Is it possible to put an orchid with other flowers. Orchid in the house: signs, superstitions and rules for year-round flowering

Decor elements 31.05.2019
Decor elements

Orchids on the windowsill or anywhere else are always pleasing to the eye. This beautiful flower, which disposes you of its color, it even helps to deal with the difficulties of life. It is believed that orchids are a great gift. But is she capable of bringing negativity, is it possible to keep her at home, according to many superstitions that can be heard? Can they be kept at home at all?

It is believed that the orchid is an energy vampire. Is it possible to keep an orchid in the house? According to Feng Shui, an orchid in a bedroom is considered a very bad sign, as it can draw strength and energy from other plants and directly from a person. But, this is rather due to the fact that the pollen of a flower can cause drowsiness and some lethargy in a person.

Another common sign is the belief that these flowers scare away men and make them weak-willed. Perhaps a very unpleasant fact for those who love these plants and are looking for their mate. Orchids at home increase female attractiveness, give a woman a touch of mystery and charm, increase her energy and attractiveness. But at the same time they affect the strong half in the same way. Why in a man can appear completely unmasculine features. Therefore, if the question arises, where to put the orchid - not in the room where your beloved men sleep.

The surest advice is not to put the plant where a man is most often and where he sleeps. This is a female plant, but not a male. Why can't you keep an orchid in the bedroom? It is believed that the flower is an energy vampire, and its properties are aggravated just at night. Flowers in the bedroom can cause insomnia and headaches. Flowers can interfere and cause discomfort with their strong smell, however, provided that they are in close proximity to you.

Good omens and superstitions

If you really love these flowers and know their features well, then you are sure to be familiar with the positive that it can bring. Despite everything, it is the orchid that is considered the best of the female flowers. It helps a woman to reveal her potential and increase her attractiveness, it has a good effect on health and mood. The orchid helps to expel negative vibrations from the house, maintain an atmosphere of harmony in the apartment, brings joy and warmth.

If you place it in the living room, it will help drive away enemies if they show up in your house. No wonder the plant, like cats and dogs, feels the bad thoughts of people and is able to influence them. If someone you know feels a headache or just feels restless, the reason may be hiding here. The color of your pet is also very important. This can not only affect the influence, but also help bring good things into the house, remove negativity and deal with problems. This is what Feng Shui says.

Flowers red and purple help to overcome laziness, strengthen willpower. Yellow brings good luck to the house, improves financial well-being, especially if you put orchids on the windows. Orange replenishes internal forces and improves the flow of energy. White is the color of purity, best suited for girls. This color is able to overcome depression and melancholy. It is better to put pink and beige for harmony, they will help you understand yourself, and are also good for fighting depression.

Where to put

We have already received the answer to the question of whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home. But if you decide not to part with your favorite flower, where to put it? It is best to put the plants next to the windows. So they will receive a sufficient amount of heat and will always be in the sun. The choice of where to put the orchid is quite important. It depends on this whether the flower will grow, whether it will have enough sunlight, whether the soil will dry out too quickly and other important details.

Can be placed directly on the windowsill. If it is not wide enough or the heat from the battery gets on the flowers during the heating season, this can dry out or lead to burns in the flowers. Therefore, the wider the place near the window, the better. East and southeast windows are ideal. Orchids love diffused light. Especially at the beginning and end of the day. Such indoor plants are very fond of a lot of light, but not bright, and moisture. The best place there will be windows for them, watering moderately, as needed. If you follow such a correct arrangement, then the flower will grow and bloom very often and beautifully.

Since the orchid needs diffused light, they should not be placed in areas that are too hot or dark. South windows should be avoided, as there is too much sun, and the flower may dry out. On the north side, the problem is reversed, insufficient sun, which leads to festering. You can breed different varieties of flowers, especially if you have a choice where to put them. In any case, the plant on the window will delight your eyes in any weather.

Feng Shui site selection

The influence of orchids is very beneficial, in fact. Since this is a flower that brings harmony and happiness, but only to women, it is best to keep it in the houses where they live.

Feng Shui forbids keeping orchids in the bedroom, as they can draw energy and cause fatigue, drowsiness, poor concentration and bad sleep. Keeping them in the bedroom of men is strictly contraindicated in Feng Shui science. Flowers can be kept in the living room, corridor, kitchen, guest room. You can grow orchids anywhere in the house, but not in the bedroom. It is necessary to focus on the color of the plant itself.

