What kind of flower campanula indoor. Campanula: home care, planting and breeding rules

Decor elements 13.06.2019
Decor elements

Campanula is a very popular, ornamental plant that is often used for growing in room conditions. Many people know her under the name "Bride and Groom". Visually, Campanula flowers resemble bells. Consider the features of caring for a flower at home.

Campanula is an unpretentious culture in care. Cope with the cultivation of culture can even not the most experienced florist. However, in order for the campanula to please with its bells, and the plant itself to be healthy, it is necessary to follow some rules for caring for it.

Campanula is characterized by tenderness of shades

The color of the flowers is delicate. Possible shades: white, blue, purple.

Campanula is called the "flower of family happiness." This is due to the fact that there is a sign that claims that if it (with blue and snow-white flowers) is presented to newlyweds for marriage, then peace and love will always reign in their family.

Location in the apartment

It is recommended to choose west or east windows. If you keep the culture on the south window, then you will need to shade it from direct rays of the scorching sun. On the north window, the light will not be enough.

IN summer time it is advisable to take out a pot of culture on a loggia, balcony or veranda. You can take the campanula outdoors to the yard, where it will grow faster and bloom profusely.

Many flower growers recommend placing the flower not on the windowsill, but on a special flower stand near the window, since the campanula grows very quickly and luxuriantly. Some are grown in hanging baskets, because with such cultivation, the campanula shoots fall down very gracefully, and the plant looks like an ampelous one.

It is not necessary to grow a flower in a suspension - it is the choice of the grower himself

Humidity and watering conditions

Campanula needs regular and abundant watering. This is especially important in hot summer time, and also if the plant is located next to heating appliances.

Water should not stagnate in the ground.

Culture needs enough high humidity air. For this purpose, it is recommended to regularly spray the crop, especially in hot weather. In winter, it is also necessary to periodically spray the plant if it stands near radiators and heaters.

Water drops should not fall on flowers, therefore, during the flowering period, humidity must be raised in other ways.

Temperature and lighting

In summer, the air temperature should be within 23 degrees. It is normal for temperature fluctuations. At the dormant stage, it is recommended to lower the temperature to 15 degrees.

The plant does not tolerate heat well.

Campanula prefers bright diffused light. The direct rays of the sun are not desirable for her. Therefore, it is better to place culture on the western and eastern windows.

flowers able to turn on their own to the side sunlight. However, turning the crop towards the sun is not recommended, as this will adversely affect flowering.

Soil and fertilizer

It is required to select loose, permeable soil. The substrate can be prepared independently by combining the following components:

  • Peat land;
  • Leaf land;
  • Sand with large granules.

All components are taken in equal parts.

Can be purchased ready ground for indoor plants, adding peat and sand with large granules to it in equal parts.

A drainage layer is required at the bottom of the pot. For these purposes, you can use small pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.

The classic version of drainage is expanded clay. It is sold in many places and is inexpensive.

At the stage of active growth, the culture needs top dressing. As a top dressing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants, preferably in liquid form. You need to feed once every 10 days.

Trimming the room "bride"

Pruning is done for the purpose stimulate flowering and growth new shoots. Also pruning will help to give a decorative look. At the end of flowering, it is required to remove dried flowers and leaves.

In the spring, the upper leaves and side shoots are also removed.

How a flower reproduces

Culture propagation is possible in the following ways:

  1. The division of the bush;
  2. cuttings;
  3. seed method.

By dividing the bush

Do not forget about the sterility of the tool with which you cut the flower

Dividing a bush is not the rarest way to propagate plants. Fits not all indoor plants. So, we have already described.


  • Cut off the lower shoots with a few leaves;
  • For 10 hours, place the cutting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • When the roots appear, transfer the stalk to a container with cool water;
  • Plant the cuttings in a substrate of sand and peat to a depth of no more than 3 cm;
  • Cover containers glass or plastic film;
  • Air and spray seedlings regularly.

