Carrots and its cultivation for sale. Industrial harvesting carrots as a business

Garden technique 15.06.2019
Garden technique

Growing carrots as a business is a profitable business related to the vegetable industry. In this case, you will not need big investment investments At the enterprise organization.

  • Pros and cons of business for the cultivation of carrots
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a carrot cultivation
  • We are looking for employees
  • We select land plot
  • What equipment will need for the cultivation of carrots
  • We buy raw materials
  • Preparation of documents required for legal cultivation of carrots
  • Choosing a tax regime
  • Carrot Growing Technology For Sale
  • How much money is needed for starting a business?
  • How much can you earn on the cultivation of carrots?

Carrot is a root plant containing a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, it is in great demand among the population.

Pros and cons of business for the cultivation of carrots

Engineering and realization of carrots is easy. This business has its advantages:

  • High demand. Russian citizens are used to drinking carrots almost every day, add it into dishes.
  • Small start-up capital.
  • Unpretentiousness of corneprod. Manufacturers collect large yields even with instability weather conditions.

Not dealt with this area Without minuses that interfere with the decent earn. The main objects include:

  • Physical exercise. This business requires an entrepreneur not only mental skills, but also work.
  • Studying Azov Growing Roots. Without knowledge of vegetable, it is impossible to grow high-quality fruits. Education will need time (at least a month).

To take high positions on the market, you need to treat the cultivation of carrots with all the soul.

Step-by-step plan for opening a carrot cultivation

We are looking for employees

It is not possible to engage in vegetable growing alone because of a large amount of work. At first, it is not necessary to hire employees from. You can ask for help from relatives, acquaintances, naturally, for a certain fee.

Also, in order to save, you can attract schoolchildren or students who rest on summer vacation. You have the right to assign themselves wages. It can be part of a crop or money. For example, 5 thousand rubles. a month to one employee. On average, there will be enough three people.

Since you will deal only with administrative duties, and all the "dirty" work will take on workers, then 45 thousand rubles. For three summer months it will not be in vain. Employees must prepare the soil, sow, water, protect the harvest and collect it.

We select land

For the cultivation of carrots, no room is not needed, but a land plot is required. If you have a cottage, then you are entitled to make the production of roots on it, provided that there is enough space for landing large number seed.

More favorable option - Rent a land plot. Of course, the price depends on your regional location. In the megalopolis, the problem with free land for planting, so the rent will be quite high. In the provinces and former collective farms with this, things are different. The average cost of land for rent is 5 thousand rubles. per month. for 50 acres.

To take land for temporary use, refer to agricultural enterprises or to municipal authorities (administration).

It is important to know what was grown in this area. Carrot is crushed if grain crops, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, onions grew there. It is even better when they did not sit on this site for several years.

Choose a place that falls sun raysSince carrots love light.

What equipment will need for the cultivation of carrots

Most of all means will go to buy a car if you do not have it. It should be roomy to carry employees to work. For these purposes, a minivan, pickup or jeep fit. Do not forget that production will be located in places where there are no asphalted roads, so auto vehicle must overcome impassable places.

Basic technological equipment:

  • Motoblock. It is necessary in order to cultivate the soil.
  • Hiller. It is needed to form a fifth.
  • Seeder. With the help of it quickly plant seeds into separate pits.
  • Speaker. Workers use it when harvesting.

All this equipment will cost approximately 50 thousand rubles, not counting the vehicle, the price to which is from 100 thousand rubles.

The harvest you will need to transport to the vegetable base, to the store, to the buyer, to the basement. From 50 acres, it turns out to collect about 30 tons of carrots, depending on its varietal supplies. For transportation, a truck is suitable. It is not necessary to buy. You can rent or order a few shipments.

We buy raw materials

Seeds protrude as material for the cultivation of carrots. Before landing, they need to be processed. For this they are disinfected, then soaked and germinate. Preparation of seeds has great advantages: after it, carrots grow much faster (the tops takes place for two weeks instead of a month).

You can do this process yourself or hire a pensioner who will gladly take this job. You can agree on the symbolic payment expressed in cash or food products.

