Why doesn't cyclamen bloom? The reasons why cyclamen does not bloom, the leaves curl - caring for a home flower As for seed distribution, there are a number of features

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

Few people are able to remain indifferent to the charm and graceful beauty of cyclamen. To achieve the flowering of this unique exotic plant, you will have to make a lot of effort. Today we will tell you what to do if cyclamen does not bloom.

Cyclamen, whose homeland is called the Middle East and the Mediterranean, is very popular among flower growers. The main advantage of this decorative culture is graceful flowers, their shape resembling small exotic white butterflies, various shades lilac, pink, purple and burgundy colors. Despite the fact that cyclamen has a reputation for being capricious and demanding on care and growing conditions decorative flower, many flower growers dream of having this plant in their home greenhouse.

Many novice flower growers, interested in a beautiful elegant flower, are trying to find out when cyclamen blooms. In winter, when most indoor plants are at rest and rest, the first buds appear on cyclamen. The dullness and grayness that reign on the windowsill disappear thanks to this unique flower.

Some flower growers argue that when creating the appropriate atmosphere (we are talking about air temperature and humidity, irrigation features and fertilizer application), the plant can bloom not only in winter, but also in summer. However, as experienced experts note, untimely flowering is not the norm, but refers to isolated cases. With the creation of favorable conditions and proper care, most varieties of cyclamen bloom from October to March. After the buds crumble, they gradually begin.
Yellowing foliage is considered the first sign that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It is recommended to remove yellowed leaves, rearrange flower pot in a dark place and reduce the amount of watering. All these actions are necessary so that the flower has the opportunity to have a good rest and prepare for the next growing season.

Video "The subtleties of growing cyclamen"

In this video you will hear helpful tips cyclamen care.

Why the plant does not bloom

However, due to some circumstances, cyclamen often refuses to bloom, and the plant does not necessarily look drooping or painful. Let's look at the main reasons why cyclamen does not bloom.

Wrong fit

Majority indoor flowers, including cyclamen, come to our homes from specialized nurseries and stores. Almost all ornamental crops must be transplanted immediately after purchase. The main criterion for abundant and long flowering is considered competent landing tuber, a third of which should be above the soil level. With the full deepening of the tuber, cyclamen does not receive the proper amount of useful trace elements and does not bloom.

In addition to a properly organized landing, attention must be paid to the choice of location. The best option to place a flower pot with cyclamen - this is the southwestern side of the house, where diffused sunlight predominates. Cyclamen loves sunlight, but reacts painfully to direct ultraviolet rays, which burn not only leaves, but also upper part root.

Violation of the temperature regime

Unlike most exotic plants, cyclamen loves coolness.

The flower feels best in a room where the average daily air temperature is 15–18 ° C. A lower temperature regime is detrimental to this crop. In summer, when cyclamen is at a stage of rest and rest, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for the plant. High air temperature can cause not only the lack of bud formation, but also lead to wilting.

over watering

It is not difficult to grow an indoor flower if you know the features of caring for a particular decorative culture. Cyclamen does not like excessive watering. Excess moisture promises major troubles, in particular the lack of flowering, frequent diseases, yellowing and untimely fall of foliage, as well as rotting of the root system, which can lead to the death of the plant.
During the period when buds begin to form and buds open, it is recommended to water the flower no more than once every 7-10 days. If the soil is still wet, the moistening procedure can be postponed for a few days. In the summer, the number of waterings is significantly reduced, it is enough to moisten the substrate once a month.

Diseases and pests

To answer the question of whether cyclamen will bloom, you need to make sure that there are no signs of any diseases or the presence of harmful insects on the flower. With illiterate care, this ornamental culture may suffer from fusarium, gray rot, wet rot and other fungal, bacterial and viral. Often cyclamen becomes the object of attacks by thrips, aphids and cyclamen mites.


We have already found out when and how cyclamen blooms, and also identified the main mistakes of flower growers that affect budding and flowering. Now you need to understand whether the above problems can be eliminated, and how to make cyclamen bloom. One of the most effective ways force given exotic plant blooming is when the flower does not enter the dormant stage, but continues to actively grow and develop throughout the year.

The formation of kidneys in cyclamen occurs cyclically. If you do not give the houseplant a rest in due time, then the natural cycle goes astray. As a result, the flower buds of a capricious decorative culture will form much earlier than the period familiar to flower growers.