Reproduction by seeds

  • Sowing seeds is done in early spring;
  • Place a layer of moistened soil at the bottom of a small glass, and cover with a layer of dry soil on top;
  • Sow the seeds in cups and moisten a little;
  • Periodically, crops need to be sprayed with water;
  • Seedlings need to be transplanted into the pot when at least three leaves appear.

How to transplant

Transfer required only when when the culture becomes cramped in the pot. Transplantation should be done in spring or autumn.

How to transplant?

  1. Prepare new pot for a transplant. Its diameter should be several centimeters wider than the previous one;
  2. Lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, and lay fresh soil on top;
  3. Remove the plant from the old pot along with a clod of earth;
  4. Put the plant in a new container, align the roots on the surface of the soil;
  5. Compact the soil with your hands and pour abundantly.

Diseases and pests

The most common flower diseases:

  1. Root rot;
  2. Gray rot.

root rot manifests itself in the form of brown spots on the leaves, blackening of the stems and the formation of mold on the ground. You will need to remove all damaged leaves, shoots and roots.

Finish cuts with crushed coal. soak root system in a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide for 30 minutes. Then transplant the plant into a new pot and fresh soil.

Gray rot appears as spots on the leaves gray color with villi and black dots. In this case, all the affected parts of the flower must be removed, and the cut points should be treated with crushed coal.

Rot is a dangerous disease, infected areas must be removed

Plant transplant into a new container and fresh soil. The number of waterings must be reduced, it is required to water the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate once a week.

The most common pests:

  1. Spider mite;
  2. Shchitovka.

It is required to pay attention to the leaves, their changes. The spread of pests leads to the fact that the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

When pests appear, use soapy water and insecticidal preparations.

Growing problems

Often, owners have to deal with the following problems:

  • Yellowing and dropping of leaves- this is a sign of excess sunlight and dry air;
  • If stems are thinning and are strongly drawn out, which means that the flower does not have enough light;
  • If the leaves wither, then the reason is excessive watering.

Campanula, which is sometimes referred to as "Campanella", has its own group in social network VC. There people discuss issues related to growing a flower.


The plant includes several varieties.

Campanula pleases flower growers with its diversity Variety Equal-leaf Variety Terry Real bell Variety Campanella


This is another name for Campanula. Shoots have a length of no more than 25 cm. They creep or fall. The light green leaves are heart-shaped. The leaves are up to 7 cm long.

The flowers have a diameter of no more than 4 cm. Colors: snow-white, blue, lilac and pale pink. They form inflorescences-panicles on the tops of the shoots.

Flowering lasts for throughout the summer season if you create a plant right conditions content.

Home bell

Campanula is also called home bell, as the flowers look very similar to bell flowers.


This is a hybrid look. Represents a small bush strewn with small double flowers various colors: white, blue and lilac. This is a much more capricious type of plant. Blooms throughout the summer with proper care.


This most popular type in indoor floriculture. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm. The plant is grown as an ampelous plant, so it is planted in hanging baskets. Thin stems of culture fall down.

White and blue flowers-bells plentifully cover the culture. It is this variety that I usually refer to as "bride and groom." Blooms all summer.


This perennial species campanula. The leaves are located in the root zone and have about round shape. The colors of numerous flowers are varied: white, lilac, blue and pale pink. Flowering lasts throughout the summer period.


Plant height - no more than 20 cm. The species is distinguished by the large size of flowers and leaves. Flowers have a blue tint.

species can be grown not only indoors, but also on garden plot. Blooms all summer.

Homemade bell will perfectly decorate any place where you put it

Thus, campanula is very gentle, beautiful plant. The plant is quite unpretentious, but requires removal throughout the year. There are many different varieties of plants that differ in size and color of flowers.

Campanula (lat. Campanula), or bell- a genus of herbaceous plants of the Campanula family, which includes more than 400 species growing in areas with temperate climate in the Caucasus, in Europe, the Front and Central Asia and somewhere in North America. These plants are found in the steppes, forests, meadows, as well as on rocky and desert areas. The scientific name of the genus is derived from the word "campana", which means "bell", respectively, "campanula" is translated as "bell". Among the people, the campanula plant is called bells, chebotka, chenille and pichunitsa. An article about garden bells has already been posted on our website. The topic of today's story is growing campanula at home.

