Plant male happiness. Proper soil is the basis of anthurium health! Tips for buying and preparing soil with your own hands

reservoirs 13.06.2019

In order for a flower to please with large flowers and large juicy leaves, it needs to create good conditions, the main of which is a suitable substrate. Most indoor plants feel great in universal soil, and for anthurium, the mixture must be specially selected. For the successful growth of this plant, the features of its root system should be taken into account. The soil should pass air and water well, be light. In heavy soil, the roots can rot, and the flower can get sick and abyss.

How to prepare a composition for planting a plant with your own hands?

Those soils that can be purchased in stores are not suitable for growing anthuriums, so it is better to prepare the mixture yourself.

The substrate should be light, breathable, have an acidic reaction (pH=5.5-6.5). In heavy soil, the roots of anthurium will be covered with velamin and rot..

For the successful growth of a flower at home, an earthen mixture should be prepared, consisting of the following components:

The sand must be washed well, and the bark should be steamed. Pieces of bark should be 1-1.5 cm in size. Perlite can be added to increase the friability of the mixture..

Before planting a flower in the prepared soil, it is necessary to heat-treat the substrate.

There is another option for preparing a substrate for anthurium, which is often used by experienced flower growers. To do this, mix:

  • part of peat;
  • part of the ground from under coniferous trees;
  • part of the leafy land;
  • half of the coarse sand.

Charcoal and crushed bark of coniferous trees, such as pine or spruce, are added to this mixture.

You should know what young plants are best planted in a less coarse substrate. For their good growth and development, a mixture consisting of pine bark, sphagnum moss, peat and perlite (1/1/1/1). The soil should fit tightly to the roots and only after the root system has grown, the flower can be transplanted into a mixture for adult plants.

As the anthurium grows, its roots can rise above the soil surface. The bare parts must be covered with pieces of moss to retain moisture in them.

What kind of drainage is needed for growing?

The health and beauty of anthurium depends on the presence of drainage, because these plants do not tolerate stagnant water in the root system and may die. To create optimal conditions for the growth of the flower, you need to think about good drainage, only in this case the excess water will go away, and the roots will breathe.

It's important to know! High-quality drainage for flowers should be chemically inert, let water through, not mold or rot.

For the preparation of drainage, such materials are suitable:

by the most expanded clay is a popular material for drainage, it is able to absorb excess moisture. These are fired pieces of clay that have a porous structure. You can buy it at flower shops.

When using other materials as drainage, the following tips should be followed:

  1. when using clay shards as drainage, the pieces should not be too large, since sand should be poured on top of them, and it should not wake up down;
  2. broken brick should not have sharp edges so as not to damage the roots of the plant, it is also necessary to take into account that silicate brick is more suitable than red brick, as it absorbs moisture and then gives it away as it dries;
  3. Styrofoam is a good drainage material, but it has one drawback: the roots of the plant grow into its structure and, when transplanting a flower, they can be accidentally damaged.

When creating high-quality drainage, comfort will be guaranteed for the anthurium, it will grow, develop and bloom well.

Is ready-made soil or substrate for orchids suitable for a flower?

If you do not want to make up the substrate yourself, you can buy it in the store, but this causes difficulties. It is difficult to find a special mixture for anthuriums, therefore, you can buy soil for orchids with a similar composition, which includes bark and peat. There are soils for orchids, consisting of peat, charcoal, sphagnum. Such a substrate can be mixed with universal primer (1:1).

In Moscow, you can buy soil for orchids in specialized stores or via the Internet. The cost of the earth mixture depends on the manufacturer. For example:

  • primer "ZeoFlora" a volume of 2.5 liters will cost from 300 to 350 rubles;
  • substrate for orchids "Living World" a volume of 1.5 liters, consisting of pine bark, costs a little more than 100 rubles.

How to care for the earth at home?

In order to prevent potential pests from starting in the soil, it must be subjected to heat treatment. It should also be borne in mind that the soil for anthurium is not nutritious, so the plant after transplantation should be periodically fed by adding fertilizer for aroid or ornamental flowering plants to the water for irrigation.

It should be noted that knowing which land to transplant Male happiness and the ability to properly compose the soil will save the anthurium and its owner from many problems. Water does not stagnate in a good substrate, the roots "breathe", therefore, the flower will develop well and delight the owner with beautiful flowers.

