How to grow a new flower from a cut chrysanthemum. We grow chrysanthemums with a cutting from a bouquet

garden equipment 28.05.2019
garden equipment

Reproduction of chrysanthemums is organized in several ways. Cuttings are considered the most effective method receive NEW BUSHES. On the features of reproduction of chrysanthemums and will be discussed Further.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums by cuttings allows you to save the characteristics of the variety. Dividing a bush or sowing seeds does not give such high results. Chrysanthemums grown from cuttings are characterized by resistance to low temperatures and diseases, a lush crown and abundant flowering.

When propagated by cuttings, early and late cuttings are distinguished. Early ones are grown in the second half of winter in conditions of short daylight hours. The rooting process lasts 1 month. Chrysanthemum cuttings obtained in the second half of spring form roots within 12-17 days.

Information about the features of cuttings of chrysanthemums:

  1. Rooting of small-flowered crops is faster than large-flowered varieties.
  2. The fleshy shoots of chrysanthemums take root more difficult.
  3. When propagating chrysanthemums of the same variety from cuttings of different ripening periods, subsequent flowering occurs simultaneously.
  4. Reproduction by early shoots allows you to get flowers with a high stem.

When to cut chrysanthemum

Propagation by cuttings has several options:

  1. In one case, a uterine bush is prepared in the fall, from which in early spring get escapes. Varieties with large flowers give 8-16 cuttings, bushes of small-flowered chrysanthemums will delight with 20-30 new shoots.
  2. The second way is to repeatedly cut the stem in summer period.

The optimal propagation period by cuttings depends on the variety of chrysanthemums, whether the culture is single-stem or multi-stem, small-flowered or large-flowered.

Cuttings of chrysanthemums in spring

For spring cuttings, a mother bush is required, the harvesting of which is carried out in the fall.

Harvesting mother liquors in autumn

Autumn preparation mother bush is as follows:

  • Before the onset of persistent frosts, the aerial part is cut off near the bush. The cut point is at a height of 5 cm from the ground.
  • The bush is dug up and placed in a container of convenient size.
  • The roots are covered with sand or soil and placed in a damp and cold cellar.

In the absence of a cellar, the bush is stored in a dark, cool place where the temperature does not rise above +7 ° C. If you do not withstand the temperature regime, there is a risk of premature shoots.

Storage of mother liquors in winter

In addition to maintaining a cool temperature, it is important to monitor soil moisture to preserve the mother bush. When storage is organized in a damp cellar, the need for watering often does not arise. If the soil is dry, the plant is watered in small portions.

To start cuttings of chrysanthemums in March, the mother bush is moved to a warm place 2 weeks before the end of winter and watered abundantly. The appearance of young shoots is expected after 7-10 days.

Planting and preparation of queen cells

When the shoots reach a height of 8-10 cm, they are cut off, leaving 2 pairs of leaves on the stumps. This will be the basis for the following shoots, which are also useful for propagation by cuttings. Small shoots for grafting are not used; unripe shoots are prone to decay. For selected suitable cuttings, the lower pair of leaves is removed.

Planting is carried out in moist soil to a depth of 15-20 mm. If a container without compartments is chosen for propagation, a gap of 5 cm is formed between the cuttings. Sometimes the shoots are planted one at a time in small cups. When pots are selected for propagation, the shoots are arranged in three pieces.

Finding containers with chrysanthemum shoots in room conditions obliges to cover it with a film. If the container is located in the greenhouse, additional use of the film is not required. The use of drugs that accelerate the formation of the root system is not necessary when cutting chrysanthemums.

Summer cuttings of chrysanthemums

It is even easier to propagate by cuttings in summer time. Florists with light hand dig a sufficiently cut branch with earth.

If you follow the rules, the process of summer cuttings is as follows:

  • The lower part of the stem, which has become stiff, is not suitable for rooting. For these purposes, choose upper part chrysanthemum bush with a softer stem.
  • The top is cut off 10-15 cm from the upper edge; lateral processes are also suitable as cuttings.
  • Seedlings choose a place in the shade.
  • In addition to regular watering, buried cuttings are periodically sprayed.
  • After 2-3 weeks, the plant will take root and begin to grow.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums from a bouquet

If you want to start breeding from a bouquet of efforts, you will need a little. The easiest way is to wait until the flowers in the vase take root, and then transplant them into a container with soil.

Do not rush to throw away a dried bouquet. The process of root formation is long, so be patient and do not expect a quick result.