Planting and caring for Campanula (in brief)

  • Bloom: usually begins in early summer and continues until early autumn.
  • Lighting: bright but diffused light: the best place- western, eastern and even southern window sills, but with shading in the afternoon.
  • Temperature: during the period of active growth - 20-22 ˚C, in winter - 12-14 ˚C.
  • Watering: during the growing season - regular and plentiful, during the dormant period - 1-2 times a month. The substrate must not be allowed to dry completely.
  • Air humidity: ordinary, but in extreme heat or during the period of intensive operation of heating devices, evening spraying with non-cold water is recommended.
  • Top dressing: in the spring-summer period - once every two weeks with liquid complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. The rest of the time, the plant does not need top dressing.
  • rest period: within 2 months after flowering, from about October to December.
  • Transfer: spring, at the beginning of active growth. However, it is better not to transplant the old plant, but to grow a new one by cuttings.
  • Reproduction: seeds, young shoots with a heel and dividing the bush.
  • Pests: scale insects and spider mites.
  • Diseases: gray rot.

Read more about growing campanula below.

Campanula flower - description

The Campanula genus includes annual, biennial and perennial herbs with regular whole leaves. Their corolla is usually bell-shaped, white, lilac, blue and different shades. purple. Flowers may be solitary or collected in racemes or paniculate inflorescences. The fruit of the campanula is a box.

In home culture, mainly one type of bells is grown - the equal-leaved campanula. “The bride and groom”, as this plant is usually called, is a perennial campanula with hanging or creeping shoots up to 30 cm long. Its leaves are light green, long-petiolate, alternate, serrated, 3 to 7 cm long. Flowers with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm are collected in terminal corymbose panicles. They can be white, pale pink, blue, purple or lilac. Most often, two varieties of plants with a contrasting color are planted in one pot, which is why the campanula is equal-leaved and is called the “bride and groom”.

How to keep capmanula at home

The campanula flower is generally unpretentious. He loves bright but diffused lighting. On the northern windowsills, he may lack light, from which his shoots will look sickly. It is better to place the campanula in a hanging planter in close proximity to the windows of the western, southern or eastern orientation. If you decide to keep the flower on the windowsill, then give preference to the eastern or western direction, because on the windowsill of a south-facing window, you will have to protect the plant from direct sun rays.

Indoor campanula feels best at 20-22 ºC in summer and at 12-14 ºC in winter time. The plant does not like heat, but prefers to spend summer on fresh air- on a shady balcony, terrace, and even in the garden, under the lacy shade of trees and bushes.

When short autumn days come and the active growth of the campanula stops, its stems are cut off, and the plant itself is transferred to a cool room, where it will accumulate strength for flowering next season.

Watering Campanula

The campanula plant is moisture-loving, so it is watered regularly and plentifully, especially in dry seasons. During the dormant period, watering is reduced to 1-2 times a month, but the earthy coma in the pot should not be allowed to dry out completely. For humidification use settled water at room temperature or slightly warmer. As for air humidity, the campanula bell does not impose any special requirements here either: spraying the leaves may be necessary only in very hot summers and winters, when heating devices are working in the room.

Campanula top dressing

During the growing season, bluebells are fed every 10-15 days. As a fertilizer, liquid complexes for flowering plants such as Kemira-Lux are used. During the dormant period, the campanula is not fed, but as soon as new shoots begin to grow in the spring, fertilization is resumed.

Campanula transplant

As soon as campanula has appeared in your house, let it adapt to new conditions for several days, and then transplant it into a wide container with drainage and a loose earthen mixture consisting of equal parts of humus, peat, leafy soil and coarse sand. In the future, this perennial is transplanted in the spring, at the very beginning of the growing season. However, it is much easier not to replant the old plant, but to plant new campanula cuttings in the spring.

