Orchid compatibility with other colors. Charming Neighbors on Room - Orchids

Reservoirs 13.05.2019

It is possible to achieve repeated blossom from it if you know all the factors that contribute to this and comply with a certain care mode.

How to care for orchid

Looking at flowering orchidMany flower flowers do not even think, buy this extraordinary plant or not. Of course buy! But will it be just as good to bloom and at home?

Everyone knows that orchid - the plant is quite capricious and requires a scrupulous care.It is possible to achieve re-blossom from it if you know all the factors that contribute to this and follow a certain care mode. Then the flowering of orchid will continue from 2 to 6 months. And some are childbirth, like phalaenopsis or wanda, can bloom and all year round.

To orchid bloom ...

Flowering frequency orchid depends on compliance certain rules Care. To bloody the plant, you should remember 9 important conditionscontributing to this.

1. Learn the age of orchids

If you bought non-raising plantAnd it is not in a hurry to please the flower arrow, perhaps it is still too young. Different types Orchids bloom aged 1.5 to 3 years.

To determine that the orchid is quite an adult, you need to count the number of shoots. In an adult plant ready for flowering, they should be from 5 to 8. If the flowers on the orchid appear earlier - this is not always good. The fact is that too young plant may not have enough strength to restore after flowering, and orchid may die.

2. Do not move the pot

Many know that moving for orchid is a real stress. But this flower does not like minor movements. Orchid reacts to the situation in relation to the light. Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange the pot with a plant, it is necessary to place it the same side to the source of lighting, which he stood before. It is also not worth moving orchid during irrigation. Movement adversely affects the growth of the flower, especially at the time of the appearance of the flower.

3. Detish the roots

As you know, the roots of orchids are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis, so it is important to ensure that they have enough light. Insofar as once again It is not recommended to move orchid, it is worth taking care of the roots in advance. For example, instead of ceramic pots, it is better to use plastic transparent containers with large quantity drainage holes.

N.e it is recommended to take to land this flower container with corrugated walls, because its roots have a feature to grow to uneven surface. In addition, sharp edges and elements can injure root systemWhat damages the whole plant as a whole.

4. Take care of lighting

Sunlight is a very important factor affecting orchid blossom. Without a full light day (10-12 hours a day) these plants will not bloom. So in the fall and winter when natural lighting Very little, flowers should be reduced by lamps.

Phytolambuses are special lamps intended for plant shocking: they give a lot of bright light, without looking at the same air around the colors.

If the orchid released the bloom in the fall or in winter, then it should be taken care that it does not die because of a short light day. Without showering in the dark, the bloomon can dwell in development or dry. If there is no possibility to heal the plant entirely, it is enough to organize the backlight only for the tip of the color saw. The main thing is to ensure that neither he nor the plant itself is heated.

5. Ensure a permissible temperature drop

The catalyst for the flowering of many types of orchids is a minor difference between the day and night temperature indicators. Therefore, the orchid bloom, at night the temperature should be 4-6 ° C lower than the day. Of course, creating such conditions throughout the year is problematic. But from the end of spring and before the beginning of the autumn, the orchids can be kept outdoors, where the temperature difference is achieved by naturally.

In a cooler time, when the flowers should already live at home, the rooms with orchids need to be tired. Just do it should be very careful, remembering that these plants are very afraid of drafts.

6. Water orchid

It is necessary to water orchid after drying the soil - it will give the opportunity to avoid the reinforcement of the roots. These requirements act both in the summer and in winter and applicable both for children and for adult plants. However, there is here and their exceptions. After the orchid wonders, watering should be reduced by about a month.

In nature after flowering orchids, begin to tie seeds that should fly into different sides a few kilometers. This is possible only in dry periods, but in no way in the rainy season. Therefore, it is necessary to provide orchid conditions, as much as possible close to natural - then the flower will grow healthy and often bloom.

