How to install and connect the outlet? Connection schemes. Detailed instructions How to connect a socket How to connect to a rosette another outlet

Encyclopedia plants 30.08.2019
Encyclopedia plants

When after major repairs or construction, housing is put into operation, it provides a certain number of outlets. Their number is determined by the rules and rules of special documents.

But sometimes it is necessary to add additional connection points for electrical appliances. If they are not very powerful, you can stretch the wire from the existing new outlet.

Even a beginner electrician can cope with this task. How to spend a power outlet, tell advice experienced masters. Additional connection points to the network will give comfort by everyday life.

Types of sockets

Studying the technology of how to spend a power outlet, you need to consider all of them existing species. In our country, there are three main types.

The first one is marked as C1A. This is the contour. It works at a voltage of 10 A (permanent current) or 16 A (alternating current). It can be connected to her low-power consumers (lamps, small appliances etc.).

Next type is marked as C2A. This is the outlet of the every format. It provides grounding (on sides).

It can be connected to such a network point heaters, furnaces, powerful household appliances.

S3A socket also provides for the connection of the circuit, but it differs from the previous species with the configuration. In the center of the socket there is a steel rod, and in the fork - a deepening for it. This device is also suitable for powerful devices.

Wire selection

Wiring in the apartment is placed very scrupulous. If you do not fulfill the requirements of standards, contacts may overheat. At the same time there are breakdowns of electrical appliances. Perhaps even fire.

To this not happen, it is necessary to pay special attention Wire set. If the socket does not have grounding, it will consist of 2 lived (phase and zero). This is the easiest connection option.

But to enhance the safety of the operation of the Wires, it will allow to avoid shock. The wire in this case consists of 3 lived.

In addition, the criterion needs to pay attention to the diameter of the cable cross section. The larger the load will be fed to the wire, the thicker the conductor will need. There are copper and aluminum veins. Requirements fire safety They talk about the feasibility of use for internal wiring in the residential room of the first variety of material. Copper maintains a larger load than aluminum, and does not overheat.

Consecutive and parallel connection

This allows you to add an additional connection point to the network. safe way. For example, an electric socket with grounding should be installed with an inseparable wire of re. It is allowed only in some cases when the real estate object has already been commissioned to the hosts.

In addition to parallel inclusion, it is allowed to carry out sockets from another socket. In this case, it is necessary to carefully trace the implementation of all electrical safety requirements. This method is used when it is inappropriate.

Serial connection rules

Sequential connection of sockets must be performed only in the most extreme cases. But the classic situation of the presented type is not uncommon. The question of how to spend the power outlet from the outlet to arrange the lighting is solved precisely a sequential connection.

If the loggias will not be included in the network powerful devices (heaters, household appliances, etc.), it is easier to carry out a cable from the nearest outlet. All work will require the minimum of strength, time and cost of materials.

A consistent connection of the outlet from the outlet will be quite safe if there are no powerful techniques in both of these network points. As a rule, such elements of the electrical circuit are calculated on 10a or 16a. This factor must be taken into account, including various devices in them. In essence, this is a single node of their power, which is designed for the specified power.

Preparation for connection

Studying the process, how to spend another outlet, you need to start with preparatory stage. First, the source connection point is de-energized. Next, it must be disassembled. Tools for this work must have a certain defense, at least the rubberized handles.

Removed front outlet panel. Most often, the block with terminals should be removed from mounting box. For this, screws are weakened in the appropriate places. It remains in its former place in the wall.

If the plane-pickle is constructively combined with the mechanism, only the housing is dismantled with it. Also pre-prepared the corresponding wires and a new outlet.

Cable connection

Considering how to connect sockets, you should pay attention to connecting the wires. When buying a cable, you can see that its veins are sealed into a single shell. It needs to get rid of it.

The plastic is cut with a knife and remove it from the conductor. The custody can not be cut, so they do carefully. From insulation, the wire is released approximately 1 cm. It is these bare areas that will be connected to terminals. In the submersing agent, these pure cores in no way come into contact.

Golden tips fold into the rings. They are put on the appropriate terminals. It is necessary to withstand the separation on zero, grounding and phase. Next you need to tighten the terminals. This is done tight, but not very much.

The connection is checked for the fortress. Wirings need to pull a little. This outlet can be collected. Next, you need to proceed to creating a new power point.

Arrangement of a new socket

The wire is summarized to the place where the additional power point will be mounted. Wiring in the apartment can be performed in a hidden and superficial way. For the new outlet, the second option is quite suitable.

