Growing fruit crops. Planting fruit trees and shrubs

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Fruit-berry plants are divided into wood, shrub and herbaceous forms. To woody forms include apple trees, pear, plum, cherry, cherry, apricot, peach. About features of cultivation of citrus crops at home, tangerines and lemons in your home, have been visited by a separate site!These plants in the natural state have a clearly pronounced central trunk - an intermediate link between the crown and the root system. Shrub shapes (currants, gooseberries) of such a barrel do not have. Herbatous forms are strawberries and strawberries. Malina refer to semi-staple forms. The root plant system consists of numerous large and small roots located in the soil in the radial direction.

Through the roots of the plant, water is absorbed from the soil for their vital activity and mineral substances dissolved in it. The roots are produced important substances of the type of hormones that are not formed in the leaves. In addition, the roots, fixing in the soil, hold plants in a certain sustainable position. Public (basic) roots are called skeletal. They are departed smaller, which branted the smallest roots - the luges. The latter are tightly covered with root hairs, which are absorbed from the soil moisture with dissolved in it. nutrient elements, and send them to larger roots and overhead parts of the plant. The root cervix is \u200b\u200bthe boundary between the root system and the above-ground part of the plant. On the root cable determine proper position Plants when landing. From the root neck in the trees begins

the trunk, in shrubs -Kron.Cron is a set of all branches that are formed on the trunk - the central conductor of the tree. From the trunk, large skeletal branches are departed, called first-order branches; They develop on them
The branches of the second order, then go branches of the third, fourth order, etc. The branches on which fruit formations with flowering kidneys are formed, are called converting. The line is the basis of the vital activity of plants. Only in the leaves in the process of photosynthesis are produced organic substances (sugar, starch, etc.), necessary for the growth and development of all parts of the plant and harvesting. Only vegetative kidneys are formed in the leaf sinuses, of which the vegetative shoots are growing. At apple and pears, many vegetative kidneys are at rest, they are called sleeping. From the latter, in the future, wolf shoots are developing, which can, if necessary, replace die or damaged shoots.

Fig. Fruit structure: 1 - vertical root; 2 - horizontal roots; 3 - root neck; 4 - strab; 5 - the main twigs of the first order; 6 - Folding branches; 7 - central trunk; 8 - Escape to continue the central conductor

On adult fruit plants, except for vegetative kidneys, flower, of which flowers are formed and then fruits are formed. Apple tree, pears, currant and gooseberry kidney mixed type. Of these, flowers and vegetative organs are formed - shoots and leaves. Plums, cherries, cherries, peach, apricot fruit kidneys are simple: only reproductive organs are developing - flowers and fruits. Close-berry cultures depending on the internal structure of fruits and seeds divide on seed, bone, berry. Themeless plants (apple tree, pear, quince, rowan, hawthorn, etc.) form fruits with a more or less developed fleshy pulp inside which seeds are located in seed chambers - false
Kostyanki with a soft sheath. Bounded plants (cherry, plum, cherry, apricot, peach) In juicy pulp of the fetus, seeds with a solid shell are formed - real stokey. berry cultures (strawberries, raspberries, black and red currant, gooseberry) Edible fruits are developing - juicy berries in which small seeds are contained. Each type fruit plants It is distinguished by some features of the structure of vegetative and reproductive organs, consider the morphological features of each culture. It is important to know for proper application Various techniques of agricultural engineering.

Adult trees of apple and pears in soil-clima conditions of the non-black-earth zone depending on the variety, age and conditions of agricultural equipment reach a height of 5-7 m with the diameter of the crown 4-6 m. The productive period of the apple is continuing up to 60 years. It is most advisable to cultivate fruit trees with low compact crowns, which are pumped (early to come into fruiting), fruiting intensively and annually 20-30 years. To do this, you must select the corresponding varieties. A tree from the moment of landing and until complete diere passes a number of consecutive age periods. The first period begins with intensive formation of vegetative organs, reinforced root growth, branches, branches and thrifts.

Bone rocks (cherry, cherry, plum) are more quickly, than seedless, bloom early, everything is almost at the same time. Give comparatives high yields Fruits and, as a rule, annually. The fruits are distinguished by high taste qualitiesUse them in the fresh form and for cooking jam, jams, jam. Spank mainly vegetatively (eyelid), partially-crop pig. Varieties cultivated in the Non-Black Zone, appearance (Gabitus) is divided into bush (3-5 m height) and tree (high to 7 m) forms. Such a distribution is due to the features of fruiting.

A large propagation of an apple tree is associated with its wide species and varietal composition, adaptability to various soil-climatic conditions, high winter hardiness, resistance to pests and diseases, durability of trees, high yields, various maturation terms, good fruit transportation. the best varieties Different with high taste, dietary qualities. They contain sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), organic acids (apple, lemon), mineral salts, aromatic substances.

This is a widespread culture. Many varieties of cherries are enough frost-resistant, so it is grown even under St. Petersburg, in the Vologda and Kirov regions. Cherry is a certain interest and as a decorative plant.


Vladimirskaya . Vintage Russian grade. Recommended for all republics and regions of the non-sinnamine zone. The trees are average, bush form, differ in high winter hardiness and moderate yield (4-8 kg from one tree).

Depending on the terms of consumer maturity and the removal of the fruits of the apple trees are divided by summer, autumn and winter.

