How to achieve good flowering plants? Is it possible to prepare plant growth regulator yourself. Why don't orchids bloom?

Landscaping and planning 01.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

The hemp flowering phase is the period of formation and maturation of inflorescences, which, after drying, turn into a finished product. In nature, cannabis begins to bloom after the vegetative stage, when daylight hours are reduced to 14 hours or less. This gives a signal to the plant that winter is approaching and its death. It begins to form buds, which, after pollination, produce the seeds necessary for procreation. However, it should be understood that all of the above applies to photoperiod cannabis varieties. Autoflowers begin to bloom on their own when they reach a genetically determined age.

Causes of delayed flowering

Sometimes it happens that the flowering phase is delayed or does not occur at all. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • Not stable genetics;
  • Strong temperature fluctuations during the growing season;
  • Incorrect marijuana light regimen, in which the day lasts a very long time;
  • The return of the plant to the vegetation stage is revega;
  • Severe stress on the plant;
  • Lack of complete darkness at night.

How to speed up the flowering of cannabis?

Changing the Light Mode for Auto Color

If your autoflower is in the vegetative stage for several weeks longer than stated by the manufacturer, then this is a clear sign that flowering is delayed. The same can be said about a photoperiod plant if, after changing the light regime to 12/12, pre-flowers do not appear on it for 2 or more weeks.

What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to stimulate the beginning of flowering. This can be done in several ways.

When growing an autoflowering variety, growers will most often set a light schedule of 18/6 or 20/4 throughout life cycle. It is possible that the genetics of the hybrid turned out to be unfinished or the gardener is dealing with a unique phenotype that has poorly “learned” the ruderalis genes. In this situation, professional cannabis growers recommend putting the plant on a 12/12 light schedule so it thinks winter is coming.

Light isolation of photoperiod varieties

The delay in flowering of a photoperiod variety is worth worrying about in mid-August. As a rule, at this time, all cannabis of this species is already forming inflorescences, actively increasing their mass. If this does not happen, then urgent action must be taken.

The so-called "Light isolation" method will help. It consists in blocking the light falling on the plants, which gives it a clear signal that cold weather is coming soon. The plant is covered with a dark garbage bag, carton box or an agrofibre bag. However, from a safety point of view, this is not always justified, because bags in a field or forest attract a lot of attention. Agrofibre is more suitable option, because it is able to pass air through itself in sufficient quantities, and also does not give solar glare. It is very important to understand that in the absence of air access, hemp can begin to rot. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of ventilation.

You can completely close marijuana from light for several days or daily for several hours. If we stop at the second option, then it is better to do it in the morning before sunrise or in the evening before sunset in order to prolong the dark period of the day. After the formation of inflorescences begins to cover the plant is no longer worth it. Its flowering is unlikely to stop.

If the camera grows under open sky in a pot, then there is no need for this method. You can simply bring it into the room to create a suitable controlled light regime.

The use of chemical bloom stimulants

In growers' stores, you can find special substances that can stimulate cannabis flowering. These include:

  • Hormones;

They can be used to stimulate flowering in conjunction with the above methods or separately.

Fertilizers to start flowering

In specialized stores, you can find many fertilizers for the flowering stage of marijuana with a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium. These two chemical element can help the grower encourage the plant to flower. Although they are not as effective as hormones and inducers, they will certainly provoke the plant to start flowering and positively affect the future harvest.

Some gardeners also talk about the positive properties of natural organic fertilizers. For example, bird droppings are often used outdoors to speed up flowering.

From ready-made solutions the most popular are monophosphates and superphosphates. They are considered the most efficient. Also recently, the nutritional component Ripen is gaining more and more popularity.

Flowering stimulants

As great example can be sourced from General Hydroponics. It is great for hydroponic systems and soil. It contains a biological activator that is able to deliver nutrients into those cells of the plant where they are lacking.

Laboratory studies have shown that when it is used, the activity and intensity of growth increases by 20%. The size of the foliage increases, which has a positive effect on the process of photosynthesis, and the ability to absorb nutrients improves. Bio Bloom stimulates flowering in lagging plants by activating the production of missing hormones. It also strengthens the immunity of representatives of the flora, making them less susceptible to diseases and the vagaries of nature.

*All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a guide or call to action.