It would be best if you grow an orchid yourself, then it will definitely love you and give you a lot of pleasure and joy. No matter where the orchids stand, you need to remember that it is in your power to get only benefit and good luck from flowers.

Video “About the location of the orchid in the apartment”

From this video you will learn how to choose the right place for an orchid in an apartment.

Compatibility of indoor plants.

Regarding compatibility different types indoor plants, then standard rules no - it is only advisable not to put different types of flowering flowerpots next to each other, because they can become dusty, which will lead to the appearance of artsy flowers. Although, perhaps, someone may even like it.
Although there are several known cases of the influence of one plant on another.
For example, not all plants tolerate geranium . Nearby you can put those plants that are similar in care, require the same humidity and lighting.
violets perish, being in the same room with lilies of the valley - you should remember this.
Hibiscus life-giving effect on weak plants.
rose room Compatible with almost all other indoor and fresh cut plants. The main condition is that they do not obscure it and that it itself does not interfere with the access of light to other plants.
And it is also worth considering that fruits that are in close proximity also adversely affect some plants.
Also, all plants are negatively affected by tobacco smoke. Remember this.

Plant energy

Plants with the strongest energy - common bamboo, crested chlorophytum, ivy, butterfly orchid, lemon (orange), dracaena, nephrolepis, potted rose.
Plants with heavy energy - echmea, cacti, poinsettia, neoregelia, three-lane sansevera, yucca.
Plants with soft, timid energy - Uzambara violet, minicyclamen, maidenhair, camellia, Wood's ceropegia, jasmine gardenia, common myrtle.
With the help of flowers, you can achieve and increase the humidity of the air. Flowers that need a lot of moisture usually return it through the leaves. These are violets, cyclamens, ferns.

Classification of indoor plants

First of all, in order for indoor plants to grow well, three main growth conditions must be observed - light, watering and top dressing. It is necessary to take into account what kind of illumination the windows give, and to select plants accordingly.

Indoor plants can be divided into three groups: light-loving, shade-tolerant and moderate light plants.

To the first group(light-loving) include cacti, eucalyptus, coleus.
To the second group(shade-tolerant) - ferns, coniferous aspidistra, boxwood, ivy, indoor grapes (cissus).
To the third group(plants of moderate lighting) can be attributed to most indoor plants. For example, citrus fruits, begonias, hydrangeas, primroses, tradescantia and others.

