Exotic plants - protea. Protea flowers: how to care? Photo

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Syn .: African rose, shy bride, honey pot.

Representatives of the Proteus genus are evergreen tall shrubs or trees with original capitate inflorescences of various colors and linear or needle-like leaves. Proteas are grown as indoor flowering pot crops, used as dried flowers in floristry.

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In medicine

Protea is a non-pharmacopoeial plant and is unknown in official world medicine. According to some sources, protea has long been used in folk medicine as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of Protea is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, allergic reactions, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood.

In crop production

Protea is a well-known and popular plant among flower growers. Protea is quite often used by florists in flower bouquets and compositions. The plant does not lose its bright color and strength of the stems, therefore it is successfully used as a dried flower in dried collages and bouquets.

Protea is grown in winter gardens, greenhouses. For indoor cultivation, the plant needs careful maintenance. Protea is a light and heat-loving plant, prefers dry air. V winter period the plant must be provided with cool conditions within 10-15 degrees. It is rarely watered in winter, moderately in summer, avoiding excessive moisture and drying out of the soil. Water must be used settled. Proteus does not need to be sprayed. For transplanting the plant is suitable for "soil for azaleas". Young proteas are transplanted annually. Propagated by seeds. A plant sprouting from a seed blooms in the 5-6th year.


Protea (Latin Protea) - type genus perennial plants family Protein (Latin Proteaceae). The genus includes 101 species. The type species of the genus Protea is Artichoke Protea (Latin Protea cynaroides).

Botanical description

Representatives of the Proteus genus are tall (up to 3 m) evergreen shrubs or tall (up to 20 m) trees with hard leathery dark green leaves. The leaves are acicular or linear, placed alternately, or spiraling to the stem. A distinctive feature of many proteas is the presence of a woody underground organ - lignotuberus, which serves as a reservoir for water.

Protea is especially attractive during flowering, large, up to 30 cm in diameter, capitate inflorescences, cluster inflorescences or ears are revealed. Corollas of various iridescent shades: scarlet, crimson, light green, lilac, etc. Even after long-term storage, dried flowers do not lose their original appearance. Proteus flowers are pollinated by beetles, birds, rodents and some other mammals. The fruit is a nutlet, winged seeds, with 2-8 cotyledons.

Artichoke or royal protea (Protea cynaroides) is the most spectacular representative of the genus, thanks to large inflorescences that reach 25-30 cm in diameter. The capitate inflorescences of the species are variegated, original because of the bracts, painted in different tones (lilac, crimson, light green). At home, this species is called the "pot of honey", because the inflorescences are filled with sweet nectar.

Protea large-headed (Protea macrocephala) is another representative of the genus, a shrub with beautiful inflorescences pollinated by the sugar bird with a long beak (Promerops cafer), as well as the sunflower.

Protea creeping (Protea repens) is an undemanding shrub plant with knotty, glaucous leaves, up to 15 cm in length. Differs in a conical elongated yellowish-cherry inflorescence up to 10 cm. Protea creeping is a national symbol of South Africa.


South Africa is considered the homeland of Proteus. Many species from the Western Cape (South Africa) have spread throughout the world in the tropics and subtropics of Australia and America. Tall trees or shrubs usually grow large groups thus protecting against strong winds... They live in areas with poor soil, monsoon climatic conditions and periodic droughts. Proteas bloom here all year round... Many species have adapted to bird pollination, bats, small climbing mammals.

In Australia and southern Africa, many species are cultivated in parks and gardens as ornamental plants, and some species are grown as "dried flowers" on special plantations and farms, then exported to European countries, mainly to Europe. Proteus can be found in botanical gardens in many countries in southern Europe.

Procurement of raw materials

Nothing is known about harvesting the plant.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition Proteus has not been studied.

Pharmacological properties

The pharmacological properties of Protea have not been studied.

Application in traditional medicine

African residents use the nectar of protea flowers to treat cough, whooping cough.

Historical reference

Heat-loving plants of Protea became known in our latitudes already in the 19th century. At that time, beautiful exotic plants began to be grown in the palaces of wealthy nobles, kings. It is known that the collection of the London merchant Georg Hibber numbered about 150 species of proteus. A little later, one of the genera of New Zealand representatives of the Proteus family was named after him.

