Growing room chrysanthemum. Varieties and types of chrysanthemums: flower meaning, description, photo

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The most popular autumn flower is the chrysanthemum, which retains its beauty and freshness for a long time. Therefore, gardeners love to grow it on their plots and even at home on windowsills. Outwardly, a flower grown at home practically does not differ from a garden one. Its main differences are considered to be compact size, a riot of colors and conditions and care requirements.

Chrysanthemums grown at home are unpretentious, but require special care and attention from gardeners.

To grow room chrysanthemum in a pot, you will definitely need drugs that inhibit the growth of the plant. As a result, the flower is more compact and miniature, fitting in small flowerpots or pots. In laboratories, thanks to these preparations, flowers are created with domed inflorescences, called spherical.

Home chrysanthemum care

After you have purchased a flower, you need to provide it with proper care at home. As soon as the plant is in the house, do not immediately put it together with other plants. Better put it for a couple of weeks separately. This will help to avoid infection of house plants if the purchased chrysanthemum is infected or infested with pests. Only after making sure that everything is in order with the flower, you can rearrange it to the rest of the plants.

When buying a chrysanthemum, immediately make sure that it is not infected, with no signs of illness. To do this, carefully inspect all the leaves of the plant, the stem and inflorescence. All elements of the flower must be clean (without mosquitoes and plaque), elastic and well-colored with natural pigment.

If the soil in which the plant is planted is of poor quality, immediately start transplanting. Take a wide medium-depth flowerpot or pot, drainage and soil enriched with nutrients.

As drainage, you can use small pebbles, pieces of foam and coal. With it, the soil will not be waterlogged, since chrysanthemums do not like this and may die.

To make the soil airy and nutritious, you need to mix it with sand, peat, humus and other fertilizers. The roots of chrysanthemums are short, so they do not plant it deep.

The transplanted plant is watered abundantly and tied up if it is absolutely necessary.

How to care for indoor chrysanthemum

Autumn is a rather cool season, so the flowers are in solidarity with it. Homemade ones are no exception and prefer cool places with a temperature of no more than +15 degrees. At higher temperatures, the leaves of the plant, inflorescences or ovaries will become dry and begin to fall off. It is almost impossible for a plant to survive in heat conditions.

Daylight hours in autumn are short, so chrysanthemums also prefer this time period of about 8 hours. However, a flower, in addition to shade, also needs sunlight. A good place for a plant would be a loggia or a balcony where you can draw the curtains to shorten the daylight hours, as in the photo of a room chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemums perfectly feel air quality and hardly survive in stuffy rooms. Fresh air is vital for them, so the room requires regular ventilation.

The plant likes moderate watering. In hot weather, you need to water it daily, but in moderation, without overflowing. In addition, regular spraying of the leaves about 1 time in 7 days is useful. In winter, it is enough to water a couple of times in 7 days, since moisture consumption is reduced at this time.

Dry leaves should be cut off in time, and wilted buds should be cut off. Only in this way, the plant will exist in conditions suitable for it.

Feeding with minerals will not be superfluous so that the plant grows and develops. From fertilizers, similar preparations are used, as for most flowers.

When transplanting a flower, change the soil and pot. Typically, this procedure is carried out every two years.

Care after flowering

All autumn, the chrysanthemum blooms and pleases the eye, as soon as this period ends, winter comes into its own. Similar conditions for the plant need to be arranged at home.

As soon as flowering is over, cut off the chrysanthemum and leave it in a dark place at a temperature of +2 to -3 degrees. Suitable cellar or pantry. In such conditions, it will safely overwinter, and with the advent of spring, you will notice young shoots that have appeared on the stem. Prepare fresh soil, transplant the flower into a pot and place in a bright place.

Photo of room chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is a real autumn queen, which is familiar and loved by many gardeners and gardeners. The flowering period of this plant falls at the end of August, and chrysanthemum blooms until late autumn, so this flower will be a real decoration of any garden. After the end of the season, the flower can be transferred to the house. Caring for a chrysanthemum in a pot at home has some difficulties, but if you pay attention, the plant will release new buds.

Growing chrysanthemums in a pot

Usually chrysanthemum flowers are used in bouquets both independently and as part of complex bouquets. A variety of sizes, shapes and colors allows you to create compositions for every taste. Chrysanthemums stand for a very long time and often take root in water, so they can be transplanted directly from a vase into a pot. The same is often done with garden plants closer to winter. Chrysanthemum in a pot can also be purchased at a flower shop.

However, very often the plants die after the growing season. This is due to the disadvantages of caring for room chrysanthemum at home, which differ from natural ones.

Garden crops do not do well in apartments, because they need large amounts of land and cold, in houses it is too warm for them. But at the same time, breeders have bred varieties suitable for indoor cultivation. When buying a plant in a store, you need to clarify whether the flower being purchased is one of these, and then create suitable conditions for its growth.