This method also has some disadvantages. Thus, in the absence of rest indoor flower breaks the cyclical rhythm. For this reason, it is recommended to transplant the plant immediately after the completion of the flowering stage. Have you noticed that after transplanting, the leaves began to turn yellow and fall off? Such "behavior" is considered normal, after a certain period, young leaves will appear.
Please note that the above forced flowering method is used only for adult indoor flowers with large and well-developed tubers. Compared to annuals ornamental crops adult cyclamens bloom more profusely and for a long time. Young bulbs are characterized by an insufficient amount of useful trace elements. If you apply the forced flowering method on a young cyclamen, then the plant is quickly depleted, as a result of which it can even.

Cyclamen is one of the most popular winter flowering indoor plants. Cyclamen impresses with its patterns on the leaves, the leaves are amazingly perfect, they are compact, form a dense beautiful mound. And the flowers are proudly arranged on tall stems that rise above the foliage.

Compared to other indoor plants, cyclamen is a little moody. But by taking good care of it, you can prolong the life of the plant, make it healthy and beautiful. This is a plant that begins to delight already at the end of autumn with the beauty of its leaves and buds.

So, how can you get the most out of your cyclamen?

What is your cyclamen?

There are many cyclamens, here are the most popular:

Cyclamen European - Cyclamen europaeum, Cyclamen purpurascens

(was popular in the USSR)

Lighting: better east or west window or south with shading or north with additional lighting

Temperature: +15-22°C

Watering: gently from above and through the pan, but no more than 15 minutes

Fertilizer: 2-3 times a month

Transplant: 1 time in 2-4 years

Cyclamen Neapolitan - Cyclamen neapolitanum, Cyclamen hederifolium

Planted outdoors during dormancy

Landing: light soddy soil

Watering: do not over-wet

Propagation: by seeds

Transplantation: you can not transplant, the longer you do not transplant - the better it blooms

Flowering: September - October

Wintering: shelter for the winter

Cyclamen Persian - Cyclamen persicum

Lighting: shaded

Temperature: 15-19°C

Watering: moderate

Humidity: Do not spray at 15°C

Fertilizer: 2 times a month with watering

Transplant: 1 time per year

Before the main information, I provide a small plate so as not to confuse you.

"Caring for cyclamen according to the seasons"

SeasonNovember -
March, April)
PeriodBloomThe dormant period beginsrest periodLeaf growth, flower formation
LightingBright, shaded lightAs well as during floweringTubers are kept in a cool dark place.Like during flowering
TemperatureDay: 15-18 °C
Night: 12-15°C
As well as during floweringCool (about 15°C)Day: 20°C
Night: 17°C
WateringAbundant, but allow the soil to dry out between wateringsDecreases when leaves begin to turn yellow
stops when all leaves are dry and yellow
No, but the tubers must have sufficient moistureResumes when leaves appear
FertilizerEvery 2 weeks balanced or with high content potassium fertilizerNotNotResumes with watering
CareRemoving all wilted flowers and bad leavesRemoving all dry leavesPlanting tubers in a suitable substrate

The first step to have a long-lived cyclamen is to choose a healthy plant from the very beginning. Best time to buy cyclamen in early autumn.

At the end of August, when all other plants wither and lose their leaves, cyclamens are just beginning to grow. A few weeks of growth in September will show a healthy plant or not. Examine the cyclamen closely for any signs of disease, discoloration, or unnatural leaf sluggishness.

However, don't buy plants that look healthy and are already in bloom, meaning the petals are fully visible. Such plants do not live long. Better slow but steady growing cyclamen than fast flowers in early September.


Cyclamens are autumn plants. They like cold cloudy autumn weather.

Do not place cyclamen in direct sunlight, otherwise it will wither. He likes diffused light. If you will keep it on the windowsill, then do not put it where it will be in the sun for a long time, but rather place it somewhere on the sidelines.

If you have difficulty in accommodation, then choose more dark place try to keep the plant cool.


Coolness will significantly extend the life of your plant. The right temperature for it is 15 to 18°C ​​during the day, and ideally 12 to 15°C at night.

Remember that cyclamen - autumn plant and even in summer heat prefers coolness.


Secret proper watering cyclamen is that the soil near the base of the plant is not too wet.

Cyclamen is very vulnerable to root rot, so the best watering for it is from a pan that only moistens the bottom layer of soil. This is done as follows: pour as much water into a pan, basin or pan as the plant needs for watering, you don’t need much, leave the pot there and remove it after 15 minutes. All excess water drains, but the necessary remains. This will keep the roots moist but keep the base and center of the plant dry.