Due to the great variety external forms the culture got its name in honor of Poseidon's son Proteus. After all, Proteus had the ability to take any guise. In 1735, Carl Linnaeus named the plant Proteus after the sea deity Proteus.

Proteus is also called a "pot of honey" because of a large number nectar in inflorescences, "African rose" because of the original colorful inflorescences.

In many tropical countries, in South Africa, India, Australia, India, on the Hawaiian Islands, protea is a favorite flower of brides. Variegated inflorescences are often used in the preparation of bouquets for the bride. Residents of these countries call Protea Blushing Bride flower, which means "shy bride".

Protea flower is the national symbol of South Africa.


1. Plant life. - M .: Education, 1981.

2. Ivchenko S. Interesting about phytogeography. - M .: Young Guard, 1985.

3. Yakimova T. The many-faced Proteaceae // In the world of plants. 2000. No. 5.

4. Schoolboy Julia. Tropical plants... Amazing flora of hot countries. - Publ .: Litres, - 2017.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say that this is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that "babies" have always been considered more fashionable, to the assortment of succulents, with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterning, degree of prickle, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties mint, and also tell you about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began to grow crocuses as early as 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses that bloom as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may differ depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest crocus varieties that bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup from early young cabbage on beef broth - hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook a delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup in this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is put into the pot at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike fall cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready-made cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The present cabbage soup is tastier than the freshly cooked one.

Blueberry is an uncommon promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, they have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, restorative properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberry berries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners he is sometimes embarrassing! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties "for yourself". The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have a lot of energy and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of room nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, Coleus today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants... They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding to suit everyone, Coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, the bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon ridge baked in Provencal herbs - "supplier" tasty pieces fish pulp for light salad with fresh leaves of wild garlic. Champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkled with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled mushrooms and are better for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill get along well in one salad, emphasizing the aroma of each other. The garlic pungency of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of the salmon and the pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree or a bush on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers are even better. Emerald needles different shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils secreted by plants not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults conifers, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Shade picnics flowering trees have long been an integral part of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year begins here on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how the tastes and addictions of people to certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an object of trade lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for over 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. NS. about 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Delight your family members and make Easter egg themed cottage cheese cookies! Your kids will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then they will eat them with the same enthusiasm with milk or tea. How to make such an original cookie for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative leafy pets among tuberous crops. And Caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of the Caladiums never justify. Care and attention will avoid any difficulty in growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or whatever. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don't want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can do it ahead of time to keep everything hot), add the gravy and lunch is ready! A real lifesaver.

Protea flowers are of exotic origin, grow in hot climates and are a symbol of the Republic of South Africa. V last years they are gaining popularity not only in European countries, but also in Russia due to their beauty, originality and the possibility of their use in the form of dried flowers.

Proteus description

Protea flowers are shrubby exotic plants family Protein, of which there are almost 400 species in the world. Their distinctive feature are hard, needle-shaped, sometimes linear leaves that surround the flower itself. Proteus reaches a height of 2 m.

In nature, they are distributed on two continents: Africa and Australia. The plant belongs to succulents, therefore, it can accumulate water in the leaves, and many species also have underground organs on the stem for water, which are necessary for plant nutrition in a dry African climate.

The flowers are large enough - the diameter is from 5 to 30 cm conical, the color is varied - shades of yellow, red, filled with sweet nectar inside.

Another common name for the protea flower is African rose, which he received for beauty, splendor and bright colors.

The history of the name of the flower

Protea is a flower, the meaning of the name of which symbolizes change in appearance, the name of the plant was given by Karl Linnaeus in honor of the many-sided ancient Greek sea god Proteus. According to an ancient legend, he could not only change his appearance, but also had the gift of a predictor, which he used to achieve his goals. In their homeland, plants are very diverse in color and type, they are found almost everywhere.

