How to care for Kalanchoe in a purchased pot. Proper care for Kalanchoe blooming at home

landscaping 13.06.2019

Many lovers of indoor floriculture keep decorative Kalanchoe on their windowsills. The point is not only the unpretentiousness of the plant - it can satisfy the most diverse needs of its owners. Fans of unusual and beautiful foliage will suit laciniata. Those who love flowering varieties will rejoice at Kalanchoe Kalandiva, Mix or Blossfelde. Supporters of big bushes and miniature plants- everyone will find something suitable from the numerous representatives of the genus.

Most popular types

In fact, decorative Kalanchoe has more than a hundred of the most diverse representatives. Almost all of them can be grown in room conditions. However, the following have won the hearts of growers the most:

  1. Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Perhaps the tallest bush of all representatives. Inflorescences are large, brightly colored. Available in pink, white, purple, red and yellow color. The foliage is juicy green, sometimes edged with a reddish border.
  2. Kalanchoe kalandiva. Variations on the theme of blossomfelds, but flowering is very long, flower stalks are much shorter than those of a fellow, and therefore the plant looks more decorative.
  3. Kalanchoe mix. Care is similar. The bushes are small, bloom very brightly and colorfully (which, however, is reflected in the name).
  4. It belongs to the so-called viviparous: many children grow along the edge of the foliage, due to which the bush looks fluffy. When transplanted, the kids quickly take root and give a full-fledged strong plant.
  5. It is chosen by growers for interesting greenish-gray foliage, narrow and with spots of a pronounced purple hue.
  6. Kalanchoe laciniata. The leaves are strongly dissected, almost light green in color, with a waxy coating. In shape, they resemble spreading horns, so this decorative Kalanchoe is known to many as deer horns. This variety blooms quite willingly, but less beautifully, so it is loved precisely for the leaves.

Kalanchoe after purchase

In the case when you bought a plant in a store, the first thing to do when you get home is to transplant it. If you are not sure that the flower will safely endure two stresses in a row, you can wait a couple of days, but no longer. The fact is that the peat substrate in which the plants are kept before sale is not suitable for Kalanchoe. At home, he will wither in peat. For transplantation, purchase a pot in advance, slightly larger than the one in which the flower was. Mandatory good layer drainage at the bottom, but you should not wash the roots when moving: just cut them off slightly from excess peat. Immediately after, it is well shed and left alone for several days.


Kalanchoe is not capricious. Most often it is planted in soil for succulents. The flower takes root in the universal one as well. However, if you wish, you can collect the soil yourself. For it, you will need four parts of sod land, two - sheet and one each - sand and peat. For greater nutritional value, you can flavor the land with dry cow dung or humus - both of which are taken in very small quantities.

Right place

Indoor photophilous, but does not tolerate direct midday rays. The northern windows will not suit him: he can survive there, but you can not wait for flowering - the stems will stretch, the leaves will become small and pale. If the pot is on the south side, the plant will get burned almost immediately, and it will take a long time to nurse it. The east side is more or less suitable, but you will have to make sure that the pot is out of reach for the midday sun: either on the side, where it does not reach, or in the shade of the curtain (frame). If there is no way out, and only southern windows are available, the decorative Kalanchoe is shaded. You can simply pull on a light curtain fabric to scatter the rays.

How much heat is needed

The average 18-20 degrees is what Kalanchoe flowers love. Care also includes the spring "walk" of plants: as soon as a stable +10 is established outside the window, the pots are taken out to the balcony, veranda or garden. Do not forget about the first condition - shading from the bright sun. The coolness of Kalanchoe is very satisfactory, but drafts are not. So it should be placed away from windows, fans and air conditioners.

Watering but not overflowing

One of the most important subtleties of keeping house plants is their proper watering. Violation water regime inevitably leads to the loss of a green pet. Since the Kalanchoe indoor flower belongs to succulents, it does not need frequent watering. They must be plentiful so that the water soaks the entire earth in a pot, but rare enough - the soil must dry between moistening almost to the very bottom, otherwise stagnant water will lead to rotting of the roots. The maximum summer frequency of watering is twice a week, and then if there is a suffocating heat. In dry air and stuffiness, decorative Kalanchoe is sprayed, large-leaved specimens are wiped with a damp sponge. In winter, sometimes monthly watering is enough. Of course, if the heating in your house is too strong, then the plants will have to be given water more often.

