Blackberry seedlings. Best blackberry varieties: Description

Reservoirs 09.06.2019

In our collection only best varieties Blackberries from the world's leading breeding centers. Professionally engaged in the testing of varieties, the development of agricultural engineering and the production of berries in the conditions of the Middle Volga region we offer for the acquisition and growing varieties with the highest quality berry. We can buy as the most perspective varieties With a very high yield and quality of berries used for industrial production and varieties with medium yields and a berry of excellent quality for a personal garden.

Varieties of our Blackberry Collection:

Loganberry (Tayberry), Tayberry, Bukingham Tayberry, Med, Sanberry, Silvan (Silvan BlackBerry), Black Butte, Karaka Black (Karaka Black), Arapaho (ARAPAHO), Apacha (Apachee), Polar (Polar), Rushai (Ruczaj), Guy (GAJ), Orcan (ORKAN), Tornfree (Navaho), Loch Nesh Tay), Loch Marie (Loch Maree), Tornless Evergreen (Smooth Steem), Black Satin, Black Daimond, Asterina (Asterina), Natchez, Chester Tornless ( Chester Thornless), Helen (Helen), Black Pearl (Black Perl), Heel (Ouachita), Hull Thornless (Doyl), Ruben (Reuben), Prime Ark45 (Prime Ark45) Tripl Crawne (Triple Crown) , Columbia Star (Columbia Star), Prime Ark Traveler, Prime Ark Freedom, Chachanska Berthnaya (Cacanska Bestrna), Osage (Osage), Brzezina (Brzezina), Rushai (Ruczaj).

Blackberry, as a culture, is no less fascinating than grapes. This berry is engaged in dozens of universities in America, individual scientific institutions in England, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Poland. For 200 years of culture culture, many hundreds of varieties are derived and patented. The first domestic book "Blackberry in Russia", the most fully illuminating the subject existing modern assortment and containing practical recommendations According to the agrotechnik blackberry used for cultivation in Russia, it was released only in 2010

Blackberry berries are a storehouse of vitamins and valuable bioactive substances, due to which is an indispensable food product, a valuable means for maintaining good health, active longevity, a powerful prophylactic means of cancer. Berry is shown for consumption in many diseases. She will not leave an indifferent nor an adult or a child. Sometimes you have to meet people who say: "And my blackberry berry did not impress me!" They can only regret them. This phrase speaks only that the wrong grade tried or not to the extent of maturity. Berries of different varieties can be completely different and able to satisfy any requests.

Description of varieties.

Chester Thornless.

This is a modern sophisticated grade derived from the University of Merilend.

Saving a variety long semi-loving or semi-dealers. Sorted bushes powerful. Berry brushes contain many dozens of large berries. Ripening of berries in the brushes is unemployed. Berry collection stretches for about 6 weeks. Berry varieties black, brilliant sour-sweet taste. Berry is well tolerate transportation. The crop matures around the same time as the Tornfrey variety. But Chester Thornless bushes differ from thorfrey bushes much more frost resistance. He takes up to -30 ° C, which allows him to be a good alternative to Tornfrey, especially in the south, where there are often no-free winters, which affects the reliability of shelter. Since in those areas the temperature is rarely lowered below -30º C, such a variety is simply vital and can significantly reduce the complexity of the production of berries. The bush during flowering is literally covered with pink flowers. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases.


Natchez variety is one of the latest developments of Arkansas University. This variety can be a real decoration of any garden. His berry is very large. The average weight of the berries of this grade according to official data is 12.7. In our garden, the maximum weight of the berries reached 16g. The berry variety is black, shiny, elongated, very large, with large controversy kitty, resembling the size of black caviar. But it is especially pleased with such a large-scale variety berry and sweet. In Samara, the first Natchez berries ripen already in July, ahead of the ripening period of the berries of the famous Tornfri variety by 1.5-2 weeks. The variety berry is quite rigid and ideal for transportation and market trading. The variety is somewhat inferior in the yield of the most damned industrial varieties, but a very powerful structure and a berry brush, sometimes containing more than 2 dozen berries suggests that with a sufficiently dense landing, this variety can be used for finely furnace production of berries. The fruction of the variety is stretched and can range about 5 weeks, which is very good for a rational organization of production. Natchez bush has a semi-simplicinal structure and long shattered shoots. Energy growth of bushes is very high. We have the shoots of Natchez by the end of the second year had the same thickness and length, like shoots 4-5 summer bush Tornfrey. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases.

Loch Tay.

Loch Tei Modern shattered English variety of a very early ripening time. This variety is ahead of ripening time Tornfri variety by 1.5-2 weeks. Berry varieties black, large, brilliant oval shape. Sweet berry, transportable. Seed in a petty berry. Berries are collected in large rejuvenable brushes. Ripening berries are friendly. The variety gives the harvest for 2.5-3 weeks. Vertine variety. Flowers close-up white flowers. Saving semi-loving varieties are long. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases.

Berry Loche Tay.


This is a variety of Polish selection. The author of the variety Dr. Jan Daneck. This is the result of a long long-term work on hybridization of American and English varieties with carpathian blackberry species in order to select varieties adapted to Poland's conditions. Berries of the variety of a very early ripening period are assembled into large rejuvenated brushes. Berry is a major oblong shape, with a sour and sweet pleasant taste. Berry color black with glossy glitter. Since the winter in Poland is soft enough, and the blackberry is not covered in Poland, the selection of Polish varieties was aimed at creating varieties with the storage of shoots. So this successful firstborn of the Polish breeding program has reproductive silent shoots up to 3m long. While flowering bushes is covered with large white flowers. Vertine variety, resistant to pests and diseases.


This is the Polish shatter variety of early ripening. The first berries of this variety ripen a little later than the ORCAN variety. Berry variety large, rounded shape, black shiny, collected in a prejudgeous brush. The taste of the berry sour-sweet, pleasant. Bushes while blossoming covered with white close-ups. Grand variety, with medium-length shoots, yield resistant to pests and diseases.

Loch Ness.

This is one of the most popular sophisticated industrial varieties. The variety is very yield, with a solid oval, aligned berry. The berry of this variety is black with glossy glitter, pleasant sour-sweet taste. This berry is ideal for container assembly, transportation and trade for what is well deserved with European manufacturers. Berries are collected in large rejuvenable hanging brushes. The ripening of the berries is unemployed, which stretches the term for collecting and implementing. Bustards of varieties have a semi-labeling structure and long shoots. Flowers of this variety pink. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases.

BLACK DIAMOND. (Oregon University)

Blackberry Bike Diamond was obtained in San Francisco, Oregon in 1997. The purpose of the development of obtaining a shattered variety suitable for machine harvesting, with a berry of the highest quality capable of replacing in the market, the berries of the barbed grade of Marionberry. However, it should be noted that it was not possible to fully achieve a bright fruit aroma of Marion. Black Daimond Black Berry with a gloss, pleasant sweet taste, in which a small amount of acid is harmoniously combined with sugar. This berry is more transportable than marion berry. According to a group assessment of the quality of the Bick Diamond variety berries, this grade has a very good aroma, but somewhat inferior on its intensity, the aroma of marion berries. Busts of a semi-transmitted type of grade with long shattered shoots. The variety is characterized by a large berry, high yield, and received good feedback from manufacturers.

Black Daimond Berry (University of Oregon)

Black Diamond. (Search)

Tornfrey variety is very good for production I berries on has a significant drawback. It can not be collected overnight (sweet but unnecessarily soft), and can not be assembled unfortunate (sour). It is necessary to catch the moment of medium ripeness when the berry is hard, but already has a pleasant sour taste. The case is complicated by the fact that for an inexperienced eye of the berries in all three stages of maturity looks equally. There are differences, but they are little noticeable, therefore, when assessing, experience is needed, and trained collectors are needed on a large area.
More than 10 years ago, a variety of the same yield appeared in our collection, but having a black, solid, sweet berry, starting to ripen 1.5-2 weeks before Tornfri. This berry does not require a sample for an easy separation when determining the degree of maturity. Characteristic, black with glitter, coloring and there is a signal that the berry has gained sugar and ready to collect. The berry is well tolerates long-distance transport and is ideal for consumption in the fresh form and container collection. The variety was acquired in a Moscow firm as a variety of Black Diamond, but later it turned out that the grade does not correspond to the stated name, because Black Daimond coming from the European nursery was very different from the existing one.
However, the described variety has a large berry, high quality collected in multi-year brushes and high yield. The berry has an ovally rounded shape and bright black gloss. Separate berries possess an unusually long shape. Perhaps on this feature it was attributed to the original variety. Saving a variety long silent. We can safely say that this variety has a sweet, solid berry, a fairly early ripening time, can be an excellent alternative to Tornfrey Variety on industrial plantation. It is well suited for fresh consumption, it is well tolerate transportation and ideal for retailers.

Triple Crown.