Greater efficiency when propagating from a bouquet is achieved through simple manipulations:

  • the top of the stem is cut off;
  • side shoots can be used as a cutting;
  • flowers and buds are removed from the stem;
  • further actions are similar to propagation by simple cuttings.

Sometimes flower seeds are used for propagation from a bouquet. Seed material is collected when the chrysanthemum flowers dry up. In the spring they are sown for seedlings. This method of propagation is applicable only to varieties.

How to prepare cuttings

Harvesting cuttings for propagation is not difficult, but it has its own nuances. The procedure for spring harvesting of young cuttings taken from the chrysanthemum mother bush was discussed earlier. Depending on the period when they started rooting the cut stems, the shoots are immediately planted in the ground or kept in an impromptu greenhouse.

Consider the option of using a greenhouse. The main stages of the process:

  • Strong branches of chrysanthemums are selected, without spots and excessive softness.
  • The stem is cut with a sharp knife, choosing a place under the kidney, with a mandatory slope. The optimal length is 10-15 cm.
  • Flowers are trimmed, leaves are removed.
  • Prepare the substrate, which includes sod land and humus in a ratio of 2:1.
  • If sand is added to the total mixture, 1/4 of the volume of the earth is sufficient. Sometimes it is not mixed with the soil, but poured on top with a layer of 3 cm.
  • At the bottom of the tank, drainage is prepared from expanded clay or broken bricks.
  • The cutting is immersed in a drug that stimulates the formation of the root system. The exposure period is defined in the instructions for use.
  • A sprig of chrysanthemum is placed in a container with a substrate shallowly in an inclined state.
  • The container is covered with foil and placed in a warm place.
  • Periodically, chrysanthemum cuttings are aired, opening the film.
  • Signs of rooting will be the appearance of buds and the growth of leaves.
  • After that, the film is removed, and the container is kept in a room with sunlight, where the temperature fluctuates within +18 °C.
  • Depending on the weather conditions on the street, a strengthened chrysanthemum sprout is planted in open ground or waiting for the arrival of spring.

Planting the cutting in the substrate

For the full reproduction of chrysanthemums by cuttings, in addition to the optimal temperature and humidity, a high-quality substrate is important. The main qualities are a high degree of air and water permeability. Suitable for these purposes:

  • peat in its pure form or mixed with sand;
  • vermiculite with sand;
  • sod land in combination with sand and peat in equal proportions;
  • perlite;
  • 2 parts of sod land, supplemented with sand and leafy soil in equal volumes.

A layer of substrate with a thickness of at least 10 cm is compacted and leveled. Most often, a layer of washed sand is added on top of 1-2 cm, it is even better if the sand is mixed with peat in equal proportions. Before planting chrysanthemum cuttings and after the end of the process, the soil mixture is qualitatively moistened.

How to care for cuttings

When propagating young shoots, chrysanthemum cuttings are deepened into the substrate by 1.5 cm so that the nascent roots are in the nutrient layer. The use of a peg will save the base of the handle from injury. If a container without compartments is chosen for rooting the shoots, the gap between early cuttings cut from January to March is 5 cm, for propagation by late cuttings in April-May, 4 cm is enough.

Features of caring for cuttings:

  1. Temperature regime indoors within +15…+18 °C.
  2. The temperature of the substrate is a couple of degrees higher.
  3. Hotter, will lead to accelerated rooting, but will provoke rotting processes.
  4. In the first week after planting cuttings for propagation of chrysanthemums high humidity air and soil is especially important. A film that covers young shoots at a height of 0.35 m will help to fulfill this requirement.
  5. Frequent spraying or watering is not required. Humidification of the substrate 1 time in 3 days will be enough.
  6. After rooting, the film is removed for the daytime, the cuttings of chrysanthemums continue to be covered at night or in intense sunlight.

Good lighting promotes photosynthesis. Therefore, in winter period at night, additional light sources are organized. At a height of 1.5 m from the cuttings of chrysanthemums, lamps are installed with a calculation of 100 W per 1 m2.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

  • The plant is dug out with care so as not to damage the root system, freed from the soil.
  • Old stiff shoots are removed from the bush.
  • Fresh branches are neatly divided.
  • If they have excessively long side shoots, they are cut off.
  • The processes are planted in separate holes with an interval of 25 cm.

The optimal period for the propagation of chrysanthemums by dividing the bush is late spring or late August.

Reproduction by layering

For winter-hardy and indoor varieties Chrysanthemums are suitable for propagation by layering. The essence of the procedure is to obtain “children” from shoots dug in the fall.

