When and how to plant seedlings. How to properly grow it

Encyclopedia of Plants 12.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

In order to accelerate the appearance of a good and high-quality crop, most vegetable crops today grown seedlings.

It begins to be grown a few weeks or months before planting in a permanent place where the crop grows.

AT this material we would like to discuss in more detail when is the best time to plant seedlings of today's most popular vegetables grown on almost every suburban area- this is tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant and zucchini.

AT last years it became popular to plant seedlings according to the ray calendar or according to various folk signs.

It is believed that plants planted on the waning moon will be lifeless and weak. But we will consider more rational planting dates, based on the characteristics of each of the plants.

Modern gardeners grow seedlings with the most different ways. Special pots are used for this, egg trays and even paper cups. The time of planting seeds depends entirely on the types and individual characteristics of the growth of vegetables. The main thing to consider is the approximate timing of planting cuttings in open ground to a permanent place.

They begin to grow seedlings, often from April, early May. Moreover, in May it can be grown directly in open ground under shelters made of a special film, of course, if the year is warm. A few weeks before transplanting, plants from warmed places are often hardened, that is, they are taken out a little to the open space of the street, each time increasing the length of stay in cooler conditions.

Planting pepper seedlings

Pepper is a very heat-loving crop, which is considered one of the most beneficial for the human body. It contains great amount vitamin C and multivitamin A. Bell pepper perfectly complements the many meat dishes on our table, so summer residents grow it in their gardens.

Photo of seedlings of pepper

Peppers are suitable exclusively for seedling cultivation., since the time from germination to the appearance of the first fruits is quite long - 120-150 days. Peppers are transplanted into open ground at the age of 60-80 days, when the first buds appear on the bush. Approximate landing time is determined by ambient temperature.

Having started the first shoots, the plant grows well at a temperature of 12 to 15 degrees during the day, and from 6 to 10 at night. Therefore, the approximate planting time is the first decade of June, when the risk of frost is minimal. During the period of seedling maturation in greenhouses, it needs periodic solar hardening, since plants that do not see the sun will immediately burn out.

tomato seedling

Tomatoes are a round red vegetable with a sweet or sweet and sour flavor. Of all vegetable crops, tomatoes are the least demanding in growing conditions. But they are quite demanding on the temperature regime.

Photo of tomato seedlings

The first shoots are shown in the ground as early as 3-7 days after sowing. Optimum temperature for the normal development of tomatoes is considered 20-25 degrees. If the temperature rises above 30, then their growth slows down significantly or stops altogether.

Planting tomatoes for seedlings should be approximately 60-70 days before transplanting to a permanent place. Late varieties are planted in 45-50 days. The time for sowing seeds is March 10 - April 1. As a rule, young plants are transplanted after the spring frosts have ended.

For the central regions of the country - this is May 1-15, more northern regions - June 10-20. If the seedlings were previously hardened, then transplantation can be done 15-20 days earlier than the generally accepted dates.

cucumber seedling

Cucumbers are the most capricious vegetable in terms of transplantation. Before planting the seeds of a plant, they need to be germinated. In the twentieth of March - early April, you can start preparing seedlings.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 250 g of water). Then they are moved to a damp cloth, which maintains a temperature of 20-25 degrees. When they have the first seedlings, they begin to plant plants in pots, 6-10 cm wide.

The maximum age of a young plant before transplantation is 25-30 days. In the greenhouse, transplantation begins in mid-May, and on open ground - in mid-June.

Seedlings of zucchini and eggplant

These crops, like cucumbers, are very whimsical to grow. The temperature of their normal development is 20-25 degrees. The first shoots of plants appear after 10-15 days after sowing.

In the photo, eggplant seedlings

If the temperature drops, then seedlings may appear much later. Early maturing varieties of zucchini bear fruit only 100 days after planting, which is why they are grown through seedlings.

Plants are transplanted into the ground, usually 60-65 days after sowing the seeds. The plant does not tolerate frost, so it is better to plant eggplant seedlings in mid-March, and transfer them to the ground at the end of May.

Sowing time for cabbage

Cabbage seeds are sown in the most different dates, it all depends on the type of culture. But usually this happens 60-65 days before transplanting into open ground. Seedlings of cabbage of earlier varieties can be started as early as mid-March, medium and late - from mid-April.

The first harvest in early varieties occurs after 90-110 days, in medium - 130-150 days, while late varieties bear fruit 150-170 days after planting.

This plant is cold-resistant and photophilous, and has special requirements for soil fertility. Seedlings develop normally at a temperature of 6 to 10 degrees until the first shoots appear, then the temperature should be increased to 14-18 degrees.

Planting dates for seedlings are different for each plant. Therefore, before starting it, study the characteristics of the growth of the crop in order to get a rich and healthy harvest on time.

Whatever the experience of the summer resident, he is always interested in new secrets in vegetable and gardening. And the nuances in the dacha business cannot be counted: starting from right choice seeds for planting, growing seedlings and selecting quality seedlings, and ending with the processing and careful storage of a decent harvest. Since winter, the summer resident has been thinking about the assortment of seeds, the choice of soil and containers for seedlings. Of course, the markets have a large selection of vegetable crops to immediately purchase seedlings. But not for this, the lover of working with the earth took up the arrangement of the dacha in order to buy ready-made seedlings.

What vegetables to grow seedlings?

Crops with large seeds that produce large sprouts can be sown immediately in open ground. Small seeds and sprouts lie in wait for many dangers, so it is more rational to use seedlings. She is less prone to disease, raids garden pests resistant to weeds and changes weather conditions.

Crops with a long growing season (tomatoes, celery, parsnips, basil, and others) can be grown exclusively through seedlings, choosing the right varieties. Vegetables can germinate at different rates. It is not necessary to germinate tomato seeds, as they germinate well. Pepper seeds are recommended to be germinated before planting.

How to prepare seeds for sowing

Before planting, you need to select high-quality seeds. To do this, they are poured into a container of water, where the good ones will remain at the bottom, and the empty ones will float. Water must be drained along with grains unsuitable for sowing. After selection, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, where they are lowered for 20 minutes. After that, the seeds are placed in water to swell for 8-10 hours.

How to properly prepare seeds for sowing

When to sow seedlings

Approximate planting dates are indicated on the seed packets, but they need to be adjusted for regional weather. If seedlings grow in a greenhouse with lighting and heating, you can sow seedlings in January or February, that is ahead of time recommended by the manufacturer.

How to label seedlings

Immediately after sowing the seeds, the name of the crop, variety and date of sowing should be signed. It is convenient to apply this data with a durable felt-tip pen to plastic labels that you can buy at a gardening store or make yourself. Marking is used in order not to confuse the landings later. Additionally, this will allow you to track how the seeds of different manufacturers develop.

How to grow seedlings

Seedlings can be grown using potted and potless methods. Consider the features of the most common options.

