How to grow cyclamens from seeds at home. Caring for Persian cyclamen at home Cyclamen: growing from seeds

Engineering systems 23.06.2020
Engineering systems

Cyclamens grow both in natural and at home conditions. In indoor floriculture, 2 types of flowers are common: Persian cyclamen and European cyclamen. They are very similar in shape and color of flowers and leaves. But in terms of cultivation, they have significant differences. So, for example, the European is propagated by baby nodules, dividing the main tuber or a leaf with “fingers” (very rarely).

Cyclamen Persian planted predominantly seeds, purchased or assembled independently. But the easiest way is to buy cyclamen in a pot, blooming. With proper care, he can please the grower for 20-25 years. Grow Persian cyclamen from seeds difficult, but possible. It is believed that such plants are more stable and viable.

We collect seeds ourselves

Artificial pollination is best done in January-early February.

For pollination choose the most beautiful, large and healthy flower. On the leg on which the flower "sits" lightly tap several times with your fingers. The flower will be pollinated and bloom quickly. After some time (several weeks), the seeds will ripen in the box.

Planting cyclamen with seeds

The best time for sowing is early spring.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out pre-sowing treatment cyclamen seeds. They can be soaked in the Epin-extra biostimulator for 8 hours (a solution is prepared from 4 drops of the drug per 100 ml of water) or etched in a potassium permanganate solution for 10 hours. Disinfection is also needed for the soil, for which it is steamed or calcined in the oven (this will help to avoid diseases).

How to plant cyclamen seeds

For planting, grooves are cut with a depth of 1 cm, and seeds are placed there at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Further, the grooves are sprinkled with earth.

Cyclamens germinate well in the dark and cool. Therefore, in order to create optimal conditions, the container with the sown seeds is covered with black film or foil. Or you can just put the box in a dark room. Crops need ventilation and moisture as the soil dries out. But you should not over-moisten cyclamens either.

Cyclamen seeds hatch in about 30-40 days (a month and a half). At this stage, the film can be removed and the container exposed to light, but it is very important to protect it from direct sunlight.

Important! The rate of seed germination depends on the variety and the shelf life of the planting material. Germination may appear after 15-20 days or, conversely, after 4-6 months.

At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, cyclamen dive, completely digging in young tubers with soil. And six months later, cyclamens are transplanted into small pots. But here the tuber is already buried only 2/3, and 1/3 of the tuber is left to rise above the ground.

For cyclamens very important pot size. Ideally, the distance from the tuber to the edge of the pot should be 2-3 cm. Therefore, cyclamens are transplanted as they grow. We wrote about this in the article.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. The germination rate of fresh seeds is much higher (from 70 to 80%) than that of two- and three-year-olds. If everyone is up, you are lucky.

You can check the germination of seeds by dipping them for a few minutes in a glass and water at room temperature, those that float are not suitable for sowing, and those that sink to the bottom will definitely hatch. But I do not do this, I sow everything, probably hoping for a "Russian chance".

Before sowing, at least a day before, I soak the seeds so that they swell well. To do this, I add a couple of citric acid crystals and 2 drops of Zircon to a glass of water at room temperature. It is a growth stimulant that increases the germination of even substandard seeds. Citric acid is needed because zircon cannot be diluted in water with an alkaline reaction. You can store such a solution in a dark place for no more than three days. I put a piece of cotton fabric folded in half on a plate. I pour there quite a bit of water with a growth stimulator, so that the napkin is wet, but the water does not squish. I spread the seeds on top, cover the plate so that the water does not evaporate. Within a day, the seeds will swell and be ready for sowing.

For sowing cyclamen seeds, I take universal soil for indoor plants or soil mixture for seedlings. If there is, I add 2-3 soaked and mashed peat tablets to the soil, since peat holds moisture well and crops can be moistened less often. I always water the soil mixture with a fungicide solution, most often I use Fitosporin-M. I do this in order to avoid the appearance of any fungi in a humid environment of a closed container. You can use any suitable fungicide that you have, diluting it according to the instructions. You can spill a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

I pour the prepared substrate into a container with a lid. The soil should be moist, but never wet, as the seeds will rot.

