Diseases of garden and indoor roses - description with photos and treatment methods. Diseases of roses methods and means for treatment and prevention Pests of indoor roses

landscaping 16.06.2019

The rose is the decorative blooming queen of the garden. It has been a symbol of love and admiration since ancient times. Today, this plant is often used in landscape design and decoration garden plots. Garden and home roses diseases and pests quite often affect. The lack of proper care and the lack of entrepreneurial spirit of flower growers is one of the reasons for the death of this flower.

Pests - prevention and control

Carrying out timely measures, both preventive and protective, will protect the rose garden from diseases and the invasion of harmful insects.

Any preventive treatment of roses is carried out strictly according to established rules safety technology. After all, for this, chemicals are used that are harmful to human body. Respirator and rubber gloves- the first two things that every grower should have.

The greatest danger to the rose garden is pests during the period of active growth and development of plants. At this time, roses release new shoots, leaves and flower buds, which are food for larvae and insects. Plants require frequent inspection and attention.

Sawfly larvae, beetles and caterpillars are chewing insects that disrupt the life processes of flowers. As a result, plants bloom poorly and stop their growth. The appearance of these pests is evidenced by: perforated eating of pulp, gnawing leaves and stems, damage to flower buds from the outside.

Pests that suck juice from the ground part of plants provoke a violation of the growth and development of flowers. As a result, the leaves of plants turn yellow, curl and eventually die. Sucking insects that cause tremendous harm to roses include rose whiteflies, scale insects, mites and aphids.

Rose aphid is a harmful insect that settles on roses mainly from the underside of leaves, shoots, stems and flower buds. A massive invasion of aphids can be observed with the naked eye during the inspection of the flower, despite the fact that the aphid larvae are very small. These pests reproduce very quickly. 7 days after the appearance of the larvae turn into females. Each individual can give offspring - about a hundred larvae. During the year, this insect reproduces up to ten generations, which by the end of the summer season are transformed into individuals of two sexes with winged forms. During the winter, they lay eggs for the emergence of new larvae in the spring.

These insects grow very actively, sucking the juice from the entire ground part of the plants. Rose bushes affected by aphids develop poorly, their leaves curl and fall off, and flower buds are ugly when open. It is worth knowing that such plants become vulnerable to diseases and do not tolerate cold. The mass appearance of ants in the rose garden is a sign that aphids have settled on rose bushes.

Seven dot ladybug- an insect that loves to eat aphids. She eats up to 250 aphid larvae per day.

For preventive purposes, plants are sprayed in early spring, even before the buds swell with contact insecticides. This is followed by treatment with Actellik, Korbofos or Metation. Kerosene solution is also effective - 2 g of the substance is added to one bucket of water.

Some flower growers use garlic-bulb infusion, which is prepared as follows. Chopped onion and garlic, 300 g each, are mixed with 400 g of chopped tomato leaves. The prepared slurry is placed in a three-liter container, filled with water and tightly closed for six hours for infusion. After this time, the infusion should be mixed well, strained through gauze and brought to ten liters of volume with plain water. To improve contact with foliage, liquid soap is added to the solution. This is an excellent tool in the fight against spider mites, aphids, caterpillars, suckers and sawflies. The frequency of treatment is five times a day for a week.

This is an insect that very often appears in rose gardens and causes great harm to plants. The appearance of this pest is evidenced by white spotting on the leaves, which eventually becomes marbled. Bushes affected by cicada quickly lose their decorative effect. In severely damaged plants, the foliage turns yellow very quickly and falls off. From the eggs laid by the female in autumn, which are located at the ends of the shoots, larvae emerge in early spring. They can be observed on the underside of the leaf plate. Insects white color, sedentary suck the juice from the foliage of plants. In adults, the body is elongated, light yellow color. Leafhoppers in adulthood are very active and mobile. Females can produce up to three generations per year. The treatment of affected bushes is carried out at the stage of the mass appearance of pest larvae with an insecticidal solution. The ground part of the plants is sprayed twice every ten days.

Spider mites are especially dangerous for roses. In greenhouse conditions, these pests can breed and develop throughout the year. They are a four-legged insect of light green color with black spots on the back. In winter, the body of the tick acquires a red or orange color. One female can lay up to 170 eggs, of which larvae will appear in five days. The tick development cycle is 15-25 days. The insect lives no more than thirty-five days. Both larvae and adults infect the lower part of the leaf plate of plants, sucking the juice out of them, which leads to metabolic and vital functions of roses. Dehydrated leaves first turn yellow, then curl and fall off. Roses affected by spider mites lose their decorative qualities very quickly. Spider mite females tolerate wintering very well, staying in the soil or in other secluded places. In early spring at an air temperature of about 13-14 degrees, females begin to lay light pink eggs, which can be seen through a magnifying glass.

On indoor roses, spider mites appear in rooms where the air is too dry. To increase the level of humidity, plants are carried out frequent spraying. This is one of the main preventive measures that prevents the appearance of this pest. Affected specimens are sprayed with Acrex - 0.08% concentration. Also, Isofenin - 0.05% concentration or Omite with a concentration of 0.1% is suitable for the destruction of spider mites. For plants in greenhouses, Fitoverm, Aktofit or Vermitek are used. It is worth remembering that such drugs do not have any effect on eggs. They only kill adults. To do this, rose bushes are sprayed 4-5 times every three days at a temperature of 30 degrees.

