How beautiful to arrange an alpine slide in the country. Rock garden: the best device diagrams and an example of DIY creation

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Rock garden - a fairly new way of decorating and arranging personal plot, which came to us to replace the classic front gardens with flower beds and flower beds. It will not be difficult to organize this paradise of nature in your summer cottage, even for a novice florist who has only basic knowledge in the field of landscape design and crop production. Tiered planting bright colors among the stones, an artificial waterfall, beautifully played with evergreen ornamental shrubs can be perfectly combined in one place, creating a complete image of the site.

We make an alpine slide in the country with our own hands

When you see this picturesque corner with your own eyes, it seems that such a creation can only be created by resorting to the services of expensive landscape designers with extensive professional experience in this field.

We hasten to dissuade you right away. Making such a flower decoration with your own hands is as simple a task as setting up a flower bed in front of your house in your own yard.

It is clear that in order to create a multi-level alpine slide with an improvised waterfall, which requires large stones and other material, deeper knowledge and experience in the construction of such structures will be required. But it is quite possible to plan a small hill, consisting of one or two tiers, on your own, you just need to understand a little about the technology for creating such objects.

Important! When starting to develop the design of an alpine slide, it must be taken into account that the rock garden - first of all, imitates a rocky section of the mountains. Therefore, the main material for its creation should be natural raw stone and undersized shrubs that are in perfect harmony with each other in the wild.

Having your own pond in your yard is the dream of any summer resident.

Characteristic features and varieties of alpine slides

From the school bench, we all remember that any mountain or hill, regardless of its size and height, has:

  1. top
  2. Slope
  3. outsole

It is from these definitions that you should build on when developing your own alpine slide project.

Alpine slides can be made in several variations, which will externally repeat various sections of hilly and mountainous terrain. Given all these design features, there are several options for alpine slides.

  • rocky slope- has a characteristic rocky appearance, and consists mostly of stones, among which only occasionally come across ornamental plants.
  • mountain slope is a combined complex composition in which there are stones of various sizes. She is quite tall. For decoration, a variety of plants from the arsenal of undersized and creeping crops are used.
  • terraced slope- has peculiar protrusions formed by retaining walls built on different height. They differ in configuration and length.
  • Hill of stones- this element of garden art is the most difficult to perform. It will be possible to recreate a living corner of the wild if you harmoniously combine large boulders with perennial undersized plants.
  • mountain hollow- a place where large and small stones, slightly protruding from the ground, are cordoned off various plants blooming almost all year round.
  • Gorge- an incredibly beautiful composition of stones and plants that looks very impressive. This design is the most complex. When creating, natural differences in the territory are taken into account. They pick up a hollow and picturesquely decorate the slopes with stones in combination with ground cover representatives of the flora.
  • Czech rolling pin— differs in a difficult layered design. It is a multi-stage hill of vertically laid flat stones, next to which there is a rich world of vegetation.
  • Valley in the mountains- outwardly similar to a mountain hollow. It is constructed mainly from large stones, partially submerged in the ground. They are complemented by asymmetrically arranged ornamental plants that bloom profusely for a long time.
  • alpine lawn- is the most original and very stylish stone composition, decorated with plants from the highlands. Assumes the presence of a fountain or waterfall.

Rockery - a real rock garden of ordinary stones

The original idea is to create a quiet corner among the stones with a natural landscape.

The Czech rolling pin is a great alternative to the classic alpine slide.

How to make a rock garden in the country

Today, an alpine hill can be found in city squares, in summer cottages, areas near social institutions and wealthy households. If you choose stones and various plants with taste, an atmosphere of tranquility and luxury is created in any, even the most modest summer cottage.

If you follow the competent technology for arranging an alpine slide, you can create such a kind landscape element with my own hands.

Sometimes this is not the easiest process. It all depends on your tastes and preferences. But no matter what type of alpine slide you choose, it must be borne in mind that a worthy imitation of natural rocky areas should be obtained, on which the dominant integral part are stones. They are complemented by low creeping, as well as various flowering plants. The concept of "hill" is defined by the general form, which is a hill.

Preparatory stage

Starting activities to create an object, they first develop a detailed scheme, which is tied to the area, taking into account the existing landscape.

When the scheme is drawn to scale, it will be easier in the future to determine the dimensions and calculate the number of stones that will be needed to create this object.

A place is selected based on several criteria:

  • Sufficient illumination;
  • Absence of large buildings and trees nearby;
  • Removal from other bright decorative elements - lush flower beds, artificial reservoirs;
  • Protection from prevailing strong winds;
  • Open location near the center of the territory, providing good visibility.

Important! In the area allotted for the construction of an alpine slide, aquifers should not be located close to the surface. Too much moisture can harm plants.

Step by step work

  1. Having chosen a site, the developed scheme is transferred to it on a scale. Mark the general configuration with pegs and a cord. You can draw a border by pouring a path of chalk powder, ash or lime around the perimeter. After breaking down, they clean the site of debris, and dig a pit a little more than the allotted area.
  2. Next, remove the top soil layer up to 40 cm, removing weed rhizomes in parallel. If the predominant soil on the site is heavy loam or clay, then a drainage cushion is arranged, for which slag, gravel, gravel are used. Suitable construction waste, pieces of brick, limestone. Drainage is necessary to protect the roots from rotting. It will not allow waterlogging, will provide the necessary aeration. The minimum drainage layer is 30 cm.
  3. If there are different types of material, then you need to pour them in layers, for example, crushed stone, pebbles, and then sand. Water the drainage with water and tamp.
  4. The soil that was taken out during the digging of the pit is cleared of rhizomes, debris, stones. To it is added in equal volumes: wood chips, sand, dry peat, crushed pine bark, humus. After mixing, lay on top of the drainage layer. Leave the site for 3 weeks to allow the soil to settle.