1. Potted way.

Containers, plastic cups. Containers when growing seedlings at home have advantages: they are convenient to carry, they are compact, since you can choose a box to fit the size of the windowsill. Cons of the method: the roots of the plants are intertwined, and when the seedlings are removed, they are partially injured. To avoid weaving the roots, it is rational to use plastic cups in which 1-2 plants are planted.

Peat pots. Due to the 100% survival rate, many gardeners prefer this particular method. The walls of the pot are made of eco-friendly pure material perfectly pass air, excess moisture and differ in durability.

Plants are planted with a pot, while the roots are not damaged, and the peat decomposes, nourishing the plants and enriching the earth. Cons: Plants in peat pots require special care. The soil must not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the earth will lag behind the walls and harden. If it is waterlogged, then mold will form on the walls of the pots.

2. Potless way

Seedlings in diapers - A lump of earth with a plant is wrapped in a piece of polyethylene. The main advantages of the method are space saving and soil mixture, which is usually filled in cups. Diseases transmitted only through the soil are excluded. It is possible to trace the growth dynamics of your seedlings and immediately get rid of slowly growing ones. It is convenient to pick plants. Minus - plants develop more slowly than in cups. Heat-loving plants will still have to be seated in pots.

Transforming diaper for seedlings

Growing seedlings in snails. With this method, the seeds are placed on a polyethylene tape, on top of which toilet paper is first placed, and then soil. The method significantly saves space for seedlings. Allows you to check the seeds for initial stages germination and root formation. Constant moisture contributes to the rapid awakening of seeds of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetable crops, as well as flowers and herbs.

There is no need for a pick, with the condition of an accurate calculation of the planting date. A significant plus is the saving of the soil substrate and the low cost of the material. Cons: seedlings are too close to each other. Therefore, it is necessary to sow the "snail" of seeds more in order to later remove the weakest, belated seedlings.

We plant pepper in the "snail"

Seedlings on peat tablets. The material allows the roots to develop well, additionally nourishing them. Small tablets are ideal for flowers, and large ones are ideal for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers. Disadvantages: tablets do not accept overdrying and waterlogging. In addition, they are quite expensive, with a large number of seedlings it is irrational to use them.

How to care for seedlings

- Watering should be moderate and regular to prevent stagnation of water and drying out of the soil. The substrate must be kept wet, so it is better to use a spray bottle. The grown plants are watered with water at room temperature using a watering can with a shower head. Adult seedlings are watered into a pan, which stimulates the development of a powerful root system.

First care for tomato seedlings

Lighting - important condition for strong seedlings. Ideally germinated seeds should receive about 15 hours of bright light per day. Therefore, additional illumination is usually used. In order for the seedlings to develop evenly, it is necessary to turn the containers over regularly.

Hardening allows you to prepare the plant for open ground conditions. It begins with the removal of seedlings to a glazed balcony. Then, already in the summer cottage, plants are placed on the street only during the day, hiding at night in a shelter. Before planting, it is necessary to reduce watering in 12 days, and completely stop it in a week. Before planting, seedlings are abundantly watered by adding 30 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water.

How to dive seedlings

When the sprouts reach a height of 3-5 cm and the second pair of leaves appears, a pick is necessary. It involves transplanting strong plants into individual pots. Thanks to the picking, the sown plants will not weaken due to lack of space, lighting, nutrition, and will be able to develop a strong root system and aboveground part.

How to dive tomatoes

Large young plants are removed from the soil, loosening it with a fork, shortening the root and transplanting into a prepared separate pot. The editors of the site recommend placing the plants a little deeper than in the general box, burying the stem under the first leaves. Then the soil in the pot is compacted by pressing the roots of the seedlings down.
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Very convenient and, most importantly, junk material - used and thrown away. But you can use them for several years. To do this, the bags must be washed, dried and folded, as shown in the bottom photo.​

Early ripening crops include zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, melons, watermelons. Such plants do not tolerate transplanting into the ground. It is recommended to start growing them in peat pots. Early ripening crops are very fond of light, so it is better to plant seedlings no earlier than April 10-20.

  • Residents of the southern regions should be guided by such calendar dates when it is necessary to plant tomato seedlings:
  • Tomatoes grown in mid-February, by the time of planting, have time to stretch out and get sick. Vegetables that have risen by mid-March will be stronger. Each gardener must correctly determine the date when it is necessary to plant tomato seedlings, and before that, the sowing time.
  • Feed
  • Unlike a tomato, it is optimal to plant a pepper in a permanent place after the first flower has bloomed in the first fork. This usually happens after about 2-2.5 months from the date of germination. So if you plant peppers on May 10, then you need to sow from March 1 to March 15, minus the seed germination period .. That is, from about February 20 to March 5.​
  • (Yes, I like to start the story from the wrong end).

When to sow tomatoes for seedlings according to the growing season?

Land for tomato seedlings should not be too acidic, that is, pure peat is absolutely not suitable for this plant. At home, it is easiest to clean the soil for seedlings from diseases and pests by freezing. To do this, a bag or box of earth is left in the open air, where frost will quickly kill everything harmful to seedlings. The container with the earth must be covered from precipitation, which can wash nutrients from the ground.

  • Usually, early tomatoes are a pleasant delicacy to the table after a long winter, mid-ripening ones accompany food throughout the season, and later ones go for conservation and processing.
  • Tomato, or tomato - a plant from the Solanaceae family comes from South America. Europeans got to know him only after the discovery of the New World, and the tomato, like everything new, took root quite hard and for a long time. Despite this, today the tomato is one of the most popular and sought-after vegetables all over the world. It's hard to imagine any of national cuisines where the tomato would not be used. You can’t imagine some dishes without tomatoes - just remember Ukrainian borscht, Italian pizza, Mexican chili, American ketchup and much more.​
  • How to use packages, I have detailed in this question. (See my answer).​

Tomato: seedling age - 45-50 days, the period from sowing to germination - 7-8 days. Sowing falls on April 1-8.​

When is the best time to plant tomato seedlings?

early varieties- April 15 - May 1;​

You need to understand: when we plant plants in a permanent place, they should be provided with the maximum comfortable conditions. The slightest frost can destroy tomatoes and all work. If the air temperature for several days is below +5 degrees, the nightshade will stop growing and will get sick in the future.

Agrotechnics of sweet pepper

  1. Pepper seedlings can be any complex fertilizer, diluted according to the instructions and watered once a week. It is better if there is not only nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, but also a set of trace elements. At least iron.
  2. In general, to be honest, this whole previous long boring paragraph could not have been written. And simply write

Let's start from the very beginning 😉 .​

How to plant tomato seedlings indoors?

Healthy seeds peck and germinate very quickly and within 2-5 days first “loops” appear from the soil, and then full-fledged cotyledon leaves. At this time, the temperature in the room should not fall below 25 degrees, and then it is slightly gradually lowered. Low temperatures are dangerous for this plant, already at 10 degrees serious damage begins - it turns yellow, buds and ovaries fall off, growth stops.

It is the early varieties that are most suitable for growing tomato seedlings on the windowsill, since they need to be sown on seedlings in early spring in order to be planted in the ground after the end of the return frosts.