Campanula reproduction

Campanula propagates at home by seed and vegetative methods, and propagation of campanula by cuttings, young shoots and dividing the bush is much more reliable than seed, and the results are achieved faster. The cuttings are cut from the lower parts of the shoots remaining after pruning and planted under a transparent dome in a mixture of peat and sand, watered with Fitosporin. Rooting is quite easy, at a temperature of 20-25 ºC, and the substrate does not need watering, it is enough to spray the cuttings regularly. When they grow to 10 cm, they are pinched to provoke the growth of side shoots.

And it is possible in the spring, when young shoots begin to grow on the campanula, separate some of them together with the heel and root them under a cap in the soil of the same composition as for grafting, but in this case, the rooting procedure should take place at a temperature of 12 ºC. Shoots take root for 3-4 weeks, and as soon as new leaves appear on the seedlings, the cover is removed from the seedlings and placed in heat under bright diffused light.

If you decide to transplant the overgrown bush of the “groom and bride”, during the transplantation process, you can divide the plant into several parts, process the sections with crushed coal and plant the delenki along different pots. After planting, the plants are watered and at first kept away from bright light.

In a generative way, bluebells are propagated in early spring. Small campanula seeds are sown in bowls with seedling soil and only lightly sprinkled with soil, after which the surface is carefully sprayed with a spray gun. Seedlings are also not watered, but only sprayed, and at the stage of development of seedlings of three leaves, campanula is planted in separate flowerpots.

Diseases and pests of Campanula

If the conditions of detention and irrigation regime are violated, the campanula can get sick with fungal diseases. To destroy the infection, remove all affected leaves and shoots and treat the bells and the surface of the soil in the pot with a fungicide.

In conditions of too dry air, scale insects and spider mites, sucking insects that feed on plant cell sap, may appear on campanula. They get rid of ticks by spraying the plant with acaricidal preparations - Fitoverm, Actellik, Aktara, and scale insects protected by chitinous shell and wax coated, must be removed from the plant with a stiff brush, and only after that should Campanula be treated with acaricide. In case of severe infection with fungi or pests, several treatments are carried out with an interval of 7-10 days.

Sometimes on a healthy campanula, the leaves suddenly begin to turn yellow. This is usually due to the fact that she has been in direct sunlight for too long. And if the stems of the plant began to stretch painfully, this means that she does not have enough light.

Types and varieties of campanula

In addition to the equal-leaved campanula, the description of which we gave at the beginning of the article, the following types of bells are grown in room culture:

  • Campanula Blauranka- a variety of undersized Pozharsky campanula, characterized by large leaves and flowers of a pale blue hue. The shoots of this plant, suitable for growing both in an apartment and in a garden, reach a height of only 20 cm;
  • campanula terry- a hybrid variety that appeared by crossing the Carpathian and spoon-leaved bells and is a small bush, on which at the same time in large numbers terry white, blue and purple flowers. The flexible shoots of this plant are difficult to see due to the abundance carved leaves. Terry campanula is as capricious as it is attractive, and requires a lot of attention and special conditions of detention;

Description and features of the campanula

Campanula- a numerous genus of herbaceous, uniting more than 400 species. Literally, "campanula" is translated from Latin as "bell". The origin of the name becomes obvious, it is worth looking at photo of campanula– the form speaks for itself.

The homeland of this gentle, so beloved by gardeners and indoor fans, is the Mediterranean region. In the wild, these can be found on the territory of Western and Central Asia, in Siberia, in the Caucasus mountains, in some European countries, as well as in North America.

Campanula grows well both in the steppe zones and in wooded ones, it is found in desert rocky areas and in alpine meadows.

Campanula is a creeping ampelous with small (maximum 50 cm) shoots, on which light green neat leaves are located. The shape of the foliage depends on the type of bell, often found with carved edges of the leaves.

campanula flower has the shape of a bowl or bell, the color varies from snow-white to deep purple. Inflorescences, like leaves, depend on the variety: racemose, paniculate and solitary are found.

Planting and propagation of campanula

At home, the campanula is propagated by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush. The first method is the most time-consuming, but the most exciting.

It is interesting to observe how shoots appear, how quickly they grow, how then the first long-awaited buds of a blooming plant appear. campanula. seeds homemade bells are very small - in 1 gram there are about 5000 pieces.