**Please be reminded that the use of marijuana seeds as a seed(growing hemp for the purpose of obtaining a plant) is prohibited by the Criminal Code Russian Federation. You can read more about the law.

Many flower growers complain that large-flowered chrysanthemums, especially Indian ones, do not have time to bloom before frost. How to speed up this process?
Medium and early varieties chrysanthemums are grown outdoors, as the early ones bloom in August, and the middle ones in October and even in November. It is advisable to dig up annual plants for the winter, but you can dig in and cover like roses. Sow in open ground in early May.

It is preferable to plant chrysanthemums in places that are not shaded, protected by the response. These plants love loosened soil, which contains substances of organic origin and has good moisture and air permeability.

40g of nitrogen fertilizer and 150g of potassium magnesia. Chrysanthemums are fed once a week with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 5-9 liters per 1 sq. m.
To avoid fungal diseases, it is necessary to process flowers 2-3 times during summer period copper chloride oxide. With the onset of September, processing stops, as white spots may appear on the leaves.
When an apical bud appears, it is advisable to feed the flowers with a solution of superphosphate at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water. The solution is infused for 3-5 days with occasional stirring. Chrysanthemums respond well to feeding with mullein diluted in water. Watering is done under the root.
When the buds increase in size, but still do not open, they must be processed several times with any
drug against aphids. This is done several times every 7-9 days. Otherwise, in a blossoming inflorescence, the tips of the petals may turn black and be eaten by aphids.

When dividing, the bush is cut into pieces with 1-3 shoots. For better lighting Plants are recommended to be planted in checkerboard pattern or in parallel lines. Usually one stem plants are planted at a distance of 25 cm, and many stem plants - 30-40 cm from each other.
It is important to be able to store chrysanthemums in winter so that next year they can please you with their lush color.
If in summer the chrysanthemum requires a lot of moisture, then in autumn and winter it does not tolerate it at all. So that in winter the roots of chrysanthemums do not die, they must be stored as follows. Before laying for storage, chrysanthemum mother liquors planted in pots are watered abundantly with water.
Then kept warm for 10 days at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. At this time, the root system is growing.
In winter, it is advisable to store pots with chrysanthemum roots in a cellar (if any) at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees Celsius. If there is no cellar, you can create another method of storage at the above temperature.
If the growth begins to wither, snow is poured in a layer of 5-7 cm. Snow retains oxygen, slowly soaks into the soil and maintains its porosity. It is recommended to spray the roots once in the winter with water with the addition of a fungicide.
Tips from amateur gardeners - How to speed up the flowering of chrysanthemums

1. Treat with Zircon 1 ml per 10 liters of water, even indoor violets in a month
2. Use preparations based on gibberellin, a hormone produced by the plant during flowering. The most common is the ovary.
Spray once a week for months - this raises the hormonal status to the desired level and the plant begins to bloom - including the chrysanthemum.
3. Shade chrysanthemums after 7pm.
4. Abundant phosphorus top dressing once a week - potassium monophosphate - 1 hour. l per 10 liters per 2 bushes of chrysanthemums.
5. To speed up the flowering of chrysanthemums, you need to remove some of the flower ovaries and fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers!
6. Do not water the chrysanthemum in the second half of summer, or rather, water it less often.
7. First of the season, shorten her daylight hours. How? In greenhouses, I don’t know, but on the ground: make cone-shaped caps from cardboard and other materials, put them on at 6-7 pm, and take them off in the morning after the sun rises high enough above the horizon. The birthplace of the chrysanthemum is the south, where the sun rises and sets quickly, i.e. no dusk. So you can speed up flowering by 1-2 weeks.

At the fruiting stage of plants, a flowering stimulator is just as necessary as basic fertilizers. The use of such preparations will significantly increase the yield, both for indoor plants and for industrial cultivation.

How to apply flowering stimulants

Flowering stimulants are actively used in progressive crop production to form ovaries, increase the number of inflorescences, and, accordingly, increase yields. They are natural and synthetic, but identical in composition. From the use of this or that means they receive completely different results and all phytohormones act on the plant in the process of its development in different ways.

To get a positive effect from the use of drugs, it is important to follow the instructions for using the substance.

