Ancient Russia. History, myths and gods of the ancient Slavs

Reservoirs 30.09.2019

When the question is asked how much Kiev years and who founded the city of Kiev, immediately recall the legend recorded by Nestor's chronicler in the "Tale of Bygone Years".

According to legend, three brothers Cue, cheek, chorive And their sister Lybia The beauty of the Dnieper Mountains were fascinated and decided to settle here.

The elder brother cue settled on Mount, which became known as Boricheva (today it is called Strawevskaya). Choriv settled on the mountain, which became known as Khorivitsa. And the cheeks - on the mountain, which was called the schchekavitsa. Subsequently, they built the city and called him in honor of the older brother - Kiev.

This beautiful legend knows every resident of Kiev. The names of the brothers passed through time and preserved in the form of territorial sites of the city. There is Mount Kiyanitsa, Mount Schchekavitsa, Horiv Street, River Lybad. In antiquity, the Lybeda River was a full-flowed river, and was a kind of protection in the southern and south-western turn of Kiev. Today, unfortunately, from the full-flowed river Lybeda turned into a strongly contaminated stream.

In honor of the legendary cius, cheek, choriv and their sisters Lybede in Kiev installed two sculptural compositions, which became visiting cards of the city.

On the Dnieper embankment on the waves of the Dnieper floats a big rook. It costs the founders of Kiev - three brothers Cue, cheeks, chorive and sister Lybad.

This monument was one of the symbols of the capital. On the wedding day, they seek to come newlyweds here. A wedding tradition appeared to throw a festive bouquet in the root. They say if the bouquet is in the boat, then life will be jointly happy.

On Independence Square also established the composition dedicated to the founders of the city. Three brothers are standing on the hillside among the water. They are symbolically displayed in different roles - defender, agriculture and hunter. At the top of the hillock stands, as if in the sky, the libery fell.

Fragment "Tale of Bygone Years" Translated by DS Likhacheva

"Bot Tale of the past years, from where the Russian land comes from, KTO B Kiev became the first to pronomize and kak arose Russian land

... Polyan lived in those times separately and managed by their kinds; For and before that brethren (which was later speech), they were already glade, and they all lived with their birth in their places, and each was managed independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kii, the other - the cheeks and the third - Chorive, and their sister - Lybad. Come on Mount, where now the rise of Borichev, and the cheek sat on the mountain, which is now called Shchechavitsa, and Horiv on the third mountain, which was named after his chorievice. And they built a city in honor of the older brother, and called him Kiev. Was around the city of Forest and Bor great, and caught beasts there, and there were those who were wise and silent, and they were called Polyans, from them Polyan and Donyn in Kiev ... "

Cue, cheeks, chorive and libid

Ki in East Slavic mythology hero, orpoint, the heroes of the Polyan tribe. Cue - male symbol of fertilization; It can be assumed that outstanding persons were given to this name, which respected the people, the elders of the genus, princes. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" there is a legend that Kyi, among the junior brothers, Choriv, \u200b\u200bfounded Grad Kiev. Each brothers built a settlement on one of the three Kiev hills. A similar legend is known from Armenian sources, where the first time is called Kuhar.

"... Polyan lived in those times separately and managed their own kinds ... And there were three brothers: one in the name of cue, the other - the cheeks and the third - Chorive, and their sister was a lady. Come on Mount, where the descent (narrow) of Borichev, and the cheek was sitting on the mountain, which now called the cheekbank, and Horive - on the third mountain, Koya nicked in him Horivice. And they built a settlement in honor of the older brother, and called him Kiev. Was around the city of the forest and Bor big, and they caught the beast there, and there were those men wise and intelligent, and they called Polyan, from them Poland and Dynam in Kiev.

Some, not knowing, they say that Kii was carrier: Was, then near Kiev was transported from that side of the Dnieper, therefore they said: "For transport, to Kiev." If there were cue carrier, I would not go to Tsargrad: and meanwhile Knya-lived in his kind, and he walked to the king, and the big honors provided him, they say, the king he came to him. When he returned, he came to the Danube, and he chose a place, and laid a little city, and wanted to sit in him with his family, but did not give him those that lived near; So and the Donna call the city's inhabitants, the Kyiv. Kiy, returning to his city, here and died; And the brothers of his cheeks and choriv and sister their Lybid here died ... " ("Tale of Bygone Years").