For 50 acres, approximately 1.5 kg of raw materials will be required. Seeds are sold by different prices, depending on the variety. They vary in the range of 500-2500 thousand rubles. per kg.

Preparation of documents required for legal cultivation of carrots

The organization of virtually any direction of agricultural business has its own nuances that are very distinguished by this type of activity from other commercial projects. For example, most villagers who know perfectly how to work on Earth, but do not focus on legal issues, start their business from selling agricultural products, without registration, etc. They sell excess grown products, which is absolutely legitimate activities. But when it comes to large volumes, no one will believe that you "randomly" have grown "extra" 10-50 tons of carrots.

For the organization and development of their business for the cultivation of carrots, in the form of a farming, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • statement of the established form;
  • agreement on the creation of KFC (peasant-farming), with copies of documents of its participants;
  • a copy of the passport of the head of the future economy (it will be checked with the original!);
  • documents confirming the place of registration of all participants in the project;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Within five working days, after the provision of the above securities, you will be given documents on the registration of the farm, as well as the taxpayer's evidence and confirmation that you are registered in Rosstat.

In addition to the above documents, you no need to issue additional licenses or permissions. But, as a rule, initial stage The creation of a farming is to solve many issues with representatives of local authorities.

Choosing a tax regime

Considering the preparation of documents for the future farming, do not forget to choose the right code of your activity and optimal mode taxation. For the farm, which plans to grow carrots, OKVED 1.13 is best suited from all the codes of the All-Russian Classifier, and the optimal taxation system, in this case, ESCHN (Single Agricultural Tax).

This mode allows farmers to pay only 6% of the profits, making it twice a year.

Carrot Growing Technology For Sale

Stages Process description
Select variety Before boarding, you need to decide on the variety of carrots. To find best option, Site a few varieties.
Preparation of land It must be fertilized. Therefore, in the fall begin to process the soil. It is picked up, laid over compost. In the spring, the land is leaving and fertilized.
Preparation of seeds First they wash them in hot waterThe temperature of which is 50 degrees. It is necessary in order for the layers of essential oils to come from them. After that, the seeds germinate for three days. Before planting, do not forget to completely dry them.
Sowing Before planting carrots, the sector is selected on the site, they are watered with water (preferably warm). After that, the seeds are planting in the pits.
Care To collect good harvest, beds are stolen, spray chemicals From carrot flies and pests, weeds destroy the weeds, sprinkle ash, dust (tobacco), watered with a solution of manganese, plant a row.
Harvesting This stage takes place at the end of the summer - early autumn. Alone is not cope with this, so business owners hire additional employees who help to collect all the carrots for a small amount of time (within seven days).

How much money is needed for starting a business?

It is possible to allocate the main costs associated with the organization and development of the enterprise, which should be listed in the business plan for the cultivation of carrots.

How much can you earn on the cultivation of carrots?

To calculate the average level of profits in this industry, take the average values. For example, you have collected and implemented 20 tons of carrots for 20 rubles. per kg. You can rescue 400 thousand rubles. If the root-free, they can be recycled and to make Korean carrots or juice. So, you can earn another 100 thousand rubles. But these 500 thousand rubles. You can get only the hard way to search for customers.

There is an option easier. To do this, you can realize the product retailer. But the price for it will not exceed 12 rubles. per kg. As a result, you will get about 220 thousand rubles.

There is always great demand for carrots, so you will always find customers. Main Channels:

  • wholesale bases;
  • retailers;
  • food stores;
  • sanatorium;
  • restaurants;
  • supermarkets.

A more profitable option is to supply the goods abroad. But it is very difficult to implement.

Your revenue directly depends on the number of grown carrots, prices per kilogram and sales seats. Do not enter this business without analyzing the market and competition in your region. In any case, the sale of carrots is profitable, especially for rural residents.

The plot should be sunny, because in the shade, carrots develop too slowly. Because of this, at the time of the origin of the harvest, the size of vegetables may not be larger enough.

Optimum soil - Light, sampling, loose, with low acidity. If the ground is too heavy, the vegetable will be small, incorrect formWhat is why it will be difficult to implement.

