Sluggish Kalanchoe leaves. Why can Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry? Is it possible to plant Kalanchoe in the summer on the street

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow. What to do? Such a request is often entered into search engines by people who are too actively caring for their indoor flowers. Let's look at why this happens.

Wrong watering

Most flower growers don't realize that Kalanchoe is a succulent. Water is poured with a generous hand, from the heart and often. Do not even let the soil in the pot dry out well. But after all, the plant is quite capable of doing without watering for quite a long time. And overflow leads to the strongest rotting of the roots. And if it is very simple to save the Kalanchoe that has withered from the drought, then the yellowing from the overflow almost never recovers.

Signs. The leaves turn yellow throughout the plant, soft, watery. The Kalanchoe itself looks oppressed, often the shoots bend under the weight of water inside the leaf plates.

What to do. Time to save! Simply stopping watering, as some sources recommend, will do nothing. The root system has already begun to rot. This process must be stopped immediately, otherwise the plant will die.

To do this, Kalanchoe is pulled out of the pot, then the roots are thoroughly washed under running warm water. Now you need to carefully cut off everything rotten, smelly and dark in color. Slices are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, left to dry in the open air for at least an hour.

After that, Kalanchoe is transplanted into another soil and a new pot. In the old one there can be many pathogenic bacteria.

In the future, strictly monitor the moderation of watering. Recommended scheme: the top layer of soil in the pot has dried, plus another 5 days. By the way, they are not particularly zealous. The soil is only slightly moistened. Do not wait for water to flow from the drainage holes. Kalanchoe does not like this. Otherwise, the root system, like a pump, will absorb absolutely all the moisture. And the unknowing owners will again begin to water the plant, seeing the dry earth in a pot. The circle will close, the leaves will begin to turn yellow again.

Wrong lighting

Signs of lack of light. The leaves turn yellow, shrink. Shoots become thin and long, like matches.

Signs of an overabundance of light. The leaves turn yellow, curl, dry. The plant does not flower.

What to do. Kalanchoe loves bright light very much. But no more than 10 hours a day. So there are only 2 options:

  1. Artificially create a short daylight hours by covering Kalanchoe with opaque material.
  2. Choose a place of detention where the duration of lighting will be normal. For example, the east window sill.

By the way, if Kalanchoe has already stretched out and turned yellow, then saving the shoots will not work. They will no longer become a lush compact bush. They will have to be cut. Just don't throw it away. Such shoots take root well, so why not get a few new plants? Of these, then it will be easy to form a beautiful crown with proper care.

dry air

The second most common cause of yellowing of leaves in Kalanchoe, especially during the heating season. Few people think about how hot radiators affect a plant.

Signs. On the whole plant, the tips of the leaves turn yellow, then they begin to dry out entirely.

What to do. Humidify the air near Kalanchoe as often as possible. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Spray with warm clean water from a spray bottle.
  2. Put around a few additional containers of plain water.
  3. Cover radiators with wet towels or blankets.
  4. Place a tray with expanded clay, peat or sphagnum next to it. Water them constantly.

If you do not have the opportunity to provide Kalanchoe with normal moist air, then it is better to artificially put it into a state of rest. Put in a cool place (+ 14-16 ° C), reduce watering. In this position, the plant can be no more than 2 months, but then you have to come up with something with an increase in humidity. Otherwise, the tips of the leaves will turn yellow.


Signs. The leaves turn yellow all over the plant, look boiled, shriveled, but not dry. The plant looks healthy overall.

What to do. Stop frying Kalanchoe. It loves bright light, so many flower growers settle it on a south or west window. This is quite acceptable, but only in recent years, the summer of the middle band presents incredible surprises. In the sun, the thermometer crawls much higher than + 40 ° С. As a result, the plant is simply fried.

It is imperative to shade Kalanchoe in the very sun. This can be done with white paper, thick light cloth. As a result, the plant will receive enough light, but without sunburn. And it’s better to rearrange the pot by the curtain. For example, on a table or bedside table near the window. Then you don’t have to block shading every day.

natural wilting

Signs. The leaves sometimes turn yellow at the bottom of the stem, gradually dry up and fall off. The plant looks vigorous, grows well and blooms.

What to do. Don't change anything! Your pet is happy with everything. And the loss of a certain number of lower leaves is a normal natural aging process. Do not interfere with the usual microclimate. Kalanchoe feels great.

Wrong fertilizer

An overabundance of nutrients is just as destructive as a deficiency. Immediately after the transplant, some comrades begin to zealously pour handfuls of top dressing into the pot. What about Kalanchoe? Resignedly absorbs everything with the root system. But the leaves refuse to accept such gluttony.

Signs. Leaf plates first turn yellow, then turn brown. A red border, brown weeping spots may appear. The plant looks unhealthy, does not bloom. A large number of loose shoots appear, the tops may begin to rot.

What to do. Stop eating yourself and stop stuffing an innocent flower. This is a succulent, he is used to living in very cruel conditions. And you give him fertilizer!

Normally, it is necessary to reduce the dose of trace elements recommended by the manufacturer by 2 times. Then all this goodness will come in handy. Too much is always bad. Have you ever seen fat people, full of health? There are no such. So why should it be different with Kalanchoe? Always think before you add mineral water to your irrigation water.

Advice. In order not to make a mistake, use long-lasting fertilizers. Just place the tablet or granule in the pot. Kalanchoe itself will take as much nutrition as needed during the next watering.


Signs. Leaf plates change pigmentation throughout the plant, sticky spots, small dots appear. Then they grow.

What to do. Open eyes. Indeed, on the leaves of Kalanchoe it is very difficult not to notice uninvited guests. Insects are very visible to the naked eye, especially on the underside of the leaves.

Treat the victim immediately with any systemic insecticide. Just be sure to look for the phrase "allowed for indoor plants" on the packaging. And strictly follow the dosage.

It is advisable to quarantine Kalanchoe for a while so that other flowers do not become infected. If necessary, the treatment is repeated again after about 7-10 days.


Excessive watering or too cold air often lead to various diseases. As a rule, the owners realize this too late.

Signs. The leaves turn yellow very quickly, then become covered with a bluish bloom. Or whitish fluff. The plant wilts and then dies.

What to do. Of course, you can try to save Kalanchoe by spraying with a fungicide. But even if it recovers, it will look very unpresentable. What beauty in a long bald stem with a bunch of crooked deformed leaves on top? Still not a palm tree.

There is only one way out of this situation. You will have to cut as many healthy cuttings as possible to try to root them and grow a new Kalanchoe. As a rule, there are no problems with this, the shoots very quickly gain strength, build up the root system and grow.

And do not grieve for the loss. In any situation, you need to be able to see your pluses. But you will have many young healthy plants instead of one sick and shabby poor fellow.

Now you know why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow. What to do? - is also aware. Therefore, you can provide your pet with decent living conditions at home and without yellowing. And he will thank you with juicy green foliage and fabulous flowering.

Video: the secrets of caring and growing Kalanchoe

Many houses grow Kalanchoe. Caring for this plant is not difficult, but in some situations the flower fades. Moreover, such a composition is characteristic of both the stem and the leaves. This article will tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

Why fade

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant and therefore very unpretentious in care. But if the care is wrong, some problems may begin. For example, the flower will take on an unsightly appearance and will have wilted leaves. By consistency, they will be soft, and if nothing is done, then soon the leaves will fall off.

The following points may lead to such a situation:

  • over watering the plant. Kalanchoe is able to accumulate water to some extent in its leaves. Therefore, they are near the flower and look fleshy and dense. And if you flooded the plant, then the leaves will begin to fall off;
  • insufficient watering. Of course, Kalanchoe is able to stay without water for some time (even an earthen crust is allowed in the pot), but if watering is insufficient, the leaves will dry. With prolonged drought, they fall off;
  • water indicators. "Home Doctor" should be watered with settled and soft water. Otherwise, various diseases and other manifestations of poor health of the flower may appear;
  • light mode. For some varieties of Kalanchoe, a negative factor in growing at home is direct sunlight on the leaves. In this case, the leaves may curl and brown spots appear on them, which indicate a sunburn of the leaf blade;
  • temperature regime. When creating the wrong temperature regime, the leaves of the plant also begin to dry and fall off.

