Decorative flowers for a summer residence. What flowers can be planted in the country so that they bloom

Site arrangement 13.06.2019
Site arrangement

Flowers and plants are those beautiful creatures that fill any garden with juicy joyful colors, indescribable harmony and comfort. And their diversity surprises the imagination: more than 300 thousand annuals and perennials!

Yes, inveterate gardeners have a lot to choose from. And now we offer you a look at just a few of the perennial undemanding species.

Varieties of perennials that do not require care

We call undemanding flowers and plants that have been growing in one place for years, resistant to frost and almost no need for care. All conditions for them are in the right place, good "neighbors" and periodic watering.

Unpretentious perennial flowers blooming all summer long can be grown from seeds and get your own seedlings, or you can buy the rhizome of an already adult plant in a container and plant it in the ground.

Important! If you prefer the first option, then in no case sow perennial seeds directly into the ground. Suitable for them exclusively seedling method... In the open ground, there is a high probability that they will not rise.

Let's get acquainted with these versatile creatures, which we hope will help you transform your garden into a piece of paradise!

Perennial flowers

Name Description
Lupine Due to its adaptability to life in all conditions, it is often called a weed. Lupine seeds germinate even in the cracks between. However, it has many colors (the variegated lupines are especially magnificent) and very decorative carved leaves.

Lupines can be planted as separate areas of the "solo", and in combination with other plants. The shape of its inflorescences will perfectly complement the structure of any flower bed. To grow seedlings, you need to plant the seeds early.

Well, if you plant a perennial rhizome right away, then flowering will be in the same year. Any soil is suitable for lupine. True, the instruction prescribes to plant it in sunny places.

Phlox These unpretentious garden flowers perennials are irreplaceable when decorating a site! A sea of ​​varieties of phlox with flowers of different shades. There are even "chameleons" that change their color depending on the lighting from bright crimson to lilac. Phlox behave similarly to weeds - they take root without problems and grow abundantly, sometimes displacing their "neighbors". They grow well both in the sun and in partial shade (partial shade is preferable).

For information! Phloxes can delight with their beauty for up to 8 years without any care. But over time, their flowers become smaller, so top dressing in the form of any fertilizers or organic matter will periodically come in handy. It is also recommended to sometimes water them abundantly - then the inflorescences will be large, and the stem will not be exposed.

To extend the life of phlox, once every 6 years, the rhizomes must be dug out with their own hands, chopped up and transferred to new places. It is better to plant these perennials in early spring.

Rudbeckia and Echinacea Rudbeckia and Echinacea will give any flower garden a structure and successfully decorate the background, in harmony with the rest of the "inhabitants" of your flower bed.

It is most advisable to grow your seedlings by sowing seeds in pots at the end of February. There are no problems with germination of these flowers, so you will certainly get high-quality seedlings that will successfully take root in one place.

The type of soil does not matter. You can plant rudbeckia and echinacea in spring or summer. Water them abundantly at first and weed thoroughly.

Periodic feeding with organic matter and mineral fertilizers will not be superfluous. These are such simple manipulations, and next early spring the flowers will already delight with their positivity!

Perhaps the most unpretentious garden flowers are familiar to everyone! They are just one of those about which one can say “grow by themselves.” The real name is dissected rudbeckia, which is popularly considered a weed. Rudbeckia may well become a decoration of the garden, but only an eye and an eye are needed for it, so that it does not fill the entire area with itself.

Sedum These unpretentious perennial garden flowers begin to bloom at the end of August and bloom until the first winter frost. Loves sandy soil and sun rays.

Sage Sage blooms from June to late summer. Undemanding to the ground. Due to its low growth (30-50 cm), it can be planted even in miniature flower beds.

Iris A very elegant flower, suitable not only for flower beds, but also for decorating recreation areas, small ponds, monoclumbus. Iris is quite varied in size and color. For example, there are small bulbous flowers that are indispensable for alpine slides.Some varieties of iris prefer humidity and partial shade, others prefer open sunny areas. Well, in general, they are undemanding, they only need sufficient watering and periodic sprinkling of rhizomes with earth. This flower multiplies simple division root, which is desirable in early spring.

Astilba Garden unpretentious flowers blooming magnificently even in large shade. Therefore, different varieties of astilba are used as decorations in the most secluded spots of the garden. The only thing they need is wet soil. Flowering begins around July and lasts 10 weeks.