  • Plant growth and flowering stimulants are used as follows;
  • for quick germination, the seeds are soaked in a solution with the addition of a stimulant - for example, Epin Extra;
  • during vegetative growth, it is not recommended to use various additives in addition to the main fertilizer for vegetation;
  • the final stage of care during the flowering period will be watering the plant with the appropriate composition for abundant fruit generation.

Retardants for indoor plants

Indoor plants and flowers need feeding, timely care no less than their garden and garden relatives. During the period of registration of the ovaries, they need careful care and attention; without additional vitamins, planting will not be able to effectively bloom and bear fruit. For the intensive genesis of flowers, several conditions are important: lighting, age, and the necessary supply of nutrients. If these conditions are not fully met, the addition of phytohormones will help to speed up the release of the ovary, flowering and fruit formation.

The color stage is important point for the body. Seedlings need enhanced nutrition, which differs in composition from the top dressing used during the growing season. A large number of nitrogen, received during planting seeds and germination, during the opening of buds prevents the development of the flower. Emphasis should be placed on phosphorus supplements, but this is not the only accelerator that is needed for active flowering. Therefore, the creators of stimulants are developing original formulations of drugs that will help to get rich ovaries, then full-fledged flowers, abundant fruiting.

Flowering stimulants for houseplants containing sugar become faithful helpers in the birth of flowers. Some of them, such as Top Max, Immunostimulant, Fish-Mix bioflora enhancer, consist of organic oils and plant extracts that increase the number of ovaries. These and similar preparations help to increase the future harvest, promoting growth, strengthening immunity, and the formation of new buds.

Flowering and fruiting plants

The hormones that cause the formation of future flowers include florigen and vernalin. The first of them, according to the researcher Chailakhyan, consists of two elements important for flowering: gibberellin and antesins. Gibberellin is needed for those plants that need a long light period for blooming. The second type stimulates the flowering of other types of vegetation, for which the duration of daylight hours is not important. Phytohormone vernalin, at the suggestion of scientists, is needed for biennial plants that remain to winter at low temperatures. It is produced in germinating seeds or in the tops of mature plants. But the amount of own phytohormones in plants is negligible. Therefore, artificial feeding is very important in the period of preparation for flowering and fruit formation.

Vitamin mixtures help increase yields. Their composition includes, along with sugar, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and other minerals that affect the formation of fruits.

Flowering and fruiting stimulator helps:

  • accelerate the process of fruit ripening;
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the content of vitamins;
  • improves the taste of the fruit.

When choosing stimulants that contribute to the formation of color, priority remains with organic compounds, because they are the least harmful to the representatives of the flora.

The phytohormones formed as a result of the metabolic processes of the body affect the vegetation, flowering phase and yield. These are natural stimulants, the usefulness of which cannot be denied. The task of plant breeders is to provide timely assistance to weak individuals who lack their own vitamins by introducing artificial preparations into the soil.

Do houseplants need growth enhancers?

Buy flowering stimulants or not, the consumer decides. If your farm has exotic flowers that are difficult to adapt to new conditions, then the use of generators is quite reasonable. It is important to remember to follow the instructions for use, adhere to the recommendations contained in it.

Modern crop production widely uses stimulants for those individuals who do not have time to mature in the Russian open spaces. The main condition that will help to obtain abundant formation of inflorescences: processing should not be carried out at the very beginning of flowering, so that there are no empty ovaries.

With regular use, stimulants that cause abundant flowering and fruiting bring tangible benefits and provide:

  • quick harvest from open ground before the onset of the rainy and cold season;
  • when growing crops in closed ground, they accelerate the ripening of those crops that ripen late;
  • increase the content of vitamins, improving in this way taste qualities harvest.

By causing an increased synthesis of chlorophyll and other pigments, stimulants accelerate the process of catalyzing growth and flowering, giving leaves and flowers a rich color.

The benefits of using phytohormones are obvious and undeniable. They are the basis of the active life of plantings, an energy charge that provides them with the necessary vitamins and microelements.

When we bring home new plants, we rarely think seriously about how we can provide them with favorable conditions content specific to the species. And, only after some time has passed, we begin to puzzledly scratch the back of our heads, trying to deal with the question: “Why is my plant not blooming”?

Influence of various factors

Each creature on Earth, including plants, depends on a complex of factors - individual and external. External factors - These are the ones that affect absolutely all plants. They include:

  • home of growth;
  • type (woody, shrubby, herbaceous, bulbous);
  • conditions of detention (lighting, temperature, watering, humidity, soil composition);
  • defeat by certain diseases and pests, etc.