It is very important to properly monitor the flower during the dormant period and in winter. In this situation, even slight fluctuations in the above parameters can lead to the fact that the leaves will begin to fall off, and the plant itself will get sick.

Also, yellowing of the leaves occurs after the end of the flowering period and indicates the depletion of the plant. Here the leaves fall from below, thus exposing the stem, which begins to stretch. During this period, the flower is most susceptible to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid this, it is necessary to feed Kalanchoe immediately after the end of the flowering period.

If the leaves dry, this indicates a lack of micro and macro elements (for example, boron). To restore proper nutrition, you need to do additional feeding of the plant. Why a flower withers can be answered differently depending on its age. In young plants, often the causes of spots on the leaves, which leads to their fall, is precisely the wrong watering. The sluggish appearance of the flower indicates insufficient or irregular watering. In this situation, you only need to do one thing - to normalize the correct watering.

But for old plants, this condition may be a consequence of the natural aging process. Nothing needs to be done in this situation, since Kalanchoe can no longer look different for natural reasons.

That's why homemade Kalanchoe wilts. But this is only part of the reason. To the question "why does the plant wither?" you can give a completely different answer - the plant began to hurt. When a flower sheds its leaves, the first thing to think about is disease. And only then about the fact that caring for him was wrong. If the plant began to hurt, then the first symptoms will be a lethargic appearance, small and underdeveloped leaves, as well as the appearance of various spots on them.

The reason why this home plant began to hurt should also be sought in care. A very common cause of disease in domestic Kalanchoe is excessive watering. The root system of succulents is very sensitive to moisture, and with an excess of it, the roots begin to rot. As a result, a favorable environment is formed for the development of many pathogenic microorganisms, as well as insect pests.

As you can see, the reasons why the “home doctor” withers can be different. But the most important parameter that you should think about first of all, when the leaves of Kalanchoe began to fall off, is improper watering.


With improper care, Kalanchoe at home becomes susceptible to various types of diseases. External manifestations of flower disease can be different. With a disease of this plant, black spots and even mold may appear on its leaves. At the beginning, the spots will be small, and then they will begin to increase in size. The appearance of spots on the leaves indicates that Kalanchoe was struck by a fungus. To get rid of it, it is necessary to do a complete spraying of the plant with fungicides.

The main reason for the appearance of fungus and black spots is a strong waterlogging of the soil, as well as a violation of its aeration. Therefore, it is not enough just to spray the flower with fungicides, you also need to transplant the plant into another pot with new soil.

In addition, brown spots may appear on the leaf blade. Their appearance indicates the presence of a disease called dropsy. It develops with a combination of waterlogging and temperature changes. To get rid of this disease, you need to move the pot to a drier and warmer place, as well as reduce the number of waterings. Sometimes a white bloom can be seen on the plant. This means that watering was carried out with too hard water with a high content of lime and salts.

Video: how to revive roses in a vase

Kalanchoe, in addition to the conditions described above, can also undergo the following diseases:

  • late blight rot. With it, brown spots form on the leaves. The reason for the appearance is poor ventilation, temperature differences between the soil and air, or excessive watering. To combat the pathogen, it is necessary to eliminate the negative factors of influence and treat the flower with fungicides;
  • gray rot. With the development of this disease, weeping spots appear on the stems and leaves, which are always covered with a gray coating. The main reasons for the appearance are an excess of moisture, insufficient light conditions and poor ventilation. The means of struggle are the same as with late blight rot;
  • powdery mildew. This disease manifests itself in the form of white spots with powdery coating. Outwardly, they resemble mold. As a result of this disease, the leaves fall off the stems. The causes of the disease are considered high air temperature and low humidity.

As you can see, improper care of the "home doctor" can lead to infection with fungal microorganisms and treatment will be needed to avoid death.

Video How to help a plant


Kalanchoe is often grown at home, and is also rarely attacked by pests. But if the care is wrong, the plant can become a receptacle for harmful insects.

  • scab
  • worm.

Consider each pest in more detail.

Aphids are the most dangerous enemy for Kalanchoe. Aphids are small sucking insects that are greenish-black in color. It lives at the beginning on the underside of the leaf, and eventually spreads throughout the plant. In the presence of such a pest, the leaves begin to lighten and become sticky to the touch. This is the result of the action of aphids, which release a poisonous substance. At the same time, Kalanchoe does not bloom, and the buds that appear wither and fall off.

The danger of infection of flowers with this particular insect lies in the fact that aphids will become a carrier of many viruses and create optimal conditions for the development of the fungus. The fight against it involves destruction by burning the affected stems and leaves, as well as treating healthy parts with an insecticide. At one time, it will not be possible to destroy aphids. You need at least 4 treatments spaced one week apart.

Video: Kalanchoe

The shield for Kalanchoe is less dangerous. This is a small insect (2 mm long) with a scale insect that covers its entire body. It settles on the underside of the leaf, forming colonies. Soot fungus develops in the secretions of this insect. If it appears, then the surface of the leaves and the flower should be treated with a solution of laundry soap.

The mealybug or mealy worm has a white appearance and is clearly visible on a green leaf. As a result of its activity, the leaf becomes waxy. Promotes the development of soot fungus. To prevent it from appearing, spray the plant regularly.

How to revive a plant

To revive Kalanchoe, you need to do the following things:

  • organize proper care;
  • eliminate pests or pathogens;
  • carry out pinching;
  • apply fertilizer;
  • observe optimal humidity, light and temperature conditions.

All these manipulations will help you restore the plant after an illness or insects on it. Only in this way will Kalanchoe delight you with health and beautiful flowering.

Video How to grow a healthy Kalanchoe flower

There are a whole bunch of nuances in this issue. Improper care, diseases and pests - all this can significantly degrade the quality of your plant. To know how to deal with this, watch the following video.

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant and therefore very unpretentious in care. But if the care is wrong, some problems may begin. For example, the flower will take on an unsightly appearance and will have wilted leaves. By consistency, they will be soft, and if nothing is done, then soon the leaves will fall off.

The following points may lead to such a situation:

  • over watering the plant. Kalanchoe is able to accumulate water to some extent in its leaves. Therefore, they are near the flower and look fleshy and dense. And if you flooded the plant, then the leaves will begin to fall off;
  • insufficient watering. Of course, Kalanchoe is able to stay without water for some time (even an earthen crust is allowed in the pot), but if watering is insufficient, the leaves will dry. With prolonged drought, they fall off;
  • water indicators. "Home Doctor" should be watered with settled and soft water. Otherwise, various diseases and other manifestations of poor health of the flower may appear;
  • light mode. For some varieties of Kalanchoe, a negative factor in growing at home is direct sunlight on the leaves. In this case, the leaves may curl and brown spots appear on them, which indicate a sunburn of the leaf blade;
  • temperature regime. When creating the wrong temperature regime, the leaves of the plant also begin to dry and fall off.
  • It is very important to properly monitor the flower during the dormant period and in winter. In this situation, even slight fluctuations in the above parameters can lead to the fact that the leaves will begin to fall off, and the plant itself will get sick.

    Also, yellowing of the leaves occurs after the end of the flowering period and indicates the depletion of the plant. Here the leaves fall from below, thus exposing the stem, which begins to stretch. During this period, the flower is most susceptible to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid this, it is necessary to feed Kalanchoe immediately after the end of the flowering period.

