Kalanchoe kalandiva: description, photo, home care. Kalanchoe Kalandiva: home care Care for Kalanchoe kalandiva after flowering

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

Hairy or hairless succulent plants of the Kalanchoe genus range in size from a few centimeters up to three or four meters in height. Among them there are both epiphytes and creepers. In many of them, buds form in the inflorescences and on the leaves, and new plants develop from them.

The genus Kalanchoe has more than two hundred varieties. Representatives of it are common in tropical Australian regions, and on the islands of Papua New Guinea or the Moluccas, there are several subspecies in Madagascar, in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, one in tropical America.

Part of the Crassulaceae family, Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a fleshy upright perennial plant. This succulent is from South Africa blooms profusely in winter. Beautifully flowering and unpretentious, the Kalanchoe variety Kalandiva adapts perfectly at home, blooms profusely even in winter.

Description of the species

This succulent grows in a tropical wet forest on humus soil. It has ovate leaves, reaching up to seven centimeters in length and up to four in width, green, bare, with reddish edges. The flowers are numerous, they are collected in umbellate inflorescences and are up to one centimeter in diameter. They are mostly red or yellow in color. This species was bred from Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Fanciful ampelous and garden forms also originated from him.

Outwardly, the plant looks like a small bush that attracts attention with its bright and at the same time delicate flowers, collected in neat "umbrellas". Despite the fact that his homeland is distant Madagascar, it grows well at home. A flower for the lazy - this is what Kalanchoe Kalandiva is often called.

How to care

It is easy to care for him, while flowering can please for half a year. Despite the unpretentiousness of this pet, the fact that it does not require much attention, there are still some secrets for its successful cultivation. Thanks to its "African roots", Kalanchoe Kalandiva - photophilous plant. An excellent place to grow it is a well-lit window sill. But here the southern windows, where direct sunlight is very aggressive, it is still better to beware. Twenty degrees is considered optimal for keeping this succulent, however, the flower can easily withstand lower or higher temperatures.


This plant must be moistened in small portions, watering as the topsoil dries. It is interesting that Kalanchoe Kalandiva, whose photo indicates the fleshiness of its leaves, stores all the water in them. Therefore, to determine the need for watering, it is enough just to touch it. When a plant needs moisture, its leaves are soft and not springy, as in the case of saturation.

In addition, oddly enough, the flower does not need to be sprayed at all: it tolerates dry air much better. Similarly, Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​rather indifferent to the composition of the soil.


Kalanchoe does not like frequent soil changes. It must be transplanted no more than once a year, exclusively in early spring. It is possible to move plants of this variety into new pots only after full final flowering. In this case, a prerequisite is a thorough washing of the roots from the old soil.

Another feature: Kalanchoe Kalandiva requires a transplant immediately after purchase. The reason is that the shop soil is mostly peat, which is not quite suitable for this plant. As experienced flower growers advise, if for some reason it becomes necessary to transplant it during a period of abundant flowering, for example, after a purchase, when you don’t want to injure the plant or deprive it of its abundant cap of tender and bright “umbrellas”, you should use the transshipment method so that the pet does not experienced a lot of stress.


You can get offspring from Kalanchoe by cuttings - leaf or stem, as well as seeds or babies. As a rule, even having rooted falling and already old leaves, there is a chance to get a young plant. If in June they are planted in wet sand, covered with a glass, roots will soon form. Children or brood buds are planted in fertile soil substrates mixed with sand.

Seed propagation can be done from January to March. In this case, there is no need to cover the sowing with earth. Seeds only need to be slightly pressed down, covered with glass and shaded with paper.

Land for sowing is taken light, deciduous. The temperature in the room should not be below eighteen degrees. Crops need to be ventilated daily, if necessary - twice, turning the glass on the other side.

In this case, you need to ensure that the earth does not dry out. Need to water the substrate room water. After the appearance of the first shoots, the glass with paper is removed. After a month, the seedlings must be dived into boxes and covered for a couple of days. plastic wrap. When the plants have several leaves, they need to be transplanted into pots, the optimal size of which is seven centimeters in diameter.

The soil

Nutrient soil mixture for Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​made up of four parts of hardwood, two sod land, one each compost and sand. In young rooted plants, the top is pinched. In July, the procedure must be repeated to form a bush, which develops, as a rule, four or five shoots.

Transshipment is done in August, when Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix, which is fairly easy to care for, will develop well and its roots will entwine the entire earthen ball. Two plants can be planted in a pot. During transshipment, the earth mixture is made from four parts of compost, two humus and one each of sand and hardwood.

How to prune a plant

Many people acquire plants during their active flowering period, so they do not care about their appearance. Just like other indoor dwellers, the descendant of Kalanchoe Blossfeld-Kalandiva also begins to lose its beautiful view after flowering. At this time, it is required to remove all wilted inflorescences and cut off its yellowing peduncle down to the leaves.

