Colonchoea care at home. Blooming Kalanchoe - indoor flower: how to care, cut, water at home? Kalanchoe - is it possible to keep at home: the meaning of the flower, signs and superstitions

reservoirs 14.06.2019

The culture is undemanding, but under the influence of adverse factors it does not bloom, loses its decorative properties, and can die. Care for Kalanchoe is simple, the plant becomes ill faster from its excess than from its deficiency. Depending on the cultivar, there are some features of cultivation.

Origin and botanical description of the plant

The Latin name of the genus is Kalanchoe. The natural area of ​​​​distribution of culture - Africa, Asia, the tropics South America. In Russia, Kalanchoe is grown as indoor plant. By selection, many hybrid forms of the original species have been bred, differing external description and characteristics.

A succulent can be a tree, shrub, epiphyte or liana, the height of an adult specimen, depending on the variety, varies from a few centimeters to 3-4 m. The aerial part is covered with a dense skin with a wax coating or pubescent. This feature allows the culture to retain moisture in the fleshy leaf plates, and also makes a slight difference in the care of Kalanchoe. For example, pubescent varieties should not be washed in the shower and sprayed with a spray bottle. Along the edges of the leaves, in inflorescences, some species form brood buds intended for reproduction.

The shape and color of the leaf plates vary depending on the species and cultivar. They grow opposite each other or are collected in whorls of 3 things, some are arranged alternately. Often there is a stem-bearing petiole or base, the edges are entire or serrated. The peduncle may be completely covered with leaves. The inflorescence is paniculate, similar to an umbrella.

Kalanchoe flower is often large, has a tube, erect or drooping, four-membered. Color red, pink, white, purple, yellow, orange, greenish. The fruit is a multi-seeded leaflet.

Necessary conditions for growing

When cultivating succulents in a pot, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate, then minimal care is required. In order for the plant to be comfortable in the home environment, it is important to follow the rules of maintenance:

  • suitable location in the room;
  • sufficient lighting;
  • optimal air humidity;
  • pick up a pot from suitable material, correct size;
  • use loose, well-drained soil.

At home, you can grow Kalanchoe from seeds or parts of an adult plant. If you create a favorable environment, the bush develops quickly, blooms regularly. In some cases, you can cause the formation of inflorescences after school hours. A properly created microclimate will facilitate subsequent care.

Location and lighting

Kalanchoe, as a houseplant, needs to find a place in the apartment. Depending on the growing season different conditions for cultivation. Provided in spring and summer good lighting, but some species do not tolerate exposure to direct sun rays. Variegated varieties, on the contrary, need them. To lay the buds, daylight hours should be reduced to 10 hours. At home, this can be achieved artificially by putting the plant in a closet or blocking it with thick paper a few hours before dark.

Summer optimum temperature for keeping Kalanchoe is +20…+25 °C. Night drops are not terrible, so it is recommended to endure flower pots outdoors for fresh air. To lay flower buds in autumn, lower the temperature to + 12 ... + 15 ° C. At the same time, the lighting should remain sufficient.

In the absence of such premises, experienced flower growers recommend making a kind of screen from an old aquarium, leaning open side to window glass.

So the plant will remain in its original place, will receive enough light and be kept in conditions of low temperature.

Air humidity

In its natural environment, the culture grows in wet climatic zones. The pubescent varieties capture moisture from atmospheric precipitation with leaf plates - often this is the only way to get the water necessary for growth and development. But at home, this is not required, since regular watering is carried out.

The air humidity for Kalanchoe in the apartment is optimal, additional humidifiers are not needed. Species with a smooth surface of the leaves must be periodically sprayed with a spray bottle when leaving in the summer, it is permissible to occasionally arrange a shower to wash off accumulated dust and dirt.

Soil and pot requirements

If you want to collect the soil mixture yourself, you should mix leafy soil and sand, add a little charcoal. It is undesirable to add fertilizers, since the culture grows on poor soil. natural materials it is recommended to pre-disinfect.

When purchasing Kalanchoe, you should carefully study the description, the structure of the root system, in order to ensure proper care in the future. It is important to choose a growing container that meets the characteristics of this variety. For young specimens, it is permissible to use plastic, for adults - clay containers. Choose a round shape of the pot so that water and air evenly penetrate from all sides, there are no stagnations, moldy areas. The size of the container should be sufficient to accommodate the roots, 2-3 cm of soil substrate and a drainage layer from 2 cm thick.

Features of care

The basic manipulations for all varieties of succulent are the same. You should constantly take care of the flower, but follow the agrotechnical recommendations, since excessive attention can only do harm.

The culture is unpretentious, many species are highly survivable, regardless of the conditions of detention. But an unsuitable environment leads to a loss of decorative qualities and a lack of flowering.

Care for Kalanchoe at home includes:

  • maintaining the necessary microclimate;
  • moderate watering;
  • rare top dressing;
  • timely pruning;
  • providing a rest period;
  • transplant as needed;
  • protection from diseases and pests.

Need for watering

The indoor flower must be properly looked after. For the procedure, use settled water at room temperature. Water according to the growing season and the substrate used. The main thing is not to overmoisten Kalanchoe and prevent prolonged drought at high room temperatures. The soil should dry in most of the pot, only after that it is required to water.