Gelenium Replete for a very long time and abundantly! If you choose the right varieties, then you can contemplate the flowering of helenium from the beginning of June to the end of October.

Not only flowers will help to ennoble the site, but also such unpretentious green plants for the garden as fern, budra, tenacious, pachisander, cuff, maiden grapes, kirkazon or clematis, shade-loving vines and others. They grow quickly and hassle-free.

Create a flower paradise or design ideas

To get a truly paradise, it is not enough just to plant perennials. An important nuance- this is their correct landing and well-composed composition.

Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. "Blooming carpet"- a rainbow lawn strewn with small wildflowers! It is only necessary to plant low varieties of perennials and annuals in the designated place. These can be chamomile, clover, cornflowers, poppies, helenium, sage, daisies, etc.

  1. "Living" arches and gazebos. If you have similar designs on your site, why not make them more colorful? Gracefully climbing and unpretentious garden plants will do the trick!

These include:

  • Clematis or clematis. A charming handsome man and a seducer of eyes! In beauty, he can safely compete with overseas wonders. Its large flowers different colors fall from a two-meter height like a waterfall. Luxurious bloom for several weeks - this is a must see!

  • Girlish grapes. Looks very impressive vertical gardening this climbing plant. In autumn, its leaves turn into a charming raspberry-blackberry color. The decorative fruits of grapes are also pleasing to the eye. Plus, it has a special "creep" and can cling to any surface.

Attention! Maiden grapes give a large annual growth (somewhere up to 3.5 meters). This nuance should be taken into account when choosing a place for planting it.

  • Treelike kampsis is a liana, incomparable in terms of vitality, endurance and unpretentiousness! She does not care about heat, showers, pests and diseases. It blooms incessantly from June to September. Campsis will decorate a gazebo, fence, arch, entrance group or canopy. The intricate shape of its flowers is an oriental mood.

The only negative is that the vine grows by leaps and bounds. But this is not a reason to refuse such a miracle! You can just plant it in a narrow, clamped place, where there will be nowhere to grow further.

  • Climbing roses. Luxurious flowering and captivating aroma make them the real “queens” of the garden! What could be more pleasant than a cup of tea in the early morning in a pink scent? Perhaps the most better start new day.

  • From annuals - ornamental beans, peas and morning glory. Having planted them once, you will definitely want to see these mischievous vines in your garden next year. With their vigorous weaving up, they diversify a boring post, tree trunk, wicket or fence.

  1. Flowerbeds, mixborders, rabatki, alpine slides... In order for these flower beds to dazzle as long as possible, gardeners recommend combining perennials with annuals. The first ones will become the basis, the background. And the latter will help to bring fresh notes to flower beds from year to year.


In conclusion, let us say that for a stable full-fledged flowering of undemanding garden plants, you need to give them maximum attention right away, in order to then rest and contemplate the beauty. It would be nice to pre-fertilize the soil and prepare the seedlings for planting, taking into account the characteristics of each species.

The result of the work will not be long in coming. If you decide to refine your garden, be sure to watch the video in this article. We wish you awesome blooming creations!

Beautiful flowers are the decoration of any site. But annual planning, preparation and work on new flower beds is not easy and costly. Therefore, many gardeners make life easier for themselves and plant perennial unpretentious flowers. Minimal care is required, the plant lives from 2 years to several decades (subject to the timely division of the bush). And in beauty, perennial unpretentious garden flowers are in no way inferior to annuals, and often even surpass them. Well, let's move on to considering the most suitable options.


These are reliable, unpretentious summer cottages that will never let you down. They belong to the bulbous, bloom at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of spring, depending on the variety. Flowers have a central tube (corolla) surrounded by a collar of petals, which can be of different shades, such as yellow, orange, white, red and peach. Some varieties have a delicate aroma. You will recognize that daffodils are awake by the thin narrow leaves that will appear from the ground as soon as the sun warms up. They are slightly shorter in length than flowers.

When buying, choose beautiful, not dried, healthy bulbs. The first time it is better to plant daffodils before winter, and then divide and plant the bushes in early summer, when their leaves completely wither. The bulb is buried 5-7 cm in the ground. For planting, choose sunny or slightly shaded areas.