An important trick: the cyclamen seed has a recess, it is from this recess that the roots will grow, so we put the concave part down. Somewhere on the Internet I spied this trick and it really works. Although this is not of fundamental importance for germination, the seeds will hatch in any case, it's just that sometimes you can watch them grow "legs up", then they have to be sprinkled with a little earth.

I lay out the seeds on the surface with a wet toothpick (the seed just sticks to it) and deepen it a little into the ground (no more than 1 cm). I cover the container with a lid and put it in a dark place. The temperature for germination should not be high, minimum 16*C maximum 20*C.

I check the containers from time to time, ventilate them, if necessary, moisten them with a spray bottle (I don’t pour water, I just spray it). Sometimes a white coating of mold appears on the soil. It is very important not to miss this moment. I still use the same aqueous solution of Fitosporin-M powder, this is an organic drug that is not harmful to use at home. I dilute 1.5 g in 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature, keep the solution for 2-3 hours so that the bacteria become active and spray the soil in a container with mold. It doesn’t happen often if you regularly ventilate it, but it still happens.

The first shoots appear from 3 weeks to 3 months. It depends on the variety, on the conditions of germination, on the quality of the seeds, and it is still unknown from what ... I put the containers with seedlings on a bright windowsill, the main thing is that there is no direct sunlight. After the first full-fledged leaf is straightened, I dive into separate 100 gram cups. Small nodules are completely covered with soil. At the initial stage, they do not need a lot of land, the roots are still very small. For picking, I take a universal soil mixture, add a little perlite to it and spill it with a Ribav-Extra solution, it helps plants to more easily endure stress after transplantation and stimulates the formation of new roots. I dilute 1-2 drops per 0.2 liters of water. The drug must be used on the day of preparation.

The first watering is carried out after the topsoil has dried. I water a little along the edge of the cup, trying not to get into the center of the nodule. After the root system of cyclamen grows up, it can be watered from the pan.

A homemade Persian or European cyclamen purchased in a store does not always become a permanent resident of the windowsill. Plants of commercial cultivation, richly fed with stimulants, often die after flowering, which takes all the vitality of the tuber. Under what conditions can you succeed in propagating flowers from seeds?

Home cyclamens are already well adapted to the conditions of the apartment, they are not overfed and are guaranteed to be free from diseases and pests. Young seedlings bloom by the end of the first year of life. Therefore, it makes sense to try to plant and grow a plant from seeds.

The easiest way to plant a flower is to purchase seed from a flower shop. However, if you have a cyclamen house, you can do without it by getting seeds from your own plant.

When purchasing seeds in a store, you do not know how healthy the flower was and whether it is Cyclamen

Making a flower bear fruit is not difficult, for this you only need to pollinate the flowers. For the health of seedlings, it is better if cross pollination will be. From two cyclamens of different colors, hybrids can be very attractive and unlike their parents.

Pollination is carried out in December-February, in the middle of the natural flowering period of cyclamen. It is best to practice this sunny morning. By tapping on a blossoming flower, we shake out the pollen from it, which settles on the pistils of neighboring flowers.

For cross-pollination, it is necessary to carefully collect the pollen with the tip of a match and dip the pistil of the fertilized flower into it. To ensure pollination is achieved, repeat the procedure 5-7 times.

The pollinated flower fades quickly, leaving behind a rounded box filled with light brown, rounded seeds. Depending on the conditions, it takes from 90 to 140 days for the seeds to fully ripen, the optimum temperature at this time is about +20 degrees during the day and about +12 at night.

Peduncles with boxes droop over time, leaning towards the ground. Ripe boxes crack, so it is better to pick them shortly before ripening.

To check the quality of the seed, you need to prepare a 5% sugar solution and pour the seeds over it. The ones that pop up won't germinate sinking to the bottom - suitable for germination.

Seeds do not lose their germination for a long time, they can be stored for up to three years. Moreover, plants grown from seeds collected one and a half to two years ago bloom faster and more abundantly than seedlings hatched from fresh seed.