Perhaps the name of Kiy meant the Divine Blacksmith, the jurler's associate in the fight against Zmeim (maybe the Perun-Ruvernitsa himself). Ukrainian traditions associate the origin of the Dnieper-RA with God's Kuznets: he defeated Zmia, who collected tribute, he was in a plow and plowed the earth. This appeared Dnipro, Dnipro thresholds and trees along the Dnieper (Zmiev trees).

The legends are known that the cheeks with a part of the Polyansky tribe separated, went to the east, donkey there and became the twin-bar of Chekhov (cheeks - Czech); And Horive did the same thing and the Croats went from him.

Lybid in East Slavic mythology - sister of three brothers, tribal tribes, cius, cheek and choriv. Ancient Russian tradition about the origin of the Polyan in the "Tale of Bygone Years" is akin to the mythological plot, in which three brothers and sister take part; as well as a fabulous plot: in a Russian fairy tale, the white swan is a white swan has live water and molding apples, followed by the brothers. The name could occur from the original "Lybid" under the influence of mythical reincarnation of the hero of the bird. Perhaps "Lybid" is associated with mountainous terrain, mountains over Dnipro. Slavyanskoye "LIB" - Top. In Kiev over the river Lybid there is a Deviet-Mountain.

The monument to the founders of Kiev - Kiu, cheek, Choriv and her sister, was established in 1982 in honor of the 1500th anniversary of Kiev in the National Park (until 1993 - Park named after V.M. Primakov) not far from the Paton Bridge. The official name of the monument is "soaring Lybay", although it is most often called the "monument to the founders of Kiev" or simply "Ladya".

The sculptural composition is a root flying on the waves, on the stern of which with a bow, arrows and spears there are three brothers - cue, cheeks and choriv, \u200b\u200band on the nose of the rook, spreading hands like wings, a slim female figure rises - sister Lybad. Clothes fluttering in the wind, she seems to pour like a bird. The monument is surrounded by a pool with a fountain.

The legend says that the princes of Kiye, the cheeks, Chorive and sister, were founded on the right bank of the Dnieper city and ordered him in honor of the older brother Kiev. As Nestor's chronicler wrote in the "Tale of Bygone Years": "And there were three brothers: one, by name Kiya, and the other - the cheek, and the third - Chorive, and the sister of their libery. Come on Mount, where now the descent of Borichev, and the cheek sat on the mountain, which is now called the cheeking, and Horive - on the third mountain, which is nicknamed by Horiwesse. And they built a city in the name of his older brother and called him Kiev. "

The author of the Monument - Sculptor Vasily Borodaya is the author of many famous monuments. Such as, on the Boulevard Shevchenko and in the Mariinsky Park.
In February 2010, the monument "Farming Lybia" collapsed - the back of the rook with two brothers cheek and chorive. But for the day of the city in the same 2010, the monument was renovated. It was rumored that the destruction of the monument became a fatal blow to the health of an elderly sculptor. After looking for the well-being of Vasily Zakharovich, the natively few days did not tell him about it. By tragic coincidence, the sculptor died on April 19, 2010.

Nododnik Park is one of the most popular places for wedding walks and photo shoots. Newlyweds even have a tradition related to the monument to the rook. Couple, standing back to the monument, should throw a bouquet of flowers right in the root. Then, according to accept, their family life will be long and happy.

Interestingly, in Kiev there is. A reduced copy of the monument is located on the territory of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture on the Ascension Descent.
Next to the monument, the founders of Kiev in August 2010 appeared another sculpture that loved the newlyweds. It - . On it, the brides with grooms are tapered by ribbons and make desires.

The message of the chronicles about the three brothers - the founders of Kiev is unconditionally based only on the folk legend. The chronicler does not even try to date the time of their life - it is lost in the darkness of time.

The more interesting is that this message receives a well-known confirmation and even dating in a foreign source. It was, the Armenian historian of the VII century Zenob Iron tells about the foundation of Quara (Kiev, called in ancientity by Foreigners by Kouaba) in the midnight country (Polyana) by the pair, Menthem and Kheron.

Although the names are strongly changed, but the similarity is still so noticeable that it is not necessary to talk about a random coincidence. Obviously, a legend about the foundation of Kiev by some way a long time ago came to the Caucasus and got into the local chronicle.

It is remarkable that this legend is recorded in Armenia already in the VII century, whereas in the Russian chronicle it is mentioned only at the beginning of the XI century. The term of 400 years is very venerable. But when this legend for the first time Caught in the Caucasus? It is not excluded that the three Kiev brothers should be attributed to even the VII century even more deeper.

