Presentation on chemistry the effect of alcohols on the body. Properties of alcohols

The buildings 30.06.2020
The buildings

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Ethyl alcohol in medicine Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH (ethanol, ethyl alcohol, wine alcohol) is a colorless, volatile liquid with a characteristic odor, burning in taste (pl. 0.813-0.816, boiling point 77-77.5 ° C). Miscible with water in any ratio. In medicine, purified 96% or 70% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is used. It's called medical. With the external use of industrial alcohol, burns and poisoning are possible, because. during its production, small amounts of toxic substances are added to it. In order to characterize the effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body, we need to characterize the most important properties of alcohol.

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In medicine, ethyl alcohol is primarily used as an antiseptic. The tanning properties of 96% ethyl alcohol are used to treat the surgical field or in some techniques for treating the surgeon's hands. Alcohol can also be used for burns. Evaporating quickly, it will cool the surface, reduce pain, and most importantly - prevent the formation of blisters. Alcohol is an excellent antipyretic. When rubbing the body, ethanol will quickly evaporate and lower the temperature of the skin and the body as a whole. Ethanol causes dilation of blood vessels. Increased blood flow leads to reddening of the skin and a feeling of warmth. Side effects when applied externally are manifested in the form of allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and soreness of the skin at the site of application of the compress.

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Ethyl alcohol increases the sensitivity of the body to tranquilizers, and neuroleptics increase the intoxication caused by it. When taken orally, it inactivates the action of antibiotics. Alcohol acts on the body as an anesthetic, so its anti-shock property is often used in medicine. After entering the body, ethanol is rapidly absorbed by diffusion; the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 60-90 minutes. In addition, the rate of absorption depends on a variety of factors. Thus, an empty stomach, the high temperature of a drink (for example, grog), the presence of sugar and carbon dioxide (for example, in champagne) stimulate the absorption of ethanol. On the contrary, the absorption of ethanol is slowed down with a plentiful meal.

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In large quantities, ethanol inhibits the activity of the brain (the stage of inhibition), causes a violation of coordination of movements. An intermediate product of ethanol oxidation in the body, acetaldehyde, is extremely toxic and causes severe poisoning. The systematic use of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages containing it leads to a persistent decrease in the productivity of the brain, the death of liver cells and their replacement with connective tissue - cirrhosis of the liver.

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The rate of ethanol transformation in the liver is mainly limited by the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase. The "energy value" of ethanol is 29.4 kJ/g (7 kcal/g). Therefore, alcoholic beverages provide the body with a significant part of the energy resources (especially in alcoholism). At the same time, the effect of large amounts of ethanol resembles the effect of a drug, which can be explained by the direct effect of ethanol on neuronal membranes.

Plan: Introduction Introduction Introduction Ethyl alcohol and its properties Ethyl alcohol and its properties WHAT IS ALCOHOL WHAT IS ALCOHOL WHAT IS ALCOHOL WHAT IS ALCOHOL the effect of alcohol on the body The general effect of alcohol on the body What is intoxication What is intoxication Alcohol and offspring Alcohol and offspring Alcohol and offspring Alcohol and offspring The heredity of alcoholism The heredity of alcoholism The heredity of alcoholism The heredity of alcoholism Hypoxia alcoholic euphoria Hypoxia alcoholic euphoria Hypoxia alcoholic euphoria The mechanism of cell destruction by alcohol The mechanism of cell destruction alcohol Mechanism of cell destruction by alcohol Mechanism of cell destruction by alcohol Conclusion Conclusion

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Chemical formula C 2 n 5 he. Russia is not the first civilization slowly dying out under the influence of alcohol and other poisons on the genetics and intelligence of the population. If you look into history, you can see the power of this weapon on the example of the conquest of America and the struggle of aliens - "civilizers" with the native Indians. A healthy psyche and the intuition accompanying it made the natives invulnerable even in the face of the superiority of the weapons of the newcomers - "conquistadors". The Europeans brought the newest genocidal weapon, tested for efficiency for centuries, "fire water". After preliminary addiction to alcohol, the Indians were given moonshine stills with instructions for their use. Further subjugation of the Indians was not long in coming. Today, the surviving descendants of the Indians in the United States are shown as relics in reservations specially arranged for them. Russia is not the first civilization slowly dying out under the influence of alcohol and other poisons on the genetics and intelligence of the population. If you look into history, you can see the power of this weapon on the example of the conquest of America and the struggle of aliens - "civilizers" with the native Indians. A healthy psyche and the intuition accompanying it made the natives invulnerable even in the face of the superiority of the weapons of the newcomers - "conquistadors". The Europeans brought the newest genocidal weapon, tested for efficiency for centuries, "fire water". After preliminary addiction to alcohol, the Indians were given moonshine stills with instructions for their use. Further subjugation of the Indians was not long in coming. Today, the surviving descendants of the Indians in the United States are shown as relics in reservations specially arranged for them.