Further care is very simple: the plant must be well watered during the flowering period, if it is delayed, feed it. To prevent thin stems from falling from the wind, they sometimes need support. When the buds wither, they need to be cut off.


Another easy-care plant that looks very impressive. It is undemanding to the soil, almost not affected by pests. The Latin name of the daylily is translated as “one-day beauty”, because the bud opens in the morning and withers at night. But do not worry, there are up to 12 ovaries on one stem, so the plant will delight you with its flowering for several weeks.

Daylily happens different heights, so it can be used in different ways: in curbs, in separate groups or in the background of a flower bed.

Gardeners have literally bred thousands of varieties of this plant, which differ not only in the size and color of flowers, but also in their shape and flowering period. In some species, it is longer or occurs twice a season.

Daylily care

The plant requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight However, in hot regions, flowers with a bright color must be shaded, otherwise they will fade. The soil should be moist but well drained. It is best to plant the daylily in the spring so that it grows strong before winter. But if the cold time is harsh, then in the first year it is preferable to dig it up or at least cover it well until the heat returns.

Fertilize the soil generously with compost before planting, leaving enough (30-60 cm) space between the seedlings. Deepen the bulb by no more than 2-3 cm. In the first year, the daylily is especially demanding for watering, and then it is resistant to difficult conditions.

When you notice that the plant has begun to bloom less, this may be a signal that it has grown too many "children", it is time to divide it. This usually happens 3-5 years after planting. The operation is also best done in the spring.


If you need perennial flowers, unpretentious, with an interesting bud shape, delicate aroma and amazing vitality, then these beauties are your best choice.

Irises have three large outer petals that look downward and three inner vertical ones. The former may have beards or fluffy combs. They come in a variety of colors and sizes.

Most irises bloom once - in early summer. Some, mostly bearded hybrids, are remontant and bloom again a little later.

Irises need a sunny spot and well-drained soil. Flowers are planted in mid - late summer in shallow wide holes. The rhizomes on top are left open or slightly crushed with earth in hot regions. Indeed, unlike bulbs, which need to be buried in the soil, they love sunlight and can rot under a layer of soil.

These perennial, unpretentious flowers are extremely easy to care for. It consists in accurate watering, without waterlogging the soil, and you shouldn't overdo it with fertilizers. Old flowers are cut when they have wilted, and the leaves are left - they continue to feed the root throughout the season. Once every 2-5 years, the bush needs to be divided and planted.


They are very beautiful and unpretentious for giving. Photos of peonies in all their glory inspire their cultivation.

Moreover, after the luxurious flowering is completed, you will not have a bare flower bed, but a juicy green bush, which will acquire a reddish-golden color in the fall.

A perennial may even outlive you - a peony bush can live up to 10 years. Plants require minimal maintenance once they are planted in a good place it is better not to disturb them, they react very painfully to the transplant.

These perennial unpretentious flowers need an abundance of sunny color and loose, moisture-permeable soil. Peonies are not even afraid of cold winters, because frost promotes the formation of buds in spring.

Peony care

For planting, take parts of the rhizome with eyes from an adult (3-5 years old) bush. Dates of the procedure - autumn (September-October), before the first frost. The place should be unshaded, open, protected from the wind. The soil must be properly fertilized. The plant is planted in a wide hole with its eyes upward to a depth of 2.5-5 cm.

After that, as with previous perennials, leaving is minimal. Fertilize the bush only if you have very poor soil. Water it in time, remove faded buds and cut the foliage for the winter to eliminate the risk of overwintering diseases.


Many have a tincture from this plant in their medicine cabinet. But in gardens, perennial unpretentious flowers are not so common. And in vain, because even in the most intense heat, Echinacea will delight you with large flowers. Their classic color is purple with a convex brown conical heart, but there are varieties that have red, yellow, orange or white petals. Echinacea attracts butterflies and birds with its scent and grains.

Most often, the plant propagates by seeds, which are sown in spring, loves sunny places and you need to water Echinacea at least once a week. In the spring, compost and mulch should be done. Faded buds need to be cut off not only in order for new ones to appear more actively, but also to prevent the unauthorized spread of seeds. Divide the bushes every 3-4 years. More often, the plant should not be disturbed, it does not like it.


These perennial unpretentious flowers for a flower bed can serve as an example of a spectacular appearance and ease of maintenance. There are a lot of varieties and colors, you can always choose the variety that you like. Phlox bloom with a bright beautiful ball, which consists of small five-pointed flowers.

