry. Optionally, you can soak radish seeds in growth stimulants such as Zircon or Epin.

With early spring sowing of seeds, which is carried out at the end of March, hardening can be carried out, which will increase their resistance to possible temperature changes. Hardening is carried out as follows: wrap the seeds in damp cloth, leave for 1 day warm, then put in the refrigerator for about 4 hours, then keep warm again. Alternate exposure to different temperatures until the seeds germinate.

How to plant a radish in open ground

The soil on which radishes grow best should be loose and moist. Grooves for seeds need to be made superficial, it is not necessary to bury them deep into the ground. The best planting depth is 1 cm. The grooves are shed with water, then the radishes are laid out one by one at a distance of 5 cm and sprinkled with earth. Row spacing is 10 cm or more.

In order not to thin out seeds accidentally sown too thick, you can sow them under the marker. It is made from a wooden plank with cloves spaced 5 cm apart. To use this marker, you need well-leveled soil in the garden so that the ruler lies flat and the teeth leave prints on it. Such a marker can also be used to form dense plantings when no row spacing is left. Then from m2 of beds it will be possible to harvest up to 5 kg of crop. Another option for precision seeding is to plant radishes in egg trays that are pre-cut at the bottom. Such trays need to be laid out on the ridges next to each other, covered with earth and sown in each cell 1 seed.

You can also plant radish seeds in open ground in spring with a manual seeder - in this case, sowing will be the most accurate. If, nevertheless, the culture is sown densely, then it is thinned out approximately on the 5th day after germination. The weakest plants are pulled out and the strongest ones are left.

For winter planting of radishes in open ground, a site is chosen on level ground or with a slight slope to the south or southeast. It should not be flooded with melt water and be located in a place blown by the winds. Radish before winter is sown in the second half of October, with the onset of frost. Close up according to the same planting scheme, cover with earth, and cover the beds with peat or compost from above, mulch with a leaf, straw, hay. A layer of mulch should be sufficient so that the seeds do not disappear in winter, if suddenly it is not snowy enough. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the mulch is removed. Winter sowing makes it possible to get an ultra-early harvest earlier than any radish sown in the spring can keep up.


Everyone can grow early radishes in their beds, but you need to follow some rules. After sowing the seeds, the earth is watered every day until shoots appear. Soil moisture should be within 80%, so watering is necessary not only for seedlings, but also for adult plants that form a root crop: if there is little moisture, the radish will be bitter, and at high temperatures it can go into the arrow.

There should be no stagnant moisture either: in wet ground, radishes can get sick with a black leg or keel. It is also necessary to ensure that the irrigation is uniform, otherwise, with a sharp change in soil moisture, the roots will crack. Watering is best in the mornings and evenings. It is also necessary to loosen and weed the beds in a timely manner. You need to act carefully so as not to hurt the plants and not cut them. You can also sprinkle the ground around the radishes with sawdust, hay, grass, so as not to loosen and weed.

You can feed radishes with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Manure can only be used rotted, fresh radish does not like - plants shoot from it. After the next fertilization, vegetables need to be mulched with peat to make the soil more airy. At proper cultivation radish is neat, juicy, crispy, without coarse fibers and voids.

Harvest and storage

Harvest radishes as they ripen. Root crops are pulled out selectively, taking the tops and simply pulling on it. First, those vegetables that have reached the size characteristic of the variety are harvested. The rest remain to ripen and enlarge. The smallest radishes, if they do not grow, will have to be pulled out as they are - they will not become larger. A few of the largest and most beautiful specimens can be left to seed if the radish is varietal.

Harvested vegetables can be consumed immediately, or stored in the refrigerator (for early varieties, where they can lie for 1-2 weeks) and in the cellar (for late varieties, they will lie in it for up to 2 months).

Diseases and pests: the fight against them

Radishes can be attacked by pests and become infected with diseases. If you do not fight them, there will be no harvest. Therefore, at the first signs of morbidity or damage, measures must be taken. For example, if the radish is sick:

  1. Kiloy - pull out plants and burn them. Add lime to the ground and do not plant a crop in this place for 4 years.
  2. Powdery mildew - treat plants with copper-containing fungicides + crop rotation.
  3. Bacteriosis - spray plantings with Bordeaux mixture.

Processing from pests of the cruciferous flea and whitefish can be carried out with insecticides, but first it is better to try using infusions of wormwood, tobacco, celandine or wormwood. On the early ripe varieties it is best to do with folk remedies.

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Planting radishes in open ground and growing them is a simple process, any gardener can master it. And in order for them to be successful, it is necessary to adhere to the sequence and rules for growing a crop: only in this case it will be possible to hope for a return on its part.

Every gardener wants to harvest as much as possible and dreams that healthy, beautiful and tasty fruits will grow on the beds. However, this is not always possible to implement, especially in the case of small area site. Therefore, for the most efficient use usable area garden, some summer residents grow two crops at once in the garden during the season. This way they get more harvest.

This method is available not only for the southern, but also for northern regions. It is only important to follow the rules of planting and know which crops are allowed to be planted one after another.

Rules for alternating crops in the beds

It is important for summer residents, especially beginners, to know the rules for alternating landings.