In the appropriate place, you must first install the opposite. In this case, it is better to choose an overhead equipment. Then it does not have to drill a hole in the wall. If the base is wooden, the peavern is mounted immediately with the help of screws.

For concrete Wall You will have to first outline the fasteners, and then drill holes for them. Then the peavering is set to its place. The wire is also released from insulation and connects to the corresponding terminals. Installed the front panel of the socket.

Check and operation

After examining how to spend a power outlet, you must say a few words about its operation. After the whole work described above is done, it is necessary to include an electrical network. Next, the old and new outlet are checked for functioning.

If the smell of Gary appeared, sparks, it means everything is done correctly. Connected through them the power consumer must work in its usual mode.

The sockets of this group should be perceived as a single feeding point with a total load not exceeding 10-16a (depending on the characteristics of the device). With their help, for example, you can charge the phone, the camera, light the room with a small lamp.

In no case here does not include heaters, iron, boiler or other similar technique. Performing these requirements, you can expect a long and productive life of the system.

Knowing how to spend the outlet from the outlet, the starting electrician will be able to perform this work quickly and correctly. Observing the safety regulations and the requirements for the arrangement of the power grid, it will be possible to create a reliable system. It will function for a long time. Also, fulfilling the recommendations of professional electricians, it will be possible to create a reliable and secure power supply system.

Socket, switch and lamp Main components of any wiring in the apartment, private house, garage or other office space. Therefore, each weary homeowner is obliged to know how to connect the scheme of all devices during conducting repair work Or the construction of a new building with your own hands, including those combined, which are combined in one building.

Not long ago Connecting wires from the switch to the electrical circuit alternating current It was held at random. Therefore, in houses of old buildings most of such electrical circuit still remain connected with violation All security rules. Naturally, this did not affect the work of the switch itself, but the safety of the operation of such a device remains a big doubt.

Recently, to save wires and places on the wall manufacturers electrical devices Began to combine and combine several devices in one case. Wherein most often combine the socket and keychain So, due to such a connection scheme achieved maximum efficiency and ease of use of such electrical appliances.

Connecting a combined outlet and switch: Main options

To date, you can consider several options to connect a combined outlet and switch. At the same time, quite recently in the apartment it was difficult to find several different electrical appliances in one case.

Therefore, the connection circuit of the socket and the switch was performed by connecting the wires in the distribution box without aligning these devices. Now this option is applicable, if for any reason it is not possible to install such consumers one near the other. Although the separate connection of the socket and switch has its own positive sides.

  1. Thanks to the availability of such devices you can purchase the cheapest outlet and switch And connect them by aligning in the same scheme.
  2. Easy to connect such electrical appliances allows you to perform all the work with your own hands.
  3. Thanks to the separate connection of the socket and switch, the safety of the use of such devices increases, since the wiring to them is paved separately, which reduces the chance of the appearance of a short circuit.

But lately, special blocks have become increasingly used in the apartments, in which manufacturers combined the electrical outlet and switch. At the same time, the scheme for connecting such a device has been much simplified. First of all, this is due to the fact that disparaged the need to lay two separate wires To each consumer. In addition, there are other advantages of such a block:

  • if necessary you can easily transfer the block to another place., it does not need to lay two separate wiring;
  • there is no need separately to measure the height of the installation of the outlet and switch, since both devices are combined in one case;
  • due to the high quality of such devices, they are used both inside and outside the room;
  • the combined block is conveniently installed on any surfaces of both stone or wooden and concrete or plasterboard.

The only weighty disadvantage of such a combined block is the impossibility of replacing one elementFounded - sockets or switches. In most cases, you need full replacement Devices. At the same time, modern blocks are produced with classmate, two-vector or three-klavic switches, combined in one case with a socket.

Connect the socket switched through the switch

Most. simple option How to connect a socket combined in one case with a classroom switch, is the connection of all wiring of the power grid and devices according to the circuit in the distribution box. In this case, there is a clear sequence of such work.

This system combined in one case functions simply simply. When the switch is enabled on the socket through the switch, the phase is supplied. Such a scheme is effective, for example, if you need to connect the lighting in the extension used roomand turn it off with a single-wave switch.

Installing a combined block with a classroom switch

Modern blocks combining the outlet and single block In one case, with this, each device will be used separately. To install such a socket with a switch of a light bulb, there are a number of uncomplicated manipulations.