In any case, this indication gives some hopes for the possibility of finding and other information relating to the ancient Russian history in such little-known sources as Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew, Arab, and especially Greek sources. In essence, it is time to start "excavations" and on such sources, excavations instructive and systematic.

Since there is nothing more known about the three brothers, we will focus on the philological side of the question that can still shed at least weak extra light. First of all, all three names are definitely Slavic.

"Kiy" still lives full life in Ukrainian, meaning a long, thin, straight pole; This word survived and in Russian, but only in one highly specialized meaning - "billiard cue". Of course, the ancient Russian pronunciation was "Cry." This name, like everything in the old days, was, in essence, nickname, nickname.

The name "cheek" is not amenable to so clear decoding; It is possible that there is some connection with the "cheek", "tickness", etc. Slavic specificity of this word is not subject to any doubt. For Armenian, this word probably was so difficult that there was a completely different word (it is possible that the word "mentia" is only translation Slavic meaning of the word "cheek").

Wuyobche, have to be surprised that even the most easily reduced Russian words in the lips of foreigners are subject to significant alteration. It seems that it is easier and sound: "Yaroslav", and meanwhile, the Scandinavian sagas made from it "Erislayif" 'a.

i mean that the meaning of the word is not accuracy. The root of the word "chorny" (ferret) (remember the "chorine and Kalinich"), the face, the former son or a descendant of the Korea, was "chore", or, according to the Old Russian phonetics, more reheaned so far in the Ukrainian language, Horiv - t. E . Horif Son. In this case, the third brother had no nickname, but a name based on belonging to this family.

Thus, if something, the cheeks and Chorive were brothers, then the name of their father was also reflected in the name of the third brother, that is, the most ancient Kievanian and the Slavs of Kievan Rus was a kind of "choring".

It is possible that the names of the brothers are only preserved in folk memory chain Persons who played an important role in Kiev and brothers turned into brothers are already much later. However, the fact that the Armenian chronicle has already dealt with three brothers, makes it thinks that the three people mentioned were still truly brothers.

Here it is not necessary to mention that the modern Ukrainian form "Horing" will be "Thor"; Which of them is "cleaner" and ancient, it is difficult to say, this difference, however, when deciphering different names should not be overlooked.

Archaeological data show that in Kiev until the end of the X century existed three The most ancient settlements, which then merged. It is possible that each of them was the name of the founder's brother. And so far in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Kiev, we have a mountain of Shchechevitz, a choral street, etc. These three settlements, sprinkling together, united under the same name Kiev - obviously, the name of a larger settlement.

The coincidence of three settlements with three brothers, the deritment of their names is to the old Kiev, the Evalence of the Chronicles - all this makes it look at the legend with great attention, because there is a historical reality.

It is also not devoid of a deaf indication of the chronicle of the journey of Kyia to Tsargrad, about the honorable chronicler provided him (an interesting chronicler is also interesting, which the king took Kyya - he is unknown to him, "there are no such remarks in the legends). Obviously, Kyya's trip was not a private trip, and the representative of the representative is from here and honorable, he rendered.

It is not devoted to the remark of the chronicle that he wanted to settle on the Danube, but unsuccessfully: the locals did not allow him, but they say, the place of "Kyiv" people knew. In this indication, the strange coincidence of Kyya's desires and Lights is noted - is it not the opposite communication of the Kiev Slavs with the Danube?

Prince Kiye is the legendary founder of the city of Kiev, which in a few centuries will become the center of the ancient Russian state. As for the reality of this person, there are many disputes: some historians consider his activity absolutely legendary, others claim that legends may have the foundation of real events. So who was the prince of cue? Biography, various versions of his life, as well as their interpretations will be the subject of our discussion.

Certificate of "Tale of Bygone Years"

The first source, which should be mentioned in search of truth, who was the founder of Kiev Prince Kiye, is the chronicle of the Tale of Bygone Years.

According to chronicle data, brothers Kii, cheeks and choriv, \u200b\u200bas well as their sister, the wonderful Lybia belonged to the Polyan tribe. The cheek lived on a mountain, which in the future was named the tank, and Chorive - on the hill, called the chorievich. In honor of Lybeda, the river flowing into the Dnieper was named. Three brothers and sisters founded the city to which the name of Kiev was given by the name of the older of them.