Selection of stones for the Alpine slide

The creation of an original image of an alpine hill depends on the competent selection of stones. It is recommended to use stony rocks that do not harm the environment due to the content of heavy metals and do not oxidize the soil.

The harmony of stone scree will be betrayed by the same type of stones, which have different configurations and sizes. Organically look rocks that have acquired an irregular shape under the influence of water and wind.

For an alpine slide, limestone, noble, granite, sandstone are most often used. You can use travertine, reminiscent of marble, forest boulder, basalt, dolomite. A good option is serpentinite, quartz, jasper.

It is impossible to make a beautiful alpine slide on a site without stones. To find worthy specimens, it is advisable to contact the nearest quarry. When transporting, it is taken into account that the weight of the stone can vary from 15 to 100 kg. Natural cobblestones have an interesting structure, among which there are stones with a heterogeneous surface structure, which have grooves, various interesting inclusions.

Porous rocks such as tuff, shell rocks are not recommended, as they absorb moisture and quickly collapse. Acting color solution stones and their shape. Less commonly used specimens with a rounded shape. And also not recommended boulders with big amount sharp edges.

Stone laying

After shrinkage of the base, the most important stage begins - laying stones. It is carried out according to a predetermined plan.

  1. At the first stage, it is required to lay out the perimeter of the base from the most massive stones. For reliability, they are buried in the ground by almost 60%. This will then allow you to place smaller specimens so that they will not budge under the influence of even heavy rains.
  2. Referring to the diagram, leave gaps where vegetation will be placed in the future. Soil is laid on each layer, which is then compacted and watered. The top of the hill is the most colorful conical boulder.
  3. In the process of arranging the stones, constant monitoring is carried out to ensure an aesthetic view from all sides. It is necessary to place cobblestones with defects in the inner layers of the structure, leaving the most advantageous specimens in terms of color and shape in the visible areas.

The finished structure is evaluated in terms of acquiring integrity, visually perceived at any distance as harmonious natural object. Having finished laying, they leave the hill for three weeks, so that the stones are finally fixed in their places.

To have a beautiful and harmonious landscape design in your country house is the dream of every housewife.

Plant selection criteria

The choice of vegetation is due to the specifics of the variety of the created alpine hill. This activity is still in the development phase. general scheme after studying the photographs and descriptions of the created objects.

First of all, a predictable color palette is applied to the scheme, according to which seeds or seedlings of plants belonging to several groups are purchased. If the rocky hill is located in a sunny place, then drought-resistant plant varieties are selected for planting.

Many variants of the alpine slide suggest the presence of miniature tree and shrub species, as well as various flower crops and perennial herbs.

Solemnity and elegance bring to the design coniferous plants. Among their assortment, undersized varieties are selected.

  • dwarf spruce- valued for its good resistance to dry seasons.
  • thuja- attracts attention with a beautiful crown, which acquires a reddish tint under the sun's rays.
  • Juniper- has a juicy green, cone-shaped compact shape. Differs in unpretentiousness to environment conditions.
  • cypress- shows high resistance to frost. Decorates any landscape with a crown, the top of which has a golden color, and the base is painted dark green.

From hardwoods, varieties are chosen that do not shed foliage for a long time.

  • Cotoneaster horizontal- differs in a dense crown, which by the fall changes its green color to a reddish tint.
  • Iberis- This shrub is attractive in all periods. His charming flowers have pink, white, lilac color.
  • Dryad- is a miniature shrub, covered from mid-summer with large white inflorescences. In autumn, fruits appear that resemble fluffy balls.

As experienced summer residents say - there are never many green plants in the garden

Flowers for the Alpine slide

Flowers for an alpine slide are selected from an assortment of creeping low plants. Preference is given perennial varieties. The following varieties are recommended.

  • Carnation short stem- is an unpretentious plant from abundant flowering who prefer sunny places.
  • Burachok rocky- the leaves of this perennial retain green color even in the winter season.
  • rejuvenated- the leaves of this perennial plant have a variety of colors - silver, green, pink, yellow, burgundy.
  • Saxifrage- refers to traditional plants for alpine slides. Its flowering continues throughout the summer season. Flowers are pink, white or yellow in color.

Among the stones, lavender, geranium, backache, stonecrop, fescue also look great. Harmoniously combining these plants on the site, you can create a real masterpiece.

The natural restraint of the stones is miraculously set off by bulbous flowering plants, which are placed in small groups. These include hyacinth, crocus, tulip, hazel grouse. These plants bloom in spring. Thanks to their bright buds, the colorful rock garden immediately acquires a presentable picturesque look.

Picking up perennial flowering species, it must be borne in mind that they must have different flowering periods. This will allow the alpine slide to look like a bright original object for long period. The height of each type of vegetation is taken into account.

Low-growing varieties should not be shaded by taller specimens. Bright flower cultures are located closer to the front edge, providing a good viewing area.

For the arrangement of alpine slides, low shrubs are often used - blueberries, lingonberries. A good addition is drooping reed, bergenia, daylily. herbaceous plants serve as a decorative background. They allow you to fill in the remaining voids after the early flowering plants have already withered.

Important! When planning the placement of vegetation, take into account that ground cover varieties will help prevent erosion of the slopes. Therefore, they are selected for a place on the inclined surfaces of the hill.

Waterfall - will give landscape design even more beauty

Carrying out landing

Tree and shrub crops are planted first. The best option for their placement is a site near large stones, which are laid out along the edge of the hill. A fairly large distance is maintained by these plants.

When planting in the allotted place, a hole is dripped, suitable in size for the dimensions of the roots, at an angle. A seedling is installed, the roots are carefully straightened, the soil mixture is poured and carefully tamped.