They prefer open, sunny places, but will tolerate a thin shade from trees. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.

You need to plant the plant in rich, fertilized soil. Leave about 30 cm between flowers so that they can grow well and not interfere with each other. Adult flowers are fed with compost and mulch the ground around them. Although garden phlox and drought tolerant plant(since it comes from the field phlox, which is able to withstand harsh conditions) it is recommended to water it at least once a week. For the winter, you should take care of the shelter.

The most unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom in autumn

Of course, these are chrysanthemums. In the fall, when everything starts to fade, they explode in a splash rapid flowering... They are different forms, sizes and colors: white, yellow, pink, orange, red, lavender, and bicolor. There are undersized bushes and almost meter-high giants.

Chrysanthemum can be grown from seed, dividing the rhizome, buy ready-made seedlings or even potted plants. It is better to transplant them every 2-3 years in order to avoid problems with pests and diseases. It is better to divide the bush in the spring. Depending on its size, this should be done every 3-5 years.

These perennials love unshaded areas with loose, fertilized sandy soil. Subsequent feeding is optional, but desirable. In order to enhance the formation of flower ovaries, when the sprouts reach 20 cm, they need to be pinched. For the winter, cut off the stems to 20 cm and cover.

Autumn beauty

If peonies are associated with the last bell, then asters are certainly held in high esteem for September 1 and Teacher's Day. Still, because they bloom from late August to mid-October, they come in different sizes, colors and shapes. Asters are perennial flowers, unpretentious, a photo of a flower bed with them proves how impressive they can look.

The conditions for caring for them are similar to caring for chrysanthemums. After all, both plants belong to the same botanical family - Astrovye.

You can grow both from seeds that are sown in early spring, and from seedlings, if the spring in your region is cold and prolonged. Or you can buy adult potted plants.

Aster loves sunny areas, but can cope with a little shading.

The plant should be watered at least once a week, fed with compost every spring and protected from weeds. High grades are worth tying up. Pinching the tops also gives good results.

For the winter, the old foliage is completely cut off and the plant is covered.

Once every 2-3 years, the bush must be divided so that the aster continues to develop rapidly.

For problem areas

All of the above plants require sunny locations for optimal development. And what to plant on the north side of the house or under the trees? Pay attention to the hosts - the flowers are perennial, unpretentious, while growing well in the shade. Most of all they are valued for their beautiful succulent foliage. However, many species will delight the gardener with interesting flowers on a high stem, in the form of a funnel or bell, sometimes resembling lilies. Coloring - white, lilac or purple. Blooms from June to October, depending on the variety.

Host care

It should be noted that not all varieties like thick shade. The lighter the color, the more plant need sunlight. Therefore, for particularly shaded areas, choose varieties with dark, rich green leaves.

The planting hole should be fertilized generously with compost. While it requires a lot of moisture, but make sure that it does not stagnate. In the future, hosts will also appreciate timely watering, but adult flowers tolerate short droughts normally.

Plant care consists of spring feeding, protection from slugs and a small shelter for the winter. Hosta grows well in one place for several years, moreover, the bush will reveal its full potential no earlier than 3-6 years after planting. It is not necessary to divide it only if you want to propagate the plant.

These perennials will decorate your garden and will not cause trouble.

Many people dream of flower beds and decorative beds that will not take much time, effort and distract from work in the garden and vegetable garden. Unfortunately, both annual and perennial plants that would bloom from early spring to late autumn simply do not exist in nature, and breeders have not yet achieved the creation of such miraculous gifts for lazy connoisseurs of beauty.

However, the organization of unpretentious perennial decoration of the site is possible. Moreover, following fashion trends, a flower garden in the garden will not only be a delight for the eyes, but it will also be able to feed, cure, scare off garden pests, attract pollinating insects and even please guests with an unexpected trick. Existing species perennial garden flowers allow you to cope with this task.

Blooming perennials - a flower bed without hassle and worries

The only thing that is needed to create a harmonious composition is careful thought and drawing up a landing plan... This is a rather lengthy and laborious process. When drawing up such a 3D drawing for your garden, you should consider:

Before planting plants in the garden, it is necessary to prepare the soil: decrease or increase ph to a neutral indicator, carry out drainage works, add sand or peat if necessary, apply complex fertilizers. You should not rely on chance - on acidic or leached soils of a multi-colored, blooming all summer long, perennial flower garden will not work.