After some time, the plant will have numerous side shoots, and the plant itself will begin to stretch strongly, losing its compactness and beautiful shape. And to avoid this, the plant must be cut, cuttings.

All of its side shoots with two leaves can be rooted in wet soil or even in water. They will make excellent healthy offspring. The faded Kalanchoe must be formed by pinching the top of the head.

How to make Kalanchoe Kalandiva bloom

After the first flowering, the plant will need a period of rest. At this time, watering should be relatively light watering. It must be remembered that the kidneys of Kalanchoe are laid only in the season of short daylight hours. Of course, such conditions can be created artificially: within a month, you can place it in a place where it is possible to darken. However, the amount of sunlight should not be limited. In addition, Kalanchoe must be pinched for flowering. The last time it is done in November, after which the buds necessarily appear in winter. Otherwise, in March, you need to repeat the procedure again. At the same time, pinched tops can not be thrown away, but rooted, so that new plants also turn out of them.


After the Kalanchoe rests, it must be rearranged to its usual place and fed once a month. For this, fertilizers for succulents and cacti are suitable. During the flowering period, the plant can be fertilized with a top dressing intended for flowering plants.

Diseases and pests

Excessive watering, especially in winter, at low temperatures, as well as poor lighting, lead to stretching of the plant, while its leaves turn pale and shrink. Its stem may also begin to rot, and the plant will die. In this case, you need to root the top, no longer water the plant for a while, putting it in a bright sunny place. In turn, the lack of moisture in the summer months leads to dry brown spots on the leaves and to their abscission. In this case, the plant needs to be watered as the earthen coma dries up, but not zealously.

With a viral or bacterial lesion, weeping brown spots appear on Kalanchoe. In this case, the affected greens must be removed, and the plant itself must be treated with a fungicide. In this case, you need to water carefully, do not spray.
Kalanchoe is very rarely affected by pests, but sometimes aphids appear on it, which live on the underside of the leaves, feeding on the sap of the plant. As a result, the leaves dry up and curl up. You need to fight aphids with ready-made preparations sold in stores or with a solution of nicotine sulfate diluted in soapy water at a ratio of one gram per liter. After a day, Kalanchoe should be thoroughly washed, covering the soil with plastic wrap.

Plants united by the genus Kalanchoe are found in nature in the majority in the Southern Hemisphere. Kalanchoe Kalandiva is no exception, representing a miniature, lushly flowering subspecies of Kalanchoe Blossfeld.

Like other varieties, Kalanchoe Kalandiva is grown as a room culture and is deservedly considered an unpretentious plant, which even a novice grower can care for.

Description of the features of Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Kalanchoe Kalandiva has fleshy erect shoots, to which oval or ovoid leaves are oppositely attached on short petioles. Since Kalanchoe belongs to succulents, the leaves are quite fleshy, and their rich green surface is glossy.

In the store, small bushes of this species are sold under the name Kalanchoe Kalandiva mini, surprising with large leaves and lush inflorescences.

Indeed, a striking difference from outwardly similar species is that Kalanchoe Kalandiva blooms for about six months, and double flowers up to a centimeter in diameter collected in racemose inflorescences can be white, yellow, orange, pink and deep red. Having collected a mix of Kalanchoe Kalandiva of various colors on the windowsill, you can admire the bright inflorescences during winter and spring, the period when light and colors are most needed, and then the plant needs a short dormant period to grow and gain new strength.

With proper care, Kalanchoe at home picks up buds in January, and the last flowers wither only by the beginning of summer.

In addition, the plant grows rapidly, unpretentious and easily propagated by several simple ways. How to care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva to indoor flower pleased lush bloom? What conditions for this culture need to be created for the long life and health of the plant at home?

Conditions of detention and care for Kalanchoe at home

Like almost all succulents, Kalanchoe Kalandiva does not cause serious trouble to the owners, with the exception of some care features that affect the entry of the plant at the time of flowering. And here the greatest role for flower culture plays .

In nature, Kalanchoe grows in open areas where there is no lack of light, but direct rays cannot harm shoots, foliage and flowers.

Therefore, for a pot with a plant, it is optimal to choose a place on a windowsill facing east or west. If this is not possible, on the northern windows you will have to provide kalanchoe good backlight, and in the south - shade the bushes. Flowering Kalanchoe Kalandiva falls on the darkest period of the year. The plant, unlike many crops, does not require more than 9 hours of daylight hours, but illumination in cloudy weather is simply necessary. Moreover, both the lack of light and its excess can lead to the “refusal” of the plant from laying buds.

Due to such a small mistake, many lovers have the opinion that this is practically a “one-time” flower, and it will not work to achieve its re-blooming with any care for Kalanchoe at home.