Then flower crops are placed and sown lawn grass. After planting, watering is carried out. Start pouring water from above. Draining, it impregnates the entire surface of the slide.

Important! Delicate rosette flowers should not be placed next to ground cover crops. Bulbous plants are recommended to be planted in some kind of limiter, the role of which will be played by a bucket with a cut-out bottom or a large jar. This will allow these plants not to spread over large areas.

Alpine care

In the first year, you should carefully inspect the alpine hill and, if necessary, add soil, which can be washed out after watering or rains. Also strengthen unstable stones.

Further care involves timely watering, pruning of dry buds, damaged leaves, broken stems. Top dressing is carried out about once a month.

Do not use nitrogen types of fertilizers, so as not to cause strong education green mass. Also, when watering, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is not subjected to erosion. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a regular watering can.

Having noticed signs of diseases, they immediately spray the plants with appropriate preparations, and also treat them from pests.

The Alpine slide is in perfect harmony with various landscape design objects. It decorates the territory, makes it attractive and original. Brings the charm of the mountain landscape and serves as a place of rest after difficult everyday life.

Quick navigation through the material

A beautiful, well-groomed territory is the hallmark of any site. It is good when among all kinds of plantings in the garden there is a central element that stands out against the general background.

This element can be a rock garden - a rocky elevation, decorated with flowers and plants and imitating a fragment of a mountain landscape.

Often summer residents confuse two similar concepts - rock garden and rockery. In fact, they are not too mistaken, because rockery is the common name for rocky gardens, and alpine slide is one of its varieties. At the same time, many landscape designers are accustomed to defining rockeries only as a flat composition.

A rock garden, unlike a rockery, is an elevated composition, necessarily tiered, with slopes and a peak.

Alpine hill against the backdrop of a log house

Compared with rockeries, it is more difficult to make an alpine slide with your own hands, but it has a more pronounced relief, attracts more attention due to its height, and makes the landscape noticeably more picturesque not only in summer, but also in winter.

And you can also zone a summer cottage with a rock garden, for example, visually separate working area from the front. In addition, a rocky hill will allow you to beautifully beat embankments unsuitable for planting.

From this article you will learn how to make an alpine slide with your own hands and draw landscape design ideas from 50 photos of rock gardens.

Planning the composition and design of the alpine slide

So, how to compose a composition, how to choose and arrange plants and stones? Full answers to these questions will not fit within the framework of one article, but in short, here are a few main rules and principles that must be followed:

  • According to the canons, an alpine slide should not consist of boulders and run-in stones (with the exception of rock gardens near water bodies), but of rough and broken ones. For example, it can be: tuff, sandstone, limestone, granite or slate.
  • In one composition, it is desirable to combine no more than 2 breeds, otherwise the rock garden will look unnatural.
  • As a rule, the height of the alpine slide is 3-5 tiers (it is better that the number of tiers be odd). It is better not to make country rock gardens too high - their optimal height is 50-80 cm.

In choosing the design of an alpine slide, be guided by a sense of proportion - the composition should look natural and fit organically into the landscape. Cliffs and rocks (see photo below) in summer cottages most often seem foreign. But simple imitations of a slope or a mountain valley without a pronounced peak are appropriate everywhere.

In a small summer cottage, high views of rock gardens, as in this photo, are not very appropriate.

Now let's talk about the choice of plants for the alpine slide. If you build a rock garden strictly according to the rules, then the flora for it must be selected strictly of alpine origin: miniature conifers, shrubs, ground cover, bulbous and herbaceous perennials.

However, real "Alpines" are not so easy to find and grow in the middle lane, so you can choose any plants that are characterized by squat (height up to 60 cm), unpretentiousness and, of course, decorative. On the northern slope it is better to plant shade-tolerant plants: tenacious, periwinkle, fern, bergenia and others. On the southern slope, respectively, light-loving plants grow better: lavender, barberry, adonis, iris, acena and others. Evergreens such as mountain pine, Canadian spruce, juniper and others will fit very harmoniously into the "mountain ensemble".

It is desirable that the plants of your rock garden remain decorative all season, otherwise the withered leaves will spoil the whole composition, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide them behind the flowering "neighbors". For this reason, it is good to use flyers in the design of an alpine slide. Although they are not quite “canonical”, they will decorate a rocky garden for a long time.

Step by step instruction of 8 steps

Having roughly imagined what our rock garden will be like, we can begin to create an alpine slide with our own hands.

The technology for creating an alpine slide consists of the following steps:

  1. Choose a place, determine the size;
  2. We draw a rock garden scheme;
  3. We designate the contour, remove the sod;
  4. We make a drainage layer;
  5. We prepare fertile soil and fill it up;
  6. We erect the core of the hill, pour the soil;
  7. Planting plants;
  8. Let's put the finishing touches on.

And now let's talk about each stage in more detail.

Step 1. Draw a plan for an alpine slide

Creating even the simplest alpine slide is best to start with the development of the project. The simplest option is a schematic sketch, observing the approximate sizes of stones and plants relative to each other. For example, it could be something like this.

1 - Mountain pine, 2 - Creeping thyme, 3 - Canadian phlox, 4 - Evers stonecrop, 5 - Gray fescue, 6 - Rocky alissum, 7 - Angustifolia lavender, 8 - Stonecrop, 9 - Fragrant rue, 10 - Steller's wormwood. Note: the scheme of the alpine slide is shown without taking into account the flowering time of plants

Ideally, a slide, especially a large and multi-tiered one, should be designed on a scale of, say, 1:50 or 1:25 (1 cm on paper corresponds to 50 or 25 "natural" centimeters) and with a grid with 2 × 2 cm cells (that is, with transferring the grid to nature, the cells will correspond to cells of 50 × 50 cm at a scale of 1:25).