Beginning in the 19th century, proteas were grown at the palaces of kings and nobles in Europe: one of the London merchants, Hibbert, was able to assemble a collection of 150 species of protea plants. In the 21st century, such an outlandish flower has become available to all amateurs and those wishing to join the cultivation of exotic plant species.

In the European part of the territory, the most popular species is the artichoke protea (Protea cynaroides), which is the symbol of South Africa. In her homeland she was nicknamed "the pot of honey" for the sweet nectar that is widely used as a cough medicine.

Color options for flowers - white, yellow, pink, orange, lilac in various combinations.

Another popular type, telopea, is considered a symbol of one of the states in Australia.

By tradition, a protea flower is brought as a gift to confident and successful people, therefore, it is very popular in bouquets intended as a gift to business partners or bosses.

Growing Protea

Proteas are successfully grown by flower growers in Africa, the USA and Australia, they are planted everywhere in parks and plantations. Their main advantage: long term standing both fresh and in dried flowers, for this she is respected by florists and designers.

In conditions middle lane it is impossible to grow this flower in the open field, because the plant is used to living in an arid and hot climate, and it cannot stand frosts in winter. However, many experienced flower growers successfully grow them in greenhouses, where the protea flower reaches a height of up to 60 cm. How to take care of him?

  • the soil is used in the form of mixtures of pine needles with brown peat or sand with peat;
  • long-term lighting is required, but no direct sun (east or west windows);
  • temperature regime: in summer +20 ... + 25 ºС, in winter - +5 ... + 10 ºС to maintain a dormant period, which is necessary for good flowering;
  • watering is small, the soil should not be overdried and without excess moisture, the water is taken soft, slightly acidified, tap water must be passed through filters;
  • the air must be hot and dry, no spraying is needed;
  • for fertilization, you can apply in small quantities a mixture for azaleas or rhododendrons.

Reproduction and flowering

Reproduction is carried out by seeds, which are planted to a depth of double the size of the seed, moistened and covered with a film, germinated at +20 ... + 25 ºС for about 1.5 months. To accelerate growth, it can be placed in wet sand in the refrigerator for 2 months. (+7 ... + 8 ºС).

After the appearance of sprouts, the film is removed, when leaves appear, they are transplanted into separate pots. Watering should be done in moderation and with care.

Every spring, young proteas can be transplanted, preserving the old clod of earth, adults - only when necessary, once every few years. The pot is selected wide - up to 40 cm, but not high. Drainage with a thickness of up to 10 cm is laid down.It should be watered with filtered and settled tap water.

Proteus is resistant to diseases, susceptible only to late blight.

The plant begins to bloom only in the 5-6th year of life.

Popular types

The most popular among gardeners are the following types of protea flowers:

  • Artichoke, or Royal, - has large (30 cm) inflorescences, surrounded by needle-like wrappers.
  • Blackthorn is a rare species that grows in nature in a bush form, has original ability in nature to survive after a fire, its seeds inside the inflorescences remain viable and are able to germinate on bare ground.
  • Large-headed - has inflorescences and wrappers in the form of a bowl, is very popular with birds that can drink nectar from them using a long beak, these birds build nests from dry Protea leaves.
  • Creeping - has lying stems, smaller leaves and small balls of inflorescences with spines.

The use of protea in floristry

The flower looks beautiful and impressive in bright floristic compositions, adding originality and uniqueness to them. It is successfully used in the interior design of homes and offices, creating an exotic atmosphere.

The flower can be combined with greens, succulents, astilba, roses and peonies, brunia, small decorative flowers and berries.

The cut protea flower must be properly prepared for long standing:

  • remove all leaves from the stem;
  • put the plant only in clean water, you can add a special top dressing;
  • tap water cannot be used;
  • the water is changed every 2 days.

Very often, the Protea flower is used in the form of a dried flower; when dried, it practically does not lose its bright color and shape, has good durability and is perfectly combined in bouquets. To some, it resembles burdocks, to others - hedgehogs, to others - stars. The flower is popular in wedding bouquets and can be intended as a gift for a man as an alternative to the usual, a little boring floral arrangements.