In fact, one has only to establish a proper lighting regime, provide a bush, a suitable temperature and top dressing, as Kalanchoe will surely please with lush terry bunches on the tops of the shoots. A special temperature regime for Kalanchoe Kalandiva is not required. AT summer time the flower feels great indoors, on a terrace or veranda, where the air is warmed up to 18 to 28 ° C. Such unpretentiousness allows you to take pots from Kalanchoe to the garden and even organize seasonal gardening with their help.

How to care for Kalanchoe so that the plant will please with flowers? In autumn, when the plants have to lay flower buds, the temperature for Kalanchoe is lowered to 14–16 ° C. At this time, it is important to reduce the intensity of watering, since roots that are sensitive to excess moisture can rot at low temperatures:

  • When watering in the fall, a sign of the need for watering may be a barely noticeable wilting of the leaves.
  • In other periods of the year, it is better to focus on the condition of the soil under the plant. If the soil has dried out a couple of centimeters, this should be a sign that Kalanchoe Kalandiva needs water.

During the heating period, the plant can not be additionally sprayed, but you need to arrange a small shower for foliage. This will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, the synthesis of chlorophyll and the growth of Kalanchoe.

For the fast-growing and losing compact form of Kalanchoe Kalandiva, serious pruning of excessively elongated shoots is extremely important.

Such a measure will not only return the bush appearance, but also awakens new points of growth, stimulates the appearance more inflorescences.

Sometimes the absence of flowers causes excessive care for Kalanchoe at home, namely, excessive feeding of the plant with nitrogen, which causes the active growth of greenery. When selecting a mixture of fertilizers for this crop, it is better to be guided by the presence of phosphorus and potassium in the mixture. These elements are essential for Kalanchoe for long-term mass flowering. As a finished product, you can pay attention to fertilizers for succulents and flower houseplants.

Plant transplantation is carried out as needed, when the Kalanchoe root system braids the entire earthen room and requires the expansion of "living space".

During flowering, the roots practically do not grow, and any manipulation of the bush can lead to the loss of flowers and buds. Therefore, it is better to transplant Kalanchoe Kalandiva mini or another variety during the dormant period, no more often than after 2-4 years. There are no special requirements for the soil for Kalanchoe. The main quality of the soil is friability and considerable lightness. You can take it as a ready-made mixture for succulents or flowering plants, adding a quarter of the volume of washed sand to the last soil.

It is easiest to propagate Kalanchoe Kalandiva by cuttings obtained by pruning an adult bush:

  • Parts of the plant are so easy to root that you can use not only nutrient substrate, wet sand, but even plain water.
  • Within a week, roots are formed that are sufficient for transplanting the cutting to a permanent place. In this case, the aerial roots present on the shoot take on the role of ordinary ones.
  • With proper care at home, Kalanchoe will be ready for flowering in about six months.

If you have patience, you can get young plants from individual leaves kalanchoe. To do this, the leaf plucked from the petiole is slightly dried and rolled halfway into suitable soil. After some time, tiny rosettes will appear on the notches along the edge of the leaf, which, as they grow and roots appear, can be separated and planted for growing.

From small seeds, sometimes ripening at home, you can also grow new bushes, but they may not meet the grower's expectations, since the hybrid Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix sold in stores in this case does not retain parental traits.

How to plant Kalanchoe Kalandiva - video

A miniature flower with colorful and abundant blooms that pleases the owners for up to eight months a year - this is one of the most unpretentious Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix succulents. The spectacular decorative effect of the plant, combined with the ease of caring for it at home, are the reasons for its high popularity among flower growers.

Origin and botanical description of the plant

The plant genus Kalanchoe belongs to the Tolstyankov family, and Kalandiva is a hybrid bred by breeders in the laboratory, therefore it does not occur in the wild. It is a shrub that rarely reaches a height of more than 30 cm.

This is a succulent plant that accumulates "in reserve" water in fleshy leaves, and then gradually consumes it.

stems kalanchoe flower Kalandiva are rounded, thick, densely leafy. Numerous branched shoots produce aerial roots.

The leaves can be smooth or velvety, dark green in color. Their shape is oval or ovoid, the edges are finely serrated.

The form of the inflorescence is paniculate (in the form of false lush umbrellas). The flowers are double, small and numerous, on short peduncles. A feature of the Kalandiva mix species is its color variety: white, red, pink and salmon-colored buds open from January to the summer months. Each bush of Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix blooms in one color, but the composition of several copies looks very impressive.

Kalandiva is bred as a highly decorative flower. healing properties the plant does not possess, but benefits, purifying the air in the room and delighting with a bright view.

Main varieties

Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​a bright variety of Kalanchoe Kalandiva mini, a hybrid derived from Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The main difference between varieties of Kalandiva and Blossfeld is terry, not simple flowers, more a long period flowering.