Each plant is predisposed to certain conditions. For example, some of the indoor plants prefer to be constantly in the sun, others prefer the shade. Good growth and development of the plant, and preservation in it medicinal properties depend primarily on painstaking regular care. An amateur florist must take care of his plants in order to benefit from them not only in an aesthetic, but also in a practical way - in order to medicinal plants kept their healing properties, and from them it was possible to prepare medicines for many diseases.
For example, pelargonium is a photophilous culture and therefore it needs a sunny location. A pot with a plant should be placed on the windows overlooking, on sunny side. In winter, the plant is best kept in cold bright windows at an air temperature of plus 3-10 degrees. For the same reason, the plant must be isolated from the effects of hot air batteries. central heating.
Regardless of the season, pelargoniums need regular watering. This should be done when the soil in the pots is completely dry to the touch. Water is required so much that, having passed through the entire earthen lump, it exits through the drainage hole into the pan, from where it is then removed.
Geranium (pelargonium) unpretentious plant, but, during the flowering period, the plant should be regularly fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. Pelargoniums breed in March. The cuttings are cut into lengths of 7-12 cm. The lower ends of the cuttings are cleaned of leaves by 5 cm and dried for 4 hours. It is better to root the plant in moderately moist sand, although for this purpose you can also use a glass of water in which the cuttings are placed. Boiled water is used in a glass, changing it once a week. Cuttings should be kept in a warm, well-lit place, but not in the open sun. Usually after 4–5 weeks, roots 4–5 cm long are formed, at which time the cuttings can be planted in pots. soil mix prepared from soddy land, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, and after a few days the seedlings are exposed to a sunny place. For planting, it is recommended to take pots with a diameter of no more than 8 cm, otherwise the plants begin to form many shoots and do not bloom.
Pelargoniums that have overwintered in the house can be planted in spring with the onset of spring. open ground. It is recommended to do this procedure after the danger of frost has passed, and the air warms up to 15 degrees. 1-2 weeks after planting, the first inflorescences appear on the pelargonium. If you take good care of the plant, it will bloom until the frost. If it is not possible to transplant pelargonium into the ground, it can be placed in floor vases. With the onset of frost, the plant is again brought into the house. The plant is dug out of the ground, cut off the roots and placed in a pot. The tops of the shoots of the plant are cut off.
But caring for the viviparous Kalanchoe plant has its own distinctive features. Kalanchoe is a light-loving plant, it needs to be placed in a bright place, but in summer, in extreme heat, it must be protected from the midday sun with paper.
Small children of Kalanchoe Degremont are planted several times in pots with loose soil mixed with sand. In the spring, grown plants are transplanted into a large pot. Water as the soil dries out, making sure that the ground is not wet all the time, otherwise the succulent, fleshy plants may rot at the base. big plants Kalanchoe is watered abundantly, especially in summer heat. In summer, plants need to be fed once every two weeks with a complete mineral fertilizer (1 gram per 1 liter of water).
If Kalanchoe becomes too tall and ugly, it can be cut off upper part shoot with 3-5 leaves and root it. It is best to do this in the spring.
Kalanchoe pinnate children do not form. It is propagated by a leaf, which must be placed in a saucer of water. After a while, small plants with roots will appear along the edges of the leaf.
To create optimal conditions for ficus, it should be remembered that this plant prefers a bright, but not sunny place. In summer, it is advisable to take the ficus to the balcony, and in winter to create a cool temperature (but not lower than 15 degrees), since the plant is at rest. From April to September, the plant needs abundant watering. During this period, there is an increased growth and development of ficuses. But you can not fill the plants, otherwise the roots may rot. Top dressing should be done twice a month. In addition, ficus leaves should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth or sponge to remove dust accumulated on their surface.
Both for medicinal and decorative purposes room conditions you can grow citrus fruits. Mandarin, orange, lemon, grapefruit grow well on northwest windows. Any dishes for plants are suitable, required condition- The pot should have a hole for water to drain. Optimum temperature for this type of plant 18-25 degrees Celsius. In summer, the length of the day is artificially extended to 14–16 hours.
If you have citrus fruits on the windowsill, then in winter period time under the pot you need to put a wooden stand. This will help protect the plant from hypothermia. All citrus fruits are washed in the shower twice a month. A cold shower helps to get rid of dust and pests. transplant a plant better in spring. Roots emerging from the drainage hole can serve as a signal for transplantation.

If you decide to get into floriculture, be prepared to spend some time learning how to grow and care for flowers, each of which requires a different approach. To begin with, we advise you to have only one type of flower and study it properly.
Do not rely on your memory: when the number of flowers in your collection becomes quite significant, it will be quite difficult to remember the details of caring for each of them. Try to keep a small notebook where you will indicate everything related to each plant.
Try to allocate a permanent place for the plants, where they will grow quietly and delight you with their appearance. The constant transfer of flowers from one place to another will not affect their health in the best way.

You can achieve re-blooming from it if you know all the factors contributing to this and follow a certain care regimen.

How to care for an orchid

Looking at blooming orchid, many flower growers do not even think about whether to buy this unusual plant or not. Of course, buy! But will it bloom just as well at home?

Everyone knows that orchid - a rather capricious plant and requires scrupulous care. It is possible to achieve re-blooming from it if you know all the factors contributing to this and follow a certain care regimen. Then the flowering of the orchid will last from 2 to 6 months. And some genera, like phalaenopsis or vanda, can bloom all year round.

For an orchid to bloom...

Orchid flowering frequency depends on compliance certain rules care. In order for the plant to bloom, you should remember 9 important conditions contributing to this.

1. Find out the age of the orchid

If you bought a non-flowering plant, and it is in no hurry to please the flower arrow, perhaps it is still too young. Different types of orchids bloom at the age of 1.5 to 3 years.

