Methods and means of troubleshooting electrical wiring routes. Troubleshooting in electrical wiring

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

Repairing electrical wiring in an apartment is complex and dangerous process. Nevertheless, there are numerous situations in which network repair should be urgent, and its implementation must be carried out by oneself. If you carefully read the instructions and act in accordance with its points, the repair will be available to everyone.

Common Causes

Repair of electrical wiring is forced and planned. By different reasons even operating system may fall into disrepair. Most of the time it just needs to be replaced. There is a list of the most common factors when wiring deteriorates and needs to be fixed.

Each network is designed for a certain number of operating devices. The old buildings did not provide for the use of washing machines and computers. When the network is overloaded, the aluminum components overheat and then melt and become unusable. Contacts in switches and sockets are weakened, as a result of which they spark.

Often, during construction, wiring is installed in which parts are made of different metal components: steel, aluminum and copper. Each of these components has a different electrical resistance. If the energy is not properly distributed, the material melts or oxidizes.

The most common cause of wiring damage is connecting several powerful devices to one outlet. It is not uncommon for the system to be damaged due to nails carelessly hammered into the wall for paintings, clocks and third-party objects. Metal parts simply destroy the wires, rendering them unusable.

Each component of the wiring has its own service life, which varies from the quality of production and insulation. So, switches should be replaced after 5-8 years of operation, the service life of automatic machines is 10-12 years, wiring - 15-20 years. The entire network needs to be repaired as a whole, and partial repair is unacceptable.

Varieties of schemes

Each component of the electrical network has its own classification, which is considered according to the following parameters: location, method and place of laying, protection option. By placement, the wiring is open and hidden. The first option provides for wires that hang in the room and are not covered by anything. Such a network does not meet safety standards, but this is a necessary measure during repairs.

The system can be placed in the walls, hiding under putty, suspended from the ceiling or placed in boxes. Location type:

  • in the floor;
  • in the walls;
  • in special wire sleeves.

Preparatory measures

To install or repair wiring with your own hands, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory actions that, to one degree or another, will affect the overall structure of the walls. So, to replace switches or sockets, you need to make strobes and holes near them. To do electrical work, you need to prepare a set of tools:

Necessarily tools must be insulated with rubber handles. To work with wiring prepare:

Do-it-yourself electrical wiring repair must be carried out taking into account all safety standards. It is necessary to start repairing only after the apartment is completely disconnected from the network. Overalls necessarily require the presence of rubber gloves.

For more precise actions, it is necessary to draw a plan of the apartment, indicating all sockets and switches in the rooms. You should also indicate the proposed electrical appliances and their power. The more devices consume energy, the higher the strength and quality of the material. Then you need to calculate the total electricity consumption in the room.

Necessary materials

To carry out the installation and repair of electrical wiring, they purchase a cable from a copper three-core wire. Its length depends on the area of ​​​​the apartment. To the total length, add 15 cm to each socket and junction box.

The next main element in electrical work ah is automatic and RCD. The last device is for emergency shutdown supply in case of short circuit, opening of contacts and in other situations. You will also need UGA for 40MA sockets.

Electrical repair process

Repair wiring is divided into several stages. Each of them has its own significance. Before proceeding, you should carefully examine all protective equipment ( rubber gloves and rubberized pads on the tools). You need to check the power in the apartment. It must be disabled.

The first step is to install a new shield. For it, you need to make a niche with a puncher, chisel and hammer. As a rule, in new houses, these niches are already provided for the RCD and the machine. In the same place, a hole should be made in the wall for the cable.

After that, you need to connect the wire to the shield and install protection against water. According to the diagram, the wire in the blue sheath is attached to the zero phase, the wire white color- to the top contact, and yellow - closer to the floor. In the case of RCD installation, the zero phase with the wire is first mounted to the residual current device, and then goes to the zero terminal.

When the installation of the shield is completed, the cable should be laid. The optimal solution there will be a floor pad. To do this, you will have to remove the coating, and do the strobes with a puncher. For places for sockets and junction boxes, it is necessary to attach a special crown to the drilling tool. To lay the wire in the voids of the floors, it will not be necessary to destroy the walls.

The next step involves cutting the cable into parts of the desired length. It will be convenient to make the wiring in corrugated pipes, and it will be easier to push it through with the help of clamps for tightening. Then the cables should be connected to the boxes. A tester is needed to check the performance. This measuring tool will allow you to detect damage in the wiring, analyze the charge level and check the overall electrical voltage.