In the spring-summer period, the recommended frequency of procedures is 1-2 per week. If the succulent is grown in a substrate of garden soil, it is important to consider that this material retains liquid, so you will have to water less often. Care in autumn and winter is different in that at first the procedure is carried out 1 in 2 weeks, then the soil is not moistened for a whole month. fleshy kalanchoe leaves filled with moisture, so the plant will not die.

top dressing

Additional nutrition is provided by adding a solution of a universal complex composition for succulents and cacti along with irrigation. During the active growing season, feed should be 1 time per month.

For Kalanchoe, it is desirable to dilute the fertilizer less concentrated than recommended in the instructions for the selected preparation. From an overabundance of nutrients, the plant is able to get sick, shed its leaves, and deform the stems. Feeding the plant immediately before flowering is undesirable, since in this case it is possible to build up the above-ground mass, and not lay buds. In addition, some species bloom immediately after winter; during the dormant period, the operation is prohibited.


This procedure is included in the care of all varieties of culture, but some are allowed to remove only flower stalks, others require cutting large deformed leaves, and still others need full pruning. When growing Kalanchoe, a crown is formed from the very beginning so that the plant grows in the form of a lush bush, and not a tall tree with a bare stem.

It is enough to pinch bushy varieties, which will increase the density of the aerial part. Long shoots on adult specimens are recommended to be removed to provoke the growth of young shoots.

It is advisable not to touch the blooming Kalanchoe, but if there are large, yellowish, dried leaves, they must be removed so that the plant directs the nutrients to the inflorescences. When the flowers wither, immediately cut off the entire peduncle. In this case, it is possible to re-lay the buds after an artificially created winter dormancy.

flowering period

Take care of Kalanchoe at home at this time should be especially careful so that the bush does not drop flowers. It is allowed to moderately feed, water only as needed, try to avoid sudden changes in temperature and drafts. Flowering can last (depending on the species) 1-2 months, if you maintain an optimal microclimate with good lighting. Before this, a dormant period is necessary, otherwise the flower buds will not tie. After flowering, cut flower stalks, trim long shoots. The plant should be given the opportunity to recover, build up the root system and young lush foliage.

Pests and diseases

Caring for decorative Kalanchoe involves protecting the bush from insect settlement and infection. Succulents at home are grown in a slightly different environment from their natural environment, so immunity is often reduced. Improperly created microclimate and care exacerbate the situation. In this case, spots may appear, deformation of leaf plates and stems. If symptoms of a fungal infection occur, severely damaged shoots should be removed. When trimming, you need to constantly treat the tool with a disinfectant solution. After spraying the tree with a suitable fungicide.

Of the pests of Kalanchoe, aphids populate, mealybug, spider mite, felt. When smooth surface insect leaves can be washed off with soapy water. Brush off the pubescent leaf plates with a stiff brush. Damaged branches can be pruned. If necessary, transplant into a new soil substrate. When caring at home, not all insecticides are allowed, so it is recommended to check with the garden store for which indoor plants this drug is suitable.

Reproduction methods

Cultivation of Kalanchoe is possible by seeds, cuttings and children. The first method is rarely used, since an adult specimen will have to be grown longer. When sowing, it is required to use a mixture of special soil mixture with sand. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds, but greenhouse conditions should be created. Seeds germinate well at a temperature of +25 °C.

Cuttings allow you to get a full-fledged plant in a shorter time, does not require special care. It is enough to cut a stalk 7-10 cm high, dry the place of the cut a little. Root in moist substrate or water. In the latter case, dishes made of opaque material should be used so that the liquid does not turn green.

The easiest way to reproduce is babies. Some varieties of Kalanchoe form them along the edges of the leaves in large numbers. Over time, the shoots fall and take root in the same pot as the mother plant. Other species are formed at the ends of shoots or from the root system.

Regardless of the method of breeding, it is desirable to carry out the operation in the spring or in the summer, so that the succulent is in the active growth phase. Care for young seedlings is similar to adult specimens.

Terms and technology of transplantation

The first time the procedure is carried out immediately after purchase. If the plant blooms, it is advisable to wait until the end of the process or carefully transplant it by transshipment. The store substrate often consists of peat, supplied with various additives to maintain the decorative appearance of Kalanchoe. Such soil is not suitable for long-term indoor flower maintenance.

The pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. For planting, use a special substrate, be sure to pour drainage to the bottom. Leave about 2-3 cm to the edges of the container. Do not deepen the root neck. After transplantation, Kalanchoe is allowed to feed no earlier than 2 months later, in order to root system fully recovered. The rest of the care remains the same.

The procedure for young specimens is carried out every year in the spring, it is enough for adults to transfer to a new container 1 time in 2-3 years. It is permissible not to transplant large bushes, just replace the top soil layer. An exception is the appearance of roots in the drainage holes.

Possible difficulties in growing

When creating the necessary microclimate at home, the culture retains its decorative effect for a long time, blooms regularly. Problems begin with non-compliance with the rules of care and exposure to adverse factors.

Common difficulties with Kalanchoe:

  • lack of re-flowering occurs in the absence of a dormant period;
  • the shoots are drawn out, and the leaves become smaller in winter with excessive moisture and lack of lighting;
  • slow development after transplantation, foliage shedding occurs during the procedure during flowering;
  • stem rot is observed with excessive watering during the dormant period;
  • light spots on the leaves - spraying with hard tap water;
  • bare stems - incorrect pruning;
  • dry brownish spots on the leaf plates - a lack of moisture, if weeping brown - a bacterial or viral lesion.

Care indoor kalanchoe is simple, but the slightest violation general recommendations can significantly harm the succulent. When creating a favorable microclimate, the home flower grows and develops rapidly, retains its decorative effect, and blooms regularly.