Before flowering and during it, orchid requires a more intense watering than usual. Further, during the rest, copies with rigid leaves and the presence of pseudobulb should be poured according to the main principle (approximately 10-12 days).

7. Moisturize the air around the plant

Another important condition for flowering is the humidity of the air. If it is not enough, orchid can dwell in growth or the unacceptable buds and flowers will be dried.

To increase the moisture in the room where the orchid grows, you can put next to the flower plate with water. Also in very dry periods (when in the houses include heating) the plant is worth spraying. Suitable humidity for orchids - from 60% and higher.

8. Pick the fertilizer

For feeding orchids, it is recommended to use compounds based on phosphorus and potassium, as they stimulate the appearance of flower kidney. In addition, the use of such fertilizers guarantees education in the plant of healthy and strong flowers. But the nitrogen-based feeders are better not to be carried away: this element, on the contrary, inhibits the development of flowers.

9. Do not be afraid to "scare" the plant

Sometimes, to make orchid blooming, she needs to arrange small stress. It happens that all the conditions for flowering are observed, and the flower does not want to push the arrow. It sometimes happens due to the fact that the orchid is too good. In this case, all the forces of the plant directs the growth of green mass. One way to stimulate flowering is a little "shock" orchid: cutting watering or rearrange the pot with a plant in a cooler place.

Orchid rest period

After flowering, the orchid comes resting period when she begins to save power for new flowering. Care at this time is no different from leaving other periods. The flower still needs good watering, high humidity, sufficient lighting and regular prevention against diseases and pests.

As for the feeding, their frequency and volume during peace should be reduced. If there is a need to transplant orchid, then it's time to do this procedure now when the plant does not bloom anymore.

The transplant is necessary if the roots stick out of the drainage hole, or the soil flies quickly after watering. As a rule, the need for this procedure appears in 2-3 years.

Are orchids suitable for cutting?

What could be more beautiful bouquet of orchids? But these flowers live for a short time, and not every kind is suitable for cutting. Let's try to figure out how to extend the life with an epiphetic bouquet and what orchids to choose.

Standing in a vase and maintain freshness and fragrance for several weeks (and sometimes months) can phalaenopsis, cymbidiums and pafiopylamine. Other orchids risk not to sleep and hour, fading literally in their eyes.

If you acquire orchids in the cut, see first of all on petals and sewers. They should be shiny, as if covered with wax, and tough - then the orchid will have a long time.

How to extend the life bouquet of orchids

If the flowers were brought from the store, then they need to update the sections. Cut the stems follows the painter. The procedure is recommended for jet flowing water. Update sections are preferably every 2-3 days.

Water for the content of cut orchids should be soft and pure: you can use boiled or filtered. Periodically, it needs to be updated, fastening fresh.

Orchids in the cut, as, however, and potted household orchids are afraid of too high and very low temperatures. It is also recommended to protect against draft and bright sun.published

Among the colors, both among people there are very different "individuals" with similar and unlike habits. There are capricious very demanding care, and there are "lovers" of extreme, which, the worse, the better. Therefore, the colors to each other should be chosen especially carefully.

Tip: Remember that plants placed in one flower bed must have the same requirements for light, humidity, soil quality.

Swim in the rays of the Sun prefer the most luxurious perennials - roses, peonies and clematis, but for full comfort they need fertile soil, Right feeding, sufficient and timely watering. And yet, even with such conditions, experienced flowerflowers advise their mansion separately from each other and from the rest of the plants (the distance for peonies is at least 1 m, for roses - 0.5 m).

Especially spectacularly these kings and queens of the garden will look in solitary landings against the background of lawn, growing away from conifers or decorative shrubs, provided that the latter bloom in different time With our heroes. Peonies bloom for long, but their lush bushes are gorgeous and after flowering. Therefore, at some distance from them (but not in their shadows) you can plant blooming annuals later, "which love the sun and normally transfer moderate drought.