Most of the work will be completed by now. Next, you need to attach the wires to the walls with clips, if they are not in the corrugation. Then the strobes should be plastered. The easiest way is to run the wires under the baseboard, but then the junction boxes will be outside.

Simple step-by-step instruction will help to qualitatively and correctly make wiring in an apartment or house.

The main thing is to act in accordance with safety regulations, without neglecting your own protection. For any questions, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist who will make the wiring much faster.

Electrical wiring repair

To perform any electrical work, we need a specialized tool, the handles of which are equipped with insulating coating. Therefore, without such a tool, do not even try to troubleshoot electrical wiring and electrical equipment yourself.

The first thing to do before starting any work on electrical wiring or electrical appliances is to make sure that there is no voltage on all parts of the electrical installation through which current flows. Check it not by eye, but with a voltage indicator, even if your electrical installation is already disconnected from the mains.

If the network is single-phase and the voltage in it is 220 V, then in the absence of a voltage indicator, you can limit yourself to an incandescent control lamp. The main thing is to make sure that the handle of the lamp holder of this lamp is protected by insulation, and the bulb of the lamp is protected by a metal mesh, which has a special hook for hanging it. Also make sure that you can connect the lamp to the ends of the wires using probes or clamps with insulating handles and that the probes and clamps are in good condition.

Voltage indicators

If the voltage in the network reaches 400 V (we are talking about a private house with its own mini-power plant), then the incandescent control lamp will not help you. In this case, you will need more serious equipment - voltage indicators UNN-1 or TI-2.

It looks like a screwdriver with a neon lamp and a limiting resistor built into the handle. The principle of operation is as follows: when the tip of a screwdriver comes into contact with a phase wire that is energized, a current begins to flow through the resistor, the lamp (and the human body). For a person, it is completely safe and absolutely imperceptible, but the neon light will immediately light up.

The difference between the voltage indicator TI-2 in that it is equipped with two probes with insulated handles. One of them is designed to be connected to a grounded part of the installation, the second - to a current-carrying one.

The simplest equipment in this category is conventional tester, in other words, combined measuring device with probes with insulated handles. To establish the presence of voltage, you need to move the switch of the tester to the position "measurement of alternating voltage up to 300 V". Now you can connect one of the probes to a grounded part, and touch the live part with the second. The pointer of the device will tell you whether there is voltage and what its value is.

Causes of electrical wiring failure

Why, in fact, do the wires break if you follow all the rules, in a special one, and took care to carefully insulate them? There are usually two reasons: perhaps corrosion has made itself felt (this is a process that we cannot influence) or the veins have broken in places of kinks. It is possible that over time, the strength of the contact bends has decreased and an electric arc has formed inside the insulation itself - the cause of a short circuit.

Is it possible, if your light suddenly went out, to establish the cause of the breakdown with at least relative accuracy? Firstly, in order to understand where the breakdown is localized, you need a tester. With it, you need to find out if the meter is still energized. And if you see that there is voltage, then the wiring is damaged directly in the apartment. If the tester's lamp does not light up, then there is no voltage and it is necessary to start the study from the network section in front of the meter.

The simplest thing you can do is turn the automatic fuse box on and off if you have fuses, or press the emergency red button on the automatic fuse. Practice shows that this simple manipulation is often enough, since in fact the electricity disappeared due to a power surge (perhaps a drill was turned on in the neighboring apartment).

Things are much more complicated if the breakdown occurred in the electrical wiring of the apartment. If you know for sure that the network overload could not have happened due to your fault (the refrigerator, computer and TV were working at that time), for example, a wiring break in the ceiling junction box is possible. That is, a local fire occurred there, because the wires overheated or the soldered contacts shifted.

But what if there is an overload? If you had several devices working on the eve of the accident, it is possible that it was the overload that caused the damage to the electrical network. The congestion of our residential electrical network occurs at the moment when electrical wires and electrical appliances suddenly begin to flow current, the strength of which exceeds the allowable. There would be no overload at all if the current were not capable of generating heat. But heat is released, so it's all about the scale of the overload. When it doubles or more, then all parts of the insulation capable of burning ignite after some time. Of course, if the overload is small, then nothing like this will happen immediately. It's just that the insulation begins to age quickly, wear out by leaps and bounds, and very soon it will not be necessary to talk about its dielectric properties at all.