Classification and varieties

The most common and numerous variety of this flower is the Korean chrysanthemum. There are many varieties, and most of them do not have common characteristics with each other. As a rule, classification is carried out in relation to the configuration of inflorescences and leaves. Korean chrysanthemums are mainly used for keeping at home.

Together with "street" varieties, this amazing flower includes 40 varieties, which suitable for indoor cultivation.

It is very popular and Indian chrysanthemum, which differs both in the size of the inflorescences and in more refined forms. Indoor versions of this plant have relatively tall stems, on which large flowers are located, the diameter of which is up to 15 cm. Most varieties of Indian chrysanthemums grow as garden plants.

Chrysanthemum multiflora can be called almost perfect spherical inflorescences. A characteristic feature of this variety is the shape of the inflorescence, as well as numerous buds and active flowering, which can last up to two months. When the flowers fall, the stems must be cut, and then bring the pot into the shelter. With such plants, you can easily decorate your summer cottage, however, for wintering it is best to pick up in a warm room, where there is good ventilation.

Chrysanthemum Zembla is more in demand as a garden crop, but can also be found among indoor flowers. The characteristic features of this flower are large inflorescences, petals that fold into an incomplete tube, as well as a wide range of colors. Yellow chrysanthemums are considered the most common, however, even blue and greenish flowers can be found among breeding varieties.

Chrysanthemum classification:

  • If the diameter of the inflorescences is less than 8 cm, then such varieties are small-flowered. Large-flowered chrysanthemums, respectively, will be much larger in diameter.
  • According to the shape of their inflorescences, two-row and pompom, semi-double and terry are distinguished. Chrysanthemum spherical combines several groups of flowers with large and voluminous inflorescences.
  • By the time of flowering, medium, early and late flowering flowers are distinguished. This is important if you are going to collect seeds for further cultivation of chrysanthemums. Late-flowering varieties, as a rule, do not have time to ripen, therefore they are unsuitable for planting.
  • Chrysanthemums are also classified according to the height of the stems. Varieties growing up to 30 cm are called curb varieties, and those that grow up to 50 cm are called medium.
  • The location and shape of the petals can be chamomile, with pronounced heart-shaped. Double flowers do not have this feature, but they can attract attention with petals of various lengths and configurations.

There are a very large number of varieties of this decorative culture, the mix of colors is extremely diverse.

Indoor chrysanthemum is more compact in size; during the formation of a bush, they form attractive spherical trees.

In addition to the purely visual effect, this flower has become famous for its positive energy, and in many beliefs, the chrysanthemum has earned the fame of a family amulet.

The bush chrysanthemum is quite popular in oriental culture, especially in Japan. This plant is grown there everywhere and is considered a symbol of prosperity, prosperity and love. If you want to successfully grow such an unusual version of a lucky horseshoe at home, you will have to follow some care requirements.

Features of plant care

After the acquisition, it is necessary that the plant take root safely and be able to please with its long flowering of homemade chrysanthemum in pots. Care primarily consists in creating suitable temperature conditions, watering regime and flower lighting.

Pot and soil preparation

First of all, you need to take care of a suitable soil composition. If you bought a flower in a special flower shop, you can leave your native substrate for a while, but after the chrysanthemum fades, it is recommended to change the pot to a slightly larger one.

This is transplanted into a container of suitable sizes, it is advisable to use ceramic flowerpots. Drainage consisting of pebbles or expanded clay is necessarily laid at the bottom of the pot.

You can buy soil that is designed specifically for flowering plants, but you can get the maximum return and growth if you make the soil yourself. To do this, mix the following types of soil:

  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part of leaf land;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, but not too deep so as not to harm the root system. For preventive purposes, the soil from the garden before planting is best kept in the oven or actively poured with hot water, and then dried to normal. So you can prevent the appearance of various larvae and pests in the substrate.

Transplantation is recommended every year for young plants. If the flower is already an adult, then you can transplant it every 2 years. At the same time, the soil changes completely to fresh, with the same composition, but the diameter of the new container should be about 2-3 cm larger than the previous one, and also 1.5 liters larger in volume. Transplanting is very simple: the plant must be carefully removed from the old pot with an earthen clod where the root system is located. In order not to damage the roots, the plant must be planted in a new pot, tamped a little into the ground.

After transplantation, the chrysanthemum is well watered, left in a permanent place for growth.

Conditions for successful growth

Indoor chrysanthemums are not too thermophilic, the optimum temperature for them is from 12 to 18 degrees. If the average air temperature rises above 23 degrees, then you will not be able to successfully grow a chrysanthemum at home and make it bloom.

The flower will also feel uncomfortable on sunny windowsills next to heating appliances, so it is better to put it on a loggia or balcony. If the air temperature is suitable, the plant will grow and bloom quickly.