It also needs to be sprayed very weakly once a day and not more often. At the same time, the leaves should dry out before night, and it is better to do this in the morning, since this moisture is used in the process of photosynthesis.


Fertilize cyclamen during new growth and during flowering until new leaves and flowers appear. Balanced fertilizers and fertilizers with a high content of potassium are suitable for top dressing. You can feed every 2 weeks while watering.

Avoid over-fertilizing, especially with a high-nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the leaves will appear and the flowers will not wait.

During flowering

Another secret to cyclamen is to cut off its flowers when they begin to wane. Thus, he has a lot of energy left, which he directs to growth and flowering.

After flowering

If you see that cyclamen no longer blooms, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off, then the dormant period begins. Cut flowers, stop watering. Twist or cut dry leaves.

Stand the pot on its side in a cool place and do not water until the end of summer (but the soil should be slightly damp). At the end of summer, start watering when new leaves appear - it's time to repot.

Cyclamen transplant

It is transplanted once a year after a dormant period at the end of summer. To do this, the pot should be small, drainage at the bottom is not required. The tops should go underground by half or a third, this will prevent rotting.


Cyclamen is a plant that grows and blooms part of its life, and part is at rest. During dormancy, it remains underground as an underground tuber that looks like a swollen root and a bit like a potato J

Cyclamen tubers are propagated at the end of August in this way: take a tuber out of the ground, dry it a little (like a seed potato) and divide it into parts so that several eyes and shoots remain on each part. Process cut edges activated carbon let it dry a bit and plant.

As for seed distribution, there are a number of features:

  • Fresh seeds are not required, they must be sieved and light brown in color. Seeds are poured into sugar water. The ones that have surfaced are no good.
  • Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in warm water for 24 hours.
  • Light has a bad effect on seed germination, but absolute darkness is not required, a very dark place is enough.
  • If the seeds are dry after germination, nothing will grow.
  • If they exfoliated in some places, nothing will grow either.

The soil should contain compost, be loose, but retain moisture. Seeds should be sown on a layer of compost at a distance of 2 cm from each other and covered with a layer of sand about 5-7 mm.

In general, autumn flowering cyclamens germinate in autumn, spring - in spring. Cyclamen seeds germinate in about 30-40 days. Moisten the soil regularly to keep them from drying out. When sprouts appear, move the pot to a bright place without direct sun rays, then watering with fertilizers begins.

When small tubers appear, transplant into a normal pot without covering the tuber with soil. It will be around April or May.

Cyclamens grown from seeds bloom in about a year and a half.

Diseases of cyclamen

Rotting leaves and cuttingsExcessive or irregular watering
The leaves are turning yellow, but the flowers are healthyToo warm and dry

Insufficient watering

direct sunlight

Little bloomWarm

Wrong watering

dry air

Little fertilizer

Flowers hiding under the leavesToo damp

Too cold

Irregular watering

Leaves curl up and stems twistThe cyclamen mite looks like dust on the underside of the leaves. This is due to the high humidity.

All affected parts should be removed and sprayed with insecticides.

The leaves are folded, the flowers are deformed, there is "dandruff" everywhere

Leaves are falling

The aphid is a small sucking insect that loves young shoots, young leaves and buds.

It is necessary to rinse the plant with a strong stream of water from the shower. Remove aphid residues with a cotton swab moistened with insecticide.

grayish brown leavesThrips lay eggs on the underside of leaves. The reason is too warm and dry.

As a preventive measure, spray cyclamen with water, in case of infection, spray with insecticides until they disappear.

Cyclamens can have other diseases, but proper care will prevent them from the start.

This is happening now, but all summer and autumn everything was fine ..

Feel the tuber. If it is solid, then cyclamen just retired. If soft - then died

Winter on the street they have a period of stagnation

And cyclamen is generally a very whimsical plant. It bends slowly.

Mine is growing and budding.

Stands on a windowsill in the east. I water in the pan. The battery is closed, the window is open all the time. ALL.

Possible reasons are too high temperature, improper watering and dry air, transplanting into poor soil. Do not forget about top dressing during the growth and flowering of the plant.

he probably began a period of dormancy, when he completely sheds her leaves and only one tuber remains.