What products contain ethanol? All alcoholic products necessarily contain ethyl alcohol. For example, what is beer? 100 grams of beer is 6-12 grams of poison, ethyl alcohol dressed in hops, rye, yeast and other ingredients. All alcoholic products necessarily contain ethyl alcohol. For example, what is beer? 100 grams of beer is 6-12 grams of poison, ethyl alcohol dressed in hops, rye, yeast and other ingredients. What is wine? 100 g of wine is 20 g of poison, ethyl alcohol dressed in grape, apple and other musts (juices). Different varieties of grapes, apples, these are different varieties of wine, but the main component of their poison is ethyl alcohol, one for all. 100 g of champagne is 17 g of poison, and the rest is various extracts. What is wine? 100 g of wine is 20 g of poison, ethyl alcohol dressed in grape, apple and other musts (juices). Different varieties of grapes, apples, these are different varieties of wine, but the main component of their poison is ethyl alcohol, one for all. 100 g of champagne is 17 g of poison, and the rest is various extracts. What is vodka? 100 g of vodka is 40 g of ethyl alcohol poison dressed in 60 g of water and various extracts. What is vodka? 100 g of vodka is 40 g of ethyl alcohol poison dressed in 60 g of water and various extracts. What is cognac? 100 g of cognac is 40 g of poison dressed in color, which is drawn from the oak tree and 60 g of water and various extracts. What is cognac? 100 g of cognac is 40 g of poison dressed in color, which is drawn from the oak tree and 60 g of water and various extracts. What is moonshine? 100 g of moonshine is from 20 to 70 g of poison dressed in water and fusel oils. What is moonshine? 100 g of moonshine is from 20 to 70 g of poison dressed in water and fusel oils.

How is alcohol produced? Alcohol is nothing but the urine of yeast fungi or, scientifically, excrement. And these yeast fungi devour sugar, urinate, urinate with their urine, and when the concentration of urine in the vessel (barrel) reaches 11%, then, like any living organism, they are in their own shit (which, in terms of alcohol concentration, exceeds the possibilities for continuing the life of a living organism) choke and die Alcohol is nothing more than the urine of yeast fungi or, according to scientific excrement. And these yeast fungi devour sugar, urinate, urinate with their urine, and when the concentration of urine in the vessel (barrel) reaches 11%, then, like any living organism, they are in their own shit (which, in terms of alcohol concentration, exceeds the possibilities for continuing the life of a living organism) choke and choke

The general effect of alcohol on the body Once in the human body, ethyl alcohol diffuses (absorbed and distributed) through the walls of the stomach and intestines, quickly reaches the liver and appears in the blood. The state of intoxication depends on the concentration of alcohol in the blood. The content of alcohol in the blood up to 0.5 g / l usually does not cause immediately noticeable changes. At an alcohol concentration of 0.5-1 g / l, noticeable intoxication is not observed, but the nerve centers cease to function normally. This is a very dangerous condition, especially for car drivers. According to the results of numerous medical examinations, the probability of accidents in this case increases by 14 times. With the accumulation of 2 g / l in the blood, the degree of intoxication increases: the gait becomes unsteady, speech is incoherent. Once in the human body, ethyl alcohol diffuses (absorbed and distributed) through the walls of the stomach and intestines, quickly reaches the liver and appears in the blood. The state of intoxication depends on the concentration of alcohol in the blood. The content of alcohol in the blood up to 0.5 g / l usually does not cause immediately noticeable changes. At an alcohol concentration of 0.5-1 g / l, noticeable intoxication is not observed, but the nerve centers cease to function normally. This is a very dangerous condition, especially for car drivers. According to the results of numerous medical examinations, the probability of accidents in this case increases by 14 times. With the accumulation of 2 g / l in the blood, the degree of intoxication increases: the gait becomes unsteady, speech is incoherent.

An intoxicated person has the following deviations: · He has a deteriorating ability to actively concentrate. The ability to actively concentrate attention is deteriorating. He is easily distracted from his work, often turns his attention to random unimportant objects. He is easily distracted from his work, often turns his attention to random unimportant objects. · His ability to memorize worsens, superficial associations predominate. · His ability to memorize worsens, superficial associations predominate.

With an increase in the degree of intoxication in a person, they continue to: Decrease the functional abilities of the visual and auditory analyzers. The functional abilities of the visual and auditory analyzers decrease. · The time required for the recognition of the presented signals, decision-making, and the implementation of a motor reaction increases. · The time required for the recognition of the presented signals, decision-making, and the implementation of a motor reaction increases. · Coordination of movements is more disturbed. · Coordination of movements is more disturbed. · The number of errors increases when solving any tasks, when performing the usual work operations. · The number of errors increases when solving any tasks, when performing the usual work operations.

The state of intoxication usually lasts for several hours, after which the mood gradually returns to normal, and the feeling of cheerfulness, as a rule, is replaced by lethargy and drowsiness. The state of intoxication usually lasts for several hours, after which the mood gradually returns to normal, and the feeling of cheerfulness, as a rule, is replaced by lethargy and drowsiness. Changes in mental functions, disturbances in behavior and coordination of movements appear after some time (about an hour) after drinking alcohol, when the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches a certain level, and disappear when it decreases. However, even after the disappearance of pronounced signs of intoxication, the abilities of a number of functional systems of the body, which determine physical and mental performance, continue to be significantly reduced. They are partially restored gradually, over many hours, days, months ... Changes in mental functions, behavioral disorders and movement coordination appear after some time (about an hour) after drinking alcohol, when the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches a certain level, and disappear when its decline. However, even after the disappearance of pronounced signs of intoxication, the abilities of a number of functional systems of the body, which determine physical and mental performance, continue to be significantly reduced. They are partially restored gradually, over many hours, days, months ...