The cultivated Persian cyclamen is not as much dependent on the length of daylight hours as its wild ancestor, so even if the seeds were not purchased on time, you can plant them in the ground, without waiting for spring. It is only necessary to provide them with the right temperature.

We sow cyclamens

Flower seeds have a high germination rate, which decreases slightly with time. Even seeds that have lain for two or three years germinate with a probability of 70-80 percent. Therefore, by checking them with a sugar solution, you can be sure that young plants will appear from them.

Please note that high-quality soil disinfection will help Cyclamen germinate.

Before planting the seeds in the ground, they should be soaked for a day in a solution of Epin, potassium permanganate, or simply in warm water. The soil for their planting should be light, sandy, a sufficiently large drainage layer is needed at the bottom of the tank - the root system of cyclamens is superficial.

Earth needed ignite or spill with boiling water for disinfection. Seeds are buried about a centimeter into moist soil, the optimal interval between them is 2-3 centimeters.

You can also use peat tablets as a substrate. But, since the size of the tablets is small, care must be taken to ensure that they do not dry out.

Seeds have one important feature during germination: at high temperatures, seedlings develop more slowly than at relatively low temperatures. Having provided them with a temperature of about +15 degrees, you should expect sprouts in a month, but if it exceeds +20 degrees, young plants will appear after two to three months.

Although Cyclamen does well with heat, too much heat can stunt seed growth.

In addition, the timing of seed germination depends on the variety - some of them can "sleep" up to 4-5 months.

The rules for germinating seeds of Persian and European cyclamen are almost the same, the only significant difference is the flowering season of young plants. The former will bloom in winter, the latter will show flower stalks in summer.

Many people think that cyclamen seeds should be kept in the dark until they germinate, but this is not so. It is better to expose containers with soil in the sun so that the sprouts that appear immediately fall into favorable conditions for development.

Seedling care at home

young plants need to provide a stable temperature, bright enough, but diffused lighting and timely, but watering that does not allow stagnant water. With an excess of moisture, they are very vulnerable to fungal diseases.

The cyclamen seedling first picks up a small nodule, after which it throws out the first leaf. First, a purple loop of the petiole appears, then the leaf itself, covered with a seed peel.

Often this sheet cannot get rid of the peel on its own, especially when there is insufficient humidity in the room, so sometimes they need to be removed with tweezers, having previously slightly moistened.

Even if the sheet is damaged, seedling will not die, it will only slow down its development.

For the first three months, the seedling grows a tuber without throwing out new leaves, and only after that do young leaves begin to appear. This time is the most difficult for young plants, it is important not to dry or flood them.

Freshly sown cyclamens, unlike adult specimens, do not rest in the summer, at which time they are actively growing. At the age of six months, they can be fed for the first time with a weak solution of complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content.

There is an opinion that drafts at home contribute to the growth of Cyclamen seedlings.

To form a beautiful dense rosette of leaves, it is best to keep the plants in a fairly cool room. Seedlings are not afraid of drafts, so they are good at ventilating the room where they live.

Young Persian cyclamens usually first throw out flower stalks at the age of 13-14 months, European - in the second or third year. The first flowering is not always abundant: the plant is gaining strength for a lush bouquet of flowers only to the second or third flowering.

Often it is the weak, slowly growing from small seeds that give the most beautiful, double, unusually colored flowers. Therefore, do not cull young plants, focusing on the strength of growth and the size of the seedling.

How else to propagate Persian cyclamen

Vegetative propagation will not give a large amount of planting material, however, firstly, it will ensure the complete preservation of varietal characteristics, and, secondly, it will allow you to get a strong and viable young plant with minimal effort.

Cyclamen can reproduce in the following ways:

Rooting a leaf at home: how to properly grow a flower

A leaf blade with a petiole, like that of saintpaulia or gloxinia, will not take root in cyclamen: after standing in the water for some time, she just starts to rot. To root a leaf, you need to pick it off by picking a small piece of the tuber from the surface, or choose a leaf with "fingers" - small root-like growths on the petiole.

It is important to remember that only European cyclamen can be propagated in this way, in Persian leaves, even with a piece of tuber, do not take root, and it does not have “fingers”. It should be borne in mind that the injury of the tuber at high humidity is fraught with its decay.