Necessary conditions for growing

Kalandiva perfectly adapts to home conditions, the temperature range that is comfortable for her is wide - from 15 to 30 ° C. The plant perceives the influx of fresh air with gratitude, and in the warm season the best place for it is on the balcony, veranda or in the yard. The critical temperature for Kalanchoe is less than 10 ° C. A short-term drop to 7-9 ° C will survive the flower, but a long-term cold snap can cause its death.

The period of many months of active flowering will not add worries to the grower - it is enough just to remove wilted flower stalks.

Location and lighting

The flowering of Kalanchoe Kalandiva directly depends on the light regime. A plant for flowering needs long and intense lighting (at least during the laying of buds), but at the same time direct sun rays does not love.

After the end of flowering, it “requires” rest for a month in a darkened place (some flower growers put a flower pot on a shelf in a closet). The main thing is not to forget to water it occasionally.

The rest of the time, the plant needs diffused sunlight (or artificial lighting) during normal daylight hours.

Air humidity

In dry air, Kalandiva feels quite comfortable and does not need additional moisture. Moreover, excessive moisture can provoke the development of putrefactive processes.

For the hygiene of the flower, it is enough to wipe its leaves from dust with a damp cloth.

Soil and pot requirements

For the healthy development of Kalanchoe, easy access of air and water to the root is important, so it needs loose soil of a neutral reaction, with drainage inclusions. Ready-made soil is best suited for succulents and cacti, but you can "collect" the mixture yourself:

  • the first option is to combine 3 parts of garden soil and one part of coarse sand;
  • second option - garden soil replace with humus taken in the same proportion;
  • the third - take turf and leafy soil, peat, sand and humus equally and add a little perlite.

Be sure to have drainage - expanded clay, broken shards or small brick fragments. The pot should also have drainage holes. Its shape and material do not play a special role.

How to care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix

Flowering Kalanchoe Kalandiva with proper care, starting in the winter months with a short daylight hours, will last until mid-summer. The mode of watering, top dressing at this time and during the rest period of the flower is different. For lush flowering next year, the plant needs a quality rest.

Need for watering

Kalanchoe is a succulent, and therefore tolerates drought more easily than overflows. Moisten the soil moderately: in summer - after the topsoil has dried, in winter - when the earthen ball dries out by 2/3. In the months of active vegetation, one watering every few days is usually enough, during the dormant period (from early September to January) - two or more times less often.

A few minutes after watering, the water accumulated in the pan is removed. Repeat the procedure for an hour several times (experienced flower growers end up even wiping dry both the pan and the bottom of the pot). Waterlogging the succulent is fraught with the development of root rot.

Water for irrigation is well defended so that chlorine comes out. It is undesirable to use hard. Excess lime forms a coating on the surface of the soil, making it difficult for air to reach the roots. If it is not possible to use thawed or rainwater, boil and cool the tap water.

top dressing

Kalandiva needs to be fed with fertilizers when laying buds. As a rule, this is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. As a top dressing, it is most useful to use ready-made mixtures intended for succulents. Organics are not used, since excessive nitrogen content adversely affects the condition of the roots, provoking decay, and besides, it is also the cause of fattening of the bush, when all its forces are spent on growing leaves and shoots, and there is no strength left for flowering.

The fertilizer mixture is dissolved in water for irrigation.

plant formation

Pruning Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​practiced:

  • for decorative purposes - to give the flower a more harmonious, neat look;
  • for its rejuvenation - under the root;
  • to prepare for next year's flowering (since inflorescences form only at the ends of young apical stems);
  • after flowering to remove wilted flower stalks.

During the flowering period, Kalandiva is not disturbed by pruning, and during the rest of the growing season they pinch or cut the branches from above at a distance of two leaves - do so until the bush acquires the desired shape.

After withering, the flower stalks are removed so that they do not spoil the “smart” appearance.

As a tool, a sharp knife, ordinary or clerical, is suitable. If it has already been used to trim other plants, you need to disinfect the blade with alcohol. Breaking shoots or tops is not recommended.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that no more than a quarter of the total amount of greenery can be removed at a time.

Pests and diseases

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a plant with high immunity, it rarely gets sick or is affected by pests - only with a chronic violation of the rules for caring for it. If, nevertheless, an attack of pests occurs, these are, as a rule, aphids or scale insects:

Over-watering combined with cool temperatures or drafts can cause gray mold or powdery mildew to develop. A sign of the first of the diseases is weeping spots with a dark coating on leaves and stems. Powdery mildew, as the name implies, appears as a flour-like, slightly sticky coating on the trunk and foliage. In both cases, both the flower and the soil are treated with fungicides for treatment.