White filling. Ancient variety of folk selection.
It is recommended to grown in the Non-Black Zone. The average resistance is average. In rainy cold weather, fruits and leaves are amazed by a pair. Krona young trees pyramidal,. Supless-headed. Dragging, grafted on dwarf inventions, begin to be fruit on the 2-3rd year, on the stronal - for the 5-6th year. The fruits ripen in August and persist within a month. Fruiting is plentiful, but periodical. Fruit middle size, often small, rounded conical or broad-shaped form.

Southern thermal-loving culture. In the household gardens of the Non-Earth Zone received a slight distribution (in Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia) and only after more winter-hardy varieties. Trees are stripped, 4-6 m high, with a pronounced trunk and a rarefied crown. In fruction join the 4-6th year. Durability of trees is 15-20 years old. The crop is formed mainly on biscuits.


Drogan yellow . It is recommended for amateur gardens of the Western and Southwestern part of the Non-Earth Zone (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad region and Belarus). Trees first form a pyramidal crown, later - spread.


Spring-eyed . Released in the Moscow region. Recommended for the entire non-sinnamine zone.

Bergamot flyer . French origin. Recommended for all republics and regions of the non-sinnamine zone. Trees are strong-resulted, with a wide-grade crown, winter-hardy, in years with excessive humidity suffer from pasta, to soils unpretentious. Fruiting join the 6-7th year. The fruits ripen in August are stored for a short time. High yield, but fruiting is periodic. The fruits of the average value (mass 80-120 g), a flat-round shape, reddish-yellow painting, with a fascian weak blush on the side facing the Sun; White flesh, juicy, sour-sweet; Used mainly in the fresh form, as well as for drying and cooking compotes.
Meshamian . Vintage Russian grade. Appreciated for a good taste of fruits, unpretentiousness to the conditions of cultivation, durability and high yield. In fruction joins the 6-7th year. Fruit annually.

And adults and children adore pears, peaches, cherries and other fruits. And what could be better than fruits grown in own garden? If you want to grow fruit trees on your site, check out a number of non-good tips, which will significantly simplify the life of a novice gardener.

Growing and Care for Fruit Trees

  • Choose fruit trees that can grow in your climatic conditions. Apples, pears and cherries feel normally even in nordic regionsBut for successful cultivation, for example, the peaches climate must be warm enough.
  • Fruit trees love the abundance of sunlight.
  • For some fruit trees, you need a pollinator. That is, the trees of other varieties are selected, which in cross-pollination ensure a significant increase in yield. But most often fruit trees are self-sufficient.
  • Early spring uses seedlings of fruit trees with bare roots, and at the end of the season it is better to use seedlings previously planted in pots. The soil from the pot is extracted together with the plant.
  • Drop the deepening, halving the root diameter superior in size. It is desirable that the soil is with good drainage. Place the seedling in the deepening, completely fill it with water and let it absorb.
  • The seedling should be planted so that the soil reaches the same level as before it is digging. Fill out the root deepening, see it with your feet.
  • Insert the trunk in the soil three cavals and fix the plant in the vertical position with the straps. Thanks to this, the plant is better rooted. The straps with pegs are desirable to use for two years.

Watering and making fertilizers

  • In the first year, fruit trees need to water once a week. If the weather is too hot, it is possible and a little more often.
  • Use universal fertilizers or fertilizers designed specifically for fruit trees. Fertilizers are best in early spring.

Use of pesticides and combating diseases

  • Timely detection of symptoms of diseases and their prevention is the key to a healthy garden.
  • At the end of winter, spray the trees with a solution of solar oil, which can be bought in specialized gardeners. Thanks to this processing, you can prevent the appearance of pests. Solar oil destroys the larvae and pest eggs that could successfully fall on the plant.
  • Carefully examine each plant throughout the spring. When identifying signs of diseases, take measures to combat them immediately.

Trimming fruit trees

  • Most novice gardeners are afraid to independently trim the trees, considering this procedure extremely difficult and responsible. But do not treat trimming so serious. The main thing in trimming is to form a normal crown and remove extra branches.
  • At the end of the summer, after harvesting, cut sticking branches, trying to give crown right shape. Do not forget to cut crossed and damaged branches. The same procedure can be repeated at the end of winter.
  • In the spring, when fruits will be bred, plants need to be switched. Fruit will become less, but they will be more and healthier. And the branches will not break from excessive gravity.

If your site does not have a place to grow full-size fruit trees, pay attention to their dwarf and colon-shaped varieties.

One of the fundamental bio features of fruit trees will be the fact that these are plants with long-term, which in one place grows 10-ki years and for their lives many times fruit. The age of fruit trees, as well as the time during which they bring fruit, is depending on the breed. So, the fruitless trees, such as an apple tree and a pear, live longer, an average of 50-60 years old, and the trees of stone wood rocks (plum, apricot, as well as cherries and a cherry) less - on average 25 - 35 years.

Within the framework of the same breed, seed or bone, the age of individual fruit trees is also not the same, depending on the characteristics of the variety, stock, agricultural engineering, inspection and soil criterion. On condition fruit plantingsAnd also on their yield is very influenced by the system of agrotechnical events. The practice has shown that in the gardens, where the appropriate agrotechnic is used, the fruit-growing trees are developing perfectly and bring highly yields, whereas there are no suitable care, they are weak and give crops insignificant.

For the best realization of tasks and individual treatments for fruit trees, you need to get acquainted with the main parts and organs of the fruit tree, that is, with its structure. In fruit trees, the above-ground part consists of a stem (trunk), which grows vertically and carries for itself a lot of side branches and side shoots, on which leaves, small kidneys are developing, as well as flavored flowers and juicy fruits. According to the stem, from the root to the leaves, water absorbed from the Earth, dissolved to an easily-friendly state mineral substances, and from the leaves to the root and to other parts of the plant - nutrient organic substances.