Other common pests

Rose diseases - infectious and fungal

In addition to pests, garden roses, just like domestic roses, can infect various diseases. It should be noted that among all the varieties indoor flowers of the Shipovnikov family, Chinese rose needs to special care and attention. From lack of lighting, irregular watering, overabundance or shortage nutrients she weakens. Its resistance to diseases and pests is reduced.

Most often, indoor roses, just like garden roses, suffer from fungal infections that affect all parts of the plant.

This disease appears on young leaves and branches. More often this disease affects indoor roses. Eliminate the risk of powdery mildew it is possible if the flowers are provided with the correct growing conditions - moderate air humidity, at least 60%, and a temperature regime within 17-18 degrees. A sign of the onset of this disease is a powdery coating of a grayish hue that covers the leaves, stems and flowers of the plant. Over time, it develops into a continuous mass on the surface of the affected part of the flower. This disease disrupts all life processes and destroys plant tissues. As a result of this, the leaves curl and fall off, and young shoots die off.

What to do?

In autumn, the affected flowers are pruned, burning the damaged parts. Then a thorough digging of the soil is carried out, after which the larvae and insects die from a lack of oxygen.

Immediately after pruning in autumn or early spring, the bushes are irrigated with a three percent solution of copper sulfate in combination with a solution of iron sulfate of the same concentration. Such prevention reduces the risk of the onset of the disease in the next year.

During the growing season, flower growers began to successfully use a copper-soap solution to treat roses. Three hundred grams are added to nine liters of water liquid soap and thirty grams of copper sulfate, previously diluted in one liter of water. Processing is carried out every eight days.

Fungal disease - marsonina

Black-brown spotting on the foliage is the first sign of the appearance of this disease. The peak of manifestation of marsonine falls on July-August. Leaves, petioles and stipules are covered with dark brown spots. In advanced cases, the leaves completely darken, die off and fall off. The mushroom picker with spores remains to winter on the foliage and branches of roses.

What to do?

It is necessary to fight this disease thoroughly. All affected parts on the bushes are cut and burned. After that, digging of the earth is carried out with the turnover of the reservoir. In early spring, before the buds open, the bushes are sprayed with special chemicals.

This disease, which appears in the form of orange dusty circles, resembling sores in appearance. This fungus loves moist and warm environments. Therefore, the risk of rust on roses in the spring under such conditions increases significantly. In this case, the vegetation process is completely disrupted in plants. Affected flowers become oppressed - leaves and shoots dry out over time, and flower buds become deformed.

What to do?

Before starting treatment, the damaged parts are cut off on the bushes. Then carry out the digging of the soil. Before wintering, plants are treated with iron or copper sulfate. In the spring, during the period of active growth, until the moment of flowering, roses are sprayed with a solution based on copper and laundry soap.

Yellowed or whitened leaves are a sign of the onset of this disease. Most often, roses suffer from chlorosis, suffering from a lack of nutrients in the soil - zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium and other elements. Very often flower growers who have a Chinese rose complain about this disease.

What to do?

First you need to identify the cause. To do this, analyze the soil or flower. After that, the plant is replenished with the missing trace element.

This is one of the most dangerous diseases of roses, which actively develops in conditions of high humidity or in heat. The leaves of roses become covered with brown spots and die off completely after a while.

What to do?

To prevent the occurrence of this disease, the flowers are sprayed with one of the fungicides. This procedure is carried out in rainy or hot weather.

Give your roses proper care, preventive measures and frequent inspections, and then you will not have to resort to extreme methods to save your rose garden from diseases or pests.


The delightful aroma of a room rose will not leave indifferent any person, however, in order for the resident of the pot to please the eye for a long time, one should Special attention measures to combat various pests and diseases.

This truly royal flower easily wins hearts, and what a shame when it dies as a result of improper care. In our article, we will consider not only the means of dealing with problems that have already arisen, such as pests, fungi and viruses, but also how to prevent them. To do this, you should learn a little more about the characteristics of the plant.

indoor rose

Rose is the collective name of various representatives of the genus Rosehip. At the same time, the main part of the varieties was obtained by selection. Most species are thermophilic, but there are also individual representatives that survive even in a rather harsh climate. indoor plant preferably placed on south-facing windows, as they love the sun. If you place this representative of the flora in the shade, then it may not bloom at all.

Preference should be given to neutral soils. But if you want the flower to have a more pronounced color, then you need to plant it in soil with an alkaline reaction. It is very important that the soil is well drained. At the same time, you should not relocate a newly acquired inhabitant to another pot. It is necessary to allow the plant to adapt to new conditions, and only after that it is possible to start a transplant.

Briefly about the variety of these beauties

Now about the most common types of indoor roses. The most popular species can rightfully be called polyanthic and miniature plants. The first were bred by crossing climbing and tea varieties. Such representatives of the flora bloom all year round, while their small double flowers are odorless. But some miniature specimens can fill the room with an amazing aroma. They got their name because of their small size. But despite such compactness, the bushes are covered with dense foliage, and terry inflorescences are distinguished by an elegant shape. The birthplace of such roses is China.

More rare representatives can be called hybrid tea varieties, which were bred by crossing remontant and tea roses. The main difference of this type is a delicate exquisite aroma and rather large flowers.