TRIPLE CROWN variety was obtained in 1996. This is sweet, fragrant blackberry. The name itself is translated as a triple crown, and it is no coincidence, since this variety combines three outstanding features: beautiful taste, productivity and growth energy. The quality of this berry allows you to hope that it will be out of competition as soon as it comes on sale. Major berries are large oval or rounded, aligned. The color of the glossy-black berry. They are well tolerated shipping. The triple crown matures later than the popular sophisticated grade Hull Tornless, but a week earlier than Chester Tornless, and has larger than their berries. Sometimes the quality of berries may suffer from sunburn. Berries of varieties are suitable for consumption in the latest form, production of juice and for all types of processing. Eight years of testing on plantations in Oregon showed that this variety is able to give yields of 30 and more pounds from the bush (13.6kg and more from the bush).

Columbia Star. (Supernovinka!)

COLAMBIA STAR is a new shatter variety received by Dr. Chad Finn at the University of Oregon. The variety is named after the largest River Columbia flowing in this state. In America, the grade became available for farmers and gardeners from 2014. According to the author of the Berry of Columbia Star, it is superior to its taste and commodity qualities of a longtone flavor grade Marion. According to the forecasts of the manufacturers of Columbia in the coming years, the last freshest berries in the market should strongly press. Columbia Star has a large extended beater of excellent, sweet, with a small acid, taste and has a rich aroma with notes of raspberries and blackberries. At the same time, the berry is quite solid, and it is suitable for both manual and combine collection. Berry has an early ripening period of variety yield, according to American studies of up to 7.5 kg from the bush. The variety is well suited for the retail market of fresh berries.

Smooth Steem.

The name of this variety is translated as blackberry with a smooth stem. Scottite was brought by Dr. Scott in 1966 in the city of Beltsvill MD, with the support of the US Department of Agriculture. Variety selected from hybrid offspring (Merton Thornless X Eldorado). The shoots of this variety are bright, long. Berry brush branched, and contains many dozens of berries. Berries of this blackberry are large, juicy, pleasant taste and aroma. Berry color black with glossy glitter. Berries ripen in August. Bushes are resistant to disease and pests.

Brzezina. (Supernovinka!)

This sophisticated grade is obtained in Poland Orgel Fireside. In 2012, it was patented under the name Brzezina. Declared as a variety of early ripening. In the conditions of Poland, the grade is winter-hardy and grown without shelter. The variety berry extended conical medium and large size. The color of the berry is black, with a gloss. The berry is sweet, suitable for consumption fresh and for all types of processing.

Brzezina (1 year landing)


Grade Gaj (97571) shattered. Berry varieties black, shiny, oval shape, good taste. The berry is collected in a foldable cluster. Berry varieties solid, suitable for transportation and retail implementation. Grade in the conditions of Poland is one of the most frost-resistant varieties. The shoots are rigid, possess high growth energy. Dark green leaves. A bush of the sword does not give. The variety in our garden showed a very high yield, early ripening period of berries (only a few days later than Loch Tay).

Cacanska Bestrna (Chachanska Magnitude).

Blackberry variety with such name was selected from hybrid offspring (Dirksen Thornless X Black Satin) at the faculty agriculture Zagreb University in 1984. The average weight of the berries is 9.3g, separate berries weigh to 15.4g.
In Russian, who is very close to the Serbian-Croatian language, the name sounds like Changansk Trekrena. This is a very unusual name. I could not understand how much the author of the variety invested in this name. The variety berry is very large and the author apparently tried to bring his admiration for his admiration and delight exactly the size of the berries and made it in the original way.
The first word in the title comes from the name of the village or the area "Chachak". But the second word is rooted in the distant history of the edge. At about 5-6 century, during the great resettlement of peoples, when the tribes of the barbarians felt on the lands of the Roman Empire, the lands on the upper flow of the Danube were captured by the bastartles (ferocious, very larges compared to the Romans). There is no conventional opinion to which group of tribal formations. There are no historians today. Many believe they were Germans, but there are opinions that it was one of the Slavic tribal unions. It is reliably only one thing that these strong, high people settled on the shores of the Danube, partially interrupted, and partly assimilating the Romans. The name of the Bastarnian tribe or bistarten means living in Istra (the ancient Greeks and the Romans called the Danube), BE ISTR in German and Slavyansky sounds approximately the same means one and also "be in Istra". Between the Germans and Slavs 1, 5 thousand years ago differences were, but in the language, life and customs were much more common than differences, because both of those and others stood out at 7-8 millennia BC from one single common Indo-European language, which It was a primary for Greeks, Italikov, Celts, Germans, Balts and Slavs.
That is, the author of the variety admiring the magnitude of the berry, gave tribute to his worthy, beautiful and powerful ancestors (anyone would be, Germans, Slavs or those who came to these lands earlier by the Celts and Romans).

Hall Thornless.

Hall Thornless Grade Blackberry was obtained in 1981 in the state of Meriland by hybridization (ThornFree X (Darrow X US1487)). The successful selection of the parental pair provides this class of frost resistance and winter hardiness at the grade level Chester Tornless. The berry of this variety is sour-sweet, with temperate aroma. The berry consists of large bonuses, has a very large size. She is black with a gloss, and has a rounded shape with a small oval. It is for a major rounded form the name of the variety is translated as a head. The first mature berries of the variety appear a little later than the first mature berries on the Black Satin grade, and much earlier than the Chester Tornless. Berries are transportable and can be used, both in fresh form and for processing. Vintage this blackberry high. The shape of the bush is half, shoots are silent, long.
The variety has a high yield, which allows it to grown, both in amateur and industrial gardening.

Black Pearl.

The name of the variety is translated as a black pearl. This blackberry was obtained in the state of Oregon as a result of crossing (ORUS 1117-11 X ORUS 728-3). The variety will withdraw Dr. Chad Finn, who worked on the removal of large-scale varieties, which would approach the taste of the Malino-Black Original Hybrid Marionberry. The leaves of this blackberry are soft, velvety. Busts of varieties are sophisticated and distinguished by good yields, which rarely happens to blackberries with high levels Funds and unique Malino-black-friendly aroma. Such fragrance has varieties of Boisenberry, Sill, Karaka Black, Black Daimond (Oregon). This variety has a very early ripening time. It begins to ripen earlier than most blackberry varieties with black berry. Often has a dual and even structured berry. The variety is suitable for machine harvesting machine. The berry of this variety is large, collected in a prejudgeous brush. The berry of the black color is a vile glitter, often resembles a stretched cone.


Blackberry Ouachita.
Sort Ouachita, received scientists from the University of Arkansas recently. US Patent 17162 was received on the variety. Variety authors: Clark, John Reuben; Moore, James Norman. The application for the invention was filed in 2003. The variety was obtained as a result of crossing (Navaho X Ark. 1506) and subsequent selection. The resulting variety was tested in 3 different localities in Arkansas and at experienced stations in the states of Kentucky, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan and Oregon. Tests in various regions have shown that the new grade is well adapted to various soil climatic conditions. The bushes of the new grade are energetic and fruitful, so the creation of a fruit-sized row is faster than when booking by other varieties. Bushes have a tribrose structure. The length of the shoots of the variety is more than 5 feet (1.5m). Shootless shoots. The structure of shoots is relegant, but they require garters on the holder, as they can bend to the ground under the weight of the crop. The berries of the grade of excellent taste, sweet and larger than the variety of Navajo and Araphaho, but smaller than the variety of Apache. The shape of the berry is district blockonic. The average weight of the berries 6g. The size of the berry remains constant waging the entire collection period. Berries are very hard, well stored after collecting. The fruit matures approximately 7 days earlier than the berry of Navajo variety, ripening in early July in Arkansas and mid-July in Michigan. Berries are collected in large and medium bunches located on the periphery of the bush. The ripening harvest is going to about 5 weeks. The turns of the varieties are high, and are often higher than at the varieties of Apache, Navajo and Arapakh. But the variety is less wintering than variety Navajo. His frost resistance -17 S. However, in our landings, he survived under light shelter in December 2012, when the temperature is -25 ° C, with the complete absence of snow, the wage was held 2 weeks. Ouachita variety berry is suitable for both fresh consumption and processing. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases. In particular, resistant to orange rust. The antraznosis on the shoots was observed only in very moistened conditions.

Black Butte.

Black Butte- New very large-sided variety. According to reports, this is the largest berry grown in Oregon tests. The length of the berry reaches 2 inches (51mm). The berry of this variety can be a visual advertising of a professional gardener. Bush tricks, although spikes on shoots more crayle than most eastern blackberry varieties. The shape of the bush is depressed. Shoots are long, more than 5 feet (1.5 m). Soothes require shelter. The variety has passed successful tests in soft conditions northwest coast Pacific Ocean And in North Carolina. The grade requires further tests, but today we can say that the grade has beautiful, unusually large, black berries of excellent taste, which makes them desirable for consumption in the fresh form.

Berry Black Butte.


Blackberry Arapaho (Ark.1536) was obtained in 1993 at the University of Arkansas. It has a large berry of a biconic form. Berry black with a gloss, excellent, sweet taste. It is suitable for both fresh consumption and processing. Very important difference from many varieties is small seeds. The arapaho berries ripens 11 days earlier than the berry of Navajo variety. Arapaho is one of the earliest for the maturation of the sacheless blackberry. The period of collection of the berries is 4 weeks. Bustards of varieties have vertical, shattered shoots of average growth energy. Long shoots more than 5 feet (1.5 m). The frost resistance of the shoots -24º C. Bushes and berries are resistant to disease and pests, do not affect rust. This grade gives great crops than Navajo. The magnitude of berries and yield depend on the conditions of cultivation. In the north of Florida, yield is 1.7 t / acre (4.2 t / ha), and the weight of the berries is 4.5. But in the state of Arkansas, the harvest of this variety is 4.48 tons / acre - 13.45 t / ha. A complex of positive qualities makes this blackberry very valuable for commercial landings and household gardening.