Reproduction methods

Kalandiva is propagated vegetatively (cuttings and leaves) and seeds.


The first option is very simple and fast in execution. Since the plant itself is small, its cuttings are also small in length. It is preferable to root them in wet sand than in water. Pre-treated with any root formation stimulator and placed in the sand, the stalk is covered with the cut off bottom of the plastic bottle or glass jar, lifting them once a day and spraying the young Kalanchoe. After the rooting of the cuttings begins, the semblance of a greenhouse is removed.

After the Kalandiva mix starts roots, it must be transplanted for further cultivation to a permanent place and pinch the top to start active branching.

Leaf breeding

The leaf breeding technology is exactly the same, except that it is recommended to keep the leaf plates in a shaded place for a day before immersing in wet sand.

To propagate a flower best time- from April to July, temperature - from 16 to 20 °C.


The seed method of propagation of Kalanchoe Kalandiva is possible, but impractical - not only because it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Kalandiva is a hybrid plant, and therefore, when seed propagation varietal characteristics are not preserved.

Terms and technology of transplantation

The peculiarity of growing a flower is that due to the small size of both the ground and root parts, it needs a planned transplant no more than once every 2-3 years. Be sure to transplant Kalanchoe after purchase (about a week later, giving the plant time to adapt to new conditions), transferring it to the “correct”, nutrient soil, as well as if the procedure is needed as part of the treatment of the plant.

Usually root system gently washed with lukewarm running water to wash away the remnants of depleted shop peat soil (or infected with pathogenic bacteria).

In any case, even with a planned transplant of Kalanchoe Kalandiva, when a new one is used, a little bigger size pot, and when transplanting as part of the healing process, the container for the flower is disinfected with boiling water. You can additionally place it in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Drainage is placed in the pot so that it occupies a quarter of its height. Some flower growers immediately add superphosphate to the soil for Kalanchoe at the rate of 15 g of fertilizer per kilogram of substrate.

A small layer of soil mixture is poured, forming a tubercle from it, on which the plant is installed, and the empty spaces are covered with earth. The neck of the root should remain at the level of the top layer of the earth. The distance from the edge of the root ball to the walls of the pot is 1-3 cm. The soil is compacted with a peg.

When flowering, the transplant procedure is not carried out, they are waiting for the completion of this process.

Possible difficulties in growing

The unpretentiousness of Kalanchoe Kalandiva is sometimes overestimated by novice flower growers, and gross violations in caring for it lead to a lack of flowering, for which a flower is bred. The following reasons are likely why Kalandiva does not bloom older than two years:

  • excessive moisture, It causes rotting of the roots and a general painful condition of the plant, which does not have enough strength to bloom;
  • incorrect lighting mode - lack of light provokes stretching of the stems, their thinning, inflorescences do not form in the shade;
  • poor soil that does not provide the flower with the necessary nutrients- if, after the purchase, Kalandiva was not transplanted into good soil;
  • excess nitrogen in fertilizer mixtures. This is the reason why the flower grows only green mass.

Correcting these errors will cause the Kalanchoe mix bush to drop buds (perhaps as early as next season).

Small decorative bushes of Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix take up very little space on the windowsill or desktop, but invariably delight the eye with bright colors of fresh flowers for more than six months. You just need to pay a little attention to this unpretentious, but very cute plant.

Kalanchoe kalandiva is one of the most common types of Kalanchoe. The plant has long and firmly settled on the windowsills of modern apartments. Undemanding care, successful adaptation to home conditions and long flowering delight the owners and ensure the emergence of new fans. At favorable conditions the view of opening buds can be enjoyed for more than six months.

plant description

Kalanchoe kalandiva (also known as Kalanchoe kalandiva mini) is one of the selected varieties of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The hybrid differs from the "parent" in compactness and abundance of flowering. A bush 25-30 cm high is literally strewn with bright terry buds.

The plant belongs to succulents (capable of accumulating water and nutrients in fleshy stems and leaves). Multiple shoots erect, bare. Leaf plates are dark green, fleshy, glossy, ovate. The average length is 4–6 cm, located oppositely, the edges are slightly serrated.

Inflorescences in the form of a shield. The flowers are small (1–1.5 cm in diameter), double, with petals of bright colors. A feature of the species is long flowering (up to 8 months).

Video: what does Kalanchoe Kalandiva look like

Home grown species

Most often in the sale of Kalanchoe, kalandiva is found with an additive in the name "mini" or "mix". The first means the compactness of the plant (the height of the bush is not more than 15 cm). The second is not a variety or a separate species, it is a mixture of 3-5 plants with petals of different shades. White and pink are the most common, but scarlet, yellow, peach and purple look even more spectacular.

Kalanchoe kalandiva - rare unpretentious plant. But in order to bloom next year, it needs a "rest". That's why optimal conditions for periods of active vegetation and dormancy differ significantly.