In a state of "average" intoxication: · Fatal acts are often committed. · Fatal deeds are often committed. · A drunk man controls his body with difficulty. · A drunk man controls his body with difficulty. · Coordination of movements is disturbed to such an extent that he cannot walk in a straight line. · Coordination of movements is disturbed to such an extent that he cannot walk in a straight line. The tongue becomes clumsy, speech is excessively loud, slow, which is associated with a decrease in hearing during this period. The tongue becomes clumsy, speech is excessively loud, slow, which is associated with a decrease in hearing during this period. The drunk has difficulty in choosing words, repeats individual words and phrases several times. The drunk has difficulty in choosing words, repeats individual words and phrases several times. · With an average degree of intoxication, dizziness, ringing in the ears are often felt. · With an average degree of intoxication, dizziness, ringing in the ears are often felt. · There may appear illusory perceptions of the environment, gross errors in assessing the size of objects, the distances between them. · There may appear illusory perceptions of the environment, gross errors in assessing the size of objects, the distances between them. · In place of fun and cheerfulness come a decrease in interest in the environment, a feeling of fatigue, weakness, gradually increasing drowsiness. · In place of fun and cheerfulness come a decrease in interest in the environment, a feeling of fatigue, weakness, gradually increasing drowsiness. Moderate intoxication gradually turns into sleep. Moderate intoxication gradually turns into sleep.

A "severe" degree of intoxication is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of deep alcohol poisoning. An unconscious state often occurs, which may be preceded by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, a feeling of numbness in various parts of the body, a profound incoordination, and a decrease in muscle tone. A "severe" degree of intoxication is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of deep alcohol poisoning. An unconscious state often occurs, which may be preceded by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, a feeling of numbness in various parts of the body, a profound incoordination, and a decrease in muscle tone. The unconscious state of an alcoholic coma does not always end happily. For this stage of intoxication, the appearance of the patient is characteristic. He does not react not only to a shout, but even to painful stimuli, his face acquires at first a purple-red, and then a pale bluish color. Unconsciousness An alcoholic coma does not always end happily. For this stage of intoxication, the appearance of the patient is characteristic. He does not react not only to a shout, but even to painful stimuli, his face acquires at first a purple-red, and then a pale bluish color.

Ethyl alcohol is toxic! The degree of toxicity of ethyl alcohol depends on the dose, its concentration in drinks, on the presence of fusel oils and other impurities in them, added to give the drinks a certain smell and taste. The approximate lethal dose for humans is 68 ml of pure ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. In terms of total body weight, this is ml of ethyl alcohol. However, this dose may vary depending on the sensitivity to ethyl alcohol, the conditions of its intake (the strength of drinks, the fullness of the stomach with food), etc. In some individuals, death may occur after taking g of pure ethyl alcohol, while in others. death does not occur even after taking this. The degree of toxicity of ethyl alcohol depends on the dose, its concentration in drinks, on the presence of fusel oils and other impurities in them, added to give drinks a certain smell and taste. The approximate lethal dose for humans is 68 ml of pure ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. In terms of total body weight, this is ml of ethyl alcohol. However, this dose may vary depending on the sensitivity to ethyl alcohol, the conditions of its intake (the strength of drinks, the fullness of the stomach with food), etc. In some individuals, death may occur after taking g of pure ethyl alcohol, while in others. death does not occur even after taking this toxicity of ethyl alcohol dose of oil concentration dose of ethyl alcohol ethyl alcohol dose of ethyl alcohol ethyl alcohol toxicity of ethyl alcohol dose of oil concentration dose of ethyl alcohol ethyl alcohol dose of ethyl alcohol ethyl alcohol

The toxicity of alcohol is due to the products of its oxidation. The main metabolite of alcohol, acetaldehyde, has the highest toxicity, which is 30 times more toxic than alcohol itself. It is formed in the liver when ethyl alcohol is consumed more than grams. The toxicity of alcohol is due to the products of its oxidation. The main metabolite of alcohol, acetaldehyde, has the highest toxicity, which is 30 times more toxic than alcohol itself. It is formed in the liver when ethyl alcohol is consumed more than grams.

Prolonged abuse of ethyl alcohol leads to chronic poisoning (alcoholism). Repeated intake of alcohol leads to the development of addiction, as a result of which small doses of this alcohol cease to cause the previous euphoric state. To induce a euphoric state, such individuals require an increased dose of ethyl alcohol over time. Simultaneously with addiction, addiction is developed, and then alcohol dependence (alcoholism) develops, which is characterized by painful experiences without drinking alcohol and a strong desire to repeat its intake. Prolonged abuse of ethyl alcohol leads to chronic poisoning (alcoholism). Repeated intake of alcohol leads to the development of addiction, as a result of which small doses of this alcohol cease to cause the previous euphoric state. To induce a euphoric state, such individuals require an increased dose of ethyl alcohol over time. Simultaneously with addiction, addiction is developed, and then alcohol dependence (alcoholism) develops, which is characterized by painful experiences without drinking alcohol and a strong desire to repeat its intake.