Flowers are a wonderful decoration for home and garden. They create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. The flower "Male happiness" comes from America. He is very handsome and unusual. The plant belongs to the Aroid family.

The flower has become popular due to the unusual shape of the petals and the unique look. The plant got its name because of its special shape. This article will discuss how to properly care for the flower "Male Happiness".

plant care

Anthurium is a very fastidious flower that requires careful care and attention. Above in the photo is the flower "Male happiness". How to take care of him at home? Before buying this flower, you should familiarize yourself with the features of caring for it:

  1. Choose the right pot for planting. The capacity should be small. The flower loves a tight space, since the roots do not grow and the plant does not waste extra energy on this. Soil acidification will also occur. Anthurium may not bloom after planting in a spacious container.
  2. Expanded clay is added to the soil when planting. It is advisable to renew the substrate every spring. This is important condition for flowering. The plant is very fond of oxygen. Holes are made in the pot for oxygen to enter the root system.

Conditions for flower growth

How to care for a home flower "Male Happiness" so that there is a good growth?

This is a very thermophilic plant, as it belongs to the tropical. Therefore, it is important to maintain heat in the room. But direct sun rays as they can harm the plant. In summer, the temperature should be around 20-25 °C degrees.

AT winter time the temperature must be at least 20 °C. To speed up growth and flowering, you can increase the heat level as in summer time. First you need to wait for the buds to ripen at a temperature of 18 ° C. Next, it will be possible to insulate the plant.

Anthurium needs moderate air humidification. You can substitute a tray with water and pebbles under the containers with a flower. It is useful to irrigate the crown of the plant with water using a sprayer, but it is important to avoid getting moisture on the petals.

A humidifier is great for keeping the humidity up. If this is not possible, you can simply put a container of water next to the plant. When the water evaporates, a tropical effect will be created.

How to care for the flower "Male Happiness" so that it blooms? For flowering, you need to create favorable conditions lighting. Anthurium loves soft lighting. Direct sun exposure may cause burns and damage. The flower is best placed on the western or eastern sides. You can also place the plant at a distance of 1 meter from the window. In winter, you can put a flower on the south side of the windows.

Where is it better to place indoor colors "Male Happiness" and how to care for them?

  • Avoid places with drafts. Most perfect place- the eastern part of the room, on the window or next to it.
  • If installed plastic windows, you can not worry about drafts and put the plant on the windowsill. Give preference to the part of the room where there is more light.
  • accommodation nearby electrical appliances detrimental to the flower. Do not place the plant near radiators and air conditioners.
  • If there is a bathroom with a window opening in the apartment, you can place a flower there for the winter. The necessary humidity and temperature for the plant will be provided. In summer time good place for him there may be a bedroom or a hall.

Type of flower in the interior

Connoisseurs of beauty do not remain indifferent to Anthurium. The beauty and brightness of the flower will add zest to any boring interior.

There are more than eight hundred varieties of "Male Happiness". You can choose a plant for every taste and color, the most suitable for the design of the apartment.

The smells of plants are also different. They can be gentle or harsh. This flower is able to decorate any dull room and please its owner for a long time.

Conditions for good flowering

It is important to know how to care for the home flower "Male Happiness". It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the plant. Nourish the soil with vitamins and fertilizers:

  1. Watering is important to carry out purified water and let it settle. The water temperature should be at room temperature. Watering with standing water should be avoided.
  2. To avoid drying out of the soil in hot weather, it is necessary to upper layer lay out the sphagnum.
  3. If the flower is on the south side, protect it from direct rays or move it to the corner of the window.
  4. In winter, the plant needs additional artificial lighting. The desktop will be able to cope with this.
  5. Frequent transplants are undesirable. It is best to transplant the plant no more than 2 times a year: in spring and autumn period.
  6. When flowering, the plant is best moved away from the sun. It is also worth watering and spraying it more abundantly.

flower transplant

The flower must be transplanted 2 times a year. When buying, be sure to transplant, pre-select a pot right size. it is enough to transplant once a year, and older - up to three times.

It is necessary to transplant with care so as not to damage the fragile flower. If the roots are damaged, sprinkle them activated carbon.

In the absence of experience in transplanting plants, you can ask for help from experienced gardener. In this way, mistakes can be avoided and valuable knowledge gained.