Step 2. Choose a place

Here are some tips for choosing a place for an alpine slide:

  • It is desirable that the rock garden is located in a sunny place, and the slope is oriented to the east and south. Of course, you can choose a shaded place, but then the choice of flora will be limited - you will have to plant only shade-tolerant plants.
  • Well, if the composition was placed so that it could be seen from different sides.
  • The arrangement of an alpine slide near a house or other buildings is undesirable, since from the melting of snow or drops, the flower garden can sag and be damaged.
  • Rock garden on the background of the fence - not best idea, but if you can’t find another place, then bushes planted along the fence, or lianas, as in the photo below, will help to ennoble the background of the slide.

An example of an alpine hill against the backdrop of a fence. By the way, here the rock garden is designed to hide water communications This small alpine slide would look much better if the fence was wrapped in vines or planted with shrubs.
  • You should not build an alpine slide under the trees (deciduous and flower), otherwise every autumn you will have to clear the rocky garden from fallen leaves.
  • If the site has uneven terrain created by nature, then this the best option for rock climbing.

Suitable places:

  • Front area of ​​the site;
  • Entrance area;
  • Recreation area (in the barbecue area, at the gazebo, pool, pond);
  • Backyard;
  • Near any rocky retaining walls.

Step 3. Remove the sod

In accordance with the plan, we designate the contour of the future slide in the selected area: we drive in the pegs and stretch the twine through them.

Next, we remove the sod to a depth of just over 30 cm and leave it aside for a while. Later, on its basis, we will prepare the soil substrate. Being engaged in land work, do not forget to remove the rhizomes of weeds.

Step 4. Prepare the base

So, we got a "pit" rock garden. Now we need to fill it with a "sandwich" of drainage and soil. Broken bricks, pebbles, crushed stone or medium-sized gravel can be used as the first layer of drainage. We fill it with a thickness of 10-15 cm, depending on the size of the stones. Next, we fill up a layer of sand 5-10 cm thick, ram it well and fill it with water to achieve maximum density.

  • To prevent the destruction of the composition from the raids of moles and shrews (if they are found in the vicinity of your dacha), you need to lay a fine metal mesh on the bottom of the pit.
  • If you arrange a rock garden on a slope with dry and loose sandy soil, then drainage can be omitted.

Step 5. Prepare the soil

When the laying of the drainage layer is completed, you can start cooking fertile soil. We will mix it from equal parts: previously dug turf, peat, humus and sand.

  • Soddy land before preparing the soil substrate must be thoroughly cleaned of weeds and their rhizomes.

Step 6. We erect a hill

The construction of an alpine slide begins with the laying of the most beautiful and largest boulders around the perimeter of the future rock garden.

Stones should lie as stable as possible. To do this, they must, firstly, be placed on the ground with the largest side, and secondly, if necessary, place smaller support stones under them or add gravel or soil. The bottom row of boulders needs to be completely dug a third or two thirds into the ground - this way you will achieve not only stability, but also the desired effect of naturalness.

Having folded the first row of large stones, we fill the prepared soil in the center of the composition and at the same time lay out the medium stones, forming the second tier.

Finally, small cobblestones are placed at the top of the hill and on the slopes where voids need to be filled. At the top of the hill, you can put one large or two medium stones. When erecting an alpine slide, do not forget to refer to your scheme and leave enough space for planting. At the end of the construction of the alpine slide, it must be watered abundantly and left for a couple of weeks to shrink.

  • Try to lay the stones so that the planting pockets are horizontal, not sloping, as plantings on a slope are not very easy to water.
  • Before laying each new stone, the soil under it is pre-tamped.
  • Remember that the rock garden should have as little geometry and symmetry as possible, because it is rare in nature.

Some experts recommend that the core of the hill be formed not from fertile soil, but from sand mixed with a small fraction of crushed stone (the soil is only poured into the planting holes, and then the entire embankment is covered with it to hide light sand). So the elevation will be more reliable and durable. High slides require a core of three layers: gravel (or other rocky placer), sand and soil (see diagram below).

Step 7 Planting the Plants

When the composition of stones suits you, proceed to the most pleasant stage - planting the flora. To do this, first arrange pots with seedlings on the slopes according to your project, starting with large ones and ending with small ones. Planting plants should start from the top, gradually going down. The depth of the planting holes depends on the size of the root systems of specific species. Finally, the finished slide needs to be poured with water, washing the earth off the stones.

  • Do not overdo it with fertilizers to avoid unwanted growth of plants in breadth and height.
  • The soil substrate (acidity and alkalinity) can be adjusted for each species.

Step 8: Adding the Finishing Touches

Hurray, the alpine slide is ready! Now you can add backfill (pebbles, gravel or crushed stone) where necessary, or install decor ( garden figures, lights, etc.)
Finally, we suggest you watch a visual master class on how to make a simple alpine slide with your own hands.

See also the gallery of rock garden ideas in the country.

If there is a ledge or unevenness in your dacha, plot or garden, make an alpine hill.

Firstly, such a flower bed is very beautiful, in a year its stony cliffs will cover with a solid carpet lovely cushions of flowers, herbs and mosses.

Secondly, the construction of the rock garden itself is a fascinating activity. Here you need to think everything over: where to plant a coniferous shrub, what stones and perennials to choose, so that a colored carpet in the middle of a rock scree plays with colors for a whole year.

And, thirdly, if the soil in your dacha is poor, sandy or rocky, and is completely unsuitable for organizing other types of flower beds, then alpine hill plants in such conditions, on the contrary, will develop normally and bloom well.