The lower part of the tree trunk, from the surface to the first lower side branch, is called the strab, and the continuation of the stammer within the crown boundaries is a central conductor. Stack plays a fairly important role in the life of the fruit tree. Damage to the strain largely or least violates the usual exchange of so necessary nutritional substances between the root system of the fruit plant and the above-ground part, this usually leads to suppression and even the death of the fruit tree. The central conductor carries the side branches for himself. The main side branches of the tree are those that depart from the head - central conductor, refer to the branches of 1 order, and those that depart from these branches - 2 orders of branches, etc.

In adult trees of the seed rocks of fruit trees, the number of branch orders seeks 6 - 8, and from time to time even 10, there are fewer bone rocks. The branches of different orders have an unequal duration of life and growth force. Developed and more long-term are the first-order branches. The central conductor together with all the side branches makes the crown of the fruit tree. Depending on the BIO features of the tree of wood, as well as from its variety, the criterion of cultivation, as well as agricultural engineering, the crown shape can be different: spherical, pyramidal, spreadable etc.

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In order to grow the fruit tree you liked the variety, you need two main conditions. First- Purchase a good seedling. Second- The variety must comply with climatic conditions. The further fate of the seedling is completely dependent on you. What kind of conditions will be created, so he will live.

When buying seedlings, I would give preference to small private nurseries or farm economy. In a small nursery, it is easier to establish high-quality production. To survive in competition with former public nurseries, they are forced to grow high-quality, competitive planting material.

When is it better to buy landing material: in spring or autumn? Sure, better in autumn. In the fall, you buy a "product face." A tree with leaves that should begin to be down, that is, be yellow or red (depends on culture and variety). Often advise the leaflets to overturn. What for? Nutrients In the fall go out of leaves in the wood. There is a preparation for winter. So let him go, it does not need to interfere. But if the leaves are green, and the seller tries to cut them off, then such a seedling buy undesirable. This tree did not finish the growing vegetation, the wood did not rush and can die in winter.

I think that the most good saplings Must be from 50 to 100 cm high and thick, approximately, with a pencil, with a well-developed root system. Larger specimens are getting worse. If you buy a pear seedling or apricot, then special attention Pay to the root. The root should be thick and straight, have some branching. If the root is basic and has many branching, then perhaps it is another culture. The pear is often vaccinated on an apple tree or rowan, apricot on a plum or a sandy cherry. The sense of these seedlings will be a little, they grow good careOf course, will, but will not be able to achieve all the qualitative indicators of this variety. Anything else, if you want to spend your experiences, but this is another question.

Finally, you bought or received by mail the long-awaited seedling. What to do next? First of all, soak the seedling a day in the water. If the earth frozen, remove into the basement, and if not, put in place. Before boarding, pay attention to the roots. Often sellers do the root system into the clay chatter- It saves roots well. Before boarding the boltushka necessarily wash. Clay isolates roots from the ground, water and nutrition do not come to them. If the clay is not flushed, the tree will be alive, but in the first years it will grow very bad. Prepare a landing pit of such sizes so that the roots fit freely, put the tree, fill the garden earth, well, and everything. No fertilizer and humus. I believe that Ideal when the land is fertile on the site. If stones and sand, then you need to dig a pit large sizes. What? Probably, there is no answer to this question. The personal experience was convinced that the apple tree and plum almost always at low fertile land outside the landing pit did not go out. Often, having mastered the space of the landing pit, by 10-15 years old dies from hunger, despite the fact that the pit was big and well fertilized. On the fertile land, the roots go far beyond the landing pit, and grows beautiful, healthy, yields.

I advise when landing on low-grade land (sand, stones) well handle the garden of the garden, you can grow vegetables, flowers, strawberries. Thus, you increase the fertility of the soil, and the trees will feel beautiful. Apricot and cherry, regardless of fertility and sizes of landing pit, develop a powerful root system that goes deep down and sides, they are more drought-resistant than an apple tree and plum.

Let's return to the autumn landing. If you think that a planted tree does not have time to root up to frosts, then throw 4 kids around it at a distance of 50-70 cm from the tree. When the earth is frozen, cover them with burlap or other matter and put off the tree with sawdust, leaves or other insulation. Take measures from damage to the suture of mice. This technique will retain a tree from dried. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the "fur coat" will be removed, the tree is well. No trimming, do not cut a branch or roots. Do not straighten if it grows obliquely. Let the first year grow, as he wants. It is desirable to handle growth stimulants and make an extra-corner feeding with full mineral fertilizer. And only for the second year, if the tree has rooted well and gave a normal increase, start it to form and feed it, but carefully, do not overlapping, and it will not be froning and will not be fruitful.

Now let's talk about the seedlings that you purchase in the spring. At this time, the probability of buying a "cat in a bag" is much more. First of all, inspect the roots. They must be elastic and non-shrore, on a cut root should be white or light yellow. If the color of the cut is black or dark brown, then the root is jammed. He will grow badly or will die. Inspect the stem. It should be smooth. If the bark was wrinkled, then this tree lost a lot of water. Before landing, it must be soaked in water for 3 or more days, changing it daily. Make a stem cut, Cambier should be green. An experienced seller, trading, always has a garden knife with him. And as soon as the buyer has doubts as a seedling, the seller makes a cut and shows a healthy wood.

