The height of the twin towers in America. New world trade center in new york

Landscaping and planning 21.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York

“Personally, I like vertical lines much more than horizontal ones, because they kind of give a feeling of elevation ... Yes, it is impossible to fall in love with four thousand meters of something, but it is enough to put, say, a box of matches or a piece of jewelry vertically, and you will find this thing charming." This statement of the largest American architect of Japanese origin, Minoru Yamasaki, is quite consistent with the trend that has been called "American neoclassicism of the sixties." In the 1950s, Yamasaki became famous thanks to his participation in the construction of the famous Empire State Building skyscraper, original structures in Detroit, Seattle, Delhi and other cities of the world. But the glory of one of the most daring architects was brought to him by the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York, erected near the Hudson River embankment and, until September 11, 2001, were considered the tallest building in the city.

Their appearance had its own historical pattern. In the late 1950s and 1960s, America was dominated by the idea that is characteristic of the so-called "consumer society" - to give things a pleasant and even refined appearance. It was also approved at the official level, that is, the task was to "demonstrate to the world the positive essence of the American way of life." The architecture is the best suited to these tasks. On the small area With the fantastic rise in land prices, it became possible to build a building that would include business offices, administrative premises, shopping centers, etc., which would fully correspond to the image of the largest companies.

True, American neoclassicism did not last long. But even during this time, talented architects managed to create a number of unique works, including the World shopping center. His project looked truly global, corresponding to a developed technocratic model - two giant naked parallelepipeds of glass, soaring to a height of 540 meters. This huge complex was to house countless offices, firms, banks and institutions.

By the time the towers were created, Yamasaki was already an established architect with his own view of modern architecture, whose motto was just three words - "form determines function."

The decision to start building the World Trade Center was made in 1960. The complex was put into operation in 1973, and the twin towers - in 1976. WTC included two 9-storey buildings office space, an 8-story US Customs Service building, a 47-story executive office building, a 22-story hotel, and two 110-story twin towers. Leasable area of ​​the twin towers - 1.08 million square meters. m, which housed the offices of 450 companies from 30 countries, and the number of employees was 50 thousand people.

An underground station, numerous shops and supermarkets were built under the World Trade Center, and an observation deck, a restaurant and a bar were built on the roofs of the towers.

In February 2001, the famous twin skyscrapers were leased for 99 years for more than $3 billion. The owners of skyscrapers planned to receive only 1.5 billion for rent, but as a result of the fight between investors that lasted almost a year, the final amount of the lease was twice as high.

Trouble struck the pride of New York City and one of the symbols of the nation's prosperity on the morning of September 11, 2001, when two planes hijacked by suicide bombers entered the city's airspace unhindered and rammed both skyscrapers. It was then that it turned out that in the 21st century, which, according to science fiction writers, should become an era of progress and general prosperity, architectural masterpieces turned out to be the most convenient target for terrorists. The magnificent structure of America's best architects and builders collapsed overnight, casting doubt on the very idea of ​​super-technological functional living space. According to experts, the force of the fall of the towers was such that the metal was literally compressed with concrete, turning into a continuous mass.

The destruction of the twin towers showed that skyscrapers built of metal and concrete are not very secure. By the way, many architects and designers consider the discussion that unfolded after the tragedy about which skyscrapers are more reliable: American reinforced concrete skyscrapers, which “fold” inside themselves when destroyed, or European glass-concrete ones that can fall sideways, to be far-fetched. According to many experts, with the current development construction technologies most reliable way avoid the destruction of a skyscraper due to a terrorist attack, accident or natural disaster- do not build such houses at all.

And yet, what will be built on the site of the destroyed towers? There are a great many projects, we will give only some of them, the most frequently mentioned in the press.

One of the tenants of the dead buildings, Largy Silverstein, offered to build 60-story towers - then they would not be of interest to air terrorists. In response to this consideration, a project was proposed in which 60 floors would be working, and the next 50 would be empty space - this void was to become a memorial to the place where the Boeing crashed.