They are sown in the spring in nutrient soil and lightly sprinkled with earth. Watering the crop is not recommended, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle so as not to wash off small seeds.

It is much easier to propagate campanula cuttings. It is advisable to choose processes closer to the base of the shoot, they give roots better and faster, their survival rate is an order of magnitude higher. The top with buds is pinched off.

It is better to plant a freshly cut cutting immediately in a special substrate made of sand and, since rooting in water threatens to rot. To moisten the soil, as in the case of seeds, spraying is enough.

The division of the bush is simple and reliable way breeding homemade campanula. In the spring, when the plants gain strength and begin to grow actively, an adult bush is carefully removed from the pot and literally cut into an earthen ball, entangled in small roots.

Each such piece is placed in a separate container so that free space for root growth was no more than 1-1.5 cm. In this case, the earth along the edges will not turn sour and planting campanula in a new pot will be for less stressful.

There is another way to root room campanula. It is used less often than others by indoor lovers, however, with this method, the reproduction of the bell is quite successful.

A stiff fragment is taken at the base of the stem, which has several internodes with already fallen leaves. It is laid parallel to the ground and slightly covered with soil. The container is placed in greenhouse conditions, and soon a young plant begins to develop from each internode.

Suitable for growing wide, but not too high pots. The bell is absolutely unpretentious to the composition of the soil, the universal one, which is sold in any flower shop or hypermarket (Obi, Auchan, Leroy Merlin), is quite suitable.

Campanula Care

It will become an adornment of any home, very often it is grown as an ampelous plant and placed in beautiful flower pots. Lush shoots with small succulent leaves dotted with cup-shaped flowers cannot but arouse admiration even among people who are far from plant growing.

Campanula, care behind which, as it turned out, is quite simple, yet has its own preferences, ignoring which, the grower may have problems with its cultivation.

This plant loves abundant and frequent watering, so in the hot summer time the bush needs to be watered a little, but 2 times a day in the morning and evening, and also sprayed periodically.

This type of bell does not tolerate permutations and rotation of the pot. Any such manipulation would be detrimental to appearance and well-being of the green pet.

To make it more lush and decorative, in spring and early autumn almost all the shoots are cut from it, leaving short cuttings no more than 12 cm long. Some will think that this can harm the plant, but no, on the contrary, it stimulates it to develop new strong branches with strong peduncles.

bluebell campanula- light-loving and at the same time very gentle. Direct sunlight adversely affects both juicy greens and flowers. If the pot or planter is located on the south side, it is necessary to shade the bell if possible.

The lack of light also affects the health of the campanula: the cuttings and branches are pulled out, the leaves thin out and become smaller, the decorative attractive appearance is lost.

Like any other representatives of the home flora, campanula needs regular application. For these purposes the usual one will do universal remedy, you don’t have to choose a special composition, like orchids or succulents.

Campanula flower types

Among such a variety of types of bells, only a few are grown at home. Among them, the most common are:





Campanula has long been considered a wedding. It was given to newlyweds as a symbol of a happy and long life together, full of love and prosperity.

Equifolia campanula back in Soviet period referred to only as "bride and groom", most flower growers did not know her scientific name. This kind campanula - perennial grass no more than 30-35 cm high.

The leaves are round in shape with a slightly carved edge and long cuttings. Foliage color is rich green. The entire bush in the warm season is covered with numerous bell flowers.

Campanula "groom"(Maya) is distinguished by the lilac-blue coloration of its cute bluebells. Campanula "bride"(Alba) - painted in its inherent color of innocence and purity - white.

Many plant these two in one container, then in the spring campanula "groom and bride" delight their owner with multicolored colors in white and lilac tones. Such an alliance looks very impressive.

Knowledgeable people divide the capacity of the pot into several parts, because they believe that the “bride” is more tenacious and can eventually displace the “groom”, filling the entire pot.

Terry Campanula- this hybrid variety, obtained from the Carpathian and spoon-leaved bell. The bush is distinguished by beautiful flexible branches with serrated leaves, densely covering the entire plant.