    If the leaves dry, this indicates a lack of micro and macro elements (for example, boron). To restore proper nutrition, you need to do additional feeding of the plant. Why a flower withers can be answered differently depending on its age. In young plants, often the causes of spots on the leaves, which leads to their fall, is precisely the wrong watering. The sluggish appearance of the flower indicates insufficient or irregular watering. In this situation, you only need to do one thing - to normalize the correct watering.

    But for old plants, this condition may be a consequence of the natural aging process. Nothing needs to be done in this situation, since Kalanchoe can no longer look different for natural reasons.

    That's why homemade Kalanchoe wilts. But this is only part of the reason. To the question "why does the plant wither?" you can give a completely different answer - the plant began to hurt. When a flower sheds its leaves, the first thing to think about is disease. And only then about the fact that caring for him was wrong. If the plant began to hurt, then the first symptoms will be a lethargic appearance, small and underdeveloped leaves, as well as the appearance of various spots on them.

    The reason why this home plant began to hurt should also be sought in care. A very common cause of disease in domestic Kalanchoe is excessive watering. The root system of succulents is very sensitive to moisture, and with an excess of it, the roots begin to rot. As a result, a favorable environment is formed for the development of many pathogenic microorganisms, as well as insect pests.

    As you can see, the reasons why the “home doctor” withers can be different. But the most important parameter that you should think about first of all, when the leaves of Kalanchoe began to fall off, is improper watering.

    With improper care, Kalanchoe at home becomes susceptible to various types of diseases. External manifestations of flower disease can be different. With a disease of this plant, black spots and even mold may appear on its leaves. At the beginning, the spots will be small, and then they will begin to increase in size. The appearance of spots on the leaves indicates that Kalanchoe was struck by a fungus. To get rid of it, it is necessary to do a complete spraying of the plant with fungicides.

    The main reason for the appearance of fungus and black spots is a strong waterlogging of the soil, as well as a violation of its aeration. Therefore, it is not enough just to spray the flower with fungicides, you also need to transplant the plant into another pot with new soil.

    In addition, brown spots may appear on the leaf blade. Their appearance indicates the presence of a disease called dropsy. It develops with a combination of waterlogging and temperature changes. To get rid of this disease, you need to move the pot to a drier and warmer place, as well as reduce the number of waterings. Sometimes a white bloom can be seen on the plant. This means that watering was carried out with too hard water with a high content of lime and salts.

    Kalanchoe, in addition to the conditions described above, can also undergo the following diseases:

  • late blight rot. With it, brown spots form on the leaves. The reason for the appearance is poor ventilation, temperature differences between the soil and air, or excessive watering. To combat the pathogen, it is necessary to eliminate the negative factors of influence and treat the flower with fungicides;
  • gray rot. With the development of this disease, weeping spots appear on the stems and leaves, which are always covered with a gray coating. The main reasons for the appearance are an excess of moisture, insufficient light conditions and poor ventilation. The means of struggle are the same as with late blight rot;
  • powdery mildew. This disease manifests itself in the form of white spots with powdery coating. Outwardly, they resemble mold. As a result of this disease, the leaves fall off the stems. The causes of the disease are considered high air temperature and low humidity.
  • As you can see, improper care of the "home doctor" can lead to infection with fungal microorganisms and treatment will be needed to avoid death.

    Video "How to help the plant"

    Kalanchoe is often grown at home, and is also rarely attacked by pests. But if the care is wrong, the plant can become a receptacle for harmful insects.

    Consider each pest in more detail.

    Aphids are the most dangerous enemy for Kalanchoe. Aphids are small sucking insects that are greenish-black in color. It lives at the beginning on the underside of the leaf, and eventually spreads throughout the plant. In the presence of such a pest, the leaves begin to lighten and become sticky to the touch. This is the result of the action of aphids, which release a poisonous substance. At the same time, Kalanchoe does not bloom, and the buds that appear wither and fall off.

    The danger of infection of flowers with this particular insect lies in the fact that aphids will become a carrier of many viruses and create optimal conditions for the development of the fungus. The fight against it involves destruction by burning the affected stems and leaves, as well as treating healthy parts with an insecticide. At one time, it will not be possible to destroy aphids. You need at least 4 treatments spaced one week apart.

    The shield for Kalanchoe is less dangerous. This is a small insect (2 mm long) with a scale insect that covers its entire body. It settles on the underside of the leaf, forming colonies. Soot fungus develops in the secretions of this insect. If it appears, then the surface of the leaves and the flower should be treated with a solution of laundry soap.

    The mealybug or mealy worm has a white appearance and is clearly visible on a green leaf. As a result of its activity, the leaf becomes waxy. Promotes the development of soot fungus. To prevent it from appearing, spray the plant regularly.

    How to revive a plant

    To revive Kalanchoe, you need to do the following things:

  • organize proper care;
  • eliminate pests or pathogens;
  • carry out pinching;
  • apply fertilizer;
  • observe optimal humidity, light and temperature conditions.

All these manipulations will help you restore the plant after an illness or insects on it. Only in this way will Kalanchoe delight you with health and beautiful flowering.

Video "How to grow a healthy Kalanchoe flower"

There are a whole bunch of nuances in this issue. Improper care, diseases and pests - all this can significantly degrade the quality of your plant. To know how to deal with this, watch the following video.

Why do Kalanchoe flowers wither?

I grew Kalanchoe, bloomed orange flowers for a long time. Until I moved it to the east window sill.

First, he began to discard the flowers, then the leaves began to dry.

I moved it back to the kitchen table and everything was back to normal.

Kalanchoe- refers to unpretentious plants, but still requires care, because the most important part is flowering, as well as the rest that is needed before the next flowering.

But. if the plant wilts or drops flowers, then there is a mistake in the care, the reasons why the flowers wither can be very diverse, ranging from improperly selected lighting to improper watering.

In general, in order to find out what could be the cause of sluggish flowers, as well as fallen ones, by the way, pay attention to the temperature in the room, Kalanchoe does not like when the room has high humidity, and you should also pay attention to watering.

Yes, Kalanchoe, not only does not like high humidity, but also abundant watering, which leads to the incidence of the flower itself, perhaps this provoked the fall of flowers, in which case it is necessary to normalize watering and the temperature in the room, the temperature should be in the range - 17 - 19 degrees, and of course it is better to provide a dry room, without high humidity.

Lighting is better to choose lighter, but. without direct sunlight, in the afternoon, by the way, for this, east windows.

Good luck growing and beautiful flowering of the flower.

Causes of yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves and their solution

Kalanchoe is considered a fairly unpretentious plant; even inexperienced flower growers successfully grow it. But sometimes it refuses to grow. Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, wither, dry or darken.

What is the reason for this state of the flower? Usually all the troubles arise due to errors in caring for the plant. Gross mistakes during cultivation can lead not only to the loss of decorativeness, but also to the death of the plant.

Possible causes of yellowing leaves and their solution

Yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves is the most common plant reaction to unsuitable living conditions. Leaves may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • Too high temperature content;
  • Incorrect lighting;
  • Suboptimal watering regime;
  • Very low air humidity;
  • Incorrect feeding;
  • Untimely transplant and lack of pruning.
  • Temperature regime

    Kalanchoe grows well at a temperature of 18-22? And if the flower tolerates a slight decrease in temperature without harm, then its increase negatively affects the appearance of the plant.

    If the air temperature stays around 30 ° C for a long time, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and fall off. First, at Kalanchoe, the oldest lower leaves dry and fall off, but if coolness does not occur, yellowing of young leaf blades also begins.

    Kalanchoe grows best in air-conditioned rooms where even in the summer heat the air temperature is easy to regulate. If there is no air conditioning in the room, in summer the flower is kept on the northeastern windowsills, where it is not hot, and the sun is only in the morning.

    Wrong lighting

    Kalanchoe requires bright lighting. It needs direct sunlight for 2-3 hours a day. Without this, the stems will begin to stretch, and the leaves will shrink.