To determine that the orchid is old enough, you need to count the number of shoots. An adult plant ready to bloom should have 5 to 8 of them. If the flowers on the orchid appear earlier, this is not always good. The fact is that too young a plant may not have enough strength to recover after flowering, and the orchid may die.

2. Don't move the pot

Many people know that moving for an orchid is a real stress. But this flower does not like even minor movements. The orchid responds to its position in relation to the light. Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange the pot with the plant, it is necessary to place it with the same side to the light source as it stood before. Also, do not move the orchid during watering. Movement adversely affects the growth of the flower, especially at the time of the appearance of the peduncle.

3. Pay Attention to Your Roots

As you know, orchid roots are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis, so it is important to ensure that they have enough light. Insofar as once again moving the orchid is not recommended, you should take care of the roots in advance. For example, instead of ceramic pots, it is better to use plastic transparent containers with big amount drainage holes.

HIt is not recommended to take containers with corrugated walls for planting this flower, since its roots tend to grow to uneven surface. In addition, sharp edges and elements can injure the root system, which will harm the entire plant as a whole.

4. Take care of the lighting

Sunlight is a very important factor influencing orchid flowering. Without full daylight hours (10-12 hours per day), these plants will not bloom. Therefore, in autumn and winter, when natural light very little, flowers should be illuminated with lamps.

Phytolamps are special lamps designed to illuminate plants: they give a lot of bright light without drying out the air around the flowers.

If the orchid has released a peduncle in autumn or winter, then care should be taken that it does not die due to the short daylight hours. Without additional illumination in the dark season, the peduncle may stop developing or dry out. If it is not possible to illuminate the whole plant, it is enough to organize illumination only for the tip of the peduncle. The main thing is to make sure that neither he nor the plant itself is heated.

5. Ensure acceptable temperature difference

The catalyst for the flowering of many types of orchids is a slight difference between day and night temperatures. Therefore, in order for the orchid to bloom, at night the temperature must be 4-6 ° C lower than during the day. Of course, creating such conditions throughout the year can be problematic. But from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, orchids can be kept outdoors, where the temperature difference is achieved naturally.

In cooler times, when flowers should already be living at home, rooms with orchids need to be ventilated. Only this should be done very carefully, remembering that these plants are very afraid of drafts.

6. Water your orchid properly

You need to water the orchid after the soil dries out - this will make it possible to avoid rotting of the roots. These requirements apply both in summer and winter and apply to both children and adult plants. However, there are exceptions here as well. After the orchid blooms, watering should be reduced by about a month.

In nature, after flowering, orchids begin to set seeds, which should scatter in different sides for several kilometers. This is possible only in dry periods, but not in the rainy season. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the orchid with conditions that are as close to natural as possible - then the flower will grow healthy and bloom often.

Before flowering and during it, the orchid requires more intensive watering than usual. Further, during the dormant period, specimens with hard leaves and the presence of pseudobulbs should be watered according to the basic principle (after about 10-12 days).

7. Humidify the air around the plant

Another important condition for flowering is air humidity. If it is not enough, the orchid may stop growing or unblown buds and flowers will dry prematurely on it.

To increase the humidity in the room where the orchid grows, you can put a plate of water next to the flower. Also, in very dry periods (when heating is turned on in houses), the plant should be sprayed. Suitable humidity for orchids is 60% and above.

8. Pick the Right Fertilizers

For feeding orchids, it is recommended to use compounds based on phosphorus and potassium, as they stimulate the appearance of flower buds. In addition, the use of such fertilizers guarantees the formation of healthy and strong flowers in the plant. But it is better not to get carried away with nitrogen-based fertilizing: this element, on the contrary, inhibits the development of peduncles.

9. Don't be afraid to "scare" the plant

Sometimes, to make an orchid bloom, it needs a little stress. It happens that all the conditions for flowering are met, and the flower stubbornly does not want to shoot an arrow. This sometimes happens because the orchid is doing too well. In this case, the plant directs all the forces to the growth of green mass. One way to encourage flowering is to "shock" the orchid a little: reduce watering or move the plant pot to a cooler place.

Orchid rest period

After flowering, the orchid begins a period of rest, when it begins to accumulate strength for a new flowering. Care at this time is no different from care at other periods. The flower still needs good watering, high humidity, sufficient lighting and regular prevention against diseases and pests.