An important condition for obtaining a plentiful and high-quality harvest is proper fit seedling tomato. Only strong and healthy seedlings quickly and easily take root in the ground or in a greenhouse, will actively bloom and set large and tasty fruits.

And here I will add only a few photos.

Cucumber: planting in a greenhouse - after May 25, age - 25-27 days, the period from sowing to germination - 3 days. Sowing falls on April 25.

When determining the timing of planting seedlings in a permanent place, it is necessary to take into account the region where your garden is located, the equipment of the greenhouse and permanent residence in the country. For example, in Siberia and Leningrad region this time will be different. In the latter region, in order to plant tomatoes in unheated greenhouses, it is better to sow after March 15.​

Recently, many beautiful ones have appeared in stores natural fertilizers: granulated bird droppings, sapropel, biohumus, etc. All this can be used when transshipping from the initial 50-100 ml. cups in large. How much specifically do you need to add each type of fertilizer if you have never done this before? .. It is better to underfeed than overfeed, for example, in the case of vermicompost, it can be about a teaspoon per bush. Mix the fertilizer with the earth at the bottom of the pot, then pour a little and put a bush on top with an earthen clod from a smaller container, add earth on the sides.

In the middle lane it will be normal to sow pepper for seedlings in late February - early March.


In order for tomato seedlings on the windowsill to be strong and green, it needs a lot of light. When there is a shortage natural light landings will have to be illuminated, sometimes it needs to be done around the clock. Tomatoes need to be provided with stable and uniform watering without waterlogging and drying, which are equally detrimental to the plant.

If it is too early to plant tomatoes for seedlings, it will quickly grow and form, and weather conditions will not allow planting in the ground or under a film. Such seedlings will stretch out, become fragile, pale and painful, will hardly take root in the ground and bear fruit poorly. Sow late - get a small seedling that has not taken shape. The timing of planting seeds depends on the weather conditions of the area where it is planned to grow seedlings, usually it takes 1.5-2.5 months to grow tomato seedlings.

Growing tomato seedlings at home (video)


How to grow good pepper seedlings at home?

In order for tomato seedlings at home to be healthy and of high quality, you need to follow simple, but very important rules:

This is how the bottom is trimmed.

Sweet pepper: planting in a greenhouse - June 5. Age - 70 days, the period from sowing to germination - 12-14 days. Sowing falls on March 10.​ Gardeners living in the central regions choose such dates when they can plant tomato seedlings: If you set a date for planting tomatoes, count from it 55-65 days ago. When you grow seedlings by picking, then subtract another seven days. The resulting number is the date when you need to sow tomatoes. For example, if the date of planting at a fixed place is June 1st, then you need to plant in the last days of March.​ ​1740 Replies​ Pepper seedlings do not like a draft on the windowsill, and a cold windowsill in general. Feel your window sill with your hand, or put a thermometer on it. Often the window sill is 5-10 degrees colder than the temperature in the room. In order not to create conditions for the development of the “black leg”, put a layer of foam on the windowsill under the pepper seedlings ... or at least a board.

I sow until mid-March because I have large south windows. And light greatly affects the growth rate of seedlings.

. We will talk about the choice of varieties of pepper separately, later. Pepper seeds differ from tomato seeds in more short term germination. So, if tomato seeds germinate normally even after 5 years, and even after 10, then in pepper, after three years, about half of the seeds germinate, and every year the number of hatched decreases. So, when buying pepper seeds, be sure to make sure that they are fresh, 1-2 years is normal, 3 years is also a chance that enough will sprout, but it may not sprout anything. It depends on the storage conditions of the seeds. And you know what storage conditions we have ... The grown seedlings of the tomato are dived for the first time, and after the appearance of a pair of true leaves, the second picking is carried out in seedling cups. When performing this operation, young plants are carefully buried along the cotyledon leaves. It is not worth damaging or even cutting off the cotyledons - they are a source of nutrients for a plant that has begun to develop. Subsequently, they will fall off themselves when they are no longer needed.

According to the type of growth, all tomatoes are divided into two large groups: The correct timing of sowing tomato seeds for seedlings. If you constantly plant tomato seedlings, then buy special plastic cups with a pallet, the bottom of these cups is detachable, the seedlings are removed without damaging the earth clod with roots. The pallet protects the window sills if water leaks. The size of the cups is from 300 grams to 700. Of course, you can grow seedlings in milk bags and other containers.​
Eggplant: planting in a greenhouse - June 5, age - up to 50 days, the period from sowing to germination - 12 days. Sowing falls on April 1.
Early plants - May 1-15;

Gardeners often focus on moon calendar to determine the time when tomato seedlings can be planted. The phases of the moon affect every area of ​​our lives. In such a calendar, everything is scheduled for gardeners. Moon phases it is recommended to do the first crops on February 20-22. It is better to choose varieties according to palatability and for conservation: "Persimmon", "De Barao", "Yellow Giant", hybrid "Zlatozar".

Since we started talking about the light .. Then we will continue about it. At the very beginning of the article I already wrote: "More light - better seedlings." But, regarding tomatoes, peppers are quite shade-tolerant plants. They do not stretch and wither in the absence of the sun for several days, so you can grow pepper seedlings even on a northeast or northwest window. The quality of the seedlings, of course, will be better on the south window. Let's say you have already purchased the treasured bags of pepper seeds and happily lay them out on long winter evenings, anticipating the moment of planting. And it’s so impatient to plant all this as soon as possible .. so impatient ...​

By picking, you can slightly reduce the effect of stretching the plant in the early stages - deepening the seedling and adding light, you can make the seedlings stronger and healthier. The part of the stem, which, after picking, will be in the ground, will give roots and will additionally nourish the plant. In order for the pickled seedlings to take root quickly and without loss, the soil must be warm enough, and the watering should be uniform without flooding. If we properly plant tomato seedlings, we end up with plants with a strong, stable stem, juicy green leaves and an overall healthy appearance.​

Determinant (weak). Maintaining the temperature regime. My wife plants tomato seedlings in disposable plastic cups or special plastic molds (they are sold in stores and are in special flat plastic boxes).

Early white cabbage: planting - after May 20, age - up to 50 days, the period from sowing to germination - 5 days. Sowing falls on March 15.​

All chemical and biological processes in them are inhibited. The task of the vegetable grower is to wake up and give impetus to a long chain of natural transformations. Growing hot peppers in pots

Pepper seedlings should be as the earth dries out, it is not necessary to fill it, but also let it dry. However, I didn’t have any problems with watering peppers (unlike tomatoes) even during the earliest growing experiences, from which I concluded that peppers are unassuming and easy to grow 😛 .Regarding the illumination of pepper seedlings, from the above we can conclude that backlighting is not required, but desirable. After all, you can’t wait, right? Well, do not endure - plant!

The question often arises: how to feed tomato seedlings? During the growth period, plants need complex fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen and the obligatory content of trace elements. The grown seedlings need more potassium, with a lack of this element, the plant becomes stained, stretches, turns pale and falls ill.