Flowers resemble small roses in shape, painted in different shades of white and purple tones. Many note that the terry campanula is somewhat more capricious than its equal-leaved relative, it is quite difficult to get abundant and long flowering from it.

The Carpathian campanula is characterized by egg-like leaves grouped in a rosette near the roots. This perennial is quite compact and unpretentious, it does not grow more than 30 cm in height. This species campanula - garden, it is often used in landscape design when decorating flower beds and slides.

Campanula Blauranka differs from its fellow bells in the larger size of flowers and leaves, but it can only reach 20-25 cm in height. This variety is suitable for both growing in an apartment and for home gardens.

Buy Campanula if desired, it will not be difficult. These delicate romantic plants are sold as flower shops, as well as on the Internet. The price of a young specimen is approximately 350-400 rubles. There are also seeds on sale, one bag will cost about 100 rubles.

Nowadays, the popularity of this plant is gaining momentum, many people like the decorative qualities of a flower, many remember their childhood, when every self-respecting housewife, along with porcelain elephants and lace napkins, had two inseparable pots with white and lilac flowers on the windowsill.

Campanula (Campanula isophylla), which we usually call the "Bride and Groom", has already experienced the peak of popularity several decades ago. Then, for some reason, people's love subsided, and now to get seeds or a sprout of this indoor flower happens to be difficult. The lovely campanula bells are purple and white. They are often placed in one flower pot, this composition looks very nice - campanula mix.

Growing Features

Campanula belongs to a large family of bellflowers, but at home only two species are accepted for breeding - brittle campanula and equal-leaved campanula. ampelous plants are compact, bloom profusely and have long shoots with alternately arranged small rounded leaves with serrated edges. At the end of spring, white flowers appear on the equal-leaved bell, and blue on the brittle bell. Flowering lasts until October-November. Caring for bells is simple, but some features must be considered.

Campanula's vivo grows in the mountains, so the domesticated variety requires light, does not tolerate excessive moisture and fertile soil. Stagnation of water has a detrimental effect on this flower. When choosing soil for planting campanula, stop on loose earth with limestone.

Active feeding is contraindicated for rocky plants. The desire to "feed" indoor plant satiety leads to the fact that it begins to wither, stops flowering and may die.

Campanula planting

Flower shops sell industrial forcing plants. Do not leave flowers in the substrate, as it is not soil, but a mixture of fibers for hydroponics. It is convenient to grow flowers for sale and transportation in this way - twice a day, “washcloths” are dipped into a weak solution of hormones and top dressing. With this lifestyle, the flowers grow quickly and bloom profusely, but at home you will not be able to provide the Campanula with the same care. Roots deprived of abundant feeding dry out quickly, often a plant that is not planted in time in the ground dies.

Attention! Provided that the usual humidity is maintained, the campanula can live in a factory pot for about a month, but after that it stops blooming and loses its color. This is an alarm signal - an urgent landing is needed.

Landing methods

The roots are usually intertwined so tightly that they cannot be separated. But campanula does not have a central root, so you can cut the root ball into several parts with a knife. Do not remove fertilizer granules from the soil, they will not interfere.

Advice: In nature, campanula grows on rocky soil, so the roots must breathe - pick up loose soil. The roots will actively grow, so the flower pot should be spacious, but not deep.

Dip each part of the plant into a pot with drainage and cover with loose soil. Water not too generously, and put on the windowsill so that the flower has a lot of light and air.

When planting, you can put a white and blue flower in one pot - they get along well, and such a combination will look spectacular.

soil for campanula

The best soil for planting will be a loose and breathable slightly alkaline mixture. Can buy ready ground for flowering plants or independently prepare a mixture from an equal ratio:

  • leaf land;
  • peat land;
  • humus earth;
  • coarse sand.

Lay broken tiles on the bottom of the pot and don't forget to see if there is a drainage hole. The flower will die if water stagnates at its roots, so if the pot is whole, make holes in it.

Caring for Campanula is simple, even novice flower growers can easily learn how to keep the flower in excellent condition. Gentle home flower unpretentious and does not require increased attention, but a truly beautiful campanula will only be in conditions that are comfortable for her.