Not everyone understands correctly what an alpine slide is. Structures made of plants and stones on the site are far from alpine slides.

Rock garden (alpine slide)- this landscape compositions, imitating a mountain landscape with platforms like terraces with stones, squat shrubs and long-flowering perennials.

Consider some of the subtleties of designing an alpine hill flower bed

Rock garden in the garden, if possible, should be:

  • isolated from outbuildings, playground, etc.;
  • proportional to the entire area of ​​the site;
  • removed from flower beds with bright lush flowering;
  • located in the most illuminated place of the site, close to the source of water supply (if this is not possible, then it will be necessary to equip additional irrigation points);
  • as plausible as possible to the mountain landscape;
  • located near the house or recreation area.

Many people thought about how to make an alpine slide with their own hands. And only a few, especially stubborn and patient, decorated their summer cottage with terraced hills. Where did they start? Of course, with the choice of location.

In order for a rocky flower bed to organically fit into the garden environment, it is not necessary to look for a large space - alpine plants are so compact that it costs nothing for them to fit in dozens on a modest area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hill.

The height of the rock garden should not conflict with the already existing landscape. If possible, you need to make sure that the forms, textures and colors of the slide blend harmoniously into the concept of landscape design.

The alpine decorative flower garden in the garden looks very expressively against the background of dense, tall bushes or small but lush trees.

Do-it-yourself Alpine slide - step by step instructions

What materials and tools do you need to buy for an alpine slide?

  • stones of the same breed, river sand, crushed stone, gravel, turf, humus, peat, limestone, earth and planting material;
  • tape measure, cord, pegs, bayonet shovel, scrap metal, garden shovel with a long handle, wheelbarrow, scissors, ladle (in order to rake the earth out of the wide sump slides), garden watering can.

Is everything at hand? Then get to work!

  • Any alpine slide project begins with a breakdown of the site and drawing the outline of the future flower garden (this is where you need a tape measure, pegs and a cord). The area under the flower garden is cleared, the soil layer is removed to a depth of 30-40 cm, weeded thoroughly and weeds are removed.
  • When the clearing is completely finished on the deepened area, it is necessary to make a gravel cushion - to fill in a layer of gravel, slag and construction waste (broken brick, limestone or granite crushed stone is suitable), 10 cm thick. This kind of drainage will protect the roots of plants from waterlogging, preventing stagnation of groundwater, and provide adequate aeration.
  • The water-permeable layer should be made thicker where the soil is very dense, structureless, silty and poorly permeable to water. Wetlands are the first enemy of alpine plants - ascetics are used to growing on slopes in light, stony-sandy, acidic soils.
  • On top of the drainage layer (the base of the rock garden), it is necessary to make a sand cushion - pour a layer of river sand (5 cm thick), tamp well and water.
  • Then mix in equal proportions. sod land(it can be prepared in advance or bought at any nursery) perlite, sand, pine bark, wood chips, fine gravel, crushed peat, humus and sphagnum.
  • Do not add too much fertilizer to this layer. The over-enrichment of the land can lead to the fact that the trees and flowers on the hill grow too large or, conversely, die altogether. It is recommended to feed only some tuberous and bulbous, and then as rarely and carefully as possible.
  • The finished soil mixture is poured over the entire surface of the hill, while modeling the relief of the rock garden on the model of the natural landscape. The embankment of the earth does not need to be made uniform and neat. Both on a large and on a small alpine hill in the garden, it is necessary to manually form "cliffs" and "valleys", "tops" and "plateaus", paths and transitions.
  • After the residual backfilling of the area with a ball of earth, you can start laying stones, “laying” “pillows” of river sand under them.

What shape should the stones be in rock gardens and how to arrange them correctly?

Consider what stones are needed for a small and large alpine slide, their names and laying methods.

To organize such an exotic flower garden, you need to choose only those stony rocks that will not transfer heavy metals and salts to the soil, and will not oxidize the soil.

Hewn over the years, water and wind, irregularly shaped rocks in the landscape of the garden will look much better than freshly mined ones. Stone screes should be similar in structure, and preferably exactly the same, but at the same time different in size.

An excellent choice for rock garden has always been and will be: natural granite, organic limestone or decorative sandstone. Suitable forest boulder, dolomite, travertine, gneiss or basalt. Another option: serpentinite, elbrus, jasper, serpentine, quartz, etc.

Stones do not need to be collected in the fields and meadows. You can buy good copies in the quarry. The weight of one stone can reach approximately 15-100 kg. That is, for a stone flower bed measuring 1.5 x 3 m, the developer will need about 1-1.5 tons of stones.

We go further. Laying should begin from the bottom (from the foot) up - gradually moving from larger specimens of stones to smaller ones. The first form the core of the alpine slide. For this purpose, the largest and most beautiful boulder is chosen and placed in a small recess. To prevent the stone from rocking, it can be strengthened with rubble.

Advice. It is not necessary to lay with equal distances and geometric harmony - in the natural environment, on mountain slopes, stones and blocks are located in a chaotic mess.

When laying, you need to gradually deepen not only the core of the composition, but also all the other stones. The resulting sinuses are lightly covered with an earthen mixture for rock garden and watered with a sprayed jet of water - plants will be planted in them a little later.

In the upper part, a conical boulder looks beautiful, symbolizing the top of the mountain, surrounded by flat stones.

In the process of placing stones, landscape designers are advised to move away from the composition and evaluate the result from different angles. An alpine slide, decorated with your own hands, is considered ready if it looks holistic and harmonious even without conifers, shrubs and flowers.

But that's not all. Huge weight boulders and stones should lie down for two or three weeks, "settle down", so to speak. And only when the earth settles and you can start arranging a flower garden on an alpine hill.