When propagating with a leaf, do not rush to remove part of the tuber with a leaf - first find out what kind of Cyclamen you have at home

Caring for a young plant from a leaf similar to caring for a grown seedling- plentiful, but not excessive watering, bright light, coolness that has a beneficial effect on the formation of an outlet. Not only this home flower can be propagated by a leaf - for example, we have already told,.

Reproduction by rosettes: where is it better to plant

A large adult tuber often produces more than one rosette of leaves, but several. Such an outlet is carefully cut or broken off with a small part of the tuber, after which it is planted in moist soil to grow a new plant.

For better rooting, it is placed in a greenhouse, and after a few weeks it begins to grow its own tuber. It is impossible to break off all sockets from the mother tuber, left without growth points, it will die.

European cyclamen produces more rosettes than Persian cyclamen, so it is more often propagated in this way. In addition to rosettes, it also gives small daughter nodules, which are planted from the mother plant during the dormant period. Persian does not provide them.

Tuber division: dangers when growing

For division, a sufficiently large and strong tuber with a large rosette of leaves is needed. With a disinfected knife, the tuber is cut in half, the halves are dried, sprinkled with colloidal sulfur or crushed coal, and then planted in disinfected soil.

You can not immediately water the divided tuber of Cyclamen - in this flower, tuber injury often leads to plant decay

The planted halves of the tuber should not be watered in the first few days to prevent rotting. Like ordinary healthy tubers, they need not deepen completely, leaving about a third above the soil surface.

The first watering of plants obtained by dividing a tuber or rooting rosettes is best done with boiled water - this reduces the risk of infection.

Despite the fact that seedlings obtained by vegetative propagation are stronger than cyclamen from seeds, bloom earlier and grow powerful tubers faster, rosettes and leaves do not always take root, and when dividing a tuber, both of its halves can die, falling victim bacterial rot or late blight.

Therefore, propagation by seeds is more reliable and safe, and it makes sense to dwell on it, especially when it comes to Persian cyclamen.

For the European Cyclamen, you need to choose the safest breeding method.

The European cyclamen, whose seedlings bloom only after two or three years, is best propagated by daughter nodules - this does not threaten the health of the mother plant, unlike tuber division and rosette separation.

Which will decorate your home.

Thanks to the variety of colors, Persian cyclamen can turn your home into a beautiful greenhouse and complement the interior.

This wonderful plant will be discussed later in the article.

Botanical description

The vast majority of varieties of this plant blooms in winter, and in the hot summer, stocking up on the necessary nutrients in tubers, it is in a dormant period and sheds leaves. Due to the fact that the Persian cyclamen falls in the winter, this flower is quite popular, since most of the other flowers rest during this period.

Persian cyclamen is most often grown for bouquets, since the dormant period lasts about 9 months, and flowering - the rest of the time.

Did you know? There are references to the Persian cyclamen in French books of the 18th century. It talks about it as pig food. It turns out that pigs in the wild like to feast on the roots of this plant, digging them out of the ground..

This plant belongs to the family. is, has round-shaped green leaves with silvery patterns, growing straight from the root.

The flowers are medium in size, located on long peduncles, have a variety (depending on the hybrid) colors. The peduncle reaches 30 cm, but at the moment dwarf varieties have been bred that look more neat and proportionate, and whose peduncles are not higher than 15 cm.
The most popular Dutch hybrids of Persian cyclamen "Super Series":

  • "Micro"- this series is characterized by small flowers, abundantly sprinkling the plant, which are distinguished by long flowering and have 17 colors.
  • "Da Vinci"- has compact dimensions and is characterized by long flowering, has 9 colors. It is characterized by leaves with a silvery tint.
  • "Verano"- a series of Persian cyclamen, which was created specifically for growing in room warm conditions. This is a dwarf plant that has small flowers and has 16 colors.
  • "Compact"- the series is distinguished by abundant flowering, which is long-lasting and has 21 flower colors. Refers to the mini-series.
  • "Original"- the series got its name for flowers with uneven coloring, has up to 16 colors. It blooms very profusely, flowering is large, the plant is quite dimensional.
  • "Gait"- the series is designed for growing indoors, blooms early, has 14 colors.