The first signs of a lack of moisture are the drying and falling of leaves and buds.

To ensure sufficient moisture, the plant must be sprayed periodically. Spraying should be done with warm water. You can also provide moisture to the chrysanthemum by placing an open container of water next to the pot. But at the same time, it is forbidden to pour water into the pan with a pot - this can lead to the rapid death of the root system and the entire plant as a whole.

Chrysanthemums are photophilous, but direct sunlight can damage the petals. The length of daylight hours for room chrysanthemum should be from 6 to 8 hours. It is enough to provide diffused light, but the pot should not be located too far from the sun. With a lack of sunlight, the flower stretches up.

Features of feeding and watering

Indoor chrysanthemums are extremely demanding on watering. But excess moisture can destroy this plant by rotting the root system or provoking fungal diseases. The pot must have a good layer of drainage. All excess moisture that will accumulate in the pan should be removed immediately so that the root system does not rot.

It is necessary to water a maximum of twice a week, preventing the soil from drying out. Water for irrigation must be defended for several days. Under no circumstances should untreated tap water be used for these purposes. The temperature of the water for irrigation should be at room temperature, otherwise the plant will get sick.

Fertilizers can be purchased ready-made. Most often, a concentrated solution is used for this, which is diluted with ordinary water in a certain ratio. The flower is fed during the period of active growth, at least once every 10 days.

Breeding methods

When the flower gets stronger, it releases young shoots that can be used to grow new plants. Three methods of propagation of chrysanthemums are commonly used:

When growing chrysanthemums, it is necessary to pinch the top of rooted plants. Thanks to these actions, a compact rounded bush will subsequently form.

Attention, only TODAY!

Chrysanthemum home with dense rich greenery and luxurious inflorescences is the pearl of a room greenhouse. By the end of summer, the shelves of floristic shops reveal the whole palette of autumn beauty inflorescences. At a time when the vegetation of most plants ends, chrysanthemums win all the attention of buyers. Someone seeks to replenish the collection of indoor plants, it will seem to someone that the best gift can no longer be found. But often both of them perceive the beauty of chrysanthemum in pots as a seasonal phenomenon: it will fade and die.

Meanwhile, proper care from the first day after acquiring a flower is a condition for many years of successful plant maintenance. The reasoning that indoor chrysanthemum, unlike garden chrysanthemum, is an exclusively annual crop, is groundless. Features of the adaptation period, compliance with the irrigation schedule and temperature regime, annual cold wintering - the key to a healthy, flowering plant for many years.

Description of Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum room

Chrysanthemum is a herbaceous plant for indoor maintenance, it differs from garden specimens in its compactness. The height of the straight stem depends on the variety - 15–70 cm. The leaves are densely green, lighter on the underside, with a grayish coating due to dense pubescence. The shape is lobed, dissected, solid. Roots superficial, well branched.

The inflorescence, by its appearance, demonstrates that the chrysanthemum belongs to the aster family, or Compositae, which is explained by its complex structure. Several hundred reed and tubular flowers, the ratio of which determines the shape (double, semi-double, pompom), are collected in dense baskets. By size, large-medium and small-flowered varieties are distinguished. The flowering period of chrysanthemum at home is from August to December.

Types and varieties for growing indoors

Breeders, knowing the interest of flower growers in chrysanthemum, are working to create new varieties for growing lush flowering bushes at home. In more than a thousand-year-old culture, there are about 30 species, but only 4 are suitable for indoor maintenance. Three of them are of Asian origin, the fourth is from the Canary Islands.

Indian (Chrysanthemum indicum)

The most developed type of chrysanthemum for indoor maintenance. Large-flowered, intended only for closed ground. The slightest frost will destroy a tender plant, but in summer it is useful to take it out into the open air. Bush height from 25 to 70 cm, inflorescences up to 13-15 cm in diameter. Requires a lot of light and water.

The most spectacular varieties of Indian chrysanthemums:

Chrysanthemum "Anastasia"

« Anastasia"- graceful thin petals of inflorescences are traditionally painted in white, yellow, lilac tones, extravagant green, rich lemon.

Chrysanthemum home "Artist"

« Artist"- a compact dense bush, strewn with inflorescences of an unusual color. The alternation of longitudinal white and pink stripes gives a special charm to simple flowers.

Chrysanthemum home "Crystal"

- numerous snow-white inflorescences on stems up to 30 cm high.

Chrysanthemum "Ventu"

« Ventu"- a rich palette of all shades of red, traditional white, lilac, yellow. The bushes are low, dense, the shape of the inflorescences is anemone-shaped.

Chrysanthemum "Vimini"

« Vimini"- chrysanthemums, similar to sunflowers, simple inflorescences, petals of warm tones from orange to lemon, the core is brown. Low, compact variety.