  1. From the central shield to the junction box, the phase and zero are packed.
  2. Also in the junction box should include: pair of wires from the bulb and three from the block, in which two separate instruments are combined.
  3. The phase veil from the shield is connected to the wire that goes on the socket, which, in turn, is combined with a jumper with a terminal on the switch.
  4. The zero wires of the bulbs and sockets are connected to zero of the central power grid.
  5. The remaining two phase wires from the light and switch source cartridge are twisted and insulated.
  6. If the block provides grounding, then need to worry about its connection With the help of an additional wire.

Thanks to this scheme, the socket combined in one case with the switch will operate independently of the switch, which, in turn, will perform its basic functions for turning on and off the light bulb.

Connection diagram Block socket switch with two keys

Mostly blocks combining the socket and switch with two keys installed on the partition between the doors In the bathroom and toilet. Using only one block, it is possible to control the light in two rooms and connect any electricity consumers in the AC outlet.

As can be seen, the diagram of connecting a single-wave and two-lying switch, combined in one case with a socket, differs only by the number of wires. In the first case, four wires are used, including grounding, and the second option provides for the presence of five conductors.

What if in the house or apartment lacks outlets for connecting electrical appliances? How to power the power consuming household appliances in the kitchen, observing the safety rules? The easiest way is in parallel to the one that is already available. Work takes a minimum of time, and you can perform it yourself.

Significance of Montaja

It often happens that the house is repaired in the house (apartment), and it would seem, everything is provided. But when connected household appliances In the kitchen, it turns out that it disastrously lacks food dots or grounding devices for powerful devices.

Invite the masters and destroy with such work overhaul No desire (or opportunities). And constantly remove the plug of one device in the kitchen to connect another, just inconvenient. In this case optimal option solutions to the problem - to make up from already existing device Or install a triple outlet. Causes for installation:

  • fast and easy installation;
  • minimum "destruction";
  • additional point in the kitchen;
  • connecting powerful technique;
  • small financial investments.

To work, you will need a cable (two- or three-core), the socket itself, a set of tools and elementary installation of electrical wiring and power points. To carry out an additional outlet, two forks or triple, it is necessary to choose the appropriate place in the kitchen or in another room for its installation and purchase a rosette via a doll to the household appliance.

Execution options

Electric seals used in everyday life are called power. They differ from communication intended for connecting the Internet, telephone, radio, contact nests. Power, in turn, are divided into internal and external.

In residential premises and in the kitchen predominantly use internal ("recessed" into the wall) tools for hidden wiringIn garages and dachas use external devices for open wiring. If there is no desire to break concrete or brick wall, it is better to take an overhead for connecting. Then for the installation you only need to drill two holes for fastenings, drive off wooden choppers and connect one cable.

In addition, the outlets are divided by the presence or absence of grounding and the type of plug connection. Recommended GOST and the most popular types:

From what socket is to have, the selection of the cable depends. For unemployed devices fits two-tier electric wire - Phase and zero. To connect a grounded device, a three-cable wire is required - phase, zero, one - ground. The cable cross section depends on the load on the designated area of \u200b\u200bthe chain.

It is absolutely impractical to acquire wires capable of accepting and transmitting less than 16 amps so that you should not be repeated in the event of a connection parallel to the new device. For open wiring, you can use overhead outlet, laying the wire into the cable channels. If the type of wiring is hidden, the walls will have to stroke.

Select connection option

So that the socket through the outlet worked, slightly fasten the extra fixture on the wall - it needs to be powered. For this, only two possible ways are provided:

  1. Standard scheme with independent power lines. Electrical installations call her "Star". If a cable cross section allows an additional outlet from the junction box using one power beam of the circuit.
  2. Loop parallel connection. An easier option is to use the nearest device in such a way that the wiring tools are located in one row - the loop, each other, in parallel. In this way K. automatic switch By 16 amps when crossing the cable in 3x2.5 square meters. mm You can spend up to eight outlets.

Wire connection method with loop

Fixtures without protective curtains are not recommended to hang low in order to save children. There are no strict rules in the installation height, but it is important to bypass half a meter. gas equipment, heating devices and retreat laid 10 cm from window opening.

Step-by-step connection management

All work must be performed when the circuit is disconnected from the power supply. Since it is easier to easily mount the outlet through a rosette in the kitchen when open type Wiring, instruction is given for common overheads with a grounding and a plug-in connection circuit (parallel), as simpler. Steps:

In this method, you can connect several electrical devices, after pre-making the calculation of the power consumption, the load on the network and the required cable cross section.