Summer riot of perennial flowers for the garden

The king of all flowers is the rose. We advise you to pay attention to the bush varieties of this species. In order for the bush not to become a "headache", because roses require care and are susceptible to many diseases, ask your nearest neighbors for several branches. Cuttings grown in potato tubers will eventually become the centerpiece of your flower garden.

A spectacular cascade composition can be composed of group plantings of Astilba. These perennials are distinguished by a large choice of heights (from 30 to 150 cm) and a variety of colors of beautiful upright bristle brushes.


To the usual, but not losing popularity lilies and phlox we advise you to add a perennial decorative Lupine - cut inflorescences with seed bolls are very good as dried flowers, and the leaves will be an excellent green manure. Bored mallow can be replaced with a new selection - Stock-roses, which look great next to Sunflower willow... This hardy American perennial "replaces" the missing leaves on the Stock Rose and keeps it flowering with a huge number of single yellow flowers in August and September.

Tricirtis Purple Beauty... A unique long-flowering perennial whose flowers imitate orchid inflorescences. It blooms from early summer until the first frost, and some varieties in early spring and, second time, in autumn. By planting a group of the right combination of different varieties in the garden, you can fulfill the notorious desire when “one” plant blooms from early spring to late autumn!

Perennial rudbeckia... Numerous species of this subspecies from the Aster family will delight with exuberant flowering throughout the summer. When choosing these plants, do not forget about its closest relative, Echinacea, which will become an irreplaceable medicinal addition to ordinary tea.

Lofant Tibetan... One and a half meter Lofant Tibetan plants are not only decorative, but also bloom for a long time. Its huge panicle inflorescences are used to make powerful immunostimulating infusions, and the leaves (fresh and dried) are an excellent spice. No wonder Lofants are called Asian mint. A similar plant, but shorter in stature, are the perennial flowers of Veronica long-leaved, which will also help in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.

Be sure to plant some of the most effective and famous mole fighter in your garden! Grouse imperial will delight you with powerful a beautiful flower and will reliably protect against different types of earth-moving animals.


In this category, special attention should be paid the Astrov family... The following varieties are especially good: Italian, heather, early alpine, dumosus (mid-summer), and ordinary asters (late summer, early autumn).

Turkish carnation although it is a biennial, it does not require further attention due to its excellent self seeding. Compound carnation inflorescences are well set off by the mountain cornflower.

Gypsophila paniculata... A voluminous, spherical bush with many simple or double, very small "carnations", as a rule, white... The maximum decorative effect is achieved in the third year after planting. Blooms from mid-June to late August. Looks luxurious in bouquets of dried flowers.

White ash "burning bush"... A type of the biblical fireproof thorn bush in your garden. Despite its name, the plant has very decorative pinkish, reddish or purple hue flowers pleasing to the eye from mid-June to early August. Fruits - decorative type 5-star boxes. A pleasant scent of lemon spreads around the plant - leaves, flowers and especially fruits smell (when rubbed).

Attention! In order to avoid skin burns, in sunny weather, it is strictly forbidden to touch the leaves of the plant. Instruct the children! You can pick leaves for tea only on cloudy days.

Do you want to surprise your relatives and guests? On a calm sunny day, bring open fire above the flower - a high tongue of flame will flare up, which will not cause any harm to the plant.

Among blooming in summer plants with pronounced healing properties, decorative "facade" and attractive colors should be noted:

  • Chamomile (varieties);
  • Large-flowered flax;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • Ruta (for those who do not know - this is a type of mint).

Undersized (curb)

Here to the familiar pansies, periwinkle, gentian (bells) and undersized chamomile - maiden feverfew, medicinal silver sage and lavender should be added, as well as edible chives.

Alpine armeria... This is appreciated garden flower not only for a long flowering period - 70 days, from July to September, but also for dense rosettes of leaves that retain their color and shape in winter time... Drought-resistant and shade-tolerant unpretentious plant. Great amount small single capitate inflorescences (3 cm) in white, pink, red or purple.