Experienced electricians will confirm that a slight but regular overload will shorten the life of the wires. This means that a new aluminum wire that has not been used before will work for you not for the prescribed 20 years, but only for 7-9 months. Well, if the overload turned out to be significant, that is, it doubled, as we said above, then the wire became unusable within a few hours, as a result - an accident.

Alas, as a rule, we ourselves are the culprits of overloads. Here are some aspects to avoid in order not to overload the home electrical network:

  • strictly ensure that only those wires are used in the wiring device, the sections of which correspond to the operating current. For example, avoid such an incident as bringing electricity to a bell using a telephone wire;
  • in no case do not connect electrical appliances in parallel to the network, the use of which was not originally provided for by your electrical project. If you are still forced to turn on an additional device, especially install a stationary one, for example, change washing machine, you need to increase the cross section of the wires. The grossest oversight is to include, for example, an extension cord with 3-4 outlets in the only working outlet available in the apartment.

There are, of course, reasons that cannot be foreseen: a lightning strike on the conductor or an unforeseen increase in temperature environment. But compared to ordinary human negligence, they are extremely rare.

And there is also the opposite phenomenon - the "electric hunger" of devices. It is also the result of an electrical overload, such as that of your neighbors. You connect powerful devices to a network whose voltage is not enough for them, and they are chronically short of current. As a result, in addition to the occurrence of problems in the network, soon enough the electrical appliances themselves will fail. To prevent this, you need to carefully study the passport data of electrical appliances when buying, while you must know exactly Appliances what current and voltage are suitable specifically for your apartment. At the same time, remember that the supply voltage of electrical appliances must deviate from 220 V by the maximum allowable value (from 90 to 260 V).

The occurrence of transient resistance is the most unpleasant of the consequences of a short circuit. It appears in those places where current flows either from one wire to another, or from a wire to a working electrical appliance. It will certainly arise, for example, if a contact breaks at the junction or termination of the wire. This often happens if the twisting is performed poorly. The current, moving through such damaged areas, will release an unreasonably large amount of heat for a unit of time. As soon as the heated contacts come into contact with combustible materials, ignition will occur, fraught with a terrible fire.

The occurrence of transient resistance is especially dangerous because the places that were its source are very difficult to detect. Alas, the protective devices of networks and installations, even very high-quality ones, cannot always prevent the occurrence of a fire, because the electric current in the circuit does not increase, but the area where the transitional resistance has arisen is directly heated.

When the current begins to flow through the air, sparks and an electric arc occur. Sparking occurs when, under the influence of a load, they open electrical circuits. This happens, for example, if we carelessly pull the plug out of the socket. Can cause stress and perforation of insulation between conductors.

Over time, unfair connection or termination of wires and cables will also lead to the appearance of sparking. The electric current is constantly flowing, and under the influence of the electric field, the air between the contacts will gradually ionize. As soon as the voltage increases, a glow discharge will immediately appear, which you will find out by the appearance of an unpleasant crack and air glow. This glow discharge will turn into a spark if the voltage increases. With increasing power, it will turn into an electric arc - the inevitable cause of a fire if combustible substances are stored indoors, for example, in a garage or workshop.

To insure against the occurrence of sparks, electric arcs and overloads, short circuits and transient resistances, the following rules must be strictly observed:

  • independently connect and terminate the conductors only if you are sure that you will do it correctly;
  • perform the connection of wires and cables by soldering, welding, crimping and special clamps very carefully;
  • correctly select the conductors according to the cross section, then they will not overheat from the fact that a heat-generating electric current flows through them;
  • it is reasonable to use electrical appliances connected to parallel lines and not rely on the fact that your network will withstand everything;
  • allow the wires of electrical appliances and apparatus to cool: when they are not working, disconnect from the network;
  • the electric meter must certainly use calibrated fuses or, even better, circuit breakers, but not home-made "bugs";
  • do not forget to regularly make sure that the wires and cables are in good condition, and also to take preventive measurements of the real resistance of your insulation from time to time;
  • must be installed in your house automatic devices protection, in the serviceability of which there should be no doubt;
  • it is necessary to periodically check whether the plug-in contacts are not oxidized.