How to ensure and prolong flowering

Elegant flowers - that's what most people buy Kalanchoe for. Flowering, like everything in our life, ends sooner or later. And some Kalanchoe growers refuse to please them at all. In order for the capricious to bloom, two conditions must be met:

  1. Sufficient amount of light. If May is coming to an end, and there are no buds, move the pot to a better lit windowsill.
  2. Accuracy in feeding. Generous fertilizer causes rapid growth of the bush, which "forgets" about the need to bloom. To remind him of this, after the first spring they are set aside, and when the buds appear, another fertilizer is taken out - for flowering plants. Nevertheless, decorative Kalanchoe spends a lot of energy on this beauty.

If you try, you can significantly extend the flowering of your pet - almost until the very winter. In addition to mineral support, he needs regular removal of already faded, withered flowers. Soon there will be new ovaries.

How to keep the attractiveness of a flower

When the decorative Kalanchoe completely finishes blooming, the leaves at the bottom of the bush fall off rather quickly, the trunk and branches stretch out, and often bend. The result is a rather nondescript, and sometimes ugly bush. Some flower growers are disappointed in the acquisition and seek to get rid of it. However, the situation is quite fixable, you just need to know how to revive Kalanchoe flowers. Care in this case will consist in cutting the bush almost to ground level. This is done in the fall, during the rest period of the plant. After pruning, the pot moves into the shade. Watering should be rare, since the risk of decay of the underground part increases greatly. In just a couple of weeks, new leaves will appear, and by spring, the decorative Kalanchoe will be ready for a new, no less magnificent than last year's, flowering.

What causes Kalanchoe: care mistakes

All growers note both unpretentiousness and vitality, resistance to Kalanchoe ailments. Diseases are mostly caused by the failure of the owners to provide the needs of the plant. However, it clearly signals what exactly is being done wrong.

  1. In the midst of flowering or in spring, the lower leaves begin to fly off. In autumn, this is quite understandable, and we have already talked about the rejuvenation of the bush. But the rest of the time, such a phenomenon speaks of starvation of Kalanchoe. It needs to be fed with fertilizer.
  2. Dry brown spots appear on the leaves; over time, the affected leaves turn yellow and crumble. These are the most common burns. And not necessarily sunny: if the plant used to stand in the same place, but this was not observed, take a closer look at exactly where the spots are located. You will see that they are where the leaves are in contact with the glass. Your pet has simply grown, and it has become cramped. You have to buy a stand.
  3. The leaves are covered with weeping black spots, and then they actually rot away from the bush. Your decorative Kalanchoe freezes and "chokes". Given that it prefers coolness, there are two options: either winter, and you part with watering, or in the heat there is a source of draft somewhere nearby.

If you avoid such shortcomings, your handsome man will avoid such problems.

Unsuitable conditions

And this is another reason why Kalanchoe languishes: diseases are caused by a mismatch between the environment and its needs. A plant can also catch an infection if a new tenant appears next to it, who is ill with something and has not passed quarantine.

  1. Too much wet air- that's the reason for its appearance. If you have dampness in the apartment, you will have to ventilate more often and refuse to spray.
  2. Gray rot. It looks like a grayish coating, coupled with watery spots. The reasons are the same - dampness and cold. Usually overtakes Kalanchoe in the fall, when the heating is not yet turned on.
  3. Ticks. They appear as yellow small specks, gradually turning into dry white spots. All nearby plants will have to be treated with fungicides.
  4. Aphid. It settles at the bottom of the leaves, which begin to curl, turn yellow and deform. From such a disaster help special preparations or regular solution laundry soap. A day later, the ground under it is covered with a film, and the Kalanchoe is washed from the solution and pests.
  5. Kalanchoe can also get bacterial or viral diseases, showing themselves as brown sinking spots. The whole plant is treated with a fungicide, leaves with spots are removed. Watering is reduced to a minimum (only so that the plant does not die), spraying stops altogether.