Navaho variety received scientists from the University of Arkansas in 1988. Navajo is a replaceable sort of shattered blackberry having a better aroma and taste than many other reproductive varieties. Berries are fresh and processing. They are distinguished by high transportability. However, the berries of this variety of medium size. Berries are collected 2-3 weeks. Variety Navajo gives harvest more than 8,000 pounds of berries from one acre (more than 8.96 t / ha). The shoots require garters at an altitude of 1.7 m, but with a certain trim system (trimming of the main escape of replacement at a certain height and trimming of side branch shoots) without expensive chopling, it is possible to do that increases production profitability, and also allows you to get a larger berry.


This blackberry variety was removed in America in 1966 in the city of BELTSVILL MD (Merilend). The variety is designed by Dr. Scott. This blackberry enjoys well-deserved popularity among lovers and industrial production and is considered a commercial variety. This is explained by the fact that he has a number of advantages and a minimum of flaws. The advantages include a large beroda, lack of spikes, abundant fruiting, pretty cluster, good taste, prolonged fruiting, resistance to pests and diseases, lack of offspring with proper care, decorative structure of leaves, beautiful flowering. In Samara, the harvest reaches 20 kg from the bush. At a variety, only one disadvantage - a completely affected berry, when it contains maximum sugar, and almost no acid, and a thin fragrance appears in the taste, becomes soft. But even torn a little earlier it is very good, small acid does not spoil the taste, and the berry in this degree of maturity is working hard and tolerates transportation well.
Tornfree powerful bush, shoots at the base reach 3 cm thickness. Without quickens can reach length 5-6m. The escape cross section is sometimes grown, there are no spikes on shoots. The shoots are predominantly dark green, autumn part of the escape is painted in a dark-cherry color. The bush is semi-stranded. Saving rigid, discontact. Black Berry 5-8g Weight. The shape of the berry oval. The main limit of the harvest August. The first berries ripen in July-early August, the last in the first decade of September. The black berry is first acidic, then sour-sweet, then fresh-sweet. The taste is pleasant. The number of berries in the berry brush is more than 30 pcs., Individual brushes contain up to hundreds and more berries. When flowing, the bush was covered with pale pink flowers.

Black Satin.

This variety is obtained in America in 1974. The variety was led by Dr. Scott in the city of Beltsvill MD (Merilad). The grade is semi-slimming, sophisticated. The shoots are powerful, rise to 1.5 m high, then go to a horizontal position. Round down, hard - do not bendable. The shoots color first dark green, then dark brown. The berry is black, shiny, oblong rounded form. Often the form of the bonus team is not entirely correct. Berries are collected in hanging rejuvenable brushes. Berry often weigh over 8g. Berries are collected for several fees. Tight separation. The taste of sour-sweet, with a small aroma, pleasant. The first mature berries on the Black Satin variety appear about a year and a half earlier than on Tornfrey. When peepering a berry, Black satin becomes soft, and the taste changes to the freshly sweet, the berry becomes slightly. High yield. The diameter of the shoots at the base of an adult bush up to 3 cm. The colors of this variety are white and pink or pink. Leaves on escapes hard, dark green. The variety is very similar to the parental variety of Tornfrey, but even more crop and large-scale.

Thornless Evergreen (Oregon Thornless).

This variety was created on the basis of the European Latiniatus Willd (Rubus Latiniatus Willd). The very name of the variety characterizes this blackberry as evergreen. Her fat stake carved leaves Going under the snow green and they remain after the snow. Branched berry brush, hound. The berry brush contains from 25 to 70 pieces of berries. The berry is average 3-3.5g. The taste is sour-sweet, with full aging sweet with a thin pleasant aroma. The berry is well tolerate transportation and short-term storage. Seeds in berry are large, which is almost the only drawback. Productivity in the conditions of the average Volga region more than 10kg from the bush. The bush is welded, powerful. Saving silent, faceted. Soots of replacement at the beginning of its green growth. By the end of the summer become reddish. The sheet is complex, consists of several carved sheet plates of diverging rays from one point. It is very decorative and reminds lace. Siblings bush does not give. Sort Tornless Evergrin, was selected in a wild natural population of a barbed variety Evergrin, who was brought to America from England. The variety has spread throughout the Pacific coast. In 1926 Philipp Stteffis discovered in one of the bushes Evergrin's shattered mutation, which gave rise to a new clone Tornless Evergrin. From that time, the variety has been widely popular with Oregon farmers and becomes one of the main commercially grown varieties. Adult bushes of this variety are thickly hung with a berry. Berries are more than leaves - an unforgettable spectacle. The berry ripens from mid-August to mid-September. Berries in the brush ripen undisigned. The crop is collected for several fees, the wation of one month. Flowers in flower brushes of white or white and pink. Despite the fact that the variety is quite old, his shattered form of Tornless Evergrin and today farmers and lovers in the USA, Poland, Germany, Serbia are grown. The popularity of the variety is explained by its high yield, and good quality berries with high transportability of berries and the possibility of storing it under the flow of several days under cool space. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests.


This is a blackberry variety with black berry received in Illinois Tom Doyle. The bush was discovered by the author in own garden, and highlighted for high yield. Subsequently, this variety was patented called Doyl. This is a shattered grade with sour-sweet berry of medium size and good taste. Bushes have a seasons. By yield, the grade is included in the group of industrial varieties. It has a prejudgeous brush. Well suited for personal consumption and processing. There is nothing superviving in the grade. This is a worthy member of a large group of industrial varieties.

The photo is not ours (this is omission, but it happened that despite the many years of good fruiting photo did not.)


This is the variety of English selection of the average ripening time. The berry of this variety is black, juicy, sweet, good original taste. Berry form rounded. Berry brush branched. Bushes are distinguished by the ability to grow and fruit even on poor soils. The berry of the variety matures well, both in the sun and in conditions of small shading. It is well suited for consumption in sake. Middle variety yield.

Prime Ark 45 (repairing grade)

This is a remote grade with Dr. John R, Clark at the University of Arkansas. The berry of this variety is more fragrant, and the bush itself is more treasured than the first repairing grade Prime Jim and Prime Jan. Durable shoots of this variety have time to grow, crown and give a harvest in August and September of the same year. If you allow the eats to stay for the second year, then the summer harvest matures in July. The bushes of this variety grow well on the north-west coast of the United States, as well as in the north, in Minnesota and NY. The berry of this variety is large 7-9g. It is well suited for transportation and temporary storage. When growing a variety in an ordinary two-year cycle, the ripening time of the early berries. The berry matures only 4 days later than the Natchez berry and 4 days earlier than the Ouachita berry. Suggest sorted varieties. Berries are resistant to gray rot. Bushes are resistant to orange rust, but occasionally can affect anthyraznosis.

In the conditions of Samara, the first berries on the repair shoots ripen in September. Fruption in autumn conditions is stretched for October. Berries are very large, sweet and there are a lot of them, but in natural conditions It has time to grow only part of the crop. The shoots of the bush reaches a height 1.5m. They are very strong and from the bottom to the top hungry with hundreds of berries. For a full-fledged return in our conditions, the variety is best grown in film tunnels with open ends or side walls. We assume that south of Samara variety will be able to give a full harvest in fully open soil.

Reuben. (Repairing grade)

This remote grade has an interesting history of creation. He is one of the last removable varieties of leading a pedigree from the University of Arkansas. US PATENT PP23497 was received on the variety. Application for registration of the invention was filed in 2010. Sort authors: Clark, John Reuben from Fayetteville Arkansas USA; Fairlie, Jane from Spalding County Lincolnshire United Kingdom.

Crossing (and 2292t x APF 44) was produced by Clark in Arkansas. Seeds obtained as a result of artificial pollination were sent to Lincolnshire under a scientific exchange program. From these seeds in 2005, seedlings were obtained, and in the fall of 2006, the promising hybrid form was selected for the remote fruitation, which received the name of HPV3. In 2009, this form received the Variety name Reuben (Ruvim). The variety was very successful. His berry was very large and had high quality. Its average weight is 14.5g. Berry beautiful, black with a gloss, very hard. Berries are collected in Breaks containing 8-12pcs. fruit. The crop is going to wage 10-12 weeks from August to November. Medium yield 3.5 kg per plant. The bushes of this variety have a replacement structure, and their shoots have rare small spines, in contrast to the highly sprawled first repairing varieties. The length of the shoots is 1.5-2.5m. The average flower diameter is 6cm, and separate flowers reach diameter 7.1 cm. The first fruiting of the fall of 2012, in Ukraine, showed that in Kiev, a berry can ripen in September-October. These are only the first results that are very encouraging, because it is control berries from the bushes of the first year planting. A variety, as a repair, has good prospects for cultivation in the southern regions of Russia, where there are uncommon winters, and the summer is roast and long. Late harvest can be a huge dignity of the variety, as the berries of the late blackberry varieties in the south are already departed in July-August. It can also be used to get a late crop in the middle strip when growing in tunnels. If the time for crop maturation in conventional conditions The middle strip is not enough, then the variety can be grown in an ordinary 2-year cycle (without mowing of shoots).