If your soul is eager to diversify such a flower garden, choose a restrained, nonsense framing for it. For example, beauty and peony The modest lace of gypsophils of messenger, elegant lavender or spectacular leaves of silver wormwood. Not far from the rosary, plants-defenders can be attached to drive away the cunning pests. Perfect option - velhets and Sage.

These sun beds are drought-resistant and do not pretend to other people's feeding. Tip: Keep in mind that the abundance of different and at the same time flowering plants in one flower bed looks at least ridiculous - ripples from such a variety in the eyes.

Royal Persons, about whose fads we have already told, are far from the only candidates for the "sunny" flower garden.

In the spring of the clearing, sprung by generous rays, will decorate mixed planting bulbous: tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. The company of tulips willingly make up ornamental bows and gypsophila buggy.

But remember: tulips can not dig and crop their leaves until nutrients have accumulated in the bulbs. The signal to the "withdrawal" will be completely dried foliage.

Do not worry about the beauty of the scenery, by that time the bulbous will hide "Shirma" from tall drought-resistant annuals or perennials, which in our climate "retrained" in the texts.

it verbena and high grades Vitytsev and Lacfiol (yellow left). In similar conditions, lilies and phlox, chrysanthemums and asters, dahlias and decorative sunflowers, gladiolus and zinnia, Cannes and Daisters feel good.

However, the demanding of plants is distributed not only for illumination, but also on humidity and other characteristics of the soil. And this will also have to take into account when the device of flower beds and flower beds.

A lot of sunconium plants Prefer moderate watering and good drainage.

Enough drought-resistant many decorative herbs, eg eLIMUS, DUCCOWER AND OVYAN SISAY. But there are plants that the sun and water are equally loved. These are irises and ornamental bows, copecles and floccox, the Gelienium Autumn and Rudbeckia, Gladiolus and Echinacea Purple.

Flowers I. flowering plants We usually prefer rich neutral soils and with pleasure take feeding. Soil and some wildlife representatives are accustomed to the poor, not too generous land: it yaskolka, Molded, wormwood (And other plants with silver-gray leaves), from feeding them often becomes bad.

Tip: If possible, avoid tight fit, many plants occupy everything over time large square And interfere with each other, so it is important to observe the distance, and the "naked" land cover the decorative mulch.

Secrets of the demion.

Shadow is different: solid or impermeable give economic buildings, fences and dense landings, lightweight - trees and shrubs with openwork foliage. Plants react differently to the lack or excess of light. The showingly demonstrates their beauty only where there is little sun.

Shadowishly prefer solar places, but agree to put up with one degree of shading, although with such a compromise partially lose their attractiveness. Combine Plants S. different tastes Do not.

Picking up the "residents" for a shady corner of the garden, you need to pay attention to what they are the ones and shades.

Moderately shadowishly lay down with a small shading, which can create higher "neighbors" in one flower bed: vasilki, Veskonnik, Lilyniki, Pyrethrum and dicentre.

An excellent option for the shadow - "wild" perennials, which in natural conditions adapted to the lack of sunlight.

Miniature soil - Barwinka Small, Clear, Pakhizandra, Wrushoid Buds - tightened aisle and emptiness in the garden, running away weeds. You can create great carpets even where there are no shadow lawn grass- Under the firings or from the northern side of the house, the European, Zelechuk Yellow, Phachizandra, and Tiall, Calcandra, will be perfectly taken here.

In the intensive shadow feel good and anemone Forest, Lrangess, Ferns, Liver and some . For privided borders, rocaries and alpine Gork Suitable luggage creeping, volatile varieties brunners, Badan and Mednica. Among beautiful blooming perennials, without loss of carrying non-shading, it is worth paying attention to volzhanka, Nather, Rogers and Solidago. In half you can land anemone, aconite, labaznik, dicentro and an astilba.

Many former weeds that have turned from light hands Gardeners B. decorative plants, accustomed to extreme and quite successfully grow on acidic soils.