How to propagate Kalanchoe

This plant can be planted in any way - leaves, stem cuttings, seeds. For viviparous, the process is completely simple - they provide the owners with already formed babies. Leaves and cuttings take root so well that they can be immediately planted in pots with the right soil. For better survival, cuttings are sometimes dried for a couple of days, but even without this procedure, 90% of them take root easily.

From some species of flowering Kalanchoe you can get seeds. They are sown in light soil between January and March. It is not necessary to sprinkle with earth from above, it is enough to shade and cover the box with glass.

The plant has fleshy and thick leaves. Kalanchoe came to us from the subtropics and tropics. Two types of Kalanchoe are suitable for cultivation in: pinnate and degremona.

Kalanchoe care

This flower loves bright light, so it is better to place it on the south window. The plant does not require constant compliance with the temperature, drops of 17-25 degrees will not be terrible for him. In winter, Kalanchoe survives dry air well, this is not a hindrance for him. home flower kalanchoe has great amount types of inflorescences different color: from bright orange, red or lilac to delicate white.

In order for Kalanchoe to bloom, you need to create certain conditions:

1. Light day should go at least 12 hours. In this case, the temperature should be maintained at 15-18 degrees. Without enough light, you won't get large, brightly colored flowers.

2. Even in winter, the flower does not need to be sprayed. As a top dressing, take complex mineral fertilizers. Fertilize once a week in summer and once a month in winter.

3. If you want to achieve the active development and growth of Kalanchoe, then take a cramped pot. The soil should consist of part of the leafy earth and sod, sand and humus should be present in it. Wood ash is allowed to activate growth.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

Reproduction of the plant occurs by children, seeds, cuttings.

In the case of children, you need to take a small baby from an adult plant. Put it upside down and sprinkle with prepared soil in a layer of about 1 cm. Watering is required every day in small portions. After a while, you can get several plants from each baby. Transplantation of children is carried out together with an earthen clod.

The plant is propagated by cuttings in a similar way. When pruning a plant from cut stems, take several cuttings, plant them in wet sand, wrap them in foil to speed up rooting. Before transplanting the cuttings into individual pots, prepare good drainage.

Even fallen leaves are used for reproduction! It is enough to plant them in sand, pour them over, drag the container with a film. It is better to carry out such manipulation in June. The same applies to seeds.

plant pruning

When the plant stops blooming, prune. Remove withered branches, form a crown. After pruning, Kalanchoe requires a dormant period. Reduce the amount of watering, pick up more dark place.

Leaves may begin to dry out and turn yellow. If the lower foliage turns yellow, this is a normal process. A yellowed middle tier is a sign of a violation of the rules of care. Pay then Special attention Watering: Let the soil dry out completely between waterings. Stand for a week - drought is not terrible for Kalanchoe, but waterlogging can be bad.

It is worth noting that the plant needs to be updated periodically, it will not be forever green.

Plant transplant

Transplanting a flowering Kalanchoe is highly undesirable; such a procedure should be done only after flowering has ended.

Repot your Kalanchoe every spring. To do this, prepare the “right” soil: Mix part of the soddy land with part of the leaf and peat soil, add some sand and brick chips.

Pull the old plant out along with the soil. Be careful not to damage root system! Transplant the flower into a larger pot.

Signs of plant disease

Although the plant is unpretentious, but from improper care the plant may begin to suffer. There are several signs by which you can determine that Kalanchoe care is wrong:

  • fallen leaves are a sign that the plant lacks nutrition;

  • with juicy and healthy leaves there is no flowering - the reason lies in the lack of lighting;

  • black spots on the foliage are a sign that the plant is experiencing excess moisture and low temperatures.

If you have taken the responsibility of caring for such a house plant, then be aware of the possible appearance of pests. Kalanchoe can suffer from mold if it is in a too damp and cold room. With an excess of heat and moisture, powdery mildew appears on the plant.

All this is easy to avoid, just create the indicated conditions for the plant!