Prime Ark Freedom. ( pen shatter (Supernovinka!))

All the first removable varieties had hipged shoots. It is uncomfortable for large manufacturers of berries (in non-traditional timelines), as the production increases in price. Therefore, the most important task of selection of removable varieties was the receipt of shattered rebels.

And finally this moment has come!

In August 2016, the first sacchard grade Prime Ark Freedom or APF-153T was obtained in Arkansas Dr. Clark, as a result of hybridization (A2301T X APF49T) spent in 2004. It was recognized in the invention in August 2016 and received the USPP26990P3 patent number. The new removable variety had strong smooth shoots up to 1.4 m high. The bushes were distinguished by relative resistance to anthracnose and immunity to orange rust. The variety had a huge bodily weighing 13-16g. (For comparison. Natchez in our conditions gives a berry until 23g. Although in the doctor of the doctor Clark, the average weight of the Natchez berries only 8g.) It gives hope that the PRIME Ark Freedom berry will be more larger than declared in the patent. The patent says that the PRIME Ark Freedom berry had the same sweet taste and aroma, like the PRIME ARK 45 berry, but was a little softer. Berry is well suited for personal consumption and local market. Breeding berry brushes branched, well available. Harvest repairing grades above in moderate climates. In California, the harvest at repairing shoots of this variety reached 4-5.5 kg from the bush. What is noteworthy, the variety had more earlier ripening berries than Prime Ark 45. The first berry on Fridhem matures earlier for 5-10 days. Despite the fortress of shoots, the variety requires a mandatory tag.

On the CIS market, the variety was already in 2015. In her garden, we tried the first French Freedom Berry in the fall of 2016. The berry was a pleasant sour-sweet, harmonious taste.

Prime Ark Traveler. (latest Sophisticated repairing grade(Supernovinka!))

In 2016, another sacchantable repair grade Prime Ark Traveler or APF-190T appeared on the market. Bushes of this variety have a replacement structure and smooth shoots. The berry has about the same sweet and good taste as the Prime Ark variety 45. The new variety is sweet than the famous Natchez and Ouchita varieties. Middle Weight of Berry Prime Ark Traveler 7-8g. Prime Ark Traveler variety is ahead of the maturation date of the first berry Prime Ark 45 for 7-12 days. That is, he is earlier than Prime Ark Freedom. Vintage on repairing shoots in California to 3kg with bush. But especially the interesting property of this berry is its high hardness. It is because of this, the variety has a word Traveler traveler in its title. That is, the berry of this variety is suitable for long-distance shipments and is capable of being stored relatively long under cooling conditions. Bushes of this variety are resistant to anthracnose and rust.


This variety is obtained in Poland at the Institute of Fruit Garden of Burghes in 2012. The harvest variety has strong growth potential. Relatively frost. Berries from medium sized to large, elongated shape, with strong glitter, delicious. Used for fresh consumption and processing. Sorts the average ripening time. Used to consume fresh and for processing.


This is a blackberry variety with a very early maturation. Berry varieties black is oblong-rounded. She slept in July. The berry has a very good original taste and aroma, which significantly expands the variety of blackberry berries for amateur cultivation and marketing. Saving sorts shattered. Bushes are resistant to pests and diseases.

Berry Helen.

Sylvan (Sylvan BlackBerry).

Silvan variety berry is a strongly elusive cone. Pospeak, it is poured with ruby-red juice and seems quite mature, but it is only a stage of ripening. Riding black berry, with glossy glitter, often reaching 10-12 g. With full maturity, the berry has a very pleasant aroma and sweet, or sweet, with a barely noticeable taste taste. To taste, this variety can successfully compete with the best raspberry-black-based hybrids. In the berry brush, the variety is contained from 6 to 12 berries. Ripening of berries is very early. The first ripe berries appear in July, but the main crop is going until mid-August. The unorded Ruby-Red Berry is also edible and has a certain quality. The shape of the bush is depressed, shoots are armed with straight spikes. According to the structure of the bush, the form of leaves and berries, the grade is strongly resembled by Tayberry's grade.

Silvan berry.


This is a modern shattered grade derived in Switzerland. It has a large black, brilliant, rounded or oval sweet taste beyond. Even a little unworthy berries are already sweet. Berries are collected in multi-year brushes. The time of maturation of the first wound berries. The fruit of the variety is stretched, it captures July and August.


APACHE blackberry New variety of Arkansas University of Arkansas. This variety gives the highest yields among all the previously renovated sophisticated varieties of this university. Apache berries ripens 10 days later than the Arapaho blackberry berry, but earlier than Navaho blackberry berries. The apache berry is a large, conical shape, attractive, black with a gloss color, weighing up to 10g. She is twice the larger than the blackberry berries of Navajo. The taste of berries is excellent, sweet (10-12% sugar), and the berry itself is suitable for both fresh use and processing. Test data show that with a good feeding of the apacha variety berry much larger than the arapaho berry, and in quality it may be as good as Navajo berry. Saving the variety vertical and stronger than the shoots of other reproductive, sophisticated varieties. Because the grade is still not enough, it is difficult to purchase for a house landing and commercial testing. A very limited number of seedlings began to enter the US market only from Spring 2001. The variety berry has very high transportability and were predictions that the berry of this variety will be supplanted on the export market of the berries of many other varieties, but it turned out that in the container packing it can sometimes be amazed with gray rot.

Malino-black hybrids.

M.E. Hybrid Tayberry.

Tayberry is a modern Malino-Black and Hybrid. The variety was obtained in the Scottish Institute for Agricultural Research (SCRI) by Dr. D.L. Jennings. This hybrid was brought 1962, and C1981G was introduced into production. Molina Molling Jew and Blackberry Aurora was used as hybrid's parents. Tayberry making blackberry. The shoots of this variety are powerful, long burgundy color. Spikes on shoots small. Owlyness at the level of most prickly Malin. Soots of replacement in the initial period of its development are green. The leaves on the shoots are tremendous, dark green color, corrugated. The spikes are also on the reverse side of the sheet plate along the center of the sheet. Dark red berry, elongated with a small gloss. To taste resembles raspberry, but unlike the latter has a thin candy fragrance. When peeling the berries are somewhat dark and becomes unnecessary soft. Tayberry Berry is large, from 4 to 6.5g with a length of 3-4 cm. High yield. According to the test commission, Oregon, the yield of this hybrid was 12t with an acre (29.65T with hectare). This variety is much harvest and frost-resistant Loganberry variety. Good berry transportability allows you to carry a harvest for small distances and store it at low temperatures of 2 days. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases. Only malinous soot and stem gallicle is affected. The ripening time of the harvest of early, it coincides with the ripening of most raspberry varieties, but it is even somewhat a bit ahead of them. Berry brush Breast and contains 4-6 berries. Flower is large, white. The variety is well fruit in single landing. The harvest of an adult bush in the conditions of the Middle Volga region to 4kg. An adult six-year-old bush can give a small number of offspring.

M.E. Buckingham Tayberry hybrid.

The variety was received by Dr. Jennings in Manchester in 1996. This variety is close in origin to Tayberry, but unlike Tayberry, Tayberry's Buckingham is sophisticated. Bushes of this variety have less growth energy than Tayberry's bushes. Berry variety red, oblong, large. She is collected in large prejudible brushes. The berries of the variety Buckingham Tayberri conical shape is expressed brighter than Tayberrie. Berry stuffs are long. If you compare Tayberry and Buckingham Tayberry, then the berry of Tayberry is a little sour, but Tayberry's grade is more large-way than Tayberry and much harvesting it.


The variety is obtained in the Scottish Gardening Institute (SCRI). This is an Aurora blackberry hybrid and improved tetraploid raspberry (Aurora Blackberry X Improved Tetraploid Raspberry) Dark-red variety berry, large, oblong. Berry length 3.5-4cm. The berry has a good taste and pleasant pronounced malinous aroma. The fragrance is even stronger than many raspberry varieties. The time of ripening early. The crop reaches 4kg from the bush. Suggest sorted varieties. A variety is resistant to viral diseases.

M.E. Sunberry hybrid.

The variety is received in Kent (East Malling Research Station, Kent), as the result of the hybridization of barbed blackberry p.ursinun and Rasina Jewel. Saving a variety of 3m and more pricked long. The berries of this hybrid is a bit smaller than Tayberry. This berry is dark, oval form. It has a rich aroma and good taste. Middle variety yield.