Location and lighting

The sissy Campanula does not tolerate drafts at all. Do not arrange a flower pot on the windowsill if there are gaps in the frames - this will destroy the plant.

Campanula will delight you with lush flowering only with an abundance of bright light. With a lack of lighting, the stems will stretch, the distance between the flowers will increase, and the bells will lose their main charm - filled inflorescences. Direct sunlight is also not suitable, especially on hot days. This flower can turn towards the light. If you do not provide him with equal lighting from all sides, the shape of the bush is deformed. Just do not sharply turn the campanula 180o - this will worsen flowering. Rotate the flower gradually. The best option is hanging planter or a rack between windows.

Air humidity

The flower is unpretentious to humidity, but in a hot summer or in a heated room it must be sprayed, and a small cool shower will not hurt. Combine hygiene procedures with cleaning dried leaves and flowers, do not let the plant get dusty, and the bells will delight you for a long time.

Attention! Water and spray the flower with soft or settled water at room temperature.

Temperature regime

Campanula lives well at normal room temperature. With sufficient humidity, the plant feels good indoors. In winter, it is advisable to remove the flower away from hot batteries, otherwise the flower will not rest and may not bloom in the spring.

The optimum winter temperature is from +5 to 15oC. Such conditions can be created in a glazed loggia or on a veranda. A window sill is also suitable, provided that the frames do not let cold air through.

How to water correctly

In the spring-summer period of active flowering, the campanula needs regular watering, the soil should not dry out. But you should not overdo it with watering, as water stagnant in the roots and in the pan will destroy the flower. With the onset of autumn, watering is gradually reduced, preparing the campanula for winter rest. In winter, watering is sharply reduced to once or twice a month.

Flower nutrition and fertilizer

Campanula responds sensitively to top dressing and thanks with new shoots and thickened foliage. Fertilize during the period of active development (spring-autumn) once every two weeks. Watch how the campanula reacts to top dressing, if necessary, reduce the concentration. organic fertilizers can damage the flower, especially if the saturation is too high. If your campanula survives well, alternate organic and inorganic fertilizers twice a month. Fertilize should be one hour after watering.

Advice! Slightly alkaline (neutral) soil for bluebells should contain humus. Lime should be added to the acidic soil mixture.


This is an important part of caring for bluebells, because without pruning, flowering in spring may not occur or will be extremely scarce. Shoots in autumn are cut by a third, and the longest - by half. In early spring or at the end of winter, it is useful to sprinkle the slices with charcoal powder.

Lignified shoots will not bloom, the flower can be revived to a new life by cutting.


"Groom" and "Bride" are transplanted every spring. The roots of the campanula grow actively, while the soil is depleted, so you can’t do without transplants in March. As a soil, you can use a store-bought universal mixture or prepare the soil yourself. The composition of the soil: equally sod, leaf and humus soil, and the same part of the sand. Be sure to line the bottom of the pot with drainage, sprinkle it with earth. Gently shake off last year's soil from the roots, place the plant in a pot and add soil, lightly squeeze with your fingers and pour water.

Advice! Campanula does not live long - only a couple of years. Therefore, it is advisable to annually update it with new cuttings..


Campanula can be propagated by cuttings, seeds or dividing the bush.

  • For cuttings, select a few healthy branches and place them in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate for 7 hours. Then put the stalk in cool clean water. When the roots grow, plant a twig in the ground and cover glass jar for three weeks to create greenhouse conditions for the young creature. Remove the jar for a couple of hours every day.
  • Reproduction by seeds is a little more difficult and longer. You can buy a bag of seeds in a specialized store. In early spring, sow the seeds in a pot of soil, but don't bury them too deep to allow air to enter. Spray the "bed" with a spray bottle. When the sprouts hatch, transplant them into flower pots.
  • The division of the bush is carried out in the fall. At the end of flowering, cut off the entire green part to the root and wait for new sprouts to appear. Dig up a bush and divide it with a knife into several parts. Plant the parts in pots and water them regularly, but not abundantly. If the plant is not rejuvenated, it will lose its attractiveness and die.


