When the finished crocus in the ground is planted. Crocuses, landing and care

Arrangement of the site 13.06.2019
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Landing crocuses in the fall into the ground is the most common way to cultivate these wonderful colors on the household plot. In nature, representatives of the Iris family appear on the edges of the forests, open glades and the hills are the first.

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    Prophobes crocuses

    Early spring, when the snow is just starting to melt from the bright sun, you can see the magnificent heads of gentle pink or lilac buds. These are crocuses, the landing of which is possible at home.

    A plant that is often called saffron does not require special care. It is very unpretentious and endlessly. Therefore, everyone can grow crocuses in the country. They are well leaving in a new place. The primroses are most often used in the design of the alpine slides. But they look perfectly on a separate flower bed or in a complex flower arrangement. It all depends on when crocuses plant.

    Garden decoration is not the only purpose of plants. Extracts and powder prepared from dried culture parts are seasoning. Saffron is widely used in cooking as spices. It is also known as high-quality food dye.

    The primroses have long become a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry. Them healing properties help create a number of drugs that have plant base. Wide application Flower found in alternative medicine.

    Sprinkling the plant can be in a pot or in open ground. Decorative culture Flowers in any conditions, if you seriously treat the soil preparation and choose the right time. When to plant crocuses, depends on the variety of plants. In nature, there are about a hundred species, landing each of them has its own nuances.

    The most common are those specimens that bloom in early spring. They are planted in autumn. Plants that are able to please the eye with their buds up to the onset of winter, it is necessary to transfer to open ground in early August.

    Priorices can grow in one place for 5 years. Then the crocuses are required. It allows you to rejuvenate and improve the bulbs for lush flowering and further development on another site. Each planted copy is very quickly growing and gives a lot of child tubers that can serve as material for the cultivation of this plant.

    What varieties are suitable for autumn landing?

    Planning to grow in its plot, the primrose, the gardener must respond to the selection of landing material. Crocuses are perennial tuberukovic plants. Heads are recommended to buy only from proven sellers to get a guarantee that the selected variety must be planted in autumn for early flowering.

    These species include:

    1. 1 Crocus Spring, which grows in nature in the Alps and Pyrenees. Medium-sized buds have a lilac color with purple streaks.
    2. 2 Crocus Two-color usually happens white. On the petals you can see characteristic lilac or brownish vertical stripes.
    3. 3 Crocus Crimean has unsuccessful outside petals of pale blue or white color With longitudinal gray stripes. The inner side of the bud is painted in a pale lilac shade, turning into bright yellow at the base.
    4. 4 Crocus Adam can be found on the rocky slopes of the Transcaucasus, in the foothill areas of Dagestan, as well as Iran. Flowers of this variety change their painting from lilac to a saturated purple shade.
    5. 5 Crocus Golden, found in Malaya Asia and in the Balkans, has narrow leaves and yellow flowers. Sometimes brown splashes are blocked on buds.
    6. 6 Crocus yellow is distinguished by bright orange coloring buds. This species has characteristic feature - The bulbous nest coated with a special film slightly protrudes over the surface of the Earth, giving the plant a look of a small bouquet, neatly assembled by nature itself.

    Any of these varieties can be raised on its site. Crocuses, the landing of which is completed correctly, will bloom early in the spring.

    Treatment of tubers

    Choosing the planting material, it must be remembered that the bulb should be a whole, solid, without sprouts and damage to the skin. Its size can range from 9 to 12 cm. It is such a head that can accumulate a sufficient amount of substances in winter to delight the eyes of amazing flowers. The size of the tubers depend on the number of buds, which are formed in the plant.

    Tubers are taken to disinfect before landing. There are various drugs intended for this procedure. Most often used antiseptics, specially created for the treatment of bulbous and other cultivated plants:

    • Fundazol;
    • Carbofos;
    • Maxim;
    • Soon
    • Vitaros.

    These fulgicides of a wide range of action reliably protect the bulbs from diseases and rot, they make them resistant to temperature and humidity drops. Preparations are very easy to use. They are sold, as a rule, in packaging 2 ml. Need to dilute 1 ampoule disinfectant In 1 liter of water and soak in the resulting solution the landing material for 20 minutes.

    If not at hand special toolsYou can use the old and proven recipe. In 1 liter of water, 5 g of potassium permanganate should be dissolved. The weak solution of mangartee is a good antiseptic. If placing crocuses in it for half an hour, the effect will be the same as after known fungicides.

    After disinfection, the blouses do not need to rinse. It is enough to dry them. Immediately after the procedure, the material is ready for landing.

    Selection and preparation of the site

    Before planting crocuses in the fall, you need to prepare a plot in advance. Flowerbed, intended for primroses, should be on an open area, which in the spring will be well warmed by sunlight. If you leave the flowers in the shade, they will not die, but they will not be happy with abundance of buds.