When transplanting, the flower feels stress, so it is necessary to touch the roots minimally and very carefully, holding the plant, sprinkle with a mixture of earth and soil. You can also add moss. Then water well to compact the earth.

Planting process

How to care for the flower "Male Happiness" when planting?

  1. First you need to prepare the soil, which consists of a mixture of different components. "Male happiness" is a tropical flower, so ordinary soil does not suit him. The land for its habitat should be soft and loose.
  2. There must be sufficient oxygen supply to the roots of the flower. The soil should be slightly acidic, without lime. You can add coal, a substrate for flowering. Humus or substrate for azaleas flowers is also well suited. When adding mixtures, it is important to strictly observe the proportions, otherwise the plant will suffer.

Reproduction methods

How to care for the flower "Male Happiness" during reproduction? With improper reproduction, the flower may die, so this should be done with extreme caution. If mistakes are made, the flower may die.

Plant propagation methods:

  • With the help of the top, which is cut off and placed in water until the roots appear.
  • Shoots from the stems that are in the root area.
  • When separating the roots with a sharp instrument.

How to prune a flower?

Flower "Male and woman's happiness»: how to care for it when pruning:

  • Very carefully cut off the faded buds with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cut with crushed activated carbon.
  • When dried, the inflorescence itself can dry out, then it can be carefully cut off without harm to the flower.

Rejuvenation procedures

Over time, the flower may lose its former beauty. Growths may form in the root area, a decrease in the number of lower leaves. Also, with the aging of the plant, flowers and small leaves grow. New buds may completely disappear.

When these signs appear, it is worth performing a rejuvenation procedure. Flower transplantation is a good and widely known method.

Watering a flower

The frequency and amount of watering depends on the subspecies of the flower. Therefore, when purchasing a plant, it is important to learn the secrets of caring for it, since each type of flower needs individual approach. With insufficient or excessive watering, there may be an unfavorable result.

In the summer, the flower is watered up to 4 times a day. It is necessary to moisten the leaves every day with water from a spray bottle. In winter, watering is reduced and is done 1 time per week. For irrigation, water that has settled for 3 days is suitable.

Plant nutrition

In order for the flower to be healthy and blooming, regular top dressing is necessary. Proper care will strengthen the immunity of the flower and will be an additional protection against pests.

Apply for top dressing organic and mineral products. Feeding period - 1 time with a break of 2 weeks. Solutions need to be changed in turn.

In specialized stores, you can buy top dressing specifically for your flower. It is important to carefully read the instructions for use.


"Male happiness" is a beautiful, bewitching plant. The flower requires special attention and constant care. In order for a flower to please with its beauty and healthy appearance for a long time, it is important to devote a lot of time to it. For those who do not have the opportunity to carefully care for the flower, it is better not to purchase this species plants.

Many houseplants get their own names among the people. Such is the anthurium, which is popularly known as " male happiness».

Because of what, this plant was often given to men and considered a symbol of masculinity, courage, strength and freedom.

But this is not its only name: there is also a “tail flower”, “pig's tail”, “flamingo flower”, “artist's palette” - the riot of fantasy among anthurium fans is huge.

Initially, the name "male happiness" brought anthurium appearance of its flowers: a large protruding ear with a colored veil. This shape of the flower has caused a comparison with distinctive feature structure of the male body. In the photo, the most popular red variety Andre Dakota:

Anthurium leaves are outwardly very interesting: juicy green large arrow-shaped or heart-shaped matte or shiny canvases. fragrance different types flowers can be pleasant or fetid.

tall indoor plant it can reach 40 or even 70 cm. Be sure to remember that this is a poisonous flower, so you need to be careful when caring for it and protect children and pets from the effects of poison.

The birthplace of anthurium is South and Central America, and therefore at home you will have to create real tropics. Too spectacular "appearance" of the plant requires proper care, thanks to which it will delight the home with a healthy and literally flowering appearance almost all year round.

Very rare varieties are red Scherzer, white and blue anthuriums, they are in the photo below:

Red Scherzer

white variety

blue variety

7 important principles of proper care

Anthurium is a very “capricious” flower, but if desired, it is quite possible to achieve even at home the creation of compositions unsurpassed in beauty. To do this, you need to clearly know how to care for him.

1. Watering

A plant originating from the tropics is used to high humidity, but abundant watering alone is not enough.