Most varieties of indoor roses are susceptible to various diseases, and only when proper care for the inhabitants of the pot, you can grow a strong plant with good immunity. Be sure to maintain the desired temperature. Despite the fact that the flower is thermophilic, during the dormant period from October to February it is better to keep it in a cool room. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, even if it is frosty outside, and in the summer, move the resident of the pot to a balcony or garden.

The soil should not be allowed to dry out, because after that the plant does not recover well. Timely water the soil with warm water and apply fertilizer. Top dressing is best done once every two weeks. To maintain the desired level of humidity, it is necessary not only to water the ground, but also to spray the leaves.

rose pruning

It is best to transplant in the spring and very carefully so as not to disturb root system. Carefully take out an earthen ball with roots and place it in new pot slightly larger volume. In this case, you should remove upper layer earth, it has a characteristic white coating - the protruding salt.

It is also important to carry out timely pruning. In the spring, all weak and small branches are removed. It is enough to leave only 5 well-developed shoots. If their wood is mature enough, then these shoots are cut into 3-6 eyes, 4-5 can be left on shoots of moderate growth. But weak branches are shortened by only 3 eyes. Then the representative of the flora should immediately be taken out to a cool place, and as soon as the first green leaves appear, we place the flower on a well-lit window. It is worth noting that the cooler it is in the room, the longer the rest period will last.

Now we will talk about fungal diseases that most often affect indoor varieties of roses. They are quite difficult to diagnose, contagious and treated only with certain drugs. Most often, the fungus affects the weakest representatives of the flora. high humidity combined with high temperature optimal conditions for its development. Quite often, such diseases are introduced with earth, dust, or newly acquired green inhabitants.

If spots are found on the surface of the leaves, then most likely we are talking about a disease such as spotting. Ignoring the danger, you run the risk of saying goodbye to the flower, as the spots will increase in size over time, and as a result, the green foliage will simply dry out and fall off. Most often, yellow roses are susceptible to this disease. Mostly the symptoms appear in the second half of the growing season.

rose spotting

Contributes to the spread of the fungus: thickening of the crown, excessive moisture and poor ventilation, too dense soil in the pot. Noticing the affected areas, immediately remove them and treat the plant with copper-containing or sulfurous preparations. In addition, until complete recovery, avoid spraying with plain water and pay special attention to watering. The treatment of roses with a special antifungal soap has also proven itself well.

This most common fungal disease most negatively affects general condition plant and leads to its complete death. It can be identified by a white coating on the leaves, which gradually spreads to the stems and even buds. Affected parts should be removed immediately before the fungus has moved to healthy branches. But at the advanced stage, the flower should be cut off at the root. It is enough to leave small shoots about 5 cm high. Next, you need to process the rose, the soil, and even flower pot fundazol or other special means. Spraying is repeated several times.

Powdery mildew on leaves

This fungal disease contributes to excessive fertilizer and a lack of fresh air. The peak of its activity is the period when a significant temperature difference begins between day and night.

There is another disease with similar symptoms - downy mildew. But only in this case, the plaque mainly spreads along the inside of the sheet and primarily affects wet areas. From above, the leaves are covered with purple or light spots. On the Internet you can find photos with symptoms. Control measures also have similarities with the previous disease. All affected parts are removed, and the plant is treated several times with fungicides. At the same time, to enhance the effect, it is recommended to change the drug each time.

In addition to fungal, there are also. One of the most terrible diseases of the rose can rightfully be called bacterial cancer. In this case, the stems and even the roots of the plant, depending on the type of disease, are covered with tuberculate growths or rounded depressed spots. The affected areas gradually die off, but the bacteria continue to live in the soil for several more years.

To avoid mass infection, it is not enough just to remove the affected areas, they should be disinfected in a solution of copper sulfate for several minutes. In no case should you throw away the soil in which an infected plant grew in a garden or vegetable garden, as you risk being left without a crop for several years.

Infectious burn on a rose

Rose jaundice is also dangerous. The causative agent of this infection is carried by pests such as psyllids and leafhoppers. You can determine the disease by yellowing veins of young leaves. In addition, over time, the leaves themselves begin to brighten and deform, if no action is taken, then larger areas of yellow color appear, and the plant weakens. The affected areas are cut off and burned. And if the flower cannot be saved, then it should also be burned.

But this is not all diseases, it is worth paying attention to the rose wilt virus. In this case, the buds do not tie, the leaves become narrower and gradually dry out, and the young shoots do not grow. As a result, the bushes completely dry out. The same measures to combat the disease are applied as in the previous case.

There is also an infectious burn. Spots appear on the leaves with dry patches in the center. Their color can be either light brown or darker. Characteristic crimson edging. The affected areas rapidly increase in size with poor ventilation of the premises. After the spots ring the shoot, it dies off completely. It is best to cut off the infected shoots, but if the disease has not had time to develop, you can save the plant without such drastic actions. It is necessary to completely clean off the stain with a knife and cover the already healthy tissue with Runnet.

Regardless of the disease, the tools used for pruning must be disinfected. They are treated with either a solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol, otherwise there is a risk of transferring the infection to other plants and losing them. In addition, do not underestimate the danger that they can pose, because they not only spoil the representative of the flora themselves, but also carry various viruses.