    Why do Kalanchoe leaves dry? Do not leave the plant in direct sunlight for the whole day.

    In this case, yellow spots form on the leaves of Kalanchoe - sunburn.

    The burnt leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow and the leaves dry, then fall off.

    To keep the plant green and beautiful, it is kept on the eastern windows, where the sun appears only for a few hours. The rest of the time, the flower here is in diffused light, which has a beneficial effect on its growth.

    Watering errors

    Sometimes yellowness on Kalanchoe leaves occurs due to improper soil moisture. Despite the fact that Kalanchoe is a succulent, it requires regular watering. However, too wet soil is detrimental to the plant. It is harmed by both the drying of the soil and the stagnation of water in it.

    If the plant does not regularly receive the required amount of moisture and the earthen ball in the pot dries up completely, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

    If the plant is watered too often and intensively, or the drainage in the pot does not provide an outflow of excess moisture, water may stagnate in the soil. This leads to decay of the root system.

    The flower stops growing, then its leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble en masse.

    The optimal watering regime will ensure the health of the plant, its intensive growth and decorative effect. With proper watering, the soil in a Kalanchoe pot should be slightly damp. Only the top layer should dry out between waterings.

    Very low air humidity

    Kalanchoe is adapted to existence at low humidity. However, very dry air can greatly harm the plant. This is especially dangerous in combination with a high temperature content. Under such conditions, the leaves turn yellow and dry, and then crumble.

    Most often, plants suffer from dry air during the heating season.. With the right content in winter, the air temperature for Kalanchoe should be reduced to 15-17?

    But if this is not possible and the plant is kept at room temperature, and even near the heating radiator, it can lose most of its leaves, especially from the heating device. To prevent this from happening, in winter you need to keep the flower on the coldest windowsill away from heating.

    Feeding errors

    Why do Kalanchoe leaves fall? Often in Kalanchoe, with a lack of nutrition, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and then fall off. You need to feed the plant, because it is planted in soil for succulents, which is usually not rich in humus.

    In the process of vegetation, soil depletion soon sets in. And regular, but moderate top dressing will provide the flower with a decorative appearance and green foliage.

    Feed this plant should be very careful. Any excess of nutrients in the soil is just as harmful to the flower as their deficiency.

    Top dressing is carried out only from May to September. In the remaining months, Kalanchoe is not fertilized.

    Kalanchoe is fed 1-2 times a month with liquid fertilizers for succulents. They need to be diluted so that their concentration in water for irrigation is 2 times lower than indicated on the package.

    Untimeliness and errors of pruning and transplanting

    Young bushes need to be transplanted annually. Adult Kalanchoe is transplanted into fresh soil every 2-3 years. If the transplant is not done or done very rarely, the earth in the pot is greatly depleted, the plant lacks nutrients. In this case, even regular feeding does not help. The lower leaves on the branches turn yellow and crumble, the shoots are bare.

    Particular attention should be paid to pruning the plant. Only a properly formed bush will delight with beautiful, large and green leaves.

    If the plant is not pruned, then the old leaves will gradually turn yellow and fall off. This is a natural process, but if the shoots are not rejuvenated by pruning, they are greatly elongated and ugly exposed.

    Why do the tips of the leaves turn yellow

    Sometimes in Kalanchoe, only the tips of the leaves turn yellow and dry out. This happens especially often with newly acquired plants. The reason is the changed conditions of existence.

    The leaves of the plant are very sensitive to temperature and humidity.

    If the temperature in the room is significantly higher than in the garden center where the plant was previously located, then yellowing of the tips of the leaves cannot be avoided.

    Decorative Kalanchoes are bought most often in winter, when they bloom luxuriantly. Getting into a heated city apartment, plants react negatively to dry air. The tips of their leaves turn yellow and then dry up. It is advisable to humidify the air near the plant for the first time.

    Why do Kalanchoe leaves wither

    Quite often, flower growers are faced with the following problem: Kalanchoe leaves become soft, wither and soon fall off. There are several reasons for wilting leaves:

  • Lack of moisture in the soil;
  • Rotting of the root system;
  • A sharp drop in temperature.
  • Young plants that have not yet accumulated enough water in the ground part can drop leaves when the ground dries up.

    Leaf plates become soft, but after watering they are completely restored. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out.

    If the plant is still forgotten to be watered, drying should not be long, otherwise the flower will shed its leaves.

    When water stagnates in a pot, root rot occurs - a fungal disease. It manifests itself in the withering and falling of the leaves of the plant. Unfortunately, in this case, the plant can no longer be saved. As a preventive measure for root rot, you must strictly observe the irrigation regime.

    Causes of blackening of leaves in Kalanchoe

    Why does Kalanchoe turn black leaves - it was struck by a fungal infection. Often the flower suffers from leaf or stem rot, which occurs with excess moisture. This is facilitated by increased humidity and stagnation of air in the room. Therefore, you need to keep Kalanchoe in a regularly ventilated area.

    Often the fungus occurs due to improper watering. Even if watering is moderate, but water regularly falls on the leaves and shoots of the plant, there is a high risk of infection with rot.

    Therefore, watering must be carried out carefully, making sure that water only enters the soil and does not moisten the ground part of the bush.

    Decembrist at home

    It's hard to believe, but in nature there are cacti that love water, are afraid of the sun and do not have thorns, and they are called Decembrists (lat. Schlumbergera), or Schlumbergers, or zygocactus. They belong to the genus of South American epiphytic cacti growing in tropical forests on tree branches. Why are they called Decembrists? Yes, because they begin to bloom at the height of tropical summer - in November-December, and finish at the end of January. In our latitudes, zygocactus were brought by the collector Allan Cunningham in 1816.

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    Decembrist flower - features

    All plants have their own characteristics. The main feature of the Decembrist is that it blooms when other flowers are resting. But he also has other qualities that distinguish him from all the other inhabitants of your windowsill.

    Firstly, the Decembrist is uncomfortable on the southern and western window sills, since intense lighting can cause the end segments of the plant's shoots to die off.

    Secondly, in the summer, the Decembrist, like no other indoor plant, needs fresh air: a shaded place on a balcony, loggia, or terrace will do.

    Thirdly, in the summer, the Decembrist loves to take a shower, but if this is not possible, then at least spray it from time to time.

    Fourth, with good care, a long-lived Decembrist can congratulate you with his bouquet on the New Year for about 15-20 years.

    Fifth, the Decembrist flower refers just to those capricious plants that cannot be disturbed at the time of budding - rearranged from place to place and even turn the pot with the plant.

    At sixth, the Decembrist can be grown as an ordinary plant, or as an ampelous one.

    You will gradually learn about the rest of the features in the following sections of the article.

    Decembrist care at home

    How to care for the Decembrist.

    The agrotechnics of the Decembrist zygocactus is directly opposite to the agrotechnics of the cacti themselves, their requirements for the most part coincide with the conditions for growing ordinary, deciduous houseplants. If you can forget to water the cactus, and it will not suffer much from this, then the Decembrist needs regular watering with settled, non-cold water and high humidity, which is achieved by regular spraying or placing a Decembrist pot on a tray with wet pebbles. Cacti perfectly tolerate the sun, and the Decembrist suffers from direct sunlight and requires shading. As for the air temperature, the Decembrist is not capricious in this matter. Since March, the Decembrist needs a monthly top dressing complex fertilizer for flowers, but the dose should be taken half as much as suggested by the manufacturers. In the summer, when the intensive growth of the stems begins, you need to feed the plant twice a month, and stop feeding from September. The plant will not interfere with preventive treatment with fungicides.

    How to cut the Decembrist.

    Decembrist pruning is carried out in June, and the excess part of the shoot is not cut off, but unscrewed by hand, giving the plant a beautiful shape, shortening the shoots that grow incorrectly. Plants formed in this way have an attractive appearance and bloom more abundantly.

    How to transplant a Decembrist.