ON THE PICTURE:Irrigation and lighting are external factors affecting all plants

Individual factors inherent only given plant. For example, the characteristics of flowering: its frequency, time, abundance.

Despite all the diversity of the plant world, the general and main condition for comfortable growth, including flowering, of all its representatives will be a harmonious combination of individual and external factors.

Let's look at the example of the main groups of plants, what are the main reasons for their refusal to bloom and how to eliminate them.

Why don't Saintpaulias bloom?

Just like , different kinds Lianas (and a great many other plants) are of the herbaceous type. Ancestors of modern herbaceous perennials - annual plants, in the nature of which it is laid down in a short period of vegetation to have time to sprout from the seed, grow, bloom, give offspring and die. It was possible to completely go through this cycle for instances located in best conditions compared to their "brothers" - those who got more light, heat, moisture and nutrition.
ON THE PICTURE:Natural view of the Uzambara violet in vivo her homeland

But their current descendants, who grow up at home, no longer have to fight for a "place in the sun" - this is entirely our task.

Lighting, daylight hours, air humidity, soil composition, water availability are the main factors that you should pay attention to!

The idea of ​​​​the birthplace of the origin of plants living in your house will allow, even with minimal knowledge of geography, to understand what conditions a given plant needs and whether they can be created in an apartment.

In the case of Saintpaulia, these are the Usambara Mountains in East Africa. natural views, whose descendants we now have the honor to admire, and still grow in the mountainous regions of Kenya.

Of course, in our apartment, even with a great desire, we will not be able to recreate the climate of the Usambar Mountains, but we are quite capable of making Saintpaulias feel great and bloom profusely and for a long time.


The main attention should be paid to properly organized lighting, because it is one of the most important external factors.

Uzambara violets need good bright lighting; when shelving, it is provided with artificial lighting. If the plants are located on the windowsills, then it must be borne in mind that they grow and bloom best on the eastern and western windows, only in winter they need to be transferred to the windows of the southern orientation. On the northern windows, plants will need additional lighting.
ON THE PICTURE:With sufficient natural light Saintpaulias bloom actively and profusely

Daylight hours

Saintpaulias are plants whose flowering does not depend on the length of daylight hours. There is controversy on this subject, however, it has been noticed that many varieties bloom beautifully from 8 hours continuous lighting . With the onset of autumn, the days are getting shorter, the plants no longer receive the amount of light necessary for laying buds and enter a phase of natural dormancy. If you want your violets to continue to bloom in the autumn-winter period, then arrange for them to artificial lighting. With shelving content away from windows, such a measure will generally be the only way out.

It is worth remembering that any plants are, nevertheless, living organisms, and they also need rest. Abundant flowering for a long time will exhaust them very soon and most likely lead to death.

To stimulate flowering in Saintpaulia, such a technique as a gradual increase in the duration of lighting up to 14 hours a day helps. And do not forget about top dressing and regular watering!
ON THE PICTURE:With a lack of lighting, Saintpaulias need additional lighting.

Also mentioned difficult cases when Saintpaulia stubbornly refuses to bloom even with intensive high-quality illumination up to 14 hours! Such a "disease" - flowering failure - is especially susceptible to mini-cultivars of Saintpaulia. Often only phytohormones, in particular cytokinin paste, can help them.

Reasons why they do not bloom houseplants, overwhelmingly similar for all types of herbaceous plants - it's just a matter of some nuances. Take, for example, a representative of flowering vines - (Passion Flower), most of whose species come from the American tropics. For its flowering, more than just supplementary lighting is needed during the short daylight hours associated with the change of season. The quality of light, its intensity and power is important. Therefore, the most the best option will place Passiflora in the sunniest place, ideally - on a balcony or loggia, especially since this plant is one of the few that are not afraid of direct sunlight.
ON THE PICTURE:Passiflora needs a bright color for normal growth and flowering. sunlight

The same can be attributed to such a recently popular plant as (Mandevilla). She is the “compatriot” of Passiflora, therefore, the requirements for lighting for this representative of the flora are almost the same: with a lack of light, the internodes begin to lengthen at Mandeville, and it will not bloom in such conditions.

Why do indoor roses not bloom?