Gravilat (Avens)... The garden flower is orange, red, pink, yellow or white. Differs very big amount stamens that color the middle of the receptacle in a yellow tint. Beautiful "compressed-corrugated" leaves on very short stems create a beautiful green background and completely cover the soil. The most tried varieties are Lady Strateden and Mrs Bradshaw. The incredible length of flowering lasts from May to mid September.

Eschsholzia... Delicate flowers, shaped like poppies deserve for this delicate plant the second name is the Californian poppy, and the similarity of foliage with wormwood gave it the nickname Polynok. Despite the fact that the flowers "live" only 3 days, in general the plant blooms from the beginning of June until the first frost in mid-October. Despite the fact that Escholzia is an annual garden flower, it reproduces beautifully by autumn self-seeding. The most common color is orange, but white, red and yellow flowers both in simple and terry version.

Badan thick-leaved (Mongolian tea)... An evergreen garden plant with chameleon leaves - in the fall they turn red, sometimes becoming completely crimson. Creeps independently on the site due to the growth of the rhizome. A few weeks after the snow melts, the plant blooms for 30 days with pink-lilac, erect, complex inflorescences of small flowers. It is appreciated not only for its decorative appearance, but also for medicinal properties rhizomes and leaves.

Attention! Do not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers for feeding undersized perennial flowers - this will cause a decrease in the abundance of flowering and stimulate the forcing of growth.

Before and after the summer season

And what kind of perennial flowers for the garden, unpretentious long-flowering, will grow on a flower bed in your garden immediately after the snow melts and in late autumn?

Spring freshness

Familiar and beloved by everyone, such diverse perennials - tulips, require annual digging of bulbs, rather complex preventive manipulations, and thus do not fall into our list for the "flower bed of the lazy".

Be sure to plant everyone familiar crocuses, daffodils, irises undersized and tall ( different terms flowering), primroses, peonies and add the following types of flowers to them.

Chionodox "Glory of all snows"... The very first in time of flowering bulbous plants... Plant preferably in groups. Peduncle height - 15 cm. White flowers with a diameter of 3 cm bloom in the "basket" of pointed leaves. Duration of flowering - 14 days.

Snowdrop Flore Pleno... Single flowers, which at the very beginning resemble an orchid, and as they bloom, turn into a white, with yellowish and greenish stripes, terry small "carnation" against the background of 3 large white petals.

Spring white flower... Despite the unprepossessing name, these are very elegant and large white "snowdrops". The bell-shaped inflorescences, with green balls at the ends of the petals, have a pleasant smell and bloom from early April to mid-May. To prolong flowering, plant the plants in groups, in which there should be an equal share of the Summer White Flower, differing only in the calendar dates of flowering - from mid-May to the end of June.

Pay attention to the numerous varieties of Muscari primroses that will successfully replace the capricious hyacinths. To attract pollinating insects, plant several Corydalis bushes (choose color and shape) and a group of solid yellow Erantis chiemelis.

An unexpected guest on a spring flower bed will be Amur Adonis (adonis), which will not only delight the eye, but also heal the nerves. Salient feature- lack of leaves. Therefore, it is best to plant in small, dense groups.

Do not forget about Forget-me-nots! Although it is an annual plant, due to its excellent self-seeding, a carpet of small flowers will be a good "substrate" for all flowers blooming from early April to late June. By the way, the breeders tried and repainted the flowers of the field forget-me-nots in all colors of the rainbow, while leaving them to the leaves healing power- the infusion helps with chronic lung diseases and is used to reduce excessive sweating. Forget-me-nots can be replaced with perennial Arabis - this is a magnificent ground cover crop of white, pink, raspberry, red and all shades of purple.

Autumn crimson

To meet the first snow, you need to prepare in advance and plant several varieties of chrysanthemums in the spring. Good decorative spots will be green "balls" from Khosta... Sedum looks great - dense, "appetizing" bushes with red inflorescences. An unexpected surprise will be the use of vegetable annuals. Standard dwarf tomatoes and perennial fennel - in the border row, and ornamental cabbage - in the second tier, will surprise adults and delight children.

TOP-5 for decorating the coast of a mini-reservoir

Perennials that feel best near water and in shallow water include:

  1. Acorus calamus - Calamus.
  2. Iris pseudacorus - Marsh iris.
  3. Calla palustris - Calla.
  4. Typha - Cattail.
  5. Butomus umbellatus - Umbelliferae.