Basic steps:

  1. Near mother bush preparing a trench.
  2. The width and depth of the recess corresponds to the size of the plant.
  3. Chrysanthemum stems are tilted and fixed at the bottom of the groove with staples.
  4. From above, the plant is covered with soil with a layer of 20 cm.
  5. The uterine bush in this form remains to winter.
  6. After spring awakening, young stems with their own root system are formed from the buds.
  7. When the frosts completely recede, the mother bush is released from the ground and divided by the number of new root branches. After that, the young shoots of chrysanthemums are ready for planting in a flower bed.

Reproduction by seeds

The seed method of propagation of chrysanthemums is in demand by breeders.

The low popularity among ordinary flower growers is due to two factors:

  • The method is less reliable than breeding by cuttings or by dividing the mother bush.
  • Suitable for small-flowered varieties of chrysanthemums and annual varieties.

The main actions will start at the end of the spring frosts:

  1. Prepare wells at 25 cm intervals.
  2. The recesses are watered with warm water, several seeds are laid in each at the same time.
  3. Sowing is sprinkled with soil and covered with a film.
  4. Shelter is removed after the first shoots.
  5. The soil is periodically loosened and weeds are removed.
  6. After 10 days, the shoots are fertilized with a solution of "Rainbow".
  7. When the sprouts reach a height of 9 cm, one of the strongest is selected from each hole, the rest are transplanted to another place.

Chrysanthemums from seeds begin to bloom in August. If you want to get flowering in an earlier period, seed propagation is organized through seedlings grown in room conditions.

Reproduction by seeds at home:

  • Shallow containers are chosen, drainage is prepared at the bottom.
  • Fall asleep suitable substrate for chrysanthemums.
  • Chrysanthemum seeds are laid out on top of the soil. If these are annuals, they are sprinkled a little with earth, the seed of perennial plants is slightly pressed into the ground.
  • Crops are sprayed from a spray bottle, the seed container is under glass.
  • Periodically organize ventilation.
  • Optimum temperature+23…+25 °C.
  • The first sprouts appear after half a month. After that, the containers are placed in a place with good lighting and proceed to the acclimatization of seedlings. The first hardening lasts 1 hour, gradually increase the time.
  • Thinning begins no earlier than 3-4 leaves appear.
  • During the subsequent transplantation, the soil is preliminarily well moistened, weak sprouts are removed.

Feeding dived chrysanthemums with diluted Zircon will help to take root well in a new place. Growing conditions vary slightly. The temperature is kept within + 15 ... + 18 ° C, the substrate is periodically moistened. At the end of May, seedlings are moved to open ground.

Planting planting material in the ground

Regardless of the propagation method, whether it was spring cuttings or seedlings obtained from seeds, in late spring or early May, young chrysanthemum sprouts are planted in open ground.

For a light-loving culture, choose a site on a hill with good drainage. The time spent under the rays of the sun should be at least 5 hours a day. Take care of the absence strong wind and drafts. Soil suitable for acidity - with a neutral pH or slightly acidic, saturated with nutrients. Loams - best option for breeding chrysanthemums, if the site is sandy or clay soil, its characteristics are improved by the introduction of organic matter.

Fresh manure for chrysanthemums is categorically not suitable as organic fertilizers. It is recommended to use humus or compost, which is added to the soil before planting.

An excessive amount of fertilizer leads to a rapid set of green mass, and you can not wait for the flowering of chrysanthemums.

The ideal time for landing in open ground is rainy or cloudy weather. Cuttings or seedlings are placed at intervals of 15 cm in holes 25-35 cm deep. The height of the bushes suitable for propagation is 30-50 cm. It is recommended to feed the planted shoots with Kornevin at the rate of 1 g of the substance per 1 liter of water.

Cuttings are the best way to propagate chrysanthemums. The spring process is organized with the help of a mother bush dug out in the fall. During the summer, cuttings are obtained by regular pruning of the stem. Compliance with the conditions of reproduction will allow you to get strong and healthy young chrysanthemum bushes.

The main way to propagate a chrysanthemum is to cut it. The flower lends itself well to cultivation by this method. It can be used not only for rooting cuttings taken from a home bush, but also for specimens from a bouquet. Even a novice gardener can carry out this procedure. To propagate chrysanthemums, you need quite a bit of effort and patience, and then even yesterday's nondescript branch will turn into a beautifully flowering bush.

Which flower is suitable

Imported flowers for bouquets are treated with specialized products and solutions that prevent them from taking root and withering ahead of time. For the preparation of viable cuttings, only domestic specimens from local greenhouses are suitable, and not brought from abroad.