Trees and shrubs of temperate latitudes

As a rule, with herbaceous plants in room conditions there are no problems. Good watering, moderate feeding, sufficient light and humidity, and they will thank you abundant flowering up to 12 months! Difficulties arise with shrub and tree type plants.

Take, for example, indoor Roses - a bright representative of temperate latitudes, which blooms beautifully all summer until late autumn in the open air.
ON THE PICTURE:On a bright windowsill, Rosa feels good and pleases with chic flowers.

With the onset of autumn, daylight hours begin to decrease sharply. In outdoor conditions, this corresponds to a decrease in the average daily temperature, while in apartments, heating is turned on at this time. And the dormant period, which the bush needs so much, does not come. The rose is trying to continue growing, but her new shoots are elongated and weakened. Even if buds form on them, there will still be no characteristic flowering, and the plant will simply waste its energy on this process, weaken and even die (in particular, from the diseases that this shrub is so susceptible to).

The reason for the non-flowering of Roses often lies precisely in the absence of a clearly defined dormant period. ​Before you send your roses to winter holidays, at the end of summer they need to be transplanted, and with the onset of spring, before the start of growth, cut off, completely removing weak and small shoots. After pruning, the Rose needs to be rearranged to a place where she will be provided with a daylight hours of about 16-18 hours.
ON THE PICTURE:Planned transplant room rose at the end of summer

Similar difficulties are experienced by woody plants used in the bonsai culture. However, they are even more demanding on the dormant period. They need not only to slightly lower the temperature - many deciduous plants (apple, plum, quince, etc.), as well as conifers, will require a temperature of + 2–5 ° C for rest and a significant reduction in daylight hours, supported by deep darkness in the dark days.

It is necessary to say a few words about the content of flowering woody plants grown in technology"bonsai". The most popular breeds that are used to grow a "tree in a pot" (this is how "bonsai" is translated) are Acacia, Magnolia, Pomegranate,Apple tree, Plum, as well as citrus and coniferous.

With "southerners" there are usually no special problems, but for representatives of temperate latitudes, which include fruit trees temperate latitudes and conifers, for spring flowering and active growth will require a cold winter. You can organize it by placing plants on a cold loggia and balcony. Just remember: these are still not full-fledged trees that grow in the country in the garden, the roots of which are securely covered with a snow coat and thus protected from freezing.

For kids - "bonsai" temperature environment should not fall below -1–2 ° C, and it would be quite useful to cover the container in which the bonsai grows with something warm. After all, even with small negative temperatures the earth in a small pot will freeze very quickly, and the roots of the plant, respectively, too, which will lead to its death. Many bonsai lovers put deciduous trees in the refrigerator or dark closet with temperature inside +2–5°C . it good decision for the winter!

Plants of the subtropics and tropics

And how do subtropical and tropical trees and shrubs behave? In general, their "biorhythms" do not differ from plants of temperate latitudes, with the only difference being that the dormant period falls on autumn and the first half of our calendar winter. At this time in the subtropics, the sun shines for about 8–10 hours, the weather is most often cloudless and warm. The nights are dark, cool and long. It is in such conditions that flower buds develop, which open by winter with amazing beautiful flowers. So develop, ("Christmas star"), ("Orchid tree").
ON THE PICTURE:Azalea bloom after dormancy

Some subtropical plants, for example, many types of palms, a huge number of cacti and succulents, rest in autumn and winter, and bloom in spring. However, all of them need a decrease in temperature down to +5–8 °C during the dark hours of the day. At the same time, the night should be long (from 14 hours), really dark (the light in the room at night will only harm the rest).

Some creepers, for example, (Mandevilla), as well as forest cacti (and orchids, but about them below) - come from the tropics and the equator. They may bloom all year round with proper care (the most difficult point of which is bright, intense lighting). However, they also have a dormant period, which falls on the dry part of the year. At this time, the temperature during the day is quite high, but at night it drops lower than during the rainy season. The beginning of this period is a tropical spring, which, however, is short-lived and quickly gives way to rest (fewer leaves and cessation of growth). Therefore, flowering, for example, Gardenia, can be stimulated by a slight decrease in temperature in the fall (not lower than +15 degrees) and bright diffused light.
ON THE PICTURE:Abutilon will bloom almost all year round if provided with bright lighting.