The right solution in this case is to water the plant with settled water at room temperature every three to four days. You should first check the moisture content of the soil in the pot, and then water it, but do not allow water to accumulate in the pan or in the pot itself.

It is better to dry the soil a little than to flood it. You can use wet gravel or sphagnum moss in the pan.

2. Lighting

"Male happiness" loves light, but even here it is not so simple: the light should be diffused and soft, and the direct rays of the sun harm it. In winter, it especially needs light, but also without exposure to direct sunlight. The optimal placement of a flower pot will be windows facing east or northwest.

3. Temperature

Most tropical plants are thermophilic, and anthurium is no exception. For life, he needs a temperature of 15 to 28 degrees, and in spring and summer it is necessary to provide temperatures above 20 degrees, and in autumn and winter - about 15-17 degrees.

If in winter it is necessary for “male happiness” to bloom before the arrival of spring, you can simply provide it with a higher temperature.

The impact of wind on the plant is unacceptable. You should never place a flower pot in drafts.

4. Humidity

High humidity is another necessary condition for "male happiness". It should be above 80%.

Since the majority modern apartments they don’t have such conditions, the way out is to purchase an air humidifier, regularly spraying and wiping the leaves of the plant (the main thing is to prevent water from getting on the inflorescences), covering the trunk, roots and part of the stems with moss or using it next to flower pot containers with water.

In the latter case, the evaporation of water will benefit the plant, since here the effect is as close as possible to the humidity of tropical forests.

5. Top dressing

In the period from spring to autumn, anthurium needs to be fed every two to three weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. In this matter, you also need to keep in mind the whimsical nature of the flower: do not overdo it with fertilizers containing lime and mineral salts - plants react negatively to this.

6. Land selection

The "correct soil" for anthurium is a slightly acidic mixture with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. You can prepare it yourself by mixing humus, peat, unsifted leafy soil and sand according to the proportion 2: 1: 1: 0.5. To give the soil the necessary air and water permeability, pieces of broken brick, charcoal, or finely chopped foam can be added to it.

Another soil option for anthurium is a mixture of peat, sod land and sphagnum moss in a ratio of 2:1:1. Next, coarse sand, perlite or polystyrene is added to this mixture.

You can also use an option that is often used for growing orchids. Purchased land for flowers and chopped pine bark are taken in equal proportions. The earth will provide the stability of the plant, and the bark will create the necessary airspace. By adding moss to the mixture, you can provide optimal conditions for growing anthurium.

7. Choosing a pot

Take the size of the pot 4-6 cm larger than the previous one in diameter. If placed small plant in big pot, the soil will acidify - this is very important. Another disadvantage is the lack of flowers.

It is better to opt for wide and flat plastic pots with good drainage holes. Additionally, you can make small holes in the sides of the pot, which will provide better ventilation roots.

Transplanting and propagating a flower at home

The plant requires regular transplantation, especially immediately after purchase, and even during flowering. Otherwise, the leaves will fade and begin to turn black, and the flowers will fade. At first, it will need to be transplanted annually, and as it grows older, once every three years.

How to transplant? The algorithm is this:

  1. Carefully remove the flower from the old pot, clasping the base of the stems with your hand.
  2. Holding a flower over a basin, long wooden stick remove the soil between the roots. A sushi stick is fine.
  3. Rinse the roots under running water.
  4. You need to be very careful with the flower, since all parts of the anthurium - from the roots to the flowers - are very fragile. If the roots are suddenly damaged, they are sprinkled with activated charcoal to disinfect them.
  5. Dissolve half a tablet of Heteroauxin in a basin of 2.5 liters of water and soak the roots for 2 hours. This stimulates the growth of the root system.
  6. Lay a thin layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot as drainage. It will absorb excess water.
  7. Then lay a thin layer of soil with an acidity of pH 5.5-6.5 and water it a little so that it "sits down".
  8. Place the flower in the top center and fill the soil into the slots on the sides of the pot, gently tamping it down with your fingers.
  9. Add a 2-3 cm layer of soil above the base of the roots, otherwise the anthurium will die. Every year the plant needs to be planted deeper.
  10. After transplanting, it is good to shed the soil with water.
  11. Spray the flower with a weak solution of Epin Extra: dilute 8 drops in 1 liter of water. It's antistress.