You can root flowers immediately or after the flowers stand in a bouquet for several days, decorating the room and pleasing the eye. For cuttings, Korean varieties with small flowers that quickly take root. But the Indian ones will require more effort.

How to root a chrysanthemum from a bouquet at home

Which branch to choose for sprouting

How to propagate chrysanthemum cuttings from a bouquet and where to start? First you need to prepare a suitable specimen, and you need to choose half-stiffened stems from bouquets. The shoots on the sides of the main stem are considered the most viable and are perfect for propagation.

The shoots selected for propagation should be cut from the main stem, such shoots will be able to take root better. But you need to leave a small "heel" at the end - a little from the base of the main stem. Further, on the harvested shoots, it is recommended to remove all leaves, except for the top 2-3, which are cut off by a third. This is necessary to stimulate root growth. In order for the future bush to branch well, it is recommended to pinch the top.

The optimal time for rooting is winter or late autumn: in November-January or February. The main thing is to choose a suitable stem and plant it during this period. Growing a chrysanthemum from a cutting step by step from a donated bouquet is possible after studying the technology presented below.

Important! Rough and thick shoots with many nodes will not give roots.

How to root a chrysanthemum from a bouquet at home

Having learned how to grow a chrysanthemum from a presented bouquet at home, even a novice grower will succeed the first time. Cuttings can be planted immediately in a flower bed or pot. The choice of location depends on the season. But first, the plants prepared for propagation must be germinated in a vessel with water. It can be filtered or boiled, and to prevent bacteria from multiplying in it, it is recommended to add activated charcoal.

Before you start planting plants in the ground, you must first hold them for 3-4 hours in a special solution of root or heteroauskin. This is a kind of help to the roots so that they germinate faster.

Before planting, you need to hold in a root solution

The composition of the soil and dishes

The seedlings need in large numbers nutrients. For their intensive growth, experienced flower growers recommend adding humus, rotted compost and a small amount of nitrophoska to the soil. Plants also need nutrient soil, store-bought for regular seedlings. It is better to add perlite and vermiculite to the ground from the garden for looseness. You can also mix them with peat for quick rooting of chrysanthemum cuttings.

Note! Dishes for seedlings should be at least 30 cm in diameter, as the roots of the flower grow in breadth, spreading shallow from the surface. Therefore, it is better to give preference to wide dishes with a shallow bottom.

Rules for planting cuttings

If a chrysanthemum has given roots in a vase, how to plant cuttings? These flowers are the easiest to grow. When the length of the roots reaches 0.5-1 cm, they can be transplanted from the water into the prepared soil. If you overdo it, then the roots will quickly begin to rot.

First you need to fill in a little prepared substrate and put a germinated shoot on it. It is recommended to deepen the cutting by no more than 4-5 cm. Then it is sprinkled with soil, tamping a little, and then moistened with plenty of water. The planted flower needs to be created like in a greenhouse by covering it with a plastic bag or placing a transparent cap on top. It is necessary to maintain such a climate for 14-15 days.

Important! In order to avoid an excess of water during irrigation, it is necessary to lay out a drainage layer on the bottom of the container in advance, and only then lay the soil.

Further care

Flowers in the process of rooting need a warm sunny place. At home, it is better to put them on a window facing west or east. So that the cutting does not die from direct exposure to the sun and overheating, you should not choose windows on the south side.

Note! The north window or a dimly lit place is also not quite suitable for indoor chrysanthemum bushes, because with a shortage sunlight the plant will begin to wilt and die.

Watering and feeding

Watering the chrysanthemum during the rooting process should be carried out as it begins to dry out. upper layer soil. An earthen lump should not be overdried and overmoistened.

When the first leaves appear, the sprouted stalk can be fed. by special means so that it quickly builds up the root mass. When applying nitrogen fertilizers, the main thing is not to overdo it. And if the land for planting contains a sufficient amount of peat or humus, then they can be completely abandoned.

After 14 days after the first leaves grow, the stalk can be fed using mixtures of the mineral composition. For this, any fertilizer is well suited for flowering plants. You can use the recommendations experienced gardeners and apply a mixture of organic fertilizers OZHZ - top dressing of the mineral composition, which must be poured under the roots or over the foliage.

Note! For the first few procedures, it is better to dilute the solutions weaker so that the roots do not get burned. Gradually, you can increase the concentration to the recommended in the instructions.