The best predecessors

Best predecessors: tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, swabs, cabbage, onions and garlic, legumes, various greens with the exception of salad and parsley - after them in the soil can stay dangerous pests. Also bad predecessors are zucchini and celery.

The best varieties of carrots

The best varieties are:

  • "Alenka": Vegetables of small size, differ in a short period of ripening (from sowing to harvest no more than 90 days), sweet taste, in full color;
  • "Lagoon F1": the average size, Right cylindrical shape, bright orange and other features make this hybrid one of the most sought-after;
  • "Touchon": distinguishing features of this early variety are high yield and very short (up to 80 days) time maturation;
  • "Amsterdam": Complex in care, but a high-yielding hybrid, standing out by excellent flavoring characteristics.

To simplify the process of harvesting, it is better to use several varieties with different maturation time.

Soil preparation for carrot landing

The soil must be prepared from autumn: In October-November, it must be carefully overhaul, and in March, the Earth should be treated with flat. It is not necessary to retrieve again - the soil must settle a little.

After popopki need to be held sanitary processing : If weeds come up earlier than carrots devoid nutrients Kornemoplood will grow slowly.

About two weeks before the landing in the ground should be made mineral fertilizers, whereas from organic fertilizers - Korovaka and litter - it is better to refrain. They increase the acidity that prevents the normal development of rooted roots.

Preparation of carrot seeds landing

Sut carrots are easier for seeds: it knows great, so it does not make sense to spend time on seedlings. Seeds need to prepare in advance:

  1. Soak in cool water for three hours;
  2. Put on the moisturized gauze and cover it from above;
  3. Gauze periodically wet, so as not to swept;
  4. When the first sprouts appear, the seeds should be placed in a refrigerator for hardening.

Landing of carrots

The death term depends on which variety you use: early variety Split B. moderate climates At the beginning of the second decade of April, the secondary - week later, while the varieties intended for winter storage, it is necessary to plant no later than mid-June.

How to plant carrots

Immediately before the seaside, the garden should be sprinkled with crushed ash and make a groove in it in a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters.

Interval gaps between the grooves should have a width into at least 20 centimeters: otherwise you will not be able to move around the garden, without hurting the plants.

Carrot seeds have a small size, and soothing them is inconvenient, so they are mixed with sand or stick to the toilet paper using PVA or Claywester. Draised (prisoners in a special nutrient shell) seeds are planted as it is.

Seeds are laid in a furrow at 5-7 centimeters from each other at a rate of 5-6 grams per 10 sq.m., after which the grooves need to fall asleep loose land. So that shoots appear as early as possible, the garden must be insulated: at an altitude of 12-15 centimeters can be pulled polyethylene filmBy creating something like a kind of greenhouse.

Morkovi growing technology

Simple but requires responsible system approach. Care should be carried out regularly, it applies to irrigation.

At first, after disembarking, watering should be frequent and abundant, and with the advent of the first green shoots should be reduced. Up to maturation, carrots irrigate two or three times a week depending on weather conditions, and closer to cleaning the irrigation rate is reduced to once a week.

Watering is necessary moderatelyBut enough: in the overwhelmed soil, the vegetables will begin to rot, whereas in too dry they will grow dense and tasteless. On average, water consumed is from 200 to 500 liters per 1 kV. m. per season.

After irrigation or abundant rain, the soil should be loosened: rooting can suffer from lack of oxygen. In addition, timely loosening will help in the fight against weeds.

Harvesting carrots

So that the vegetable does not lose juits and sweet taste, it takes it to be removed on timeIn accordance with the term stated for a variety.

In order not to damage the vegetables in the process of cleaning, you need to take a pitchfork, and carefully pushing the lands of the earth together with root. The carrots are substruped in this way thus stretching for the tops with his hands and immediately cut off, cutting off the tops so that the stuffing remains.

The profitability of the cultivation of carrots

The total cost of seeds, inventory and supplies For sowing 100 sq.m. will not exceed 70-80 dollars. On average, the harvest of carrots is 5-6 kilograms from 1 square meters. m., That is, we can grow up to 600 kg of carrots per season, earning about 300 dollars on it.