To better understand the process, watch this video starting from the 2nd minute:

The first option for plant propagation is carried out during transplantation, when the side shoots are separated from the main base. They do this very carefully, unraveling the roots in order to minimally injure root system.

The second option is how to propagate anthurium - planting seeds. True, this is a rather complicated, long and painstaking task:

  • First you need to artificially "pollinate" the flowers - transfer the pollen with a brush or cotton swab from one flower to another.
  • About a year after the fruit-berries ripen, you need to collect them.
  • After removing the seeds from the fruit, you need to rinse them in running water.
  • to prevent the appearance of mold, it is necessary to place the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for two hours.
  • Then the seeds should be placed in a shallow container for germination, and it is better to put them not in water, but on wet foam rubber, and cover the container with glass or a bag.
  • After the seeds germinate, they should be planted in the ground and dived 3-4 times, constantly increasing the distance between individual plants.
  • When the seedling grows to 7 cm, it must be transplanted into a separate pot with prepared soil.

Common diseases and pests - how to save your pet?

Although caring for "male happiness" is incredibly difficult, diseases occur quite rarely. Numerous mistakes in care can lead to negative consequences but in general it is not a disease plant. Look at the photo of leaf disease:

Why do leaves turn yellow and dry? Lighting Problem: Your pet is either not getting enough light or has been burned by direct sunlight.
If brown spots or dots appear on the leaves, then the plant freezes.
If incomprehensible spots form on the inflorescence, it is likely that water got on them when spraying.
With rotting of the stems and the visible part of the roots, it is necessary to reduce watering: excess moisture hurts.
Why do the tips of the leaves turn black? The soil contains an excess of calcium salts, so the anthurium needs to be transplanted.
Why does anthurium not bloom? (Although in the first four years after propagation by seeds, it will not bloom.) The reason may be the wrong pot. To make it bloom, you will have to meet all the conditions.

Of the pests, the most dangerous are the scale insects, aphids. Also indoor flower"male happiness" can be attacked mealybug and spider mite. To prevent their appearance, you need to wipe the leaves and stems with water.

One of the most spectacular home flowers that you simply cannot pass by is anthurium. With unusual exotic flower many signs and beliefs are connected, according to which happiness and well-being come to the house with it.


A visitor from the tropics, originally from South America. AT late XIX century was brought to France and quickly spread throughout Europe. The appearance of the culture gave it its name, which in literal translation into Russian means “tail-shaped flower”. There are 28 species of this plant, and thanks to the work of gardeners, about 80 hybrids were bred.

Culture with rich green leaves unusual shape- heart-shaped or arrow-shaped. The flower can hardly be called beautiful - with its appearance it resembles a young ear of corn. The color of the flower can be different: white, yellow, green or pink.

The veil that surrounds the flower and serves to attract insects is the true decoration of the flower. In its shape, it resembles a heart and is painted in a rich color: from lemon, orange to almost black, although spotted bracts are sometimes found.

The aroma of a flower depends on the type of plant - it can be very pleasant or quite the opposite.

The flowering period of "male happiness" (as this flower is often called) is quite long - from March to November. With proper care, the anthurium can grow up to 0.8 meters in height, and the diameter of the bedspread can reach 0.5 m.

Did you know? It's hard to find a plant that could get large quantity names than anthurium. It is also known by such names as: "red tongue", "pig's tail", "flamingo flower", "damn tongue", "arrows of love", "passion flower", "male happiness".

Home care

The spectacular appearance of the plant requires proper care for it. To make him happy lush bloom, you must adhere to the following rules:
1. Temperature. Like any other tropical plant, Anthurium is thermophilic. Comfortable temperature for it are indicators +15...+28 °С. AT summer period temperature indicators should exceed +20 °С, and in winter - +15 °С. The culture does not tolerate drafts very well, for it the effect of the wind is detrimental.

Important! If you want to achieve flowering of anthurium in the winter, increase the air temperature.

2. Lighting. The flower loves diffused and soft lighting, without direct sunlight. Best of all, the "flower of love" will feel on the windowsills of windows that look to the east or northwest side.