Table: optimal conditions in different seasons

Spring SummerBright diffused light. East or West windows. Kalanchoe has enough daylight hours lasting 9 hours. In cloudy weather, supplementary lighting with fluorescent or phytolamps is necessary.18–30 o C. The range is quite wide, which once again confirms the undemanding nature of the plant.Irrelevant. It does not need additional spraying (an exception is heat above 35 ° C). From time to time it is useful for the plant to arrange a warm shower. This sanitary procedure is at the same time an effective preventive measure against diseases and pests.
Autumn winterLight penumbra. Complete darkness is undesirable.The temperature at which flower buds form for the next season is 14–16 o C.The usual air humidity characteristic of modern apartments is suitable. It is advisable to remove the pot away from running radiators.

Embarkation and transfer procedure

Transplantation of Kalanchoe kalandiva (young plants up to 3 years old) is carried out annually, in early spring. For adults, one procedure every 3-4 years is enough. During flowering and "rest" he is not disturbed.

For each subsequent transplant, you need to take a pot 1-2 cm wider than the previous one. The optimal size for an adult plant is a container with a diameter of 12 to 18 cm.

Suitable soil

A substrate for cacti and succulents sold in stores is quite suitable. But experienced flower growers prefer to prepare the soil on their own. Kalanchoe kalandiva does not impose special requirements on it. Only neutral acidity and good aeration are important.

  • universal soil and coarse river sand (4:1);
  • leaf humus, sand, peat, turf and leaf land (equally).

At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 1-2 cm is required.

Transplant step by step instructions

  1. Water Kalanchoe abundantly, wait 10-15 minutes and remove the plant from the pot along with a clod of earth on the roots.
  2. Place it in a new pot on drainage sprinkled with fresh soil (a layer 3-5 cm thick). Add earth around the edges, compacting it a little.
  3. Water the plant moderately and remove in partial shade for 3-4 days. Then return to its original place, take care, as usual.
  4. The top layer of soil can be mulched with pebbles or small chips. This will retain moisture and also protect the soil from mold.

After buying a Kalanchoe kalandiva, an immediate transplant is needed, unless the plant blooms. Universal shop soil is not suitable for succulents. You should remove the flower from the pot and wash the roots to completely get rid of the "wrong" soil. And only then place it in a new substrate.

Important nuances of plant care

How to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva? Unpretentiousness does not mean that you can completely forget about the flower. Even the most undemanding plants will not endure this. Most of the unintentional mistakes of the Kalanchoe kalandiva grower can survive. The exception is frequent and / or excessive watering, which provokes the development of rot. It is this aspect that should be given Special attention when caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva.


Water Kalanchoe with settled water at room temperature about once a week. If the street is very hot - every 3-4 days. The next watering is needed when upper layer soil dries to a depth of 2 cm.

Waterlogging the soil can lead to rapid decay. In fact, this is the only way to kill the plant for sure.

In winter, watering is reduced to once every 12-15 days. Pay attention to the condition of the leaves. If they are sluggish to the touch, lose their tone, are covered with wrinkles, the plant should be watered immediately.


To feed Kalanchoe, you need to use ready-made fertilizer for cacti and succulents. Natural organics do not fit categorically. The nitrogen that it contains will encourage the plant to intensively increase its green mass, and not bloom (there will be no strength left for this).

Fertilizer is prepared according to the instructions. The solution is watered the soil 1-2 times a month during the period of active vegetation. During the "rest" top dressing is not needed.

Video: how to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home

Flowering time: how to make the plant bloom?

With proper care, Kalanchoe kalandiva pleases the owners with lush flowering, which lasts from the end of winter until at least July. Sometimes it stretches until autumn.

To do this, it is necessary to provide Kalanchoe kalandiva with a dormant period with low temperature, moderate watering and lighting. It is under such conditions that the plant lays color buds. In November, the bush is pinched, after which the buds should appear. If you did not wait for flowering in winter, the procedure must be repeated in March.

Some flower growers consider Kalanchoe kalandiva a "disposable" plant, which after flowering can only be thrown away. Indeed, it is gradually drying up. However, in this case, petioles (tops of shoots) should be rooted, from which new plants will be obtained. With proper care, they will bloom next winter.

rest period

When flowering ends, Kalanchoe kalandiv begins a dormant period. It lasts approximately 1.5–2 months. At this time, you need to limit watering and provide a low temperature (14–16 ° C), placing the pot in partial shade. You can, for example, put it under the table or on a shelf in the back of the room.

At the end of the dormant period, the plant is returned to its usual place, top dressing is resumed and watering is increased.