Ecology of life. Under natural conditions, Kalanchoe grows in Australia, America, Africa and in South-East Asia, the plant itself is classified as a succulent.

Under natural conditions, Kalanchoe grows in Australia, America, Africa and Southeast Asia, the plant itself is classified as a succulent. The plant has recently become very popular among lovers of indoor floriculture. Gained great popularity decorative types Kalanchoe, and all thanks to the beautiful and long flowering.

Decorative Kalanchoe flower care at home does not require so much, the main thing is to follow a number of simple rules and the plant will delight you for more than one year. Buy it ornamental plant possible in almost any flower shop, because due to its growing popularity it has long been grown on an industrial scale.

Lighting mode and location
Since the plant comes from the tropics, it needs good lighting and a long daylight hours. The ideal length of daylight hours for this plant is at least 12 hours, but if the daylight hours are shorter, the plant needs additional illumination with artificial light sources, this is especially true for flowering species in the autumn-winter period.
A suitable place for Kalanchoe are window sills facing east or west. The plant is not harmed by direct sunlight.

Temperature regime
The ideal temperature regime for Kalanchoe can be considered a temperature ranging from 18 to 28 ° C in the spring-summer period and from 14 to 20 ° C in the autumn-winter period. In principle, the plant is so unpretentious that minor fluctuations in temperature have absolutely no effect on it.

Only in this case you should not allow a long drop in temperature below 10 ° C, otherwise the plant may get sick and subsequently die.

At a temperature of 14 to 18°C, the plant produces buds for further flowering. Drafts do not have any effect on Kalanchoe.

How to water Kalanchoe at home
Watering the plant is best done with settled water at room temperature. Watering is done as the topsoil dries out. Prolonged drying of the earthy coma should not be allowed, as the plant will react by dropping leaves.
Short-term drying will not have a detrimental effect on the plant, since the succulent and fleshy stems and leaves of the plant contain enough moisture to survive a slight drought.

In spring and summer, the plant should be watered 2 times a week; in winter, watering is reduced. It is also not worth pouring Kalanchoe, as with prolonged overflows, the plant may begin to rot.

Air humidity
Kalanchoe does not need spraying, but if you wipe the leaves or spray the plant on hot days, this will have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the plant.
It is absolutely impossible to spray and wipe Kalanchoe species with pubescent leaves; stains may appear on them from water getting on the leaves. And for these plants, it is preferable to keep in conditions of low humidity.

Soil Requirements
The plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil, the main thing is that there is no stagnant water in the pot, and the soil is sufficiently loose. Optimal for growing this plant is a universal soil, consisting in equal parts of sod and leafy soil, humus and sand. You can buy ready-made universal primer.

Top dressings and fertilizers
This unpretentious plant needs fertilizer only during the period of budding and flowering, the budding period occurs in the autumn months, and Kalanchoe blooms in summer. The composition of the plant is suitable for complex fertilizers for cacti or succulents. Such fertilizers should be used once a week, using half the full dose.
If you use separately solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers, then the top dressing regimen is as follows: the plant is fertilized with organic top dressing once every two weeks, and mineral - once a week.

Plant pruning

If the plant has shed its lower leaves, or you want it to look like a neat bush, Kalanchoe should be cut or young age pinch the tops.

The remaining parts of the plant after pruning can be used as cuttings.

Kalanchoe care after purchase
It is generally accepted that the plant should be transplanted immediately after purchase, in the case of Kalanchoe, this is not necessary. The main thing is to make sure that the soil in the pot does not retain moisture, and the water does not stagnate in the pot. If everything is in order, the plant does not need to be transplanted.
After purchasing, locate the plant according to the above recommendations and follow the rest of the recommendations.

Kalanchoe transplant at home
Quite often, when growing this plant, beginners have questions about how to transplant Kalanchoe and how often should this be done? The plant should be transplanted if it has grown well, and the transplant process itself will not be difficult.
If you just want to transplant the plant into a larger pot, don't choose a very large one. It is enough if the pot is 3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. If you want to divide the plant and get two or more from one, take small pots.
At the bottom of the selected container should be poured good layer drainage, about 3-4 cm high, this is necessary to avoid stagnation of water in the pot.
If you don’t want to bother with preparing the substrate, take ready-made, for cacti or for succulents.
Further, if you are just transplanting a plant, transplant using the transshipment method, and fill the voids in the pot with new soil.

If you are planting the plant, after removing it from the pot, gently shake off the soil from the roots, and divide the plant into as many parts as you like with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and plant the plants in new pots. After disembarking, compress the ground and water the Kalanchoe thoroughly.

Care for Kalanchoe in the winter
With the onset of winter, the plant needs a slight adjustment in the rules of care. The air temperature in the room needs to be slightly lowered to lay the buds and buds. But do not allow the temperature to drop below 10 ° C, the plant may die.
AT winter time the length of daylight hours decreases, and the plant should be illuminated with fluorescent lamps, or rearranged to the southern windows.
You should also take care that Kalanchoe is not constantly under the currents of warm and dry air, its leaves may begin to dry and immunity will decrease. Watering in winter is reduced to once every 10 days.

Kalanchoe blooming Blossfeld and Kalandiva - home care

These two species are considered the most common in indoor floriculture. The basic rules of care are relevant for both flowering and non-flowering species, but there are several aspects that we will discuss below.