Stable water balance.

When planting, the seedlings are easily reached and the cups with molds remain intact and ready for the next seedlings. Discussion of the publication

But before doing this, the embryos must be decontaminated. To do this, they are placed for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram per 0.5 cup of water). In order to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, pre-sowing soaking of the embryos in solutions of microelements or growth stimulants can be carried out. You can use this method: soak in an infusion of wood ash (pour half a liter of water and add 1 tablespoon of ash). After stirring, leave the liquid for two days, stirring occasionally. Wrapped in a gauze bag of grain, you need to lower the future tomatoes for 4-5 hours.

Properly grown tomato seedlings quickly take root in the ground, form a strong green plant, begins to bloom and bear fruit at the time established for this variety.


When should you plant tomatoes for seedlings?

​Author Alenusik « 1 2 3 … 29 »​

Sowing dates

2) how soon they will ascend.

Almost everyone who grows tomato seedlings also grows pepper seedlings. It is not so important whether it is sweet pepper or hot, because in their agricultural technology they are not much different.

Healthy calibrated seeds are chosen for planting, frail and damaged ones are thrown away. There are two ways to sow seeds - in a common container with subsequent picking and immediately in individual cups.

Proper planting of a tomato in the ground.

Seedlings are best planted in peat pots, when planting in the ground, the roots are not damaged, although there is one minus, if the earth in the pots dries up very much, you have to water more often and mold may form, but this does not affect the seedlings.

The secrets of proper sowing

In recent years, I have been buying disposable beer glasses of 0.5 liters at the market in a stall with plastic containers. I make a hole half a centimeter in diameter with a drill. And I plant seedlings there without getting enough sleep to the very edges by about 5 cm. Then you can add earth if the sprout stretches out and starts to slope. This happens if there is not enough light for the specimen. It is convenient to sign the variety on the glass with a marker. These glasses are for one year, but they cost 1 ruble apiece. Sometimes I come across strong ones that I can use in the second year.​

Inveterate summer residents and gardeners already in February begin to prepare for seedlings of flowers and vegetables. In order to correctly calculate the timing of sowing seedlings, you need to know the time for which it reaches maturity. You can learn how to properly plant seedlings from our article. And in this article we will tell you in detail when it is better to start sowing, and when to plant seedlings.

There are industrial methods for preparing embryos - panning, or granulation. They are covered with a protective shell of an organo-mineral nutrient mixture. If you purchased such grains, they do not need to be pre-soaked and processed. Dried grains are planted dry so as not to wash off the protective shell.

Successful varieties of sweet pepper and paprika

​564 Replies​

It's not true that peppers don't need a lot of space

Both of these meanings are important, especially the one that 2). Because pepper seeds can germinate at the same temperature from 5 to 30+ days. Of course, old seeds will germinate for 30 days. But even for fresh, 2-3 weeks can be quite a “normal” period from sowing to germination.

Landing time

What do we need to grow good, strong pepper seedlings? First of all, of course, a sunny window. For growing

Since tomatoes tolerate picking and transplanting well, in order to save money and area, you can sow tomatoes in boxes or other suitable containers. Subsequently, the seedlings dive for the first time, seated at a greater distance, and then transplanted into separate containers, where the seedlings remain until planting in the ground. In the second variant, the seeds are sown 2-3 in pots or cups, weaker plants are subsequently simply pulled out. This method is more expensive, landings will take up a significant area, a large number of seedlings cannot be grown in an apartment.

  • Tomatoes are early, medium ripening and late. Between these three varieties there are intermediate ones with a difference in ripening of 5-15 days, but basically this division is competent and correct.
  • Convenient paper cups are now on sale, but you can use the old fashioned way in a large box with earth

For seedlings, you can use any jars. How many seeds are you planting. If a little fit jars of mayonnaise. I plant a lot in big boxes. But tomatoes need to be dived and planted; for this, milk and kefir boxes are suitable. I cut large bags in half. I do not plant seedlings in cups, they are very small. Tomatoes and the root system must grow and develop, there is much more space in the packages. As the seedlings grow, I pour the earth. Yes, and it is easier to get seedlings from milk bags. I take out the seedlings with a clod of earth, so that the root is not damaged.

  • It should be borne in mind that planting in the open field begins much later than in greenhouses. Thus, seedlings are planted in greenhouses in mid-May, but in open beds, due to the possibility of frost in early summer, seedlings usually begin to be planted no earlier than June 10th. In the presence of heated greenhouses, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants can be sown in late February - early March. In this case, the transplant will take place at the end of April or the beginning of May.
  • Grains that have received heat, moisture and oxygen sprout in 2-3 days. This means that it is time to sow them. Tomatoes are grown with or without picking, while the grains are planted immediately in pots. When landing without a pick, it is required big square. More often, seedlings are grown with a pick. Pour the soil mixture into the prepared container. If you sow future seedlings in individual containers, the height from the ground to the edge should be at least 10 cm. If you plan to dive further, then a height of 6 cm is enough.

Video "When to plant tomatoes for seedlings"

for the roots and enough 200 ml for growing 2-month-old seedlings. It will somehow grow ... But you will not see the harvest in full. It is impossible to create too close conditions for the root system. If possible, allocate 1 liter for each bush, or even better, a two-liter pot. Yes, this is a utopia, in the conditions of an apartment. But you have to strive for the best. In the photo below - pepper in 2 liters. pot, the most optimal size ... Where can I put them like that.


Why is it important to know? Because then you will be able to more accurately answer the question -​

When is the best time to plant seedlings


As a container for planting seedlings, you can use almost any non-soaking container. Amateur gardeners successfully use wooden and even cardboard boxes lined with plastic wrap, disposable plastic or paper cups, sour cream and yogurt containers, juice boxes or milk bags. For used containers, thorough cleaning of the remnants of the contents is important, otherwise it can rot, infect the ground and destroy seedlings.

​Early tomato varieties have the shortest growing season from sowing to flowering, therefore, they bring the earliest and most valuable harvest. Early tomato seedlings produce delicious fresh vegetables, but require more attention and effort to grow.​

Features of planting various crops

A good option using peat tablets. When the seeds hatch, leaves will appear (100% germination is never guaranteed, and in this way you will save yourself from extra containers), place the sprout tablets in a container with prepared soil mixture. The most convenient are the so-called peat pots, as in the photo of the author of the question. Although they are actually made of cardboard. Then, when landing on the garden, the roots will not be injured, and this shell will quickly decompose. You just need to remove the bottom. Another option is plastic cups, from yogurt, sour cream, etc. It is easy to extract a plant with an earthy lump from them. And do not feel sorry for this container, from spring to spring it can be accumulated in sufficient quantities.

First, I sow the seeds in low foam boxes. As soon as the first real leaf hatches, I dive the seedlings into disposable plastic cups.