Kalanchoe kalandiva grows very quickly and in a year is able to form a bush with a height and diameter of up to 30 cm. Therefore, pruning is necessary for the plant. Young specimens should be pinched (remove 1–2 top sheet from each branch) as soon as they grow. As necessary, during the period of active vegetation, the tops of some shoots are cut off again until a bush of the desired shape is formed.

During flowering, the bushes do not touch, and after it ends, all flower stalks are cut off at the very base. This will encourage new shoots to grow.

To trim Kalanchoe, you need to use sharp disinfected tools - a knife or a stationery blade. Do not break leaves and stems. Also, do not get carried away - at a time you can remove a maximum of a quarter of the volume of green mass.

It is possible to form Kalanchoe on a trunk (one trunk). Then it will resemble a miniature tree. To do this, choose the strongest stem, remove all the side shoots extending from it, without touching the apical ones. When the trunk reaches the height required by the owner, you need to pinch the top and let the side shoots develop. The lower 5-15 cm remain bare, all the growth on them is cut off.

What problems can a florist face?

Kalandiva, like any other plant, reacts negatively to mistakes in the care of Kalanchoe. First of all, the external decorative effect suffers. The most unambiguous thing about the fact that something does not suit him is the lack of flowering. In addition to the grower himself, pathogenic fungi, bacteria and insects can harm the plant.

Table: problems when growing Kalanchoe kalandiva and how to solve them (leaves become covered with brown spots, turn yellow, dry, etc.)

Photo gallery: typical plant diseases and pests

Aphids are one of the most "universal" pests of indoor plants; she does not disdain and Kalanchoe

Video: possible problems when growing Kalanchoe

How does a plant reproduce at home?

Reproduction of Kalanchoe kalandiva is carried out by stem or leaf cuttings. Since it branches intensively, there is no guarantee that there will be a shortage of planting material. The main thing is to choose a completely healthy plant.

According to the same scheme, Kalanchoe is propagated by leaves. They are cut off, the petiole is removed, the “wound” is allowed to dry for 2–3 hours. Then they are placed vertically in the soil, deepening by 2 cm. True, the cuttings release roots quickly, and the leaves slowly (the process can take 3-4 weeks).

Kalanchoe can also be propagated by seeds, but at home this method is not common. Due to the fact that the plant belongs to the hybrid, it is difficult to preserve varietal characteristics, especially the doubleness and shade of the petals.

Video: reproduction of Kalanchoe at home

Any grower, even a beginner, can grow Kalanchoe kalandiva on the windowsill. This plant is reasonably considered to be very unpretentious in care. Having received very little attention from the owner, it will delight him for six months or even more with bright and abundant flowering, invariably raising his spirits.

One of the most beautiful of the many varieties of Kalanchoe is Kalandiva. The flowering period is about 6-7 months. And his hybrid - mini - blooms practically all year round, 10-11 months. But in order for the plant to bloom, it needs to provide bright lighting, while daylight hours should not exceed 10 hours. It is also necessary to comply temperature regime and especially carefully monitor it in the autumn-winter period. You can not overmoisten the plant: it tolerates drought more easily than high humidity. If all conditions are met, Kalanchoe Kalandiva will delight the owner with its beautiful flowers for a long time.


Many believe that Kalanchoe (kalanchoe) is a houseplant that does not carry special aesthetic beauty and is contained only with therapeutic purpose: juice is instilled into the nose with a cold. In fact, there are more than 200 varieties of Kalanchoe. They can vary significantly in the size and color of the leaves, but they all have one common feature- rounded fleshy stem and dense foliage.

Kalandiva, with proper care, pleases with flowering for six months. It starts closer to winter, just in time for new year holidays. In this variety, leaf blades are dark green, with frequent teeth along the edges. The surface is similar to glossy leather. The stem is branched, aerial roots are easily formed on it. Flowers look like lush umbrellas, there are yellow, red, orange, beige shades.

There are mix and mini hybrids - "descendants" of Kalandiva. They are smaller in size, and flowering can last year-round.

The most popular variety is Le Chic Mix. This plant reaches a height of 25 cm, the diameter of the flowers is about 10 cm. They take care of it in the same way as for Kalanchoe Kalandiva.


Kalanchoe Kalandiva, like all succulents, does not require special care skills. But still there are certain features and secrets in growing this plant.

Kalandiva, according to flower growers, is the best-selling indoor plant. But, unfortunately, it often happens that a succulent bought in a store stops blooming, and the owners, without waiting for the next flowering, simply throw it away.

Meanwhile proper care guarantees the flowering of kalandiva at home. Briefly, the conditions of care can be indicated as follows:

One of the features of growing a flower is a short but sunny daylight hours. Therefore, in winter time bright lighting is added, and in summer the plant is removed in the dark 2-3 hours before sunset.