Necessary conditions for growing

Due to the fact that special cyclamen hybrids have been bred for growing indoors, this greatly facilitates the care of the flower. But in order to achieve long and abundant flowering, you must follow the rules that will help you grow healthy and beautiful.

Temperature and humidity

Persian cyclamen prefers to be in an environment whose temperature is not higher than 17 °C in winter - that is, during flowering. During the dormant (summer) period, the flower will feel normal at a temperature up to 25 °C.

Humidity in the room should be middle, the lack of moisture has a bad effect on the plant, so take care of maintaining a humid microclimate. To do this, air next to the flower or place a tray with drainage components under the pot and moisten periodically.

grow lighting

The plant does not like direct sunlight (burns are possible), but prefers bright but diffused lighting.

On the east window, the flower will receive the necessary amount of light in the summer, and in winter you can move it to the south window.

Air quality

Persian cyclamen normally grows only in clean air. Gas waste or smoke is contraindicated for him. The room in which cyclamen is located must be ventilated frequently so that the air does not stagnate.

Also, flowers should be placed at a sufficient distance from each other so that they are ventilated on all sides and rot does not form. But when airing, make sure that the plant is not in a draft.

Reproduction: how to plant a flower at home

Persian cyclamen can be propagated at home. For this, reproduction by seeds and division of the tuber is used.


The problem at home is that almost all Persian cyclamens that are sold in stores are hybrids, and when propagated by seeds that are collected from them, the probability of obtaining the same flower is very low. Therefore, it is better to purchase seed material in the store.
If you still decide to try to propagate cyclamen with homemade seeds, then you need to correctly pollinate the plant artificially.

The likelihood of getting something interesting is higher when you have multiple specimens of this plant. From one specimen, it is necessary to transfer pollen from a flower to the stigma of a flower of another specimen with a soft stick.

Thus, the peduncle is pollinated and twisted, transferring the box, where the seeds will ripen, closer to the ground. From such seeds, completely different specimens of the plant can be obtained, which will not be similar to either the parent plants or even to each other.

Seeds ripen for about a month. When this period ends, the boxes open, at this time they need to be sown. Seeding rules:

  • before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in accordance with the instructions;
  • soil for sowing must be pre-disinfected, for example, by steaming;
  • the composition should also include sand in equal parts;
  • you can choose any container for sowing;
  • for planting, it is necessary to fill the soil in a container, make a recess of 1 cm and;
  • sow seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
  • fall asleep a little on top and treat with water from a spray bottle.
  • the container is covered with dark, the germination of Persian cyclamen from seeds occurs at a temperature not lower than 20 ° C;
  • periodically you need to ventilate the crop and monitor.

Seeds germinate a month after sowing, after which it is necessary to remove and place the flower on a well-lit windowsill. It is necessary to dive the plant after 2 leaves appear. Six months later, already strengthened cyclamens can be planted in separate small pots (diameter about 6 cm).

Tuber division

Cyclamen is rarely propagated, because with this method very damaged tuber and there is no certainty how he will behave when landing. The reason for the damage is that the plant does not produce baby tubers that can be separated without injuring the mother tuber. Therefore, the only way of such reproduction is considered to be cutting the mother tuber into pieces.

Only old cyclamens are suitable for division, but the percentage of decay, regardless of this, is very high.

If you decide to propagate cyclamen by dividing the tuber, then you need to wait until the leaves completely die off. After that, you need to remove the tuber from the pot and divide it with a knife into two equal parts so that they have roots and leaf buds. The cut sides must be treated with any and wait for drying. Landing is carried out in separate pots.

Did you know? The first mention of cyclamen tubers appeared in the IV-III centuries BC. e. Georgian sources of that time describe how it was used in folk medicine. An extract from the plant was used in the treatment of snake bites, rheumatism and sinusitis.

Features of cyclamen care

Persian cyclamen is a flower that is not picky about growing and caring, but after buying it, you need to organize comfortable conditions for it so that it can quickly adapt to living in your home.

