Proteus flower - African rose. Protea (flower) growing at home

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The protea flower belongs to a huge the Proteus family, which has more than 1400 species growing in the tropics and subtropics.

In its homeland, in South Africa, the protea is considered one of the most beautiful and beloved plants. It is no coincidence that one of its magnificent species, the royal protea, was chosen as the symbol of South Africa.

Flower meaning The name of this unusual plant was given by Carl Linnaeus. Fascinated by the variety of its shapes and colors, he named it "protea". The flower, the meaning of the name of which the Swedish naturalist associated with the name of the ancient Greek sea god Proteus, who took on different forms and appeared either in the form of outlandish birds and animals, or in the form of water and fire, is striking in its beauty.

Indeed, even in one copy of this plant, you can find leaves that are different in color and configuration. Therefore, these exotic representatives of the flora, thanks to their yellow, pink, purple leaves, shaped like fancy bowls and starfish and hedgehogs, were associated by Linnaeus with the son of Poseidon.

Protea Features Since natural natural conditions, in which the protea flower lives, are quite severe - the monsoon climate, depleted soil and frequent droughts - this was also reflected in appearance plants. All Proteaceae, both small trees and shrubs, have leathery or needle-like leaves. They tend to form fairly large groups. Thus they are protected from strong wind, and the shadow makes it possible for the soil not to overheat, retaining moisture, because it is worth its weight in gold here. That is why many species have special stem underground organs that can accumulate and contain moisture.

The main features of the protea are exotic, chic flowers, distinguished by the brightness of their colors, some of which are up to 30 cm in diameter. However, there are some species that truly amaze with their exotic beauty.

Protea artichoke deservedly considered the most spectacular instance. Thanks to its very large inflorescences, dressed in bright wrappers of leaves, the locals call it the “king protea”, and since the flowers are filled with sweet nectar, another name has stuck to it - “honey pot”.

Protea large-headed differs in that the wrappers of its leaves form inflorescences similar to large bowls. Moreover, it is surprising that this type of protea is pollinated by the so-called sugar bird, which regales itself on the nectar of a flower.

Protea "Blackbeard" It has a very rare color, which is reflected in its name. The inflorescences of a white-pink shade are framed by a black-purple edge, which looks like a real "beard".

cultivation In South Africa and Australia, proteas are successfully grown in gardens and decorate parks with them. But the climate of the Northern Hemisphere is not suitable for growing proteas in open field. They can be found here only in greenhouses and botanical gardens. Nevertheless, now even here lovers of exotic plants are engaged in these flowers.

It is difficult to grow proteas at home, as they must be provided comfortable conditions, namely: the abundance sunlight; light on cloudy days; well-ventilated area; air temperature in summer is not lower than + 25º C (+ 5º C is allowed in winter).

Protea flower propagates by seeds, and stratification is recommended for good germination: flowers are placed in wet sand and kept in the refrigerator for several weeks. Before sowing, the seeds are placed in warm water for a day.

Ready-made soil is suitable for planting, which is used for azaleas. If you add sand and perlite to it, then this will only benefit the protea.

Pots should be chosen wide and not very deep. It is desirable to place expanded clay at the bottom, and pour soil on top. The depth of planting seeds should be 2 times their size. Planted seeds are watered with boiled water and covered with polyethylene film or glass. Shelter must be periodically removed for ventilation.

Care After about 5-7 weeks, the seeds will germinate, and when two small leaves appear, the shelter is removed and the pot is placed in a place where there is a lot of sunlight. Now that you've sprouted a protea flower, how do you care for it?

The main thing is not to overmoisten it, as this can lead to the death of immature seedlings. Water should be used only settled and slightly acidified. Protea does not need fertilizers. Now, having provided the flower with light and ventilation of the room, we must wait until it grows up, and this happens rather slowly.

Growing a protea flower is a long and laborious process. But those who show enough patience will eventually give beautiful flowers this exotic african rose.

Protea flower, grown from seeds at home, will begin to bloom in 5-6 years.