Let's start about dangerous pest which is almost impossible to avoid. The main reason for its appearance can be called insufficient humidity in the room. Therefore, for prevention, the plant should be regularly sprayed and even bathed in the shower. Basically, a tick appears in late autumn and winter, because during this period, many owners of indoor roses do not pay enough attention to the prevailing microclimate and allow the soil to dry out.

Signs of a spider mite

To minimize the likelihood of damage, even only acquired plants should be treated with special non-toxic preparations. Garlic infusion will perfectly cope with the task. To prepare it, you need a liter of water and 170 g vegetable crop. The remedy is infused for 5 days. You can also use tobacco infusion, while a small layer of mustard powder or wood ash is poured onto the ground. Prevention is repeated several times a year. One of the most effective yet non-toxic chemicals- "Arrow", "Aktellik", "Neoron". Also, Akarin and Vertimek have proven themselves well. The flower is completely sprayed with a solution, and for best effect it is recommended to process an earthen room. The procedure is repeated 3 times with an interval of 7 days.

Small pests are usually located on the underside of the leaves and look like small red, red or dark brown dots. Having slightly wetted the flower, you can see how the tick begins to move. The larvae of this insect are light and are also found on the green part of the plant. Over time, the foliage turns brown and falls off.

Of course, rose diseases cause enormous damage to indoor flowers, but insects should not be underestimated. For example, small beetles settle inside a flower and gnaw through its leaves. But the caterpillars can not only make small holes in the green parts of the plant, but also gnaw them completely. You can get rid of such unwanted guests with the help of preparations containing karbofos.

If the leaves of the flower are deformed, and the plant itself lags behind in development, then most likely it was struck by the rose sawfly. The females of this insect lay their eggs under the bark of a representative of the world of flora. But this is not the worst thing, such a pest feeds on young buds and shoots of roses, which causes incredible damage. To destroy the sawfly, the plant should be treated with special karbofos-containing preparations or fufanon. But insecticidal agents are indispensable if the rose was struck by a scale insect. You can recognize it by the brown plaques that will cover the foliage and stem. In addition, the plant lags behind in development, sheds leaves, and if you ignore the symptoms and do not provide timely assistance, it will die altogether.

rose sawfly

You can find out that the plant was struck by cut aphids by the following symptoms. First, young shoots and buds will teem with colonies small pests. Secondly, the foliage of the flower will take on an unnatural look, begin to curl, deform, and eventually dry out altogether. Timely treatment with tobacco infusion or soapy water will help to overcome the problem that has arisen. Moreover, if you decide to give preference to the second remedy, you should use insecticidal soap.

Yarrow infusion has also proven itself well. To prepare it, fill half a liter jar with dried herbs and fill it with water. The remedy is infused for 3-4 days. To enhance the effect, you can add a small bar of soap. There are also chemicals that will help in the fight against this insect. These include pyrethrum, actellik and other agents based on karbofos. If the colonies are insignificant, then you can cope with them using the biological method by placing several ladybugs on the plant.

Consequences of improper care

Pests and diseases can deprive you of a pet, but sometimes we ourselves can cause such a loss by making mistakes during care. For example, a change in habitat conditions can lead to the drying of a flower. In this case, the previous microclimate should be resumed and pruned. And excessive moisture and excessive irrigation will lead to decay. To reanimate such a plant is quite difficult task. To do this, remove the rose from the pot and cut off the rotten roots. Next, transplant the plant into new land and do not allow overflow. At the same time, complete drying of the soil should be avoided.

And here insufficient watering leads to the drying of the plant and without proper care the problem cannot be solved. All dead shoots should be removed, but only so that a few centimeters remain to the trunk. Then we water the inhabitant of the pot and place it under a plastic bag. Thus, the desired humidity can be ensured. As soon as young shoots appear, you need to start airing the "greenhouse" so that the plant gets used to dry air.

Diseases of indoor roses and the fight against them are not much different from the therapeutic measures that are carried out in relation to landscape gardening. rose bushes. It is known that pests of roses in the form different insects sometimes they cause irreparable harm to plants, so any person who keeps them at home should be aware of what the fragile and whimsical can get sick home flower, and how it is necessary to carry out the fight against the misfortune that has overtaken him.

Rose pests

Insects are a great danger during the period when the flower begins to actively grow and develop (during the formation of buds, leaves, buds). The indoor rose is especially vulnerable in these parts, since they feed on beetles, caterpillars and their small larvae, sometimes invisible to the naked eye. The main signs of damage to a flower by pests, as a rule, are the following:

  • the leaf becomes gnawed at the edges;
  • insect passages are found inside the leaf;
  • buds, flowers, pistils and stamens are damaged or completely destroyed.

rose aphid

Settles from below, on foliage and young branches, as well as on the flowers themselves in the form of small, almost imperceptible larvae, which are laid by adults. At the end of summer, the aphid becomes a butterfly and produces more and more offspring, sucking all the juice from the rose. The flower begins to quickly wither and deform, the foliage curls and falls off, and the buds become ugly.

To avoid the dominance of these insects on indoor roses, in the early spring, you need to preventive treatment using ready-made chemical insecticides: Antio, Aktellika, karbofos or metathion. For medicinal purposes, it is effective to spray the flower twice with a solution of kerosene at the rate of two grams of the substance per ten liters of water (for small indoor roses in pots, you can reduce the volume of water to five liters, and kerosene will be enough in the amount of one gram).