Chrysanthemum "Zembla Vip"

« Zembla Vip"- a compact bush strewn with very large terry-shaped inflorescences. Exclusive coloring of pale pink petals with contrasting longitudinal stripes of purple-lilac tones.

Indoor chrysanthemum of Indian origin has several dozen spectacular varieties, including " Zembla purple», « Tobago», « Crystal Misty», « Swifty purple», « Little Rock Festival», « Tsia"- an almost complete palette of colors from fiery red to deep burgundy.

Korean (Chrysanthemum koreanum)

Compact plants, 20-40 cm, mostly small-flowered. Although recently breeders have been seeking the appearance of varieties with larger inflorescences. These chrysanthemums differ in frost resistance, so the bushes caught off guard by frosts on the balcony will not suffer.

Dark orange flowers with a yellow center Orange Jam»,

« Navarre"Slightly lighter than the previous one, with terry baskets up to 4 cm.

« Lipstick" - rich deep red color, " Umka"- white chrysanthemum," Lilac” corresponds to the name.

« Korean"- yellow-brown, closer to a terracotta shade, slightly higher - up to 60 cm.

Chrysanthemum "Orange Jam"
Chrysanthemum "Navare"

Chrysanthemum "Lipstick"

Chrysanthemum Korean "Lilac"

The listed and other Korean varieties of the Multiflora series form a thick dense ball of inflorescences. It does not require pinching to form. The spherical appearance is incorporated in all varieties of the species.

Chinese (Chrysanthemum morifolium) mulberry

Chinese chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) mulberry

Large-flowered varieties have inflorescences up to 15 cm. There are varieties with small flowers inside the species, cascading specimens, they differ in shape, size, and color of the petals. "Charm" - a series of Chinese chrysanthemums - " Red Charm», « Yellow Charm"and others - bushes about 45-50 cm, an abundance of semi-double flowers. " Cascade"- ampelous forms that are gaining popularity.

Shrub (Chrysanthemum frutescens) daisy

Chrysanthemum shrub (Chrysanthemum frutescens) daisy

Among the representatives of the species, the tallest specimens are up to 100 cm. But dwarf varieties are popular. The flowers of this type of chrysanthemum are simple, as the name "daisy" suggests - they resemble chamomile.

Conditions for chrysanthemum in a pot

Chrysanthemums in pots often enter the house in the second half of the year at the peak of flowering from stores. A sharp change in conditions is a serious stress for the plant, so the transitional stage should be stopped separately.

How to choose a flower in a store

In flower shops, chrysanthemums and other flowers are kept under extreme conditions and survive on strong stimulants. There is not enough light, many experience constant waterlogging, and all plants are very crowded. Flowering crops, including chrysanthemums, are often sold in bags, ie. no air movement, ventilation. These factors are detrimental to the vast majority of potted crops. Weakened flowers easily pick up the infection. Therefore, when choosing a chrysanthemum, you should pay attention to drooping and yellowed leaves, give preference to healthier specimens with fewer open inflorescences.

Care for room chrysanthemum after purchase

At home, a re-examination of the chrysanthemum is combined with the first treatment: all faded leaves are removed, no greenery touching the ground is left on the stem, all broken branches are cut, shoots with blossoming inflorescences are cut and put into the water. If, upon detailed examination, it turned out that the plant has already been affected by fungal problems (dark or black spots on the stem, leaves), the flower should be immediately treated with a fungicide. The easiest way is to dig 2-3 tablets of Gliocladin into the substrate by 1 cm. If there are drugs like "Fitosporin" in the home first-aid kit for flowers, experts recommend treating with an increased dose.

For a week and a half, they set aside a pot of chrysanthemum in a cool place (15-17 ° C) away from other indoor plants - for quarantine. During isolation, the soil moisture is monitored - the drying of the earth should not be allowed, the soil should always be slightly moist. At the end of the quarantine, if the condition of the plant is quite satisfactory, the chrysanthemum is allowed to bloom and prepared for wintering (see below).

Location and lighting

Choosing the right place for a chrysanthemum in a pot is the basis of home care. Flowers love a lot of diffused light, but do not tolerate heat - southern windows are not suitable. East or West is the best option if there are no large trees or buildings outside the window. The presence of barriers blocking the light flux, or the northern windows will not be able to meet the demands of the chrysanthemum: it will not have enough strength to bloom. The bush can spend the active growing season outdoors - on a balcony, loggia, terrace or in the garden. It is important that the plant was light, but not hot.

A novice florist may be confused by the expression "flower of a short day." Calling chrysanthemums so, experts emphasize the duration, but not the intensity of lighting. Culture blooms when the day is waning, getting shorter. If at this time the plant is provided with illumination for 8-9 hours, the chrysanthemum will thank with an abundance of buds.