Protea in wedding decor

X Although the protea is a flower of hot countries, it can be used at any time of the year. It suits for fabulous, fantasy, exotic , historical, gothic weddings, as well as for stylish, trendy décor as protea's popularity is gaining momentum with each new wedding season. You can decorate any area of ​​​​a wedding celebration with proteas! Attached to the chairs, to the wedding arch, placed in the welcome zone, protea flowers are sure to attract the attention of guests and help create a spectacular decor. If you remove the central part from the buds, you will get creative live candlesticks, and

Often found in modern bouquets exotic flower with an unfamiliar protea name. For Russia, Europe, North America protea is an exotic flower.

Proteus (Protea L.) grows naturally in South Africa, it is evergreen shrub with leathery leaves up to 3 meters high.

The name of this plant was given in 1735 by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in honor of the character of ancient Greek mythology Proteus, who was famous for being able to change his appearance. The fact is that protea has a wide variety external forms.

The habitat of proteas is located in South Africa, south of the Limpopo River. More than 90% of all proteas grow in the Cape region, this is a unique ecosystem in southern Africa, one of the floristic kingdoms of the earth, is specially protected natural area, object world heritage UNESCO.

Flower of royal protea or artichoke protea ( Protea cynaroides L.) is the symbol of South Africa.

In many countries with a tropical climate - in South Africa, India, Australia and the Hawaiian Islands (USA), protea is the favorite flower of brides. It is often used to make bridal bouquets. Protea in these countries is called Blushing Bride flower(Shy bride).

In the second half of the 20th century, protea flowers were so popular in South Africa that the plant was threatened with extinction in the wild. Now the protea is grown in sufficient quantities in nurseries and farms South Africa.

Protea royal or artichoke protea ( Protea cynaroides L.) has large flowers with a diameter of 12 to 30 cm. One plant usually has 6 to 10 flowers per season. Although some large bushes can produce up to 40 flower heads per season.

In the photo on the right is a royal protea bush.
Photo: Skier Dude.

The color of the flowers of the royal protea varies from creamy white to dark crimson. The most valuable are proteas with delicate pale pink flowers with a silvery sheen.

Protea royal.

Photo: Fir0002/Flagstaffotos, Stan Shebs, Winfried Bruenken.

The Cape sugar honey plant feeds on nectar from the bowl of the royal protea flower.

Protea - an exotic flower from Africa

Protea is another unusual discovery, for which the brave seekers of innovations and curiosities in the field of floristry are to be thanked. This exotic flower, which is native to South Africa, is not yet a frequent visitor to our country. However, florists have already noticed it and are using it more and more actively and boldly in their compositions.

Different types of the same flower

Of all the species of this plant, the artichoke protea has become the most famous. It is the national symbol of the Republic of South Africa. In addition, her big flower with a large inflorescence, reaching 30 cm in diameter, and bright pink petals, it can also be seen at festivals in Europe and the USA.

However, there are about 400 other types of protea in the world. Some of them look like bright sea urchins, others look like outlandish fruits, others look like unusual stars. Whichever one you choose, be sure that this flower will surely surprise and impress your loved ones.

By the way, even flowers of the same species differ in appearance, shape and size of the inflorescence. So we can say with confidence: just as there are no two identical snowflakes, you will not find two absolutely similar proteas.

Protea or a pot of honey?

To emphasize all the variety of shapes and colors of this flower, the famous classifier Carl Linnaeus named it as part of the ancient Greek sea god Proteus, who had the ability to change his appearance. According to myths, he came to decent people in the form of water, and insidious was a terrible monster.

At home, the flower is called "honey pot". And this is no accident. African honey birds pollinate it, so you can always find sweet nectar in the inflorescence. By the way, it is not only tasty, but also useful. It has long been used by Africans to treat coughs.

Growing protea? Challenge accepted!

Growing a protea at home is not an easy task. Not everyone can tame it exotic plant. It is accustomed to the arid climate of its homeland, so it does not tolerate our winters well. Just keep it for sunny side, and on cloudy and cold days - illuminate with a lamp. Protea is adapted to retain moisture in its stem for a long time, so it should not be watered often.