During the flowering period, cyclamen must be provided with cool air, the ideal temperature at this time is 12-15 degrees Celsius. Make sure that the temperature is not higher than 20 degrees and does not fall below 10 degrees Celsius. Blooming cyclamen needs a lot of light, but not direct sunlight, otherwise the plant will quickly wither, the flowering period will be reduced or may end.

it indoor plant needs regular watering. It is better to water the plant in a pan or by immersion for a few minutes. Make sure that no water gets on the tuber and sprouts. Eliminate waterlogging of the soil, which can be detrimental to the tuber, and therefore to the flower as a whole.

You can spray the air around the cyclamen, but in no case direct the stream of water droplets directly onto the plant (leaves, flowers and tuber).

Care for cyclamen after flowering

As a rule, in the spring for cyclamen, a dormant period begins. This means that flowering stops and the leaves wither. Watering the plant during this period is significantly reduced. If the leaves have not fallen off on their own, then they must be removed by twisting or using scissors, cutting off as close to the tuber as possible, but very carefully so as not to accidentally damage it.

It is recommended to move the cyclamen pot to a cooler shady place and prevent the soil from drying out. Remember that cyclamen does not like warm and dry air. You can take out cyclamen for Fresh air into the shade.

When the first leaves appear on the plant, this means that the plant woke up and came out of dormancy.

Cyclamen transplant

Cyclamen transplantation is carried out at the end of the dormant period and before budding begins. During transplantation, the plants should be completely replaced with an earthen ball, dead and rotten cyclamen roots should be eliminated. After transplantation, the flower is placed in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight. Watering in the first two weeks after transplantation should be moderate. And after another two weeks, you can start feeding cyclamen.

Reproduction, cyclamen seeds

Cyclamen is propagated by tuber division or seeds. Seeds of Persian, European and Neapolitan cyclamens should be sown in late summer so that the air temperature is in the range of 15-20 degrees Celsius. After 15-18 months, the flowering period of most Persian varieties of cyclamen begins. The period of sowing seeds of Kos cyclamen falls in the winter, in January-February. European cyclamen reproduces well by dividing the tuber in the month of February. It is believed that cyclamens grown from seeds will be more adapted to room conditions than those grown in greenhouses in Holland.

Primary requirements

Temperature regime: The ideal temperature for cyclamen is about 12-15 degrees, the temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees or higher than 20 degrees Celsius.

Lighting: bright place, protected from direct sunlight.

Watering cyclamen: During the growing season and flowering, cyclamen needs regular watering. It is best to carry out this procedure by immersion or through a pallet. If watering the plant is carried out from above, then it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the tuber; for this, water is poured at the very edge of the pot.

Humidity: Cyclamen is very fond of wet air, so the air around the flower can be moistened with a spray gun, but make sure that moisture does not fall directly on the plant. You can also put a flower pot on a tray with wet pebbles.

Care after flowering of the Persian cyclamen: After flowering, the flowers are cut to the tuber, reducing watering and completing the feeding of the plant. If there are yellowed leaves, then they are twisted together with the petioles, and not cut off. The remaining leaves will fall asleep by spring, and the plant will go dormant, then watering must be stopped. The pot should be laid on its side and placed in a cool place. I do not water the flower until mid-summer

It is believed that cyclamen is difficult to grow and maintain at home. Often after the purchase and the end of flowering, he does not live long and dies. But at proper care, cyclamen can grow for more than 10 years and bloom brightly and for a long time every year.

Conditions for growing at home


Cyclamen loves light, but not hot direct rays. On the windowsills on the south side, it needs shading, so the plant will be better near the southwestern, western or eastern windows with bright diffused light. In summer, cyclamen is transferred to a balcony or terrace in the garden, to a shaded place.


The culture does not tolerate high air temperatures. Optimal parameters for growth and development - 12-15 ° C. It reacts negatively to an increase in temperature above 18-20 ° C. At higher temperatures and dry air, you need to increase the humidity so that the plant does not die. Pots are placed in trays with wet expanded clay or pebbles or periodically spray the air around the plants. Cyclamens should not be placed near radiators or other heating devices.

The soil

Lightweight for landing nutrient substrate well permeable to water and air. soil mixture made from the same parts leaf ground, humus, sand and peat. You can buy ready-made soil specifically for cyclamen in the store. The acidity level of the soil for cyclamen should be at the level of 5.5-6.5pH.