Alcoholism is a serious chronic disease! Often, some drinkers proudly note that their comrades have an increased tolerance for alcohol, believing that this is due to physical health. But in fact, increased resistance to vodka is the first sign of incipient alcoholism, a symptom of a serious illness. Often, some drinkers proudly note that their comrades have an increased tolerance for alcohol, believing that this is due to physical health. But in fact, increased resistance to vodka is the first sign of incipient alcoholism, a symptom of a serious illness.

Alcohol and offspring The average life expectancy of female alcoholics is 10%, and that of male alcoholics is 15% less than that of non-drinkers. But these are only external signs of harm from alcohol. The average life expectancy of female alcoholics is 10% less, and that of male alcoholics is 15% less than that of non-drinkers. But these are only external signs of harm from alcohol. In women, one of the characteristic consequences of alcoholism is the inability to breastfeed children. According to experts, this defect occurs in 30-40% of women who regularly consume alcohol. Alcoholic beverages also have a significant impact on reproductive function. First, alcoholism leads to early aging. A woman who drinks in her 30s tends to look older, and an alcoholic by the age of 40 turns into an old woman. In women, one of the characteristic consequences of alcoholism is the inability to breastfeed children. According to experts, this defect occurs in 30-40% of women who regularly consume alcohol. Alcoholic beverages also have a significant impact on reproductive function. First, alcoholism leads to early aging. A woman who drinks in her 30s tends to look older, and an alcoholic by the age of 40 turns into an old woman.

It was found that the effect of alcohol at the stage of intrauterine development leads to underdevelopment of the fetus or its individual organs (malformation), increased mortality of newborns. It was found that the effect of alcohol at the stage of intrauterine development leads to underdevelopment of the fetus or its individual organs (malformation), increased mortality of newborns. Alcohol that enters the child's body with mother's milk causes nervous disorders (including mental disorders, mental retardation), diseases of the digestive organs (mainly the liver), cardiovascular system, etc. Alcohol that enters the child's body with mother's milk causes nervous disorders (including mental disorders, mental retardation), diseases of the digestive organs (mainly the liver), cardiovascular system, etc.

Just a few grams...! one woman (not at all a hopeless alcoholic) had a child with a severe mental disorder. Doctors found out the reason: throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother drank cocktails that contained alcohol. Just a few grams of alcohol dissolved in a tonic and severe mental disorders in a baby who will be doomed for the rest of his life! one woman (not at all a hopeless alcoholic) had a child with a severe mental disorder. Doctors found out the reason: throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother drank cocktails that contained alcohol. Just a few grams of alcohol dissolved in a tonic and severe mental disorders in a baby who will be doomed for the rest of his life!

The mechanism of action of alcohol There is not a single organ in the human body that would not be destroyed by alcohol. But the strongest changes and in the very first place occur in the human brain. It is there that this poison tends to accumulate. After taking a mug of beer, a glass of wine, 100 grams of vodka, the alcohol contained in them is absorbed into the bloodstream, goes to the brain with the bloodstream, and the process of intensive destruction of the cerebral cortex begins in a person. There is not a single organ in the human body that would not be destroyed by alcohol. But the strongest changes and in the very first place occur in the human brain. It is there that this poison tends to accumulate. After taking a mug of beer, a glass of wine, 100 grams of vodka, the alcohol contained in them is absorbed into the bloodstream, goes to the brain with the bloodstream, and the process of intensive destruction of the cerebral cortex begins in a person.

Terrible solvent! As you know, alcohol is a good solvent. As a solvent, it is widely used in industry in the manufacture of varnishes, varnishes, in a number of chemical industries for the synthesis of paints, synthetic rubber, and others. It dissolves everything: grease, dirt, and paint... Therefore, alcohol is used in technology to degrease surfaces. But once in the blood, alcohol behaves like a solvent there! As you know, alcohol is a good solvent. As a solvent, it is widely used in industry in the manufacture of varnishes, varnishes, in a number of chemical industries for the synthesis of paints, synthetic rubber, and others. It dissolves everything: grease, dirt, and paint... Therefore, alcohol is used in technology to degrease surfaces. But once in the blood, alcohol behaves like a solvent there!

What happens when alcohol (always containing alcohol) passes through the stomach and intestines into the bloodstream? In the normal state, the outer surface of erythrocytes is covered, as it were, with a thin layer of lubricant, which, when rubbed against the walls of blood vessels, is electrified. Each of the erythrocytes carries a unipolar negative charge, and therefore they have the original property to repel each other. Alcohol-containing liquid removes this protective layer and relieves electrical stress. As a result, erythrocytes, instead of being repelled, begin to stick together and reduce capillary permeability. In the normal state, the outer surface of erythrocytes is covered, as it were, with a thin layer of lubricant, which, when rubbed against the walls of blood vessels, is electrified. Each of the erythrocytes carries a unipolar negative charge, and therefore they have the original property to repel each other. Alcohol-containing liquid removes this protective layer and relieves electrical stress. As a result, erythrocytes, instead of being repelled, begin to stick together and reduce capillary permeability.