As for dressings, their frequency and volume during the dormant period should be reduced. If there is a need to transplant an orchid, then it's time to do this procedure right now, when the plant is no longer blooming.

A transplant is necessary if roots stick out from the drainage hole, or the soil dries quickly after watering. As a rule, the need for this procedure appears after 2-3 years.

Are orchids suitable for cutting?

What could be more beautiful than a bouquet of orchids? But these flowers do not live long, and not every species is suitable for cutting. Let's try to figure out how to extend the life of an epiphytic bouquet and which orchids to choose.

Phalaenopsis, cymbidiums and paphiopedilums can stand in a vase and retain freshness and aroma for several weeks (and sometimes a month). Other orchids run the risk of not standing for even an hour, withering literally before our eyes.

If you are purchasing cut orchids, look first at the petals and sepals. They should be shiny, as if covered with wax, and hard - then the orchid will last a long time.

How to extend the life of a bouquet of orchids

If the flowers were brought from the store, then they need to update the sections. The stems should be cut at an angle. The procedure is recommended to be carried out under a stream running water. It is advisable to update the sections every 2-3 days.

Water for keeping cut orchids should be soft and clean: boiled or filtered can be used. Periodically, it needs to be updated, topping up fresh.

Cut orchids, as well as potted home orchids, are afraid of too high and very low temperatures. It is also recommended to protect them from drafts and bright sun.published

The most popular and widespread exotic plant today is the Phalaenopsis orchid. We choose it for its elegant appearance, who does not want to have beautiful, sophisticated flowers on the windowsill.

Phalaenopsis got its name for its resemblance to a butterfly, translated from Greek it means “Looks like a butterfly”.

If you dream of an elegant plant with big flowers on a strong stem up to 90 cm long, then stop your search on Phalaenopsis. There are many hybrids of different shades, including pink, white, red, purple, blue and yellow, with a variety of markings on the flowers.

But few people think about the specifics of caring for him. Many were already burned in the first stages of cultivation, and the orchid died.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly grow an orchid at home. So that every day she delights with her violent flowering. Choosing Phalaenopsis in flower shop pay attention to the color of the root system, if it is green, without dry and rotten roots, then do not hesitate to take this copy.

For flawless development at home, lighting is necessary, temperature regime, watering, fertilizing and transplanting.

Orchid Care - Lighting

Orchid tropical plant so she needs a bright, but not direct sunlight. If you leave the plants under the sun for a long time, then it can get burned.

The preferred place for her would be a window with a little shading. Requires to take into account that the plant reaches for the light, and therefore it should be regularly rotated 180 degrees.

Temperature regime

The ideal temperature in the summer will be about + 20-25 degrees. Permissible temperature drop to +4 - 5 degrees. If you want flowering to come faster, ensure that the temperature drops by 5 degrees at night. Or slightly reduce watering in July, June.


The orchid loves a humid environment very much, it should be at least 30%. During the growing season, watering is plentiful, just once a day, spray with warm settled water, and ideally with distilled water.

To ensure sufficient moisture for the plant, use two pots, the first is transparent in which the flower was sold, the second is special with a recess for drainage, it is better to take expanded clay or small pebbles. Just pour drainage on the bottom, put a flower in it in a transparent pot, water it abundantly.

So root system will not rot, and excess moisture will drain into the pallet with expanded clay.

Also, a transparent pot will provide control over the root system. IN winter time watering needs to be reduced. And during spraying, avoid getting water on the flowers and leaves - this can lead to their decay.

Conditions of care

Orchid flower is not whimsical and gets along well indoors, but still for better growth and abundant flowering she needs nourishment. In stores, purchase a liquid fertilizer that dissolves in water, and dilute as written in the instructions.

It is important to know that you can not feed the plant if the soil is dry. Water first and then fertilize. After flowering, cut the stem to the second lower bud, and treat the cut site with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can also delete the completely old shoot.


When the bush was deformed or you saw dried and rotten roots, then you need to make a mandatory transplant. To do this, you need a new substrate, new pot and sharp scissors.

Remove the bush from the old pot, clean the root system of excess soil and dried roots, rinse in warm water and lay on a soft cloth until completely dry. Then take the pot, put the plant in it and fill it with soil, carefully aerial roots can't fall asleep.