The volume of water and the amount of active ingredient depend on how many roses are in the room and what size they are. It is usually customary to indicate the total volume of liquid in the amount of 10 liters, but if the flower is small, it makes no sense to prepare such a large amount of solution. The best option is to reduce the volume of water to five liters. Accordingly, the substance should be half as much: for a small rose in a pot, this will be enough - and so on.

To combat rose aphids, this solution is often used: 150 g of finely chopped garlic or onion + 200 g of tomato leaf are taken and placed in one and a half liter jar. Then it is filled with water, and the composition must be infused in heat for six hours. Then the resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, filtered through cheesecloth, and the total volume of liquid is brought to 5 liters of water. In order for the composition not to drain from the leaves, 20 grams of liquid soap should be added to it, preferably green. The solution is also effective against other pests - such as sawflies, various caterpillars or mites.

Rose leafhopper

A characteristic sign of damage to a room rose by a cicada is small whitish dots, due to which the leaf acquires an unhealthy marbled hue. If insects have severely damaged a rose, its leaves turn yellow ahead of time and begin to fall off.

The larvae can most often be seen from below on the foliage, in spring: they are white, almost do not move and suck out the juice. It is important not to miss the moment when the larvae begin to appear in large numbers. The flower must be treated twice with any chemical insecticide. The interval between procedures is ten to twelve days.

Drooling pennitsa or omnivorous leafhopper

Signs of a rose affected by it are easy to see: a discharge similar to saliva appears on the plant. The pest settles in the leaf axils, usually from below. Like other insects, it is destroyed by insecticides - by spraying twice with a ten-day interval.

Very dangerous, looks like a yellow-green insect with black spots on the back. The larvae are green, small, and egg clutches can be found under a layer of thin gossamer. As well as its other harmful "colleagues", the spider mite harms the foliage of a room rose from the underside, sucking out all the juices from them. The leaf begins to wither, turn yellow, in places of damage by the jaws of the insect, small pale spots can be observed.

As a treatment, avermectin substances are used: they are used when it comes to "closed ground" or growing roses indoors. If the temperature in the room is + 20C, three treatments with an interval of 10 days will be enough, and in hot weather conditions (+30 and above), the treatment scheme changes: you need to carry out three to four procedures, the interval between which should be three to four days.

leaf rollers

Leaf rollers are harmful caterpillars, which entomologists count up to three. different types. They cause irreparable damage to the leaves of indoor roses, starting in spring and attacking young twigs and leaves.

If there are few leaflets, they can simply be collected by hand and disposed of, and the plant can be sprayed with any suitable compound from the pesticide group. As a rule, in a room, such measures are sufficient.

Sawflies destroy indoor flowers in both ascending and descending ways. The second type of insect is more widespread. Usually they are long, black, with dark wings and yellowish legs, a bit like bees.

When the caterpillar leaves the egg, it begins to bite into the branch, gnaws a passage in it and begins to live and develop there. As a result, the shoots quickly turn black and dry. effective means pesticides will serve to destroy the rose sawfly.

Bronze and deer

These are bright beetles of the same family. The bronze is golden green, and the deer is black and shaggy. The bronze is larger, up to 20 mm in length, and the deer is smaller, up to 12 mm. They feed on flower petals, especially pistils and stamens, and roses of light shades have to suffer from them the most.

Since the deer and bronze appear in room conditions extremely rare, the best way to deal with them is to simply pick them up with your hands in the morning while they sleep motionless on the plants.

rose diseases

Diseases of domestic roses most often occur when adverse conditions cultivation. In order to cure a rose, it is necessary, first of all, to improve its living conditions (put it in a warmer, lit place, it is better to water it or, conversely, do not overdo it with water). Also, overfeeding with fertilizers does not benefit the indoor flower: it can also get sick due to this reason.

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew affects young plants, and this happens in cool and excessively humid weather. The surface of the foliage is covered with a whitish coating, which is also found on the buds and thorns.

At first, separate formations appear, then they merge into a continuous mass and completely affect the surface. The leaves curl and the rose can die quickly. As a spray, solutions of soda ash are used (50 grams are taken per 10 liters of water) or colloidal sulfur (1% suspension).

Marsonine black spot

Fungal disease, which is characterized by the appearance of black or brown spots - usually in the middle of summer. Spots can be seen on the foliage, except for it - in the area of ​​stipules and petioles. Diseased leaves should be picked and burned, and the flower should be sprayed (usually twice with an interval of 10 days) with any mildly toxic fungicide.


It manifests itself in a room rose in the form of bright orange spores on the underside of the foliage and occurs when the spring is too wet and warm. The plant dries out, it quickly withers, because rust is also a fungal infection that quickly spreads throughout the rose.

Just as in the case of black spot, diseased areas are eliminated and burned, the flower is treated with fungicides or with a copper-soap solution, which is especially effective in spring, during a period of intensive growth.


It is characterized by the fact that the leaves begin to discolor or turn yellow. In some forms of chlorosis, the veins of the foliage may remain green. In any case, chlorosis is a clear sign that a room rose lacks important minerals - such as potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc. If you do not take action, the leaves fall off, and the flower can quickly wither.

Here you can not do without outside help specialists: it is important to establish the cause and type of chlorosis by laboratory analysis of the earth in a pot or the flower itself - and only then take appropriate measures.

downy mildew downy mildew

Also a fungal disease, the appearance of which is accompanied by brown spots, and the underside of the foliage is covered with a grayish coating. Gradually, the spots begin to acquire a reddish tint or turn brown, the leaf flies around, and the diseased parts of the flower die.