    Crocusball clubnells grow well on the soils. The soil must pass the air. We can not allow stagnation of moisture from the roots, otherwise the plant will begin to rot, which will inevitably lead to his death.

    The problem of severe clay soil is solved very simply. The plot should be well overcooked with the addition of large river sand. This material will provide good drainage in the flower bed and prevent stagnation of water. Sand or fine river pebbles are brought to a depth of 20 cm.

    Clay soil is preferably filing with organic and mineral fertilizers. Compost is suitable for this type of soil from natural substances. It structures well and enriches heavy earth with a chopped peat. But it is better to use it with lime to avoid a strong crying of the site. All substances are taken in the dosage of 0.5 kg per 1 m².

    Inorganic feeding should be represented by superphosphate. 40 g of the active substance per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe site will be quite enough. Phosphorus nourishes the bulbs and contributes to the development of the root system. But it is possible to use its connections only 30 days after putting the lime into the soil.

    If the land in the future flower garden refers to a light sandy type, then it is necessary to enrich it with a humoring or compost from last year's foliage. Such soils are very poor, so it is recommended to make at least 5-7 kg of organic fertilizers per 1 m².

    Suglinist and sampling lands are perfect soil for crocuses. They do not require additional feeding. If the flowerbed is in such a plot, it is enough to overheat it by 20-25 cm.

    The flower garden should be ready for 2-3 weeks before landing. During this time, the soil will fall, and mineral and organic fertilizers Partially recycled, providing the flower tubers with the necessary nutrients.

    Optimal time for landing

    Perennial tuberukovic plants to which crocuses blooming early spring are well tolerated by frost. That is why they are accepted in autumn. However, this does not mean at all that for you can choose any time.

    Despite resistance to low temperatures, flowers may die if they do not have time to adapt in a new place. Therefore, there is a checked rule that requires planting club crocuses to open ground at least 2-3 weeks before the onset of strong cold weather.

    IN nordic regions Russia, the main works in the garden are conducted until mid-September. Residents of the central regions of the country transplanted flowers to the first days of October, and in the south the season can be extended even until November. This graph is sufficiently conditional and depends on weather conditionswhich may change.

    Too slow, too, it is also impossible, because on the bulbs of perennials can very quickly appear roots. They are very fragile and easily break during the planting of flowers in the open ground. The choice of optimal time to transfer clubs of crocuses to the flowerbed is one of the main components of the successful cultivation of these beautiful spring plants.

    How to plant a plant in the fall in open soil?

    Answer to the question of how to plant crocuses, every owner pricework searched independently, depending on which flower composition He wants to get in spring. If we are talking about decoration alpine Gorki, then the flowers must match the general scheme to fit into landscape design. Usually they are planted with small groups that are at some distance from each other.

    If the goal of the gardener is a blooming glade, fully covered with thin green leaves and gentle lilac and white bootons of saffron, then crocus bulbs are distributed in the soil very tight. The landing scheme is usually selected 3x3.

    The flowering time of these decorative plants It lasts, as a rule, not more than 10 days. To preserve the beauty of the flower beds as long as possible, many fans of crocuses resort to small tricks. During the landing, they put the bulbs on a different depth, adjusting such simple way flowering period.

    The optimal selection of the distance from the surface of the Earth is an important condition for the cultivation of primroses. If the tubers are small, then they should be deepened by 5-7 cm. For major bulbs, this value can reach 12 cm. The famous rule Planting such a type of plant says that the depth of the seal should be 2 times the size of tubers.

    However, unpretentious crocuses, having a powerful root system, are able to independently regulate their position in the ground, if necessary, dropping or, on the contrary, stretching closer to the upper layer of the soil.

    However, the flowers are not worth too deeply. In the spring it will be difficult for them to break through the thickness of the marzular earth and snow. A small distance from the surface of the flower beds can be threatened by tuber freezing. Especially if we are talking about the region with harsh climatic conditions. Danger increases during a honest winter.

    Advantages of special capacity

    The primroses are placed in specially prepared wells and fall asleep the earth. The soil must be wet. At the bottom of the landing pit, you can put a little sand mixed with humus. The bulb neatly put in the well and pour the earth. The region is then recommended to cover to protect the flowers from the effects of winter low temperatures.

    Do not use cellophane film for these purposes. This material does not let the air needed by clubs of crocuses for normal development. It is better to mulch the flower garden sawdust, wood chips or leaves that fell from trees.

    Sometimes gardeners use another way to plant perennials. Plogging plants are placed first in a special container or basket filled with cooked nutrient substrate. Then the box with bulbs bury on the flowerbed.