Plants for an alpine slide - the key to a spectacular design

Hardened by the harsh climatic conditions of the highlands: cold, low atmospheric pressure, strong wind and temperature fluctuations, flowers for the Alpine hill show amazing endurance in the difficult climate of Russia.

In order for the rock garden created in the country to really look like an oasis of a mountain landscape, shrubs and plants must be selected according to the following criteria:

  1. unpretentiousness to climate and soil;
  2. short stature;
  3. moderate growth;
  4. non-aggressive breeding method;
  5. multi-year development cycle.

Low-growing and ground cover plants for an alpine slide

  • Acena Bukhanana;
  • young;
  • Hairy beard;
  • Mining grate;
  • tenacious;
  • Kostenets hairy;
  • Fern;
  • Stonecrop short-leaved;
  • decorative cabbage;
  • fat woman;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Geichera;
  • Spurge;
  • Stachys.

Advice. Ground cover plants with a powerful root system are placed on the slopes of an alpine hill to prevent its erosion.

Flowering plants for an alpine slide

  • Barberry;
  • Colchicum;
  • Veronica;
  • Carnation;
  • Gentian;
  • Gypsophila, wulfenia;
  • Delphinium;
  • Dryad;
  • Gorse lancet;
  • Poskharsky's bell;
  • Primula Allioni;
  • Saxifrage;
  • Bloodroot;
  • Burachok;
  • Buttercup is cereal;
  • Edelweiss;
  • Kachem creeping;
  • Oenothera Missouri;
  • Iberian catchment;
  • Thyme;
  • Gargan bell;
  • Phlox is undersized;
  • Soapweed basil leaf;
  • Yaskolka;
  • Draba evergreen;
  • Mertensia maritime;
  • Fuopsis long columnar;
  • Krylovychinnik round-leaved;
  • Strawberry decorative;
  • Rose Rhodiola;
  • Chiastophyllum oppositeleaf;
  • Himalayan geranium;
  • Mountain cornflower;
  • Hellebore;
  • Liverwort;
  • Anemone;
  • Cat's paw;
  • Rezuha;
  • Violets and daisies.

Advice. Each of the flowering individuals in the rock garden composition plays a role, so the flowers should not obscure and interfere with each other. It is important to achieve a smooth change in the shades of the slide. This can be easily achieved by combining alpine plants in terms of flowering.

Long-flowering plants for an alpine slide

Onion and bulbous

  • Decorative Karatav;
  • Cornflower and island bow;
  • Tubergen's bow and Besianum;
  • Scylla;
  • Vesennik;
  • Sternbergia;
  • Cyclamen;
  • Snowdrop;
  • Ranunculus;
  • Pushkinia;
  • Clivia;
  • Rhodohypoxis;
  • Brandushka;
  • Hyacites;
  • lilies of the valley;
  • Babian;
  • Corydalis;
  • Merender;
  • Sisyrynchium;
  • Thecophylea;
  • Poultry farmers;
  • Moricia;
  • Muscari;
  • garden ranunculus;
  • Dwarf varieties of irises, daffodils, dahlias and tulips.

Advice. The rocky structures of the rock garden will look as decorative as possible if you know the exact timing of the flowering of the bulbous. And yet, when planting onions in a rock garden with good drainage (stones and gravel prevent the bulbs from rotting), leave enough space between them to grow. Mulch temporarily empty places with tree bark or pebbles.

Low-growing grasses for an alpine slide

  • Quaking grass;
  • Lagurus;
  • Highlander;
  • Cuff;
  • Alyssum;
  • Oregano;
  • Reed grass spicy;
  • Feather grass;
  • Pennysetum orientalis;
  • Fescue gray and red;
  • Liriope;
  • Sheep evergreen;
  • Barley is maned;
  • Esholz;
  • Heathers;
  • Erica.

Advice. Herbaceous plants remain attractive until late autumn, while others have already withered or have not yet blossomed. Acting as a background, ornamental grasses serve as a juicy decoration in the creation of an alpine slide.

Compact shrubs for alpine hills

  • mountain pine;
  • Boletus boletus;
  • Blue spruce;
  • Barberry;
  • Cotoneaster horizontal;
  • Juniper;
  • Larch;
  • Thuja western;
  • Miniature Pine;
  • Korean fir;
  • Euonymus;
  • Spirea;
  • Dryad;
  • Rhododendron;
  • Daphne.

Advice. dwarf trees and plant the bushes first, highlighting the most spacious sections of the hill for them. Do not plant them on the sole or on top of the ground. The optimal place for upright dwarf forms in rock gardens is near large stones along the edges of the hill, at a great distance from each other. At proper fit deciduous and coniferous shrubs will not require any special care from you. But some of them, for the winter period, you will have to cover by tying the plant with burlap or a special cover.

Very often, moss is included in the design of alpine slides. The transplantation of moss plates from the forest onto rock garden stones is carried out as follows. First, the moss pillow is cleaned from its native land, and then it is thoroughly mixed with a blender with a couple of tablespoons of sugar and 200 g of kefir. With the resulting homogeneous mass, you need to lubricate the sections of stones (using a brush), on which in the future they want to see a green carpet of moss. The plant will take root faster if it is regularly moistened within three weeks after planting.

A neatly trimmed green lawn can become a good frame for an alpine slide.

Advice. No need to try to place more species in the rock garden. You will succeed in a holistic composition only when, having learned about the types of plants from A to Z, you will be able to provide, albeit for a small number of flowers, a worthy existence.

Alpine hill - landing scheme

Between the stone scattering there should be enough space for the normal development and growth of green spaces. In a small hole dug at an angle, as shown in the figure, seedlings are planted, their roots are straightened, lightly sprinkled with earth and tamped. After planting, the hill needs to be watered. It is better to do this from top to bottom - the water, flowing down, will saturate the soil well and go straight to the roots.