Now that you know, carrots, it's time to go to practice. After all, the cultivation of this root as a business is not a very difficult matter, which does not require significant labor costs, but brings good income.

Only as proper growing Carrots can get a rich harvest. Carrots are one of the most highly profitable crops. Its yield can reach 100 t / ha. Grow carrots for consuming fresh and for processing. This culture is boom optimal temperature +5 degrees; To obtain a well-colored carrot, the temperature for shoots should be + 6-12 degrees. In the article, we will tell about the yield of carrots, we will recommend recommendations to gardeners.

How to get an excellent harvest of root

If in your garden, the carrots rushed badly, then, most likely, you have not good enough for her. Statistics testifies: 90% of carrot seeds will not sprout exclusively due to soil drying. It is necessary to know: from the moment of sowing, carrots seeds require constant abundant soil moisturizing.

Many factors affect the yield of carrots

  • Do not buy granulated seeds, as they need careful care and constant abundant irrigation.
  • Carrots are sulfied in a slightly subtepted soil when its lower layers are still full of water. This technique makes it possible to water the plants much less often. The cooling of carrots are not scary - it perfectly transfers the temperature to -2-3 degrees.
  • Early carrot landing does not affect the duration of the storage of fruits. Value is only a seed grade and good storage conditions.
  • Dry carrots seeds slowly germinate. Therefore, before sowing, you need to soak them in water, or germinate them.
  • After sowing seeds, the garden must be covered with film to create condensate. At the edges of the beds, the film presses stones to the ground to protect the seeds from drought and wind.
  • Open film and venting seeds should be daily. The first shoots will appear, the film must be immediately removed, so that the seeds are not injured from excessive moisture and overheating.

What seeds of carrots need to sow

In agrotechnology of carrots great importance It has the quality of seeds and prepare them to sow. Seeds should be healthy, clean, possessing seed qualities of only the 1st grade; Machinery - not lower than 70%; Clean content - 95%, economic germination - 67%. To reduce the seeding period before the emergence of friendly and healthy shoots and early rich crop, effective techniques are applied:

  • etching;
  • calibration;
  • soaking in various solutions;
  • dajering.

Seeds for pre-sowing do not proceed. They should not be sprouted, dry. To get an early harvest with spring sowing, seeds are soaked in solution boric acid (0.2 g per 1 liter of water) or in a solution of drinking soda (8 g of soda per 1 liter of water). Then they are contained in a wet state on cotton or tissue to germination.

Carrot Landing Tips:

  • correctly choose the landing site;
  • the carrot variety must correspond to the landing time;
  • growing conditions I. correct care Enhance the harvest;
  • you need to feed carrots on time.

Seeds are better to pick up in advance. Exist:

  • seeds of hybrids (best Dutch),
  • granulated
  • processed
  • not processed
  • on ribbon.

All of them differ in the yield, external species, storage time, taste qualities. High-yielding grades, with elevated storage time: Leandr, Moscow Winter, Dollyanka, Queen of Autumn. Gybrid varieties are distinguished by the rapidity, resistance to temperature drops and other parameters.

You can choose seeds according to the following criteria: the quality and humidity of the soil; expected yield; Vegetable growing goals. Each variety has its recommendations on the existence. However, in order to avoid thinning seeds or at least reduce it, it is possible to suck less seeds, increasing the distance between them.

One of the main positions in the level of yield is the selected carrot variety. In the photo - the harvest of rootes "Dollyanka"

High-threshold carrot varieties for Moscow region

A distinctive feature of the suburbs are lowland soils. However, even under these conditions, you can grow a rich harvest of carrots at proper choice varieties. To ensure uniform replenishment of the winter of carrots, vegetables should grow varieties having different time Cleaning and carrying out the codes.

Among the set good varieties And the hybrids are the most suitable for your site, taking into account its features, is somewhat more complicated. Therefore, departing for the purchase, you should focus on such rules:

  • most best harvest Long-coated carrot varieties will be given on the basis with a deep arable layer;
  • at carrot varieties with short root roots, the smallest time of vegetation, so it is used for early sowing;
  • quite quickly ripen the round varieties of carrots, but they have a low yield;
  • if you want to rationally use the beds, choose short varieties;
  • for the cultivation of carrots for implementation, it is better to choose imported varieties - the fruits will turn out to be smooth, smooth, beautiful;
  • for ourselves, it is preferable to grow domestic varieties - their fruits are more delicious and contain more carotene;
  • domestic varieties are more adapted to the suburban climate.