Kalanchoe flowering care does not require so much, but if you want the plants to bloom for a long time and a lot, use our tips.
The main thing for flowering plants a sufficient amount of light, since with a lack of light, alas, there will be no flowering.
In winter, the plant should be kept at an air temperature of 15-18 ° C, for laying flower buds, since they do not form in hotter conditions.
And the most important condition for flowering is regular pruning of plants after flowering. Moreover, pruning should be quite strong, you need to leave two or three pairs on each branch. lower leaves. Thus, you also rejuvenate the plant. The cuttings remaining after pruning can be used in plant propagation.published

Kalanchoe blooming today is very popular with lovers of decorative succulents, which are also useful. The juice from the leaves of the plant has healing properties for human health. Kalanchoe care at home is not difficult, it is important to know the features of its cultivation.

Exists a large number of species and varieties of Kalanchoe. Only a few of them are grown at home. Of particular interest are several plant varieties.

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld is the most common type, which is presented in most flower shops.
  • Dergemona is a demanding plant that is more suitable for an experienced grower. It is often referred to as "room ginseng".
  • Rosalina is an elegant terry variety, characterized by unpretentiousness. To form new buds, wilted flowers must be removed from the peduncles.
  • Kalandiva - the variety has a very rapid flowering, not even when ideal conditions. Despite the high decorativeness, the plant is very unpretentious.

Whatever variety of Kalanchoe is chosen, it is necessary to create the necessary growth conditions for the flower, which will allow it to remain in good condition for a long time. Even unpretentious varieties need to ensure a quality life.

Basic requirements for growing Kalanchoe

In general, there is nothing complicated in growing Kalanchoe. In order for a flower to grow successfully, it needs a regular change of pot as it grows, timely watering and care. Do not expose the plant to extreme lows and highs in temperature. For a flower, normal room temperature is optimal, but you should not put it near the battery and on a cold windowsill.

In winter, the temperature should not be below 12-15 degrees. Not being too picky about light, Kalanchoe can grow well even in rooms that are not suitable for other plants due to their shading. Not required for a flower sunlight, and he feels great even with an ordinary fluorescent lamp, delighting with rapid flowering.

Plant care at home

To create optimal conditions for Kalanchoe, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of the plant and recommendations for caring for it. With good maintenance, it can bloom all year round.

Soil and pot requirements

Soil for Kalanchoe requires slightly acidic. If you use a ready-made substrate for succulents, which is sold in garden stores, you need to dilute it with fine sand by 1/5 part. It is better, of course, to prepare the soil yourself.

To do this, mix in equal parts the following components:

  • humus;
  • sand;
  • charcoal;
  • turf.

Additional fertilization when preparing the soil for Kalanchoe is not required, since at first the plant will be provided with nutrients that coal and humus are rich in, and then regular feeding will compensate for their lack.

The pot for the plant requires a wide and deep enough so that the roots do not tuck. You can use plastic or ceramic dishes. It is better to use a new container or one that has been frozen outside during the winter. Without this, it is highly likely that the flower may get sick due to fungal spores left on the walls of the pot after the last plant.

Watering, feeding and fertilizing

Despite the fact that the plant is native to dry areas, at home it needs to be regularly watered with settled water at room temperature. Kalanchoe consumes more water in summer, less in winter. Watering is carried out not according to the regime, but as needed. The fact that it is time to water the plant is determined by the moisture content of the topsoil. If it's dry, it needs to be moisturized.

They spend it by watering the flower along the edge of the pot. You can also immerse the container with Kalanchoe in a jar of water for 20 minutes so that the soil can be saturated. If the soil is wet, it should not be watered in reserve, as this will lead to the death of the flower due to rotting of the roots. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging at all.

Top dressing is necessary only in the spring and summer. It is held once a week. For the flower, special top dressing for succulents is used. You can also use complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants and a solution of rotted bird droppings, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:30.

Location, lighting and air humidity

It is optimal to choose a place for a flower that is light, but without direct sunlight. The optimal length of daylight hours is 12 hours, and therefore in autumn and winter it is necessary to keep Kalanchoe in a room with the greatest illumination. It is impossible for the flower to be exposed to drafts, which are fatal to it.

Dry air is not dangerous for the plant, since Kalanchoe easily survives a moisture deficit. At the same time, the culture can tolerate high humidity.
air, but not soil.

Flowering and pruning Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe blooms in autumn and can last for a month, and in some varieties for two months. After all the flowers have withered, if necessary, pruning of the plant is carried out. It is necessary to do this, since in a year the flower is able to add up to 30 cm in height and width and become very voluminous. Also, uncontrolled growth leads to a deterioration in its appearance.

Young plants at the time of active vegetation are pinched to give them attractive shape. For this purpose, the top 2 leaves are removed from the shoots. The procedure is carried out for several years, until the flower becomes the way they want to see it. Sanitary pruning involves the removal of 1/5 of the number of leaves and shoots.

When forming Kalanchoe in the form of a tree, only one of the strongest shoots is left on the plant, and all lateral ones are cut off. The top of the main stem is not pinched with such pruning.

Advice. After flowering, flower stalks must be removed. For a month: set the plant on a shady window sill, do not water. Then move it to its original place, provide watering, and it will bloom again.

Transplant at home

Transplantation of young plants is carried out annually, as their development is very rapid, and they need a constant increase in the area of ​​the pot. After 3 years, Kalanchoe develops more slowly, and it only needs to be transplanted once every 3-4 years, since the root system, even of an adult plant, continues to grow and at some point outgrows the pot. If Kalanchoe begins to turn yellow, most likely, an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pot is urgently required. The optimal transplant time is the beginning of spring.