The risk of peronosporosis increases with heavy rains and hot weather. In this case, fungicides are also used, which should be used from time to time as a preventive measure - especially if weather conditions contribute to this.

Preparation of spray solutions

How to treat a rose from pests on your own - you can prepare one or another solution, carefully observing all proportions and bearing in mind that most of figures are given based on 9-10 liters of water. The most popular are the following compositions:

  1. Copper-soap solution. AT hot water, in the amount of 9 l, dissolve 300 grams of liquid concentrated soap Green colour. Instead, you can use economic. After the soap has dissolved in water, 30 g of copper sulfate is added to the hot solution. Everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass and cooled, after which you can proceed to spraying. Important point: when it appears in the composition of flakes, it is unacceptable to use it.
  2. Bordeaux liquid, 1%. Copper sulfate is taken (100g). quicklime (also 100g), then it is quenched in a special container until lime milk is obtained. In another container, vitriol is diluted, then poured into where the milk of lime is located. The suitability of the composition for use is checked by lowering an iron nail into it. If it is covered with a copper coating, lime must be added to it until the plaque on the nail stops appearing.

Folk remedies for roses

Among folk remedies to protect domestic roses, compositions against diseases and compositions used against pests are isolated, many of which can be easily prepared independently.

Remedies for rose diseases

Among the folk remedies against diseases of roses, there are those that are especially effective in case of damage to the indoor flower by powdery mildew or rust:

  1. Powdery mildew: mullein mixed with ash helps. Fresh manure (1 kg) is diluted in 10 liters of water with the addition of 200 g of ash. Everything is mixed. Infuse for a week, warm, then strain using cheesecloth. Usually, one spray is enough, but in severe cases the procedure is repeated three days later.
  2. Rust: V.I. Michurin. After removing the diseased parts of the flower, the stem of the milkweed is broken off. A drop of its juice is rubbed on the sore spots of the rose. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

Rose pest control

A large number of folk remedies are used against insects. Here are some of them:

  • shag (400g) or other tobacco waste is boiled in nine liters of water for half an hour. The mixture is infused in heat for 2 days, filtered well, then 40 g of green soap are dissolved in a liter of water, and all this is mixed;
  • onion or garlic (300g) and tomato leaf (200g) are minced with a meat grinder, placed in water (3l). Insist 5-6 hours, strain. Bring the volume of liquid to 10 liters, with the addition of soap (40g);
  • dry hot pepper (200g) is crushed, mixed with two liters of water. Boil over medium heat for an hour. Insist for two days, then crush the parts of the pepper floating in the liquid, drain the broth, squeeze the vegetables. Strain, bring the volume of liquid to two liters. Pour a liter of the finished broth into the prepared 10 liters of fresh water. Add soap, 40g.

In order to prevent diseases of indoor roses and protect flowers from pests in time, they must be carefully looked after, paying attention to their condition. At the first signs of damage, measures should be taken - only in this case a positive outcome and a further healthy state of the flower are possible.

We treat a room rose for diseases:

The indoor rose is one of the most sought-after and beloved houseplants, however, like many others, it is susceptible to various fungi and bacteria. In addition, non-communicable diseases caused by unfavorable conditions can also survive. external conditions. Despite the fact that the plant is considered unpretentious and easy to care for, pathogens can ruin the life of both flowers and their owners. How to prevent and treat diseases of indoor roses?

First of all, young or weak plants, as well as those that are poorly and inattentively looked after, are prone to diseases.

powdery mildew

One of the most common fungal infections of room roses is powdery mildew, which can develop as a result of poor ventilation of the room, excessive fertilizer, and crowding of plants in one room. The disease manifests itself as white plaque on leaves and stems. With the development of this disease of indoor roses, the leaves dry up and fall off. Powdery mildew is treated by removing affected leaves and buds and treating with fungicides.

downy mildew

This and the previous disease are often confused. The difference is that with downy mildew, plaque is observed only on the lower part of the leaves. At the same time, yellowish spots can be found on the top. Such a lesion spreads, as a rule, on wet leaves, and is treated with fungicides.

rose rust

Continuing to talk about the diseases of indoor roses, one cannot help but recall the so-called rust. This disease manifests itself in the form of the appearance of red or brown pustules on the leaves of the plant. main reason - improper care. In order to prevent this disease, one should not forget about the timely ventilation of the room, about the correct temperature, humidity and other features. If the rose is already affected, the leaves with pustules are removed and the bush is sprayed by special means.


This disease is very common. If you notice that brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, which gradually increase and merge into one, affecting the entire leaf - this is spotting. The disease can be caused by both bacteria and fungus. It is treated by removing the affected leaves and shoots and spraying with preparations with copper. Usually, after this disease, watering is reduced and spraying is stopped for a while.


Indoor rose, whose diseases are numerous and very common, can also be affected by pests. Their most common representative is the spider mite. It appears as a result of a lack of moisture and dry air in the room. If you find bright dots on a rose that gradually turn into spots, you are dealing with a spider mite. Rinse the cobwebs from the rose and take care of increasing the humidity of the air. For washing the leaves can be used for animals. When these steps are done, treat the plant with acaricides - special preparations from the described pest that affects roses.