Best Moroval Sorts for Moscow

The most suitable for planting the variety is indicated in the table:

Sort name Characteristic
Chalnoe 2461. Grade of medium ripeness. But for good conditions May ripen in 70-120 days. Yield 6-9 kg / sq. m. Fruit form conical, length 16-18 cm, weight 80-250 g.
Moscow Winter Mid-line variety. The shape of fruit conical. Orange color. Weight 100-180 g. Resistant to temperature decreases, flowerness. Unpretentious in care. Yield 7 kg / square meters. M.
Touchon Surprise grade. Ripens 75-90 days. Cylindrical fruit form. Skin bright orange. Length 16-20 cm. The weight of 150 g. Delicious, juicy. High percentage of carotene. Yield 5 kg / square meters. m.
Fairy Early variety. The term of maturation is 95-110 days. Cylindrical fruit form. They are smooth and tasty. Length 18-20 cm. Yield 4.5 kg / square meters. m.
Flyccoro. Lovely dutch variety. Maturation term 115-130 days. Length of large fruit 30 cm. Weight of 230 g. The variety does not absorb nitrates. It has a pleasant taste. Well stored. Yield 6 kg / square meters. m.
Queen of autumn Lateuriety. Ripening time 120-130 days. Orange-red fruits are very juicy, length 25 cm, the mass of 200 g. Withstands freezing to -4. Yield 4-9 kg / kV. m.
Lasuna Medium grade. The time of ripening is 90-100 days. The weight of the fruits of 200 g. The form is cylindrical. Yield up to 7.5 kg / square meters. m.
Corrida Lateuriety. Ripens 110-125 days. The weight of fruits is 110-160. Length 12-17 cm. The average yield is 5-7 kg / sq. m.

TO late varieties It belongs to the carrot of the queen of autumn.

Pledge of carrot yield - well-prepared bed

For getting big harvest Carrots in its cultivation is very important to properly prepare a garden. One of the ways to get a rich harvest on a small area - make warm high Grokewhich gives a complete guarantee of optimal conditions for good carrot growth. In particular, you need to create a deep, loose fertile layer on such a garden.

When growing carrots, it should be known that it is very demanding for the composition of the soil. Rich harvest usually get on the lungs and medium clay soils Or on anchored peat - well-drained, without weeds. Carrots are growing well on the ground, where potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, legumes and green crops grew up last year.

Tip # 1. Grocery for carrots must be switched from autumn, without breaking lumps, and leave until spring. It will freeze, and in the spring these lumps tear into the small parts of the frozen moisture.

With acidic soil before perplex square meter The beds should be added one glasses of chalk, limestone, or as much dolomite flour. Groaning landing for carrots must be prepared a few days before sowing. In the spring, depending on the fertility of the soil and its composition, mineral and organic fertilizers contribute.

  1. On peat soils in the beds are added 5 kilograms of river sand (coarse-grained), 3-5 kilograms of dung 4, 1 bucket of clay or sublinous derdy land. From mineral fertilizers: 1 teaspoon of urea (carbomide) or sodium nitrate, 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate or powdered superphosphate and potassium chloride. Then the bed must be switched to a depth of 20-25 centimeters, to align the surface and compact. After that, the garden is watered with a solution prepared by the following solution: in a bucket of warm water to dilute 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate and 1 cup of cascidious cowboat; It is well stirred and water from the calculation of 2 liters per square meter of the bed. To preserve heat and to avoid evaporation of moisture, cover the garden with a plastic film.
  2. On podzolic and clay soils should be added: for each square meter of beds 1-2 buckets of coarse sand and 1-2 buckets of peat, 1 bucket of humus, 0.5 buckets of small wood sawdust. From mineral fertilizers: 1 tablespoon of crushed superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of nitroposki. In the spring, the garden is conducted by 2-3 tablespoons of dolomite flour or chalk (if it was not made in autumn).
  3. On the lungs of thin soils, fertilizers are made in the same way as on clay without sand.
  4. On sandy soils, you need to add 2 buckets of the turf, peat, 1 bucket of humus and processed wood sawdust. Mineral fertilizers are the same as for clay soils.
  5. 0.5 buckets of freshly treated or small old sawdust and 1 bucket of sand are added on black earth soils. From mineral fertilizers: add 2 tablespoons of superphosphate. Dung humus can be replaced by a compost without weed seeds. At the newly mastered lands during the landing of carrots at the Packet, all the rhizomes and larvae of the May beetle and the wire carrier should be carefully chosen.