The project has not yet been canceled, but its cost is so high that it raises doubts about the implementation of such a memorial.

The lead architect of the new World Trade Center, Daniel Libeskind, proposed a 1,776-foot tower (America gained independence in 1776), and this 540-meter architectural design will be the highest in the world. Gardens will be located on its upper floors.

In addition, in this place it is planned to erect a monument to three thousand people who died during the attacks. The project proposed by Libeskind takes into account the peculiarities of reflection angles sun rays, which should be concentrated on the monument to the victims of the terrorist attacks. Every year on the morning of September 11, between 8:46 a.m., the time the first plane crashed into the tower, and 10:28 a.m., when the second tower fell, the WTC buildings will not cast a shadow.

The new complex will also include an art center and a railway station. And part of the base of the collapsed towers will not be built up.

The discussion about how to use the free space in midtown Manhattan, where the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center rose before September 11, 2001, has also joined the government of Catalonia. It invited the authorities of New York to erect a majestic building there, designed by the great Catalan architect Antonio Gaudí. The world-famous architect, commissioned by two of his admirers from among wealthy American entrepreneurs, in 1911 created a project for a skyscraper, 360 meters high. This building, according to the customers, was to be erected in Manhattan, and, by an amazing coincidence, almost on the very spot where they were later built famous twin towers. Gaudí's skyscraper is somewhat reminiscent of his most famous and beloved creation, the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The complex consists of the main tower, crowned with a star, in the rays of which observation platforms should be located, as well as eight buildings connected with the main tower, where residential premises and offices will be located. The tower will also house four restaurants, a museum of cultures from the five continents of the world, exhibition and concert halls. The architect himself said that he wanted to express in his building the spirit of enterprise inherent in the American people.

If the authorities of New York decide to give preference to the project of Antonio Gaudi, then this building will be the first creation of the great architect built outside of Spain. And the first skyscraper built a hundred years after the creation of his project.

To summarize what has been said, we can come to the conclusion that not a single plan has a real prospect so far, so the discussion promises to be long and wordy. But one thing is absolutely clear: firstly, the newly built buildings will not be a copy of the dead, and secondly, proud and ambitious America will certainly pay tribute to the memory of the victims of the terrorist attack and once again demonstrate the power and glory of one of the world's leading architectural powers.

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The twin towers of the World Trade Center have been a symbol of the financial power of the United States and New York for almost three decades, and as a result, today they are associated with one of the most tragic events in recent history- September 11 attacks. However, it will not be superfluous to look at that, no doubt, unique story, which was at the twin towers.

The decision that an ultra-modern office complex would be built in an inconspicuous part of Lower Manhattan was made back in the early 60s of the last century. New York was undergoing significant renovation during those years, so it was only logical that developer and Chase Manhattan bank chairman David Rockefeller and his brother, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, came to the conclusion that such a large-scale project in a rather wretched part of the city at that time. In 1962, under the leadership of the Port Authority, planning began for the complex, the author of which was the famous American architect of Japanese origin, Minoru Yamasaki. His idea to build two huge towers, the likes of which no city in the world knew then, caused a lot of controversy. In particular, many noted that they would simply disfigure the appearance of the city.

Nevertheless, in 1966, construction began, which lasted 7 years and encountered many difficulties. To begin with, 164 buildings had to be demolished, five streets closed, and 1.2 million cubic yards of earth removed, from which Battery Park City would become. At one time, up to 3,500 workers could work at a construction site. In total, about 10,000 people were involved in the construction of the towers, of which 60, alas, did not live to see the completion of construction.

The structure of the towers was very atypical for its time - avoiding masonry, the engineers used special steel beams that run along the entire height of the building. There were 61 such beams on each side. The columns of the towers were clad in aluminum and spaced only half a meter apart, so that from a distance the twin towers might have looked like buildings with no windows at all. The ceilings between the floors consisted of concrete slabs and corrugated steel and fastened to the outer load-bearing walls.