How to water a flower

Cyclamen loves moderate watering, as it dries. Watering should be done carefully, avoiding falling on the components of the flower. It is better to water by immersing the pot in water for 15 minutes, or pouring water along the edge of the pot. it is more abundant during the flowering period, and reduce watering to a minimum - when the plant plunges into a dormant period.

top dressing

It is necessary to feed the plant both during flowering and during the period of leaf development. you should choose any for flowering plants. It is necessary to apply according to the instructions. Most often

Cyclamen is a favorite flower of Russian housewives, because it is very beautiful. The most common species that is bred at home is, or European. The plant is grown at home on the windowsill; in the open field it can only be found in warm countries, for example, in the Mediterranean. The leaves have a complex color, combining green and white, and the shades of the buds can be different, from white to rich red and purple. Mostly already grown shoots are bought home, but you can try to grow cyclamen from seeds at home.

Selecting the Right Seeds

The first stage of sowing cyclamen with seeds begins with the selection of material. It can be purchased at the store or obtained from existing flowers at home. To do this, the buds self-pollinate. This can be done by lightly tapping on the ovary of the plant, or using a soft brush, which is carried through the center of the bud. After the seeds ripen, cyclamen sheds its petals, and a yellowish box remains on the peduncle. It is opened or waited until the seed falls out by itself.

If the choice fell on purchased material, then it is worth taking the freshest of those presented, thereby ensuring greater germination. In addition, you can check the quality when you return home from the store. To do this, take a container filled with water, and pour the contents of the bag into it. After stirring, you need to wait a while. Floating seeds are discarded, most likely, they are hollow, and the rest can be used.

The necessary conditions

Growing cyclamen from seeds at home is not easy, but interesting. We'll have to be patient and take into account all the necessary conditions . There are few of them, but they are important:

Decembrist flower: home care rules

When growing this plant on your own, the main thing is not to give up. After all, the process can be delayed if something is done incorrectly. No need to rush, sometimes the seeds sprout when no one was waiting for them.

Step by step disembarkation

Sowing begins with the preparation of the necessary components and the planting material itself. It is important to follow the instructions here so that planting cyclamen with seeds at home is successful. Be sure to choose the right soil and capacity, as well as carry out the processing of the material.

Material preparation

Pre-treatment of seeds will help to plant the plant correctly. There are several ways to do this:

Which option to choose, the grower decides for himself, of course, using special tools, the result can be better. But even the fourth point will be quite enough.

Soil selection

The soil should be light so that it is easier for seedlings to break through. You can buy it in specialized departments or try to mix it yourself.

Chippendale park rose: variety description, care

If you want to use the second option, then peat is suitable for this purpose, which is combined with leaf humus in a 1: 1 ratio. After that, the resulting mixture is sifted, removing dirt and larvae, and disinfected. Again, there are several ways to do this:

The third option is the easiest to implement and also the most effective. Experienced gardeners prefer it.

planting process

Starting this stage, the work surface is covered with oilcloth, gloves are put on the hands, although this is not necessary. For work you will need: a container (it is better to take a square one, not very deep, but wide), soil, water, seeds and a cover for a greenhouse. The process itself looks like this.

Passiflora at home: features of caring and growing a flower

This completes the sowing. It remains only to cover the box with glass and put it in a cool place.

When to expect shoots

As a rule, plants from seeds germinate in a period of 10 days to a month. But not in the case of cyclamen. Its sprouts have to wait at least a month, and sometimes even longer. In cases where one of the conditions is violated, seeds can hatch even after 3 months. Therefore, do not throw out the earth too quickly or plant something new there. In this case, the best solution is to be patient.

After the appearance of the first leaf of cyclamen, the Persian freezes for a while, but this is only externally, in fact, it builds up the tuber and roots. This process lasts up to three months, and then all the power goes into the green.

At this stage, you can open the plants for oxygen and move the box closer to the light, a window facing west or east will be a suitable place. During this period, it is important to keep the earth moist, in no case should it dry out. And you need to water it so as not to blur the earthen ball near the tubers.

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