Duration of sowing is of great importance for harvesting carrots. For sowing seed carrots in the suburbs early varieties can be planted on April 20-25; ADDITIONS - from April 25 to May 5; Late Promination - in November-December.

Carrot yield in Russia

In Russia, the landing of carrots occupy 93-95 thousand hectares, and this is approximately 11% of the areas engaged in vegetables. Cultivate it everywhere. In the Moscow region, crops of this culture are approximately 4.6 thousand hectares. On average carrot yield for last years by Russian Federation - 21 t / ha. Yield is quite low, but when optimal conditions Its potential productivity grows up to 120 t / ha or more.

At the specialized farms of the Moscow region, the average yield of root crops is 65-70 t / ha. In farms, which cultivate carrots according to highly efficient technologies, yield is not inferior to advanced European countries. Some farms of the Moscow region are steadily obtained by 70-80 t / ha.

How to increase the yield of carrots

To get a rich harvest of carrots, it is necessary to take into account the features of the technology of this culture. It is necessary to properly prepare the beds for sowing vegetable: carrots love loose, smooth soil. To get smooth and brilliant fruits, before planting the soil you need to explode well. Some carrot varieties are planted on the ridges of the height and width of the top of 20 centimeters.

Board # 2. Seeds are bought only from proven suppliers, as they retain only 3 years old. It is advisable to use annual. Time sowing depends on the variety.

Mistakes of inexperienced vegetable breeding

  1. Like all the vegetables, carrots are light-cup, therefore, if you plant root in the shade, they will grow very short (3-5 cm), and the harvest will fall in twice. With excessive moisture in the soil, the roots of carrots are ill, so in the area where close groundwater, beds should be made of 30-35 centimeters high.
  2. If the beds are poorly plowed on dense, poorly alienated soils, the carrots grow up ugly shape, branches, its quality and harvest is reduced.

Rubric "Question-Answer"

Question number 1. How best to plant carrots?

A good method is considered to be the culmination of carrots. Before plowing to a depth of 20-25 centimeters in the soil you need to make 2-3 kg / sq. M Horing and 10-15 grams of potash and phosphate fertilizers. The site should be monened and immediately cut into the ridges. After them from above, slightly align and create grooves on them to a depth of 4-5 centimeters. By time, sowing the soil compacts, and their depth will be at the level of 3 centimeters. A plot similarly prepared for sowing, in this form remains before frost.

Question number 2. Why did carrots grew up "bearded"?

Most likely, carrots at the very beginning of growth was damaged by pests. In particular, carrot flock. The main sign of this is curlying the tops. Such carrots are not edible. It is early short. At the beginning of the growth, it is necessary to process the Buck Trop and, until it is growing and does not boost, hold under Loutrasil. Some gardeners even before landing treated with kerosene seeds.

It will be about how you can earn money for a season of about 130 thousand rubles without large capital investments.

so speech will go About growing to all of us known culture - carrots. As a famous carrot can be grown not only on dumart sites in six acres, where in the best cases this culture is allocated one or two small beds (and why it increases so much with this area that the whole family is enough for a year - high yields here is the main horse in the cultivation of carrots), you can grow carrots and In the fields littered with this culture hectare of the square collecting dozens of tons of crop. But it does not fit us, because it is a big capital investment! So the area that can be treated by two - three people and from which you can collect in one season and the main thing to realize the crop before the onset of cold weather (we have no vegetable store) is 0.5 hectares or 50 acres of land. From this plot of land, you can collect up to 20 tons of carrots of which 5 tons will be non-thendition (curve broken) and 15 tons of selected vegetable. At a price of 10 rubles per kilogram, we have an income of 15 * 10 \u003d 150 thousand rubles Plus, if you sell a non-thendition of another 15-20 thousand.