Diseases and pests do not end there. You can also encounter rose aphids that attack leaves and buds. Thrips, another pest, causes spotting and deformed flowers. The leaves become brownish with a sheen. In this case, the plant should be treated with insecticides.

Do not forget that proper and timely care is the best prevention of any indoor rose disease. All that is needed for their health is fresh air, proper watering and a bright room.

The queen of flowers, the rose, is undoubtedly the beauty of any flower bed. A variety of varieties of roses today provides an opportunity to create beautiful compositions with these flowers. They are planted in separate rose gardens or among other flowers, in any case they are very beautiful. But this beauty requires considerable sacrifice. The procedure for breeding roses is quite difficult. This flower is demanding, delicate, it must be protected from external environment. Unfortunately, they suffer not only from bad weather or pests. Quite often they get sick. What diseases of roses exist, how to deal with them, or how to prevent them at all? About this and will be discussed in our article.


It is in those years when spring is warm and rainy that roses most often suffer from rust. The problem manifests itself even during the period when the plants bloom. The spores appear as a dusty orange mass. It can be observed near the leaves, also in the region of the root collar.

In summer, the disease is visible on the back of the leaves. There are peculiar red-colored pads. The appearance of these sporulations negatively affects the whole plant. Its functions and abilities are violated: photosynthesis, metabolism. As the disease develops, the plant loses its decorative look. Leaves, flowers and buds begin to be oppressed, deformed.

How to prevent

It is important to follow three main rules. Firstly, it is necessary to thin out the bushes, removing dried branches, flowers, every year during the end of summer. Secondly, with the onset of autumn, it is important to treat the plants with Bordeaux mixture or blue vitriol (3%) And, thirdly, roses must be sprayed according to the instructions chemicals that stimulate plant immunity. Suitable, for example, "Zircon", "Immunocytophyte", etc.

How to eliminate

The fight against this disease includes the following measures:

  • Affected shoots must be cut;
  • The leaves are collected and necessarily burned;
  • The soil is dug up;
  • Processing with a copper-soap solution during the growing season.

Folk remedies

You can try to remove rust with this tool. Mixed 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tsp. means for washing dishes, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, as well as 1 gallon of water and 1 aspirin tablet dissolved in water. Plants should be sprayed with a mixture of these ingredients once every about 1-2 weeks.

Rust is the most terrible disease of roses: video

Black spot - a disease of summer rains

black spot

Most of all, this problem spreads in those regions where frequent precipitation is observed in the second half of summer. At first, only small dark spots appear. Until the end of July, they can already become large, sporulation is formed on them. Further, the leaves begin to fall off, first the upper ones, and then lower and lower. When the disease spreads strongly, the leaves darken completely. They begin to dry up, and then completely disappear.

The spores and mycelium of this pathogen tolerate winter well, being on the leaves and shoots of the plant.

How to prevent

Every autumn it is necessary to spray all the bushes with copper sulfate 3%. This procedure must be performed before shelter for the winter. The prevention system includes the same measures that are taken to combat the disease.

Control measures

They include the destruction of all diseased parts of the plant. The leaves are collected and burned, as are the shoots. Digging also needs to be done, preferably with a reservoir turnover. Of the finished preparations, Kaptan, Fundazol, Topaz, Skor are suitable for processing.

How people fight

It should be noted right away that most likely it will not work to cure a rose from black spot with the help of folk remedies alone. This has long been verified by many gardeners. But for prevention, they are great.

You can spray the plant with a solution of water and iodine. The latter needs to be taken 1 ml, which is enough for 400 ml of liquid. Another way is with a solution of mullein. It is diluted approximately 1 to 10, after which it is left to infuse for several days. This is allowed in the period from the removal of winter shelter and before the buds open.

You can process the whole plant with a decoction of garlic and onion husks. Approximately 30-40 g of these wastes are poured with water and boiled. After that, the solution should be infused for at least 6 hours.

Black spot - the scourge of all gardeners: video

powdery mildew

powdery mildew

This disease is familiar to all gardeners and gardeners. The fact is that it affects not only flowers, but also a very large number of diverse cultures.

From the name itself, one can understand that outward sign of this disease is the presence of a substance that resembles a powder. Its color can be gray, white. Almost all top part plants are affected by this disease.

Preventive measures

They include several main tasks:

  • Rose bushes should not be allowed to thicken. It is very important to thin out the plants.
  • It is necessary to make nitrogen strictly according to the calendar. If the soil is oversaturated with them, especially after midsummer, this will lead to disease.
  • It is necessary to use fungicides even during the formation of flower buds. Such drugs are suitable for this: Fundazol, Bayleton, etc.
  • It is necessary to make potassium sulfate with the beginning of the second half of summer.

How to overcome

The simplest, but most important, activities will be useful - pruning all shoots that are affected by the disease, as well as collecting leaves and destroying them in a fire. The soil is dug up only with the turnover of the reservoir. So the pathogens will suffer from a lack of air and may die. During the period of awakening the bush or falling asleep, it is treated with copper sulphate or potassium sulfate with copper sulphate. Spraying is also carried out with such means as colloidal sulfur (1% suspension), or soda ash(for 10 liters of water 50 g of the substance).