    This method is almost no different from landing crocuses in the fall in open ground. But the use of a separate box allows the spring to quickly remove tubers from the land for storage and protects them from rodents.

    Crocus (Crocus), he is saffron - a long-term bulbous plant of the family of the Casatikov.

    it perennial (10-12 cm high) with undeveloped stem, linear leaves and single flowers of various color. Breeding vegetative and seeds.

    Wild-growing crocuses are common in Europe, Asia, Russia is growing in the Caucasus, Crimea. Frequently used saffron was used as a spice in cooking and dye in the food industry. In medicine from Saffran's stilts made opium - saffron tincture.

    In the article, let's talk in more detail on the topic: "Crocuses landing and care at home."

    An interesting fact: In ancient times, an expensive Arab horse could be purchased for a pound of saffron, its cost was several times higher than gold and pepper.

    Types and most popular crocus varieties

    There are about 80 species and 300 varieties of crocuses in the world.

    For industrial production Saffron is used crocus sowing. In decorative gardening, hybrids of Dutch origin are common. All varieties of this unusual Plants By the time of flowering, they are divided into spring and autumn. The most popular varieties of the spring period include:

    • Alexander - White Bud with Violet Stations;
    • Marietta - Light - lemon, with brown strokes at the base;
    • Gran Maternally lavender with a silver tinge;
    • Pickwick - Light - gray with purple stripes;
    • Little Dorrit - Pink Pink.

    IN autumn period grown:

    • Albus - White-white large flower;
    • Artabir - azure with dark streaks;
    • Soluxux - gentle - lavender with a silver tint, exudes a gentle fragrance.

    Tip 1: Plants blooming in autumn - in the summer, flowering spring - Autumn!

    Wild and garden saffron looks great on lawns and alpine slides.

    Features of growing crocus at home, on the windowsill

    Many gardeners do not want to part with these gentle flowers in winter and try to plant them for the period of cold weather.

    This process is called trampling. What can be more beautiful than a bouquet of living flowers in winter: they can be decorated new Year's table, give birthday, March 8. It is necessary to plant crocuses for three months to the desired date. But to get the desired result, all cultivation technologies should be observed at home.

    Correctly choose landing material

    Crocuses multiply with tubers, clubworks ("kids") and seeds, as well as. Plants that grew out of seeds will bloom only in 2-3 years.

    The flower bulb should not be sprouted, the same color, without stains, with tightly adjacent scales, without deformations and rot. When buying, you should pay attention to these factors.

    Best of all resistant to the blouse of large-flowered dutch hybrids spring blossom. The larger the bully, the faster the flowering process will begin. The bulbs, a circle from 9 to 10 cm and above, give from 3 to 6 buds.

    Tip 2: For landing in one container, pick up tubers of one size and variety. The fact is that each type has its own time flowering and growth.

    The process of preparing crocuses for pasture

    Floral nodules, both purchased in the store, and dug in the garden, somewhere from a week you need to dry well with T ° + 15-18 ° C, hiding into a paper bag. Previously, they can be treated with a weak solution of manganese or phytosporin to protect against rot and bacteria. To get flowers, for example, to Christmas, dig crocuses in August - September.

    Second Stage of Forgings: Locking and Care

    Crocuses, like snowdrops, are primructures and bloom in early spring, when the snow is still lying. Therefore, before planting, the clubnelukovitsa must pass stratification, the so-called. Artificial "winter hibernation" for plants, to improve and accelerate germination.

    Planting material It is necessary to put in a cold place with the air + 4-8 ° C.

    In such a place may be basement, loggia, refrigerator with temperature regulator. With such temperature mode Crocuses are cooled month.

    It is possible to plant crocuses into any low spacious ass, a flame. There are special porridge for bulbous, with side holes.

    The bulbs should be placed in a pot freely, do not touch the walls and to each other.

    Landing grounds Choose a light mechanical composition, peat or spay. Crocuses love acidic soils. Instead of Earth, you can use water, sand, crumbs, fine pebbles, etc.

    In order for the flowers afterwards faster open soil, Make a surveillance in the soil!

    At the bottom of the pot, you need to fall asleep drainage, then half to pour the ground and seeding crocuses at a certain distance, fall asleep to the remaining land or sand.

    When landing does not need to deepen the clubnelukovits, the depth of planting should be 5-6 cm. The soil can be slightly moistened, but not to fill, the flowers do not like high humidity. Watering in the process of distillation should be moderate, approximately 1p / month, as drying. Accumulating water in the pallet must be periodically merged, it should not be stamped.

    What is it in external signs Determine the readiness of crocuses to pasture?

    • After 3 weeks, crocuses appear 5-centimeter shoots
    • Sprouting to the touch elastic, and not soft
    • From below, in the drainage holes of the porridge pierce the roots

    During this period, it is necessary to feed the plant with potashly - phosphoric fertilizer.