What do we need:

1. Plot of land 50 acres, if there is good, no, you can rent outside the city, rental land for agricultural land is worth a penny and half hectares will cost rubles in 400, and even less, how to agree with the chairman of the local agricultural enterprise

2. Workers hands (2-3 people - for example you and your relatives)

3. Motoroblock - depending on the degree of development of the Earth, its ease, etc. It is necessary to need a fiberboard cost from 15 to 30 thousand rubles (the lighter land the more cheaply choose the gun). Also to the motoblock we will need nozzles
- Occupic for the manufacture of combs in which we will sow seeds costs about 900 rubles
- copper with the help of which we will dig a harvest of 800 rubles

4. Manual seeder of accurate seeding to her we will sow carrots in the ridges costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles

5. Carrot seeds are about 2 kilograms (preferably in the granules it will create the opportunity to comply with the state of seeding and the distance between the fruits will be sufficient for the growth of fruit bodies to commercial sizes) in such a number of seeds is better to buy on wholesale bases - cheaper

6. Fertilizers - if desired, if the soil has not been previously used for a long time and, which is called rested, then fertilizers can not be applied. In any case, their value will not exceed 1 thousand steering wheel on the specified area.

7. Plant protection products from weeds and manual sprayer. At the stage of shoots and began to rise, weeds are a serious threat to your crop, it's from the area of \u200b\u200bfiction, so the exit here is only one - the use of herbicides. You need about 2 kg, which you will be prompted in any horticultural store, respectively, you will need a manual sprayer, everything will be released together 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles

8. Polyethylene mesh about 500 pcs for raising a collected harvest of about 5 rubles per near 5 * 500 \u003d 2500 rubles

9. A car (your own or hire) or another vehicle on which you can bring a motoblock and other equipment and transporting carrots to a vegetable base (you need to make a sales in advance)

Now the technology is: Fat the land by a motor-cultivator to a depth of about 20 cm so that there are no large lumps, we tray to the motoblock of the skateboat and cut the ridges distance between the ridges of 30-50 cm. Next, we fall asleep the seeds in the handberry bunker (if there are fertilizers And we produce sowing in the ridges. We are waiting for shoots and produce spraying from weeds. After 80-100 days, it is possible to remove the harvest, we cling to the motobock of the coplock and dig a harvest, then we collect the fruits at the same time sorting the commercial carrot and non-thendition. Cut the harvest in the grid and we carry for sale.

So all costs will not exceed 40 thousand rubles and this is if you buy a motoblock (the next year the equipment will remain and costs will be much less) revenue from the sale of the entire harvest will be 150-170 thousand rubles. Our net profit is 110-130 thousand. If this is all the case as a personal subsidiary farming, then taxes can not pay. BUT B. agriculture As in the other, anyone has its own risks, for example, drought or on the contrary, very rainy summer will greatly affect the harvest and can upset your plans.

But in any activity, who does not risk the same you know what, so dare, the choice is yours ... by the way, still interesting business ideas that can be implemented at home can be found in this article -

Growing vegetables and fruits is profitable business from minimal investments. Before proceeding to this kind Earnings, you need to decide on the idea. You can do, for example, carrots, potatoes, or fresh greenery. In today's article, we will discuss in more detail precisely on the cultivation of such useful vegetablelike carrots.

Carrots are a useful and vitamin vegetable, which is in great demand in the market. Therefore, the cultivation of carrots as a business is a rather advantageous sphere of entrepreneurship.

Before opening your work, the advantages and disadvantages of this method of earnings should be determined.

Pluses of growing carrots as a business

  • Small financial investments. A significant plus, which will surely interest many newcomers and make you think about such a kind of entrepreneurship. The cultivation of carrots can be confidently attributed to the field of low-budget business.
  • Fast payback. Playing seeds of carrots for a few months will bring you profits. It is very profitable for newcomers and people who wish to see fast result His work.