Estimated dates for sowing and planting crops

  • The first shoots should appear within 3-15 days after planting. In this matter, one should also take into account the age that seedlings must reach before planting in a permanent place. At the same time, the plant will need two or three days to take root.
  • Water the soil with warm water. You can make grooves every 3-4 cm, up to 1 cm deep, and in them, after 1-2 cm, decompose the embryos. Then backfill and moisten the grooves. You can simply spread the embryos on the surface in rows, cover them with earth with a layer of 1 cm from above and water. For planting, choose sprouted grains, as they have more energy and will not lag behind in development.
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  • hot pepper
  • Do I need to soak pepper seeds before planting?
When to sow pepper seedlings?


What is the best way to plant seedlings for tomatoes?

Nightshade crops (and most others) this rule works flawlessly.

Elena Lilia

When deciding how to properly grow tomato seedlings, you need to remember that this plant is very demanding on room temperature, lighting and watering. Wet air tomatoes is harmful, therefore, when we plant tomato seedlings, it is important to regularly ventilate the room where they grow, avoiding strong temperature changes and drafts that are detrimental to this plant. It is not necessary to spray crops with water, they can easily get sick and die.

Varieties of medium fruiting periods produce fruits at the height of the season, they are the most delicious and healthy. The growing season is longer than that of early tomatoes.


It is better to grow seedlings in a pot. Of course, a seedling box is more convenient and saves space, but when the plant grows up, it will become cramped. a transplant will be required. Not all plants easily tolerate transplantation, the plant is injured. Therefore, it is still better to have a separate glass or pot. The best option peat pots. They can be easily found in gardening stores.​


It is convenient that each plant separately, you can sprinkle the earth, take it out with a clod of earth is also convenient. In my opinion, disposable cups are the most best option. Just don't take transparent ones, it's bad for the roots.

If you would like the crop to rise by a certain date, you should take into account the time that the plant will need for vegetation, that is, the length of the period from planting to the appearance of the first fruits. Usually such information is indicated on the packaging in which the seeds are sold.​


Pack the container with sifted sprouts in a plastic bag. If the seed boxes are large, you can cover them with glass. This is done so that the soil mass is constantly wet. Put in a warm place with a temperature of 25-27 degrees. In this state, the tomatoes will be until the first shoots. After the plant needs to be moved to the light.

Unlike tomatoes, which I don’t soak, considering it to be unnecessary fuss, I can’t say so unambiguously with pepper. Soaking, especially in different growth stimulants, can really help to get more shoots and, most importantly, earlier shoots. On the other hand, if the seeds are fresh, you checked their germination and it was about 100%, then again there is no point in soaking.

So... when?


More light - better seedlings, everything else is secondary.


Tomatoes are sown in trays or boxes, lightly sprinkled with a sifted nutrient mixture and sprayed abundantly, covering with a film. Air humidity is needed only until the seeds germinate, and then the film is removed.

Late tomatoes bear fruit from the second half of summer until late autumn; in warm weather, tomatoes remain fresh on the bushes until frost. These tomatoes have the most a long period vegetation.​

Now for summer residents there is a very large assortment of containers for seedlings. But the best choice for this natural material. Clay pots, which is unfortunately not very convenient. A wooden box is quite a decent option, but perhaps not very convenient for transplanting.


For many years I have been using milk, kefir, fermented baked milk or sour cream boxes for growing seedlings. I use high packages for tomatoes and peppers, low packages for cucumbers.


The growing season for early tomatoes is 100 days. The optimal age of seedlings for moving to a permanent place is 45-50 days, and already about a week after planting, the first shoots sprout. In greenhouses, seedlings are planted in early June. Thus, in order to get a crop of young tomatoes by July 20, the seeds must be sown 107-108 days before that, plus a few days for adaptation. As a result, the optimal sowing time is in the first week of April.​


The dates when you can plant tomato seedlings are the beginning of June. It is impossible to give precise recommendations here, because in each climate zone its own characteristics. Climate change, sudden changes in weather conditions are forcing vegetable growers to plant vegetables when constant heat is established. This temperature is not lower than 20 degrees during the day and 12 degrees at night. Focus on the lunar calendar. You should look at the condition of the plants - it is better to plant them when the stem height has reached 25-30 cm. If the earth is well warmed up, after planting, the vegetables will set fruit in a week.


What is the best way to grow seedlings?


Timely planted seeds guarantee timely germination, good growth, development and high fruiting. Gardeners are often mistaken about when to plant tomatoes for seedlings, because such a procedure depends on the influence of many weather, light and temperature factors. How, when and how to plant tomatoes, we will talk in today's article.


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Pepper seeds germinate at a temperature of 17-18-19 degrees, but very slowly, and many will not hatch at all. It is best to put them in a warm place, where it will be +30 degrees, where they will rise quickly and densely. At + 25, germination is also normal.​

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings How to plant asters for seedlings video

seedlings in your area you can grow tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, cabbage, eggplant and other crops.
seedlings dive into the greenhouse. To do this, dig a trench on the bayonet of a shovel and a width of 70-80 centimeters. Leaves, tops of weeds without seeds, straw, manure, sawdust are laid at the bottom - a layer of about 15 cm, a nutritious earth mixture on top. Seedlings are dived in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, according to the scheme 8x8cm, then the trench is covered with a film on wire arcs.
Seedlings are planted outdoors when the threat of frost has passed.
Properly grown seedlings should not be elongated, strong, with short internodes, dark green in color.

Seeds of vegetable crops are pre-soaked in water before sowing. However, soaking time greatly affects seed germination. Therefore, beans, beans, peas are soaked for no more than two days, otherwise the germination rate will drop sharply.
Seeds of radish, radish, turnip are soaked for no more than a day. Seeds of eggplant, carrots, peppers, beets, parsley, spinach, dill, black onions can be soaked for 5 days, because of this their germination is not lost.
But soaked and pecked seeds must be sown only in moist soil, followed by watering and loosening.

In order for the seedlings to quickly take root, take root and never get sick when they are transplanted to a new place, for this, the seedlings are dipped for 30-40 minutes in a solution of water with honey (1 tablespoon of honey per 1 liter of water). Honey nourishes the roots and promotes better development root system.

From fungal diseases, the seeds are dipped in before sowing. hot water(temperature 40-45 degrees), then for one minute in cold water, then dry. From viral diseases, the seeds can be held in a solution of manganese 1g per 1 liter of water, held for 0.5 hours, then rinsed in running water and dry.

The plants are fed for the first time 2-3 weeks after planting the seedlings. Sometimes top dressing is used during the fruiting period.

tomatoes have the ability to form roots throughout the stem, so if the seedlings turned out to be tall (stretched out), they are planted obliquely, the top of the stem remains above the ground. Such tomatoes quickly gain green mass and flower brushes. Seedlings are pulled out if there is insufficient light, as well as with excessive watering.
Seedlings should be planted in the evening or on cloudy days.
The distance between plants in a row in a tomato is 50-60 cm. If the seedlings are planted at a distance of 80-90 cm, then with such a rare planting, the yield will be much lower.
In addition, a free plant in the garden branches strongly, forms a lot
stepchildren, a lot of flower-bearing brushes, from which the ripening of fruits is delayed.

cucumbers sown with seeds in the holes or in the furrow. After germination, when the first true leaves appear, they are thinned out. Leaving 2 plants per hole, if sown in a furrow (lines), then 12-15 cm are left between plants. Plants that are not thinned out will stretch and become thin. Cucumbers love watering, it is better to water them with top dressing, organic or mineral fertilizers. After each watering, the soil must be loosened, give the roots air. Weed the weeds.