Special attention should be paid to the bone. Apricot and felt cherry often suffer from spinning root. The root can be completely healthy, the troller too, and the root cervix prohibited. If the ringing is driving, the tree will die if not, it will be for a long time. The advanced root neck creates an impression as if her boiling water was washed, some kind of loose, soft. If you cut it off with a knife, then the core will be brown.

So, when buying a seedl, pay close attention to the roots, trunk and root cervix. Ask the seller, what is a trivial tree, and where the goods are brought from. Often sell seedlings grown far south zonewhere you will plant them, and on the dulls that are not adapted to your climatic conditions. Such seedlings may fall after the first winter. If there are no seedlings grown in your climatic zone, it is better to purchase landing material, brought from more harsh places.

E. Piskunov

Do not interfere with the seedlings to root

Fall- Time to landing fruit. Gardeners are asked usually questions for this pore: "What kind of seedlings give preference? When is it better to plant? How to carry out a trimming?" Pitnicode Evgeny Ivanovich Piskunov , Abakan, shares his experience of the most successful planting of fruit seedlings.


Every year together with my wife, we "shock" more than 10 thousand seedlings. This is a job with seedlings. of different ages, experiments with fruit, breeding landings, etc. In a word, on continuous transplants, extremely little time. Therefore, I wanted to find the easiest, fast and reliable way Preparations of landing and landing. IN scientific literature The landing is written so much that after reading all the recommendations, the head goes around. Especially since very many contradictory information. As a result, the decisive turned out to be ... His own experience.

Regarding the cropping seedlings. In 1995, in the spring I landed 2 thousand seedlings of pears. Divided them into three parts. The first part, about 700 pcs., Cropped with a generally accepted way, can be said, according to science: Removed the central root so that the roots were hidden, and cut one third of the above-ground part to bring it into line with the root system. The second part simply deleted a third of the shoots. The third generally touched the secret did not. Landing and care for all seedlings were the same. Autumn came, which surprised me very much. The uncircumcised pear seedlings were ready for the eyepiece, while the cut-off on science was barely alive, only after 2 years they became suitable for vaccination. After this incident, I became OS, treating the trimming. In confirmation of your discovery, I learned about the experiments on the Rossoshan pilot station. There were held simultaneously landing cut across all the rules and uncircumcised seedlings.- The result was unexpected: the village, not touched by the secret, began to be fronently for 2-3 years earlier than the circumcised. The conclusion that I did is: while the tree is not rooted and he will not have enough strength, so that the wounds from the cuts should be touched, it is impossible to touch it. It is necessary to understand the biology of the plant: the root is powered by the sheet, so the saved green leaves Help to quickly increase the roots in transplantation. If we, damaged the roots, we will remove the most esteble parts of the shoots (the tops), then the plant will be caused by a cruel blow.

Studying the bitter experience of past landings, we also came to the conclusion that the second cause of bad survival and even the death of fruit seedlings are well-tired fertilizers landing pit. People believe that the bigger the mineral fertilizer in the pit better wood. In addition to the burns of the roots, these fertilizers create a murderous environment for soil microorganisms, without which the tree can not be normally fought. And that's noteworthy: in the book "Fruit growing" (N. M. Kurtn, V. F. Koltunov, V. I. Cherepakhin.- M.: Agropromizdat, 1985) I read that several gardening research institutes found the harmful effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on the survival rate of seedlings. They came to the conclusion that "in our country, on the soils of the main types, the presktooth refueling of the fertilizers should not be carried out." Gardeners of the United States and Canada came to the same conclusions.

I think that planting fruit is better in the fall. It is important to determine the acidity of the soil in advance, since most fruit grows well only with the pH of the soil close to the neutral magnitude. If the soil is acidic, follows a few months before landing to make lime, and if alkaline- That gypsum. The landing pit should not be made wide and deep: only in order to freely accommodate the roots. Young landings should be water so that the soil missed the depth of 70 cm and more, not less than once a week. To do this, pour up for each tree at least 5 buckets of water. Although from next year, we stop watering trees in the middle of August, since in our zone is very harmful to the Primary Watering. Back in the 70s of the last century, the most famous gardener of Altai V. S. Putov wrote that the Primary Watering leads to the death of trees. Our warm autumnal soil, having received moisture, provokes trees for growth, and shoots do not have time to prepare for a sharp cooling.

Like this, relying on science and personal experience, we found a way to plant, in which the natural fall of trees is only 2%. In conclusion, I want to bring an excerpt from the letter of our distinguished regional fruit of R. F. Sharov, with whom I communicate for many years. Summarizing the causes of my failures, he wrote: "It is impossible to transfer all personal experience to other gardeners, it can only be purchased by way and errors- Perennial work. If you think that somewhere there are instructions on which you can plant and grow a garden, then you are mistaken. "

(Garden and garden number 6, 2008)

About growing fruit crops Digging

About false gardeners

During a visit on February 26, the exhibition "UralsadExpo-2014" in the CMTT in Yekaterinburg to me with a request to consider the proposal turned two unfamiliar gardeners. They told that for last years There were a lot of homegrown and other gardeners and "folk" specialists giving "alternatives", contradicts agricultural science and common sense of tips on all issues of gardening and gloomy in oral and printed mass media And especially on the Internet. And such an abundance of "alternatives", in their opinion and the opinion of other gardeners, has long been the beginning to tell a negative effect on the activities of not only young gardeners, but also gardeners with experience. As a successful confrontation of such "alternatives", they called the publishing of letters from the reader to the editor and my answer to it in the article "On the long-known discharge technology of breeding apple and other fruit plants" in 2008 in "Us" ("US" number 9, 10/2008) and even brought with them these old newspaper rooms, hoping to meet at the exhibition with me.