A bouquet of donated chrysanthemums will help decorate not only the room, but also the flower garden. If the cutting is rooted correctly, the future bush will enchant with its beautiful flowering for many years to come.

There is a huge variety of types and colors of chrysanthemums. The lush buds of these plants look great as part of bright flower arrangements, and in the form of separate bouquets. Some types of this perennial plant thrive in garden areas middle lane. Having a few cut chrysanthemum flowers, it is quite easy to acquire its cuttings.

Chrysanthemum reproduces well by cut shoots. Sometimes, even flowers just standing in a vase can produce some good and strong roots without any human intervention. If this does not happen, take the stems of chrysanthemum, cut off all the leaves from them and pinch the top. Put the prepared stems in a glass of water and wait for the young roots to appear. For home growing choose a pot with a minimum diameter of more than 30 cm, as the roots grow more in width than in depth. The soil is suitable universal, with a small amount of fertilizer. Take care of good drainage by laying pieces of foam, expanded clay or broken bricks on the bottom of the pot and mixing with the ground. This will help prevent root rot. For a pot, allocate a place on the sunny windowsill of the east or south side.

When a few strong roots appear on the cuttings, place the shoots in moist soil to a depth of 3-5 cm. Sprinkle the roots with earth, without digging them too deep. If necessary, substitute supports or tie up the cuttings. wrap the pot plastic wrap for 2 weeks, so that the roots can better take root. For planting in open ground, choose a high windless place with diffused sunlight for the chrysanthemum. Suitable slightly acidic and neutral soils. Dig in advance, loosen and rid the earth of weeds by adding manure or bird droppings as fertilizer. Immediately before planting, treat the soil with a nitrogenous fertilizer.

Plant chrysanthemum in the ground in late spring or early fall. Place the cuttings in the ground at a distance of 30-60 cm from each other, depending on the variety. Dig trenches to drain excess water. Enclose the plants with a small artificial fence. Cover the chrysanthemum with a film or thick cloth for 1-2 weeks. In such a greenhouse, the roots will be better strengthened in the ground, and the fence will serve as support for weak stems and protection from the wind. For successful rooting need about a month. Chrysanthemums react favorably to fertilizers. During the active period, fertilize the land up to 2 times a week. Water the bushes often, but in moderation, constant dampness can lead to root rot. Reduce watering during flowering and dormancy.

When the chrysanthemums are 15-20 cm tall, pinch back the tops of the stems 1-3 cm. Trim and pinch the tops of the plants regularly to encourage the plant to grow in width, and pruning a few buds that have formed will speed up the flowering process. Tie plants with pegs as they grow.

Chrysanthemum tolerates a snowy winter quite well. For warming during the dormant period, cover the bushes with sawdust and fallen leaves by 5-10 cm. Indian types of chrysanthemums for the winter period should be transferred to rooms with a temperature of at least 10 ° C.

Growing chrysanthemums from a bouquet will allow you to enjoy the charm of your favorite variety for many years to come. This unpretentious plant in care, perfectly combined with other flowers, will decorate garden plot abundant flowering and bright colors until autumn.

Many are familiar with the situation when they gave a bouquet of chrysanthemums, and it stays in a vase for weeks, still fresh and beautiful. Involuntarily, the thought of whether it is possible to plant these bushes in your garden creeps in. It turns out, yes: chrysanthemum stems take root very easily. Let's find out what needs to be done to root cuttings from a bouquet and grow from them beautiful flowers in open ground or vase.

Chrysanthemum can be propagated in several ways. One of them is cuttings. And you can even prepare cuttings from those flower bushes that make up the presented bouquet. The main thing is that they meet certain requirements and are suitable for rooting.

What flowers are suitable for rooting

Although the chrysanthemum is easy to root without much effort, you need to carefully choose the material for propagating flowers. It has the following requirements:

  • The stems should show no signs of rot.
  • The cuttings should be strong and healthy looking.
  • The shoots should not be old or young: cuttings of medium thickness and rigidity root best.

The best choice is cuttings with side branches. They take root faster than others. But do not harvest them from weak, sick, young and too old bushes. They do not have the strength to take root, and if they do, they will most likely rot after landing in the ground: save time and effort.

How to root a chrysanthemum from a bouquet at home

There are two ways to get roots from chrysanthemum cuttings at home:

  • in water;
  • in the substrate.