Growing from seeds

Cyclamen grown from seeds are more hardy than store-bought ones. From birth, he is adapted to the conditions of the home environment.

You can sow cyclamens all year round but the best period is February-March. At this time, daylight hours increase and seedlings do not need additional lighting.

Containers and loose soil for crops are prepared in advance. The seeds of cyclamen are large, with a dense peel. Previously, they are soaked for a day in water or a solution of growth stimulants. Then they are embedded in a moist substrate to a depth of 0.5 cm. The containers are covered with a film to keep the soil moist. Crops are aired daily and checked for seedlings. They germinate unevenly, the first seedlings appear within 2-4 weeks. Young plants are created favorable conditions: pick up a well-lit place, control soil moisture, preventing drying out, make sure that young nodules are completely covered with earth. Shelter from crops is removed when they get stronger, completely straighten their leaves. During this period, within 1-2 months, intensively develops root system cyclamen. Through the walls of transparent containers, you can see how the roots gradually fill the soil, which means that it's time to plant the plants.

It is convenient to dive seedlings into plastic cups with a volume of 200 ml. A drainage hole is made at the bottom, then they are filled with nutritious moist soil. Plants are watered before picking, one by one removed from a common hotbed and transplanted into cups. The first time after picking, the seedlings are watered when the soil dries out a little. For normal growth, cyclamens provide right conditions: scattered sunlight, coolness, watering and fertilizing. growing cycle indoor cyclamen lasts 10-12 months. Therefore, if sowing was carried out, for example, in February, then in a year you can get a flowering plant.

Do you want to buy cyclamen?

In order for cyclamen to become a long-liver at home, when buying, you need to choose the right healthy copy. Do not be afraid to be picky, because often the finished plant from the store begins to act up and die. What should you pay attention to first of all?

  1. The plant should not be waterlogged. If the pot is heavy and water is leaking from the bottom, it is possible that this watering regimen is common practice in this store. Excess moisture is detrimental to the tuber. It is better not to take risks and buy a flower elsewhere.
  2. The root system should be healthy without soft parts. By lifting the pot with the plant, you can assess its condition. The presence of many firm white roots protruding from the drainage holes is a good sign.
  3. The plant should not have yellow, sluggish and spotty leaves. The purchase of such copies must be abandoned, even if they are sold at a big discount. It is unlikely that you will be able to make friends with these cyclamens.
  4. In a healthy cyclamen, the tuber is firm on all sides. If the plant has a lot of buds and young leaves, this also confirms the viability of the tuber.

Ready-made cyclamens are usually bought in late autumn or winter, so they are well packaged in the store so that the plants do not die during transportation due to the cold.

In order for the flower to better adapt at home, it must be transplanted from store soil as soon as possible. If this cannot be done in short time, then the top of the tuber is freed from the soil in the plant and placed in a cool place. During this period, you need to be careful with watering, as store cyclamens are sold in peat and it is easy to make a mistake and fill new flower. But still with a transplant purchased plant should not be tightened.



During flowering, cyclamen is watered abundantly, avoiding waterlogging. During the dormant period, watering is reduced, but the soil should not dry out. Water for irrigation is used settled, at room temperature.

You can not fill the tuber and the base of the petioles. Also, cyclamen does not like it when water gets on the leaves. It is carefully watered into the edge of the pot, and preferably from below through the pan. You can use the immersion method. The pots are lowered into containers with water to the level of the soil and left until the water reaches the soil surface through the drainage holes. Then the pots are lifted, placed so that the excess moisture is glass and then transferred to a permanent place.

top dressing

Feed cyclamen during initial growth and flowering once every 2-3 weeks with liquid fertilizer for flowering plants. During the period of growing leaves, plants can be watered 1-2 times with a weak solution. organic fertilizers, for example, a well-fermented mullein. It is diluted with water at a concentration of 1:30. But you should not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers. Overfed plants weakly resist diseases and pests, bloom poorly. During budding and flowering, cyclamen should receive enough potassium and phosphorus. During the dormant period, the plants do not feed.


Transplantation is carried out infrequently, they do it in the following cases:

  • after buying a finished plant in a store;
  • if the soil is infected with pests, pathogens, and replacing the top layer does not work;
  • when replacing an old cramped pot with a new one.

In the latter case, cyclamens are transplanted in August-early autumn, after a dormant period. Capacities are selected not too large, given the age of the plant. The optimal distance from the walls to the tuber is 3-4 cm. For a two-three-year-old plant, a pot with a diameter of 15 cm is suitable.