In a letter to the editors, it was about the method of obtaining dwarf trees of apple trees and other fruit received from Canada "Alternative"- not by cultivation of them on dwarf inventions, but by rooting branches from any ordinary tree and growing these branches on their own roots. Given the fallacy of the specified "alternative" method and persuasiveness of the showing of its insolvency in the article, these gardeners asked me to make the reprint of these publications of the letter and articles in the "Us" in the present season. As they told me if they had not met me at the exhibition, they would ask for a revision to the editor. At home, I once again carefully read the letter and from my article and found that their reprint could really be useful for many gardeners. In the article, during a reprint, a number of small corrections and clarifications were made.

Letter to the editor

Hello! I would like to offer you one topic: growing seedlings for fruit dwarf trees as a business sphere for many gardeners. The text below was sent to me from Canada, this technology was completely not familiar to me until now, and I have not met this in the gardeners.

I would like you to get acquainted with my letter V. N. Shalamov, the articles of which I always read and listen to his advice. Let him give his comments, I think it will be interesting to many of our gardeners.

Frankly, my information came to me from one 90-year-old Albanian. He had a nursery very famous in America in the neighborhood.

We lived together as friends-neighbors. I bought a lot from him, and he taught me a lot, because he handed his business to his business and did not believes that they were listening to him enough, but I studied everything, for the time he taught me.

He came to America from scratch, and the fact that I am also Slav and went to these wild places to master the earth, you reminded him of youth, and he, throwing a business on sons, introduced all his experience in my lands.

I will talk about his experience growing dwarf trees, I don't know about everyone, we were engaged in apple trees and pears.

Purpose for reflection: Old man Albanians, I explained something to me, that in the trunk of the tree and branches, various hormones. In the trunk more growth hormones, and in branches- fertility. And this is the key. Therefore, the root sapling (the proceeding from the root) will rather get wildly upwards, and the cerebral branch, having received the nutrition independent of the trunk, will produce, but will remain a small plant.

I heard that in Russia there are plans to build many small single-member cottages. This in the West is built for a long time. There are few people in people, and gardeners in their garden want to plant everything! So, dwarf trees make it possible instead of one tree standard size Plant 3-4 dwarfs, which also will not be very obsessing. So the survey on such dwarf trees will only grow.

So, how to make a nursery of fruit trees with almost zero.

If you can find and negotiate with someone who has an old abandoned fruit garden, then it's a hat! Choose old, but alive, maybe with a semi-bodied trunk tree. It needs "just" to sill on the side and fall asleep good compost. The word "just"- In quotes, because the roots of the apple tree are deep and here you need a bulldozer to pick up and tear half the roots, so that the car wrapped with a rope can drag the car to be careful on the side. Half of the roots should remain not touched, and the barrel with the base of the branches is covered with a compost. It is done in the fall when the trees fall asleep for the winter.

Dwarf trees- It is in essence, the roots of the standard wood branches. They retain all the properties of the parent. Just can not grow as high.

So, in the spring, when nature begins to wake up, then the branches covered with a good compartment of the sovereign tree will give roots, it will be our future seedlings. The root appears along the base of young branches. Therefore, the soil must be careful to unrest, and with good new roots these branches immediately put in the ground.

This is done so. The square of the burlap is taken, hits it with a hill compost. A seedlove and corners of burlap are inserted into this soft slide to the base of the trunk and tied with a rope. It turns out a tree growing in the bag. So one launched old apple tree can give 400-500 dwarf seedlings. The percentage of survival depends on your care and love.

All summer they live in bags, standing by side. Water from the hose right over the bags so that the roots do not have time to dry. In the fall, seedlings will be ready for sale and landings. Soot them into the dug hole. Right in the bag, only unleashing the rope in the trunk. In climates with cold winters, it is desirable to give them to overreim in the greenhouse and plant only in the spring of next year or to warm up when landing.

Warming without a greenhouse is done so. From the grid there is a cylinder with a diameter of one meter and puts around a seedling. At the beginning of winter, this cylinder falls asleep with dry leaves or straw. In the fall, this can not be done, and then the shoulders will think that you made a house for them and settling there for the winter, we will eat a sapling. So it should be done at the beginning of winter, when rodents have already settled in other places.

What are the dwarf trees? The main thing is that with a special haircut, they can be raised on the balconies in the pots, where they will also be fruit. In America, there are a lot of such lovers and, for sure, it will be found in Russia, and this is a very good business ...

For this, the seedling does not allow the side branches, and the trunk is strengthened with a stick in the entire height of the seedling.

Then the fruits grow with garlands like sea buckthorn on the branch.

So, starting with the pots in size with a bucket and a maximum of a half-glass furnished, people manage to have their own apple orchard On the balcony or tiny block of the Earth.

Those who wish to buy such trees will be very much.

Sincerely, Gorkov Alexey Viktorovich, Novouralsk

About the long-known discharge technology of breeding apple and other fruit plants

A letter came to the editor, the text of which, with the aim of more detailed reading readers with its content, is completely shown above. The letter of the letter asks me to comment on the technology of growing seedlings allegedly dwarf apple trees in the letter "Canadian", obtained by the boring of the branches of the usual strollers of the old tree of the apple trees. Here is the author of the letter rights, as amateur gardeners, reading such a simple technology for growing saplings of dwarf apple trees, will try to grow them, spending time and work on it. Therefore, the editors and found it necessary to fully publish the entire text of the letter together with the "Canadian" technology and give to this technology my comment. But the letter writer is wrong, saying that such technology is not described in the literature. Maybe in popular horticultural literature, especially in modern, it is impossible to really meet, but in more serious such literature it and its individual elements are already described for a long time.