Rooting in water is the easiest. Another advantage of the method is the ability to observe the process of root formation. Rules for obtaining roots from cuttings in water:

  1. Prepare a container (jar, glass or plastic bottle cut off top).
  2. Pour there water that has been settled for 2 days (4-5 cm).
  3. Put the cuttings in the water with the bottom part in the water.
  4. Change the water periodically. The optimal frequency is every day.
  5. When the chrysanthemum gives roots (it will be about a month later), transplant it into open ground.

It is more difficult to cut a chrysanthemum using a substrate. You will also not be able to watch the rooting process. But it has one advantage - it is getting a better and more viable planting material. To root a cutting in a substrate:

  1. Prepare a mixture of soddy soil, washed river sand and leaf ground. Take all components in the ratio 1:2:1.
  2. Prepare either a box or seedling cups and cover them with prepared soil.
  3. Stick the cuttings according to the 6x6 cm scheme, or one in each cup (pot).
  4. Moisten the substrate thoroughly.
  5. Maintain the temperature at + 18 ... + 20 ° C. If it is lower, then cover the boxes or cups with foil to create greenhouse conditions. Moisten the soil periodically.
  6. After the roots appear (you will know about this by the beginning of the growth of new leaves), it will be possible to transplant the cuttings into separate containers or into open ground.

After transplanting a rooted chrysanthemum, continue to care for the flower as an adult plant.

Necessary conditions for the growth of chrysanthemums

Growing chrysanthemums in the garden requires compliance with certain conditions. Find out what this flower loves.

Lighting and location

Chrysanthemums love a lot of light, but do not tolerate the scorching rays of the sun at lunchtime. Therefore, it is best to plant flowers in a place where a shadow falls at noon (near the wall of the house, near the fence, near a tree or shrub). Optimal location- eastern.


In summer, chrysanthemums prefer to grow at a temperature of +20 ... +23 ° C. They winter well: flowers can tolerate frosts down to -28 ° C. But since it can be colder in Russia in winter, it is better to cover the flower bed with a pile of leaves or peat.

Air and humidity

Chrysanthemums love moderately wet air(50-70%). Overwatering can lead to the development of fungal infections. And the lack of moisture in the air can cause damage to flowers by pests and drying out of its leaves and flowers. It is better to plant chrysanthemums in a place protected from drafts.

Preparation of cuttings

Reproduction of chrysanthemum by cuttings includes several stages:

  1. Procurement of planting material.
  2. Material preparation.
  3. Rooting cuttings.

Step-by-step instructions for harvesting cuttings:

  1. Remove the bouquet wrapper and examine the chrysanthemum bushes.
  2. Select the strongest and healthiest of them.
  3. With a sharp knife, cut the stems into pieces 10-12 cm long. Each of them should have 4 to 6 internodes.
  4. If there are flowers or buds on the cutting, remove them. Also cut lower leaves and trim the side branches, if any. It is enough that 2-3 leaves remain in the upper part of the cutting.

The next step is the preparation of planting material. It consists in soaking the lower parts of the cuttings in a solution of a rooting stimulator. For this, Epin, Zircon or Kornevin are suitable. Add the powder of any of the named preparations to the jar (on the tip of a knife) and put the stems of chrysanthemums there. You can simply dip the places of the lower cuts in powder, and then put them in water. You need to keep them there for at least 1 hour, but not more than 1 day. Optimal - 2-3 hours.

After preparing the cuttings, root them in any way convenient for you (in water or in a substrate).

Preparing for landing

As a soil, you can use the one that was used to root the cuttings. But instead of this soil, you can also use this: 1 part of peat, 1 part of the earth from the garden, the same amount of river sand and vermiculite.

As a pot, you need to take a wide and shallow container. The optimal width of the bowl is 30 cm. This is due to the peculiarity of the chrysanthemum root system: it grows in breadth, and not in depth. The preferred material is plastic.


Instructions for planting a rooted cutting in a pot:

  1. Disinfect the bowl and all equipment with which you will work.
  2. Ignite the prepared soil mixture.
  3. Pour a layer of drainage material into the prepared bowl.
  4. Pour soil over the drainage.
  5. Remove the rooted cutting and plant it in a container, deepening it 3-4 cm.
  6. Moisten the soil and place the pot in an east or west window.

Features of caring for cuttings

The cuttings transplanted into pots require special care. For quick adaptation of plants to new conditions, the following rules must be observed:

  • Watering. Water as needed whenever the topsoil becomes dry.
  • spraying. Since chrysanthemums love moist air, in the summer in the morning it is advisable to spray its foliage with water settled at room temperature.
  • loosening. After watering, loosen the soil to root system chrysanthemum could breathe. You can mulch its surface with stones or peat. Then loosening is not needed.
  • top dressing. Chrysanthemum can be started to feed 2 weeks after planting it in a pot. Universal fertilizers are suitable mineral compositions. These have trademarks Kemira, Zdraven, Agricola and others. Feeding frequency - 2 times a month.