3.Watering. When watering the "arrows of love" you need to use settled water at room temperature. In summer, it is watered once every four days, in winter - once every 7-10 days is enough. Despite the fact that it comes from the tropics, it does not tolerate frequent watering. Before the procedure, it is necessary to check how wet the earth is in the flower pot, whether there is water in the pan, and only after that water it. "Male happiness" tolerates the presence of overdried soil more easily than overly moistened.
4. Air humidity. For a comfortable existence of culture, it needs high humidity air from 80% and above. In apartments, such conditions are difficult to create, but you can use the following tricks:

  • regularly spray the flower with a spray bottle for indoor plants;
  • wipe the leaves with a damp cloth;
  • humidify the air with a humidifier;
  • place an open vessel with water next to the flower: the liquid will evaporate and moisten the anthurium along the way.
5. Top dressing for anthurium. With the onset of spring, the "flower of passion" must be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. Special attention pay attention to the composition of nutrient mixtures - they should not contain mineral salts and lime, the culture reacts extremely negatively to these components. Stop feeding anthurium in November.

6. Soil selection. Anthurium feels good in slightly acidic soil, with a pH of 5.5-6.5. To prepare it, you need to take 2 parts of humus, 1 part of peat, 1 part of leafy soil, ½ part of sand. In order for the soil to breathe well, you need to add pieces of foam or expanded clay, charcoal to it. You can use the following soil composition for anthurium: 2 parts of peat, 1 part of sod land and 1 part of sphagnum moss with the addition of coarse sand.

Diseases and pests

The "Passion Flower" is quite rarely exposed to diseases, most often problems arise if mistakes were made in caring for the plant.


The appearance of brown spots or dots on the sheets is either associated with a burn received from direct sunlight, or indicates that the air temperature has been lowered for quite a long time.

The appearance of yellow and brown spots, which gradually grow along the leaf, causing them to fall off, are signs of fungi and are called and. The causative agents of the disease can be insects, water for irrigation, contaminated soil.

For treatment, it is necessary to isolate the infected culture from others. Next, you need to remove the affected leaves, and so that the disease does not reappear, change the soil, treat the pot, and immerse the roots of the flower for 10 minutes in a weak solution. After transplantation, the anthurium must be treated with fungicides (,).

Important!If the anthurium is severely damaged by the actions of the fungus, it is destroyed, since everyone can become infected indoor flowers in the house.

If there are spots of unclear origin on the cover of the flower - be careful when spraying the plant, this means that water has got on it.

Darker and drying of the tips of the leaves indicates that the soil has a high calcium content - it is necessary to replace the soil mixture.

If the stem and roots rot, then excessive watering is to blame, if it is not reduced, then the plant will die.

If the anthurium has stopped throwing out flower stalks, pay attention to the pot, it may be too spacious, transplant the flower.


Pests that can be dangerous for "male happiness" are:, and. In order to prevent their appearance, the leaves and stems of the plant are wiped with warm water.

If the plant has already been hit by pests, then it is treated with soapy water (using laundry soap) or an insecticide (,).

How to seat

When the plant grows, daughter stems form around it. As a rule, the plant is planted during transplantation in order to once again don't stress him out. When transplanting, side plants are carefully separated from the main one, simultaneously unraveling the roots so as not to injure them.

If the root system of the plant is damaged, it must be treated with water with activated carbon dissolved in it for disinfection. This is followed by the same work as when transplanting a plant.

Did you know? It is believed that during flowering, anthurium refreshes the feelings of people living in the house, brings love and happiness.

How to transplant

It is necessary to transplant the "flower of passion" regularly. Usually, the spring period (preferably March) is chosen for transplantation, even if at that time the plant threw out the peduncle. In the first four years - this procedure is repeated annually, later - they look at the state of the anthurium, approximately once every three to four years.

Anthurium plant belongs to the aroid family and it is evergreen without a dedicated winter period rest. It is not difficult to take care of it, but when cultivating, remember some of its features:

  • Likes high humidity indoors;
  • Complete absence of drafts and cold air;
  • A transplant of an adult plant is required once every three years.

By fulfilling these requirements, you can be sure that Anthurium will live for many years.

How to determine by a flower that it needs a transplant

Growing this flower, over time you realize that it needs to be transplanted. But when should that moment come?