Everyone likes flowering bushes of campanula. Flowers of five petals resemble asterisks-bells and cover the plant so densely that the leaves are almost invisible. Flowering continues from spring to autumn, and at this time the plant needs regular watering, fresh air and spraying. Cut off dried flowers and leaves.

Advice. If you notice that the leaves have turned pale or yellow during the period of active growth, urgently move the campanula to the shade.

Care after flowering

In autumn, flowering gradually stops and watering should be reduced. The plant goes into a dormant state. Shorten the shoots to 10 centimeters, remove faded inflorescences and find a cool place to flower pot. In winter, it is enough to water the plant twice a month. In spring, gradually increase watering, cut dry shoots and move the flower to heat.

The cause of many plant diseases is improper care. Campanula also suffers from our inattention or illiteracy.

Gray rot

The causative agents of this disease are fungi. Favorable conditions for their occurrence are high humidity air and excessive watering. The disease can be diagnosed by bad smell soil and plant wilt.

There is only one way to overcome gray rot - immediately remove all diseased parts and urgently transplant the flower into a new pot.


An insecticidal solution will help to defeat the scale insect. Treat the soil and plant with it. Be sure to isolate the sick campanula from healthy neighbors until complete recovery.

spider mite

An insect that lives on window sills with home flowers. Diagnosis of the disease allows such signs:

  • multi-colored spots on the leaves;
  • white dots on the underside of the leaves;
  • white cobwebs between leaves and stem.

You can get rid of this misfortune in the same way as from scale insects. Try to use folk method and treat the soil and plant with soapy water. Insects are stubborn, so treatment sessions will have to be repeated several times.

Advice! To prevent the appearance spider mite, spray the house flower with water daily.

Common varieties of Campanula

  • Campanula blue - "groom" and white - "bride". This is the most favorite flower growers Campanula equivalent, varieties Maya and Alba. This home flower looks most impressive in hanging planters.
  • Campanula Carpathian is blue, blue, purple and white. This variety is grown on household plots and flowerbeds.
  • Campanula terry - a hybrid variety. The flower is very beautiful, but it hardly takes root at home, it feels better in the garden.
  • To save terry campanula at room conditions, re-root it with a cutting. A new plant grown in this way usually takes root much more easily.
  • Fertilize campanula only during its awakening - in the spring. After the appearance of the first inflorescences, top dressing should be weak so that the roots do not burn.
  • Water and spray the plant in the morning or evening, otherwise the moisture in the sun will burn the leaves.
  • If the leaves are curling, remove the pot from the sun in the shade.
  • Too long stems - evidence of insufficient lighting.

Answers on questions

How long does a campanula live at home?

Life span herbaceous plant small, after a year or two the flower disappears. But you can save campanula if you keep it updated and propagated from cuttings.

Is campanula poisonous?

There is no information about the toxicity of this plant. It has been observed that pets are rarely interested in bluebells, so you can grow a flower without fear that a cat will feast on it.

Why doesn't it bloom?

Bluebells stop blooming with a lack of light, and in too bright sun, the flowers fade and wither. Pay attention to moderate watering. It is generally accepted that in the summer the campanula can be watered as often as desired, but the water must have time to evaporate. Drying out is detrimental to bells. A signal of a critical moisture deficit - the earth lags behind the wall of the pot. Feed the plant, remove dried leaves and arrange it in diffused light.

Why does campanula dry out?

The flower dries from direct sunlight and with insufficient watering. If in winter the bell is in a heated room, spray it, wipe the leaves from dust. In the summer, a shower also does not hurt, but the drops should not be allowed to remain in the bright sun - the plant will burn.

How is the winter going?

In the fall, when flowering ends, you need to reduce watering. Gently loosen the soil and moisten it little by little so that it does not oversalt. Campanula should be watered carefully during wintering, waterlogging will lead to the death of the plant, but spraying with lukewarm water should be continued. It is undesirable to leave a flower near heating appliances; the best place for wintering is the south window. Optimum temperature– +15-17оС. Cut the shoots after flowering by 1/3.

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