Having prepared the containers, drainage and soil, they begin to transplant. Cyclamen is carefully removed from the pot, shake off the ground from the roots. If there are rotten roots, then they are removed. Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot, the substrate is poured and the plant is placed in it. For Persian cyclamens, it is important not to completely bury the tuber when transplanting. It should protrude 1/3 of the ground. The European cyclamen tuber is completely buried.

Features of care during the rest period

In winter and early spring, cyclamen has the most intensive period of development and growth. After flowering, preparation for a dormant period begins. Cyclamen does not form new leaves, the old ones begin to turn yellow and fade. Leaves can be removed only after they themselves completely dry. Care at this time is minimal, no feeding or moisturizing is needed. Water little and rarely - 1 time in 2 weeks, so that the tuber does not dry out at all. The pots are transferred to a dark place. The air temperature necessary for plants at this time is 15-17 ° C.

The state of dormancy lasts from mid-spring to early autumn. The fact that cyclamen begins to wake up can be seen from the appearance of new leaves on the tuber. The plant is taken out into the light, they begin to water more often, if necessary, transplanted and resume normal care.

Some care questions

Why does cyclamen fade and turn yellow?

Negatively affects the state of cyclamen dry and warm air in the apartment, especially in winter, when the heaters are working. appear on the leaves yellow spots while the flowers can look strong and healthy.

Yellowing can begin due to a lack or, conversely, an excess of moisture.

The appearance of pests weakens the plant, the aerial parts look lifeless, wither and dry.

Yellowing and wilting of the leaves also develops due to the long exposure of cyclamen to bright and direct sunlight.

Another reason is the natural death of shoots and leaves after flowering. So the plant begins to prepare for rest.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom?

For Persian cyclamen, one of the reasons for the lack of flowers is the improper planting of the tuber. A third or half of the tuber of the plant should be on the surface of the soil.

Flaw nutrients either the frequent use of nitrogen fertilizer is also bad for flowering.

Another one possible reason- planting cyclamen in large pots, this can slow down the start of flowering.


Cyclamen is propagated by seeds, tuber division and division by daughter tubers.

The seed method is suitable for all types of indoor cyclamen.

Tuber division

In this way, adult specimens are propagated. After 7–8 years, many cyclamens lose their decorative effect and need to be rejuvenated. Divide the tuber at rest. It is removed from the ground and dried. It must be healthy and without damage. With a sharp knife, it is cut into several pieces. Each delenka should have a kidney and part of the roots. The slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal and dried for a day. Then the tubers are transplanted into separate pots with moist soil. Pots are placed in a shady place, moderately watered to prevent rotting.

Division by daughter tubers

This breeding method is suitable for European cyclamen. Over time, small daughter nodules form around the mother tuber. They are easily separated during transplantation from the main tuber. They are seated in separate pots and looked after as young plants.

Pests and diseases

wet rot

Bacteria, getting into the tissues of the flower, destroy the plant: peduncles and leaves become lethargic, appears bad smell. The roots also die. The diseased plant must be disposed of.

Gray rot

In damp and cold air, fungi begin to multiply. A gray coating appears on the flowers and leaves. Then the affected leaves turn yellow, the stems darken and disappear. Diseased parts must be removed and the plant treated with fungicides. Read more

Fusarium wilt

Outwardly, the disease begins with yellowing of the tops of the leaves, although at first the fungi enter the soil and affect the roots and lower parts of the stem. In the fight against the disease, fundazol is used. The soil under the root is watered with a 0.1% solution of the drug. Read more about the methods of dealing with fusarium.

Cyclamen mite

The most common pest of cyclamen. Unlike ticks that infect other flower crops, this pest is very small, 0.1–0.3 mm in size. Habitat - the lower part of the leaves. With a mass accumulation, it seems that the plant is covered with dust. Leaves begin to curl, buds and flowers wither and growth slows down. Affected leaves are removed.


Also disfigures plants. Sucking juices from leaves and stems, insects leave sticky transparent secretions. If the colonies are few, the plants are washed with soapy water. With severe damage, insecticides help.


Small flying insects 1–1.5 mm long. They lay colorless eggs on the underside of the leaves. The larvae feed on plant juices from petioles, leaves and flowers. Brown spots appear on them, the flowers are deformed and bent. are carriers of viruses. Plants are sprayed twice with an interval of 5-6 days with chemicals.