Onion sets. The best predecessors are cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.
The most friendly and complete seedlings are obtained with a seeding depth of 2.5 cm.
In dry and hot weather, the seeds are buried deeper and rolled. The rolled soil attracts moisture to the upper layers and this contributes to the appearance of friendly shoots.
Care - weeding plants 2-3 times during the growing season.

Seedling of cabbage.
Early cabbage is best grown through seedlings. By sowing heated seeds for 30 minutes in water at a temperature of 50 degrees, then immersed in cold water for 1-2 minutes and dried to flowability.
For sowing, a nutrient mixture is used, after sowing it is watered abundantly so that the seedlings do not get sick with a black leg, it is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate at room temperature.
Seedlings in the phase of one true leaf dive into pots. During cultivation, they are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.
For planting in open ground, seedlings are ready in one or two months; it should have five, six dark green leaves. Seedlings should not be elongated.
For medium cabbage, the sowing time is in early March, seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of April.
Seedlings of medium-late and late varieties Cabbage is grown immediately in open ground, on a leveled, well-fertilized area. Sow on May 10-15, seed placement depth 2-3 cm, row spacing 70 cm.
Seedlings break through when the first true leaf appears and when the fifth true leaf is formed, these plants are used for replanting. When transplanting into holes, the roots are lowered into a mash of earth and humus. The roots are tightly pressed with earth, the core should not be sprinkled.
With this method of growing cabbage, the plant develops a powerful root system that allows it to absorb moisture from lower soil layers.

Many garden crops in the middle lane are grown through seedlings, otherwise the plants do not have time to give a full harvest. Growing seedlings is a crucial stage, at this time the future harvest is laid, therefore it is so important to sow seeds correctly and create for plants good conditions. Learn all the secrets of growing seedlings from our article.

The seedling method is used to grow most heat-loving plants with long term flowering and fruiting. In conditions middle lane such plants do not have time to fully grow, bloom and bear fruit during the warm season.

Heat-loving plants grown in seedlings include:

  • , and ;
  • and zucchini;
  • gourds- pumpkin, watermelon and melon;
  • varietal potatoes from seeds.

To obtain an early harvest, all types of cabbage are grown through seedlings - white and red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi. You can grow seedlings and root crops - beets, radishes and daikon.

Through seedlings, two-year-old and perennials to achieve flowering or fruiting in one year. Cold-resistant plants grown in seedlings include black onions and leeks, celery, and parsnips. Also, some spicy herbs are sown on seedlings - basil, lemon balm, thyme and oregano.

Crops with sensitive root systems are best grown in separate containers. These include peppers and eggplants, pickled tomatoes, cucumbers and all melons, as well as some types of flowers.

The volume of seedling cups and cassettes is chosen depending on the culture:

  • tomatoes, peppers and eggplants - 200-350 ml;
  • cucumbers, watermelons and melons - 200-300 ml;
  • pumpkins, zucchini, squash - 250-400 ml;
  • spicy greens, leeks and nigella - 70-150 ml;
  • flowers with small seeds - 100-200 ml;
  • flowers with large seeds - 200-300 ml.

Disposable cups are often used as seedling containers. They are inexpensive, have a different volume and a convenient shape. However, the strength of such cups is small, usually they are enough for only one season. When using disposable cups, drainage holes must be made in their bottoms.

Another option is peat cups. They are made from compressed peat mixture that decomposes in the ground in one season. Seedlings are planted directly in a glass without damaging its roots. Peat cups are usually used for plants with a delicate root system - peppers, cucumbers, pumpkin.

Note! The soil in peat cups dries out faster, and when overflowing, their walls soak and collapse. Therefore, watering should be regular, but moderate.

Video - Features of planting seedlings in peat cups in the ground

Also, for seedlings, you can use dense bags of the same size, for example, from milk. They are convenient in that you can roll up the bag when planting, and as the seedlings grow, gradually roll it out and add soil. This technique is useful for plants that, when deepened, take on additional roots - for example, for tomatoes or flowers.

It is better to germinate seeds under film or glass - this creates the effect of a greenhouse, the soil remains moist and warm, and sprouts appear faster. Convenient for seed germination with removable transparent covers. The greenhouse can be made independently from transparent disposable containers.

Before planting seeds and picking, reusable seedling containers must be washed with warm water with laundry soap and rinse with clean water. Using wooden boxes it is recommended to disinfect them with a solution of copper sulfate or bleach.

Seed preparation

Pre-sowing preparation allows you to reject empty seeds, disinfect them and accelerate germination. The preparation of seeds for different crops is carried out in different ways, the main steps necessary for all garden crops are described below.

Step 1. To select the largest and full-weight seeds, calibration is carried out. There are two ways to make it at home - manually and soaking in a saline solution. The first method is suitable for plants with large seeds - pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers. Medium to small seeds (such as tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, onions, and most flowers) are more suitable for saline calibration.

Manually, the seeds are sized using a checkered sheet or a ruler. Spread the seeds on a flat surface or a sheet of paper and wipe off the largest, even and dense. Reject all seeds irregular shape, as well as empty and too small.

For calibration in solution 1 tablespoon table salt stir in a glass of warm water, then lower the seeds there for 15-30 minutes. The floating seeds are removed, and those that have settled to the bottom are washed and dried.

Note! Germinating seeds can also float if they are dry. If there are many such seeds, you need to check their germination on a small batch.

Step 2 Seed disinfection is carried out in several stages. From bacterial infections, the seeds are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate at a concentration of 1 g per 1 liter of water. Stir the crystals until completely dissolved and pour the seeds in a small bowl. Keep in solution for 20 minutes.

Processing in a solution of potassium permanganate

You can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%. It is heated in a water bath to a temperature of + 38-40 degrees and the seeds are poured for 10 minutes.

Treatment in hydrogen peroxide

Step 3 Treatment for fungal infections is the second stage of seed disinfection. It is carried out in fungicides - antifungal drugs. They can be in the form of a solution or in powder. At home, the drug of natural origin "Fitosporin-M" is most often used. It is available as a powder, paste or liquid. Dilute the drug as indicated on the package, and pour the seeds for 2-3 hours.

Seed treatment with Fitosporin-M

Step 4 From viral diseases, surface treatment does not help, so the seeds are heated with dry heat for 5-7 days, hanging in fabric bags on a battery.

For accelerated processing, you can place the seeds in water with a temperature of + 50-60 degrees for 1-2 hours. It is more convenient to do this in a thermos, where the water does not cool longer.