Nuances of performance

When conducting electrical work It is independently important to adhere to the safety and compliance with the rules and instructions for powering electrical appliances. The most important condition is to work when the power circuit is turned off. Additional recommendations:

  1. Perform using protective cable channels. They protect the wires from dust, moisture ingress and mechanical damage.
  2. If an additional ground point, one wire will move down from the device parallel to the cable connecting the old rosette with the ground, regardless of the type of wiring.
  3. Before mounting a stationary device, you need a calculation, will the receipt withstand an additional load in one or two outlets. If there is no complete confidence in this, it is advisable to purchase an additional extension cord with a block and overload protection.
  4. Choosing a socket, you need to pay attention to the plug and the plug connection of the device, which will be subtracted at the new point. Nests and pins are located at certain angles, and you can turn on the plug in one position.
  5. The rosette with grounding is designed to eliminate electric shock. First of all, the ground pin pin with a grounding socket is made, and the power supply wires are turned on.

Mounting through the outlet will independently be able to each. When working, it is important to comply with safety and not install devices more than the wiring can withstand.

Before connecting the outlet, you need to decide on:

  • installation site;
  • the number of connections and power consumed;
  • submarine cable;
  • method of connection.

Connection and installation of sockets in the apartment

It is also necessary to decide on the installation of stationary household appliances: refrigerators, TV, washing machine, computer.


It is assumed to install sockets from 2 to 5 pcs. Connected with a loop. It is correctly selected by their distance from the floor, which must be at least 25 cm, which will prevent moisture from entering when the floor is washing. The plume connection is not necessary to do, despite the fact that it will take more wires from the box. In the room for children, electrical outlets are located at an altitude of 150-170 cm.

In order to reduce the overload of individual sections of the home network, it is advisable to install additional outlets. They will be very useful in the future, when new electrical appliances appear. For proper post There should be no tees and extension in the room.

Time instrument connection should be provided: Iron, laptop, vacuum cleaner, charger for phones or tablets. Indoors C. high humidity It is possible to install a socket only with moisture protection no less IP 44. If the bathroom is placed washer And the boiler, they are connected to their rosets to protect against electric shock.

Device sockets

With regard to sockets, it will be properly withstanding one standard to avoid problems with connections. In Russia, devices such as C5 were previously used, and now the EUROOR C6 is dominated. It is intended for current to 16 A. The mechanism consists of two brass contacts fixed on a plastic or ceramic base with iron plates that are terminals for connecting wires. Yet better device From contact and terminal representing one common element. Then the screws will be attached to them only wires.

Device socket

The socket can have flat contacts to connect the ground wire.

Connect the plug to the socket tightly, if you provide reliable contact with its pins included in the reception nests. Then the heat will not be highlighted at the site of the connector. The best designs Allow 5 thousand cycles, which is equivalent to 6 years of operation of the socket.

Connect the wires and slots to the terminals using screws with protective washers.

Grounding electrodes are performed in the form of two plates connected to the third terminal associated with the dischargeable wire. They come into contact with the electrodes of the plug before its pins, which is shown in Fig. B above.

Methods of fastening

The type of sockets give great attention. It can be inner or outdoor.

Outlet inner (a) and outdoor (b)

The internal model is installed in the opposite, built into the wall, and the hidden wiring is supplied to it. The outer socket is mounted on the surface when the wiring is open. The last option is often used when laying the cable in the box. On a concrete or brick wall, the sockets are fixed through the base with the help of dowel-nails or screws. Under them is put a plate of non-combustible material (paronite, plaster). It is especially important to do for wooden walls. Podrottor for installation is not required.

Separate group go exterior sockets With an open installation. They are used by garden plot, on the street, in the garage and all places where atmospheric influences can be. High resistance of outlets allows them to be used in rooms with high humidity and in country houses. Fastening is made on the wall using the substrate.

The outer socket from above is closed with a lid and has high level Protection - IP 55. Models of this type are resistant under the influence of rain, snow, wind and sun ray. These are often connected to power tools and techniques when working near the house.

The internal installation is made in the opposite. Under its size in the wall, the crown is made to which the groove is stroked to hide the wires. If hollow partitions are used, they exist special installation boxes for drywall.

Old metallic peavercraft has a large diameter. Therefore, it will have to be changed to a new one, otherwise the socket of smaller size will be bad. The box is neatly removed from the excavation and customize its size under the new one, which is installed on gypsum Solution On the wall plane. It is better to make peaver a little recessed inside.