Described in the "Canadian" technology technique for producing apple seedlings is a typical vegetative breeding method wood plants Diggers. About such a method of reproduction of fruit plants was first said in the theophraist in his composition "Studies on plants" for another 300 years before new era: "... Some trees can be diverted with branches, and with trees such as olives, a pear, an apple tree and a fig tree, they are discharged on the tree itself." Later, Caton, Columnla, Pliny, and others wrote about this. There is an indication of such reproduction and in the Byzantine "geoponics". At a later time, the outstanding figure of Russian science and culture A. G. Bolotov wrote in his writings in his writings in his writings: "On the occurrence of summer, you can continue to make drags both from the lower boughs of old apple trees, bending to the ground and Flying whole apple trees ... " Here, the last phrase from the writings of the writings A. T Bolotova indicates the almost complete identity of its technology for producing apple seedlings with the "Canadian" technology. An even more detailed about obtaining the core-based gas seedlings of fruit trees and their cultivation is described in the composition of the outstanding pre-revolutionary scientist and the practice of R. I. Schroeder "Russian nursery and a fruit garden".

In 20th century vegetative reproduction Fruit plants by receiving the cores-effects of their jets were widely used when growing clone convening apple trees, sowing forms of quince, some clones of plums, cherries and cherries, and in amateur gardening and apple tree seedlings, pears, rowan, selected varieties of plums, cherries sand and felt . In reproduction of fruit plants, tanks are used different methods: Conventional glasses, air chains, vertical chains, horizontal chains. The essence of the specified methods of messengers, I think, should not tell. They should be known to every amateur gardener. Below I want to dwell only on factors affecting the reproduction of plants with chains.

The formation of the roots on the gasket is stimulated by various techniques that prevent the movement of photosynthesis products, auxin and other growth substances from leaves and shoots of shoots. These substances should accumulate near the processing place, and the roots are mainly formed in this area, even if the escape or branch is not separated from the uterine plant. Since the escape or branch is not separated, the wood (xylem) remains intact, water and minerals continue to enter the rejected escape or branch. Consequently, the viability of the gag does not depend on what time it can have roots, as it is observed in a separate escape (cutlets) in the reproduction of fruit plants with cuttings. This is one of the important reasons for more successful reproduction Many species and varieties of fruit, berry and ornamental plants with tanks than cuttings.

To stimulate the root formation during the lead, elabit is used, with which the internal structure of developing escape can be changed. When multiplying vertical or horizontal glasses, the Escape arose is covered so that the lower part of the religious escape is isolated from light. It is this factor that mostly determines the success that is observed in the reproduction of difficult plants with these two ways. Processing of messengers, like cuttings, rude root-forming substances sometimes has a positive effect. Effectively can use substances in powdered form and in the form of a lanolin paste or 50% alcohol solution. The formation of the roots on the drains depends on the constant humidity, good aeration and moderate temperature in the area of \u200b\u200bthe coen.

When bookmarking ordinary gods, which is meant after the rollers of the fruit tree on the side and the shelter of its soil along the "Canadian" technology, the chosen branch should be burned to the ground, partially fall asleep soil or, on the contrary, partially shave the soil, if it is completely covered, leaving the top Open. The end of the branch at a distance of about 15-30 cm from the top should be raised up, giving it a reprehensive position. Such a sharp flexion is usually enough to cause root formation, although the best rooting can be promoted to twisting the stem to the backlog of the bark. Cuts or needles are often practiced on the bottom side of the stem. Other methods that stimulate the root formation are shown in Fig. 1. The bent part of the stem, escape or bran is deepened into the soil at 7.5-15 cm. To secure a gauge on the spot, you can use wooden hooks, bent wire or stones, and to maintain the upper open end of escape in an expire position next to it should be Wood wooden count. If the branch is relatively not flexible and bend it in the right position is difficult, you can thread the upper side of the escape on the highest dedicated to the fragment of the part of the bend.

We must be laid at the beginning of spring by annual escapes that are at rest. The formation of the roots on the tanks is very dependent on the above factors, as well as on the regenerative characteristics of a particular variety and the type of fruit plant. Most of the varieties of apple trees are usually rooted in the second year of growth and at the end of the season, and better- In the spring for the next year, they can be separated from the uterine plant and are left for a year or two to grow or reassend to grow in a nursery or film packages with soil. Pumping and plum grades, as a rule, begin to root only on the third or even the fourth year and only after that can be separated from the uterine plant and used for rearing.

According to the "Canadian" technology, weapons seedlings from the stronger old fruit tree of any variety, for example, apple trees must possess the properties of dwarf trees, that is, there are slaughter plants and the rapid offensive of the pores of fruiting. But such a look at the moped plants, which existed at the beginning of the last century (and of this view, in particular, and I. V. Michurin adhered to himself, turned out to be erroneous. This was confirmed at one time experiences in the Gardening of Horticulture. I. V. Michurin, in the North Caucasian zonal Research Institute of the Mossary Experimental Station of Gardening. L. P. Simirenko and others scientific institutions Both in the former union and in other countries, studies that have shown that the coresal plants of various fruit breeds and varieties did not differ in any special slaughterhood, nor special sideline.