Protea: flower and dried flower

The one who manages to grow this African beauty at home will receive a worthy reward - he will be able to enjoy her flowering for a very long time. Even a cut protea will last up to three weeks, of course, if it is kept in warm temperature. Moreover, it will be perfectly preserved after drying. This flower is ideal for creating and collage paintings.

Protea in wedding floristry

Protea in flower arrangements

This big one bright flower looks solemn and pompous, so you just have to add it with greenery - and you get a full-fledged bouquet.

It also fits perfectly into various. However, protea will be the undoubted leader in them, and other flowers, whether it be a delicate hydrangea, a lush peony, or even her majesty a rose, will only complement it.

Agree, it is difficult to compete with protea for public attention.

Syn.: African rose, shy bride, honey pot.

Representatives of the genus Proteus are evergreen tall shrubs or trees with original capitate inflorescences of various colors and linear or needle-shaped leaves. Proteas are grown as indoor flowering potted crops, used as dried flowers in floristry.

Ask the experts

In medicine

Protea is a non-pharmacopoeial plant and is unknown in official world medicine. According to some sources, protea has long been used in traditional medicine as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of protea is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, allergic reactions, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood.

In crop production

Protea is a well-known and popular plant among flower growers. Protea is quite often used by florists in flower bouquets and compositions. The plant does not lose its bright color and stem strength, therefore it is successfully used as a dried flower in dried collages and bouquets.

Protea is grown in winter gardens, greenhouses. For indoor cultivation, the plant needs careful care. Protea is a light and heat-loving plant, prefers dry air. AT winter period the plant needs to provide cool conditions within 10-15 degrees. Water rarely in winter, moderately in summer, avoiding excessive moisture and drying of the soil. Water must be used settled. Protea does not need spraying. For transplanting, the plant is suitable for "soil for azaleas." Young proteas are transplanted annually. Propagated by seeds. A plant sprouted from a seed blooms in the 5-6th year.


Protea (lat. Protea) - type genus perennials Proteaceae family (lat. Proteaceae). The genus includes 101 species. The type species of the genus Protea is Artichoke Protea (lat. Protea cynaroides).

Botanical description

Representatives of the Proteus genus are tall (up to 3 m) evergreen shrubs or tall (up to 20 m) trees with hard leathery dark green leaves. The leaves are needle-shaped or linear, placed alternately or spirally towards the stem. Distinctive feature many Proteus is the presence of a woody underground organ - lignotuberus, which serves as a reservoir for water.

Protea is especially attractive during flowering, large, up to 30 cm in diameter, capitate inflorescences, brush inflorescences or spikes open. Corollas of various iridescent shades: scarlet, raspberry, light green, lilac, etc. Even after long-term storage, dried flowers do not lose their original appearance. Proteus flowers are pollinated by beetles, birds, rodents and some other mammals. The fruit is a nutlet, the seeds are winged, with 2-8 cotyledons.

Protea artichoke or royal (Protea cynaroides) is the most spectacular representative of the genus, thanks to large inflorescences that reach 25-30 cm in diameter. The capitate inflorescences of the species are variegated, original because of the bracts, painted in different colors (lilac, raspberry, light green). At home, this species is called the "honey pot", because the inflorescences are filled with sweet nectar.

Large-headed Protea (Protea macrocephala) is another representative of the genus, a shrub with beautiful inflorescences, which are pollinated by a sugar bird with a long beak (Promerops cafer), as well as a nectary.

Creeping Protea (Protea repens) is an undemanding shrub plant with knotty, gray leaves, up to 15 cm in length. It is distinguished by a cone-shaped elongated yellowish-cherry inflorescence up to 10 cm. Creeping Protea is the national symbol of South Africa.


Proteas are native to South Africa. Many species from the Western Cape (South Africa) have spread throughout the world in the tropics and subtropics of Australia and America. Tall trees or shrubs usually grow large groups, thus protecting against strong winds. They live in areas with poor soil, monsoon climatic conditions and occasional droughts. Proteas bloom here all year round. Many species have adapted to pollination by birds, bats, small climbing mammals.