Folk methods

There are many ways to deal with this problem as it is very common. One of the proven methods is the zonal solution. It is prepared from 1 kg of sifted ash and 10 liters of water. The liquid should be warm. It is necessary to insist the agent for at least 3 days, stirring every 20-25 hours.

Peronosporosis - a disease of bad weather


Experts note that hybrid tea varieties of rose bushes most often suffer from this disease. Plants that are located in the shade usually suffer, while with poor ventilation air around. As a rule, the problem manifests itself during a period when the humidity is high and the temperature drops sharply.

These are the symptoms of the disease. Initially, spots of an incomprehensible shape appear. They are purple or red. When the disease develops, the leaves wither, weaken. Then they curl up and eventually just die. The stems suffer from cracks, the buds also begin to die and darken.

If you look at the sheet through a magnifying glass, then on the reverse side you can see a raid in the form of a web.

How to prevent

Downy mildew or downy mildew can be prevented. It is necessary to regularly remove weeds, as well as destroy fallen leaves. This also applies to shoots, whole plants that have suffered.

Digging with a turnover of the reservoir every autumn is required. Nitrogen fertilizers should be treated with care and applied sparingly. It is necessary to carefully monitor the soil, ventilation and temperature regime. It is important to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves during watering.

How to eliminate the disease in the people

Bushes have long been treated against downy mildew with decoctions of horsetail, garlic husks, solutions of ash, iodine and milk. Last resort prepared as follows: 1 liter of milk (skimmed) and no more than 10 drops of iodine (5%) are added to 9 liters of water.

A decoction of horsetail is prepared as follows. It is necessary to prepare 1 kg of a fresh plant or 150 g of a dried one. At night, the raw materials must be soaked in 10 liters of water. After that, the infusion should boil and cook for about 30 minutes. After cooling, the substance must be filtered and diluted in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Anthracnose - a cold spring problem


Although this disease is quite common, it is not yet fully understood. The first symptoms are small dark spots. They can be confusing, the problem can be confused with black spot. But over time, the spots change. They turn red, purple or brown. Their center is usually lighter, sometimes a hole forms in it.


Mandatory event - pruning. All affected areas, including stems, leaves, are subject to it. Then all waste must be burned, which will help to avoid the spread of the fungus.

Every autumn it is necessary to clean the bushes and the area around them. This will prevent re-infection.

How to fix the problem

When traces of anthracnose are already noticed on rose bushes, it is urgent to apply microbiological preparations. Gamair or Fitosporin-M are excellent. In autumn, you can treat rose bushes with such preparations as Ridomil, Fundazol, etc. It is advisable to alternate them, otherwise the plants become addictive.

Infectious burn - the problem of wounded flowers

Infectious burn

A rose bush can become infected with this disease during the dormant period - in autumn or spring. For example, if there is no proper care, then the spores of the fungus enter the stems through cracks that have appeared due to severe frosts. Another way of infection is wounds that are formed during improper pruning or processing after it. Weather conditions also contribute to infection - lack of wind, too high humidity. Also, late fertilization with nitrogenous substances can lead to a deterioration in the condition.

This disease is also called stem cancer. It manifests itself in the form of dark cankers on the stems, which lead to the death of the shoots. Over time, black dots can also be seen on the ulcers, which help the disease to spread.

Prevention of infectious burn

  • First, in no case should plants be allowed to freeze. This provokes the appearance of cracks through which infection occurs.
  • Secondly, shelter must be carried out in a timely manner and in the right conditions. The temperature should not exceed 100C, and the humidity should be moderate.
  • It is important to treat the soil before sheltering with special means: Bordeaux mixture (1%) or blue vitriol (3%).
  • Every time before pruning roses, it is very important to disinfect the tools.
  • Spraying with potash fertilizers from the beginning of the second half of summer.

How to treat

All shoots that are already damaged by the disease must be removed. But it is important not to damage the ulcers. Small wounds should be cleaned with a sharp knife, for example, for paper, to healthy flesh. Then they are covered with garden pitch. Every week, diseased bushes must be treated with the HOM fungicide.

Infectious burn after winter on roses: video

Gray rot

There is a problem in conditions such as too thick, cold air and high humidity, and misuse nitrogen-containing substances for fertilizer. The main symptom of this disease is gray spots. They can be seen on all parts of the bush: leaves, flowers, stems and even buds. With the development of the disease, these spots turn yellow, rotten areas appear, they begin to die.

How to carry out prevention

Precautions include constantly loosening the soil. It is also important to mulch. It is also necessary to apply those fertilizers that prevent the reproduction of fungi. These include manganese-containing preparations. They enhance oxidative processes inside the plant.

It depends on what stage of development the disease is at. If it is just starting, then you need to take the following steps:

  • All diseased parts, shoots must be destroyed;
  • Plants need to provide dry living conditions.

If the plant has already been badly damaged, then special substances cannot be dispensed with. It is necessary to spray roses with a solution of "Fundazol" (0.2%). There is another measure - the most extreme. Every two weeks, the bushes should be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (1%).

Folk ways

This disease is often difficult to overcome with light decoctions or infusions. But like others fungal diseases, gray rot can be tried to prevent or eliminate with a decoction of horsetail.

Gray and root rot: video

A rose is a plant, though prickly, but very tender. It lends itself to various diseases, but you should not refuse to grow this crop because of this. You just need to know what and how to do to overcome the disease. Then in your garden there will be incomparable, beautiful queens of flowers.

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