Slightly increased acidity will easily survive lily and Primulus, Phachizandra Top, Tiallla and Armeria. The weakness is preferred by prefront, aconite, dolphinium, various varieties of sources, anemone, lily of the valley, the guilty and cereal. The strong soils "soul" decorative shrubs and some herbaceous perennials: fern, dicentre, Badan and Lupine multice.

Friends or enemies?

Not always plants with similar tastes get along together, and opposites displacing each other with a captured territory. Successful neighborhood options may be the most unexpected, but most often it is necessary to determine them by samples and errors.

It happens that plants whose comfort demands coincide cannot grow nearby. For example, tree peonies are bad neighbors not only for perennials, but even for trees and shrubs, closer than 1.5 m.

Write from a close neighborhood with cloves and aware, and peonies in oppressively act on the Queen of the Garden. Lilies are forced to suffer growing nearby Peonies and violets, and dahlia Recosed in the "destruction" of almost all competitors - after all, weeds next to them are less than with other plants.

Representatives differ special aggressiveness lutikov family, they suck out the soil moisture and all useful substances, thoroughly

exhausting soil, so they have to sit on a hungry soldering. In terms of the roots of representatives of this family, there are substances that can direct the lives of their green "counterparts".

And if on the clover lawn to plant the ilok, then even a hardy clover will die. Soil-covers love to disintegate other people's territories, the onions, wintering in the ground, are especially suffering from them: it is difficult for them through the powerful interlacing of "Tips and Korekov". If you, despite the habits of the plants, decided to combine bulbous and soil crops in one flower bed, the gripful impulses should be limited to a rigid framework of tin or metal, both in the ground and above the ground.

Flowers and their neighborhood - choose candidates: photo

1. Perfekschn1 F1 velets. The bush is compact or sprawling with a clear main escape and completely round thick-terry inflorescences with a diameter of up to 15 cm. The bush is powerful, strong, well-branched, 35-40 cm high, width 30-35 cm. Plants look perfectly in curbs, flower beds and chapets , well combined with floccals, dahlias, astrams, geranium. Flowering since the end of June - early July and to frosts.

2. Brachikannolete plant 15-25 cm high. On bushes there are numerous inflorescences with flowers with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm. Tongue flowers - white, blue, purple or pink-pink; Tubular (smaller) - blue or almost black. Blossom abundant, from mid-June to September or October, depending on the weather. Loves outdoor sunshines and light and nutrient soil. Watering is needed only in dry weather, for abundant flowering Pretty Mineral Fertilizers are recommended. Disembarking after return freezers, the distance between the plants is 15-20 cm.

3. Vasilek - two- or annual herbate plant Height from 60 to 80 cm. Flowers garden Forms May be white, pink, purple, red. Unpretentious but loves sunlight, blooms from June to September. Grow B. open soil On the spot lit by the sun, the distance between individuals - 20-50 cm. When growing in a group of plants or flower beds to plant from the south side in the first row so that the sunlight falls uniformly. Loves fertile, rich humus soil with neutral acidity.

Looking at the flowering orchid, many flower trees do not even think, buy this extraordinary plant or not. Of course buy! But will it be just as good to bloom and at home?

Everyone knows that orchid - the plant is quite capricious and requires a scrupulous care. It is possible to achieve re-blossom from it if you know all the factors that contribute to this and follow a certain care mode. Then the flowering of orchid will continue from 2 to 6 months. And some are childbirth, like phalaenopsis or wanda, can bloom and all year round.

To orchid bloom ...

Flowering frequency orchid depends on compliance with certain rules of care. To bloody the plant, 9 important conditions contributing to this should be remembered.

1. Learn the age of orchids

If you bought a flaky plant, and it is not in a hurry to please the floral arrow, perhaps it is still too young. Different types of orchids bloom aged 1.5 to 3 years. To determine that the orchid is quite an adult, you need to count the number of shoots. In an adult plant ready for flowering, they should be from 5 to 8. If the flowers on the orchid appear earlier - this is not always good. The fact is that too young plant may not have enough strength to restore after flowering, and orchid may die.