    Now the flower is transferred to a room with a warmer climate t from +10 to + 15 ° C and with good illumination. For example, you can put a pot with flowers on the windowsill to the cold window glass. A week before the end of a 3-month pasture, the room temperature can be enhanced to + 18 ° C. It is then that the gentle buds of crocuses bloom. Saffron - ephemeryoid plant with a short growing season period from 10 to 14 days.

    But this short time It is enough to fully enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of this flower.

    In winter, gentle primroses are able to create a holiday atmosphere in the room. Using special methods, you can achieve their flowering at a specific time, for example, for the new year. Crocuses belong to such plants, but landing and care for them at home require certain knowledge and effort.

    Crocus or Saffron - Flower Description

    Crocus or Shafran.- a low perennial bulbous plant. Crocus buds are similar to small tulips. Coloring flowers diverse: white, lilac, purple, yellow. Hybrid varieties May have two colors petals. When the flower bud is revealed, inside you can see three yellow or orange stamens. The leaves are very narrow, dark green with a white streak in the center. And on the flower bed in the garden and as home flower Crocuses look very beautiful, you only need to pick up a suitable variety.

    Did you know? The name "Crocus" occurred from the Greek "thread", and "Shafran" - from Arabian "yellow".

    Choosing a pot for crocuses

    For planting crocuses at home, you must choose the most suitable pot for plants. The bulbs should not touch the walls of the pot and each other, so its size depends on the planned number of plants (usually from five to ten). The best option is a wide pot in the shape of a row with low walls. Especially for pastures crocuses there are rounded containers with holes for sprouts.

    Important! So that crocuses look harmoniously, in one pot better to plant the bulbs of one variety and similar to size.

    Soil selection for saffron

    The soil for crocuses must necessarily be neutral, light and well-drained, because the moisture is stagnation leads to the bulbs. The ideal option There will be a shop flower substrate. You can also prepare an earthen mixture of large sand, a delicate and sheet mix in equal parts.

    What crocuses bulbs choose

    For good growth and crocus development, not only right growing and care, but also high-quality planting material. There should be bulbs without spots, rot and mechanical damage. If certain defects are still noticeable, they must be removed and disinfected the place of damage to the ashes or scattering coal. You also need to clean the bulbs from scales and roots.

    Buying bulbs in the store, you should pay attention to the number of their size.Often the material is sorted by the length of the circle in centimeters according to international Standard Measurements of bulbous plants. For crocus bulbs at a circumference length from 5 to 10 cm, the following numbering of bulbs sizes (indicating diameter) is characteristic:

    • 5/7-1.6-2.2 cm;
    • 7/8-2.2-2.5 cm;
    • 8/9- 2.5-2.8 cm;
    • 9 / 10- 2.8 cm-3.2 cm;

    When growing crocuses in a pot from a plant with a size of a bulb 7/8, one can expect a single flower, with a size of 8/9 - 2-3 flower, with a size of 9/10 - 3-4 flower.

    Large Dutch hybrids tagged 10 / + give 5-6 flowers. They are most suitable for homemade cultivation: It is well distinguished by trampling and bloom in large flowers.

    Important! The greater the crocus bulb in size, the more plant It will make flowers and will bloom longer.

    Landing and reproduction of crocuses

    The material for the landing is more often the bulbs, as the crocuses of the crocuses are more difficult for seeds and this method in flower growing is practically not used. Such a plant will bloom only after 4-5 years. Every year, the old clubnelukovitsa dies off, and new bulbs grow in her place.

    Before planting crocuses in a pot, bought landing material must be cooled. The shop bulbs are usually already dried, they only need to withstand at room temperature for several days, and then put in the refrigerator.

    If the bulbs are taken from the site, the preparation process will be longer. After digging in June, the bulbs dried and sorted. At first, they need to be stored at high temperatures, gradually reducing it (from 34 to 20 degrees). After 2 weeks, lowered the temperature, set the mode at 17 degrees. In such conditions, the material is stored until the second half of August, after which the cooling process starts. In a dry and dark room at a temperature of 4-9 degrees or in the refrigerator, the bulbs in dense paper are stored for about a month.

    Important! Experienced flowerflowers use the planting method "planting in a sandy shirt." The soil and layer of sand is placed in the container, the bulbs are planted and covered with the second layer of sand. Thus, the roots are in nutrient groundAnd the bulbs are protected from rotting.

    The landing is produced 70-90 days before the planned flowering date. At the bottom of the pot should be putting a drainage layer. The bulbs are placed in the prepared soil completely or leaving a small "tail". The pot with seedlings are cleaned for 2 months in dark cool (5-8 degrees) space for germination.

    Growing crocuses in a pot

    Crocuses at home are grown by distillation.