A few words about humidity

Among plants of the shrub and tree type, originating from the tropical and equatorial zones, there are quite a few flowering plants - basically, ornamental leafy plants belong to this group. In apartments, they can be found infrequently, since these plants are particularly demanding on the conditions of detention. For example, for Gardenia, in addition to a well-lit place, it is extremely important air humidity.
ON THE PICTURE:Plumeria needs not only bright light, but also humid air, which is why it is so rare in our homes

Why don't bulbous plants bloom?

Bulbous plants are very popular for their beautiful flowers, many of which even have a pleasant scent. This is well known to everyone, and so similar to him, (“upstart”), (“Amazon lily”). Less well-known, but also decorative, (“deer tongue”), Sprekelia, (Scylla), in which attractive spotted foliage is attached to the flowers as a pleasant bonus; unusual, whose flowers open at the same time of day to the nearest minute.
ON THE PICTURE:Collection of blooming Hippeastrums on the window

Bulbous plants, for all their similarities, may differ from each other. And, above all, the behavior of foliage during dormancy. Some species are completely freed from it for this time, while others retain it. But all bulbous plants have in common a structure that is distinctive from other plants: the presence of a modified shoot - bulbs. It stores a supply of water and nutrients, thanks to which, at the end of the dormant period, the flower bud and leaf embryos wake up, start growing and develop into a flowering plant.

And on how much the bulb was able to accumulate these nutrients in itself in the current season, whether it was properly provided with rest, it depends on whether we will see our plant blooming in the next season.

To different bulbs - a single approach

Both "evergreen" and "deciduous" bulbs need a dormant period. Both of them, after flowering, need to gradually reduce watering, moving to a cooler place.
ON THE PICTURE:The rest of the Hippeastrum bulb was organized correctly, and it is ready for flowering

It happens that some "deciduous" specimens stubbornly do not want to "hibernate". And here, inexperienced flower growers often make the mistake of cutting off all the foliage. Under no circumstances should this be done! After the end of flowering, the leaves still continue to live, gradually moving the accumulated nutrients to the bulb. When this process is completed, the foliage will dry out by itself. And, if you forcibly interfere with this natural process by your actions, you thereby deprive the plant of the opportunity to fully stock up on food for future flowering. Such a depleted bulb can simply die.
ON THE PICTURE:These leaves must be allowed to dry on their own, in no case should they be cut off!

But, even observing these simple rules, you may encounter a stubborn reluctance of a particular plant to bloom. Why is this happening? And here again we must remember the notorious individual factors.

It should be remembered that flowering in almost all bulbs occurs when the bulb has become quite “adult”: very young “kids” in the first year of life are unlikely to please you with flowers.

For example, ("Amazon lily"). This beautiful fragrant flower there is not one, but two dormant periods - at the end of winter (beginning of spring) and at the end of summer (August). Eucharis is an “evergreen” bulbous plant, so you should not expect “leaf fall” from it: just transplant the plant into fresh soil and place it in a cool room with a temperature of +15 to +18 ° C for two months, reducing watering. And one more thing: "Amazon lily" loves tight containers and "nepotism": you need to plant several bulbs in one pot at once.
ON THE PICTURE:Eucharis blooms only in the "environment of close friendship"

Why don't cacti and succulents bloom?

Different types of cacti are very different from each other in their appearance and in collections look very attractive even without flowers. Among people far from the world of "cactus growers" there is an opinion that these "thorns" cannot bloom at home. But this is not so at all! The main thing is to know what species your cactus belongs to: South American or African.
ON THE PICTURE:A cactus flower is not a myth at all with the right wintering

The fact is that these species have different dormant periods: the former have winter, the latter, on the contrary, have summer. In their homeland "bedroom th season” for cacti coincides with the dry season and ends with the first rains. But in our temperate latitudes all wrong. Here, the entry into a dormant period does not depend on the temperature swing "hot-cold", but on the sun. Bright sunlight, so necessary for cacti and succulents for a normal existence, is in great short supply in our area in winter, so it is most logical to arrange a rest period for them at this time.

desert cacti

Coolness (+8–10°C) and absolute dryness throughout the entire period of "rest" of cacti - mandatory conditions for future flowering. Majority desert cacti, such as, etc. will perfectly endure such a wintering, and in the summer they will delight with beautiful flowers. During the period of active growth, they, like other plants, need watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