2. Do not move the pot

Many know that moving for orchid is a real stress. But this flower does not like minor movements. Orchid reacts to the situation in relation to the light. Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange the pot with a plant, it is necessary to place it the same side to the source of lighting, which he stood before. It is also not worth moving orchid during irrigation. Movement adversely affects the growth of the flower, especially at the time of the appearance of the flower.

3. Detish the roots

As you know, the roots of orchids are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis, so it is important to ensure that they have enough light. Because once again move orchid is not recommended, it is worth taking care of the roots in advance. For example, instead of ceramic pots, it is better to use plastic transparent containers with a large number of drainage holes. It is not recommended to take a container with corrugated walls for planting this flower, since its roots have a feature to grow to an uneven surface. In addition, sharp edges and elements may injure the root system, which damages the entire plant as a whole.

4. Take care of lighting

Sunlight is a very important factor affecting orchid blossom. Without a full light day (10-12 hours a day) these plants will not bloom. Therefore, in the fall and in winter, when natural lighting is very small, the flowers should be reduced by lamps.

Phytolambuses are special lamps intended for plant shocking: they give a lot of bright light, without looking at the same air around the colors.

If the orchid released the bloom in the fall or in winter, then it should be taken care that it does not die because of a short light day. Without showering in the dark, the bloomon can dwell in development or dry. If there is no possibility to heal the plant entirely, it is enough to organize the backlight only for the tip of the color saw. The main thing is to ensure that neither he nor the plant itself is heated.

5. Ensure a permissible temperature drop

The catalyst for the flowering of many types of orchids is a minor difference between the day and night temperature indicators. Therefore, the orchid bloom, at night the temperature should be 4-6 ° C lower than the day. Of course, creating such conditions throughout the year is problematic. But from the end of spring and before the beginning of the autumn, the orchids can be kept outdoors, where the temperature difference is achieved by naturally. In a cooler time, when the flowers should already live at home, the rooms with orchids need to be tired. Just do it should be very careful, remembering that these plants are very afraid of drafts.

6. Water orchid

It is necessary to water orchid after drying the soil - it will give the opportunity to avoid the reinforcement of the roots. These requirements act both in the summer and in winter and applicable both for children and for adult plants. However, there is here and their exceptions. After the orchid wonders, watering should be reduced by about a month.

In nature, after flowering orchids, seeds begin to tie seeds that should fly into different directions a few kilometers. This is possible only in dry periods, but in no way in the rainy season. Therefore, it is necessary to provide orchid conditions, as much as possible close to natural - then the flower will grow healthy and often bloom.

Before flowering and during it, orchid requires a more intense watering than usual. Further, during the rest, copies with rigid leaves and the presence of pseudobulb should be poured according to the main principle (approximately 10-12 days).

7. Moisturize the air around the plant

Another important condition for flowering is the humidity of the air. If it is not enough, orchid can dwell in growth or the unacceptable buds and flowers will be dried.

To increase the moisture in the room where the orchid grows, you can put next to the flower plate with water. Also in very dry periods (when in the houses include heating) the plant is worth spraying. Suitable humidity for orchids - from 60% and higher.

8. Pick the fertilizer

For feeding orchids, it is recommended to use compounds based on phosphorus and potassium, as they stimulate the appearance of flower kidney. In addition, the use of such fertilizers guarantees education in the plant of healthy and strong flowers. But the nitrogen-based feeders are better not to be carried away: this element, on the contrary, inhibits the development of flowers.

9. Do not be afraid to "scare" the plant

Sometimes, to make orchid blooming, she needs to arrange small stress. It happens that all the conditions for flowering are observed, and the flower does not want to push the arrow. It sometimes happens due to the fact that the orchid is too good. In this case, all the forces of the plant directs the growth of green mass. One way to stimulate flowering is a little "shock" orchid: cutting watering or rearrange the pot with a plant in a cooler place.