Boho and rustic style in 2016 will win love even more more brides are reported to us. And protea fits perfectly into the concept of these styles. Protea carries a symbol of positive change, and the wedding is just that. Since the crisis affects budgets, quality comes to the fore. Protea is a self-sufficient flower, it can perform solo in a bridal bouquet and in the decor of guest tables. Yet 13 reasons will convince you why protea will become popular at weddings in the new season and why for autumn-winter brides it is worth paying special attention to the proteus.

1. Protea is a national symbol South Africa... Protea also grows in Australia. You can read more about the characteristics of the protea on this site, but you should know that this flower is not just revered, the name itself is given in honor of the Greek god Proteus, the son of Poseidon.

2. The catchy protea flower comes in more than 400 species and of the most varied colors, from coral to pink, from white-silver to lilac, from red to blue, even black protea is found.

3. The protea flower has long been used in bridal bouquets and wedding decoration. site published and also published. But in 2016, protea will become even more popular, because this flower looks self-sufficient even without additional flowers and green fillers.

4. Another name for protea is sugarbushes. Because the sweetest honey is often collected in the protea flower.

5. Symbolic meaning Proteus directly intersects with the wedding theme. The protea flower symbolizes the process of transformation and positive change, which implies courage and the ability to accept reality as it is without expectations.

6. The shape of the protea flower gives a flight of imagination: the shape of the crown, the needle-shaped pad, matte, as if powdered, and the bright color of the petals. The petals can also be soft (queen) and hard (king is the most common), which can be correlated with a couple of newlyweds - a bride and a groom.

7. Protea grows in Africa and Australia, but it is also grown in Hawaii and California. Therefore, protea is in season in autumn, winter and spring. Appearance proteas go very well with autumn-winter weddings, because they look impressive, soundly and expensive.

8. Protea is a long-lasting flower. You don't need to worry if it withers, because protea is extremely hardy, the arid climate has hardened this flower. But even if the protea dries up, it does it nobly. You can remove the proteas from the dried bouquet and use them as a dried flower for living room decor. Good investment of money.

9. Protea - very large flower much larger than the standard flowers used at a wedding. Sometimes the diameter of the protea reaches 30 cm. And therefore, the protea is a worthy competitor to peonies, with which all brides are so in love. Remember that peonies are available for a short time and only in the spring. Protea is available for 6 months. As well as peonies, protea can be used in a bouquet and as a single flower.

10. In the bride's bouquet, you can use several proteas at the same time, but it is enough to add one proteus to make the bouquet come alive and sparkle with new colors.

11. Protea looks exotic in the floral setting of the table and is guaranteed to surprise guests at the wedding. Guests are surprised by the beauty of flowers and the bold choice made by the newlyweds, emphasizing their individuality. But remember, protea is a rather expensive flower, so they need to be used wisely and skillfully. It is better to entrust the decor to professional florists who know how to get the greatest decorative effect even from a small amount of proteas.

12. Protea goes very well with boho, rustic styles. The shape of the bride's bouquet assumes a casual assembly, a cascading version and fashionable mess. For formal-classic weddings, it is better to choose a different flower.

13. Protea blends perfectly with wild desert flowers, succulents, scabiosa, artichokes, ornamental cabbage, thistle, David Austin roses, peonies and huge amount flowers-fillers and greens. Artificial additions to a bouquet in the form of feathers will be perfect for a boho wedding.

Below you will see options for the bride's bouquets in different styles and different color, from powdery pink to bright scarlet. Pay special attention to the blue needle protea, it is amazing and looks unique!

African rose (Protea)- amazing exotic flower from South Africa. The family has more than 400 species, large bizarre flowers reach 25 cm in diameter.

Evergreen shrubs with leathery leaves have large cone-shaped inflorescences, very diverse in different species.

The plant bears the name ancient god sea ​​waters- Protea, able, according to legend, to change its appearance.

All varieties of Protea have very beautiful, succulent leaves. Their location on the trunk, and the strong trunk itself, somewhat resemble the structure of a milkweed.

Flowers range from pale pink to vibrant crimson, including beige and silvery shades.

In their natural environment, shrubs reach a height of 2.5 m, this is very effective ornamental plant... The protea bud looks like an artichoke; one of the plant varieties is even named after it.