It always seems that beautiful flowering plants require a lot of attention. But caring for Kalanchoe at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the simple rules, which we describe below.

The described inhabitant of the window sill is considered a medicinal representative of the flora, often used for nasal congestion and other inflammatory processes. The question is whether flowering Kalanchoe can be used in medicinal purposes, is still controversial. But even if it is impossible to get rid of a runny nose with the help of such a plant, then it will delight the owners with its flowers.

This type room decoration belongs to the Crassulaceae family, and in translation means "a plant with thick skin"

The island of Madagascar is considered the birthplace of the green creature, but its growth can be found in almost the entire territory of Asia. Blooming handsome is grown both in greenhouses and in the room. This type of room decoration belongs to the Crassulaceae family, and in translation means "a plant with thick skin." Thanks to its thick stems and leaves, it accumulates moisture and goes without watering for a long time. Evaporation is prevented by a thin film covering the leaves and stems. All these features must be taken into account in order to care for a flowering creature.

Let's highlight the basic principles of care:

  • Feeding, pruning.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these principles.

Video clip how to grow Kalanchoe at home

Blooming Kalanchoe is undemanding to watering. We can say that he loves drought more than excessive watering. Of course, in summer, when it is hot outside, the flower should be watered more often, and in winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every two weeks. Moreover, stagnant moisture causes the appearance of rot, which sometimes turns out to be fatal for your ward.

It is desirable that, in addition to the earth, there is drainage in a pot with a flower, which allows to maintain the optimal condition of the soil for the inhabitant of the window sill. And you can water your pet not only from above, but also into the pan.

Blooming Kalanchoe is undemanding to watering

Unlike many indoor plants, flowering Kalanchoe can be placed in direct sunlight, especially in summer. In winter, he needs a dormant period, and the flowerpot is transferred from a sunny window to a shaded one.

The temperature regime, as in the case of illumination, differs in summer and winter

An interesting feature of care is that in order for flowering to begin, it is necessary to reduce the length of daylight hours. In a natural climate, this occurs with the arrival of winter. Therefore, on cold days, the resident of the windowsill pleases the eye with its bright colors of flowers.

But if you want the plants to bloom at other times of the year, you can artificially reduce daylight hours to about 10 hours. To do this, a thick paper bag is put on a flower pot. Or just put your pet in the closet at certain evening hours, and in the morning take it out and put it on the windowsill again.

The temperature regime, as in the case of illumination, differs in summer and winter. In the warm season, the temperature ranges from +18 to +28 degrees. AT winter time the conditions of stay are also cooler - + 10 - +16 degrees. The flower will even like it if you take it out to the insulated loggia or balcony. This will be the so-called dormant period - an important requirement in caring for a flowering Kalanchoe, especially if it has actively bloomed before.

Video about proper care

For comfortable growth, flowering Kalanchoe needs to be transplanted. This is due to the rapidly growing root system. This is best done in April-May, when the plant has days of active growth. The main thing is that the daylight hours should be more than 12 hours. If this is not possible, then use additional lighting.

For comfortable growth, flowering Kalanchoe needs to be transplanted

When transplanting at home new pot should be slightly wider than the previous one. But the composition of the earth should be the same. Remove the flower from the container carefully so as not to damage the earthen ball. You can add fresh cuttings to the bush, the main thing is that in the future the overgrown plants have enough space in the flowerpot. And if the neighbors in the pot are of different colors, then you can get a charming bouquet.

Blooming Kalanchoe is not very picky about the quality of the soil, it will be fine in both loose and dense soil. But if sand is present in it, then the flower will be grateful to you. It is advisable, when preparing the soil at home, to disinfect the soil before use.

From the above, it can be seen that caring for a flowering Kalanchoe at home does not require much effort.

How to get such a handsome man, and even such an unpretentious one? The easiest way to buy flower shop. But there have often been cases that a beautifully flowering inhabitant of the house may soon begin to get sick or stop growing.

Therefore, it is easier to take a plant shoot from a friend who has such a window decoration. Moreover, the described representatives of the flora reproduce very easily. different ways, this is:

  • Separation of a large bush.
  • Rooting cuttings.
  • Planting a single leaf.
  • Sowing seeds.