It is very pleasant to grow or receive a blooming cyclamen as a gift in winter or before spring holidays. When it is cold and cloudy outside, delicate pink, white, lilac flowers cheer you up and remind you of warmth, summer and the sun.

You can also watch a video about the features of caring for cyclamen.

"Winter moths", as some flower growers call it amazing plant, which pleases its owners with lush flowering in the cold season. Let's take a closer look at how to make cyclamen bloom and how to care for it during the dormant period, which lasts no less than 7-8 months a year. The article also presents a video on how to properly plant and grow cyclamen so that it will please its owner with a lush color for the next 15-20 years.

Description of the flower and its types

Some novice flower growers are perplexed why cyclamen does not bloom, because they bought it for the sake of beautiful buds - “moths”, as if fluttering over lush green foliage. As a rule, lack of experience and elementary ignorance of how to care for the plant leads to the fact that it produces juicy greens, but the buds no longer bloom.

Before figuring out why cyclamen does not bloom at home, consider the plant itself. If initially there were only a few species of this flower: European, Persian and Neapolitan, then thanks to restless breeders today there are many of them: from modest ones with delicate flowers in pastel colors to terry bright beauties.

This exotic flower cannot but fall in love with itself when over juicy foliage on short stems bloom bright flowers, reminiscent of their shape butterflies with slightly open wings.

Despite their beauty and compactness, as well as unpretentiousness, there are stubborn rumors among the people that cyclamen does not bloom at home. For some reason, lovers of tropical plants are in no hurry to buy them, and beginners generally bypass them. In fact, it is enough to remember the simple rules for caring for a flower and choose the best place for it in the apartment, as it will open its buds to the surprise of everyone and delight them with an incredible aroma.

The most popular types of cyclamen are European and Persian. Some varieties of the latter can even be grown in open field.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom?

First, consider the reasons why the plant does not bloom every year. Among the most popular are the following:

  • Wrong flower selected. It happens that an initially diseased plant is acquired, which needs not just care, but a real one. Ambulance. When buying, you should make sure that the cyclamen foliage is free of damage, yellowness or spots.
  • FAQ about why cyclamen does not bloom, but the leaves grow, may be due to the fact that the plant, bought at the height of bud formation, was transplanted into new pot. Under no circumstances should this be done. You need to wait until the cyclamen blooms or comes out of dormancy, and only then move it to a new place.
  • Why isn't cyclamen blooming? An improperly planted tuber can also cause a lack of buds. The name of the flower is determined by the shape of its bulb, which in Greek sounds like "cyclos", that is, "circle". Indeed, completely round, it should not be completely underground, which is mistakenly done by inexperienced flower growers when transplanting a plant for the first time. In order for it to bloom, it is necessary that the lower part of the bulb goes under the soil by 2/3, while the side of the container should rise no more than 2-3 cm above it.

  • In order not to wonder why cyclamen does not bloom, you should immediately correctly determine its place in the room. The fact is that during the formation of buds, he needs a lot of light, but, as a tropical plant, direct sunlight is contraindicated. That's why the best option there will be a southwestern window with an abundance of diffused light.
  • The flower does not tolerate heat. Optimum temperature during dormancy - + 20-23 ˚С, while during flowering it should not exceed + 15 ˚С. Since most varieties bloom from October to March, you need to monitor the heating of the air by radiators, which, as a rule, are located under the windowsill.
  • Improper watering can also be the reason why cyclamen does not bloom. Do not allow water to enter the tuber or leaf growth zone. The best option is to pour soft settled water into the pan and lightly spray the plant by spraying moisture over it in the air.

These are the most common reasons why the plant stops flowering. Now consider the basic rules for growing and caring for it.

Choosing the right soil

To avoid problems associated with the development of the plant, it is necessary to choose the right soil before planting it. Cyclamen is enough capricious flower, so only the right substrate will contribute to its violent growth and flowering.

In specialized flower shops today you can find any ready-made soil. Most amateur flower growers prefer ready-made soils, as in the store among a large assortment substrates are easier to choose suitable for cyclamen. But if you wish, you can cook it yourself from the following components:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sod land.

All components for the soil are used in a ratio of 1:1:1:3.

Planting a flower

It is best to plant a cyclamen bulb in a small pot so that the distance between it and the wall of the container does not exceed 3 cm. If the bulb is young, up to 1.5 years, then a pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm is suitable. For a 3-year-old, it is better to use a container up to 15 cm in diameter.