Hypoxia? Due to the fact that oxygen stops flowing to the brain cells, hypoxia begins, that is, oxygen starvation (oxygen deficiency). It is hypoxia that is perceived by a person as an allegedly harmless state of intoxication. And this leads to “numbness”, and then the death of parts of the brain. All this is subjectively perceived by those who have drunk alcohol as "freedom" from the outside world, similar to the euphoria of being released from prison after a long "time in prison". In fact, just a part of the brain is artificially turned off from the perception of often "unpleasant" information from the outside. Due to the fact that oxygen stops flowing to the brain cells, hypoxia begins, that is, oxygen starvation (oxygen deficiency). It is hypoxia that is perceived by a person as an allegedly harmless state of intoxication. And this leads to “numbness”, and then the death of parts of the brain. All this is subjectively perceived by those who have drunk alcohol as "freedom" from the outside world, similar to the euphoria of being released from prison after a long "time in prison". In fact, just a part of the brain is artificially turned off from the perception of often "unpleasant" information from the outside.

What happens to memory? The irreversible death of neurons as a result of thrombosis and microstrokes in the cerebral cortex leads to the loss of part of the information and to short-term memory impairments (FIRST OF ALL, THE BRAIN CELLS DIE, which are responsible for memory, therefore, those who “slightly” sorted out the next morning do not remember anything). At the same time, the processes of processing current information are hampered, which lead to the fixation of its most significant part in neural structures that provide long-term memory. The irreversible death of neurons as a result of thrombosis and microstrokes in the cerebral cortex leads to the loss of part of the information and to short-term memory impairments (FIRST OF ALL, THE BRAIN CELLS DIE, which are responsible for memory, therefore, those who “slightly” sorted out the next morning do not remember anything). At the same time, the processes of processing current information are hampered, which lead to the fixation of its most significant part in neural structures that provide long-term memory.

What happens when a person swallows an alcoholic liquid (beer, wine, vodka, etc.)? The alcohol molecule approaches the fat molecule, interacts with it and knocks out the cell membrane. The cell is damaged. It is as a result of this alcoholic damage to the cell that anything can get inside it: “bad ecology”, chemistry, slags. Other molecules can be pulled into the damaged cell through the wound inflicted by the alcohol molecule. Inside the cell is the nucleus and chromosomes. Ultimately, alcohol can completely kill this cell. The alcohol molecule approaches the fat molecule, interacts with it and knocks out the cell membrane. The cell is damaged. It is as a result of this alcoholic damage to the cell that anything can get inside it: “bad ecology”, chemistry, slags. Other molecules can be pulled into the damaged cell through the wound inflicted by the alcohol molecule. Inside the cell is the nucleus and chromosomes. Ultimately, alcohol can completely kill this cell. Demonstration of the experience "Violation of the properties of proteins when exposed to alcohol." The purpose of the experiment: to convince students that alcohol denatures proteins, irreversibly destroys their structure and properties. The purpose of the experiment: to convince students that alcohol denatures proteins, irreversibly destroys their structure and properties. The course of the experiment: pour 2 ml of egg white into two test tubes. In one add 8 ml of water, and in the other the same amount of alcohol 80 - 90%. The course of the experiment: pour 2 ml of egg white into two test tubes. In one add 8 ml of water, and in the other the same amount of alcohol 80 - 90%. The result of the experiment: in the first test tube, the protein dissolves, since it is an easily soluble protein and is well absorbed by the body. A dense white precipitate forms in the second test tube - proteins do not dissolve in alcohol, alcohol takes away water from proteins. As a result, the structure and properties of the protein, its functions are violated. The result of the experiment: in the first test tube, the protein dissolves, since it is an easily soluble protein and is well absorbed by the body. A dense white precipitate forms in the second test tube - proteins do not dissolve in alcohol, alcohol takes away water from proteins. As a result, the structure and properties of the protein, its functions are violated. Question to students: What happens to the cells of the body when high concentration of alcohol enters? Question to students: What happens to the cells of the body when high concentration of alcohol enters? Answer. Proteins of the cell begin to break down, which leads to disruption of the work of all cells of the organs. Answer. Proteins of the cell begin to break down, which leads to disruption of the work of all cells of the organs.

Many people think that "there is nothing to feel sorry for the cells, we have billions of them." Who does not feel sorry for himself, he can think so. However, there are cells that are restored (which requires an additional load on the body), and there are cells that do not even partially recover. Many people think that "there is nothing to feel sorry for the cells, we have billions of them." Who does not feel sorry for himself, he can think so. However, there are cells that are restored (which requires an additional load on the body), and there are cells that do not even partially recover. There are human cells that need to be very, very much protected. These are the so-called "sex" cells, those cells from which children can be conceived and born. There are human cells that need to be very, very much protected. These are the so-called "sex" cells, those cells from which children can be conceived and born. Note that the lesions under the influence of alcohol are universal. They occur in the tissues of all organs. The number of dying cells depends on the amount of the alcoholic product taken and its strength, the more of them, the more ethyl alcohol contained in any kind of alcoholic beverages entered the body. Note that the lesions under the influence of alcohol are universal. They occur in the tissues of all organs. The number of dying cells depends on the amount of alcoholic product taken and its strength, the more of them, the more ethyl alcohol contained in any kind of alcoholic beverages entered the body.