Home chrysanthemum, the care of which is strict adherence to the temperature regime, reacts painfully when the thermometer is above 25 ° C. In summer, the air in the apartments is heated by the sun, in winter - by central heating. Therefore, choosing a place so that the plant develops at 20-23 ° C, blooms at 16-19 ° C, and winters at 5-8 ° C is the task of the grower, for whom the chrysanthemum in a pot and caring for it at home are really important .

The soil

Chrysanthemum feels comfortable in the soil of a neutral reaction. Well-absorbing soil, saturated with nutrients, will give strength to the flower for a full life cycle. The universal flower substrate from the store, suitable for the parameters, is additionally diluted with vermiculite for moisture capacity, and a little sand is added.
You can independently collect the planting mixture from turf and garden soil (4 parts each). Sand and humus additive (based on mullein or bird droppings) - 1 hour of each component.

Planting, transplanting, pot selection

Transplanting room chrysanthemum

The overwintered chrysanthemum is transplanted into a new pot with a nutrient substrate every year until the plant reaches 4-5 years of age. Adult bushes require more capacity every 2-3 years. A healthy plant is transferred to a new pot, which is one size larger than the previous one, with an earthy clod, i.e. transfer method.

The soil is completely changed if signs of the disease are found: waterlogging led to rotting of the roots and affected the appearance of the plant. In this case, the root system is soaked to free it from the ground, the roots are washed.

Damaged fragments are cut off with a sharp instrument. The roots are treated with fungicides ("Gamair", "Fundazol", "Horus", potassium permanganate - light pink solution), following the manufacturer's instructions. After processing, the places of cuts are sprinkled with crushed coal and the plant is transplanted into a new nutrient soil.

Drainage is a prerequisite for the proper cultivation of chrysanthemums: a moisture-loving flower does not tolerate stagnant water. 3-4 cm of expanded clay, pebbles are poured into a pot with holes to remove excess moisture. If there is no drainage material at hand, you can use pieces of foam, but they should not be small. A chrysanthemum is placed on a pillow of fertile soil so that the plant installed in a pot is at the same height as in the previous container. Too deep planting will lead to rotting of the stem, high planting will expose the roots.

Fill free space with substrate, compact, water. The transplanted chrysanthemum is placed for 3-4 days in a dark place so that the light does not provoke the growth of greenery until the bush has adapted to the new soil. After - put the pot in a permanent place.

Caring for a chrysanthemum in a pot

Home chrysanthemum in a pot

Having studied the features of the maintenance of home chrysanthemum, it is cared for in such a way as to satisfy all the requests of the autumn beauty. Although you can’t call her capricious. If the house has a place suitable for light and temperature, growing a flower will not cause much trouble.


The schedule for watering chrysanthemum bushes differs at different stages of the growing season. Wintering (this was discussed above) with barely moist, almost dry soil, if there was a place in the basement or cellar. In the refrigerator, winter passes "dry". From spring to flowering - moderate regular watering: the earth lump should not dry out. From setting buds to preparing for winter, the soil is kept moist. It is impossible to fill in chrysanthemums, dampness will destroy them.

top dressing

Caring for a chrysanthemum in a pot at home is a mandatory top dressing until the period when the plant is about to bloom. The soil, renewed in the spring, was already depleted by the beginning of summer. Nitrogen is needed to form a bush, and buds require a lot of strength, which is replenished with phosphorus-potassium compounds. Mineral complex for flowering crops 1 time in 2 weeks, according to the dosage, will provide the necessary nutrition and abundant flowering.

If we are talking about an adult chrysanthemum, which does not receive soil rich in micro- and macroelements every year, then after wintering, the bush needs, first of all, nitrogen to build up green mass. At this stage, you can add organic matter based on rotted manure or bird droppings. Or a mineral complex with an emphasis on components containing nitrogen.

When the flowering period has reached its climax, top dressing is stopped, watering is slightly reduced, daylight hours also become shorter in nature. Chrysanthemum should have time to prepare for wintering.


Humidification of the air is useful, especially on hot days, when it is difficult to keep a low temperature comfortable for chrysanthemums. Spray the greens so that direct sunlight does not fall on the plant: on the eastern windows in the evening, on the western windows in the morning. During flowering, avoid moisture on the petals.

Pruning and rest period

The end of flowering signals the need for rest: the plant needs rest to recuperate. Wintering is an obligatory stage of long-term care for room chrysanthemum at home. To properly enter the plant into a state of sleep, you need to do the following:

  • cut off all the shoots, leaving 5-7 cm hemp from the bush with leaf axils, from which the growth of new stems will begin in the spring;
  • cut off the remaining leaves on the stumps;
  • put the pot in a cellar or room with similar conditions - it is dark, the temperature is not higher than 7 ° C - until spring.