At the same time, the chronicler leads another version of the founding of the city, according to which Kiye is not a prince at all, but a simple carrier through the Dnieper. Therefore, this area began to be called "Surning Kiev". In the future, this name has been fixed in the city based in these places. But the chronicler himself refutes this version, saying that Kiy visited Tsargrad (the capital of Byzantium Constantinople) and was adopted by the emperor, and the simple carrier would not be able to do this, so it is definitely a prince.

Next, the chronicles say that, returning back, Prince Kiy founded the Danube of a small town in which he decided to settle. But the locals were unbelievable by the aliens, and therefore those were forced to return to the shores of the native Dnieper, in Kiev. But nevertheless, the town has remained on the Danube, which is the name of Kyiv. Ki, like his brothers and sister, died in the city founded by him.

It is this legend of Prince Kieya is the most authoritative.

Version of the Novgorod Chronicles

Novgorod chronicle is a peculiar continuation of the "Tale of Bygone Years". Nevertheless, it definitely states that they are no prince, namely the carrier. It also tells about the fact that he was a catcher of animals.

This chronicle also binds the activities of Kiya to a specific time - 854. But most historians believe that if he existed, he lived much earlier. After all, it turns out that in just 28 years old Kiev seized the ruler of Novgorod Kii should have established Kiev not later than the VIII century. So, in any case, he considered the famous Soviet historian

Polish Chronicle Yana Dlugosha

Cyus is mentioned not only in domestic chronicles, but also in the sources of other countries. For example, the mention of it is available in the Polish chronicle of the XV century Yana Dulgosha. However, Dlugosh, mentioning about Kie, was relying primarily on all the same Russian chronicles, which we talked above, so that his message is secondary.

So how is it presented in this chronicle? The prince is mentioned only by the connection with the fact that he is named by the Dynasty's attorney, which rules in Kiev right up to the Askold and Dira brothers. But the "Tale of Bygone Years" considers the last not descendants of Kiya, but Varyagami. Moreover, the Arabic chronicles and some modern historians are generally doubted that they could rule at one time, considering them either by the father and son, or are generally unrelated to each other.

Armenian interpretation

There is also a legend in Armenia, which does not simply turn into a message from the "Tale of Bygone Years", but even operates identical names. She reached us through the "Taron story" Zenoba Head (approximately the VI-VIII century). The legend speaks about two brothers who were forced to escape from their native places in Armenia. The local king first pledged them and gave them the lands, but after 15 years he killed, and the property betrayed their sons - Quara, Melt and Chariana. Each of the brothers founded the city and called him his own name. Between settlements, they founded the pagan temple.

In the names of the Kuire brothers and chorean, Kii and Chorive are easily guessed. The name of the city of Quaara is identical to Kiev. But how to be with a melt? The fact is that this name is translated from Armenian as "snakes". The same translation from the Old Slavic has the name of the cheek.

But how are Armenian and Slavic legends related to each other? There is a version that they are united by ancient general economic legend. It also suggests that both people adopted it from Scythians.

Data archeology

How is this information complain of legends with real material data mined as a result of archaeological excavations? After all, only the legend confirmed by archaeology may claim historicity.

However, there are archaeological finds indicating the presence of settlement on the site of modern Kiev at the end of the V century N. e. Therefore, in 1982, it was conventionally officially celebrated 1500 years since the founding of Kiev. At the time of bookmarking the settlement, it was located on the borders at the same time three of the Koloca, Penkovskaya and Prague-Korchak. All three cultural groups most scientists belong to Slavic tribes. Even earlier, from the II in the V century, the Kiev culture was located at the site of the future capital of Ukraine. Her immediate follower is the above-mentioned Kolochkin culture, and the predecessor - Zarubinetskaya.

But the archaeologists found only the remnants of the usual Slavic settlement of the V century. I didn't go about any full-fledged city with a permanent population. Only from the VIII century can be said with confidence that a full-fledged city has emerged at the site of Kiev, with fortifications and a city style of life, naturally, with an adjustment on the era. At this time, from VIII to the X century, Volyntsevsky culture and Luke-Ryakovetskaya intersect in this place. Volyntsevsky culture is usually associated with the Slavic tribes of the northerners who had a center in Chernigov. Luke-Ryakovetskaya culture was the successor of the Korchak culture, and possibly related to the tribes of the pollasts, who actually founded Kiev, according to the theory adopted by the majority of historians. It should be noted that representatives of Volyntsevsky culture pushed their neighbors to the West.