Consider the main reasons when the moment of Anthurium transplantation comes:

  1. Immediately after the flower is brought home, it is transplanted from purchased peat into soil suitable for it. Moreover, the transplant period is limited to three days, otherwise problems begin with the plant.
  2. If the flower lives in the house for more than a year, then there is a moment of transplantation into a new soil. Since young plants up to 5 years of age are transplanted annually.
  3. Annually in spring and summer it is necessary to check the presence of the root mass of the plant. If the roots are completely braided with a clod of earth, which is almost invisible, then this is the main sign in which they start transplanting a flower.
  4. They also start transplanting if the roots begin to peek out of the drainage holes that are at the bottom of the pot. In this case, an urgent transplant will help, because if it is not carried out in a couple of weeks, the root mass of the plant will begin to braid the pot from the outside. And then, during transplantation, the roots will be injured, and most likely torn off and the flower may die.
  5. A transplant is done if Anthurium looks lethargic and emaciated. In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine the root system for the presence of pests, and if they are found, measures must be taken to save the plant.
  6. The plant is transplanted when the soil begins to deplete. This is determined by the fact that on the surface of the substrate appears white coating from deposited salts and minerals found in hard water.
  7. Due to an incorrect watering regimen, the root system of the flower may begin to rot. In this case, a complete transplant of the plant is also required, with simultaneous treatment with fungicides of the appropriate action of the root system.
  8. The flower receives the care it needs, and the appearance of the leaf mass looks deplorable. This suggests that the soil is not composed or selected correctly and the flower needs a proper transplant.
  9. Mold that has appeared on the surface of the soil in the container, where the plant is cultivated, indicates that the root mass has died - it has been flooded or dried.

Important! When transplanting Anthurium for any reason that may arise in the process of growing a flower, you must carefully handle the root mass, as it is very fragile.

When to transplant

The best time to repot the plant is in the spring before the hot weather hits. You can also transplant a flower in the summer, if the temperature environment does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius and is the rainy season. In dry and hot weather, they do not transplant, because at temperatures above 30 degrees, the roots begin to absorb moisture poorly, and the flower may not endure the transplant procedure.

How to transplant after purchase

Anthurium purchased in the store requires an urgent transplant within 3-5 days. All work on transplanting a flower is carried out with gloves, since the juice of the plant is poisonous and can cause inflammation on the integumentary tissues of a person.

Transplant recommendations:

  • We remove flower stalks;
  • We take the plant out of the pot;
  • We completely remove the peat in which it was grown and transported to the place of sale;
  • The roots must be treated with Fitolavin;
  • Drainage is placed in a container intended for the flower with a layer of 1/4 of the volume of the pot, a layer of sphagnum, on which the flower is placed;
  • Then, specialized soil is poured around the roots so that the growth bud of the flower is flush with the ground.

If the room is warm and humid, then the first watering can be carried out immediately after planting. If it is cold, then with the first watering you need to wait and spend it only on the second day so that the injured roots heal.

How often to do the procedure

Young plants are transplanted annually. Anthuriums older than 5 years of age are transplanted as needed, and if this moment does not arise, then you can renew the top layer of the earth in the container in which the flower grows.

What pot should I transplant into?

The pot is selected depending on the cause of the transplant.

The material itself from which the container will be made does not play a special role. In clay pots, there is a high probability that the roots can grow into the walls, and then the transplant will take place with a large loss of the plant's root system.

Also, any pot should have drainage holes to drain excess water after each watering.

Important! Before a flower is planted in a pot, it must be disinfected by washing it with laundry soap and doused with boiling water. This is especially true for those pots that have already been in use.

What kind of soil is needed?

The soil can be purchased ready-made at any flower shop or you can make it yourself. The main thing is that the soil mixture should be slightly acidic.

Soil preparation instructions:

  1. Everything is taken in equal proportions and mixed - leaf ground, peat, coniferous soil and coarse sand.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed, large parts are removed.
  3. Prepared land requires disinfection in freezer refrigerator during the day.

For a flower, the composition of the soil is important, since it will not grow in garden soil.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting Anthurium

When transplanting, it is important to correctly and consistently perform the necessary actions:

  1. The day before transplanting, the soil in which Anthurium grows is well moistened by bottom irrigation. To do this, the pot is placed in a bowl of water, and it gradually moistens the soil in the pot. In cases where the plant is easily removed from the pot, then a moisturizing procedure is not required.
  1. A clod of earth is carefully removed from the pot, while trying not to damage the root system of the flower.