As soon as there are problems associated with the electrical supply in a house or apartment, residents begin to think about repairing electrical wiring. Each of us has come across a situation when the working socket in the room stops functioning, or when it becomes impossible to turn on the light.
In these cases, the owners either repair the wiring with their own hands, or turn to electricians for help. If you decide to repair the wiring with your own hands, you must first have an idea and theoretical knowledge of how this is done. Of course, experience in repair will not hurt, but not everyone has it.

Causes of electrical faults

Faulty electrical wiring can occur for various reasons. The most common are the following:

The occurrence of a short circuit. Most often short circuit causes damage to the insulation layer between the wires. Often there is a bending of the wires, which leads to a short circuit. The wires are bent at the points of connection of sockets, in the lamp socket, if the wires of the iron, hair dryer or table lamp are constantly twisted.

Causes of a short circuit in the wiring.

A short circuit occurs even if a a large number of electrical appliances (in this case, a tee is used). The result of such handling of the socket is a strong heating of the contacts, and the subsequent melting of the insulating layer of the wires.

There is no normal contact between the connected wires. This malfunction occurs when the contact is broken at the junction of the wires.

With mechanical damage to the wires. Often this happens as a result of drilling holes in the walls or driving nails into them in places where hidden electrical wiring is carried out.

What is the best way to start repairing electrical wiring

Because it nourishes electric shock house or apartment introductory wire from the electrical panel, they begin to repair the wiring from the electrical panel. First, they check that the protective devices are in the “on” position (circuit breakers, RCDs, and others).

It may very well be that the lack of voltage in the room is due to disconnected circuit breakers or blown fuses. If, while examining the position of the devices in the shield, you notice that their position is "off", then a short circuit may have occurred in the electrical wiring itself.

Do-it-yourself wiring installation instructions.

In addition, the reason why the circuit breakers were in the "off" position may be due to current overload. This can happen if the machine overloads the simultaneous inclusion of powerful modes. household appliances. To fix the problem, you turn off some electrical devices, and, after a short period of time, turn on the switched off machine.

It may turn out that there is no voltage in the entire building or apartment, although the protective devices located in the input electrical panels have the “on” position. In this case, you can try two or three times to try turning off and on the circuit breaker. Maybe the power supply malfunction lies in the fact that there is no contact between the wires in the machine itself.

How to find a fault in the wiring

If you have done everything that is written above, but did not receive positive results, then you need to start looking for a malfunction and perform a direct repair of the electrical wiring.

The fault can be found by doing the following: Divide the wiring into several small separate sections. This can only be done if you have a wiring diagram on hand, which shows how it can be divided into sections.

Repair of electrical wiring in a private house

In order for you to understand how to carry out electrical repairs in your home, check out the following example.

For example, in your house sockets stopped working and the lighting in the kitchen and in the bedroom disappeared. The cause of the malfunction may be damage to wire-2, however, this still needs to be determined.

For the convenience of performing work on the repair of electrical wiring, you can break them into stages. First, be sure to check that there is power in junction box 2, which supplies power to the kitchen and bedroom.

To do this, you need to open the box and look inside it. Consider the places where the wires are connected: whether they are intact, not broken or burnt, as happens with a short circuit, the wires, and whether the wires are in good condition (they should not have melted insulation).

If necessary, tighten the twisted wires - this will make the contact better (this is done in cases where the wires are connected using a twist).

If during the inspection you did not see visible damage in the electrical panel, then after the inspection, check the junctions of wires 1 and 2 (in box No. 2) for voltage. It must be. In its absence, you can conclude that the contact is bad.

Next, it is checked whether the voltage reaches the junction box No. 3. Open this box and use a pointer to check if there is voltage on the cores of the wires that output current. If there is no voltage, the problem is with the wire, which could be damaged, for example, using electric drill for hanging pictures on the wall.

For the final conviction that the cause lies in the damage to the wire, check its integrity. For this purpose, turn off the machine at the entrance to the house, unscrew wire-2 from both sides (it is located in junction boxes No. 2 and 3), and then, using a special “dialer”, check the wire cores for mechanical damage.