Cons Business for Growing Vegetables

In addition to the explicit advantages of this area of \u200b\u200bentrepreneurship, of course, there are also pitfalls that interfere with developing.

  • Vegetable growing is a business not for everyone. In this field, the emphasis is on physical workSo if you are accustomed to work mentally, then, most likely, this way of earning will not interest you.
  • To succeed in vegetable growing, you need to possess elementary knowledge and skills in the field of cultivation. In addition, you need to love your work and do it well. Only then can you really earn good money.

Growing carrot business plan

Successful and experienced entrepreneurs always act according to plan. Planned I. organized work will help you B. short time Get the desired result.

In business, you should note such items as the profitability of the idea (the level of competition and the relevance), to approximately calculate the amount of investments, to determine the approximate payback period and profit from business.

Special attention should be paid to the competition from it directly will depend on the amount of possible profit and business success. Therefore, at the initial stage of the choice of idea, consider this factor.

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Business registration

If you plan to engage in the cultivation of carrots at home on small square, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur or, in general, at the initial stage try to grow vegetables for yourself in order to be in the essence of the process.

Industrial cultivation Carrots are already subject to legal registration. To do this, you should establish your peasant or farm economy And choose the appropriate tax mode.

Carrot Care and Growing

First of all, you need to rent a land with fertile soil For growing vegetables. For resident countryside This will not be much difficulty, as a rule, everyone already has a free land area. If you need a large plot, then you should find landlords and choose a suitable place for a future vegetable farm.

Morkovi growing technology

First you need to choose a variety. It is best to try to sow different varieties in order to further determine which of them most suitable for this area.

Carrots are a light subculture, so the area for its cultivation is required to choose the appropriate. No less important factors affecting the yield is the structure of the soil. The land must be high in organic fertilizers.

Preparing the area for growing carrots begins in autumn. The plot is screwed, fertilizer (compost). In the spring, the land plot jump out again and feces as needed (it all depends on the degree of soil fertility).

Preparation of seeds

As noted earlier, you need to choose suitable grade For growing. After that, finished seeds need to rinse hot water (about 50 degrees), in order to wash away essential oilswhich may interfere with the germination. Then you should leave seeds for germination for 2-3 days. Before sowing, be sure to dry them a bit.

Sowing Morkovia

First of all, the beds are made of the desired length, which are watering with warm water and only after that you can proceed to the direct seeding process.

Carrots care

The care process is a weeding, protection of seedlings from pests and weed. This uses special chemicalsthat effectively fight these problems.


For harvest, you need to hire the team of workers. The number of people depends on the volume of area. As a rule, seasonal employees receive salary daily, it depends on the number of harvest for the day. Payment depends also from the region and average cost Data services, competition and other factors.

Business costs

  • Land lease. The price will depend on the region, the soil fertility, and, of course, from the scale of the area;
  • Carrot growing equipment. You need to buy a motoblock and a skipper to it, with it you can make comfortable ridges for planting carrots, copulline (it is easier to collect a crop). Equipment can be purchased used or at the initial stage, rent. In the future, when successful in business and receiving profit, you can buy your own equipment;
  • Failure to workers. Transport costs finished products to the place of sale. You can both rent vehicles and purchase your own car, it all depends on the material opportunities.

Sales sales

Carrot is a demanded product, so many bases to engage in this vegetable. Thus, you are looking for a sales channel, focusing on the price, and choose the most suitable option.

Delivery of products abroad. This embodiment is most profitable, but requires considerable effort. It is quite difficult to find profitable customers and conclude contracts for the supply of products. But if desired, everything is possible, and as a sales option, this method is quite appropriate.

Supply of vegetables in supermarkets, restaurants, sanatoriums. A rather advantageous way of implementation that will bring you a stable income. All you need to conclude contracts for the supply of products with large outlets.


Your income will depend on the volume of grinding of carrots, sales channel and price. Therefore, analyze the competition in your region before starting business in the agricultural sector.

It can be concluded that - a favorable way of earning for residents of the countryside. We wish you success.

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