In order for the tuber to develop and bloom better, it is necessary to leave about 1/3 of the bulb above the soil surface when planting it. Only European cyclamen tubers should be fully deepened.

You can also grow cyclamen with seeds, but this is a very laborious and lengthy process, so it is almost never used by amateur flower growers.

Immediately after planting a cyclamen, a lot of questions arise before flower growers on how to care for it, what should be the conditions for its maintenance. And here questions about the location and its coverage come first.

Cyclamen like tropical plant, prefers a lot of light, but without direct sunlight. Therefore, in summer it is preferable for him to be on a window facing east or west, and in winter it is better to place him on the windowsill of a window facing south. And then the question of why cyclamen stopped blooming at home will disappear by itself.

Watering and feeding

Like any other plant, cyclamen, in order to grow and bloom wildly at home, needs watering and timely feeding. At the same time, it is necessary to know that both a lack and an excess of watering can adversely affect the condition of the flower.

It is better not to water cyclamen directly, but to moisten the soil through the pan. This will help avoid direct water on the bulb, which will prevent it from rotting. If cyclamen refers to European variety, then it should be constantly watered as it dries up upper layer soil. The Persian variety of the flower should be watered more when it is in bloom to keep the soil slightly moist at all times.

Once every two weeks, from the moment the leaves begin to bloom until the end of the flowering period, the plant must be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers.

non-compliance simple rules watering and feeding this crop becomes the reason why cyclamen stops blooming.

While the flower is sleeping

Depending on which species cyclamen belongs to, its dormant period falls on summer or winter period. For example, Persian cyclamen"rest" in the summer. And the dormant period of the European, or purple cyclamen, falls on the winter.

During summer period rest, it is better to transfer this exotic plant to a balcony or loggia, where it will be protected from direct sunlight. During this period, it is recommended to clean the flower from dried and yellowed leaves, reduce watering and stop feeding.

The hibernation period can last up to 3 months. At the end of it, it is necessary to start gradually feeding the plant, increase the frequency of watering, and also replace the soil with fresh one.

Care depending on the variety

Recently, the so-called mini-cyclamen with a bush height of no more than 15 cm has become very popular with flower growers. These flowers belong to the same species as the plants familiar to all of us, but are significantly inferior to them in size. Now on sale there are such mini-varieties as "Mix", " snow Hill”, “Bridget” and some others.

Cyclamen "Snow Hill" differs from other varieties primarily in the duration of the flowering period, as well as the abundance of flowers on the bush. This period lasts six months - from November to the end of April. During flowering, water the plant in such a way as to prevent the soil from losing moisture. At other times, between waterings, the topsoil should be allowed to dry out a little and become covered with a crust.

Neapolitan cyclamen blooms in autumn. In order not to harm the root system of the flower, a drainage layer is used, since even the slightest excess of moisture leads to its decay. The unusualness of this variety is that its leaves begin to bloom later than the flowers form. This cyclamen thrives in slightly alkaline or neutral soil. It grows best where it will be protected from direct sunlight.

What do you need for lush flowering?

In order for the plant to develop properly and bloom luxuriantly, it should not have any damage. When buying it, you need to pay Special attention on how the tuber is planted, so that 1/3 of its part necessarily protrudes above the soil surface. In addition, it is necessary to choose a cyclamen, in which most of the buds are still closed.

Flower growers, fans of this culture, often face problems such as the death of a plant without visible reasons, refusal of cyclamen to bloom after transplantation, unexpected wilting of leaves. It happens that even blooming cyclamen leaves turn yellow in summer. Why this is happening, let's try to figure it out. There can be many reasons for this:

  • insufficient watering of the plant;
  • improperly selected soil;
  • being in direct sunlight;
  • too high room temperature;
  • dry air, etc.

You can get rid of the yellowing of the foliage if you create the appropriate conditions for the flower to keep it.

Cyclamen outdoors

Cyclamen of a variety such as Persian can be grown not only in a pot, but also on your own. garden plot. To plant it in open ground, you need to choose the right place. This culture does not like direct sunlight. The light should be bright but diffused.

The soil must also be carefully prepared, creating a sufficient drainage layer there to protect the plant from excess moisture. Unlike planting a flower in a pot, the bulb in the open field should not protrude above its surface. This will keep it from freezing.

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