When planting rosette flowers on a hill: orostachis, gentian, levisia, etc., do not plant them next to ground covers. The latter grow rapidly and can crowd out tender plants.

Plant bulbs will not spread if planted inside a limiter - a jar or an old bucket without a bottom.

Schemes of alpine slides (with the names of plants)

Scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 4

Types of Alpine slides

The paradoxical unity of fragile vegetation and boulders gives real pleasure to summer residents, disposes to reflection and soothes.

And after reading the article, you only have to choose: admire the bizarre harmony of the alpine slides in the photo or recreate one of the views on your site. Moreover, there are 7 of them at the stony flower beds at once:

  • "rock" with natural fractures of the surface;
  • rather difficult in execution "mountain slope" with coniferous and huge boulders;
  • landscape "mountain valley" with asymmetrically placed groups of stones;
  • "terraced slope" with retaining walls of various heights, lengths and shapes;
  • decorative "forest ravine" with a spring or an artificially created waterfall;
  • "stony wall" - a low mound with randomly scattered stones;
  • extravagant "Czech rolling pin", defining technical feature which - layered masonry;
  • the most stylish of the stone compositions is the "alpine lawn" with wild plants growing exclusively in the highlands.


Do not listen to those who assure that a rock garden in a country house can be planned and created in one day. Of course not. Well, perhaps the simplest version of a mini alpine slide, and even then not in the garden, but in a city apartment.

Want to make things right? Then lay the drainage, fill the ground and form the base of the hill in the fall, and lay the stones and flowers and plant them only in the spring.

Alpine hill - photo of beautiful rock garden design options

Do-it-yourself alpine hill is an original element of landscape design, consisting of mountain plants and different breeds wild stone imitating hills and rocky peaks destroyed by time. The rock garden should correspond as much as possible miraculous beauty Alps.

The main forming element of the composition - a natural stone. Plants are designed to emphasize the natural beauty of the blocks. In nature, such areas are formed in places of mountain faults. Under the influence external environment a soil layer gradually appears on them, on which flowers begin to grow. This magnificent creation of nature can be independently recreated in your own country house.

Distinctive characteristics

A rock garden differs from an ordinary flower bed in its arrangement.

If the flower bed includes a composition of flowers and green spaces, then the latter is a special structure made of stones framed by plants characteristic of the alpine flora.

Visually, it looks like a mountain landscape. The stones symbolize the mountain peak, and the flowers repeat the rocky landscape. The larger the garden composition, the better it will look.


There are several varieties of alpine slides:

  1. Alpine meadow. This species has the form of a green meadow, which organically passes into the mountain slope. The meadow is sown with herbs, bulbous plants and annuals that grow in the Swiss and French Alps.
  1. Mountain slope. To create it, you need a small hill or mound. Stones of medium and large size are located on the hill in a chaotic manner. Conifers are planted on the slopes - pine, juniper. Empty spaces between plantings are covered with ferns and dwarf trees.
  1. Japanese garden. This is a mini version of the rock garden, which is suitable for connoisseurs of Japanese culture, philosophical teachings and meditative practices. Distinctive feature Japanese garden- absence of large boulders. Welcome compact rocky design, decorated coniferous plantations. Between them is placed boxwood evergreen or small-leaved.
  1. Swamp. When on adjoining territory there is a swampy area, it can be turned into an original alpine hill. To do this, they dig a small pit, on the bottom of which stones, pebbles and sand are laid out. Over time, the pit will fill with water and turn into natural pond. Its edges are decorated with rounded stones, snags and moisture-loving plants.
  1. forest ravine. On its slopes, a rocky slope is made of dug stones. Ferns and moss are planted near the boulders.


Alpine slide scheme (click to enlarge)

Before proceeding with the construction of a rock garden, it is necessary to develop its detailed scheme.

In addition, draw a sketch on paper, think over the desired size, make a list of plantings and the location of all structural elements, taking into account landscape design.

This plan will serve as a kind of instruction for work and will help to avoid modifications, because moving boulders is much more convenient on paper than on the site. Also of great importance is the illumination of the site and the degree of its moisture content.

It's important to know: in order for the alpine slide to retain its original beauty, you need to correctly select flowers and plants, consider their planting.

We must not forget about seasonal flowering. It is better to plant flowering plants that ripen at different times.

Location selection

The key to the successful creation of a rock garden is its correct location.

If there are any irregularities on the territory, then it is better to choose the highest section for the slide. It should be borne in mind that it will be quite difficult to build it on sandy soil. Clay soil requires the installation of a drainage system.

A sunny and ventilated area is best. Since the alpine slide is the highlight of the garden and the pride of the owners, it should be located in a conspicuous place and viewed from any angle.

On the sunny side it is necessary to plant light-loving flowers that tolerate Sun rays. The east side is better to decorate with mountain plants. A hill is erected away from outbuildings or a garage. The best option would be a location near a flower bed or a natural reservoir.

Device and design

Often, the construction of a rock garden comes down to the formation of a composition of plants and stones.

After some time, such a "structure" will lose its attractiveness and shape. Therefore, you should follow step by step construction, which begins with the arrangement of the drainage system.

  1. Drainage. So that the stones do not change their original position as a result of erosion by groundwater, it is necessary to make a drainage layer as in the photo. To do this, remove about 15 cm of the topsoil, remove the remaining roots of plants that can destroy the structure. Further, the resulting recess is filled with gravel or crushed stone. The material is carefully compacted and watered with water to compact. Then drainage system covered with a layer of soil, watered and compacted again.