Loganberry's grade was the first blackberry variety with a hybrid origin. This variety was discovered at the beginning of 20V in the garden of Judge Logan. In this garden, Auginbug's blackberry garden grew near the old RED Antwerp RED Antwerp (Red Antwerp) in those places. Logan once sowed seeds from the berries of one of the parents of the variety and received 50 hybrid seedlings. From these seedlings, the Loganberry hybrid was selected, the red berry of which was significantly larger than the Blackberry Auguinbug. The variety began to spread quickly among the gardeners of the US West Coast. Bush variety Loganberry Steel, medium power. Soothing shoots are rarely more 2cm in diameter. In the culture, in addition to a barbed clone, sophisticated, - Tornless Loganberry. It is about this sophisticated grade of our collection and will be speech. The shoots and leaves of the Loganberry variety have a matte, velvety omission. The color of shoots is gray-green, sometimes a little reddish, in terms of escape. The back side of the sheet is silver. Red and raspberry berry, strongly elongated, with a weak cone. It often reaches the length of 4 cm and diameter 2 cm. The average weight of the berries 8g. There is no gloss on the berry. The taste is pleasant, greatly resembles raspberry. The ripening period of the early, approximately coinciding with the ripening of red raspberry varieties. The number of berries in the berry brush to 5-6 pieces. Flower white or slightly pinkish, large. Signs of replacement are a bit, usually not more than 5 pieces, but with the age of the bush they are becoming more. The shoots of replacement are pliable, well fit and rising well at the sleeper. Variety variety up to 3kg berries with bush. The variety can affect the stalking gallicle and anthracnosis.

And who collect blackberry with us? Everything? Wonderful. Only who dresses so? Throw off the good-quality ammunition and tarpaulin mittens, because in the courtyard of the summer and, accordingly, hot. We will sunbathe. Spines? Forget about them. Already half a century, as blackberry varieties are bred without spikes. Now there is such a thing and we have. Large, sweet! And, most importantly, very harvest, now make sure. So take the Tar of the defenders.

Perhaps it is that way to sound the offer to households to help collect a crop when the blackberry bought in our nursery will grow and gain strength. And this will happen quickly, much faster than we can assume.

Someone who wants to surprise their guests cottage plot, You should buy a blackberry with us, in the online store planet plants! Having gone through the pages of our catalog, you forget that this berry in the old man is associated with non-zerochy prickly leaf, giving one or two handustrians of small fruits and littering of the garden by omnore-free siblings. One thornfree what is worth it, and besides her, there are others, no worse.

Other blackberry varieties are already on sale, others on the approach. Call our manager and find out how soon buyers are the Putnt Land nursery.

Overtaking expectations

# Break #

When the first blackberry seedlings appeared on sale, many were perplexed: what kind of pricks to grow in the country the prickly (the name in honor of the hedge is given deservedly) and the hard-ruled plant ?? Is that as a living hedge. At first, only enthusiasts were drowned to buy a blackberry whose seedlings, according to the description, grow to three-meter height and give from 15 to 30 kg of berries from the bush ... Such a yield seemed to be mildly, fiction, and the photo of huge berries - processed in Photoshop. However, soon skepticism was doused: it became clear that the garden blackberry was not at all that Rubus Caesius, which forms impassable thickets in the Caucasus gorges and the floodplains of Altai Rivers. The best blackberry varieties - for the Moscow region they are already ignored by several dozen - surpassed the most bold expectations!

Blackberry silent: no time "hedgehog"

Almost all large blackberry, whose seedlings are in increasing demand, withdrawn in Canada and the United States. But where are her famous spines? "To blame" in this one of the participants of the breeding process - Canadian blackberry (Rubus Canadiensis): The branches of this species are completely free from spikes.

Online store Planet Plant offers buyers The best blackberry varieties sophisticated, those that are recognized in their homeland most promising; In addition to the complete absence of spines, they are famous for the yield and are suitable for growing near Moscow without covering for the winter or with minimal protection:

  • blackberry variety Loch Nesse will suit the owners of small gardens - neat, compact, it does not give aggressive slips. Locker landing Lochnes on a well-lit place will allow to obtain a maximum harvest;
  • tornfrey variety - the name itself reports: this blackberry without spikes. Reviews say that 30 kg yield with Thorn FREE blackberry bush is not the limit! And - amazing taste!
  • Blackberry Polar (Polar) will withstand thirty-degree frost without cover, and give a harvest already in June. Excellent grade of early blackberry for Moscow region!
  • MERTON THORNELES X Eldorado, 1966, USA) - Although it requires easy shelter for the winter, but is good because the samoplodna: it is worth buying a blackberry seedling of this variety - and he will give the beginning of a whole plantation or vibrant hedge.

By the way: blackberry saplings (good, prices on our nursery are allowed) it is better to buy two or three copies, different varieties. Remember: for the family of apple-tree, which belongs to Blackberry, cross-pollination - the key to heavy fruiting.

Black-related diversity

... Navajo, Chester, Helen, Black Satin, Natchez, Ruben, giant ... All new and new blackberry varieties appear in online store catalogs: This close relative of the raspberry has a phenomenal plasticity, yielding, except, strawberry. In nature, more than two hundred species of this plant grows: blackberry is flowning and reprehensible, tall and squat, thermal loving and the fact that with ease withstands forty-portus frosts (on the basis of it is obtained by Agabam, Loch Tei, Flint, and others. Blackberry varieties for the middle strip).

Unpretentious blackberry easily crosses with the aforementioned raspberry. Successful hybrids get a double advantage: first, taken from blackberry, the powerful root system provides stable yields there, where the raspberry is not that fruit is not to survive. Secondly, E-elephant (Hybrid Blackberry and Raspberry) has a high winter hardiness, which makes it possible to grow it not only in the suburbs, but also much north, right up to Siberia.

Not so easy? With our help - it does not happen easier!

For beginners, blackberry care may seem troublesome, mainly due to the fact that the plant requires annual trimming. In fact, the blackberry trimming scheme (as well as time) is quite simple and intuitively understandable, and to a large extent depends on whether the worker's repairing is or traditional. For those who do not mind to be in the nuances and the subtleties of the care of blackberry and every elevant - an article with visual schemes, photo and step-by-step instructions.

The manager of our garden center is always happy to advise potential buyers, and when selling blackberry seedlings, the nursery planet plants provides an excellent bonus - free consultation. Those who are accustomed to trust their garden to professionals, we suggest ordering a departure of a specialist: except, actually, shipping seedlings, Plantland produces landing and trunciation of blackberries (all varieties and ages, including that already growing on the site), pest processing and other agrotechnical events. You can get acquainted with the price rates in the relevant section of the site.

Blackberry for sweet tooths to taste his fruits, of course, will not argue with very sweet and, however, on the hebodes of pleasant berries with sourness, it will be quite competing.

In the midst of summer, when the spring emerald greens of plants is imperceptibly replaced by dark tones, strawberries and raspberries. And the blackberry at this time still only opens the white stars of their flowers. Ripe blackberry fruits will appear only in August-September. But they will delight connoisseurs of berry natural gifts, especially since other berries by this time it becomes not so much. Therefore, a hike in the forest behind the healing blackberry, and will bring pleasure and benefit.

Using blackberry in medicine

Blackberry Siza gives medicinal raw materials in summer and autumn. At the time summer flowering Blackberries harvest the leaves and juice of the plant, and its fruits and roots are harvested and digged in autumn.

Infusion of blackberry leaves is well ringed with throat with angina, inflammatory oral processes. Adopted blackberry leaves in hypotensive fees.
The infusion of blackberry leaves is prepared at the rate of: 2 tablespoons on 3 glasses of boiling water. I drink infusion at a quarter of a glass 3 times a day.

The decoction of blackberry roots will completely replace diuretic pills, and without a negative effect compared to artificial "chemistry." In this case, it is not necessary to suffer because of "leaching" from the body of useful salts.
Besides diuretic action, the decoction of the roots of blackberries Doctors hemorrhoids.
A decoction of blackberry roots are made at the rate of: 2 tablespoons of raw materials by 1.5 glasses of boiling water.

The fruits and blackberry juice reduce the temperature in fevering patients.
Elemented dried blackberry fruits, slightly arched with sugar, is an excellent fixing agent for children and adults. Dose for adults - on a teaspoon 3 times a day, and a children's dose is twice.

With a strong cold, a tincture of blackberry berries helps. This tincture is also useful for people suffering from colitis with tilt to constipation.
To prepare the blackberry tincture of 6 tablespoons of dry berries poured with 2 glasses of high-quality vodka; Increase a week. Drink blackberry tincture on a tablespoon 4 times a day.

The contraindication to the use of blackberries is only individual intolerance.

Capitolina Semenovna Rodionova

Growing blackberry in the garden

Selection work with blackberry (RUBUS FRUTICOSUS) led to the creation of many varieties and hybrids with valuable qualities. Big successes in this business reached the breeders of Europe and America, creating a high-yielding cultural blackberry.

Gardeners planning to grow blackberry for the sake of large healing fruits are chosen for planting yields of sophisticated varieties and hybrids, because to collect berries with non-communal shoots are easy and pleasant.

For lovers of plants, whose gardens are in the regions with harsh winters, the relevant quality of blackberry seedlings is frost resistance so that its bushes successfully transferred winter without. Therefore, modern winter-hardy varieties and hybrids of blackberry, which consistently give high yields of large berries with a pleasant taste, are very much in demand by Russian gardes. It is also desirable that the collected fruits are well tolerated transportation and kept long.