At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay is made 2 cm thick. Then the soil is poured. The plant is transplanted by transshipment, trying not to disturb the already existing clod of earth. After the flower is transplanted, it is watered abundantly. Further watering is carried out in the same way as always.

After purchase, transplant Kalanchoe into new pot it is necessary regardless of the season, but only after the plant has completely faded. If the condition of the plant is deteriorating rapidly, and it must be urgently transferred to another pot, it is necessary to part with the flowers. Cut them off with sharp scissors.

Features of reproduction of Kalanchoe

At home kalanchoe breeding carried out very simply. If the bush is in good condition and properly cared for, then a new plant can be obtained by cutting or rooting a leaf.

The stalk is cut from a young shoot so that it has at least 3 leaves. Use sterile scissors for cutting. The cut stalk is placed in water. So it will release roots much faster, and the process of its development will be easier to control than when planting in the ground immediately after cutting. As soon as the roots grow to a length of 2-3 centimeters, the cutting is planted in soil suitable for Kalanchoe.

When propagating with a leaf, a well-developed leaf with a petiole is taken and dug into a moist soil suitable for Kalanchoe. Next, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. If everything is done correctly, the plant will release the roots in 2 weeks, and in a month a rosette of small leaves will appear. Care for Kalanchoe after rooting as an adult plant.

Pests, diseases and treatments

There are not many diseases that affect Kalanchoe. Most often, against the background of excessive moisture, bacterial infections can be encountered. After watering is normalized, the disease is eliminated. Pests sometimes become a serious problem for the grower.

With proper care, Kalanchoe at home grows and reproduces beautifully, delighting the owner with beautiful and lush flowering. Do not forget about the value of the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe - famous medicinal plant grown at home. It is also called "home doctor" or "tree of life". The juice from the fleshy leaves of the flower has medicinal properties, therefore it is widely used in folk therapy.

Beautiful plant hardy not picky. It quickly adapts, but care errors can lead to the death of a pet. It belongs to the group of succulents, that is, crops that accumulate water in the stem and leaves. This genus includes many species, many of them have high medicinal properties, and others - decorative qualities and large bright flowers:

  1. Dissected Kalanchoe is also called "deer antlers". It has leaves similar to deer antlers - long shoots with narrowed leaves, dissected along the perimeter.
  2. Tubiflora is a plant with tucked in, narrow foliage. Along the edges it has many processes.
  3. Mangini - ornamental variety having long shoots. Flowering occurs in flowers in the form of bells of bright red color.
  4. Cirrus is a medicinal variety. The foliage resembles feathers and has clearly visible veins.
  5. Degremona - has juicy fleshy leaves, the juice of which quickly heals wounds, is used to treat many ENT pathologies.
  6. Blossfeld has high decorative qualities. This is a compact shrub with umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

All of the above varieties are easy to grow at home, even for a beginner grower. They will always delight with their beauty and decorate the room.

Important rules for caring for the Kalanchoe plant

The first representatives of Kalanchoe grew on the island of Madagascar, and then spread to all regions of Asia. Green handsome feels good, both at home and in the greenhouse. It can last a long time without watering, as it accumulates enough moisture in the stem and wide leaves.

They are covered with a thin film that prevents evaporation, but you still need to monitor the growth of the plant, and also follow some rules:

  • protect against disease;
  • feed and fertilize;
  • water properly;
  • observe temperature and light conditions;
  • properly propagate and prune so as not to damage the main bush.

Kalanchoe should be in a well-lit room. In a darkened corner, the flower will stretch, and the flowering stage may not come at all. The best window sills for a green pet, these are the eastern and western sides. In winter, the flowerpot can be rearranged to the south side.

In bright sun and in the heat, the foliage acquires a reddish color. This is not a sign of illness. At home, the plant is planted in pots and placed on a windowsill or flower stand. In greenhouses and on the balcony, it is better to place the flower in a wide box.

As for the temperature regime, Kalanchoe loves a moderately warm climate. In the winter months, it is ideal for him - + 11-16 ° C, in the summer months - + 23-25 ​​° C. Of course, the pet can withstand sharp jumps back and forth, but it is better to prevent this.

The main thing is to prevent overdrying of the soil or excessive waterlogging. In summer, the plant is moved from the house to the yard or to an unglazed balcony. Some gardeners dig flowers into open ground, and then in the fall the pot is transplanted back.

Shaping and pruning Kalanchoe

With time indoor flower starts to pull up. At first, the green friend looks compact and tiny, like a squat bush, but gradually its decorative properties deteriorate. The foliage becomes smaller, and the stems are drawn out. To restore the beauty of the Kalanchoe flower, you need a clothespin and pruning.

The last procedure is carried out after the flowering stage. Cut long stems, remove wilted flowers. Young shoots hatch on the cuts. For their branching, they are pinched. Flower shaping and pruning is usually done in summer or spring. By the beginning of autumn, the plant will give many young shoots with peduncles.

Proper watering of a flower

Don't worry too much about watering kalanchoe. It withstands drought very well. Of course, in the hot season, you should not overdry the land lump. During the winter months, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every few weeks. Stagnation of water in the soil often causes root rot.

It is very important that the flowerpot with the plant has drainage holes at the bottom through which excess liquid will flow. You need to water the plant both in the pan and on top of the soil. In extreme heat, you should monitor the soil. Dried out upper layer watered immediately.