    When the sprouts were sufficiently strengthened and reached a height of 3-5 cm, the pot needs to be taken over and ensure a temperature of 10-15 degrees. IN favorable conditions Saffron will bloom in two weeks.

    Did you know? Cut is the process of output bulbous plant From the state of rest for flowering into the time unusual time, committed under the influence physical factors - Temperature, humidity, illumination.

    By providing crocuses some departure after flowering at home, you can extend your life. For the second time after the distillation, the plants usually do not bloom, and the bulbs are thrown out, but if they plant them into open ground, "kids" are formed. For re-growing crocus, an ideally saved bulb is necessary. To do this, you need to feed the soil feeding and regularly water the plant before yellowing and falling leaves. Then the bulb must be reached, clean from the ground and store in a dark dry place for further landing in the fall.

    Watering crocuses

    Crocus does not like an excessive moisture and resistant to drought, so watering the plant is moderately, 2-3 times a week when grazing the upper layer of soil. During flowering, the plant should be watered through the pallet, removing the excess fluid after half an hour after irrigation.

    Fertilizer and subordinate

    During the landing, the plant does not need to fertilize. For the development and flowering of crocuses, potash and phosphoric fertilizers are most useful. The feeder is done when shooting appearance (in proportion 2: 1), when forming buds and after flowering (in equal parts). The use of nitrogen fertilizers is not recommended.

    Long flowering care

    To find out why crocuses stopped blossoming, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of their content. Do not forget that Saffron is a spring primrose, and he may not like the temperature (20 degrees and above) or too bright room lighting. To extend the flowering of a home crocus, you need to hide it from direct sun ray Or bright lamp light and maintain a cool temperature (14-16 degrees, at night - even below 0). IN correct conditions The decorativeness of some varieties is preserved up to three weeks.

    Did you know? One of the most expensive spices of the world - Saffron It is made of dried fish saffron flowers sowing. To get a kilogram of spices, you need to assemble a stillet of 200 thousand flowers. The championship in global spices (90%) belongs to Iran.

    Possible problems in growing

    Springnets-driving and autumn-driving crocuses do not coincide with development cycles and, accordingly, landing time: spring need to be planted in September, and autumn - in summer. When buying planting material, it is necessary to pay attention to the crocus flowering time. Spring crocuses are usually used for pastures.

    Too deep landing slows down the crocus development, but contributes to the formation of large bulbs. Sometimes young plants form retractive roots and plunge themselves.

    The landing depth is regulated by the growth of crocuses nests: When bulging the clubnellukovitsa by 5 cm can be obtained up to 10 children, with a deeper embelling kids will be less, but the crocus bloom will last longer and share the nest will need less often - once every 4-5 years.

    In the photo: Yellow crocuses - Beautiful variety

    How to plant crocuses in autumn

    Make the holes you need at a distance of 6-10 cm from each other, but if you want to create a more thick rug, the distance between the bulbs can be 3-5 cm. However, it should be noted that the clubnellukovitsy quickly become kids and with such a tight location of the bulbs In the ground you will soon have to disseminate crocuses. After planting crocuses watered, But only if you put them in dry soil.

    Caring for crocuses after landing

    Caring for crocuses in the fall in open ground

    For the warm days remaining warm days, tuberukovitsa must have time to acquire roots. In fertilizers, crocuses do not need crocuses, They will need them only in spring. Watering crocuses are carried out when the soil on the site becomes dry, and after irrigation, the soil is gently loosen. If weeds appear, remove them, and if the torrential rains begin on the background of the cooling, try to protect the landing of crocuses from excess moisture, covering it with a film.

    Caring for crocuses in winter

    Many species and varieties of plants are distinguished by cold resistance, but some crocuses in winter without shelter freeze. So that this does not happen, after the first frosts, break the soil on the site and inspire it with a layer of peat, dry foliage or cover with a sweetheart.

    In the photo: Blossom of spring crocuses

    Crocus transplant in autumn to another place

    In one place crocuses can grow 5-6 years, but it is better to disperse them once every 3-4 years. Each colorful bulb will give the next season 2, and sometimes 4 bulbs and 5-10 children, and if they do not reset at least once every 3-4 years, the site will soon tarnish, and crocuses will turn into a weed. When transplanting, crocuses are reproduced. When to transplant crocuses - in spring or autumn? Crocus transplant fall, as well as landing crocuses in the fall, is carried out in the same time - from September to November.

    The clubnelaukovitsa dig in the middle of the summer when crocuses are at rest. The signal to the fact that it is time to extract them from the ground, serves the yellowing of the leaves of the plant. The clubnellukovitsa purify, move, removing damaged or patients, dried in air in the shade during the week. Then you need to divide the sockets: only those kids who themselves are separated from the tubnelukovitz. The entire seating material is soaked for half an hour in a dark pink solution of manganese, After that, heinee and put in a cool dry place for storage.