Orchid rest period

After flowering, the orchid comes resting period when she begins to save power for new flowering. Care at this time is no different from leaving other periods. The flower still needs a good watering, high humidity, sufficient lighting and regular prevention against diseases and pests.

As for the feeding, their frequency and volume during peace should be reduced. If there is a need to transplant orchid, then it's time to do this procedure now when the plant does not bloom anymore.

The transplant is necessary if the roots stick out of the drainage hole, or the soil flies quickly after watering. As a rule, the need for this procedure appears in 2-3 years.

Are orchids suitable for cutting?

What could be more beautiful bouquet of orchids? But these flowers live for a short time, and not every kind is suitable for cutting. Let's try to figure out how to extend the life with an epiphetic bouquet and what orchids to choose.

Stand in a vase and keep freshness and aroma for several weeks (and sometimes months) phalaenopsis, Cymbidiums and Pafiopirums. Other orchids risk not to sleep and hour, fading literally in their eyes.

If you acquire orchids in the cut, see first of all on petals and sewers. They should be shiny, as if covered with wax, and tough - then the orchid will have a long time.

How to extend the life bouquet of orchids:

  1. If the flowers were brought from the store, then they need to update the sections. Cut the stems follows the painter. The procedure is recommended under the jet of flow water. Update sections are preferably every 2-3 days.
  2. Water for the content of cut orchids should be soft and pure: you can use boiled or filtered. Periodically, it needs to be updated, fastening fresh.
  3. Orchids in the cut, as, however, and potted household orchids are afraid of too high and very low temperatures. It is also recommended to protect against draft and bright sun.

05.02.2017, 15:11

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If you are interested, is it possible to keep the houses of orchids - the signs disagree. It is difficult to find a home flower, which would exist such a number of contradictory superstitions.

In the article:

Orchid - ancient flower

Orchid - very beautiful flowerwho love many. The first mention of this plant is dated to the 7th century BC, but some specialists studying plants are confident that the orchid is known to man much longer. This is one of the most ancient flowers, which for a long time was considered a symbol of integrity, purity, perfection, divine beauty and harmony.

The people of the past considered the orchid flower elected among people who possessed any talent - creative or oratorical, as well as an attractive appearance. She was given to his beloved girls, expressing their respect and worship before the object of admiration, showing the purity of their thoughts.

As about one of the most ancient flowers, a set of orchid is folded. Some of them are based on the difficulties of artificial breeding of this plant, and part - on personal experience Our ancestors who should believe.

Orchid in the house - bad signs

Most of I will enjoy the orchid properties, allowing content in the house of which is categorically impossible. It is believed that such plants pull the vital energy from people who live with it under one roof. This does not argue with even the teachings of Fengshui, which favorably belongs to most of the plants and encourages a large number of Colors in the house. This is due to the fact that pollen some types of orchids lulls.

There is also an opinion that orchid - muganoBut it's not entirely right. Indeed, this is a female plant that benefits only the beautiful floor, enhancing femininity, attractiveness and other qualities inherent in it. On a man, orchid affects negatively, making it rampant and even familiar. Therefore, it is not recommended to put them in rooms where married couples, men and even small boys live.

Bad signs about orchids in the house do not prohibit their breeding, but impose a number of restrictions. As a vampire, like most domestic flowers, they are active at night, so do not put orchids in the bedrooms. In addition, it is necessary to take care that men from your family can be used as little as possible with this plant. Remove it where they spend a minimum of time, for example, in the kitchen. It is a plant for women, and men's rooms and rooms they do not decorate.

Signs and superstitions about a positive orchid

As mentioned above, nothing has against breeding, but subject to the precautions described above. Then they will not have any negative meaning And will serve the most real mascot of any woman, help develop talents and work in creativity. Just so that the plant is good to you feel, it should be careful to it and not to allow diseases and fading orchids.