Important! Chrysanthemum grown from stem cutting, is developing very rapidly. In order not to grow in one shoot, pinch its growth point when the stem height reaches about 20 cm. After that, side shoots will begin to grow, on each of which buds will form in the future.

Plant transplantation in open ground

Transplant chrysanthemums in open ground better in spring when the threat of frost has passed. For central Russia, this is the end of May or the beginning of June, for northern regions- June, and for the south - the end of April or the beginning of May.

Transplant instructions:

  1. Prepare shallow holes according to the 40x40 cm pattern.
  2. Lay a layer of stones on their bottom: they will play the role of a drainage system.
  3. Remove the plants from the pots and place each in its own hole.
  4. Deepen the bushes to the previous level.
  5. Water them generously and tie them to a support.

Advice! And the first few days of chrysanthemum is better to cover with a film. So they will be warmer, and they will take root faster.

Experienced gardeners and flower growers give the following advice:

  • To prevent cuttings from rotting when rooting in water, if you can forget to change the water, add 1 tablet to the jar activated carbon. It will slow down the development of putrefactive processes.
  • If the chrysanthemum itself gave roots, standing long time in a vase, then it can be planted in a pot or open ground directly as a whole.
  • When planting a whole bush (not small cuttings) in the ground, pruning is required to stimulate the growth of the root system and the aerial part of the plant. To do this, cut off the main shoot, leaving 4-5 sheets. They will form new branches.
  • If the rooted cutting forms buds, remove them without pity. The plant needs strength to adapt to a new place and form a bush. Chrysanthemum will be frail if allowed to bloom in the first year after rooting.
  • An opaque container (ceramic mug, plastic container) will help speed up the process of root growth. Rooting is better in the dark.
  • If you decide to plant chrysanthemums from a bouquet in the open field, then for the winter of the first years you still have to dig them up, placing them in large pots and sending them to the basement for the winter. The first frosts for young flowers that have not yet had time to become stronger can be fatal.
  • When transplanting an adult chrysanthemum from a pot into open ground, removing the bush by cutting the container will help to avoid damage to the root system. Therefore, it will be good if the flower grew in a plastic container.

Breeding chrysanthemums by rooting cuttings obtained from a bouquet is simple. So you'll be fine with it. Often the rooting of flowers occurs on its own, by chance. But if you make at least a little effort, you will definitely get a personal chrysanthemum bush in the garden. Watch a video on how to properly root cuttings.

Cuttings of chrysanthemumsthe most productive and proven method of breeding these flowers. When propagating in other ways - by seeds, dividing the bush - the inevitable loss of the qualitative characteristics of the species occurs.

Chrysanthemums from the cuttings are the strongest and most beautiful, resistant to disease and cold, have lush crown and bloom profusely. Therefore, the cultivation of chrysanthemums by cuttings is preferable - both easier and more reliable.

Did you know? Cuttings are a vegetative method of plant propagation.

How to prepare soil for cuttings

Optimal composition mix one part earth and humus and two parts sand. From above, coarse sand (river) is poured into the flowerpot in a ratio of 1: 1 with peat in a layer of 3-5 cm.

Or take in equal proportions sod land, sand, peat. Or mix 2:1:1 - soddy land, leafy and sand. The layer of any earth mixture is 10-12 cm, coarse sand (river) is poured on top of it in a ratio of 1: 1 with peat with a layer of 3-5 cm, you can just sand without peat.

Perlite with sand, sand with sphagnum moss, sand with peat, sand with vermiculite are also used for rooting - 1: 1.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums by cuttings at home involves sterilization cooked soil mixture. The soil can be sterilized by calcining in the oven for 1-1.5 hours, or held over steam in a water bath for about four hours.

After that, add one of the drugs to it - Alirin, Fitosporin, Baikal M-1, Gamair. This will prevent the development of pathogenic microflora in the soil and at the same time nourish it with useful substances.

Important! For cuttings, choose healthy, most overgrown and strong uterine bushes of chrysanthemums.

Chrysanthemum cuttings in spring

Best time for cuttings - spring. The period from March to April is for early varieties chrysanthemums, from April to May - for medium and late. How to quickly grow chrysanthemums from cuttings for spring planting in the ground? This is not difficult.