  1. Soil preparation. For a rock garden, simple land from the site is suitable. It must be free of debris and weeds. The soil is mixed with peat and coarse sand in equal proportions. The finished soil is laid out on the prepared drainage layer with a small slide of 1 meter. As soon as the stones are laid, the voids are also covered with earth.
  1. Plant selection. When choosing flowers and plants, it is important to focus on varieties that easily adapt to different climatic conditions. It is preferable to choose unpretentious plantings that retain their decorative qualities after flowering. Since the rock garden is created on long term, in its design you need to use perennials. Usually, when organizing a slide, the following groups of plants are involved: rosette, bulbous, ground cover, evergreen.

Plants and flowers


In the harsh conditions of the highlands, flowers and plants have to win their place under the sun. Therefore, flowers that do not need careful care are suitable for rock garden decoration.

If desired, the slide can be updated with annuals every year. Perennials of bright colors are suitable to preserve the initial result. The following plants will be a rational choice:

  • Edelweiss. This beautiful flower not afraid of frost and winds. He lines the hill with a beautiful rug. The flowering period falls in the summer months;
  • Saxifrage. Small flowers prefer to grow in dark places. Green saxifrage nets can even cover boulders;
  • Younger. This is a common inhabitant of rock gardens with fleshy leaves and unusual colors. Its purple flowers are not inferior in beauty to other undersized plants;
  • Lumbago. Perennial from the buttercup family begins to bloom in early spring, decorating the site with rich colors.

Note: in order to recreate the atmosphere of the alpine landscape as reliably as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the multi-tiered arrangement of plants and stones.


Japanese spirea, awl-shaped phlox, aquilegia and dwarf barberry will successfully fit into the design of the rock garden. By combining various types of plants, you can create a magnificent landscape composition.

A rock garden like a swamp is decorated with hyacinths, water lilies. They must occupy at least a quarter of the water surface, otherwise the pond will look abandoned. We must not forget about the plants that support the aquatic ecosystem. These include elodea and hornwort.

If all the conditions were met during the arrangement of the rock garden, drainage was correctly performed, the layout of stones and the selection of plants, then the hill will serve as the main decoration of the backyard for a long time and give joy from contemplating natural beauty. beautiful ideas For inspiration, watch the video:

Many summer residents, when arranging their plots, install a decorative element in the garden like an alpine slide.

It is an excellent decoration for a garden or a park. The hill gives the summer cottage coziness, beauty and a sense of nature.

Choosing a place for a slide

When choosing a place for an alpine slide, the following factors should be considered:

  • The slide should be located in the most prominent place of the site so that guests and all family members can admire it.
  • It should be in the sun, in places not blocked by trees.
  • It is recommended to protect the alpine slide from contact with the wind.

When installing a slide, the landscape design of the site is also taken into account, on which a lot depends. When organizing an alpine slide on your own, it is best to refuse the services of an architect and do everything as you like and it will be inexpensive in terms of finances.

You can make such a slide yourself by studying many forums and articles on the Internet.

The beginning of the installation of the Alpine hill

First of all, we determine the location, near it to prevent the presence of trees, bushes and other vegetation. It is also necessary to correctly choose the location of the slide at their summer cottage.

It must be placed where the level of soil moisture is not very high, this can affect the quality of the slide. Humidity is controlled by applying a drainage cover, which is filled up under the hill and protects it from excess water.

Hill building ideas

It is necessary to schematically represent the view of the alpine slide, the location of all the scenery. To build a hill you need:

  • stones various kinds and forms, for example - pebbles;
  • sand, you can also use different ones (with or without pebbles);
  • different kinds ornamental plants and flowers, dwarf trees also look great;
  • to create the atmosphere of the forest there should be - moss;

From improvised means and things, you can create a work of landscape art. Alpine hill will delight you with its appearance every day.

Choosing stones to decorate the alpine slide.

For the construction of such a decorative slide, stones of various breeds are used. Usually they are stones such as: basalt, granite, sandstone.

Often, landscape designers and architects use stones of one particular breed, as they look harmonious and are more convenient to work with.

When building a slide, stones must be laid scattered in order to avoid the same type of arrangement of stones, thereby giving the structure a natural look.

For these purposes, stones mined industrially are not suitable. They try to lay stones that have cracks, chips, hiding defects so that they do not spoil big picture slides.

Arrangement of an alpine hill with flowers and plants

In order for the slide to have a pleasant and attractive design appearance, many varieties of vegetation are used during its construction.

Their number and types can be different, which the owners of the summer cottage like. When choosing them, you should pay attention to weather, the type of plants that grow in that area, and many more factors.

And also, before purchasing plants or flowers, you need to contact a person with knowledge in botany, and it is recommended to contact landscape designers only they have experience in this area.

At self-selection plants, you risk simply destroying the plants. Also, when forming an alpine slide, you can use small ornamental trees. You need to use bright saturated flowers that look great on the site, delighting with their beautiful views.

Proper care of the alpine slide

For the first time in a year of using a slide, you need to take care of the plants, water them with fertilizers and sprinkle the earth as necessary.

When operating the slide, it is not recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers for plants, as they accompany the active growth of plants. Plants and flowers need to be cut, dried leaves removed. When watering, you need to follow the stream of water, it should not erode the soil.

Plants are also susceptible to pests, so they need to be treated. Stones that loosen over time need to be strengthened.

The use of alpine slides in the field of design

With the help of such slides, not only summer cottages and vegetable gardens are decorated, they are also used in the arrangement of parks and squares.

Alpine slides are also widely used in decorating aquariums and terrariums. The Alpine hill will not only transform the summer cottage, but will delight all guests with its beauty, create an atmosphere of nature and comfort.

Photo of an Alpine hill at their summer cottage

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