For example, these demands of gardeners satisfy the blackberry of the new Polish variety "Polar" With very large dessert berries (see the title photo), their average mass is about 7 g. This variety is highly resistant to the freezing of flower buds. A bush with silent shoots gives some root offspring. The number of shoots of the current year, grown from the root cable, reaches ten. The harvesting of the berries begins with the second half of July and lasts until the beginning of September. The yield of an adult plant reaches 2 kg.

At the Scottish high-yielding grade and blackberry sophisticated varieties "Loch Ness" Large elastic fruits about 5 g with excellent taste, well stored and transferred transportation. Harvesting begins in the first half of August. Vortex light resistance high.

Another new frost-resistant blackberry variety "Navaho" It is a sophisticated colon-like shrub, giving large, tasty and fragrant berries weighing up to 5 g, excellent transportability. The shoots directed up with great performance, but they grow not very actively. The fertility period of the bush begins in August and lasts about one month.

In the photo: Blackberry varieties "Navaho" and "Triple Crown"

Another new high-yielding grade blackberry TRIPLE CROWN Also is a shattered coloniforn shrub with hard escapes, grows quickly. Its large, attractive fruits ripen early and have a good taste.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Listova (Bashkiria)

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Recent years, more and more gardeners begin to plant blackberries in their sites. Despite the fact that the culture of this for us is relatively new, nurseries offer a large selection of seedlings. The choice is so big that an unprepared person is easy to get confused. So that this does not happen. We will now try to figure out what the blackberry varieties are and what their differences are.

On this page, the most promising and in demand varieties of this plant are selected, with a description of each variety, photographs and brief recommendations on landing.

Depending on the structure of the bush, these plants are conventionally divided into:

  1. Kumaniki - more like raspberry. Stems in old varieties spiny, grow up and require support. We multiply, like raspberries - root siblings. Winter hardiness Kumaniki is high, but most is still required to shelter for the winter.
  2. Rosanians are similar to wild blackberries with long flutter shoots. There are varieties with spiny shoots, there is also completely without spikes. It is also grown on the trellis. Propasses the impression of shoots. The yield is higher and the taste of berries is usually better than the Kumanika. The frost resistance is low, for the winter it is necessary to hide.

Blackberries, like the raspberry, a two-year development cycle: in the first year, shoots grow, laid fruit kidneys, they are fruitful and after harvesting, they are cut out. Exceptions are the removable blackberry varieties that are fruit and on the young, and on last year's shoots.

For most of our winter, there are rather harsh countries and in connection with this, most gardeners are interested in frost-resistant plants. Varieties without spikes and removable blackberry varieties are in great demand. All they have their pros and cons.

Frost-resistant blackberry varieties for near Moscow and medium strip

Agavam - Old and very frost-resistant blackberry variety. It is even introduced into the state register of varieties recommended for the cultivation in the Russian Federation. Can be grown not only in the suburbs, but also in Siberia.

  • Yield 3 - 6 kg. Sometimes up to 10 kg. from one bush
  • The mass of the berries is 3 - 5 grams, sweet taste, ripen in July - August.
  • Fruption lasts at least 15 years
  • Sootpensing, powerful, stuffed with sharp spines, 2.5 - 3 meters high
  • Withstand frosts to -40º, the shelter for the winter is not required

Validity of the variety: Beautiful bloom, stable fruiting, do not need to be covered by winter, drought-resistant and shadowed, grows on any soils and is generally very unpretentious.

Disadvantages: Spiny shoots deliver a lot of inconvenience, gives a lot of frightened.

In the south, Agavam can be grown in the shade, and in the sun. In the northern regions of the berries in the shade may not have time to increase, so the planting in the sun is recommended. When landing, the root cervix is \u200b\u200bplunged into several centimeters. The distance between the bushes is 1 meter, between rows of 1.8 - 2 meters. Soothes though durable, but better than their fan to tie to the trellis.

Reviews - Very contradictory. There are hot supporters of this variety, but there are also tagne opponents who complain that the sharp of Agavam flooded the whole garden.

Blackberry Polyar

Polyar - Frost-resistant, sophisticated, early, large-scale garden blackberries of Polish selection.

  • Yield 5 - 6 kg. berries from each bush (when wintering without shelter)
  • Berries are very large 10 - 12 g. Sweet, in the southern regions begin to sing in early July.
  • Withstand frosts up to -30º, the shelter is not necessary. But most gardeners noted that if the bushes for winter to hide, then the yield rises several times. It follows from this that the fruit kidneys are still frozen and the shelter will be completely unlucky.
  • Stems are up to 2.5 m, durable, without spikes. When flexing to the ground can break. To facilitate the task, start tall shoots must be in advance until they were derefected.

Validity of the variety: Frost resistance, large and tasty berries, shoots without barns, disease resistance, early crop maturation, good transportability.

Disadvantages: Perhaps only one - it is difficult to beat the shoots to the ground to the winter.

Prefers to grow in a sunshine, on drained drum soils. Does not like raw, moistened places.

Reviews: Only positive.

Unfortunately, the choice of frost-resistant blackberry varieties is not great. Without shelter, only aghaws and polls can be wintering, but also papal is better to cover. All other varieties of this plant require mandatory shelter.

New erased blackberry varieties

Currently, surprisingly yields of Kumaniki and Rosyany appeared on the market. From one bush, you can collect 2 - 3 buckets of useful and delicious berries. The mass of these berries is so great that buyers in the market refuse them to take thinking that they are stuck with all sorts of chemicals. After reading the description of these varieties, you will understand that it is not an exaggeration.


Natchez - Early, very large-scale, sophisticated blackberry variety.

  • Yield up to 20 kg from each bush
  • Berries are very large weight of 10 - 12 grams. Sweet taste, begin to sing already in June. Fruption continues 35 - 40 days
  • Sealing bushes type, shoots long up to three meters.
  • For the winter, the shelter is required by agrovolok, which is removed only after thawing the soil and swelling of the kidneys. If the bush is revealed earlier, then the desires can occur and the plant will die. This rule applies to other blackberry varieties.
  • When landing, you need to withstand the distance between the bushes 3 and between rows of 2 meters

Advantages: High yield, large-partness, early ripening, good burning and transportability of berries, stretched fruit period

Disadvantages: Low winter hardiness, a small number of substitution shoots.

Reviews: Reviews are very good, a small dispute turned about the taste of Natchez. The fruits of this blackberry variety have a sweet taste, but there is a light mustard in it, one does not like it, others believe that it is a mustard that gives such a unique and refined taste of these berries, and many did not feel bitterness at all.


Ouchita - Sophisticated, large-scale blackberry ripening

  • The declared yield of this variety reaches 30 kg. from each bush
  • Berries are large 6 - 7 gr. And with a very original taste, they begin to ripen in June. Fruption stretched and lasts for almost two months.
  • Bushes powerful reprehension, shoots grow up to 2.5 - 3 meters. It is grown on a choplet, as a rule, with three rows of wire.
  • For the winter, the plant must be stolen.
  • When planting a bush, the distance between the blackberry seedlings is 1.5 - 2 meters.

Advantages: Very stretched ripening period, amazing yield, disease resistance, berries with an original taste for a long time do not lose their product qualities.

Disadvantages: Weak frost resistance -17º, the need to bend rather thick shoots.

The proposed video in English, but it is perfectly clear what kind of crop can be collected from this plant. By the way, Ouchita, Auchita, Wachit and Oshito, this name is the same time, the description of which you just read.

Reviews Positive - grade is simple in cultivation, not capricious. Farmers like the combination of high yields and moderately large berries with excellent taste.


Chester is an old well-known, sophisticated, large-scale variety variety of ripening

  • The declared yield 15 - 20 kg. from each bush
  • Sweet berries with small sourness, mass from 5 to 8 grams, ripen in late July or early August.
  • The plant has a unlocking shape of a bush. For fruiting, no more than 5 - 6 shoots are left, which grow long 2 - 3 meters.
  • Despite frost resistance to -26ºС on winter Shelter required.
  • When landing, you need to withstand the distance between the bushes 2 - 2.5 meters.

Advantages: High frost resistance, no prickly spikes, excellent yield, good air transportation, grade is resistant to major diseases and pests.

Disadvantages: Despite the good frost resistance, winter shelter is required. Poor tolerate shading and landing in raw nizennes.

Reviews: Only positive, many consider Chester as the best variety in their collection and get the best places for him.

Black satin

Black satin

Black satin - Just as Chester, a rather old grade of shattered blackberry, the average ripening time.

  • The average yield is 10 - 15 kg, and with high agricultural engineering up to 20 - 25 kg.
  • Berries weighing about 5 grams collected in large brushes. The taste from the sour is sweet to sweet, ripen in the middle of the end of July.
  • Busts semi-stranded. Stems tough, long up to 5 meters. The young piglery is recommended to immediately press to the ground and grown in an inclined position, then it will be easier to strengthen the winter.
  • Frost resistance - 22º C and in most regions requires winter shelter.
  • For cultivation, you will need a tag with a height of about two meters.

Validity of the variety: No prickly spikes, high yield, unpretentiousness, disease resistance.