Alcohol abuse is a major health risk factor! Suffice it to say that the direct and indirect effect of ethanol on the body shortens the lives of those who abuse alcohol by several years, that their average life expectancy is years less than that of non-alcoholics, that more than 40% of those who abuse alcohol become victims of coronary heart disease, and more 1/3 of all cases of sudden death is associated with lesions of the cardiovascular system due to alcohol abuse. And if men most often die from diseases of the circulatory system at the age of 60 years and older, then those who abuse alcohol die mainly before 60 years of age (65% and more). In the structure of the overall incidence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in those who abuse alcohol, they occupy a much higher place. Ischemic and hypertension disease in abusers is recorded 2-2.5 times more often than in the general population. Suffice it to say that the direct and indirect effect of ethanol on the body shortens the lives of those who abuse alcohol by several years, that their average life expectancy is years less than that of non-alcoholics, that more than 40% of those who abuse alcohol become victims of coronary heart disease, and more 1/3 of all cases of sudden death is associated with lesions of the cardiovascular system due to alcohol abuse. And if men most often die from diseases of the circulatory system at the age of 60 years and older, then those who abuse alcohol die mainly before 60 years of age (65% and more). In the structure of the overall incidence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in those who abuse alcohol, they occupy a much higher place. Ischemic and hypertension disease in abusers is recorded 2-2.5 times more often than in the general population.

Worth considering! As for alcohol, there are up to 700 large sober peoples on Earth today. If you look at the map of the world, then the entire middle part of the Earth from North Africa (Morocco) to the Philippines is a sober world. This includes China and India. In China today, per capita consumption of 100% pure alcohol (alcohol taken from all alcohol consumed) is 50 grams per year. In Russia today, the same figure is 20-25 liters of annual per capita consumption of pure 100% alcohol. As for alcohol, there are up to 700 large sober peoples on Earth today. If you look at the map of the world, then the entire middle part of the Earth from North Africa (Morocco) to the Philippines is a sober world. This includes China and India. In China today, per capita consumption of 100% pure alcohol (alcohol taken from all alcohol consumed) is 50 grams per year. In Russia today, the same figure is 20-25 liters of annual per capita consumption of pure 100% alcohol.

In Russian society, it is generally accepted to drink, walk and have fun "like everyone else", and if suddenly you do not drink grief to you: you are "crazy". However, the loss of intelligence, memory, absent-mindedness, schizophrenia, various kinds of psychopathology (often leading to criminal acts) are characteristic of just drinking people (both regularly and moderately) and children of drunkards, drug addicts and alcoholics. So who is normal and what is normal? In Russian society, it is generally accepted to drink, walk and have fun "like everyone else", and if suddenly you do not drink grief to you: you are "crazy". However, the loss of intelligence, memory, absent-mindedness, schizophrenia, various kinds of psychopathology (often leading to criminal acts) are characteristic of just drinking people (both regularly and moderately) and children of drunkards, drug addicts and alcoholics. So who is normal and what is normal?

Physical properties Lower (C 1 - C 11) - F. Lower (C 1 - C 11) - F. Higher (from C 12) - TV. Higher (from C 12) - Tv. t º of boiling is higher than that of the corresponding hydrocarbons (the presence of hydrogen bonds). t º of boiling is higher than that of the corresponding hydrocarbons (the presence of hydrogen bonds).

Physical properties Smell (C 1 - C 3) - alcoholic. Smell (C 1 - C 3) - alcoholic. The next ones are bad. The next ones are bad. The higher ones have no smell. The higher ones have no smell. Methanol is very toxic! Methanol is very toxic! Ethanol is a poisonous drug. Ethanol is a poisonous drug.

Chemical properties 4. Dehydration (t >140ºC) : Intermolecular dehydration (t 140ºC) : Intermolecular dehydration (t 140ºC) : Intermolecular dehydration (t 140ºC) : Intermolecular dehydration (t 140ºC) : Intermolecular dehydration (t

"Wine ruins the bodily health of people, ruins the mental faculties, ruins the well-being of families and, worst of all, ruins the souls of people and their offspring." "Wine ruins the bodily health of people, ruins the mental faculties, ruins the well-being of families and, worst of all, ruins the souls of people and their offspring." L.N. Tolstoy L.N. Tolstoy "Wine destroys ..."

“Wine communicates to everyone who drinks four qualities: first a peacock, then a monkey, then a lion, and finally a pig.” “Wine communicates to everyone who drinks four qualities: first a peacock, then a monkey, then a lion, and finally a pig.” Abu'l-Faraj Abu'l-Faraj Quest

Completed by the teacher of chemistry of the Moscow Autonomous Educational Institution of the Borovsk Secondary School No. 1 Kruglyakova O.V.

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toxic effects of ethanol on the human body Purpose: To identify the causes of ethyl alcohol toxicity. Tasks: Consider the mechanism of action of alcohol on cells, organs and body systems. Predict the consequences of the toxic effects of ethanol.

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Biological membrane lipids proteins

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Effect of ethanol on protein molecules

To identify the cause of violation of the permeability of cell membranes. Identify the effects of alcohol on the molecules of enzymes in the cell. Explain why alcohol has disinfectant properties (causes the death of bacterial cells). To identify the cause of the destruction of red blood cells by alcohol molecules and the consequences of this process.

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Conclusion: proteins are destroyed, the cell dies. And we must also remember that proteins do not have the ability to reproduce themselves.