  1. The culture can be planted in the garden where it grew before, but not earlier than after three to four years. There are also some exceptions to this rule: for example, potatoes, strawberries, beans and tomatoes can be planted in the same place for several years in a row.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of fruit change. This means that the plant planted in the garden prepares the soil for subsequent crops. If a culture with a shallow root system was first planted at a certain place, then after it it is desirable to plant those plants that have a deep root system.
  3. Experts do not advise planting crops that require early landing, after plants that were harvested late. So, for example, parsley, cabbage and carrots should be in the ground before the onset of stable frosts. Over the winter, the soil may not have time to restore its potential.
  4. It is necessary to prevent the depletion of the soil by planted crops. Before planting, it is worth clarifying what nutrients the plant needs. In other words, it is worth alternating roots and tops. For example, after tomatoes or cabbage, you can plant carrots or potatoes in the soil.
  5. It is recommended to alternate plants in the garden depending on their ability to resist weeds.
  6. If the crop previously in the garden was affected by pests or various diseases, then after it it is worth planting those plants that are resistant to these adverse effects. For example, related plants are susceptible to the same diseases.
  7. It would be advisable to divide the plot into 2 halves with growing vegetables on one part that need manure fertilizer, and on the other half - plants that do not need manure. With the help of this division, it becomes possible to plant different plants on the site every year.
  8. It is recommended to include legumes in the crop rotation, as these crops enrich the soil with nitrogen.

What to plant before and after radish, as well as with it

Radishes can be planted in the garden after zucchini, cucumbers, squash. This vegetable goes well with the following plantings:

  • legumes;
  • grape;
  • strawberry;
  • White cabbage;
  • potato;

If you plant lettuce and radish together, then the first crop will scare away the earthen flea from the second. You can plant radishes between beans (bush). In this case, the first crop will delight gardeners with a tasty and large harvest. A similar effect can be achieved by planting radishes with nasturtium and watercress.

There are times when you have to uproot raspberries, currants or frozen apple trees in July-August. In this case, the freed space can also be occupied by radishes.

After an early radish planted in the garden in early spring, you can plant cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes and lettuce in the same place.

Exists interesting way landing. Since radishes are a crop that goes well with cucumbers, one practical way can be done. It is necessary to allocate for landing free space. Plant cucumbers in the middle, and radishes on the sides. It is worth planting in May - early June. At the end of the first summer month, the radish crop will have already been harvested, and the vacated space will be occupied by growing lashes of cucumber.

Terms and rules for planting radishes, protection from pests

In order to plan the alternation of radishes and other crops, it is important to know the timing of planting.

Radish seeds are able to germinate at an air temperature of -1 degrees Celsius. The optimal temperature regime for growing this vegetable is from +15 to +18 degrees. When exposed elevated temperatures and in the absence of the necessary lighting, the radish root crop will coarsen, and its tops, on the contrary, will increase the intensity of the growth of green mass.

In order to ensure the possibility of growing crops in the garden after radishes, it is recommended to sow its seeds in early spring. This is best done as soon as the beds in the garden have thawed to a depth of 4 cm.

If after the radish it is not planned to place other crops on the same bed, then seed spreading can be repeated every 2 weeks. In summer, in June, radishes are able to sprout after 3 weeks from the time of sowing. In June and July, cruciferous flea can harm radish crops. The constant maintenance of the soil in a wet state can contribute to a decrease in the number of these pests.

When planting, radish seeds should be planted in the ground 2 cm deep.

To alternate radishes with other crops, you need to know the diseases and pests to which it is susceptible:

  • scoops;
  • flea;
  • keel;
  • garden earwig;
  • field bug.

In the fight against radish pests can help folk remedies. It is important to avoid planting after radish plants that are also susceptible to these pests and diseases.

soil rotation

If it is intended to alternate garden plot planting, then proper soil rotation should be carried out. So, the soil on which solanaceous crops grew should be provided for berry bushes or fruit trees. The soil on which onions, radishes, pumpkin, cabbage were planted should be applied under nightshade. Overripe compost should be added under radishes, cabbage, onions and pumpkins.

Soil rotation must also be organized in greenhouses. The soil on which the tomatoes grew should be removed with a layer thickness of 15 cm and placed under the flowers. Tomatoes can be planted in place of cucumbers, having previously treated the bed with compost.

It is recommended to carry out the general movement of soil on the site at least once every 3-4 years. This is an important component of the future quality crop, with which you can achieve greater germination.


Gardeners who want to get a big harvest swap beds and know which crops can be grown in one season on the same bed. With the alternation of crops, not only does the yield increase, but the plants also receive better protection from various pests and diseases.

A culture that favors certain minerals, will feel uncomfortable if its predecessor also needed these same components. For example, the smell and taste of radishes depend on the presence of glucosinolates. These are compounds that contain sulfur in their composition. Therefore, in the garden where radishes grow, a decrease in sulfur is constantly observed. Therefore, it is necessary to apply fertilizers that contain this element to the soil. In addition, almost any crop releases substances into the soil that can inhibit the growth of the same crop, which can lead to a decrease in yield.

It is also important to minimize the possibility of infection of plants with pathogenic bacteria and larvae, which their predecessor left in the soil. So is the case with radishes. If before or after turnips are planted on the same bed, then both plants are in danger of getting sick with clubroot. Knowing the simple rules for crop rotation, you can get a great harvest.

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