How to fix the problem of damaged wires

To solve the problem of a damaged section of the wire, three different methods are used:

  1. The damaged wire is removed, and then a new wire is laid in the wall. For this purpose, a section of the wall where a damaged wire is found is ditched.
  2. Lay on top of the damaged wire using open way gaskets, new cable placed in the cable channel. This is called open wiring.
  3. If, when installing electrical wiring for the first time, a wire with three cores was laid, without arranging grounding in the house, it is possible to use the third core as a working one (one condition: if the non-working wire has only one damaged core out of three).

Step-by-step instructions for repairing electrical wiring.

When there is no electricity in the whole house, it is first necessary to check the introductory machine for voltage. With a corrected circuit breaker, the voltage should be at the input and output (in case the circuit breaker is turned on). Further actions produced in the same way as those shown in the diagram above.

Tools used in the repair of electrical wiring

In order to repair electrical wiring with your own hands, you must have the following basic tools:

  1. A voltage gauge or multimeter, any of these devices can check the voltage.
  2. Pliers with insulated handles. Pliers twist wires in junction boxes.
  3. Screwdrivers, with which, if necessary, you can unscrew or tighten the terminal clamps of protective devices (automatic devices, RCDs and others).
  4. Insulating PVC tape, which is used to insulate bare parts of wires after repair.

An essential tool for troubleshooting electrical wiring.

Another indispensable device that everyone, even a novice electrician, needs is the so-called "dialing". The device has an ordinary battery, a light bulb, connecting wires and clamps that are connected in series. Making this device with your own hands is easy.

"Continuity" makes it easy to check the integrity of the wires, especially for hidden electrical wiring.

"A‑Iceberg" - 25 years with you. 5 million repairs completed.

Repair of electrical wiring in the apartment at an affordable price and with a guarantee of quality. Departure of the master on the day of treatment!

Burnt wiring is always a big nuisance. In this situation, not only private rooms but the whole room. Then the problem must be solved promptly and not everyone will be able to do it on their own. Experience, knowledge, a special tool - this is the minimum that will be needed to complete repair work Therefore, we recommend that you seek help from qualified professionals. The A-Iceberg Service Center has everything necessary for this, and our craftsmen will repair the electrical wiring with high quality and in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to fill out an application on our website or call 8 (495) 213-33-33 and the departure of the master will not keep you waiting long.

Why does the wiring burn out

Electrical wiring fails for several reasons, among which the main ones are:

  • Short circuit. Bends, twisting of the wire leads to a violation of the insulation, which causes the bare parts to touch each other and cause a short circuit. Most often this happens with the cord in the plug area.
  • Connecting several powerful electrical appliances through a tee leads to overheating of the wires suitable for the outlet, as a result of which a short circuit occurs and the electrical wiring fails.
  • Breaking wire connections. As a result of mechanical damage, the wires break, which can lead to a de-energization of the room, and in the worst case, to a fire. Especially often this happens with inaccurate repairs, when the integrity of the cable is violated with a drill or a nail. In private homes, rodents can cause damage to wires.

Compliance with the operating rules will help extend the life of the wiring for the longest possible period.

Preparatory work

If the problem happened, and the repair of the electrical wiring became inevitable, then its elimination takes place in several stages. The cause is preliminarily determined and the location of the damage is searched.

Finding a reason

If, for example, you are working with a drill, and the light disappears in the room, then the reason is clear - damage has occurred at the drilling site. But often the reason is not so obvious, so you need to quickly search for it and you need to start with the electrical panel. Circuit breakers and fuses are checked. Safety switches can be tripped due to network overload, as well as due to loss of contact in the machine. Sometimes it is necessary to restart them several times, after disconnecting the most powerful electrical appliances from the network.


If the cause is not found, then it is necessary to look for the place of damage to the wiring. To do this, we will divide the room into several blocks (kitchen, bath, hall, corridor, etc.) and if you do not have light, for example, in the kitchen, then, first of all, the junction box of this block is checked. Inspection of contacts, connections, wires. If they are not violated, then it is necessary to check the voltage on the power cable at the entrance to the box. Its absence suggests that the wiring is damaged somewhere in the wall.

Electrical wiring repair - basic methods

There are several ways to repair electrical wiring. Here are the three most commonly used:

  • Replacing the old cable with a new one. In the case of closed wiring, the wall breaks in order to remove the damaged area and replace it with a new one.
  • Laying a new cable along the wall surface parallel to the old damaged wire.
  • With three-core wiring, if one core is damaged, it is necessary to restore its functions and thus restore the power supply.