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Brain Heart Liver Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Pathway of Alcohol in the Body

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Ethyl alcohol oxidation

C2H5OH (O) CH3-C=O H (O) CH3-C=O OH CO2 + H2O Ethyl alcohol Acetic aldehyde Acetic acid Intermediate decomposition products Final decomposition products

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Brain Heart Liver Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Pathway of Alcohol in the Body

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Probably, you have repeatedly heard the expression: "let's drink, let's warm up." It is believed in everyday life that alcohol is a good way to warm the body. No wonder alcohol is often called "hot drinks". Or another belief that exists among people: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood, well-being, makes the conversation more lively and interesting, which is important for the company of young people. No wonder alcohol is taken “against fatigue”, with ailments, and at almost all festivities. WHY DO PEOPLE DRINK?

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Alcoholism is not a habit, but a disease. The habit is controlled by consciousness, it can be eliminated. Addiction to alcohol is more difficult to overcome because of the poisoning of the body. About 10 percent of people who drink alcohol become alcoholics. Alcoholism is a disease characterized by mental and physical changes in the body. Alcoholism develops according to the following scheme: Initial phase: intoxication with loss of memory, "eclipse". A person constantly thinks about alcohol, it seems to him that he has not drunk enough, he drinks "for the future", he develops a greed for alcohol. However, he retains consciousness of his guilt, avoids talking about his craving for alcohol. Critical phase: loss of control over himself after the first sip of alcohol. Desire to find an excuse for his drinking, resistance to all attempts to prevent his desire to drink. A person develops arrogance, aggressiveness. He blames others for his troubles. He begins to drink heavily, his friends become random drinking companions. He is forced to leave his permanent job, loses interest in everything that is not related to alcohol. Chronic phase: daily hangover, personality breakdown, clouding of memory, inconsistency of thought. A person drinks alcohol substitutes, technical liquids, cologne. He develops baseless fears, delirium tremens, and other alcoholic psychoses. One of the typical complications during binge drinking is delirium tremens. Delirium tremens is the most common alcoholic psychosis. It usually occurs in a state of hangover, when a drunkard develops unconscious fear, insomnia, hand trembling, nightmares (chases, attacks, etc.), auditory and visual deceptions in the form of noises, calls, shadow movements. Symptoms of delirium tremens are especially pronounced at night. The patient begins vivid experiences of a frightening nature. He sees insects crawling around, rats, monsters attacking him, bandits, feels pain from bites, blows, hears threats. He reacts violently to his hallucinations: he defends himself or runs away from persecution. During the day, the hallucinations fade somewhat, although the patient remains agitated. ALCOHOLISM IS NOT A HABIT, BUT A DISEASE

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Blood. Alcohol inhibits the production of platelets, as well as white and red blood cells. Outcome: anemia, infections, bleeding. Brain. Alcohol slows down blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, leading to constant oxygen starvation of its cells, resulting in weakening of memory and slow mental degradation. Early sclerotic changes develop in the vessels, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases. Alcohol destroys the connections between the nerve cells of the brain, developing in them the need for alcohol and alcohol addiction. Destruction of brain cells and degeneration of the nervous system, sometimes leading to pneumonia, heart and kidney failure, or organic psychosis. Delirium tremens is a state of extreme agitation, mental confusion, restlessness, fever, trembling, rapid and irregular pulse, and hallucinations that often occurs when large amounts of alcohol are taken after several days of abstinence. Heart. Alcohol abuse causes an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, persistent hypertension and myocardial dystrophy. Cardiovascular insufficiency puts the patient on the brink of the grave. Alcoholic myopathy: muscle degeneration as a result of alcoholism. The reasons for this are not using muscles, poor diet and alcohol damage to the nervous system. In alcoholic cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle is affected. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION

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Intestines. The constant effect of alcohol on the wall of the small intestine leads to a change in the structure of cells, and they lose the ability to fully absorb nutrients and mineral components, which ends with the depletion of the alcoholic's body. Diseases associated with malnutrition and vitamin deficiency, such as scurvy, pellagra and beriberi, caused by the neglect of food for the sake of drunkenness. Liver. Given that 95% of all alcohol entering the body is neutralized in the liver, it is clear that this organ suffers from alcohol the most: an inflammatory process (hepatitis) occurs, and then cicatricial degeneration (cirrhosis). The liver ceases to fulfill its function of decontaminating toxic metabolic products, producing blood proteins and other important functions, which leads to the inevitable death of the patient. Cirrhosis is an insidious disease: it slowly creeps up on a person, and then beats, and immediately to death. Ten percent of chronic alcoholics have cirrhosis of the liver, and 75% of people with cirrhosis are or have been alcoholics. Until cirrhosis develops sufficiently, there are almost no symptoms, then the alcoholic begins to complain of a general deterioration in health, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and digestive problems. The cause of the disease is the toxic effects of alcohol. Healthy liver Liver affected by cirrhosis

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In women, unlike men, under the influence of alcohol, a personality change occurs faster, mental deviations occur. Drinking women more often end their lives in the psycho-neurological department. First of all, the central nervous system reacts in women, the liver suffers (hepatitis occurs), and alcoholic cardiosclerosis develops. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the fetus of a pregnant woman, especially in the first three months, when all organs are being laid. Obstetricians have the term "fetal alcohol syndrome". And it's not worth talking about breastfeeding mothers. There used to be an opinion that alcohol increases the amount of milk, but its effect on an infant was forgotten. The kid lags behind in growth, in weight, becomes irritable. And in the future, these children also become alcoholics. Mentally retarded child Child with cerebral hernia