    When September comes, crocusball clubs are planted in advance prepared soil in the order that was described in our article.

    In the photo: Growing crocuses in the garden

    How to store crocuses before landing in the fall

    How and where to keep crocuses clubnevukov to landing in the ground? After all, from the moment of extracting them from the soil to autumn planting Must go through three months. Disgraced by manganese and dried clubnelukovitsa lay out in one layer in wooden drawer and stored indoors with a temperature not lower than 22 ºC before August. From the beginning of August, the content temperature is desirable to lower up to 20 ºC, and closer to September - up to 15 ºC. It is precisely in such conditions that the clubnellukovitsa crocuses are kept Dutch professionals, but since lovers to organize such conditions to organize such conditions, the planting material is stored until autumn at room temperature.

    Ossennetsnets-driving clubs are planted in the garden in August, and spring-working crocuses - from September.

    Crocus (lat. Crocus), or saffron, forms the genus of grassy tuberukovichny plants of the Iris family. In nature, Crocus Saffron grows in steppes, forests and meadows of the Mediterranean, Central, South and Northern Europe, Malaya and Central Asia and the Middle East. Scientists describe about 80 species and 300 crocus varieties. The name "Crocus" comes from the Greek word meaning "thread, fiber", and the word "saffron" - from Arabic word, which is translated as "yellow" - exactly such a color of the crocus flower stroke. Crocus is mentioned in Egyptian papyrus - philosophers and doctors wrote about him. For modern flowerflower, Crocus is interesting because it is one of the most beautiful primroses - early spring flowers. However, do not everyone know that there are many crocuses, blooming autumn.

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    Landing and care for crocuses (brief)

    • Landing: Spring-flowering species are planting in the fall, the OssennetsNews - in the summer.
    • Bloom: spring species Flower 2-3 weeks in April, autumn - in September-October.
    • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
    • The soil: Plumbed light loams, some species comfortable even in heavy clay soils.
    • Watering: It will be needed only if there was no snow in the winter, and in the spring - rains.
    • Feeding: Complete mineral fertilizer in spring through the snow and potash-phosphorus during flowering. The organic is not applied.
    • Reproduction: Daughty bulbs, and spring species can be multiplied with seeds.
    • Pests: Field mice, wires, fault, trips.
    • Diseases: viral diseases, Gray rot, Fusariosis, Penicillosis, sclerocycial rot.

    Read more about growing crocuses below

    Crocus Growing - Features

    Crocus The plant is low, reaching in a height of about 10 cm. Flushed or rounded crocusey bulbs reach in diameter 3 cm, they are dressed in scales and have a bundle of urine roots. The stem in crocuses does not develop. Appearing during or after flowering are narrow, linear, root leaves are collected in a bundle and covered with scales. Single glassworm crocus flowers with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm of white, cream, blue, purple, purple, yellow or orange color, scattering on a short light bluer, are surrounded by film scales. There are crocus varieties with spotted or two-color coloring. Mass flowering crocuses lasts from two to three weeks. Types and varieties of crocuses are divided into 15 groups.

    Planting crocuses in open ground

    When planting crocuses

    Spring crocuses are planted in the soil in the fall, and the autumn-listening summer, the plot is chosen solar, although crocuses grow well in a half and even in the shade. The soil for crocus cultivation is preferable, dry, loose and nutritious. When preparing a plot for crocuses, it is advisable to put in the soil for drainage small gravel or large river sand. As an organic additive to the soil, compost, overworked manure or a peat with lime is added, since the crocuses do not like acidic soils. Aslane is brought to clay soil. For those species that do not tolerate wet soils, arrange high Grokes With crushed stone or gravel as a drainage layer. Landing material should be without flaws and damage.

    In the photo: how crocuses bloom

    Landing crocuses in autumn

    To see the flowering of crocuses in the spring, in the open ground their bulbs are planted in September. Planting crocuses in loose land involves the sealing of the bulbs to a depth of two times more than its size. If the soil is severe, then there will be a depth of one size. The average distance between the bulbs from 7 to 10 cm. After landing, the area is watered.

    Do not thicken the landing, because in one place crocuses grow from 3 to 5 years, and during this time one bulb is becoming a whole colony of children, and a plot with crocuses turns into a solid carpet from colors. After the five-year term, crocuses need to be seeded.

    Landing crocuses

    Many flower shoes jeep in winter without loved ones garden flowers, so even in winter time Grow them in their apartment. It is easiest to grow a bouquet of bulbous, including crocuses. For distortion, large-flowered Dutch varieties are most suitable. Crocus bulbs are approximately one size planted from five to ten pieces in shallow wide pots to get a whole bouquet of primroses to the designated date. The soil for crocuses sitting on the surveillance should be neutral, loose, air and water permeable.