The most popular varieties are:

  • large-headed (Protea macrocephala);
  • artichoke (Protea cynaroides);
  • black beard (Protea lepidocarpodendron);
  • creeping (Protea repens).

Fluffy, like a felt core Large-headed protea, frame sharp red petals. The outer edging consists of smaller, smoky, scaly petals.

Bush variety Black beard decorated with flowers of a cream - sand color, with dark edging along the edges: brown, black, dark lilac, or violet.

The most common variety is Artichoke protea... It is she who can be found in modern bouquets, or on home windowsills.

Protea Creeping flaunts on the flag of the Republic of South Africa, is a symbol of this state.

Protea in flower collections and floristry

Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, located near Cape Town, has the most extensive collection of these amazing plants presented in their natural environment.

Protea can be found in the wild on the African continent, south of the Limpopo River. African rose is common in India, Australia, Hawaii. It was from these countries that the tradition came to us to decorate a wedding bouquet with these flowers.

The exotic beauty was brought to Europe in the 19th century, where it became widespread in private collections of connoisseurs of unique flora.

V Nordic countries African rose is grown in industrial scale, in closed greenhouses. Beautiful flower widely used in modern floristry.

The pineal buds can be used to create a masculine composition, delicate flowers traditionally complement the exquisite bridal bouquet.

In the homeland of his plant nectar is used for food, it is attributed healing properties ... It is quite possible, because not only insects, but also local birds like to feast on the nectar of large flowers.

Artichoke protea is gaining popularity in indoor floriculture ... You can grow it on your own window from seeds, or buy an adult plant.

Flower Shop - Protea:

Growing a flower from seed

For planting need acidified, light soil... You can use a commercially available azalea mixture, or prepare the ground yourself. Mix equal proportions of sand, peat, forest needles.

It is convenient to plant seeds in an ordinary flat container for food products... We fill in a layer of sifted earth 4 cm thick, well moisten the earth from a spray bottle with warm, settled water.

We place the seeds on the surface, then sprinkle them with an earthen mixture. We close the container lid, or cover with glass. The container should be removed to a warm place; for seeds to germinate, a temperature of 22-25 ° C is required.

Seedlings will appear in 2 months, then the greenhouse can be opened. After the appearance of the second pair of leaves, the plant is transplanted into an individual pot. It is better for him to choose a wide, not very deep pot.

To accelerate seed germination, some growers pre-cool the container with seeds for a month, at a temperature of 5-8 ° C (in the cellar, or refrigerator).

The container is filled with wet sand, the seeds are deepened by 1 cm. Then they are planted in the ground, as indicated above.

Adult plant care and transplant

In the apartment, the flower is best placed on the south window.... Do not be afraid that burns will appear on the leaves. Protea can only be harmed by a lack of sunlight.

In most regions (except for the very southern ones), additional lighting with fluorescent lamps will be needed. The brighter the light, the better the African rose will feel.

There is no need to fertilize the shrub, v natural conditions the flower grows on poor, dry soils.

Watering should not just be moderate, but rather sparse.... In summer - no more than once a week, in autumn and winter - once every 2-3 weeks.

For watering, it is better to use settled water, as for all indoor plants.

The plant is not transplanted often, there is simply no need to renew the formula. A young plant, if necessary, can be transplanted in the spring using the coma transfer method.

The plant is quite capable of withstanding a temperature drop of up to 10 ° C, so the winter chill from the window will not harm it.

With excessive watering root system dies immediately. Better once again spray than water it.

Protea is an exotic and rare plant:

A massive plant with decorative glossy leaves looks very impressive even between flowering periods.

A shrub with bright scaly buds looks elegant, and when huge flowers bloom, pubescent along the edges with thin lilac villi, is simply an indescribable spectacle.

Faded inflorescences do not lose their bright color and decorative effect... The flower dries up, but its shape and color are preserved. These are wonderful dried flowers that can be used in decorative compositions.

Protea's popularity is growing every day., you can already purchase a bush ready for flowering at a flower shop.

The original shrub in flower pot will be able to harmoniously complement the urban interior in any style, will emphasize the individuality of its owner.

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