Fertilizer and top dressing Kalanchoe

The plant is not demanding on soil fertilizers. This is best done during the period of ovary buds and the appearance of flowers. Classical mineral fertilizers are usually used for decorative flowers, which are sold in a wide range in stores for flower growers.

Universal top dressing is used during the growing season. It is enough to saturate the ground with half the norm proposed by the manufacturer. Fertilizing the soil is carried out no more than once a month. When the flower is at the dormant stage, it is not necessary to fertilize it at all.

How to stimulate the flowering of Kalanchoe

Under natural conditions beautiful plant blooms during the African summer, that is, when there are short sunny days. Flower buds and in the conditions of the house are laid with a short light period. Mostly kalanchoe blooms from December to May. Some varieties at good care produce flowers all year round.

To force the Kalanchoe flower to release buds, it is necessary to artificially reduce daylight hours to 8 hours. At other times, the pot is moved to a dark corner, for example, in a pantry. This continues for a month.

This is enough to lay good flower stalks. Some flower growers simply close the flower with a tight box, place it in dark closet. After 16 hours, the pet is opened. For example, this can be done at 17-00 pm, and open at 7-00 am.

For long flowering, good lighting, infrequent watering and coolness are necessary. During flowering, soil moisture can be increased, then flowering will last up to six months. withered flowers cut off. In their place, new young buds usually appear.

After flowering, Kalanchoe enters a quiet period. This is necessary to restore strength, prepare for a new stage of flowering and release of cuttings. After flowering, the stems are cut, dried flower stalks are removed.

Then the flowerpot is moved to a shady place, for example, to the northern part of the room or to a darkened loggia. Watering in this season should be scarce, coolness up to + 16 ° C is desirable. Repeated flowering occurs again after 2-3 months.

Suitable soil and flower transplant

Kalanchoe loves neutral and slightly acidic soil, soft and loose, well-draining water. Flower growers buy universal soil and mix it with coarse sand. Sold separately soil mixtures for succulents. Young bushes are transplanted annually into a wider pot. Adult green inhabitants of the window sill do not need to be replanted often, 1 time in 1-2 years is enough.

A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the flowerpot so that water does not stagnate at the bottom. The plant is transplanted with a moistened old earth clod. New ground sprinkle, and it should be similar in properties and quality to the previous one. It is sprinkled on the sides of the new pot. The plant quickly takes root within a few weeks.

How does Kalanchoe reproduce?

The new plant can be propagated. This is done in different ways:

  1. rooting cuttings;
  2. sowing seeds;
  3. division of a large bush;
  4. planting a single leaf.

The third method is not always successful, since a new bush or the main one can quickly wither. The most common and easiest method is rooting cuttings.

A small stem quickly takes root, which are fixed in the new soil. A month later, in its place will be a lush bush. Not only cuttings take root well, but also leaves.

When planting Kalanchoe seeds, they are introduced into moist soil. Then the earth is covered with polyethylene, periodically carried out airing and watering. Scattered light is needed for fast germination of seeds. The container should be in a warm place. After spitting the seeds, the flowerpot is rearranged in the sun.

Pests and protection against Kalanchoe diseases

Kalanchoe rarely gets sick. If brown, white or gray spots appear on the foliage, it is necessary to change the mode of watering or lighting. The ground should not be very wet. During illness, it is better to water the plant rarely, providing it with additional lighting. In the best case, you should change the pot, make top dressing.

Kalanchoe foliage can dry out and die. The reason for this is very dry air and heat. To treat a flower in such a situation, it should be moistened more often and transferred to a cool place. To get rid of aphids, buds affected by it and yellowed leaves are cut off, and the rest of the stems and foliage are treated with soapy water.

Kalanchoe is a rather unpretentious indoor plant that can be easily grown at home, knowing a few rules. With proper care, a beautiful green Kalanchoe will bloom brightly pink flowers, however, the flowering period this plant not so long.

Mostly, appearance depends on how you will care for the flower, and where it will be.


The plant does not tolerate excess moisture. If the soil is constantly too wet, then the roots suffer first of all: the process of decay begins, so watering should be taken seriously. Kalanchoe is watered with cool water (it is advisable to keep one glass jar, constantly replenishing it: watering is best done with old water). Water in such a way that in no case do not touch the stem with water; if moisture gets in, it does not absorb it, it is possible that the process of decay will begin. Watering should be moderate, so that the soil is sufficiently moist, but not wet, water should not flow out. If you accidentally poured more water than necessary, then immediately free the pan from excess liquid. Remember that it is much better for Kalanchoe to get less than more water: the plant copes well with the absence of water for two to three days. The secret is that Kalanchoe has a small supply of liquid and can survive without watering. But it will be very difficult to save a flower from an abundance of water.

Autumn and winter Kalanchoe should be watered half as much as in the warm season. In no case do not leave water on the tray (preferably even if it is completely dry). The plant does not tolerate cold well, and from the presence of even a couple of drops it can simply freeze and begin to rot. Watering should be as needed: wait until the soil is completely dry and you can safely add water. Make sure the water temperature is at room temperature. Otherwise, every watering will become stressful for the plant.


Kalanchoe - one of those plants that constantly needs sunlight, but there are several features of pot lighting. From morning until two or three in the afternoon, you can keep Kalanchoe on the windowsill or any other place with abundant sunlight on the flower. However, after dinner, Kalanchoe should be closed or moved to the shade, creating a feeling of night. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly change the location of the flower, then the problem can be solved with the help of a light scarf with which you will cover the pot. In the hours after dinner, Kalanchoe does not perceive the sun's rays, they rather spoil the leaves of the plant.