Step 5 Immediately before planting, the seeds are treated in a solution of growth stimulants, these include Epin, Zircon, solutions of potassium and sodium humates, aloe juice and other natural preparations. The solution is prepared according to the recommendations on the package and the seeds are poured into it. The processing time depends on the drug and can be 1-24 hours.

Step 6 After treatment with stimulants, the seeds are soaked in water and left in a warm place to swell. Soaking is necessary to soften the seed coat and accelerate its germination.

Soaking time depends on the size and density of the seeds:

  • tomatoes, peppers, eggplants - 3-4 hours;
  • cabbage - 3-4 hours;
  • cucumbers, melons - 12 hours;
  • leek and black onion - 12 hours;
  • pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon - 24 hours.

This process can be accelerated by bubbling - treating seeds in water with air bubbles. Used for bubbling aquarium compressor, his tube is lowered into a jar of soaked seeds and the device is turned on. Soaking time can be cut in half. Seeds are best placed in gauze bags.

Step 7 After soaking, the seeds can be planted in the ground or germinated by wrapping them in a damp soft cloth or gauze. Germinate the seeds at the temperature recommended for this crop until pecking and sprouts appear. The fabric must be constantly damp. It is important not to miss this moment and prevent the roots from sprouting into the tissue - it will be difficult to get the seeds out of there without damaging the roots.

Germination can be combined with hardening. Seeds wrapped in cloth are placed on a saucer in a refrigerator with a temperature of + 2-4 degrees overnight. Seeds of plants intended for planting in open ground can be subjected to temperature cycling: put in the refrigerator at night, and keep at room temperature during the day. In this mode, they are hardened for two or three days, after which they are cleaned in a warm place until germination.

Note! Seeds with brittle roots, such as cucumbers and all cucurbits, are best planted immediately after pecking.

Sowing and germinating seeds

Cultures that lend themselves well to picking can be sown in common seedling boxes for germination; these include:

  • tomatoes and eggplants;
  • leek and black onion;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • flowers with medium-sized seeds - marigolds, asters, zinnias, dahlias.

Plants with a delicate and fragile root system do not tolerate picking well, it is better to plant them immediately in separate cups or seedling cassettes of the appropriate size. As they grow, they are transferred to individual containers. bigger size.

These cultures include:

  • cucumbers and all pumpkin;
  • sweet and hot peppers;
  • roots;
  • flowers with large seeds.

Step 1. Seedling containers are filled with soil suitable for this crop. Lightly compact it and make grooves or grooves. Water with settled water, and if disinfection of the soil is required - with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Allow water to soak in and keep the soil moist.

Step 2 Pre-treated seeds are laid out in recesses by hand or with tweezers; small seeds are conveniently laid out with a toothpick.

Step 3 From above, the grooves or recesses are sprinkled with a layer of soil. Additional watering is not necessary - the moisture absorbed into the soil is enough to feed the roots, at the same time, air will be provided to the seeds through the upper loose layer.

Step 4 The containers are covered with cling film and placed in a warm place. Light is not needed for seed germination, except for small flower seeds, which are sown superficially, without falling asleep with soil.

Step 5 Immediately after the appearance of the loops, you need to remove the film and put the containers with seedlings in a well-lit place. It is desirable to provide supplementary lighting with fluorescent or LED lamps. In the first days, in the phase of cotyledon leaves, the seedlings can be illuminated for 16-18 hours a day - this will help it not stretch out. After the appearance of true leaves, daylight hours are gradually reduced to the norm for this crop.

Note! If in the phase of the cotyledon leaves the seedlings are stretched out, it is necessary to add soil to the level of the cotyledons.

Picking and transshipment

Seedlings dive usually in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. Later, the root system grows strongly and is damaged when picking. Transshipment of seedlings from glasses and seedling cassettes in larger containers is carried out as the root system grows.

Step 1. Seedling glasses or cassettes are prepared and filled with pre-prepared soil by about 2/3 during picking and 1/2 during transshipment. Water the soil and allow it to evenly moisten. If necessary, disinfect with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Step 2 Gently pry the sprout with a small spatula or wooden stick. They are taken out together with an earthen clod, trying not to damage the root system. It is better to hold the sprout by the leaves, and not by the stem - if the leaves are damaged, the plant will quickly recover, and a broken stem will lead to death. In tomatoes, cabbage and onions, pinch the central root by 1/3.

Step 3 A recess is made in the ground along the length and width of the earthen coma. Gently put a sprout there and sprinkle the earth. Seal and lightly water. When planting tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers, the sprout is buried to the cotyledons, peppers and eggplants are not buried.

Step 4 When transshipping in a larger container, carefully remove the seedling, put it in a larger glass and sprinkle earth around it. Deepen if necessary. Lightly water and compact the soil.

Step 5 In the first few days after transshipment and picking, plants need to be provided with diffused light and moderately moist soil. As soon as the root system adapts, the seedlings will start to grow.

Note! Some flowers, such as lobelia, dive several seedlings into one seedling glass.

Watering seedlings

From proper watering a lot depends - when the earthen coma dries up, the seedlings stop growing and wither, and when overflowing, it can get fungal infections. It is better to water the seedlings with soft water - rain, melted water or settled - with the addition of a small amount of humates.

Getting melted water at home is quite simple: pour it into any container tap water, defend it during the day and put in the freezer. Water begins to freeze from the edges of the container. As soon as it freezes by about 2/3 of the volume, it is taken out, the unfrozen part of the water is drained - it contains all the dissolved elements. The remaining ice is thawed and used for watering seedlings.

In the first stage of cultivation, before the appearance of true leaves, the seedlings are watered very carefully so as not to damage the fragile shoots. This can be done from a small watering can or a spray gun set to a small spray angle. Seedlings are watered under the root.

After picking, as the vegetative mass develops, the seedlings are watered less often, but more abundantly, until the earthy coma is wetted. It is important to prevent stagnant water and allow the topsoil to dry out between waterings.

Note! The first 3-5 days after picking, watering seedlings is undesirable! Weak roots can rot.

Seedling fertilizer

Top dressing is carried out according to plan or when signs of a lack of nutrients appear. Before the appearance of true leaves, the sprout consumes the supply of nutrients contained in the seed. After the first real leaf appears, the active development of the root system begins and the plant can absorb micro and macro elements from the soil.

There are many recipes for dressings containing organic and minerals, but the easiest way is to buy a complex fertilizer for seedlings. It can be both universal and specially adapted to the needs of different cultures.

Fertilizers for seedlings are produced in various forms:

  • liquid concentrate;
  • water soluble granules;
  • powder.

A good fertilizer for seedlings contains:

  • nitrogen (N);
  • potassium (K);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • trace elements in chelated form.

The exact dosage and feeding schedule for seedlings is always indicated by the fertilizer manufacturer on the packaging. If there is no such information on the bag or bottle of fertilizer, it is better to refrain from using it.