Exactly the opposite, everything happens for (Zygocactus, "Decembrist", "Christmas cactus"). The growing season and flowering of this cactus occur in the winter months, for which he received his popular name. The homeland of the "Decembrist" is the tropical forests of Brazil and South America, so he loves diffused light and high humidity, for which he should be sprayed regularly. For active winter flowering, the plant needs to create a dormant period for a couple of months by placing in early October in cooler conditions, but not lower than + 15 ° C.
ON THE PICTURE: "Decembrist" blooms, as it should - in December

desert succulents

At desert succulents grown at home - such as various crassula (,), as well as ("living stones"), flowering occurs at the same time as that of desert cacti - in the spring and summer. And they need to be kept in similar conditions, that is, with winter period dormancy, lower temperatures and limited watering.

Speaking about the problems with flowering succulents, it is necessary to mention such a plant as (“desert rose”). Of all the succulents, this is perhaps the most beautiful flowering plant - but also the most whimsical and demanding!

First of all, home adeniums need "live" sunlight. AT summer time they are ideal for a balcony or loggia. These plants are not only not afraid of direct sun rays, but also welcome them, as well as elevated temperature about +25–30°C. It is in such conditions that Adeniums bloom.
ON THE PICTURE: In the warm season, it is better to move Adenium to a balcony or loggia for natural light.

It is important not to forget to feed the plants with a balanced mineral fertilizer.

Like cacti, Adenium, even if all necessary conditions, enters the time of flowering at a certain age.

In autumn, with a decrease in daylight hours, the growth of Adenium begins to slow down, almost all of its foliage turns yellow and falls off - a dormant period begins for the plant. And here you need to create for him comfortable conditions for "wintering": the temperature should not exceed +15°C and fall below +10°C.
ON THE PICTURE:It is best to replenish the collection of Adeniums when they have a dormant period - at this time they best tolerate long-term transportation

Why don't orchids bloom?

Orchids belong to one of the largest plant families in the world. Over 600 genera, which include more than 30 thousand species (and this is not counting hybrid forms and "cultural" varieties)! In nature, orchids are distributed almost everywhere - the only exceptions are deserts and polar regions.
ON THE PICTURE:Orchis is able to grow even in the conditions of the Arctic

If you are wondering why your orchid does not bloom, start with the features of its habitat in nature. According to their habitat, they are divided into the following types:

  • Orchids of warm content (homeland - tropical rainforests);
  • Orchids of moderately warm content (homeland - the middle belt of mountains in tropical regions);
  • Orchids of moderately cold and cold content (homeland - flat areas of the subtropics or highlands in tropical, equatorial regions).

Due to such a wide range, the conditions for keeping orchids grown at home also differ. Sometimes, due to the lack of information about the belonging of a flower to a particular type, all sorts of problems begin. As a result, the plant not only does not want to bloom, but often simply tries to survive in unsuitable conditions for it.

The most unpretentious (and most common) orchid that can be purchased at the distribution network is. This is a typical representative of moderately warm content, which does not tolerate extremes in everything. If light, then moderate, but constant: 10-12 hours. Humidity - increased, but not 100%. Watering - plentiful, but with the obligatory drying of the substrate between waterings. These factors together provide almost year-round flowering Phalaenopsis, which in nature does not have a dormant period.
ON THE PHOTO: They are practically the same for all types and types of plants. ​This:

  • Lack of lighting;
  • Incorrectly selected soil;
  • Wrong transplant;
  • Improperly organized food;
  • Violation or absence of a rest period;
  • dry air;
  • Pest damage.

You can read more about this in the article.
ON THE PICTURE:When "debriefing" it is necessary to take into account all factors, one of which may be damage by pests. For example, a spider mite, as on this Rose

  1. Solving the problem of the lack of flowering must begin with determining the type of plant. Take an interest in its homeland of origin, growing conditions in nature: climate zone, daylight hours, solar intensity, humidity. Knowing these features is half the battle on the way to flowering. In our "Encyclopedia" each plant has illustrated characteristics of care and maintenance. Start your search for information here!
  2. Think and sensibly assess your capabilities: can you provide your plants with such comfortable conditions for them so that your own comfort. If "no", then it is better not to start such a plant.
  3. Many plants enter the time of flowering, only reaching a certain age. Do not demand the impossible from them.