In winter or on days when the sun does not come out, the plant can not be tolerated, constantly leaving it on the windowsill.

If the upper leaves turn yellow, and the lower ones begin to fall off at this time, then there is only one reason - the lack of the proper amount of sunlight. If, on the whole stem, the leaves began to turn yellow evenly, then there may be too much direct sunlight falling on the pot. Move to a more neutral location. It is also undesirable to keep Kalanchoe by the window, as glass increases the exposure of the rays several times, burning the leaves.

For flowering species of Kalanchoe, an east or southeast direction and additional lighting in winter are preferable. With a clear lack of lighting, the plant stretches and weakens. The upper leaves turn pale, and the lower ones may die.

In its homeland, Kalanchoe is well lit for about ten hours, and the rest of the day is in darkness. And at home, Kalanchoe, which is a short-day plant, one should try to provide similar conditions, only then it will bloom beautifully and for a long time.

Air temperature:

Just like in the case of water, temperature regime We can say that less is better than more. Kalanchoe feels most comfortable at 17-19 degrees, but if the temperature in the room drops to 5-6 degrees, nothing will happen to the plant. But when the heat is too strong, Kalanchoe feels bad, begins to absorb too much liquid, but the plant cannot absorb so much, so various diseases can occur.

The temperature regime for this plant is also more or less free. Already at 10 ° C outside the window, it can be put on the balcony for Fresh air, where Kalanchoe can be located throughout the summer-autumn period. This plant tolerates heat stoically - it copes well with it. But in order for the flower not to dry out, you need to increase the frequency of watering.

The optimum temperature in summer for Kalanchoe is 23-25°C, and in winter - 12-16°C.

Air humidity:

Kalanchoe should not be kept in rooms with high level humidity. As we said earlier, the flower does not like an excess of water, and this applies not only to the soil, but also to the air. The reason is that moisture from the air also enters the interior of the plant, creating an excess of accumulated fluid in the stem, and not in the root system. As a result, fungus, mold, etc. may develop.

Try to keep the air as dry as possible, especially in autumn and winter.

But in order to rid the flower of the dust accumulated on the leaves, it is sometimes advisable to wash it in the shower. It is also useful to wipe the leaves with a soft cloth so that spider mites or mealybugs do not start on the surface.

Top dressing:

Kalanchoe is not very fond of various fertilizers. As well as in the issue with the soil, the plant is quite unpretentious, but if you begin to notice that the flower lacks minerals, then choose succulent fertilizers. In winter, it is impossible to fertilize the soil in any case.

During this period, even if Kalanchoe begins to wither (with the exception of diseases), you should not overload the root system with various additives. The best time for feeding is the end of spring, in extreme cases - the middle of summer. Fertilizers should be given half as much as indicated on the package - believe me, and this amount will be more than enough for your home doctor.

The only important rule when top dressing is that the fertilizer mixture should be completely dissolved in warm water, then let it cool down and only then add it to the soil. Otherwise, the root system will not be able to absorb the fertilizer.


Kalanchoe grows quite rapidly, however, due to the rather strongly growing root system, it needs to be transplanted quite often, regardless of the size of the stems themselves. Transplantation should be done in late spring when the plant is in its most active phase.

Kalanchoe, along with a small amount of soil, is separated and removed from the old pot and transplanted into a new one.

After transplantation, the process of adaptation begins. It is imperative that the old and new soil would be identical in composition and proportions. During the adaptation period, top dressing is required, as we talked about a little earlier. On average, the plant takes root completely after a week. When choosing a pot, try to choose deeper models with a wide diameter.

If for some reason the transplant must necessarily be carried out in the winter, then try to create as many comfortable conditions for a plant.

refers to fast-growing flowers, therefore, it requires frequent transplantation - once a year, at the end of March. Mature plants can be sprinkled with new earth, but on condition that the roots do not go beyond the boundaries of the pot.

It is necessary to transplant Kalanchoe into a pot larger than the previous one by 2-3 cm in diameter. When transplanting, you need to very carefully pull the flower out of the container - as it has very fragile leaves and stems. The soil will do this composition: sod land(1 part), leafy earth (1) and sand (1), humus can also be added.
Not too much big pot with drainage at the bottom and suitable soil is all that a Kalanchoe needs when transplanting.


Homemade Kalanchoe can be propagated in the following ways: cuttings, babies or seeds.

The process of self-destruction is very interesting, when the fallen leaves independently give roots and are fixed in the soil.

When propagating from seeds, it is better to choose cool months (end of winter - beginning of spring). Seeds should not be covered with earth, they must be covered with glass and cloth so that sunlight does not fall. Ventilate the pot twice a day by adding water. The soil must be constantly moist. So you should continue for a month, and then transplant the plant into a pot and cover it with a film for a couple of days. As soon as you see that leaves have appeared, finally transplant into a pot (about 7 cm).

During the growth period, the plant should be fed with fertilizers, however, in very small doses. Do not forget to pinch the shoots to form a beautiful bush.


If your home beauty does not produce long-awaited flowers, despite proper maintenance and proper care, then reduce the amount of fertilizer in the soil. The most common reason for the absence of bright flowers on Kalanchoe is the hyper-high content of fertilizers in the soil. Top dressing should be stopped gradually, just reduce the amount of fertilizer each time, bringing it to zero.