Before picking, seedlings usually have enough nutrients contained in fertile soil. 7-10 days after picking or transplanting, you can start feeding. Fertilizer in dissolved form is applied with morning watering. With a strong drying of an earthen coma, you must first moderately moisten it with clean water, and only then apply top dressing. The second and subsequent top dressing with complex fertilizer is carried out 7-10 days after the previous one, until the seedlings are planted.

Extra feeding is needed when there are obvious signs of a lack of elements. You can determine them by appearance seedlings.

The reasons for the lack of elements, as well as the ways to replenish them, are different, they are described in the table shown in the figure. Sometimes it is enough to change the lighting regime or temperature so that the plant can absorb nutrients from the soil.

Note! It is undesirable to use for fertilizing young seedlings. organic fertilizers- their composition is unstable, so it is difficult to calculate the dosage.

Growing seedlings in peat tablets

Plants with a particularly delicate root system, as well as valuable flower seeds in granular form, are more convenient to grow in. The tablets consist of sterile peat soil, which is well permeable to water and air.

In dry form, their height is 1-2 cm, the diameter may be different. After swelling in water, the height of the tablets increases by 6-8 times, which is quite enough for the root system of most crops in the first phase of seedling cultivation.

Below is step technology planting granulated petunia seeds in peat tablets. Other crops are grown in the same way.

Step 1. Seedling tablets are being prepared. For this, they are placed in plastic container close to each other. Pour a small amount of water into the container, wait for the tablets to absorb it, and then add a new portion. This is repeated until the tablets no longer absorb water, after which its excess is drained.

Step 2 The seeds are carefully placed in the depression at the top of each tablet. When sowing very small seeds, for example, lobelia, several pieces are placed in each tablet. If the recess is not large enough, it is expanded or deepened with a toothpick.

Step 3 When sowing granulated seeds, it is necessary to moisten their shell until completely wetted, otherwise they will not germinate. It is most convenient to do this from a spray bottle, pipette or rubber pear.

Step 4 Seeds are covered from above with a small amount of soil, distributing it with a toothpick. You can just lightly drown the seeds in a tablet.

Step 5 The grown seedlings are transplanted into pots filled up to half with fertile soil.

Step 6 Further care for seedlings does not differ from the usual cultivation technology and includes watering, fertilizing and other necessary operations.

Note! Seedlings with a short growing season can be planted in the ground directly in tablets, bypassing the stage of transplanting into a pot.

Growing seedlings in "snails"

One of original ways to get strong seedlings ready for picking - growing it in "snails" made of polyethylene foam. The latter is used as a substrate for a laminate or as a thermal insulation film. Strips of this material are rolled into a roll along with a thin layer of soil in which the seeds are placed. As a result, a "snail" is formed, inside which excellent conditions for seedling development.

Growing seedlings in "snails"

Advantages of the method:

  • saving space and soil;
  • optimal conditions for seed germination;
  • easy picking without damaging the roots.


  • long process of sowing seeds;
  • if the sprouts are not transplanted in time, they may die.

In this way, you can germinate most garden crops - nightshade, all types of cabbage and leaf lettuce, as well as root crops. Another "snail" is suitable for the germination of medium-sized flower seeds. The preparation of soil and seeds is carried out according to the usual technology described above.

Step 1. Foamed polyethylene is cut into strips about 50 cm long and 10-12 cm wide. Lay out on a tray with one end towards you.

Step 2 At one end of the strip, pour a few tablespoons of moderately moistened soil, level it.

Step 3 Prepared seeds are laid out at a distance of 2-3 cm from one edge. The distance between seeds is 1-2 cm.

Step 4 Carefully begin to fold the tape from the end. Pour the next portion of the soil and sow the seeds. This continues until the end of the tape.

Formation of the "snail"

Step 5 The folded "snail" is fixed with a rubber band. Put in a container with a depth of at least half of its ("snail") height. The seeds should be at the top edge of the "snail".

Fixing the "snail"

Step 6 Well moisten the soil inside the "snail" with a spray bottle. In the future, watering can be carried out in a container - the moist soil itself will absorb moisture.

Step 7 A regular plastic bag is put on a container with a “snail” and tied up to create greenhouse conditions inside. Put in a warm bright place until the seeds germinate. Once a day, the bag is opened for airing.

Creation of greenhouse conditions

Step 8 Germination of seeds in "snails" usually occurs faster than in the ground, due to stable temperature and humidity. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of loops in order to immediately place the seedlings in the most illuminated place.

Step 9 After germination until the appearance of two true leaves, seedling care does not differ from conventional technology. Due to the small amount of soil, seedlings may lack nutrition, so a little complex or humic fertilizer for seedlings is added to the water for irrigation, about 20% of the concentration recommended for feeding.

Step 10 When two true leaves appear in the sprouts, the “snail” is rolled out, the strongest seedlings are selected and dived into cups using conventional technology or into “diapers” - they will be discussed below.

Picking seedlings from "snails"

Video - Growing seedlings in "snails"

Seedlings germinated in "snails" can dive not only into glasses, but also into "diapers". This method also saves space and soil. In this case, ordinary plastic packaging bags are used as wrapping material.

The picking of plants into "diapers" is performed according to the technology below.

Step 1. A plastic bag is spread on a tray. The soil is being prepared - it should be moderately moist so that it does not crumble when clenched in a fist.

Preparing the diaper bag

Step 2 At one end of the "diaper", closer to one edge, pour a tablespoon of soil. They level it.

Step 3 A sprout taken out of the "snail" is laid on top of the soil. To do this, the "snail" is slightly rolled out to free the root system along with the earthy clod. The sprout is placed so that the cotyledon leaves are above the edge of the film.

Step 4 From above, the sprout is covered with another tablespoon of soil, trim it (soil) so that it does not get enough sleep when wrapped. The bottom edge is left free from soil, so that it is easier to tuck the film.

Step 5 Wrap the film, gently compacting the soil around the root system. The bottom is bent so that the earth does not spill out and water does not flow out.

Step 6 The soil on the surface is leveled, if necessary, compacted and sprinkled.

Step 7 Seedlings in a “diaper” are placed in a container, on the bottom of which sawdust is poured to absorb excess moisture. If the film unfolds, you can secure it with an elastic band.

Step 8 Water the seedlings under the root of a small watering can or rubber pear. Top dressing with this method of growing seedlings is best done with each watering, dissolving a small amount of fertilizer in settled water.

You can grow in "diapers" not only pickled seedlings, but also plants that do not tolerate picking - cucumbers and zucchini, pumpkins, tributes and watermelons, as well as other vegetables and flowers with large seeds before planting in the ground. They are planted 2-3 seeds each in pre-prepared "diapers", watered and placed in a container, covered with a bag. After germination, the strongest sprout is left in each "diaper".

Video - Picking peppers in "diapers"

Described general tricks growing seedlings are suitable for almost all vegetable and flower crops However, each plant needs a special mode and duration of cultivation, watering and fertilizing. Short description cultivation techniques different cultures shown in the figure.

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