  1. The roots are completely cleaned of soil and inspected for the presence of harmful insects or rotten parts.

  1. If insects are found, then the roots are treated with Actellik, and the rotted parts of the roots are removed with scissors.

  1. The flower bush is cleared of dry and broken leaves, as well as wilted flowers.
  1. Drainage is poured into the selected container.

  1. Next, sphagnum moss and earthen mixture are poured.

  1. After that, a flower is placed in the center and its root system is straightened in different directions.

  1. If part of the roots is above the soil surface, then it is covered with moss.

After transplantation, the container with Anthurium is put in a permanent place.

How to plant?

To plant a plant, you need to apply a certain skill. A clod of earth is removed from the pot, and the earth is carefully removed from the roots. Then proceed directly to the division of the mother bush.

At the same time, the baby should have leaves and its own root system ready for rooting in a new container. Young bushes are planted in small containers and watered with warm water. Further care behind them will be like an adult plant.

Post transplant care

After transplantation, the flower must be provided important points with the help of which he will take root well in a new place.

First of all, there should be good diffused lighting without direct sunlight. For this, a window with an eastern orientation is suitable, but if in the house only the southern windows are placed, the flower is placed on the table in the back of the apartment.

The ambient temperature should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. The flower should stand in a place where there are no cold drafts. An important aspect in care is the increased humidity near the flower.

Therefore, if the apartment has an aquarium, then the place near it is perfect for the growth of Anthurium. If this is not possible, then the flower stands on expanded clay placed in a pan with water, while the pan must be of large diameter so that its diameter captures the volume of the flower.

When spraying a flower daily, one should try not to get water on the flowers, as unsightly brown spots may form on the flower bedspread.

It is necessary to feed the flower no more than 2 times a month, while the concentration of dressings should be very weak.

Note! Top dressing should be carried out only on moist soil after watering, otherwise you can burn the root system of the flower.

Learn more about transplanting from the video below:

How to water

After transplantation, watering is done moderately for 2 weeks. In this case, only warm settled water should be used. After this period, watering begins in the usual mode, that is, watering is done as soon as the soil in the pot dries out by 1/3.

Since this is a tropical plant, it is watered in the summer once every 4 days, in the winter once a week. At the same time, the water that accumulates in the pan after each watering must be drained after 20 minutes so that it does not stagnate and does not affect the quality of the root system.

Possible mistakes

Sometimes, when a plant is transplanted incorrectly, problems arise that must be solved in the near future because they can lead to death.

Transfer error Solution of the problem
When transplanting, they took too large a pot With such an error, the flower will not bloom for a long time. It is necessary to choose a smaller pot and transplant again.
With improperly selected soil, the flower will not throw out flower arrows. Transplant the flower into the appropriate soil. The soil should be light and fertile, consisting of more than just peat.
Leaves turn black after watering. Watering is done with warm and settled water, allowing the earth to dry out between waterings. If in a pot from over watering mold has formed, it must be transplanted and at the same time remove the rotting parts of the root system.

Important! If there is any doubt about the correctness of the transplant, it is necessary to study the material again so as not to bring the flower to death.


What pot is suitable for a flower?

The new container should be only 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous pot. The shape of the pot should be such that the height is greater than the width of the container.

Is it possible to cut aerial roots during transplantation?

They must be directed towards the ground and covered with sphagnum moss. In no case should they be cut off, the plant may die.

What soil is suitable for Anthurium?

Specialized soil for this plant is sold in garden centers and flower shops, if it is not on sale, then suitable soil for aroids, azaleas or orchids.

Is it possible to transplant a flowering plant?

When Anthurium, in fact, like any flower, is in the flowering stage, it is not advisable to start transplanting, as this is a huge stress for the plant. But if this needs to be done, then, having made a transplant in accordance with all the rules, Anthurium may not notice the action taken.

The transplant is done following the usual rules.

Important! After transplant flowering plant process it with "Epin".

Useful video

Learn more about anthurium transplantation from the video below:


Transplanting is a natural process for cultivating different flowers at home and Anthurium is no exception. Because first you need to get rid of purchased soil, and subsequently, over time, the soil is depleted in the tank and it must be changed to a more nutritious one. Therefore, do not be afraid of plant transplantation, you just need to carefully monitor all actions so as not to harm Anthurium.

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