Advice! If there is no cellar or similar room, the pot with well-dried earth is completely wrapped in a bag and put in the refrigerator. Otherwise, incomplete pruning is carried out - they leave stumps with leaves - and for the winter they determine the chrysanthemum closer to the window, which is often opened for ventilation. If the flower is hot in winter, the plant will die.


Proper care of a chrysanthemum in a pot at home allows you not only to grow a luxurious bush that pleases every code with abundant long-term flowering, but also to get new plants. After pre-winter pruning, cuttings remain that can be rooted. The overgrown bush is divided into several parts. And new varieties to replenish the collection of chrysanthemums are grown from seeds.


Home chrysanthemum propagation by seeds

The planting mixture, composed of humus and peat in equal amounts, is poured over the drainage layer into low containers. You can use universal flower soil by adding peat with sand. For disinfection, the earth is calcined in the oven or spilled with a hot solution of dark pink potassium permanganate.

Having spread the seeds of chrysanthemum on moist soil, they are not covered, but only slightly pressed into the soil. The earth is sprayed, a container covered with glass or film is placed in heat. While waiting for seedlings, the glass is removed daily for half an hour to remove condensation and ventilate the crops. Two weeks later, with the appearance of the first sprouts, the planting container is placed in the light. Until all the seedlings rise and get a little stronger, the daily ventilation is gradually extended so that the small chrysanthemums get used to the open air.

Grown seedlings with 3-4 leaves dive in separate containers. Drainage and planting mixture are poured into the pots (as for sowing), the sprouts are carefully transferred with a clod of earth. After watering, the pots are placed in a dark, cool (about 18 ° C) place for 3-4 days. Subsequent care for chrysanthemum sprouts is carried out as for adult plants.


Home chrysanthemum propagation by cuttings

Green shoots of room chrysanthemum are prepared during pruning. Blanks up to 10 cm in the lower part are freed from leaves, and if new branches begin to grow from the sinuses, they are removed. The cuttings are placed in a container with water. You can add a root formation stimulator ("Kornevin", "Heteroauxin"). When the roots are at least 4-5 cm, the cuttings are seated in pots.

By dividing the bush

Home chrysanthemum reproduction by dividing the bush

After removing the chrysanthemum bush from the pot, the root system is washed to remove the remnants of the earth. For division, you need a sharp, disinfected knife. The bush is cut in such a way that on each part - the delenka - there are at least 2-3 shoots and well-developed roots. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal, the root system is dusted with a root formation stimulator, and planted according to the standard scheme for chrysanthemums. After watering, the plant is placed for 3-4 days in a dark place, then - the usual care.

Diseases and pests

Indoor chrysanthemum, the care of which is observed on all counts, is rarely exposed to diseases and amenable to attack by insects. It is the violation of the conditions of detention that provokes the disease or reduces the resistance to pests.

Diseases of room chrysanthemum

Diseases that affect the chrysanthemum, capable of destroying the plant, are caused by harmful fungal spores, for which dampness is the best conditions for development. Having overzealous with watering, the grower may after some time see signs of disease on the leaves of the chrysanthemum.

  1. Gray rot- the greenery of the stems and leaves is covered with a fluffy gray bloom, under which the tissues of the plant decompose. Urgent measures - remove all affected areas, treat with a fungicide, restore the correct mode and intensity of watering.
  2. Septoria- you can identify it by rounded dark spots with a light border. Growing, the specks cover the entire leaf plate of the chrysanthemum. Urgent measures - remove all affected leaves, treat the plant and the ground with copper sulphate, colloidal sulfur.
  3. powdery mildew- a whitish coating on the green parts of the bush. Treatment - fungicides ("Fundazol", "Topaz", "Skor", etc.)

Important! The sooner treatment is started, the more likely it is to save the chrysanthemum. If signs of illness are found, cut off all flowers and buds so that the plant does not waste precious energy on beauty when it is necessary to fight for life. Place the entire period of treatment until complete recovery of the chrysanthemum separately from the rest of the plants. Treat all indoor flowers for prevention with fungicidal agents.

Chrysanthemum is an amazing flower. Many people think that it is possible to admire the bright flowering of beauty only on autumn days. This is far from true. Today you can easily buy chrysanthemums in pots and enjoy the lush bloom at least all year round.

Indoor chrysanthemum is a potted plant from the Compositae family. At home, as a rule, it is customary to grow abundantly branching varieties of chrysanthemum with small flowering. These plants are annuals.

The most popular are the following varieties:

  • Chrysanthemum shrub

Up to 50 cm in height with openwork leaves and non-double flowers. In appearance, the flowers of the chrysanthemum shrub are very reminiscent of chamomile.

A plant reaching a height of 40 cm, with dissected leaves. Flowers can be double and non-double of a completely different color.