Before installing the socket, first of all, the automatic supply of electricity supply to the room where work is performed. Then you should make sure that the indicator screwdriver is that the chain is really de-energized. Precipients are pre-installed, and free access is provided for installation. Wires are trimmed by 10 cm. This size is quite enough for a convenient connection.

The socket is disassembled by disconnecting the outer and inner parts. Ends of the cable or wire vehicles are released from insulation by 10-12 mm of length and are cleaned. They differ in color as follows:

  • blue - zero;
  • white - phase;
  • yellow-green - Earth.

These colors are common, but others may be.

Zero or phase must be properly connected in order not to enter the grounding. It is located in the middle and does not have electrical connections with plug pins.

Connect socket with grounding

Some outlets do not contain grounding contact.

Phase contacts are properly connected everywhere on one side. Usually do this left The user when he is opposite the outlet. Through the peavern, the phase wire is carried out separately from zero and grounding, and the block is connected on the other side.

Deciding with the correctness of the connections, the wires are inserted into the sockets and tighten with screws. Some contacts are self-apparatus and no additional fastening is required. For this, there are built-in springs, pressing wires to the toxade terminals. Their bare parts should not perform by more than 2-3 mm.

Neaxorate installation often leads to a weakening of contacts and in the future in these places may be disturbed electrical chains, or conductors will overheat.

On the terminal you can connect 2 wires, but only in the modular connection scheme. In parallel to the outlet, another device, such as a lamp, and the loop cannot be connected. For big number Rosettes and switches in the room from the junction box stretch the wiring to modules inside which the terminal cables are built. Between themselves, the wires can be connected only to temporarily.

The socket is installed in the box using the clips. The wires with a small margin are neatly placed in the opposite. They must be positioned so that the socket is free to enter the place of installation. Methods of its fastening are different. The easiest installation is made by screwing the screws into the opposition. Playing paws are worse. They must be pressed with a screwdriver when screwing screws. On some structures there are holes for additional fixation located around the perimeter of the metal frame.

The socket is exhibited horizontally, after which the spacer screws are completely tightened. The lid is applied to the inside and tightened with a screw. It is tightly set to the wall.

Installation of a block of sockets

Outlets can be collected together to simultaneously connect to them multiple instruments or use the design representing one common unit.

Before installing a group of sockets, select the location correctly. In the kitchen it has over the tabletop so that the electrical appliances can be connected. In the living room, the device is mounted for a TV, hiding all the cords behind the screen. An even triple outlet can be connected in the bathroom, but at the same time it is located at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the water, and the body is selected with the protection against moisture.

Retractable blocks embedded in the worktop are becoming popular. They look aesthetic and save space.

Retractable socket four for computer table

Between themselves, the sockets are connected parallel to the loop and with one power line. The disadvantage is the high probability of a contact violation in the chain, after which the connected sockets will be further without voltage. The plume connection can be made through one continuous wire, if you carefully clean it in contact places. You cannot connect the ground with the ground, otherwise the currents will gather at all subsequent sockets.

Connecting neutral and phase loop and ground wire through the junction box

In the picture blue and brown Accordingly, the wires of zero and phases are depicted, and green is the earth conductor.

Zero and phase are connected by a loop, and the land is supplied to each rosette separately from the junction box (red circle).

Before serving the voltage to the home network, check the correctness of all connections.

Sockets with add. Functions

Devices with a timer are more comfortable to use and improve work safety. They make it possible to switch over time. You can turn off the pump through a certain time, Turn on the TV before the start of your favorite program, de-energize the electric stove. Connecting to the network is performed in the same way as the usual outlets.

The presence of the built-in UzO makes the work safe in the premises with high humiditywhere there is a danger to get a blow to the current. The presence of the sensor inside provides timely shutdown of the device when the current leakage, and also protects against short circuit.

Universal models allow connecting electrical appliances with any types of forks. For this they have several connectors.

Connection. Video

How to connect a double outlet, you can learn from this video.

All socket connection operations should be made with gradual execution. Everything needs to be done neat and without a rush, if you have all required tools and materials. If there is a lot of work, it is advisable after each connection to feed the voltage and check how the outlet works.

Even electric-novice will be able to install the socket and the connection. The event does not represent special difficultiesAnd besides, save from 500 to 700 rubles (the average price for the work of the wizard). To date, it is customary to use the fastening of sockets outdoor and hidden way. Next, we will look at how to install and connect both options.