So, in the experiments of the Gardening of the Gardening, the korecological trees of individual varieties of the apple were somewhat inferior in the growth of graft trees, and in the varieties of Borovinka and Slavs no difference was observed at all. And in the experiments in the North Caucasian zonal research institute of gardening and viticulture, the apple trees of the apple trees Renet Orleans, for example, in growth exceeded grafted trees. Corresponding apple trees began to be froning simultaneously with grafted, and in a number of cases, apple trees, put on Chinese, stood even earlier than the cornesological. The same was observed on the MossA experimental station of gardening and in the North Caucasian zonal research and viticulture. In all these experiments, special differences between the corrosive and grafted trees have different breeds and varieties on such indicators as the winter hardiness of the above-ground part, the passage of fenofam, the size and quality of fruits.

Thus, it can be forgotten about obtaining seedlings of dwarf fruit trees according to the described "Canadian" technology. Dwarf fruit trees with all the virtues and disadvantages inherent in them can be obtained only from the vaccinations of cultural varieties on dwarf laying. And it is necessary for all gardeners to remember well.

On the "Canadian" technology can only be grown by seedlings of conventional corrosive fruit trees with nothing different from their grafted fellows. True, in some cases, the corrosive fruit trees have advantages over grafted fruit trees. For example, they have greater durability, as they can be repeatedly recovered from the pins. So, in Omsk in the Garden of the Agricultural Academy, there were trees of an apple tree variety Anisik Omsk, whose age exceeded 80-90 years. The above-ground part of these trees 4-5 times completely died over the level of snow or soil, but then recovered again from the living part of the trunk and root.

And how appropriate for the "Canadian" technology to use to obtain a cornesco-gauge seedlings a row and covered with the ground old fruit tree? Here, in my opinion, the authors of the "Canadian" technology, when they wrote, did not think. The above-ground part of any old fruit tree, we necessarily bear traces of frosty damage and, having a low immunity for this reason, there are still traces of infection with mushrooms, bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, different pest insects. In most cases, it is infected with such a tree and root system. Young fruit trees, obtained by vaccinating on seed grounds, almost 100% are free from infection with these diseases and pests, and strong frost damage they have not had time to get. And frosty damage strongly affect the growth, especially the old tree, which, naturally, will affect the growth of its rooted chains. Therefore, those present on the old fruit tree for two or three or more years, rooting with the whole portion of its diseases and pests by the time of their expansion, and the frosty damage to the tree is highly slowing down the growth of melts.

There is another side of the use to obtain the cores of the old fruit tree. In the Sverdlovsk region with its harsh climatic conditions, for example, an eyelid eyelid of apple and pears on a strong-circle dating is not more than 25-35 years, although individual varieties live up to 40 years or more. I do not have here in the mind of Ranetki and half-curves, whose eyelid is longer. And the change of varieties occurs in about 10-20 years. Moreover, more winter-hard and high-quality varieties come with each new shift. And please, please, who will be needed now, say, such forty-male varieties, as mentioned Anisik Omsk, Philipovka, Urals, Snow Maiden, Communard, Uralochka, Snowflake, Yellow Bulk and Others, when such masterpieces of cat breeding apple trees appeared like VEM Souvenir, VEM-Yellow, good news, Pervouralskaya and others. Yes, and the cost of filling the old tree on the side and backfills of its soil will turn out in our time in a very round sum. Therefore, if we have to get ridiculous grooves of fruit trees with us, only young fruit trees should be used for this purpose, while planting them immediately horizontally and falling asleep the earth.

Horizontal landing of young fruit trees (Fig. 2) allows you to quickly get the cornesological planting of fruit trees of different breeds in the form of a living hedge or fruit wall, and in the case of separation from the uterine plant of rooted shoots, then the seedlings of this variety. Usually, with traditional ways of planting seedlings without special time-consuming annual work on the formation and without the use of dwarf convictions, it is very difficult to create planar forms of crowns in trees in a row, the so-called fruit walls. In this regard, in some countries of the world, the search for fundamentally new methods of growing these crops, for example, in Hungary, a method was developed for the formation of boneflood plants in the form of a living hedge by creating several crowns from one root. For this, after the usual landing of the roots on one side, the plants are cut and plants are placed on the ground (as in the "Canadian" technology) so that they formed one continuous line.

In the 60s of the last century, a similar form of planting young fruit trees was tested in the Kazakh Research Institute of Gardening and Viticulture (Alma-Ata) on an apple tree. For this, two-year seedlings laid horizontally in deep furrows. The roots and trunks of the seedlings fell asleep earth, side shoots left over its surface (Fig. 2). 2 years after such a landing of the stem of seedlings, as well as in the soil, part of the shoots were mainly rooted. In the eight years, the trees had a bush form with a height of 2.6 m (with an ordinary landing- 3.8 m) with a crown width of 0.95 m and 1.7 m long, which is completely explained. Since in this case, compared to ordinary landing, there are several crowns from one root. Crowns were not specifically formed. Separate fruits appeared on the fourth year after landing. In the future, these trees showed a good yield.

Having information about such a way to plant young trees of fruit crops, I decided to try it in my garden. In 1981, I was planted horizontally into the furrows in a depth of 20 cm Three two-year grafted apple trees of the sortie later. The lateral shoots derived on the surface of the soil were tied vertically to peeling. In addition, to obtain the cornescoatous plants of clone stock for SVG11-19 plums (in order to maintain it in the event of a precipitation of the plum, on which it was vaccinated), horizontally three more two-year-old grafted trees of this stock were planted. Side shoots were also tied to spicks.