The hemp flowering phase is the period of formation and maturation of inflorescences, which, after drying, turn into a finished product. In nature, cannabis begins to bloom after the vegetative stage, when daylight hours are reduced to 14 hours or less. This gives a signal to the plant that winter is approaching and its death. It begins to form buds, which, after pollination, produce the seeds necessary for procreation. However, it should be understood that all of the above applies to photoperiod cannabis varieties. Autoflowers begin to bloom on their own when they reach a genetically determined age.

Causes of delayed flowering

Sometimes it happens that the flowering phase is delayed or does not occur at all. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • Not stable genetics;
  • Strong temperature fluctuations during the growing season;
  • Incorrect marijuana light regimen, in which the day lasts a very long time;
  • The return of the plant to the vegetation stage is revega;
  • Severe stress on the plant;
  • Lack of complete darkness at night.

How to speed up the flowering of cannabis?

Changing the Light Mode for Auto Color

If your autoflower is in the vegetative stage for several weeks longer than stated by the manufacturer, then this is a clear sign that flowering is delayed. The same can be said about a photoperiod plant if, after changing the light regime to 12/12, pre-flowers do not appear on it for 2 or more weeks.

What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to stimulate the beginning of flowering. This can be done in several ways.

When growing an autoflowering variety, growers will most often set a light schedule of 18/6 or 20/4 throughout the life cycle. It is possible that the genetics of the hybrid turned out to be unfinished or the gardener is dealing with a unique phenotype that has poorly “learned” the ruderalis genes. In this situation, professional cannabis growers recommend putting the plant on a 12/12 light schedule so it thinks winter is coming.

Light isolation of photoperiod varieties

The delay in flowering of a photoperiod variety is worth worrying about in mid-August. As a rule, at this time, all cannabis of this species is already forming inflorescences, actively increasing their mass. If this does not happen, then urgent action must be taken.

The so-called "Light isolation" method will help. It consists in blocking the light falling on the plants, which gives it a clear signal that cold weather is coming soon. The plant is covered with a dark garbage bag, cardboard box or agrofibre bag. However, from a safety point of view, this is not always justified, because bags in a field or forest attract a lot of attention. Agrofibre is a more suitable option, since it is able to pass air through itself in sufficient quantities, and also does not give sun glare. It is very important to understand that in the absence of air access, hemp can begin to rot. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of ventilation.

You can completely close marijuana from light for several days or daily for several hours. If we stop at the second option, then it is better to do it in the morning before sunrise or in the evening before sunset in order to prolong the dark period of the day. After the formation of inflorescences begins to cover the plant is no longer worth it. Its flowering is unlikely to stop.

If the fotik grows outdoors in a pot, then this method is no longer necessary. You can simply bring it into the room to create a suitable controlled light regime.

The use of chemical bloom stimulants

In growers' stores, you can find special substances that can stimulate cannabis flowering. These include:

  • Hormones;

They can be used to stimulate flowering in conjunction with the above methods or separately.

Fertilizers to start flowering

In specialized stores, you can find many fertilizers for the flowering stage of marijuana with a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium. These two chemicals can help the grower encourage the plant to flower. Although they are not as effective as hormones and inducers, they will certainly provoke the plant to start flowering and positively affect the future harvest.

Some gardeners also talk about the positive properties of natural organic fertilizers. For example, bird droppings are often used outdoors to speed up flowering.

Of the ready-made solutions, the most popular are monophosphates and superphosphates. They are considered the most efficient. Also recently, the nutritional component Ripen is gaining more and more popularity.

Flowering stimulants

A great example comes from General Hydroponics. It is great for hydroponic systems and soil. It contains a biological activator that is able to deliver nutrients to those cells of the plant where they are lacking.

Laboratory studies have shown that when it is used, the activity and intensity of growth increases by 20%. The size of the foliage increases, which has a positive effect on the process of photosynthesis, and the ability to absorb nutrients improves. Bio Bloom stimulates flowering in lagging plants by activating the production of missing hormones. It also strengthens the immunity of representatives of the flora, making them less susceptible to diseases and the vagaries of nature.

*All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a guide or call to action.

**We remind you that the use of marijuana seeds as a sowing material (growing hemp in order to obtain a plant) is prohibited by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. You can read more about the law.

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