    The Decembrist is transplanted after flowering, at the very end of February. Young plants are transplanted annually, adults - once every 4-5 years. Choose a wide and low pot for a plant, since the Decembrist's root system is superficial. The drainage layer should fill the pot by a third. As for the soil, store-bought soil for cacti is suitable, but you can make the soil yourself: mix one part of soddy soil and sand and two parts of leafy soil, add crushed coal for disinfection, and brick chips or expanded clay for better water permeability. The soil for the Decembrist should be slightly acidic.

    Reproduction of the Decembrist

    Answer to the question "How to propagate the Decembrist?" very simple: vegetatively, by cuttings. 2-3 extreme “links” are unscrewed from the shoot, dried for several days, then planted in moist soil and covered with a glass jar or plastic bottle to create a greenhouse effect. The container is placed in the shade and regularly ventilated. The optimum temperature for rooting Decembrist cuttings is 15-20 ?C. The Christmas tree is often propagated at home immediately after its pruning, since as a result of the formation of the bush, ready-made material for grafting remains.

    Pests and diseases of the Decembrist

    Enemies of the Decembrist.

    Fungal diseases and insects annoy the Decembrist. Fusarium, phytium and phytophthora are fungal diseases, the pathogens of which penetrate the plant from infected soil, and the root neck of the plant primarily suffers from them. As a result, the flower becomes pale, gray, loses segments and withers in moist soil. Fusarium is treated with fungicides, and phytium and late blight - with Maxim, Topaz, Vitaros.

    If the plant is covered with a rusty coating, then most likely it was struck by a spider mite - small point insects of brown, yellow or reddish color that appear on the plant in conditions of insufficient air humidity. Aktellik, Fitoverm or Neoron preparations will help get rid of the tick. Whitish lumps that suddenly appeared between the shoots, similar to cotton wool, are traces of the vital activity of mealybugs, which can be neutralized with the help of Aktara.

    Why is the Decembrist withering.

    The Decembrist withers, as we have already found out, if he fell ill with late blight or phytium. Another cause of leaf lethargy can be root disease. If the plant has lost its stability, and its trunk sways, then it is quite possible that the roots of the plant died from hypothermia as a result of watering with cold water in a cool room, or, conversely, from the fact that the flowerpot overheated in the sun. Could burn the roots of the Decembrist and too strong a concentration of fertilizers. In this case, the plant must be immediately transplanted into another substrate, because the old one is saturated with concentrated fertilizer, which continues to destroy the roots.

    Why the Decembrist does not bloom.

    The Decembrist must feel when it is time to bloom. To do this, he needs to provide a full rest period: from the end of September to the end of November, reduce watering and stop feeding the plant by placing it in an unheated room. Now remember how to make the Decembrist bloom: move the flower to a bright, warm place and start watering, thereby helping the Decembrist to wake up. Rotate the plant around its axis to achieve uniform illumination on all sides of the flower. Once buds start to form, make sure the substrate in the pot doesn't dry out and that no one else is moving or turning your flower, or the plant may panic and drop buds. If you follow these rules, your Decembrist will definitely bloom.

    Why the Decembrist falls.

    Sometimes, it would seem, for absolutely no reason, the leaves of the Decembrist fall off. But nothing just happens. Let's try to figure it out. It is known that the cause of "leaf fall" can be a spider mite, and you already know how to get rid of it. If the pest is not found by you, then the likely cause may be a lack of nutrients (irregular top dressing, depleted substrate). Try to spray the Decembrist once or twice with a solution of fertilizers for epiphytic cacti or apply them under the root, and you will see how quickly the plant will restore its strength. If that doesn't work, change the soil. The reason for the fall of the final segments may be too dry air or stress transferred by the plant - a sharp temperature drop, a change in the environment, a draft, or an ill-timed transplant.

    Indoor Decembrist after flowering

    When the Decembrist blooms, begin to gradually reduce watering by placing the plant in a cool place where it will stand until the end of March, resting after flowering. At the end of March, the Decembrist begins the vegetative period, so move the flower to its usual place, gradually increase watering and start fertilizing the plant.

    Kalanchoe - dry, turn yellow, leaves fall. Why? What to do?

    Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl? Why do Kalanchoe turn yellow, dry and fall leaves? The problem lies in the conditions of the plant. In addition, Kalanchoe can be affected by pests such as powdery mildew, spider mites, and scale insects. Often, rot occurs on the roots of Kalanchoe. So, how to recognize Kalanchoe diseases and cure them effectively? What to do if there is a white coating and brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe? What do the soft leaves of Kalanchoe say? Recommendations of specialists, photos of diseases and effective treatment of the plant.

    Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, dry and wither?

    Why and what to do if the leaves of Kalanchoe wither and fall? How to treat Kalanchoe if the plant leaves dry and turn yellow? Kalanchoe leaves often indicate improper plant care. Below you can consider the common diseases of this flower. Experts will tell you how to treat Kalanchoe.

    What to do if the leaves of Kalanchoe wither? Reasons: abundant watering in combination with a low temperature content. Kalanchoe leaves wither if the plant was transplanted with a complete replacement of the soil. Kalanchoe leaves wither if the volume of the pot, and hence the soil, was significantly increased during the transplant. In all of the above cases, the root system of the flower suffers.

    Kalanchoe leaves wither if the soil in the pot does not have time to dry between waterings, plus the low temperature of the content. The optimum temperature for the plant is +18. +25 degrees. Watering in such cases is carried out after the soil has dried up to half the pot. Some "drying" of the plant will benefit him. If the temperature drops to +17 degrees and below, a dormant period begins for the plant. The vital processes of the flower slow down, including the amount of moisture consumed decreases. Now between watering the soil in the pot should dry out to half. At low temperatures, abundant watering leads to decay of the root system. Damaged roots can no longer absorb moisture, and therefore Kalanchoe leaves wither even in wet soil.

    What to do? First you need to let the soil dry in the pot. The next watering is carried out when the earth dries to the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to add 1 drop of cyclone per 1 liter of water to water for irrigation. Be sure to organize artificial lighting for the plant (phytolamp, cold light fluorescent lamp). Summer Kalanchoe is best placed on the windows on the east or west side of the house with shading from direct sunlight.

    To be sure, you can remove the plant from the pot, without violating the integrity of the earthy coma, and inspect the roots for rot. Rotten roots are flabby and brown. Healthy roots are firm and light. Rotten roots are removed, the plant is returned to the ground. In this case, you need to reduce the volume of the pot. The size of the latter must match the size of the root system. In a large pot, the roots may rot back. After transplanting around Kalanchoe, increase the humidity of the air (spraying, put a container of water near the pot). Watering poor, bright, diffused light.

    Sluggish leaves in Kalanchoe after transplantation indicate a violation of the root system. Like any plant, Kalanchoe does not like it when the integrity of the earthy coma is violated during transplantation. In such cases, the smallest roots suffer, which are involved in the process of nutrition and moisture absorption of the plant. With a complete replacement of the soil, it is very easy to cut off these small roots, and they are not restored immediately. That is why a transplant with a complete replacement of the soil is also called a rough transplant and is resorted to only in the most extreme cases, for example, when the roots of Kalanchoe rot. In all other cases, transplantation is carried out by careful transshipment or is limited to replacing the top layer of the old soil with a new substrate.

    Very often, during transplantation, the volume of the pot is significantly increased. After that, the leaves of Kalanchoe wither. The explanation is simple: in a large pot there is soil that is not occupied by the roots of the flower. An excess of moisture accumulates in this soil and between watering, the excess soil does not have time to dry out, which leads to waterlogging of the plant and rotting of its root system.

    What should I do if the leaves of Kalanchoe wither after a rough transplant or a significant increase in the volume of the pot? Irrigation needs to be adjusted. The lower the temperature of the content, the less often the plant is watered. Zikron is added to the water for irrigation (every two irrigations for the third). Increase the humidity of the air around the flower. Provide bright but diffused light. In winter - artificial lighting, in summer - windows on the east or west side with shading from direct sunlight.

    Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom? Kalanchoe lays buds for flowering only in favorable conditions for this. First, the plant needs winter rest. To do this, it is placed in that part of the room where there is a lot of light in winter. This is the main condition. Without lighting, Kalanchoe does not lay buds and does not bloom. The second condition is a low temperature of the content of +16 degrees, not higher. The third condition is very rare watering, in which a lump of earth is kept dry, while the plant does not dry out. The fourth condition is regular feeding during the period of intensive growth and development of Kalanchoe.

    Black spots on Kalanchoe leaves. They look like small warts and slightly protrude above the surface of the leaf plate. Similar black spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe are the result of waterlogging of the soil and the simultaneous action of cold air flows. Ways to fix the problem - it is necessary to prevent cold air from entering the flower and moderate watering.

    Silvery spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe in the form of strokes. What to do with Kalanchoe leaves? The leaves of Kalanchoe were struck by the disease - thrips. They appear on the plant in dry air, lay their eggs in the tissue of the leaves, from which a characteristic pattern appears. The larvae of the plant also live in the thickness of the leaf. That is why the spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe gradually increase in size.

    How to treat Kalanchoe leaf disease? In this case, contact preparations will not help. Systemic treatment with Aktara or Confidor is required. It is necessary to spray and shed the soil with preparations not only on the affected plant, but also on all the flowers in the apartment or house, since thrips easily move through the air and easily infect other plants. For spraying, 4 g of Aktara should be dissolved in 5 liters of water. For irrigation, the concentration of the solution is reduced, 1 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of liquid. Processing is carried out 4 times. Processing interval 7-10 days. The higher the temperature of the plants, the more often they are sprayed and watered with Aktara's solution.

    Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry. If these are the lower leaves and the plant has not been rejuvenated for a long time (the plant is more than three years old and it has not been re-rooted with apical cuttings), there is nothing to worry about. In Kalanchoe, the lower leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off due to their aging. Recommendations of experts - in the spring it is necessary to rejuvenate the plant by re-rooting it with apical cuttings.

    If Kalanchoe turn yellow and dry young leaves. it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of the flower. So, in Kalanchoe, leaves dry and fall in the middle of the crown in winter, if the flower is placed near heating appliances. Hot air currents from the battery dry the plant, its leaves turn yellow along the edge. You can solve the problem by increasing the humidity of the air. Next to the pot with Kalanchoe put a container in water or wet expanded clay. Evaporating water will increase the humidity of the air.

    The leaves of Kalanchoe wither if the plant is supercooled or it is periodically exposed to cold air flows. In some cases, dark brown spots appear on the leaves of Kalanchoe. Such leaves in Kalanchoe fall off over time. Dark brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe are dropsies that appear when the soil in the pot is excessively moistened and cold air flows in parallel to the plant. Also, these spots appear if Kalanchoe leaves come into contact with cold glass or the plant is frostbitten during transportation.

    What if the leaves of Kalanchoe wither and are covered with convex, dark brown dropsy spots? Normalize the conditions of detention, namely, the temperature in winter should be within +16. +18 degrees. Cold air should not be allowed to hit the plants. for example. from an open window. Watering is very scarce. Allow the potting soil to dry out completely between waterings. This is easily determined by the weight of the pot. Dry soil is light. Watering is rare, but plentiful. so that the earth in the pot is completely wetted. Excess moisture from the pan after watering is immediately removed. It is recommended to water Kalanchoe with settled water heated to +35 degrees.

    Brown spots appeared on the stalk of Kalanchoe, in some places the stalk is covered with a gray coating. In this case, the flower continues to grow. Reason: waterlogging of the soil. As a result, the stem corked due to unfavorable conditions. Ways to fix the problem: moderate watering, do not spray for some time.

    Why cyclamen fades and how to save the plant

    As a rule, cyclamen care is simple, but sometimes a potted plant has a somewhat unsightly appearance. This could happen for many reasons, and if action is not taken, the flower may die. The answer to the question "why does the plant die?" can have a wide variety of variations.

    If you notice that cyclamen lowered its leaves and withered, then the reasons for this condition may lie in the following:

  • if such symptoms appeared after the pot was brought into the house, then this means that the plant is under stress. This situation develops if the flowers got into other growing conditions (for example, the wrong humidity or air temperature);
  • exhaustion. The flower needs to be fed at certain periods (before budding and in the stage of active growth). At this time, you need good nutrition through the application of fertilizers. If this is not done, then the leaves will be sluggish;
  • entering the dormant stage. After the buds have faded, cyclamen falls into a dormant stage. The transition to this stage is characterized by the fact that the leaves wither. Many novice flower growers believe that flowers die and throw them in the trash.
  • In addition, very often plants wither due to improper care. For example, cyclamen dies from an excess of moisture or a violation of the temperature regime. Any deviation from standard care causes the leaves to drop and wither.

    Cyclamens are very demanding on the water regime, as well as the water with which they are watered. Here you need to use only soft and well-settled water. And it should be at room temperature. You also need to ensure that the air in the room was slightly humidified.

    Separately, it is worth noting the fact that cyclamen does not tolerate an excess of salts in the soil. Excessive use of mineral fertilizers can lead to this condition. That is why, even if the care at first glance was correct, the flowers on the windowsill may look sluggish. But cyclamen does not always fade due to improper care. Very often, various diseases lead to this condition.

    Diseases of cyclamen

    If your flower pet has drooping leaves, and care is optimal and accurate, then the reason for this condition lies in the disease. The main trouble for cyclamen is various fungal infections. Why do pathogenic microorganisms appear on the flower? The reason, again, lies in improper care. If you waterlogged the soil, then with a high degree of probability pathogenic microorganisms will start in it after a while.

    Sick flowers look like this:

  • leaves wither. And very often on the one hand;
  • their yellowing is possible;
  • leaves become deformed;
  • mold or other symptoms of disease development may appear on the leaf blade.
  • Video “We grow cyclamen at home. All about plants»

    What should be the care

    As you can see, the most common reason that a flower withered is a violation of the rules for caring for it. In order for the plant to be healthy and bloom beautifully, you need to care for it as follows:

  • place the pot in the right place: on the east or west windowsill, avoiding direct sunlight;
  • the temperature regime should be in the range of + 14-16 degrees. If the upper threshold is exceeded, the plant withers and dies very quickly;
  • requires moderate watering. Water is poured in a thin stream along the walls of the pot. Remember that flowers are better underfilled than overfilled. To avoid overflow, it is necessary to make a drainage system of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot during transplantation. In such a situation, excess water will drain into the pan;
  • watering is carried out only with well-settled water;
  • humidity should also be moderate. To create it, you need to periodically moisten the air with a pulverizer. At the same time, the plant itself cannot be sprayed, because if moisture gets on the leaves and tuber, they will begin to rot;
  • mandatory fertilization during the period of plant growth and the formation of inflorescences. It is not recommended to use products containing a lot of nitrogen as a fertilizer. With such nutrition, cyclamen becomes less resistant to various diseases.
  • Every year, before flowering, the tuber should be transplanted into a slightly larger pot and new soil, which should be rich in nutrients. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right soil. For cyclamen of all varieties, it is worth using a soil mixture of peat and leafy soil.

    Separately, it should be noted that during the dormant period, which occurs in the middle of summer, watering should be gradually reduced, and top dressing should be completely stopped. If you follow the rules of care, then your pet will be healthy and strong, and flowering will be lush and long.

    How to save a plant

    In a situation where you have discovered the first signs of wilting, you need to take urgent action. Otherwise, you risk losing the flower due to its irreversible death. What manipulations should be done depends on the cause.