In conclusion, we list climbing plants, which will help to decorate arches, fences, facades of houses, gazebos, fences of balconies and stairways - Actenidia Bougainvillea, Honeysuckle, Clematis,

The basis of the flower garden in the country is usually perennials. Perennial flowers for summer cottages can grow in one place for several years (sometimes up to 10 or more), they are usually unpretentious and go well with each other.

Perennial flowers can be planted on their own or in combination with annuals. Such a landing will allow each year to create new compositions and update appearance garden. Among perennials, flowering plants and plants with beautiful foliage can be distinguished. Combining those and others, you can get a flower garden that decorates country cottage area both during the flowering periods of different varieties, and in between.

Another plus of perennials is the possibility of their reproduction. Many of them reproduce vegetatively, that is, by tubers or by dividing the bush. This will allow you to plant your favorite perennial in several places in the country and save money on buying seedlings.

Features of growing perennial flowers

Despite the simpler care than in the case of annual flowers, perennials have their own characteristics.

In the video, you will hear tips for growing perennial flowers for novice gardeners.

Tall plants

Tall perennial flowers in the country can be either part of the flower bed or mono-planting. A variety of perennial tall flowers for summer cottages is shown in the photo.

Lupins love the sun, are undemanding to care and soil, but grow better on acidic. They are yellow, red, orange, pink, lilac, white. These flowers have nitrogen-producing nodules on the roots and improve the composition of the soil.

Bright blue, purple, blue and pink delphiniums can grow in one place for up to 10 years, they require minimal care. Contrasting delphiniums planted nearby look beautiful. This perennial species has 4 varieties: Persian, Holosteel, Large-flowered and Hybrid. Delphinium prefers root watering, with improper watering can get sick with powdery mildew.

Buzulnik (Volzhanka) is picky about care and can grow even in cold climates. Gardeners appreciate it for long flowering and beautiful leaves. The perennial is in harmony with hosts, badan, lungwort, rudbeckia.

Aperstyanka forms beautiful spike-shaped inflorescences, the colors of which can vary from cream to purple. This tall perennial flower loves shaded areas, looks good next to hosta, aquilegia, rhododendron.

Meadowsweet blooms in pink, cream or white clusters and has beautiful foliage. It can reach a height of 1.5 meters.

Plants of medium height

This group includes perennial plants height from 30 to 80 cm.

Numerous varieties of daylily in different colors are easy to care for and very beautiful, therefore they are popular. They can grow in shade and partial shade, but bloom profusely and will fully open only in bright sun. Daylilies love good, but not frequent watering. Groups of daylilies of the same color, but different varieties, or of the same variety and different colors, look beautiful.

Yarrow is not only a beautiful but also a medicinal perennial plant. It blooms from August to October, propagates by rhizomes.

Yarrow has inflorescences-baskets of white, yellow, pink and orange flowers.

Peonies love sunny places. This perennial blooms for 2-3 weeks in large beautiful flowers... With the right course, peonies can grow in one place for a long time, so do not forget to regularly loosen the soil and feed them.

Rhodiola rosea has an unusual appearance due to the combination of fleshy leaves and white or yellow flowers.

Stunted plants

Pansies are, strictly speaking, not a perennial, but a biennial plant. They love loamy soils and good lighting, as well as regular feeding with superphosphate and ammonium nitrate.

Gentian is a blue or blue mountain perennial bell-shaped flower, perfect for alpine slides. Dislikes excessive lighting or full shadow... Fertilize perennials carefully.

Dwarf perennial phloxes can form a solid carpet of pink, lilac and white flowers.

The tenacious creeping, according to the name, is very unpretentious to light, watering and temperature. This low-growing plant is suitable for alpine hills, stone slopes, rockeries, decorating the lower part of hedges, planting around tree trunks.

Gypsophila has the appearance of a stunted shrub, its flowers form a kind of light white haze.


Climbing perennials are planted next to the support. They are used to decorate gazebos, arches, terraces, walls of houses.

Wisteria is a thermophilic perennial plant that forms cascades of lilac brushes. In the cold period, you need to transfer the flower to the room.

Most types of clematis do not tolerate cold, but there are also varieties suitable for growing in Siberia. You can grow it not in the ground, but in special containers, then it will be easy to transfer clematis indoors for the winter.

Climbing roses are very beautiful but thorny. They need to be removed and covered for the winter.