Chrysanthemum flower in a pot: home care

Home care for room chrysanthemum is relatively simple, but it has a number of nuances that will help the plant feel cozy and comfortable. After the purchase, the plant especially needs careful treatment. Help him adjust to his new home.

Chrysanthemum pleases with its flowers for about a month. Then the plant begins to fade, fade, gradually dry. A faded copy is removed by cutting.

Then the pot with the remaining rhizome is sent to a cool place with a temperature of + 3- + 5 degrees. Before this, the plant is carefully watered and harvested until spring.

Alternatively, it is possible to transplant into a larger pot with more nutritious soil and provide full-fledged typical care for your pet. Here it is very important not to forget to feed the flower once a week. So you will help him gain strength faster and start up a new full-fledged foliage. After a short time, the chrysanthemum will again please you with buds and bloom.

After the second flowering, let the chrysanthemum rest. Cut it off and put it in a cool place, as described above.

Video: Cutting room chrysanthemum

So we figured out how to care for a chrysanthemum in a pot. Leaving a minimum, and joy from a pet is a maximum.

Luxurious inflorescences on autumn flower beds attract the eye and amaze with a variety of shades. Indoor chrysanthemum in a pot differs from relatives in the open ground by the compact shape of a spherical bush 20–40 cm high. Breeders have bred several hybrids and varieties adapted to lack of lighting and other indoor conditions.

"Home" chrysanthemums are not demanding for care, they grow well, bloom profusely and reproduce easily. In everyday life, it is customary to say "flowers", although the Asteraceae family has an inflorescence-basket. When buying, you should pay attention to the fact that there is a healthy chrysanthemum in a pot, care at home will then be much easier. A well developed indoor plant will continue to bloom on a windowsill. Under favorable conditions, the buds can bloom almost without interruption for 2 years.

It should be noted that after self-propagation by cuttings or root offspring, new plants do not turn out to be as compact and dense as those purchased in a store.

Outdoor chrysanthemums are sold in plastic containers. Such flowers are planted in open ground, or left in containers, used for container gardening, patio decoration, and the entrance to the house. After flowering, the stems are cut, containers with roots are sent to the basement or loggia for the winter. If outdoor chrysanthemum is kept indoors, its leaves will turn yellow and dry. These plants need fresh air and a certain lighting regime - the night is longer than the day.

Varieties of chrysanthemums for growing in pots

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, geneticists and agrochemists, plants have been bred that can bloom profusely and for a long time in a room. In total, about 40 hybrid varieties of chrysanthemums have been created for indoor cultivation. Inflorescences may be smaller or the same size as in outdoor plants. Often varieties are grouped by origin from one natural species.

Chrysanthemum Indian

In nature, it is a relatively low herbaceous plant. The leaves are toothed, green-gray. The inflorescence is a basket resembling a chamomile with yellow petals and the same core. It is the ancestor of small-flowered hybrids for growing on the windowsill and balcony.

The Indian chrysanthemum was crossed with species having white and pink inflorescences. Breeders with the help of chemicals that affect growth, have received compact forms with a height of 20-25 cm. Today there are a large number of different forms and varieties that do well in the room, are in high demand. The flower is liked and appreciated for the richness of color and long flowering, which is especially attractive in the cold period of time.

Popular varieties of chrysanthemums in indoor floriculture:

  • "Golden Gloria" - dense bushes with a large number of large yellow inflorescences.
  • "Old Gold" - plants with petals of an unusual reddish-bronze color.
  • "Morifolium" - a variety with large simple, semi-double and double inflorescences 5 cm in diameter.

Chrysanthemum Chinese or mulberry

A group of varieties and hybrids, for the creation of which several species were used. Plants for indoor floriculture have a compact shape, thin, highly branched stems 20–25 cm high. The leaves are saturated green, 7 cm long and 4–5 cm wide. Dotted glands are visible on the upper side of the leaf blade. Inflorescences of Chinese chrysanthemums - simple, semi-double and double, of various sizes and colors.

Chrysanthemum care at home

Buy a plant in a flower shop or accept as a gift. In any case, it is necessary to create conditions in the new room so that the buds do not fall off. Planting and caring for a chrysanthemum in a room is different from open ground and a greenhouse.

Lighting, temperature control

Light affects flowering and bud opening. The amount of light that is provided by placing the pot on the windowsill of a plastic or wooden window facing west and east is suitable. Hitting the rays at noon can cause leaf burns, in this situation it is recommended to shade the plant. A young bush blooms with a day length of 6-8 hours in October or November (depending on the region).

The temperature comfortable for room chrysanthemum is 18–23 ° С. The variety, more demanding on the conditions of detention, reacts to the heat by dropping buds and leaves. It is advisable to spray the plant with water more often in summer to reduce the temperature. You can leave it in front of an open window, the chrysanthemum is not afraid of drafts.