    To save a flower, you can do the following:

  • change the place of growth by placing the pot in another room with more suitable conditions;
  • spray the leaves with a stimulant. This procedure should be carried out when a stressful situation is detected associated with buying a flower and transferring it to an apartment. In such a situation, after spraying, the leaves will take their usual form;
  • you can try to add additional dressing to the pot;
  • transplant the tuber, peeled from wilted leaves, into another pot. This approach will help in a situation of plant disease or the detection of insect pests on it;
  • treat the leaves with products that are used to control pests. To achieve the desired effect, this procedure should be carried out several times. Usually the treatment is repeated every 3-5 days.
  • Of course, it is better not to bring to such a state when cyclamen should be urgently saved. For this, all that is needed is to properly monitor the plant and timely do the minimum that is necessary for its normal and full development.

    Video "Secrets of caring for cyclamen"

    To properly care for this excellent flower, we advise you to take a closer look at the tips from the video. Practical recommendations and consistent flower care are all you need to grow it.

    Kalanchoe - Kalanchoe

    Types of the genus Kalanchoe - Kalanchoe:

    Kalanchoe - Kalanchoe is located 37th place in the rating of recommendations and has the following qualities:

    If you have already grown this plant and you like it and you recommend it to other growers, you can also

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl? Why do Kalanchoe turn yellow, dry and fall leaves? The problem lies in the conditions of the plant. In addition, Kalanchoe can be affected by pests such as powdery mildew, spider mites, and scale insects. Often, rot occurs on the roots of Kalanchoe. So, how to recognize Kalanchoe diseases and cure them effectively? What to do if there is a white coating and brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe? What do the soft leaves of Kalanchoe say? Recommendations of specialists, photos of diseases and effective treatment of the plant.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, dry and wither?

Why and what to do if the leaves of Kalanchoe wither and fall? How to treat Kalanchoe if the plant leaves dry and turn yellow? Kalanchoe leaves often indicate improper plant care. Below you can consider the common diseases of this flower. Experts will tell you how to treat Kalanchoe.

What to do if the leaves of Kalanchoe wither? Reasons: abundant watering in combination with a low temperature content. Kalanchoe leaves wither if the plant was transplanted with a complete replacement of the soil. Kalanchoe leaves wither if the volume of the pot, and hence the soil, was significantly increased during the transplant. In all of the above cases, the root system of the flower suffers.

Kalanchoe leaves wither if the soil in the pot does not have time to dry between waterings, plus the low temperature of the content. The optimal temperature regime for the plant is +18 ... +25 degrees. Watering in such cases is carried out after the soil has dried up to half the pot. Some "drying" of the plant will do him good. If the temperature drops to +17 degrees and below, a dormant period begins for the plant. The vital processes of the flower slow down, including the amount of moisture consumed decreases. Now between watering the soil in the pot should dry out to half. At low temperatures, abundant watering leads to decay of the root system. Damaged roots can no longer absorb moisture, and therefore Kalanchoe leaves wither even in wet soil.

What to do? First you need to let the soil dry in the pot. The next watering is carried out when the earth dries to the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to add 1 drop of cyclone per 1 liter of water to water for irrigation. Be sure to organize artificial lighting for the plant (phytolamp, cold light fluorescent lamp). Summer Kalanchoe is best placed on the windows on the east or west side of the house with shading from direct sunlight.

To be sure, you can remove the plant from the pot, without violating the integrity of the earthy coma, and inspect the roots for rot. Rotten roots are flabby and brown. Healthy roots are firm and light. Rotten roots are removed, the plant is returned to the ground. In this case, you need to reduce the volume of the pot. The size of the latter must match the size of the root system. In a large pot, the roots may rot back. After transplanting around Kalanchoe, increase the humidity of the air (spraying, put a container of water near the pot). Watering poor, bright, diffused light.

Sluggish leaves in Kalanchoe after transplantation indicate a violation of the root system. Like any plant, Kalanchoe does not like it when the integrity of the earthy coma is violated during transplantation. In such cases, the smallest roots suffer, which are involved in the process of nutrition and moisture absorption of the plant. With a complete replacement of the soil, it is very easy to cut off these small roots, and they are not restored immediately. That is why a transplant with a complete replacement of the soil is also called a rough transplant and is resorted to only in the most extreme cases, for example, when the roots of Kalanchoe rot. In all other cases, transplantation is carried out by careful transshipment or is limited to replacing the top layer of the old soil with a new substrate.

Very often, during transplantation, the volume of the pot is significantly increased. After that, the leaves of Kalanchoe wither. The explanation is simple: in a large pot there is soil that is not occupied by the roots of the flower. An excess of moisture accumulates in this soil and between watering, the excess soil does not have time to dry out, which leads to waterlogging of the plant and rotting of its root system.

What should I do if the leaves of Kalanchoe wither after a rough transplant or a significant increase in the volume of the pot? Irrigation needs to be adjusted. The lower the temperature of the content, the less often the plant is watered. Zikron is added to the water for irrigation (every two irrigations for the third). Increase the humidity of the air around the flower. Provide bright but diffused light. In winter - artificial lighting, in summer - windows on the east or west side with shading from direct sunlight.

Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom? Kalanchoe lays buds for flowering only in favorable conditions for this. First, the plant needs winter rest. To do this, it is placed in that part of the room where there is a lot of light in winter. This is the main condition. Without lighting, Kalanchoe does not lay buds and does not bloom. The second condition is a low temperature of the content of +16 degrees, not higher. The third condition is very rare watering, in which a lump of earth is kept dry, while the plant does not dry out. The fourth condition is regular feeding during the period of intensive growth and development of Kalanchoe.

Black spots on Kalanchoe leaves. They look like small warts and slightly protrude above the surface of the leaf plate. Similar black spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe are the result of waterlogging of the soil and the simultaneous action of cold air flows. Ways to fix the problem - it is necessary to prevent cold air from entering the flower and moderate watering.

Silvery spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe in the form of strokes. What to do with Kalanchoe leaves? The leaves of Kalanchoe were struck by the disease - thrips. They appear on the plant in dry air, lay their eggs in the tissue of the leaves, from which a characteristic pattern appears. The larvae of the plant also live in the thickness of the leaf. That is why the spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe gradually increase in size.

How to treat Kalanchoe leaf disease? In this case, contact preparations will not help. Systemic treatment with Aktara or Confidor is required. It is necessary to spray and shed the soil with preparations not only on the affected plant, but also on all the flowers in the apartment or house, since thrips easily move through the air and easily infect other plants. For spraying, 4 g of Aktara should be dissolved in 5 liters of water. For irrigation, the concentration of the solution is reduced, 1 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of liquid. Processing is carried out 4 times. Processing interval 7-10 days. The higher the temperature of the plants, the more often they are sprayed and watered with Aktara's solution.

Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry. If these are the lower leaves and the plant has not been rejuvenated for a long time (the plant is more than three years old and it has not been re-rooted with apical cuttings), there is nothing to worry about. In Kalanchoe, the lower leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off due to their aging. Recommendations of experts - in the spring it is necessary to rejuvenate the plant by re-rooting it with apical cuttings.

If Kalanchoe turn yellow and dry young leaves. it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of the flower. So, in Kalanchoe, leaves dry and fall in the middle of the crown in winter, if the flower is placed near heating appliances. Hot air currents from the battery dry the plant, its leaves turn yellow along the edge. You can solve the problem by increasing the humidity of the air. Next to the pot with Kalanchoe put a container in water or wet expanded clay. Evaporating water will increase the humidity of the air.

The leaves of Kalanchoe wither if the plant is supercooled or it is periodically exposed to cold air flows. In some cases, dark brown spots appear on the leaves of Kalanchoe. Such leaves in Kalanchoe fall off over time. Dark brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe are dropsies that appear when the soil in the pot is excessively moist and cold air flows in parallel to the plant. Also, these spots appear if Kalanchoe leaves come into contact with cold glass or the plant is frostbitten during transportation.