Disadvantages: The need to strengthen each year for the winter, tough shoots that are often broken by flexing to the ground, poor transportability of berries.

Reviews: In general, positive, generous, unpretentious, under the shelter is good. But the berries quickly face, it is impossible to be retarded with the collection. For commercial purposes, not the best option.

Loche Tay.

Loche Tay. - Large, not barbed blackberry of the middle time of ripening.

  • The declared yield is 10 - 12 kg. from each bush. Most gardeners argue that it is.
  • Berries are large, weighing about 5 grams. Taste sweet with sour, sleep in mid-July.
  • Loche Tay has a brown shape of a bush. Shoots are stripped, elastic, long up to 5 meters, requiring trellis.
  • Frost resistance of this blackberry variety - 20º C. For our country, it is not enough for the winter.
  • When landing, the distance between the bushes is at least 2 m.
  • It is propagated by the drawing of pastures at the shoots of substitution.

Advantages: Good yield, no spikey spikes, magnificent taste of berries and excellent transportability.

Disadvantages: The need to strengthen the plant for wintering every year.

Reviews: According to most gardeners, Loch Tay is one of the best varieties of garden blackberries.


Kova. - Blackberry with the largest berries. Unfortunately, this variety has sharp spikes, but it is included in the description due to its exceptional majority.

  • The yield of the cosy exceeds 30 kg. Berries from one bush.
  • Huge berries weigh 20 - 25 gr. Start singing at the end of July.
  • The bush is a reprehensive, the height of the shoots of 1.6 - 2 meters, require support.
  • This blackberry without loss tolerates frost to - 23 degrees. No shelter can winter only in the southern regions.

Advantages: Very yield grade, surprisingly large and delicious berries, good transportability, the possibility of surprising neighbors.

Disadvantages: The presence of sharp spikes, the need to annually cover the bushes for wintering.

All reviews Approximately such: when she is shelting the bushes for the winter, then I swear that I suffer with these spines last time, and when I start collecting a harvest, I always understand this blackberry.

Columbia Star.

Columbia Star.

Columbia Star. - New, little-known, silent variety of early ripening workers.

  • According to the manufacturer, Columbia Star will be one of the most damned varieties (16750 kg / ha)
  • Berries of the same size, elongated, weighing 10 - 15 grams, begin to ripen in late June - early July.
  • The bushes adding type, shoots a long 4 - 5 meters, without spikes.
  • The winter hardiness of Columbia is low - 14 degrees, the winter shelter must.

Advantages: delicious, large berries Long retain the freight look, high yield, rather soft and without spikes shoots easy to press to the ground for winter shelter. The variety easily tolerates heat and drought.

Disadvantages: Long shoots, with many side processes, it is difficult to unravel when removing from support.

Reviews: Gardeners who have managed to plant Columbia have not yet been able to fully appreciate this variety, but the high taste of berries mark everything. Many consider it the most promising novelty.

Changanska islena

Changanska islena

Changanska islena - High-yielding, shattered blackberry variety of early ripening.

  • Yield 12 - 15 kg. Berries from one bush.
  • Berry sour - Sweet mass 9 - 14 grams, begin to ripen in early July.
  • The bushes are semi-stranded, shoots powerful without spikes, grow up to 3 - 3.5 meters. Requires a garter to supports.
  • The frost resistance of the grade is relatively high -26º, but it is still necessary to stream.

Unfortunately not high quality video, but it's all that you managed to find:

Advantages: High yield, drought resistance, unpretentiousness, immunity to major diseases.

Disadvantages: Poor transportability, ripened berries in a day - the other is starting to flow. True for amateur gardening this lack is not much important.

Reviews: All reviews are good, this variety has proven itself well in the southern and in the northern regions.

Doyle (Doyle)

Doyle (Doyle) - One of the best varieties of sophisticated blackberry. He claims the title of the most damned variety.

  • Documented Doyle's yield is 5 - 7 buckets of berries from one bush.
  • Berries sour - sweet, weighing 7 - 9 grams. Maturation later - mid august.
  • Bushes Seven-time with long, up to 5 - 6 m. Escapes, spikes are missing. For cultivation, trellis needs
  • For the winter you need to cover.

Advantages: Amazing yield, easily tolerates heat and drought.

Disadvantages: This blackberry is more suitable for southern regions, in the northern regions it may not have time to ripe.

Reviews: There are very few reviews, in Russia this variety is cultivated only for several years.

Valdo (Waldo)

Valdo (Waldo) - Old and proven, sophisticated, peeling variety of middle-grained ripening period.

  • The authors of the variety promise yield 15 - 17 kg. Berries from one bush.
  • Berries weighing 6 - 8 gr. Have a pleasant taste and aroma, start to sing in the first decade of July.
  • The bushes are sharpening, compact. The length of shoots does not exceed 2 meters, but the support is needed.
  • Winter hardiness average, winter shelter for this blackberry must.

Advantages: The lack of spikes is easily covered by winter, ideal for small sites.

Disadvantages: Berries can be baked in hot weather.

Loch Ness 'Loch Ness'

Loch Ness (Loch Ness) - Sophisticated, very harvest blackberry, medium-stage ripening period.

  • The yield of this variety can reach 25 kg. from each bush.
  • Berries are sweet, with sourness, like the taste of wild blackberry 5 - 8 gr. Mature starts at the end of July.
  • Bushes at Loch Nessel is stripped, half-tested. Stems long up to 4 meters, need supports.
  • Winter hardiness for our climate is not high enough, the bushes in the winter have to be covered.
  • When landing the distance between bushes at least 2 meters.

Advantages: Steelly high productivity, unpretentious in care, quickly and easily breeds, suitable for commercial use.

Disadvantages: It matures late, in the rainy summer the taste becomes acidic.

Reviews: Definitely good - with minimal care is always an excellent harvest.

Oregon Tornless

Oregon Thornless (Oregon Thornless) - Sophisticated, fluttering blackberry late maturation.

  • The yield is medium, about 10 kg. berries from each bush.
  • Berries sour - sweet, large, weighing 7 - 9 grams, ripen in August.
  • The plant forms the bushes that adding type, with shattered shoots long up to 4 meters. Sleekers are required for growing.
  • Oregon maintains a decrease in temperature to - 29 degrees, which is clearly not enough for the middle strip and cannot do without cover.

Validity of the variety: Excellent taste, the absence of prickly spikes, easy to stream on the winter, the decorativeness of the plant allows you to use it to decorate the arbors, arches and other buildings.

Reviews: "I have this variety in pets - the most trouble-free - perfectly winter (under the shelter), the shoots of replacement appear immediately, almost simultaneously with the beginning of the growth of fruit shoots, the size of the berries with sufficient watering is really large, sweet taste, very harvest."

Osage (Osage)

Osage (Osage) - Sophisticated blackberry with perfect taste. This variety is considered the most delicious of all varieties of blackberry.

  • The yield is relatively low 3 kg. berries from each bush.
  • Berries with perfectly balanced taste and mass 6 - 7 grams. Start singing in the first decade of July.
  • Bushes doroping, shoots without spikes, about 2 meters high.
  • Frost resistance is low, only -13º, the shelter is necessarily.

Advantages: Exquisite, dessert taste, the sweetest of all the varieties of blackberries, never stuffs up asking.

Disadvantages: Low winter hardiness and relatively low productivity.

Removable blackberry varieties can be grown on one harvest or two. In the first case, all shoots are cut off under root and in the winter there is a completely empty bed. In the spring, young shoots begin to grow from the roots at the end of August, the berries begin to sing.

To get the next year two full-fledged crops, in the fall, only last year's shoots are cut, and the young beyond the ground, cover and allowed in the winter. In June next year, berries begin to sing on these shoots. At the end of July, having collected the entire harvest, these shoots cut out. And at the end of August, a young greedy starts fruit, which grew over the summer. Thus, you get a blackberry in almost the entire summer season.

Unfortunately, all this pleasure is available to residents of only southern regions. In the northern regions, removable blackberry varieties do not justify themselves. Frequent cases when part of the berries die from frosts. The first crop (partially or completely) can die in the flowering stage from return freezers. The second will start singing only at the end of August, or even in early September. Berries just do not have time to grow and part of the crop goes under the snow.


Prime-Ark Freedom (Prime-Ark Freedom) - Sophisticated, repairing blackberry variety.

  • The authors of the variety promise high yields. The variety is new and accurate digits yet.
  • Berries are sweet, large, weighing 15 - 20 grams, the first crop begins to sing from mid-June, and the second in the third decade of August.
  • Bushes. Strengthening, average, stems without spikes with a height of about 2 meters.
  • For the winter necessarily requires shelter.
  • Protective root piglets and stalling.

Advantages: High productivity, excellent quality of fruits and shared taste, the ability to receive products during the whole summer.

Disadvantages: Low winter hardiness, the variety is recommended only for the southern regions, the need to bend and stroke shoots for the winter.

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Black Magic (Black Magic)

Black Madzhik

Black Magic (Black Magic) - Development of blackberry grade (stems with spikes)

  • Yield from 5 kg. from one bush.
  • Berries are sweet, weigh an average of 7 - 10 grams. The time of ripening is the end of June the first harvest and the last decade of August the second harvest.
  • Saving a strong height of about 1, 5 meters, spikes are relatively few.
  • Winter hardiness is weak -12º, winter shelter must.