Orchid can extend and even return youth, health and good mood women. It gives attractiveness and strengthens all female qualities and character traits. With the help of this home flower You can expel the negative from the house and attract positive energy into it. At the same time, pay attention to the color, because instances of different color affect differently.

This plant may also be your advocate. If a guest came to you, who conceived evil against you, orchid would definitely drive him down, causing poor well-being and the desire to urgently leave your apartment. The secret and obvious enemies who had to face orchid protecting their mistress are observed headaches, various disturbing states and other disorders.

Signals about the color of orchids

Representatives of Fengshui teachings believe that this is different and may have absolutely different valuesBased on the color in which its flowers are painted.

Red and purple Orchids will help to overcome laziness. They are perfectly suitable for girls on a diet, throwing smoking or beginners healthy image Life. Such a plant will help you with your willpie. Red flowers will help you to do what you have always been postponed for tomorrow or were going to start from next Monday.

Yellow Orchids bring material wealth, helps to achieve the top of the career staircase. The same applies to orange flowers. They encourage activities and active lifestyle. Great people who believe that their vital energy is dried, suffer from laziness or inability to embody their ideas. They support perfectly creative personalities And help to find inspiration.

White and pink Flowers help to find the inner harmony to those who do not even represent what it is. They are necessarily needed to girls who see the world in black colors and suffer from depression or melancholy. In addition, pink helps you gain charm and internal attractiveness.

Phalaenopsis is called orchids "for beginners". Compared to the rest of their relatives - it is quite unpretentious plantsBut still thermophles with them will be more than with a cactus. Therefore, inviting the night butterfly to the house (namely, Phalania translates from Greek) Take care so that the flower is comfortable. What kills, not doing stronger?

Asking the question of how to care for the orchids of Phalenoposis orchids, many forget about the most important thing - transportation. In winter, bring a plant from the store home the task is not easy. Orchid is not able to withstand with minus temperature Even half an hour. Cooling treatment is not subject to treatment.

The fact that orchid does not like the neighborhood with other plants heard everything. But here's the fact that the capricious flower does not endure the smells of certain types of vegetables and fruits, not many know. Gases emitted by tomatoes and nuts contribute to the aging of the flower and can lead to his death.
Fatal for beautiful flower Also mechanical damage and solar burns.

Light and water - trap for moth
Buttero-like orchids love light, but straight sun rays They are tired. So the windowsill is not the most the best place. Yes, and the neighborhood with batteries central heating It is unlikely to benefit orchid. It is advisable to find a well-lit place, perhaps even in the depths of the room, but near the lamp of daylight. IN summer time Posted by plants on a western or eastern window. But in the winter orchid you need to remove away from drafts.

How to care for phalaenopsis orchids at home so that they feel like in Native Indonesia? Give them enough water, many think. But the focus is that orchid does not like so much water as humidity. Faleenopsis likes a light shower from the spray gun, but it's not worth the pot of water. In winter, the plant flows into the hibernation and drinks quite a bit, and with the arrival of heat, the consumption of moisture increases, and it is necessary to water orchid. Watering water should be filtered.

For breeding wild orchids, it is necessary to create a wet microclimate, but this is only true Michurinz. Therefore, breeders have tried to foolopsis to be cozy and apartments. The ideal solution to the problem is considered to be an air humidifier. Some put orchid near the aquarium.

But there is another option - the pallet with wet cerazytwhen drying which wet air Will climb the plant.

Small friend
Phalaenopsis must be resettled every two three years. This time consuming process and requires great accuracy. Professionals are recommended for this orchid family to mix the substrate in such proportions: 60% of the crust coniferous trees; 15% foam; 5% charcoal; 20% moss sfagnum or peat. Regarding feeding: During the extension of new leaves, it is better to use fertilizers with a large content of nitrogen, and more phosphorus needed for the development of flowerons.

Video about orchids: purchase, care, transplantation.

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