What if the leaves of Kalanchoe wither and are covered with convex, dark brown dropsy spots? Normalize the conditions of detention, namely, the temperature in winter should be within +16 ... +18 degrees. Cold air should not be allowed to hit the plants. for example. from an open window. Watering is very scarce. Allow the potting soil to dry out completely between waterings. This is easily determined by the weight of the pot. Dry soil is light. Watering is rare, but plentiful. so that the earth in the pot is completely wetted. Excess moisture from the pan after watering is immediately removed. It is recommended to water Kalanchoe with settled water heated to +35 degrees.

Brown spots appeared on the stalk of Kalanchoe, in some places the stalk is covered with a gray coating. In this case, the flower continues to grow. Reason: waterlogging of the soil. As a result, the stem corked due to unfavorable conditions. Ways to fix the problem: moderate watering, do not spray for some time.

Kalanchoe is a traditional and beloved houseplant grown on the windowsills of our compatriots. All types of this culture are easy to care for: Degremont's Kalanchoe is grown for its medicinal properties, Laciniata's Kalanchoe decorates the interior with spectacular dissected leaves, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe periodically pleases with bright cheerful flowers.

For all the unpretentiousness of the plant, flower growers sometimes notice that Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow. In this case, it is worth finding out the reasons that caused the change in the state of the flower and adjusting its care.

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    Causes of yellowing foliage

    Yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves is due to improper care, which consists of several factors. The condition of a houseplant can be affected by:

    • incorrect landing technology;
    • poor-quality composition of the soil mixture;
    • erroneous placement of the flower in the apartment;
    • non-compliance with the optimal temperature and humidity;
    • irrigation errors;
    • lack or excess of minerals;
    • pest attack;
    • defeat by fungal diseases;
    • natural aging process.

    To find out why the leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow, you need to deal with each of the listed points and eliminate possible errors.

    Landing and transplant

    Indoor plants most often appear in the house after purchase in a flower shop or garden center. Inexperienced flower growers think that the plant does not need to be replanted. In fact, all the flowers that hit the store shelves are in infertile soil without nutrients. Even with high-quality watering, after a while, Kalanchoe will begin to turn yellow due to a lack of trace elements.

    Having withstood the adaptation period of 1-2 weeks, the new plant must be transplanted into the soil. It is believed that a favorable time for transplantation is spring. In the case of a newly acquired flower, you can not wait until spring.

    The transplant is carried out as follows:

    • The soil mixture is bought at a flower shop. From a large assortment, it is worth giving preference to soil for succulents or universal soil for indoor plants.
    • For self-compilation of the soil mixture, leaf and sod land, humus and coarse sand are combined in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1.
    • The pot is chosen not too large so that its volume is commensurate with the plant. A layer of expanded clay drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot.
    • Fill the prepared pot with soil mixture to a third of the height. The plant is carefully removed from the transport pot and placed in a new one, being careful not to damage the roots.
    • They fill the voids with the remaining earth, from time to time shaking the pot to settle the soil. It is not necessary to tamp with your hands so that the earth retains moisture and breathability.

    Attention! When planting and transplanting, it is important to choose the right volume of the pot - in a cramped containerkalanchoecan notto develop normallyvolume ofthe earth will turn sour and lead toroot rot.

    Temperature regime

    Kalanchoe prefers 10-hour daylight hours. Adequate amount of light will keep the plant green and blooming. Windows facing the southwest or southeast are best suited for Kalanchoe. On the southern windows in the summer, the flower will have to be shaded from the burning rays of the sun. In the autumn-winter period, in regions with short daylight hours, the plant is illuminated with fluorescent or phytolamps.

    In addition to lighting, temperature is an important factor. The optimum temperature for the plant ranges from + 20 + 26 ° С. In winter, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to +15°С, in summer it is permissible to increase it to +30°С.

    Attention! Yellowing leaves at the top of the plant indicate a lack of sunlight,ayellowedor flushedevenly along the entire length of the stem - about an excess of lighting. Knowing the content ruleskalanchoeit is not difficult to correct the situation - move the plant to partial shade or rearrange it to a more lit place.

    You can not put a flower next to working heaters - heat sources significantly increase the temperature and cause dry air, which negatively affects the condition of the leaves. Also dangerous is a sharp temperature drop in winter, when hot air comes from the radiators, and cold air comes from the window glass. If the flower turned yellow with the beginning of the heating season, it must be moved further from the battery.

    Irrigation mistakes.

    Often, Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry due to improper watering. Like any succulent, Kalanchoe does not like excessive watering.

    • water with settled water at room temperature;
    • water more abundantly in the summer;
    • reduce the amount of water and increase the breaks between waterings in winter;
    • in hot weather, it is permissible to spray the plant with boiled or purified water no more than 1 time per week so that lime stains do not remain on the leaves.

    Kalanchoe with yellowed leaves could suffer from watering with tap water without settling. This is extremely harmful - the chlorine contained in the water negatively affects the general condition of the plant and over time can lead to its death. Therefore, tap water must first be kept for at least a day in an open container so that the chlorine can "weather".

    At first, caring for Kalanchoe can be difficult to determine whether the flower needs to be watered or is it too early. Experience will come with time, but at first it is worth focusing on one watering per week during flowering and a little less often during dormancy. In winter, Kalanchoe is watered 1-2 days after the earthen ball dries out.

    Attention!Eif ukalanchoeyellow leaves, most likelynot enough moisture, and watering needs to be increased. The presence of sluggishonyelloweatenx leaves indicates an excess of fluid in the soil. In this case, you need to let the earth dry out, and then water more carefully.

    If suddenly, for some reason, the plant has been without watering for a long time, you should not pour the usual rate of water into the flower pot with a generous hand. After a long drought, Kalanchoe should be gradually "accustomed" to moisture, each time increasing the volume of liquid to normal.

    Plant nutrition

    It also happens that Kalanchoe leaves fall due to an excess of mineral salts in the soil. This occurs as a result of frequent fertilization or exceeding the recommended dose. The optimal feeding for Kalanchoe is once a month during the period of active growth from March to October. In winter, the plant is at rest, so do not stimulate it once again. Otherwise, the shoots will stretch ugly, and the leaves will turn yellow.

    For non-flowering species of Kalanchoe, fertilizer for succulents or decorative foliage plants is suitable. Kalanchoe Blossfeld during the budding period should be fertilized with preparations for flowering plants or complex formulations.

    Attention! The formation of a white or yellow crust or plaque on the surface of the soil in a pot indicates excessive hardness of tap water. It does not harm the plant, but does not look

    Diseases and pests

    Due to improper care, Kalanchoe can get sick or be attacked by pests. Yellow and curling leaves should be a signal for a thorough examination of the flower for the presence of bugs. Most often, the plant is affected by aphids, especially in the summer, when the flower is exposed to fresh air or kept near an open window.

    If insects are found, the plant is treated with any of the insecticidal preparations ("Fitoverm", "Decis", "Aktara"), after 2-3 weeks the treatment is repeated. Instead of an insecticide, you can use soap suds - wipe all the leaves and stems with a napkin soaked in foam, having previously covered the soil in the pot with a film.

    Yellow or brown weeping spots on the leaves are a sure sign of a fungal infection caused by waterlogging the soil. In this case, you need to remove the diseased leaves, cut off the sluggish stems and treat the flower with Fitosporin. In the future, adjust watering and prevent stagnation of moisture in the pot. If a flower is severely affected by an infection, it can only be saved by rooting pruned healthy shoots.

    Kalanchoe is an unpretentious plant that can be used for medicinal purposes or admire spectacular flowering. Care for him should be carried out taking into account all the necessary parameters. High-quality watering, timely feeding, compliance with temperature indicators, anti-aging pruning and rooting will help to avoid problems associated with yellowing and leaf fall.

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