The small stem forms roots very quickly and easily takes root in a new pot.

Dividing a large bush at home is acceptable when the bush needs freshening up. But the disadvantage of this method is the poor survival of the divided flower, a long recovery time.

The most commonly used and simple is the rooting of the cutting. The small stem forms roots very quickly and easily takes root in a new pot. After a short period (about a few months), your pet will delight you with a lush bush.

You can also pinch off from the parent plant not only the stalk, but just a leaf. It will also quickly take root, like the stalk, only the right sizes it will reach in about a year.

A favorable environment for rooting cuttings and leaves is a temperature of + 23- + 25 degrees, and good (without direct sun rays) lighting.

The story of caring for a flowering plant

The seeds of the plant are very small and this makes planting difficult. They are laid on the surface of the soil, but they are not sprinkled on top, but only the seeds are pressed in. After that, a plastic bag is put on the pot or covered with glass. Favorable will be the presence of scattered sunlight, small ventilation and warm location. After seed germination, polyethylene or glass is removed, and small plants are placed in a sunny place.

With deficiencies in care or with age, the leaves of the lower part of the stem may fall off the window resident. It's not so scary, just the plant needs to be rejuvenated. The easiest way to do this is by cuttings, described above. And you will again have a charming bush.

Feeding and pruning

To get a beautiful flowering green creature at home, you need to fertilize in a timely manner. The frequency of fertilization is once a month. You need to feed with fertilizer for succulents, but the use of complex additives will ensure abundant flowering.

Fertilizers should be applied carefully, because an excess of recharge can provoke an abundant growth of green mass, and flowers may not be expected. Therefore, it is recommended to make half the rate indicated on the packaging with fertilizer. Moderate feeding at home will also have a beneficial effect on the growing representative of the flora.

The formation of a bush is an integral part in the care of a flowering pet. On a young bush, it is necessary to pinch the shoots to give the flower correct form. Also on an adult flower during the period of active growth (spring-summer) you need to cut upper part shoots to form side stems.

Removal of diseased, damaged leaves and shoots is an important action for good flowering. It is necessary to cut off faded buds, and it is advisable to do this as close to the stem as possible in order to protect the flower from rot.

Video about care and breeding

However, the flower is not very susceptible to disease, but when growing it at home, we must be ready for anything. Therefore, we will consider the main signs of the "malaise" of the flower and determine what kind of care to provide in order to cure it.

Most often, a pet shows that he is uncomfortable through the leaves. That is, if you notice gray, white or brown spots on the leaves, this is a sign that you need to change the care, or rather its mode.

Most often, a pet shows that he is uncomfortable through the leaves.

Since the indoor handsome loves a moderate watering regime, the appearance of spots indicates that the soil is excessively waterlogged. The method of combating the disease is to reduce watering, the use of additional light sources. It also happens due to overfeeding. Therefore, for recovery, the use of fertilizers should be abolished, and at best, the soil should be changed.

The reason for the death of the leaves can be high room temperature and dry air. Treatment - placing a flower pot in a cool room and humidifying the air.

Aphids - attack for your favorite window decoration. When these small insects the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the buds are absent. For treatment, you need to cut off the affected areas and treat with an aphid preparation, or with a soap solution.

We made sure that it is not difficult to take care of flowering Kalanchoe at home. If you follow the described home care methods, you will enjoy beautiful flowering for at least one month.

Video on how to take care of kalanchoe blooming

If you provide a handsome man with access to bright light for 9-10 hours, and then put him in a dark place, cut the flowers in time and fertilize once every two weeks, then the pet will answer you with an increase in the flowering period.

And after this pleasure, do not forget to provide your green creature with a dormant period, which means stop caring, reduce watering and lower the temperature of your stay.

Like most succulents, Kalanchoe needs good lighting. Of course, you can put the plant in a shaded place, but then its stems will stretch, and flowering in general will be a big question.