    The cycle of the Ossennuncumber crocus begins usually in August with flowering, in the process of which leaves and the formation of the replacement tuberukovitsa occurs. And the rest period of them comes a month earlier than that of spring-driving. Therefore, dig bulbs flowering in the fall of crocuses, if there is such a necessity, it is necessary since the beginning of June to mid-August.

    Storage of Crocus Lukovits

    The bulbs of crocuses after extracting from the soil are dry in the shade, purified from soil, dead roots and scales, lay in one layer in a box or box. The smallest bulbs can be decomposed on boxes from candy. Before August, the storage temperature should be not lower than 22 ºC, because the lower temperature will prevent the floral kidney bookmark. In August, the temperature is lowered to 20 ºC, and another week to 15 ºC. But these are ideal storage conditions that are created only in specialized farms. In the domestic conditions, the crocus bulb before the landing is sent for storage in a dark dry place with room temperature and good ventilation.

    In the photo: Growing crocuses in the garden

    Types and varieties of crocuses

    All crocuses are divided by the classification by 15 groups. The first group includes oiled crocuses, and the remaining 14 groups represent spring-working species and varieties of crocuses. View Crocus Spring appeared the basis for many varieties and hybrids, most of which belongs to the authorship of the Dutch breeders. The most popular commercial varieties are highlighted in a group of Dutch hybrids. Another popular group of commercial varieties - Chrysanthus, which was formed by hybrids between crocuses of golden, two-color and hybrids. We offer you a brief acquaintance with these groups and their best varieties.

    Spring-watering types of crocuses:

    Spring Crocus (Crocus Vernus)

    Grow up to 17 cm height. Clubnelaukovitsa fightened, covered with mesh scales, narrow leaves, linear, dark green with longitudinal silver-white stripe. Purple or white flowers with a long tube of a bell-free-funnel shape in the amount of one or two develop from one clubnelluca and bloom in spring about three weeks. In culture since 1561.

    In the photo: Crocus Spring (Crocus Vernus)

    Crocus Bivalurus (Crocus Biflorus)

    It is found in nature from Italy to Iran, as well as in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. It has a variety of natural forms: with white flowers, lilac-blue with brown stains on the outer part of petals, white with purple brown stripes, white with inner and purple-brown outside. Zev flowers white or yellow.

    In the photo: Crocus biting (Crocus Biflorus)

    Golden Crocus (Crocus Chrysanthus)

    Grows on the stony slopes of the Balkans and Malaya Asia. He is in height, it reaches 20 cm, the clubnelaukovitsa has a ball, but flexible, the leaves are very narrow, golden-yellow flowers with bent, shiny with the outside of the perisheries. Some forms on the outside of petals brown stripes or fed. Orange anthers, reddish columns. Flowers in April for three weeks. In culture since 1841. In flower growing, such varieties are common:

    • Blue Bonnet - flowers up to 3 cm long with a soft blue perianth and yellow yawn;
    • Nattet - variety with large yellow-cream flowers with purple stripes on the outside;
    • I. Ji. Bauels - Crocus with very large bright yellow flowers with inner and gray-brownish with outdoor.

    In the photo: Crocus Golden (Crocus Chrysanthus)

    Crocus Tommasinianus (Crocus Tommasinianus)

    IN natural conditions Grows in deciduous forests and on the slopes of Hillria Hills and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. He has pink-lilac leaves of perisheries, sometimes with white border around the edge. Opened flowers have a star shape with a white zev. Tube with flowers white. From one tuberukovitsy develops to three flowers with a height of up to 6 cm. It blooms this type in April for three weeks. In the culture of Crocus Tomazini, one of the most popular species since 1847. The most famous varieties:

    • Both's liles - wide open, almost flat flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm with yellow anthers and ovalized narrow fractions of a lilac color outside and bright shade from the inside;
    • White Perf - Large, wide open, almost flat lilac-purple flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm with narrow elongated shares. White tube up to 3.5 cm long.

    In the photo: Crocus Tomasinianus (Crocus Tommasinianus)

    In addition to those described, in the culture, such spring-working crocuses are known: narrow, mesh, Crimean, Korolkov, Empert, Siberian, Yellow, Gefel, Ankir, Alatayevsky, Adam, Corsican, Dalmatsky, Etruscan, Fleischer, Malya and the smallest.