Watering and feeding

The soil in the pot should always be moist. Chrysanthemum indoor prefers frequent irrigation, but not excessive. Stagnation of water in a pot can lead to root rot, the spread of fungal and bacterial diseases.

  1. The substrate must not be allowed to dry out.
  2. In autumn and winter, water once a week in the morning.
  3. Watering in spring and summer is carried out 2 times a week in the evening.
  4. In the heat, spray water near indoor plants to reduce air temperature.
  5. Used for irrigation and spraying settled water. If it is hard, then a white coating accumulates on the surface of the soil.
  6. Avoid getting drops on the flowers.

Abundantly flowering chrysanthemums require more frequent fertilization. Spend liquid top dressing once a week until the end of flowering. It is advisable to use complex fertilizers with the addition of trace elements. Actively growing shoots need nitrogen; during budding and flowering, more potassium and phosphorus are required. Feed the plant in a pot about 12 hours after watering.

Pruning and shaping the bush

The purchased plant retains its original shape for a long time. If in the future the growth of shoots is not regulated, then several long stems appear, which reduces the decorative effect.

  • Perform pinching of rapidly growing shoots. Small-flowered chrysanthemums will require 2 or 3 treatments.
  • Large-flowered hybrids can be formed in the form of a tree, for which the main shoot is shortened and the lower branches are cut off.
  • Pinching out inflorescences that are starting to fade helps to increase the number of new buds.

Pruning is needed in case of delayed flowering. Selective pinching of the tops of the flower stalks will ensure the flow of nutrients to the remaining buds.

Plant transplant

Young and old plants need to update the substrate. Transfer to a deeper and wider pot once a year - in spring or early summer. The substrate is prepared from garden soil, peat and humus (1:1:1). You can use ready-made soil for indoor flowers.

For chrysanthemums, such indicators as loose structure, lightness, moisture capacity and nutritional value of the soil (mechanical composition and fertility) are important.

After transplantation, young offspring are covered with a plastic cup, adult plants with a plastic bag. Provide at first diffused lighting, do not forget about watering.

Features of care after flowering

After the end of flowering, weak and diseased shoots are removed. Some growers recommend trimming the stems, leaving short sections above the surface of the substrate. After that, the soil is watered and the pot is removed in a cool, dry place until spring.

You can do without radical pruning at the root, leave the chrysanthemum in its original form on the windowsill in the room. The third option: to stimulate the growth of shoots and form a compact bush, pruning is done, but the pot is not removed. A strong chrysanthemum in the same season will start new shoots and bloom.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums at home

Adult chrysanthemums "acquire" root offspring (kids). From these additional shoots, young plants can be grown. Root offspring are carefully separated from the mother bush, planted in small containers. It is necessary to keep the depth of the plant at the same level. To do this, increase the height of the drainage layer or place the roots higher. Cover the seedlings with a plastic cup. In the autumn of the same year, young plants will bloom.

Rooting stem cuttings:

  1. Cut off young shoots from an adult plant.
  2. Fill a transparent plastic cookie or cake container with well-washed sand.
  3. Planted cuttings, cover with a lid from the container.
  4. After the formation of roots and the appearance of new leaves, young plants are transplanted into a pot.

Chrysanthemums are difficult to grow from seed. Hybrid varieties are often sterile. Usually, during seed propagation of chrysanthemums, varietal characteristics are not preserved.

The main problems when growing a plant

Why do leaves turn yellow?

Chrysanthemum leaves change color due to improper care and diseases. Yellowing may be due to lack of light, water, hot air from the radiator. The appearance of grayish-yellow or brown spots with a yellow border is a sign of a fungal infection. If yellowing is due to poor care, then it is easier to correct this deficiency than to treat plant diseases.

Chrysanthemum does not bloom - why?

Typical reasons for the absence of buds and flowers are a lack or excess of lighting. Chrysanthemum is a short day plant. If there is artificial lighting in the room in the morning and in the evening, then the biorhythms go astray. Another reason is associated with the rapid growth of stems and leaves, which happens with an excess of top dressing and no pruning.

Diseases and pests of room chrysanthemum

The plant is prone to rust, powdery mildew, gray and black rot. These fungal infections are treated with houseplant fungicides. Chrysanthemum aphids, black sciarid midges, soil mites, springtails harm. The leaves are treated with a solution of Actellik, Fitoverm or Bazudin. For spraying, flowers are taken out to the balcony. Window sills, window frames are washed with a solution of soda and soap.

After the death of the pests, the topsoil in the pot is changed to a depth of 2 cm. It is recommended that you carefully consider the choice of substrate. Usually, pathogens and plant pests are contained in the soil brought from the garden.

It is very important to isolate the affected plant from the rest of the green pets in the room, to carry out pest and disease control in a timely manner. Then the chrysanthemums will remain healthy, will delight in flowering for a long time.

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