Honeysuckle is cold-resistant and unpretentious and needs to be pruned every year to maintain its shape.

Actinidia is also unpretentious, in addition, its fruits have medicinal properties. Requires regular watering.

The maiden grape has small white flowers, but it grows well and is suitable for arbors and wherever you want to create shade.

Perennial flowers for Siberia

Perennial flowers for dachas located in the Urals or Siberia must be adapted to the harsh climate. They must endure cold winters with temperatures below -30 and even -40 and not be damaged by frost. Therefore, not all types and varieties of perennials are suitable for these regions. What perennial flowers for Siberia can be planted in the country?


Although spring in these regions starts later than in the European part of Russia, flowers can delight you even when the snow has not completely melted. Primroses include lumbago - these are beautiful and unpretentious early perennials, undemanding to the soil. Crocuses can be planted next to them.

Another early perennial flower is Siberian kandyk. These mauve flowers can make their way right out from under the spring snow. Kandyk loves partial shade; in the bright sun, its flowering is shorter.

Anemone, or anemone, is an indigenous inhabitant of Siberia, therefore it grows well and grows rapidly in such a climate. This perennial flower does not bloom for long, but it is beautiful and just falls at the time when the summer flowers have not yet blossomed.

Primroses are another delicate spring perennial flowers for Siberia. They can be planted anywhere in the garden. Propagate primroses by seeds or by dividing the bush after flowering.

Muscari (mouse hyacinth) can often be found in gardens in the Urals and Siberia. These blue, white or lilac flowers are suitable for planting on flower beds, borders, alpine slides.

In May, lilies of the valley will delight you with their flowers. They are unpretentious, easily adaptable to any climate and grow rapidly. Remember that the red berries of the lily of the valley are poisonous.


One of the favorite perennial flowers of Siberian gardeners are bearded irises. They bloom in early to mid-summer, and there are also re-flowering varieties. Thanks to this, irises can decorate the cottage until autumn.

Another type of irises is mesh. They are also very beautiful, with an interesting yellow-blue or violet-white color. These are very tenacious plants, they can grow again from one surviving bud. Mesh irises tolerate cold well, but do not like wet soil.

Lily-locust - pink flowers also called "royal curls", they can be found in their natural environment in the forests.

Daurian lily is also perfectly adapted to the Siberian climate. It blooms in large orange or red flowers from June to August. Loves good watering and easily tolerates cold winters.

There are frost-resistant varieties of roses and hydrangeas, but in Siberian climates, they need to be well covered for the winter. For Siberia, tree-like and paniculate varieties... Of the roses, park and floribunda roses are suitable, as well as a climbing rose, which must be well covered and properly cut.

The perennial liana clematis also spread to Siberian dachas. For cold climates, varieties with small flowers, as well as Tangut clematis, are suitable.

The decorative bow is distinguished by its round purple inflorescences. Some of its species are edible


For a short Siberian autumn, a perennial aster is suitable. This plant tolerates winter well, blooms until the snow. Some small-flowered chrysanthemum varieties are also suitable, but they require good shelter. Even the most persistent chrysanthemums in Siberia cannot winter outdoors.

Plants with decorative foliage

Perennial plants for Siberia with beautiful foliage will create a backdrop for flowering and decorate a summer cottage in between flowering periods. Suitable for Siberia

  • hosts,
  • astilbe,
  • badan,
  • to dull,
  • stonecrop,
  • buzulnik.

Such leaves also possess beautiful flowering plants like phlox, chrysanthemum, rudbeckia, doronicum.

How to protect perennials from the cold

In the north, it is especially important to properly cover the plants in the country so that they survive the winter without damage. This applies to relatively hardy plants such as roses, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas.

Before sheltering, the plants need to be prepared. Climbing roses and clematis must be removed from the supports and laid on the ground. Roses must be pruned to a height of 30 cm, chrysanthemums - 10-15 cm, damaged parts and all leaves must be removed. The diseased and dried parts are removed from all flowers.

Before using the covering material, the root collar must be earthed; for this, peat, dry foliage are used. Cover the bush with lutrasil. A wire frame is placed on top, leaving about 25 cm on all sides. Covering material is placed on top of it. From the inside, the frame is filled with dry foliage, preferably oak leaves. From above, the frame is covered with spruce branches, also covered with dry leaves, covered with a box or lutrasil.

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