In spring and summer, Kalandiva is suitable for a standard living room temperature: 20-25 degrees. The plant easily tolerates extreme heat up to +35.


In order to achieve long-term flowering, Kalandiva is placed on the southern windows. The plant loves light very much, is not afraid of direct sunlight - they do not leave burns on the fleshy leaves of the flower. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the beginning of flowering.

Those Kalanchoe pots that grow on the eastern, northern and western windows give rare inflorescences or do not bloom at all. The stems begin to stretch and thin, the leaves thin out, exposing the stem, and the plant loses its decorative appearance.

Stretching Kalanchoe due to insufficient lighting

Watering and humidity

Kalanchoe Kalandiva does not tolerate too moist soil. Constant dampness leads to rotting of the roots of the plant. Watering is done only when the clod of earth is completely dry. Drought will harm the plant less, it tolerates it much easier. Spring and summer kalanchoe watered once every two weeks, in winter even less often - once a month, otherwise the plant will not bloom, but will go into foliage.

Water for irrigation is taken filtered or separated, at room temperature. Its softness is extremely significant for a flower: it does not like excess lime. You can soften the water by freezing, draining 1/4 of the liquid that does not have time to freeze last. The resulting ice is melted and plants are watered with soft melt water. Water is also softened by adding acid - oxalic or citric.

The Kalanchoe variety Kalandiva does not require an increase in air humidity. It does not need to be sprayed, it is enough to occasionally wipe the leaves from dust or rinse under a fine cold shower.


Kalandiva does not need an abundance of fertilizers. When organics are introduced, the plant stops blooming, its green crown begins to "fatten" - long stem shoots grow, the leaves become larger and become even fleshier. You need to feed the flower with special fertilizers for succulents. They do this from April to mid-July twice a month, the rest of the time they do not feed Kalandiva.

During flowering, potassium and phosphorus can be added to the substrate where the flower grows, as they are necessary for the formation of buds. All fertilizers are diluted with water; it is not recommended to apply them dry to the ground.

substrate for growth

The most comfortable for the growth of Kalanchoe will be loose, well-permeable air and water soil. The stores sell special land for succulents, which is optimal for the growth of Kalandiva. At home, for planting Kalanchoe, you can prepare several options for the substrate for planting:

  1. 1. Peat, earth and sand in a ratio of 4:1:1.
  2. 2. Peat, humus, sand, garden soil and perlite (vermiculite) in equal proportions.
  3. 3. Peat, shredded coconut fiber, garden soil in equal proportions.

A layer of expanded clay or red brick chips is poured onto the bottom of the pot as drainage. To prevent the development of diseases, the prepared soil is steamed with boiling water or fried in an oven or microwave.

flowering period

Kalandiva begins to bloom in winter, when daylight hours become short. If all growing conditions are met, flowering lasts up to 6-7 months, in the mini variety - up to 10-11. After that, all flower stalks are cut off, and the plant is placed under a thick paper cap or placed in a dark room for 30 days.

During this period, Kalanchoe is watered 2-3 times less often than usual, so that it does not die.

crown formation

For Kalanchoe Kalandiva, this is a mandatory procedure. By pruning, the plant is rejuvenated, and it is given the necessary and beautiful shape. In addition, this will provide more inflorescences, as they form on the young tops of the stems.

Pruning of the plant is carried out after flowering. To do this, use garden shears or a sharply sharpened knife. Cut the withered inflorescences to leaves.

The cut tops will give side shoots, and the next year's flower will be even more magnificent. Do not be afraid to cut off too much: Kalanchoe grows quickly and easily tolerates this procedure.


After buying a plant in a store, you need to transplant a flower. The substrate that is used in the sale of flowers does not contain any nutrients. If a flowering specimen is purchased, then you need to wait for the end of this period. Only after the last inflorescences wither can you engage in the process of transplanting:

  • First of all, the plant is carefully removed from the pot and the roots are washed under running cool water, trying to completely wash off the store soil from them.
  • They take a medium-sized pot, pour drainage into it, then 1-2 cm of prepared fresh soil on top.
  • The plant is installed exactly in the middle, the roots are straightened and the earth is sprinkled on the sides, not reaching the edges of the pot by 1 cm. Then the plant is watered. If the earth has settled, it is filled up. Carry out the procedure until the pot is filled.
  • You can root the cuttings immediately in the soil, then immediately after planting, the container is covered with a plastic bag to create greenhouse effect. After 2-3 weeks, the film is removed. As soon as the active growth of the seedling begins, we can assume that the rooting was successful.

    Kalanchoe can also be propagated by leaves. This method requires more time, but is no different from propagation by cuttings. The leaf begins to root in water or in a greenhouse. After the roots appear, it is transplanted into a pot with soil or a covering layer of polyethylene is removed from the pot where the leaf was rooted.

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