Why do the leaves (needles) of pine trees and Christmas trees not fall in winter like other trees? Why do coniferous trees not fall needles.

garden equipment 16.06.2019
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Why do the leaves (needles) of pine trees and Christmas trees not fall in winter like other trees? Answer more openly! Thank you!

Coniferous trees have to endure very harsh winters. The temperature there is below 0°C, and often drops below -40°C. Winters bring severe drought as ground water freeze completely. Snow lies for a very long time, only a thin layer of soil thaws in summer, and there is little water available to plants.

Coniferous trees are evergreen to keep producing nutrients. The surface area of ​​a single needle (their “leaf”) is very small and is covered with a layer of wax. This delays evaporation and helps conserve water. In addition, a substance is produced in the needles that prevents them from freezing and dying from frost.

The high density of trees helps them retain heat. The air, captured by the needles and branches, forms a kind of insulating layer around each tree. And the conical shape of the trees does not allow snow to linger on the branches, and they do not break under its weight.

In winter, conifers make the most of the sunlight. Their shape is such that the sun's rays reach every tree. The heat reflected by the snow lingers between the trees.

As you know, pine and spruce leaves do not fall in autumn. Why are conifers evergreen trees?

All trees feed on leaves. Their surface absorbs sunlight, and water flows from the roots through numerous tubules. A special green substance that is found in all leaves - chlorophyll- converts these two components into food for the tree. At the same time b about Most of the water evaporates from their wide surface. With the onset of cold deciduous trees get less sunlight and water from frozen soil. To winter they store required amount nutrients and moisture, shed their leaves and hibernate. From frost, their trunk and branches are reliably protected by bark.

Pine and spruce leaves - needles- These are thin needles covered with a thick shell. Due to this, they almost do not lose moisture from the surface and can remain on the tree during the cold season. And they also accumulate a small amount of water and sugars to feed the tree in winter, as well as oils that prevent the needles from freezing in frost. Pine and spruce needles fall off, but this happens gradually, and new ones immediately grow in their place.

Therefore, conifers are evergreen trees.

The famous Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev wrote a poem about this:

Let the pines and firs
All winter stick out
In the snow and blizzard
Wrapped up, sleeping, -
Their skinny greens
Like hedgehog needles
Though it never turns yellow,
But never fresh.

The tradition of the appearance of an evergreen spruce or pine as a New Year's guest

Do you know that in ancient times our Slavic ancestors met New Year with cherry blossoms? Shortly before the holiday, a tub in which a tree grew was brought into the house. Buds developed in the heat, and the tree was densely covered with a delicate white-pink color.

Around the New Year's cherry people had fun - they danced round dances, sang songs. flowering tree remained in the house until spring. Then it was planted in warm spring soil.

Later, the whitening cherry was replaced by an evergreen Christmas tree. In our area, the holiday of the New Year tree was introduced by a special decree of Tsar Peter the Great in the year 1700. The decree pleased both the nobility and the common people. Since then, a beautiful tradition familiar to us has appeared to decorate the Christmas tree before the celebration of the New Year.

Not a single meeting of the New Year takes place without its main attribute - the Christmas tree. Most families opt for a real, freshly cut spruce instead of an artificial one. Only real living tree can bring the aroma of the upcoming holiday into the house and create a joyful atmosphere.

When choosing a Christmas tree, many people ask themselves: how to choose the right Christmas tree so that she stays green in the house as long as possible and pleases children and adults with her needles? Below are helpful tips choice of holiday tree.

  • Preference should be given only to freshly cut wood. It will not soon begin to turn yellow and drop needles. Determining the freshness of the cut is quite simple: you just need to run your hand against the growth of the needles and see if a lot of them crumble. In a freshly cut tree, the number of fallen needles will be minimal.
  • The cut on the trunk can also tell a lot about the freshness of the tree. If resinous juice continues to ooze from it, then the tree was cut down quite recently.
  • There are several types available for sale. coniferous trees. It is important to remember that a real spruce sheds needles quickly enough, but a pine tree can please with its green needles for more than one week.
  • When buying, the tree should not have red or yellow needles.
  • A needle from a freshly cut tree is quite difficult to pluck. In addition, it should be plastic and flexible, and should not break.
  • Before buying, you can take a tree and knock on the floor several times. From a tree that has been cut down a long time ago, many needles will fall off.

listed above simple rules help you choose a freshly cut tree that will delight the whole family during the long winter holidays.

How to choose a lush live spruce (video)

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