Advantages: This variety is better than all Remov adapted to the climatic conditions of our country. Excellent quality of fruits, high productivity, well tolerate heat and drought.

Disadvantages: Spiny shoots, low frost resistance, durable shoots difficult to press to the ground.

Ruben (Reuben)

Ruben (Reuben) - removable, large-scale sort of garden blackberry (spiked)

  • Yield from 6 kg. from one bush.
  • The fruits are sweet, large middle weight about 10 grams. Ripen at the end of June and end of August.
  • Soots are straight, mediteralous with spikes.
  • The plant withstands a decrease in temperature to -16º, the shelter is necessarily.

Dignity: Sorts resistant to freezes, it is not bad to carry shading, excellent transportability of berries.

disadvantages: The most important drawback is the sterilization of pollen at + 30º

Prime Ark 45 (Prime-Ark 45)

Prime Ark 45.

Prime Ark 45 (Prime-Ark 45) - New earnest blackberry variety (spiked).

  • Manufacturers promise good yields, but there are no specific data yet.
  • Berries are transportable, sweet taste and weighing 6 - 8 gr.
  • Bushes are straightforward, with a moderate number of spikes. Well tolerate heat and drought.
  • No shelter does not win.

Traveller - Prime-Ark Traveler


Traveller - Prime-Ark Traveler - New, silent repairing blackberry.

  • This variety is still understood, but the Americans claim that productivity will be at the height.
  • Weight of berries 7 - 8 gr. Taste with sour - sweet.
  • Bushes are a reprehension, about two meters high, without spikes
  • When growing into two harvest, shoots fall into the earth and are covered with spunbond in 2 - 3 layers.

(Black Butte)

Variety - Black Butte

New canadian varietygiving the largest fruit. The length of the berry reaches 51mm, weighing up to 15 gr., Unusually black, excellent taste. Branches grade bushes, though spikes on shoots smaller. Fruit from early July to September. Requires garter on the holding and shelter for the winter.

(Black Satin)

Grade - Black Satin

The bush is powerful with sophisticated shoots. Berries black, shiny, weighing 5 or more grams, are collected in luxurious rejuvenated brushes. The taste of berries is sour and sweet, with a pleasant aroma. Ripening time - August-September. Yield up to 25 kg with bush.


Grade - Gazda

Blackberry variety, low-vicious, stripped, with straight durable stems, it is recommended to put supports. The variety is suitable for the mechanized build of berries. Since the blackberry fertures on the second-year stems, the stalks after fruiting should be cut immediately. In addition, it is necessary to shorten the side branches up to 2-3 intercosals.

The berries of the average value (5-7 g), almost round, grow clusters, dense consistency, black, glossy, acidic taste. Berries are suitable for sale in the market and freezing. The transportability is good.

Winter hardiness and resistance to major diseases and pests are high.



Variety American selection. Average ripening time.

The bush is powerful, with straight pricked shoots. Forms root offspring. Length 2.5 - 3 m.

Berries are large (weighing 3.5 - 4 g), sour-sweet, when pebbled fresh-sweet, black with a gloss, an oblong shape. The ripening period is stretched (approximately 1-1.5 months).

The crop depends on the conditions of cultivation and age of the bush. On the 2nd and 3rd year after planting a crop small - 100-300 g, on the 4th - 500-600 g, on the 5th - already 2.5-3 kg from the bush.

It is grown on supports and trellis, on the 5-6th year, stretching bushes appear 10 siblings. In one place blackberry can grow up to 10 years.

The grade is high-resistant, withstands a decrease in temperature to -34 ° C.

(Karaka Black)

Variety - Karaka Black

New large-scale variety, from New Zealand having complicated genealogy (is a complex hybrid of various types of blackberry and raspberry-black-based hybrids .. The grade has a very large (average weight of 10 gr.) Berry of black, glossy, good taste and aroma capable of long-term storage , transportation, frost. The time of ripening of berries and harvest is stretched by 6-8 weeks. The yield is very large, more than 15th / ha.



Blackberry Natchez is one of the recent developments of the University of Arkansas.

Maturation term is medium - early in for different years The dates of ripening changed from the end of June to early July. Terms may vary, depending on which spring was.

The bush is shattered, high growth strength, semi-launched shape, but with long branches. The branches are powerful, thick, easily succumb to the formation of the bush and the garter to the grinder.

The berry is a very large, oblong shape, black, excellent taste, with full maturation is very sweet (sometimes even too sweet, without pleasant kitty), fragrant, transportable. High yield.

It is of great interest to growing in farms and on a personal compound due to large berry and high taste.

Variety - Orcan

Polish high-resistant, abstinent grade.

Fruits are large or very large, oblong, black, shiny, acidic and very tasty. In warm places protected from wind, fruits very abundantly.

Yield up to 5 kg with bush. A bush with long runs long 5 - 6 meters.

Ripening time: second half of July

Berries of black color, sour-sweet taste, weighing 3-8 grams.

The transportability is good.


Fruit on shoots of the current year and is well pollinated.

Very convenient in growing. It has a thick, strong, reprehensive stem and does not need a support. A bush reaches 1.8-2m in height. Blackberry this variety has a very powerful root, so it grows and fruits on any types of soil.

The grade is resistant to autumn frosts, it is well tolerating drought and heat, as well as half-day, so it can be grown along fences and buildings.

Blackberry fruiting lasts from the end of August to November.

After harvesting, all shoots are cut off at the surface of the soil, without leaving hemp. This allows plants to withstand strengths of frost and prevents the development of diseases and pests. A one-year method of growing shoots allows you to completely abandon chemical treatments and get environmentally friendly berries.

Grade - Creek

Throwing blackberry, middle-variety of ripening.

Soothes are flexible, rounded shape, without spikes.

Berries are large, purple-black, weighing 4-5 g, up to 3 cm long, extended conical, acid-sweet, good quality. Mass ripening berry begins from the middle - the end of August.

To taste, completely ripe berries resemble a Gazda variety.

Yield is very high, with adult bushes, with good care up to 20 kg with bush.

Winter hardiness in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia is insufficient, a small shelter of snow is required.

When shelting shoots for the winter, frost damage is usually not observed.


Variety - Tornfrey

This blackberry variety was bred in America in 1966 in Merilend. The variety was developed by Dr. Scott with the support of the US Department of Agriculture. The plant was selected from hybrid offspring (Brineerd X MERTON THORNELES X Eldorado).

Thorfrey needs compulsory shelter in the middle strip, but even without shelter, when placing Earth shoots for wintering, it doesn't make it easy to every winter. He shoots hard, non-dodded, reach a length of 4-5 m. The bush has a semi-by-bed.

Black berries, weighing 5-8 g, oval shape. The first fruits ripen in the first decade of August, and the last - in the first decade of September. Black berries first acidic, then sour-sweet, then fresh-sweet.

The taste is pleasant. In the berry brush, more than 30 fruits are, there are up to 120-130 berries.

This blackberry enjoys well-deserved popular among amateur gardeners and industrial production. Thorfrey is considered a commercial variety. Its advantages include large berries, abundant fruiting, pretty clusters, good taste, relatively friendly ripening of fruits, no spikes, resistance to pests and diseases, no offspring with proper care, decorative structure of leaves, beautiful flowering.

All listed positive traits The varieties made it one of the most common among lovers and industrialists.


A bush is a reprehensive, up to 3 m high, vertical shoots are very branched and form a very thick crown. Ripens in July.

Association among bushes is average, this feature is overshadowed by other blackberry qualities: early decorative flowering, undemanding in leaving, high harvest.

Berries are large, rounded shape, pleasant sweet taste, fragrant, dense.

Flint is also valued due to the unpretentiousness of cultivation conditions. This variety is known thanks to high frost resistance - this blackberry is never covered for the winter, withstands temperatures up to -40 degrees. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests.



New early grade English selection. The bushes are average, compact, without spikes. Berries are large (weighing 6-8 g), the continued round shape, black, dessert, fragrant. Transportable berries. The variety is of interest to home and industrial gardening, because It has very good quality berries.

Blackberry variety Natchez is the result of the collaboration of the University of Arkansas and the US Department of Agriculture. One of many advantages of grade is the lack of spikes. Berry sweet and large up to 12 grams, elongated, glossy black color. The large content of sugar (9.5%) makes it an ideal dessert berry. High yield grade.

Variety - Ebony

The variety of early ripening. The bush is powerful, the branches are vertically directed, thanks to which the plant has a compact structure. The berry is large, up to 20 mm in diameter, sweet, with a gentle taste and pronounced aroma, with a dry separation, is well transported. Project industrial yield about 10-15 kg with bush. In the native cultivation, with proper care, the yield may be an order of magnitude more. In the middle of Russia requires shelter.



Variety - Tiberri

Modern raspberry-blackberry hybrid, with early time Maturation coinciding with the maturation of most raspberry varieties. Berry 5-6g., Dark-red, elongated, with a candy aroma. Yield 5 kg. With bush.

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