To ensure proper care, take care of the right quality soil for orchids, it should consist of pine bark, coal and moss.

In the photo below, get acquainted with the transplantation of a young Phalaenopsis orchid into a larger pot. Strongly I will not describe, and so everything can be seen in the photographs.

Orchid seedlings that need to be transplanted into a larger container.

The age of this plant is 6 months, which already requires a transplant. Through the drainage holes in the photo you can see how the roots of the plant intertwined.

Tool and everything you need for transplanting.

Carefully pull the orchid out of the pot. To your attention are white, healthy roots of the plant with green tips. The upper leaves of orchid seedlings are much larger than the lower ones, which confirms proper care throughout the growing season.

It is impossible to use the “old” substrate, the earth mixture, even if it seems to you that it is still very personal. Gently clean the roots of old moss.

This great chance carefully examine the entire root system. Pay special attention to the roots located in the center of the pot. Brown and soft roots must be removed! I hope you will not find them, and if you find them, then in a small amount.

As a drainage, in our case, pieces of foam plastic, light and neutral for the roots of the plant, were used.

expanded clay is often used as drainage - from harmful chemical substances contained in these pebbles of artificial origin, the whole plant and the root system in particular suffer.

The photo shows how the roots sprouted through the foam. No big deal, just be careful. Break it open and release the roots.

We remove all diseased and broken roots just above the rot and damage.

A pot in which an orchid grew.

A new pot, one size larger, which is ideal for young seedlings.

Here's how everything should look.
We pack the roots in the substrate. On condition loving care behind Phalaenopsis, the orchid adapts to any density, but the denser the roots are, the longer the moisture will remain, which means that the plant will require less watering.

And now the same thing, only in finished form.

Especially scrupulous flower growers or happy owners a large number different types of orchids, it is recommended to leave a tag in the pot. On it you can indicate the name, date of transplantation, the flower bloomed or not, any other information needed in the future.

For a few days, place the transplanted Phalaenopsis orchid in a more shaded place, and then return to normal conditions germination.

Here are basically all the basic requirements for the best growth and development of your exotic green friend.

Plants are like people. Some of them help each other, and some
cannot be next to each other. In order not to lose your
indoor plants, you need to know which ones can not get along with each other
with a friend, and which ones are quite compatible.

The compatibility of indoor plants is determined primarily by the fact that
what conditions are necessary for them. In one room they can normally
grow only plants that require the same level of humidity
air, light and temperature. However, these plants usually
require the same watering.

A light-loving geranium and a shy fern will not take root on the same window.
And not because "characters did not agree." Just on the south side
where the geranium will bloom in all its glory, the fern will “burn out” and wither,
and in the north, where, on the contrary, the fern will be comfortable, the geranium will fade.

You can not put plants that grow quickly next to slow-growing ones.
individuals, since the former will always suppress the growth of the latter, and soon
they will completely cover them with their leaves.

It is advisable not to put two side by side flowering plants. They can interact
after which the shape and color of their flowers will change. Although, there is a possibility that
as a result of such a transformation, more interesting flowers will be obtained.

Many plants begin to wither from the neighborhood with geraniums. Geranium follows
grow on a separate window, again, subject to growing geraniums
different colors, gradually the color of its inflorescences will become like each other for
account of the same mutual pollination.

Seemingly very similar in many respects, lilies of the valley and violets, or
viola cannot be in the same room. After two or three days death
violets are almost inevitable.

A plant such as a decorative home hibiscus, on the contrary, is not only
compatible with all other indoor plants, but also gives
vitality to weak specimens.

Indoor rose is compatible with almost all other indoor roses.
plants. The main condition is that they do not obscure her and she herself does not
prevent light from reaching other plants.

Cypress and juniper have a beneficial effect on tulips and even make
their color is more intense. On them, as well as on nasturtium, it has the most
beneficial effect of thuja. Roses and lilies support each other.

But the same lilies are sure to quarrel with poppies and daffodils. Also
daffodils are incompatible with tulips, carnations, irises and daisies.

Try not to put warring flowers next to each other. Moreover, it is worth considering
that some plants are also adversely affected by fruits that are in
close proximity. Also, all plants are negatively affected
tobacco smoke. Remember this.

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