When to cut chrysanthemum

From the middle or end of February, the bush is transferred to warm room and watered abundantly. You can, but not necessarily, feed the plant organic fertilizer. Good growth gives ammonium nitrate.

When young shoots appear - after about 8-12 days, they are allowed to grow to 10-12 cm, and then they are cut off to their full length.

Important! On a cut branch, there should be at least four empty segments - the distances between the leaves, which are called internodes.

How to prepare cuttings

The tops are broken off or cut off completely, leaving 2-5 leaves on the uterine stump - this is enough to resume growth. On the cuttings themselves, in order to avoid their decay, the lower leaves are removed and the upper ones are shortened by 1/3 - they pinch, if there are small side buds on the shoot, they are also cut off and then planted.

Important! For rooting, the strongest and most elastic cuttings at the base are left. With a soft or hard base, the processes are discarded.

Planting the cutting in the substrate

The soil for planting should be well moistened. The depth of the hole is no more than 2 cm, the distance between the cuttings is 5-6 cm, if three or four cuttings are planted in a container. You can plant one cutting in a small pot or plastic cup.

How to care for cuttings

If it is average and late varieties and fairly warm weather has set in, the containers are taken out into the street, onto Fresh air, but put under a canopy to protect from rain and gusts of wind.

Water sparingly and carefully, avoiding either drying of the soil or excess water. 14-16 days after the rooting of the cuttings, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Early varieties, when it is still quite cold outside, are covered with a film so that the boxes with cuttings are under the dome. free space between the tops of the cuttings and the film leave at least 35 cm.

Water enough, periodically removing the film. The main sign of rooting is growth and the appearance of new leaves. After the appearance of 5-7 new sheets, pinching is done. The second time, the upper leaves are shortened when the side shoots reach a length of 9-10 cm.

Did you know? Thanks to the regular pinching of the shoots, as they grow, a neat, beautiful bush is formed with good weather resistance.

For 7-10 days before planting, the "film" cuttings must be hardened. To do this, they are opened and taken out to the veranda or balcony, you can put it at open window without drafts, and at night it is better to cover again. Plant them in the ground after the threat of frost has passed.

There is a way to propagate chrysanthemum cuttings without first germinating and rooting in containers. This is another version of the spring cuttings of chrysanthemums - directly into the ground.

It is made in late spring in mid - early May and in June, that is, when the weather is warm. Cuttings are cut from overwintered bushes that have already given young shoots.

To do this, a new branch of chrysanthemum should grow by 14-15 cm. Cut it to half - about 7-8 cm. Planted immediately in high bed, sprinkled with sand and watered.

Cover with a film on top, the air gap between the top of the cutting and the film is at least 50 cm. If the weather is warm, then it is not necessary to cover with polyethylene, if it gets colder, then they cover.

After 15-18 days after rooting, seedlings can be transplanted to their permanent allotted place.

Important! Chrysanthemums are photophilous, and it is better to plant them in open, not shaded places. So they will develop and bloom better. With proper placement on the site and care, chrysanthemums can bloom for more than a month.

How to cut chrysanthemum in summer

Summer cuttings are the simplest, it happens that just a chrysanthemum branch stuck into damp ground takes root and gives a new bush.

The best time for cuttings

Almost the entire summer period is suitable for cuttings. It is advisable not to take shoots in extreme heat, in bad weather, during summer cooling.

How to prepare and where to plant a cutting

Young green, not stiff tops of stems 12-15 cm long are cut off or broken off from the bush. They are planted immediately in shaded(!) place.

Cutting care

Every day, 2-3 times a day, seedlings are sprayed and watered sufficiently. After 15-21 days, the stems finally take root and start growing. After that, them from the shaded temporary site transferred to permanent.

The roots are dug up and, together with the mud lump, they are transplanted into a new hole. The bush grows quite quickly and manages to bloom by autumn.

Did you know? In their homeland in China, chrysanthemums bring not only aesthetic pleasure, decorating gardens and flower beds. The Chinese eat their inflorescences - they prepare desserts from them, brew tea. Flowers are also used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy.

How to cut chrysanthemums in autumn

Reproduction of chrysanthemums by cuttings in autumn is carried out from a mother liquor prepared for wintering.

This is done as follows: the faded bush is cut off completely at the root and left in the ground for 14-15 days, holding it even until the first frost. Then they dig it up and bring it into a room with room temperature or into a greenhouse.

How to prepare plant cuttings

After a few days, basal shoots will begin to appear at the bush. When they grow to 8-10 cm in length, they are separated.

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