Earth's excavation in the apple trees in two years showed that they really formed small roots on the trunk and parts of the shoots in the ground. For the third year during the excavations, quite normal roots were already discovered, and fruits were ripe on the above ground. For the fifth year, fruiting was already quite decent. But in the winter from the fifth for the sixth year, almost all shoots on these apple trees were very strongly applied to the mouse, and for this, as well as for another reason I was forced to recover them. With anterior, I was convinced of a very good rooting of the entire aboveground part of these apple trees. Damaged with mice stems with a good root system after trimming their overhead part and the separation of the roots were planted in the nursery, rosable to the height of normal two years and are implemented.

The excavation of the Earth in the trees of the clone flow of plums SVG11-19 in two years did not reveal a single energous escape. To stimulate the root formation, by me on shoots in the places of their departing from the trunk were made with two coils of copper wire with a diameter of 1.0 mm. Earth's excavation in these trees, after two years, revealed either erected shoots, or began to bother. In the future, with these three grafted plum trees, there was no less than three dozen boring shoots of the CHG11-19 clone stock, which was further used to vaccinate plums and apricots. Data horizontal landings of the graft clone plums have been preserved with me so far.

In the early 90s of the last century, I tried to plant a horizontally two and three-year-old cherry seedlings in order to transfer vaccinations to your own roots. The hauling wire was made in the year of planting. Excavations in two years did not reveal the rooted shoots. I wanted to make one more or more breathtaking, cuts of the cortex and apply the processing of the area of \u200b\u200bthe incineration with a solution of heteroacexin, but market reforms began. And this experience had to first throw, and then the plants themselves emerge.

In addition to such a purposeful use of rooting fruit plants, I have repeatedly observed and cases of self-rationing of the branches lying on the land of the stalancing apple trees and even in one stalante pear. Moreover, this was observed in the old, and in the new garden. Now all the old 34-year-old trees of the stalanse apple trees have a lot of branched branches, and they feed not only from the main root. At one stalante apple tree, the main root died, and she moved completely to food from the rooted branches.

A lot of cases of the rooted branches of the stalant apple trees were observed in the garden of E. M. Kalinin. Moreover, some branches in such apple trees and shoots from the roots of the provers in the garden specially rooted by them by backing up their land and using special care.

The rooting of the branches of the Stalants was observed in very many gardeners, which I watched or self-independently, or what I was reported verbally, or described in the literature. Not a single case of a sharp decrease in the sizes of trees grown at the same time of the dies of seedlings, the sharp acceleration of their fruiting was not observed.

What conclusions can be made according to these comments?

This "Canadian" technology in the presented form is written, most likely not "alternatives", but amateurs and contains many provisions contrary to modern science and practice, although this is characteristic of "alternatives". What are there, for example, reasoning that in the trunk and branches are different hormones, in the trunk there are more growth hormones, and in the branches of fertility, so the root sapling (the proceeding from the root) will rather use wild, and the core branch, having received independent food from the trunk will be fruit, but remain a small plant.

The truth is as follows. If the fruit tree is grown out of seed, then it takes three stages in the process of its development: embryonic in seed, juvenile (youthful) from the seed shoot and before the start of fruiting and age-mature since the start of fruiting. Juvenile forms of fruit plants are distinguished by the anatomical structure of leaves and shoots, as well as physiological properties. When the branches of the branches of the juvenile forms of fruit plants began the start of their fruiting, they are tightened to a significant amount compared with the abandoned branches with age-mature forms, and the lower the abiderable branch on the branch of the juvenile form is located, the sentences of its fruiting starts to the greater value . The greatest tightening of the start of fruiting is observed when the branches of the branches in the juvenile shape of the fruit tree grown from the root sibling of the core-growing fruit, since this form is fully the entire juvenile period. All died branches with an age-mature portion of the core-growing fruit tree, on which fruiting takes place, begin to be fruitful simultaneously with the grafted trees such an age-mature form.

As numerous experiments have shown, no decrease in the size of the core-effect fruit trees of any kind and variety to dwarf compared to grafted fruit trees does not occur, there is no acceleration of the beginning of their fruiting. The dwarfship of the core fruit trees in which I. V. Michurin believed,- This is a bluff.

The use of the seedlings of old fruit trees, enriched with the presence of numerous frosty damage and the accumulation of pathogens of mushroom, bacterial, viral, mycoplasma diseases, as well as insect pests, is simply unreasonable, and at best, it is simply unreasonable, and in the worst criminal. The same can be said about the use of them as uterine plants for cutting cuttings for vaccination. In addition, all the old fruit trees are old varieties, sorts of yesterday's or marriage days in the overwhelming majority, in qualitatively inferior to new varieties. Therefore, buyers for seedlings of such old varieties can hardly be found even in small quantities.

More appropriate for the branches of the branches and the production of seedlings, as well as to create fruit walls and alive hedges from them to use young fruit trees. But the labor period, time and cost of performance of work related to mass cultivation of seedlings through the branches of the branches of young fruit trees, their subsequent growing, will be much exceeded similar costs of growing the same amount of graft seedlings on ordinary vaccination technology. The cultivation of seedlings by branches of the branches of a young fruit tree in small quantities is quite acceptable in amateur conditions. For all the above reasons to make profitable business According to the "Canadian" technology, it seems absolutely impossible.

V. N. Shalamov

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