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Sometimes teenagers evaluate the first acquaintance with alcohol as a “new lifestyle”, hence the “cultivation” of the state of intoxication. The initial resistance of adolescents to the effects of alcohol is low (50-100 ml of vodka), and the younger the age at which the first intoxication occurred, the less it is. With regular use of alcohol (up to 2-3 times a month), the adolescent's resistance to the effects of alcohol begins to increase. This is perceived in the company of peers as a sign of a special “strength and strength” that distinguishes a leader. The lifestyle adopted in the "alcohol" company is mistakenly perceived as natural and normal. The norm of behavior is the use of alcoholic beverages before dancing, on weekends, when meeting with friends, etc. The circle of active social life is limited to the problems and interests of the "alcohol" company, in which one can sometimes meet persons with previous convictions, who are registered with the Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs. A new member of such a micro-collective is almost doomed to go through a "mandatory program", starting with hooligan actions while intoxicated, and often ending with a serious offense. "to have fun", "it's nice to drink", etc. Drinking alcohol becomes almost the main meaning of life. There is such a stereotype of behavior when all life problems are solved and generated by the use of alcohol. They drink in order to “turn off”, “forget troubles”, etc. TEENAGE ALCOHOLISM

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Excessive alcohol consumption causes social discontent, hangovers and decreased performance in the short term; in the long term, it causes irreversible liver damage, memory loss and impaired mental functioning, insomnia, slow reflexes with a corresponding increase in the risk of accidents, and deterioration in sanity and emotional control. Although alcohol tolerance is higher in men than in women, male alcoholics are at greater risk of liver damage. The development of many forms of cancer and disorders of the immune system. OUTPUT

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Sections: Chemistry

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  1. To introduce students to the chemical properties of ethanol as a typical representative of alkanols
  2. To focus students' attention on the physiological effect of alcohols
  3. Develop the ability to work in pairs and individually
  4. Maintain an interest in the subject
  5. Promote a healthy lifestyle

Didactic tasks:

Students should know:

  1. Definitions of the following concepts: a) dehydration reaction, b) simple ether.
  2. Chemical properties of saturated monohydric alcohols.
  3. The physiological effect of alcohols on the human body.

Students should be able to:

  1. Compose reaction equations with their participation.
  2. Practically carry out a qualitative reaction involving ethanol.


  • on the teacher's desk- alcohol lamp, tripod, test tubes, porcelain cups, tongs.
  • reagents: ethanol, butanol, sodium, a mixture of ethanol and concentrated sulfuric acid, copper wire, potassium permanganate solution.
  • on the student desk- ethanol, chicken egg solution, water, two test tubes, spirit lamp, copper wire.

Class. What organic matter are we talking about if 1.344 liters of carbon monoxide (IV) and 1.44 g of water were released during the combustion of 1.2 g of it? Its hydrogen vapor density is 30. Compose and name the isomers of this substance (checking the task at the blackboard).

New material.

Frontal conversation (definitions - limiting monohydric alcohols, functional group, hydrogen bond, general formula of alcohols).

Chemical properties.

1. R. Burning.

D! Burning spirit lamp

C 2 H 5 OH + 3O 2 -> 2CO 2 + 3H 2 O + Q

2. R. substitution

a) with sodium (ethanol and butanol)

b) with hydrogen halides

C 2 H 5 OH + HBr -> C 2 H 5 Br + H 2 O

3. R. dehydration

a) C 2 H 5 OH -> C 2 H 4 + H 2 O

D! A student is called to the board to demonstrate the experience. Proves the presence of ethylene in the reaction products.

4. Qualitative reaction to alcohols.

Laboratory experience.

Pour 2-3 ml of ethanol into a test tube. Take a copper wire, heat it on the flame of an alcohol lamp and put it into a test tube with alcohol. What are you watching? Write down the reaction equation:

C 2 H 5 OH + CuO> Cu + CH 3 SON (ethanal) + H 2 O

Physiological effect on the human body.

Burning the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx and esophagus, it enters the gastrointestinal tract. Rapidly and completely absorbed in the stomach. It easily overcomes biological membranes, since the molecules are small, can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, and are highly soluble in fats. Scientists have found that alcohol disrupts the functions of cells, leads to their death. When drinking 100 g of beer, about 3000 brain cells die, 100 g of vodka - 7500. The contact of red blood cells with alcohol molecules leads to clotting of blood cells.

Chemical experiment "The effect of ethanol on protein molecules".

Purpose of the experiment- to find out the effect of ethanol on protein molecules.

Equipment and reagents- chicken protein solution in 2 test tubes, water, ethanol.

instruction card.

In test tubes, a solution of chicken egg protein was issued. Pour 1-2 ml of water into the first test tube, and the same amount of ethanol into the second. Note the changes in both tubes. Find an explanation for the changes that are taking place (p. 208).

What human systems and organs are affected by ethanol? (p.121.)

(with the help of a vivid visual image, the guys presented the biochemical processes of protein denaturation in the body under the influence of ethanol; they realized that when even small doses of alcohol in the body are received, each cell, each organ comes into contact with its molecules, experiencing its toxic effect)

D / z §25 before application, z.7, p.122 (Tsvetkov's textbook).

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