In Australia and southern Africa, many species are cultivated in parks and gardens as ornamental plants, and some species are grown as "dried flowers" on special plantations and farms, then exported to European countries, mainly to Europe. You can find proteas in the botanical gardens of many countries in southern Europe.

Procurement of raw materials

Nothing is known about the harvesting of the plant.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition proteins have not been studied.

Pharmacological properties

The pharmacological properties of the protein have not been studied.

Application in traditional medicine

African residents use the nectar of protea flowers to treat coughs and whooping cough.

History reference

Heat-loving protea plants became known in our latitudes already in the 19th century. At that time, beautiful exotics began to grow in the palaces of rich nobles, kings. It is known that the collection of the London merchant George Hibber included about 150 species of Proteus. A little later, one of the genera of the New Zealand representatives of the Proteus family was named after him.

Due to the wide variety of external forms, the culture got its name in honor of the son of Poseidon Proteus. After all, Proteus had the ability to take on any guise. In 1735, Carl Linnaeus named the plant Proteus in honor of the sea deity Proteus.

Protea is also called the "pot of honey" because of a large number nectar in inflorescences, "African rose" because of the original colorful inflorescences.

In many tropical countries, in South Africa, India, Australia, India, the Hawaiian Islands, protea is the favorite flower of brides. Variegated inflorescences are often used in bridal bouquets. The inhabitants of these countries call the protea Blushing Bride flower, which means "shy bride."

The protea flower is the national symbol of South Africa.


1. Plant life. – M.: Enlightenment, 1981.

2. Ivchenko S. Interesting about phytogeography. - M .: Young Guard, 1985.

3. Yakimova T. Many-sided Proteus // In the world of plants. 2000. No. 5.

4. Schoolboy Julia. tropical plants. Amazing flora of hot countries. - Publisher: Litres, - 2017.

Protea is a genus of shrubby evergreens native to South Africa, belonging to the Proteaceae family. The most decorative of them are Protea cynaroides and Protea neriifolia.

In nature, the protea is found in the form of a shrub, reaching 2 m in height, but indoors its growth does not exceed 60-70 cm.

The dark green, leathery, oblong leaves of the protea grow on long, reddish stems.

At the end of spring, large, amazingly beautiful inflorescences bloom on long peduncles. Their color varies from pink to red, the size of the inflorescence can be 20-30 cm in diameter.

Protea can be purchased at specialized garden centers and online stores. The best time for the acquisition of this plant - spring. Choose specimens with several blooming inflorescences.

On one plant, you can see up to several dozen inflorescences resembling burdocks or artichokes. Flowering continues for several weeks. The protea flower is the symbol of South Africa.

Protea cultivation

Growing a protea will require a lot of patience. In regions with a cold climate, it is grown as a houseplant. The substrate should be loose, enriched with a small amount of soil for acidophilic plants, with the addition of expanded clay. From April to September, plants are fed at least once a month, adding fertilizer to flowering plants into water for irrigation.

Location for a flower

Proteas prefer bright light with direct access. sun rays for several hours a day.

The color of the inflorescences, reminiscent of burdock, varies from pink to red, with delicate shades.

Growing temperature

Although the protea can tolerate temperatures as low as 0°C, temperatures must be kept below 10°C in winter.

Watering a flower

In the spring and summer, you need to ensure that the soil dries completely between two waterings.

In winter, the intervals between waterings are made longer.

Protea transplant

Transplantation is done every two years, choosing a container bigger size compared to the previous one, until its diameter reaches 35 cm.

Protea Care

To keep the shrub compact, its branches are pruned by one quarter annually.

Protea reproduction

Proteas are rarely propagated by seeds, since in this case the plant can bloom only after four to five years. Propagation by cuttings is much more practical. This operation is performed at the end of summer, separating from the stem a small part 10 cm long, without flowers, which is rooted in a mixture of peat and sand in a humid and lit environment.

Diseases and pests

Protea is very resistant to diseases and pests.

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