As soon as the flowers fade, the inflorescences should be removed immediately along with the peduncles. Their timely pruning will stimulate the release of new flowering stems and extend the flowering period until mid-summer. Kalanchoe is sometimes classified as a re-flowering plant, but in view of the common misconception that it is not so easy to achieve a second wave, it is often thrown away and replaced with new plants immediately after flowering is completed. All that Kalanchoe needs to bloom from year to year is to provide it with a relative dormant period between August and December, during which they create a long night - up to 14 hours - and a relatively short day, shading it with a special cap or rearranging it in dark place in the evening. Neither a reduction in the frequency of watering, nor the cessation of feeding Kalanchoe is needed, but the abundance of watering should be reduced, as well as the concentration of fertilizers. During flowering, fertilizers should contain increased proportions of phosphorus. In young plants pinch the tops of the shoots.

As soon as the flowers fade, the inflorescences should be removed immediately along with the peduncles. Their timely pruning will stimulate the release of new flowering stems and extend the flowering period until mid-summer. Kalanchoe is sometimes classified as a re-flowering plant, but in view of the common misconception that it is not so easy to achieve a second wave, it is often thrown away and replaced with new plants immediately after flowering is completed. All that Kalanchoe needs to bloom from year to year is to provide him with a relative dormant period between August and December, during which they create a long night - up to 14 hours - and a relatively short day, shading with a special cap or rearranging it in a dark place in the late afternoon.

As soon as the flowers fade, the inflorescences should be removed immediately along with the peduncles. Their timely pruning will stimulate the release of new flowering stems and extend the flowering period until mid-summer. Kalanchoe is sometimes classified as a re-flowering plant, but in view of the common misconception that it is not so easy to achieve a second wave, it is often thrown away and replaced with new plants immediately after flowering is completed.


This is very important condition specifically for flowering species of Kalanchoe. You need to cut drastically. The peduncle must be removed as low as possible so that the remaining part does not rot. Also flowering weakens the plant. All old and bad looking parts of the plant need to be cut off. And strong young shoots should be cut and used for rooting.

In summer, it would be generally good to pinch the tops of the flower so that side shoots form. Otherwise, the plant will ugly stretch and grow.


The most dangerous disease for Kalanchoe it is aphids. It is quite easy to detect it, small green or dark green insects are constantly on the leaves and stem, which completely block the plant's access to nutrients. From aphids, Kalanchoe can completely perish, and before that you will definitely notice that the leaves began to turn yellow, the flowers either fall off, or do not appear at all. If the insect has hit the plant too extensively, then the especially affected foci will have to be cut off and burned, and the remaining stems should be treated with potash soap. If everything is not so bad, then you can simply wash the plant in a solution of potassium or laundry soap. The solution must not enter the soil.

If you find an unpleasant grayish coating of small insects on Kalanchoe, then most likely your flower is affected by scale insects. Because of them, the condition of the flower deteriorates sharply, a fungus develops, and flowering does not occur. Scale insects secrete a special mucus, so before removing them you will have to use an alcohol solution. Then gently brush off the insects and re-wipe the affected areas with any medicine with alcohol. The plant will recover on its own.

Types of Kalanchoe:

Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Compared to other home-grown Kalanchoes, Blossfeld is a taller plant with large inflorescences on long peduncles. There are plants with white, yellow, red, pink and purple flowers. The leaves are bright green, with slight redness around the edges. You can buy Kalanchoe Blossfeld with very decorative double flowers.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva. The plant is a dwarf variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. A small bush (with fleshy stems and leaves characteristic of all Kalanchoe) blooms profusely for a long time. Kalandiv has not only a lower bush, but also short peduncles, which adds decorativeness to this Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe mix looks very nice. Small Kalanchoe bushes with flowers located next to each other various shades able to decorate any room, balcony or loggia.

Kalanchoe Laciniata. This plant is valued for its very original strongly dissected leaves. It is because of these light green leaves with a wax coating, somewhat reminiscent of deer antlers, that Laciniata is sometimes called “deer horns” by the people. Juicy fleshy shoots of this Kalanchoe gradually lodging, which allows it to be used as an ampel culture. Kalanchoe Laciniata also blooms, but her yellow flowers slightly less decorative than those of Blossfeld or Kalandiv. Requires care similar to other species.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Compared to other home-grown Kalanchoes, Blossfeld is a taller plant with large inflorescences on long peduncles. There are plants with white, yellow, red, pink and purple flowers. The leaves are bright green, with slight redness around the edges. You can buy Kalanchoe Blossfeld with very decorative double flowers. Flower of Kalandiva species Flower of Kalandiva species Kalanchoe Kalandiva. The plant is a dwarf variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. A small bush (with fleshy stems and leaves characteristic of all Kalanchoe) blooms profusely for a long time. Kalandiv has not only a lower bush, but also short peduncles, which adds decorativeness to this Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe mix looks very nice. Small Kalanchoe bushes located next to each other with flowers of various shades can decorate any room, balcony or loggia. Flower of the species Laciniata Flower of the species Laciniata Kalanchoe Laciniata. This plant is valued for its very original strongly dissected leaves. It is because of these light green leaves with a wax coating, somewhat reminiscent of deer antlers, that Laciniata is sometimes called “deer horns” by the people. Juicy fleshy shoots of this Kalanchoe gradually lodging, which allows it to be used as an ampel culture. Kalanchoe Laciniata also blooms, but its yellow flowers are slightly less decorative than those of Blossfeld or Kalandiva. Requires care similar to other species.

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