When grown at home best windows for Kalanchoe - eastern and western. And in the winter and at all - southern. In the summer with southern windows you need to be careful. In the heat, with intense solar radiation, Kalanchoe leaves may acquire a reddish tint, but some flower growers even like such metamorphoses. So - try. An important note: the laying of flower buds in Kalanchoe occurs with a short daylight hours (lasting about 8-10 hours). But this “day” should be bright, ideally sunny. Then more flower buds will form, and the color of the flowers will be more saturated.

Like many succulents, kalanchoe is better only develops with moderate warm temperatures. In summer, the ideal mode is 23-25°C, in winter - 11-16°C. But rather bold variations in one direction or another from the theoretical ideal are also possible. In winter, nothing will happen to Kalanchoe even with short-term drops in temperature to 8 ° C, of ​​course, provided that the plant is kept “semi-dry”. And in summer, even temperatures above 30 will not harm him, if you do not allow the earthen coma to dry out.

Therefore, as soon as the air warms up to 10 ° C in spring, you can take Kalanchoe in a pot to a balcony or courtyard. And keep the plant there until autumn, until, again, the temperature drops below 10°C. Some flower growers plant it in the summer open ground in the garden, and in the fall they dig it up and move it back to the pot.

Watering for Kalanchoe blooming in order to bloom

In summer and spring, watering is best done with cool water. At the same time, water is poured directly onto the ground or into a pan, Kalanchoe does not accept direct contact with water on the stems and leaves, excessive moisture can destroy the plant and lead to its decay. If water accidentally gets on the stems, then use a cotton swab to carefully absorb moisture from them. When watering, it is not necessary that the water in the pot “stand”, it should be absorbed, and it is better to drain the excess, you should remember the rule: it is better to underfill than overfill. If you notice that water is not absorbed from the pan, it must also be drained. Watering should not be too frequent. Without moisture, this plant can last about a week.

In autumn and winter period halve the amount of water. The pallet must be constantly dry. Kalanchoe is completely unadapted to cold conditions. The next watering is best done when the soil is completely dry. In the cold season, use room temperature water for this plant.

Fertilizer for Kalanchoe blooming in order to bloom

The substrate in which Kalanchoe grows is fed once a month. A tropical resident is suitable for cactus and succulent fertilizers, for example, Agricola or Florovich fertilizer, which are sold in bottled gardening stores and have a liquid consistency. Such fertilizers are diluted with water in a certain proportion, which is indicated in the instructions. However, excess fertilizer will kill Kalanchoe. In winter, feeding is stopped.

How to transplant Kalanchoe blooming

Kalanchoe grows quite rapidly, however, due to the rather strongly growing root system, it needs to be transplanted quite often, regardless of the size of the stems themselves. Transplantation should be done in late spring when the plant is in its most active phase.

Kalanchoe, along with a small amount of soil, is separated and removed from the old pot and transplanted into a new one.

After transplantation, the process of adaptation begins. It is imperative that the old and new soil would be identical in composition and proportions. During the adaptation period, top dressing is required, as we talked about a little earlier. On average, the plant takes root completely after a week. When choosing a pot, try to choose deeper models with a wide diameter.

If for some reason the transplant must necessarily be carried out in the winter, then try to create as many comfortable conditions for a plant.

It belongs to fast-growing flowers, therefore it requires frequent transplantation - once a year, at the end of March. Mature plants can be sprinkled with new earth, but on condition that the roots do not go beyond the boundaries of the pot.

It is necessary to transplant Kalanchoe into a pot larger than the previous one by 2-3 cm in diameter. When transplanting, you need to very carefully pull the flower out of the container - as it has very fragile leaves and stems. The soil will do of this composition: Turf land (1 part), leaf ground(1) and sand (1), you can also add humus.

Not too much big pot with drainage at the bottom and suitable soil - this is all that is required for Kalanchoe when transplanting.

Choosing a pot for Kalanchoe blooming

It is best to give preference to a glazed clay container. The thing is that such a pot is characterized by high porosity. And this will allow the root system to constantly breathe, which is important for proper development plants and active flowering in the future.