    Ossennets-driving crocuses:

    Crocus Beautiful (Crocus Speciosus)

    It grows on forest edges in the mountainous regions of Crimea, Balkans and Malaya Asia. Its leaves reach a length of 30 cm, lilac-violet with longitudinal purple veins. Flowers up to 7 cm in diameter bloom at the beginning of autumn. In culture since 1800. Known garden forms This species with dark blue, white, blue, lilac and light purple flowers. Top varieties:

    • Albus - white-color variation with a cream-colored tube;
    • Artabir - Flowers of sky-blue color with dark vest bracts covered;
    • Oxyin - Flowers purple-blue with a wide dark perianth and sharp drawn leaflets.

    In the photo: Crocus Beautiful (Crocus Speciosus)

    Pretchellus crocus (Crocus Pulchellus)

    Highly beautiful plant With light lilac flowers in a dark strip, the diameter of which is from 6 to 8 cm, and the height from 7 to 10 cm. On each plant in September or October, 5-10 flowers are revealed. Crocus pretty is not afraid of light frosts.

    Crocus Banaticus (Crocus Banaticus)

    Grows in the Carpathians, Romania and the Balkans. The name was in honor of the historical region of a banat located in Romania. He has a linear silver-gray leaves up to 15 cm long. Elegant light lilac flowers with yellow anthers rise above the surface of the soil by 12-14 cm. The outer leaflets of the perianther up to 4.5 cm long, the internal already twice as shorter. Cultivated since 1629.

    In the culture, the Ossennetnetsurizing crocuses are beautiful, Pallas, Holme, Schroen, Guli, Holocelete, Cardukhorsky, Middle, Cartwrites, Kochi, Great, Middle, Yellow and White and Late.

    In the photo: Crocus Banaticus (Crocus Banaticus)

    Dutch hybrids, or large-flowered crocuses They are unpretentious and prolific spring-working plants, the flowers of which are larger than the flowers of the original species on average twice. The first varieties of Dutch hybrids appeared in 1897. Now they are already more than 50, and they are divided into groups of coloring flowers. The first group includes varieties with purulent white flowers or white with a stain of another color at the base of each blessing lobe. The second group combines varieties with purple, lilac and lilac coloring. The third represents varieties with a mesh or striped coloring flowers with a stain at the base of or without a fraction. Hybrids bloom over May, flowering lasts from 10 to 17 days. We recommend you several varieties that grow well in our climate conditions:

    • Albion - white glassworm flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with rounded lobes, with a tube up to 5 cm long in a rare purple touch;
    • Vanangard - cupid, disclosed bluish-lilac flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm with elongated oval lobes with small stains of the darker color at the base, with a bluish-lilac tube up to 4.5 cm long;
    • Jubili - Blue-shaped flowers of blue with barely noticeable purple-purple tint and with a clear light lilac spot at the base of the share, as well as narrow bright border around the edge. Tube light-lite, up to 5.5 cm long;
    • Sniper banner - Wallow-shaped flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with oval shares of mesh color - light grayish-lilac shade outside and with densely lilac mesh from the inside. The shares of the inner circle of a lighter shade than the shares of the outdoor. Based on the share - small, but very clear dark lilac speck. Tube up to 4 cm long lilac color;
    • Kathleen Steaua - Claudual white flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm with a short lilac stroke at the base of the inner shares and with a white tube up to 5 cm long.


    Spring-breathing hybrids, in the formation of which crocuses are golden, natural forms of crocus of bouncing and their hybrids. Flowers of plants of this group are not as great as the flowers of the Dutch, but among chrysantuses there are many varieties with yellow and bluish flowers. The most famous varieties:

    • Dzhips Gerl - cupid, wide opened flowers A diameter of up to 3.5 cm, from the inside the light yellow with a dark yellow throat, and outside yellowish cream. In fractions from the inside, a small brown spot. Tube up to 3 cm long cream color with dust-lilac strokes;
    • Marietta. - wide open, almost flat flowers with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm with oval narrow dark-cream fragments with a yellow throat, outside at the base of the share of the outer circle covered with dense dark lilac stripes, a greenish-brown stain. Tube up to 3 cm long gray gray shade;
    • Lady Killer - Claudual, almost flat flowers up to 3 cm with a diameter with oval elongated white-colored pieces from the inside, the fraction of the inner circle is white, and the outdoor is dark purple with a white border and a small dark-gray spot at base. Bud purple color, tube up to 3 cm long purple-purple shade;
    • Saturnus - wide open, flat flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter with a bit elongated tops of the share of the outer circle. Coloring yellowish-cream with bright yellow throat. Outside, at the base, a greenish-brown spot, the shares of the exterior circle are fulfilled by dense lilac strokes. The tube is grayish green, up to 2.5 cm long.

    In the photo: Polyanka from crocuses

    Of recent achievements The selection of breeders in the sale of chrysantuses arrive: Ai Katcher, Miss Wayne, Parkinson, Skyline, Zwenenburg Bronze and others.


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