In 1908, the famous archaeologist Runzka V. V. In Starcheevskaya Mount, a complex was discovered, which he himself interpreted as the pagan altar of Prince Kiya. Approximately this find is dated to the VIII-X centuries. However, later the conclusions of the rouse about the purpose of this structure with some specialists were questioned.

Searches for truth in Byzantine sources

As mentioned above, in the "Tale of Bygone Years", in Constantinople there was a cue. The prince was adopted by the Byzantine emperor. Therefore, if this is not a fiction of the chronicler or just a legend, this fact could serve as a good hook to find out who was Cue and what time he lived.

Some medieval historians tried to even associate this event with the report of the Byzantine Nikifora Grigora, who lived in the XIII-XIV centuries. According to him, during the rule of the Roman emperor Konstantin Great in the IV century, the rulers of different countries came to Constantinople. Among them were also called the "Master of Russia". It should be noted that this message in the Middle Ages was perceived quite seriously. In one of the chronicles of the XVIII century, relying on this Byzantine certificate, the year of the founding of Kiev was indicated - 334 from the Nativity of Christ.

But with a more thorough approach, the testimony of Nikifora Grigora does not withstand any criticism. During the reign of Konstantin the Great, no Russia could still be, and the Slavs were fragmented tribes, not combined even in the similarity of states. For the first time, the term "Rus" appeared only in the 9th century, that is, after five hundred years. In addition, this event was no longer mentioned anywhere, and Nikifor Grigor himself lived for 1000 years later the events described. Most likely to emphasize the greatness of Konstantin Great, he composed this message about the embassy, \u200b\u200binserting there the name of modern Nikifor states.

An attempt is more realistic to associate the reign of the founder of Kiev with the time of Justinian I. It was then that the person who could be compared to Kiy. Prince traveled to the Tsargrad. Perhaps it was a military campaign, which often performed the Slavs from the Antiet Union. One of them, Hilbudium, was even prescribed by the emperor ruler of the province of Frace. Some modern scientists are trying to compare Hilbudia and Kiya. Literally in the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is indicated that Ki's "Great Honor received from the king." The word "honor" for the ancient Slavs also meant the transition to the service. So Kii could well serve as a federal or even take a post in the Byzantine army, as Hilbudium did. In addition, the name of Hilbudia's father is indicated in Byzantine sources - Samvatas. The same was one of the names of Kiev.

Historical Hilbudium was killed in 533 in a battle with one of the Slavic tribes.

Another of the versions compares China with the leader Bulgarian by Kuber, who lived in the first half of the VII century.

Khazar version

There is also a hypothesis, in which Kiye - Prince of Kiev - had a Khazar or Magyar origin. This version first put forward the famous historian Vernadsky G. V. He believed that Kiev was founded relatively late, not earlier than 830. It happened when the borders of the Khazar Power advance to the Dnieper. According to this version, the cheeks and chorive were either Khazari or the leaders of Magyar tribes in the service of Khazar.

The name "Ki" Vernadsky removed from the Turkic word, which meant the bank of the river. In addition, the Byzantine emperor calls Kiev Samvatas, and, according to linguists, this toponym has a Khazar origin.

Board time

So when did Ci-Prince lived? The years of reign in accuracy will not call no one. Even an eyelid in which he ruled, if existed in reality, it is very difficult to call. But you can outline some time frames.

According to various evidence and interpretations, cue lived in a segment with IV in the IX century. However, if you leake the most extreme and unlikely, as, for example, the testimony of Nikifora Grigor, we will get the time interval with the VI to the VIII century.

Conclusions of scientists

Most of the modern scientists consider the identity of KIA absolutely legendary. It is defined by his name as an eponym. That is, the legend about Kie, according to academic science, was invented in order to give an explanation to the name of the city, whose origin forgot.

But still do not want to believe in such a boring and banal explanation, because the legend is much more interesting.

Cue in modern culture

Currently, cue is considered the patron saint of the capital of Ukraine. Kyu, cheek, Choriv and Lybia was installed in 1982, in honor of the celebration of the 1500th anniversary of the foundation of the city.

In 1980, the book "Prince Kiy" was written. She belongs to Peru Vladimir Malika.

Ki: History and Legend

In the narrative of Prince Kie, it is very difficult to separate the real story from the legend. Moreover, most historians believe that this ruler never existed.

Nevertheless, the foundation of the city of Kiev will forever remain connected in the representation of many people Kiye - the prince whose name entered the legend.

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