But it should also be taken into account that Kalanchoe during the flowering period loves very much when the pot is enveloped on the sides with peat: this is how the plant receives additional moisture and all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, when it comes to the decorative form of a pot for such indoor flower, don't worry too much about it.

When choosing a pot, do not forget about trays for excess liquid.

It is preferable to buy the most ordinary-looking pot, since after a while its surface on the sides and bottom will be covered with salt secretions and water stains. This is especially true when Kalanchoe constantly receives water from the sump. Then the pot deteriorates much faster, but the plant develops better.

Pruning Kalanchoe blooming in order to bloom

Even a young Kalanchoe must be pruned in order for it to take nice shape. You should cut off the upper petals, and later, when new shoots appear, do the same. And then the flower will get a rounded look.

You can give this flower any shape you like. And each owner can take advantage of this feature of Kalanchoe in order to make the flower as beautiful as possible. In addition, if rotten or yellowed petals suddenly appear, then they should never be left. Firstly, they will spoil the look of the flower, and it will look unaesthetic. Secondly, in general, this can have a bad effect on Kalanchoe.

In the sun, Kalanchoe begins to grow rapidly. Thus the flower loses beautiful view. By cutting off the upper part, you can return it to its original position again. That is why it is not recommended to put a young plant in a lit place, it should be kept in a less lit place. Otherwise, at the very beginning, it can stretch out and take on an unaesthetic appearance. But in any case, it will always be possible to correct the form this plant, that it is so attractive.

It is very important, after flowering, to rid the plant of peduncles. In this case, even one peduncle cannot be left. Trim them at the very base. But you should not remove them before the flowers have faded. You should wait until the flower has completely faded. Then carry out the trimming procedure.

The flowering period should be followed by a dormant period. Therefore, it is better to put the flower in some dark place so that the color does not fall on it. There he must remain for about forty days.

How to make Kalanchoe bloom

In order for the flowerpot to please you with its beautiful flowering after its acquisition and in the future, it is necessary to feed after the withering of the inflorescences. This procedure should be carried out no more than twice a month and ready-made fertilizers should be used. Also, the flowering of a plant can be affected by:

  • The optimum temperature range is from +10 to +25 degrees Celsius.
  • Water with soft settled water;
  • Repot every two years;
  • Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

For such care and care, the flowerpot will surely delight you with lush flowering.

Ecology of life. In natural Kalanchoe conditions grows in Australia, America, Africa and in South-East Asia, the plant itself is classified as a succulent.

AT natural conditions Kalanchoe grows in Australia, America, Africa and Southeast Asia, the plant itself is classified as a succulent. The plant has recently become very popular among lovers of indoor floriculture. Gained great popularity decorative types Kalanchoe, and all thanks to the beautiful and long flowering.

Decorative Kalanchoe flower care at home does not require so much, the main thing is to follow a number of simple rules and the plant will delight you for more than one year. Buy it ornamental plant can be found in almost any flower shop, because due to its growing popularity it has long been grown on an industrial scale.

Lighting mode and location
Since the plant comes from the tropics, it needs good lighting and long daylight hours. The ideal length of daylight hours for this plant is at least 12 hours, but if the daylight hours are shorter, the plant needs additional illumination with artificial light sources, this is especially true for flowering species during the autumn-winter period.
A suitable place for Kalanchoe are window sills facing east or west. The plant is not harmed by direct sunlight.

Temperature regime
perfect temperature regime for Kalanchoe, temperatures can be considered in the range from 18 to 28 ° C in the spring-summer period and from 14 to 20 ° C in the autumn-winter period. In principle, the plant is so unpretentious that minor fluctuations in temperature have absolutely no effect on it.

Only in this case you should not allow a long drop in temperature below 10 ° C, otherwise the plant may get sick and subsequently die.

At a temperature of 14 to 18°C, the plant produces buds for further flowering. Drafts do not have any effect on Kalanchoe.

How to water Kalanchoe at home
Watering the plant is best done with settled water at room temperature. Watering is done as the topsoil dries out. Prolonged drying of the earthy coma should not be allowed, as the plant will react by dropping leaves.
Short-term drying will not have a detrimental effect on the plant, since the succulent and fleshy stems and leaves of the plant contain enough moisture to survive a slight drought.