Features of repairing closed electrical wiring

Repairing closed wiring is more complicated than open wiring, so let's dwell on the main stages of just such work. First you need to determine how the cable is mounted - for this we drill through the wall near the outlet and determine whether it lies in a hollow channel. If yes, then we determine the place of entry and exit of the hollow channel and then we stretch a new wire through these holes. For this, a wire is used, to which a cable is fixed at one end. On the minimum distance from the exit and entrance, the ends of the old cable are cut and connected to the new wire, and then the junctions are insulated.

The process of repairing electrical wiring is quite complicated, so if you do not have certain knowledge, then it is better to entrust this matter to specialists from Service Center"A-Iceberg". Turning to us, you will receive high-quality work performed in the shortest possible time. You can place an order on any day of the week and, having agreed on the time of the arrival of the master, quickly get a quality job. You will be pleasantly surprised by the affordable price of the service, its speed of execution and the guarantees provided.

Causes of electrical faults

The main reasons in electrical wiring are very simple. If very briefly, then electricians have only 2 problems: the lack of contact or the presence of contact where it should not be. Lack of contact is the most common problem, it occurs mainly at the junction of wires, in the electrical panel, in walls under plaster, where for some reason the wire was once broken or broken.

The second reason is less common, but it is the most dangerous, because. may cause fire or short circuit. For example, if at your place all the time when you turn on the machine in the electrical panel, it immediately turns off or knocks out the RCD, then most likely there is a short circuit on the line or there is a leakage current.

Breakdowns associated with a lack of electricity in the house are always extremely unpleasant. They happen at the most inopportune moment and cause a lot of inconvenience. In such a situation, it is best to resort to the services of a qualified specialist, since diagnosing electrical networks requires a certain level of training.

Troubleshooting and diagnostics

In most cases, the search for a problem should begin with the diagnosis of machines. In some old houses, safety plugs may still be found. According to all the rules, they are installed at least a couple of pieces. One machine is installed in the socket network, and the other controls the lighting devices. It is necessary to turn on the machines and check the presence of voltage at the output terminals. If there is no voltage, then there is probably a problem with the supply cable or its contacts.

If the voltage at the output of the machines is normal, then a search for a network break inside the apartment is ahead. In order to determine the location of cable damage as accurately as possible, it is necessary to check the voltage between junction boxes located at a minimum distance. Voltage measurements are made at the input and output contacts of each box. If there is no voltage at the output with normal voltage on the input cable, then the break occurred in the box. In this case, the repair procedure will be as follows:

  1. - disconnect the apartment from the power supply;
  2. - hang a prohibition poster on the machine "DO NOT START! PEOPLE WORK";
  3. - lock the electrical cabinet;
  4. - open the junction box;
  5. - check the voltage with a verified PIN, having previously checked it on a socket that is known to be energized;
  6. - check the reliability of the contacts and eliminate the break.

Much harder when wiring fault(cliff) hidden and located somewhere under a thick layer of plaster. Then effective diagnostics can be performed only with the use of a special detector. This device is able to find metal hidden in the wall, and with the help of magnetic field determine the area of ​​​​breakage of the electrical wire. Typically, the detector allows you to localize the damage site with an accuracy of several centimeters in some 15 - 20 minutes.

Hidden wiring detector

This method is effective when it was a wire break, and not a short circuit. Then the line where the fault occurred is left energized and with the help of a detector concealed wiring we begin to lead from the junction box towards the alleged cliff. Typically, when approaching a live cable, the wire detector will beep rapidly and the screen will show an indication of the presence of a live cable. If the detector stops beeping sharply, then it can be assumed that this is where the alleged cable break is located. Having previously turned off the voltage and hung out a prohibition poster (see above), you must carefully remove the layer of plaster and get to the place where the cable breaks. We splice the cable using crimp sleeves, welding the cable cores or soldering. We isolate and check the work under voltage.

If the house uses aluminum wiring and copper wires at the same time, it is extremely likely that sooner or later a break will occur at the place of twisting of cables made of different metals or between the contacts in the junction box.

The thing is that aluminum wiring in contact with copper forms a galvanic couple and the twist begins to slowly corrode. The resistance of the wiring in this zone increases. Over time, the twist begins to heat up and gradually collapses. There is only one way out of this situation - to replace the electrical wiring with copper.

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