Outdoor method used with (on top decorative finish walls). In this case, the housing is fixed to the wall with a dowel.

Installing the inner socket is used if the line is paved in special shifts (for example, during the installation of wiring in the apartment). In this case, you first need, after which go to connect the socket itself.

Now we will consider in detail each of the ways.

We draw your attention to the fact that the entry with a grounding circuit is currently used, so this article will consider the connection technology with a grounding socket!

Installation options

Inside the wall

Installing the socket inside the wall is carried out more often, because In this case, the plugged body is not striking and does not spoil the interior of the whole room.

Before starting work, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • plastic converter - 1 pc.;
  • internal socket - 1 pc.;
  • alabaster;
  • screwdrivers (figured, straight and indicator);
  • sharp knife;
  • pliers.

We draw your attention to the fact that the laying of the wires in this article is not considered. Connection electrical outlet It is carried out in ready-made strokers with suburban veins! You can learn more about the wire laying in the article :!

So that information is perceived easier, we provide to your attention step-by-step instructions By installing a socket in a concrete wall:

Step 1 - Disable electricity

It is very important to turn off the electricity in the room before starting electrical installation. To do this, it is necessary to turn off the appropriate automatic in the camshaft in the distribution panel, after which it is necessary to check the availability of the current at the installation site using an indicator screwdriver. We were told in a separate article.

Step 2 - Installation of Outcome

To date, there are metal and plastic submersors. It is necessary to give preference to the latter. They have low cost and sizes corresponding to new standards. If you decide to install a rosette into a metal peauretler, fix the core with cutting paws is unlikely to succeed, as a result of which the housing will hang out and eventually fails.

To install plastic pickle in carrier wall It is recommended to use alabaster. The stroke must be slightly moiste with water, then impose 2-3 mm solution and quickly consolidate the product.

You can also make a mount using self-tapping screws, but in this case the reliability of the installation will not be so high. After that, wire conductors are inserted into special holes, as shown in the photo.

Step 3 - Case Fastening

Now you need to install the housing itself - the place where contacts will be connected. For starters, all 3 veins (land, zero and phase) must be cleared with a knife from isolation. Stripping length should be at least 7 mm (better than 10 mm). In order not to damage the current veins, we recommend reading that. Further all contacts must be fixed in the case. The design of the mechanism includes 5 screws: 2 side for retaining paws, 1 for grounding (centered) and 2 for phase / zero (right and left from the center). All you need is to loosen 3 central screws, insert bare cores and thoroughly tighten them with a screwdriver.

An important rule setting rule - a phase must be connected to the left hole (if you look at the housing recorded in the wall), and zero to the right. Such a custom is used by electricians for a long time and allows you to quickly find each of the conductors, if not.

After that, it is necessary to fix the housing in the opposite. To do this, it should be further set it in the wall (so that after the installation is the socket, the socket has not been penetrated) and with the help of side screws spread the legs so that they are securely crashed into the walls.

It should also be given helpful advice. When, preferring products that have paws with two teeth - they are firmly fixed in the wall! Instead of paws, an overhead case can be used (provided in the photo below). In this case, the fastening is carried out by self-drawing on both sides of the rim.

Step 4 - Installation Installation

Now that all coins are securely tightened, you need to hide the case behind the decorative edging. It is also fixed with the central screw. There is nothing complicated, just pull up the screws until it stops.

That's all the installation technology and connecting the inner socket with your own hands. Be sure to make sure that all the veins are securely tightened. If the connection points will be weakened, after a while the housing will start melting due to heating, which will soon lead to the self-burning of the wiring and!

Open method

The outer version of the electrical outlet is used with and garage.

The advantage of this design is as follows:

  • more simple replacement, repair and installation;
  • you can quickly identify problems for appearance Products.


  • increased cost of the product;
  • open wiring can worsen the interior of the room.

So, consider how to install yourself outdoor socketand also connect it to the 220 volt network. As in the previous case, you first need to de-energize the room and make sure that there is no electricity using an indicator screwdriver. Next, it is necessary to disassemble the case, which consists of a rear cover from the core and front cover.

First affect the back cover to the wall. To do this, we lean it, put it up in the level (so that there is no distortion) and mark the place of fastening holes with a simple pencil. After that, the marked places are driving a drill and drive a dowel in them. Now you can fix the lid with self-draws and proceed to connect the wires.

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