In spring and summer, the plant should be watered 2 times a week; in winter, watering is reduced. It is also not worth pouring Kalanchoe, as with prolonged overflows, the plant may begin to rot.

Air humidity
Kalanchoe does not need spraying, but if you wipe the leaves or spray the plant on hot days, this will have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the plant.
It is absolutely impossible to spray and wipe Kalanchoe species with pubescent leaves; stains may appear on them from water getting on the leaves. And for these plants, it is preferable to keep in conditions of low humidity.

Soil Requirements
The plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil, the main thing is that there is no stagnant water in the pot, and the soil is sufficiently loose. Optimal for growing this plant is considered a universal soil, consisting in equal parts of turf and leafy soil, humus and sand. You can buy ready-made universal primer.

Top dressings and fertilizers
it unpretentious plant needs fertilizer only during the period of budding and flowering, the budding period falls on the autumn months, and blooms kalanchoe in summer. The composition of the plant is suitable for complex fertilizers for cacti or succulents. Such fertilizers should be used once a week, using half the full dose.
If you use separately solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers, then the feeding mode looks like this: organic top dressing the plant is fertilized once every two weeks, and mineral - one once a week.

Plant pruning

If the plant has shed its lower leaves, or you want it to look like a neat bush, Kalanchoe should be cut or young age pinch the tops.

The remaining parts of the plant after pruning can be used as cuttings.

Kalanchoe care after purchase
It is generally accepted that the plant should be transplanted immediately after purchase, in the case of Kalanchoe, this is not necessary. The main thing is to make sure that the soil in the pot does not retain moisture, and the water does not stagnate in the pot. If everything is in order, the plant does not need to be transplanted.
After purchasing, locate the plant according to the recommendations above and follow the rest of the recommendations.

Kalanchoe transplant at home
Quite often, when growing this plant, beginners have questions about how to transplant Kalanchoe and how often should this be done? The plant should be transplanted if it has grown well, and the transplant process itself will not be difficult.
If you just want to transplant the plant into a larger pot, don't choose a very large one. It is enough if the pot is 3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. If you want to divide the plant and get two or more from one, take small pots.
A good layer of drainage should be poured at the bottom of the selected container, about 3-4 cm high, this is necessary to avoid stagnation of water in the pot.
If you don’t want to bother with preparing the substrate, take ready-made, for cacti or for succulents.
Further, if you are just transplanting a plant, transplant using the transshipment method, and fill the voids in the pot with new soil.

If you are planting a plant, after removing it from the pot, gently shake off the soil from the roots, and divide the plant into as many parts as you like with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and plant the plants in new pots. After disembarking, compress the ground and water the Kalanchoe thoroughly.

Care for Kalanchoe in the winter
With the onset of winter, the plant needs a slight adjustment in the rules of care. The air temperature in the room needs to be slightly lowered to lay the buds and buds. But do not allow the temperature to drop below 10 ° C, the plant may die.
In winter, the daylight hours decrease, and the plant should be illuminated with fluorescent lamps, or rearranged to the southern windows.
You should also take care that Kalanchoe is not constantly under the streams of warm and dry air, its leaves may begin to dry and immunity will decrease. Watering in winter is reduced to once every 10 days.

Kalanchoe blooming Blossfeld and Kalandiva - home care

These two species are considered the most common in indoor floriculture. The basic rules of care are relevant for both flowering and non-flowering species, but there are several aspects that we will discuss below.

Kalanchoe blooming care does not require so much, but if you want the plants to bloom for a long time and a lot, use our tips.
The main thing for flowering plants is a sufficient amount of light, since with a lack of light, alas, there will be no flowering.
In winter, the plant should be kept at an air temperature of 15-18 ° C, for laying flower buds, since they do not form in hotter conditions.
And the most important condition for flowering is regular pruning of plants after flowering. Moreover, pruning should be quite strong, you need to leave two or three pairs on each branch. lower leaves. Thus, you also rejuvenate the plant. The cuttings remaining after pruning can be used in plant propagation.published

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