Particular attention was paid to the elevators, which were designed specifically for the towers by Otis. A total of 239 elevators with a carrying capacity of over 4.5 tons were installed. Opened on April 4, 1973, the North and South towers were 417 and 415 meters high, respectively, and the north one was also crowned with a huge antenna. In total, the towers had 110 floors, and at the time of construction they were the highest skyscrapers on the planet.

Act of terrorism

The twin towers had a lot of tests. The first really serious disaster was a fire in 1975 that broke out on the 11th floor, and then spread in the space between the 9th and 14th.

However, these were still flowers compared to the terrorist attack of 1993, when on February 26, a truck with 680 kilograms of explosives was blown up in the underground parking of the North Tower. The result was a 30-meter hole, which “decorated” 5 underground floors at once, and a serious smoke in the building, which was felt even on the upper floors. Five people were killed, and the perpetrator of the attack, Ramzi Youzef, managed to escape to Pakistan. However, he was soon caught and extradited to the States, where he was awaited by a life sentence.

Alas, after the first terrorist attack, the WTC buildings remained standing for only eight and a half years. It all ended on September 11, 2001, when two terrorist attacks destroyed both towers.

First, at 8:46, a hijacked American Airlines flight 11 collided with the North Tower. Its impact fell on the north facade of the building between the 93rd and 99th floors. At the same time, as a result of this blow, a strong fire broke out, and all possible exits for those who were on the upper floors were blocked, thus more than a thousand people were trapped.

Seventeen minutes after the first attack, another United Airlines plane hijacked by terrorists, flying number 175, crashed into the South Tower. the space closer to the corner of the tower turned out to be damaged, one flight of stairs remained intact, which saved many lives.

The South Tower collapsed first, at 9:59 a.m., as its bearing structures were badly damaged by the impact of the aircraft and the fire that broke out after. In the North Tower, the fire lasted 102 minutes, so it collapsed a little later - at 10:28.

Also on September 11, but in the evening, the seventh building of the WTC complex collapsed. As a result, it was necessary to get rid of all the buildings of the World Trade Center as not subject to restoration and further use. The same fate befell the adjacent Marriott Hotel, damaged by the wreckage of the towers, and the Deutsche Bank building, which was subsequently dismantled.

The total number of victims of these terrible terrorist attacks in New York is estimated at 2,752 people - that is how many death certificates were issued by the authorities. Nevertheless, it is often emphasized that if the strikes occurred not in the morning, but at the height of the working day, then the victims could be many times more, since there were usually about 50 thousand people in the towers at the same time during these hours.

After the terrorist attacks, a huge number of stories appeared, how many people, due to various household or transport problems They didn't make it to work, which ultimately saved their lives. Among all companies largest number victims - 658 - fell on the bank Cantor Fitzgerald L.P., located on the 101-105 floors of the North Tower. Also, 343 New York firefighters, 84 Port Authority employees and approximately 60 police officers died immediately in the attacks.

In the recent history of both the United States and the whole world, such victims as a result of terrorist attacks are something completely unprecedented and truly horrifying. It is safe to say that September 11 was the first such event in the history of the new millennium, after which we can say that the world has really changed.

A new skyscraper built on the site of the destroyed twin towers

The new World Trade Center building has opened in New York. A new skyscraper with 104 floors was built on the site of the twin towers destroyed on September 11, 2001. The new building with a height of 541 meters has become the most tall building in the USA.

Western media reports that tenants have already begun moving into their offices in the new WTC building, such as employees of the publishing house Conde Nast. In total, 60% of the skyscraper's area has already been commissioned. But you can visit the observation platform at the top of the building freely, numerous tourists have already reached there.

At the same time, no official ceremonies in connection with the opening of the World Trade Center have yet been held. This is because the date of the ceremonies is still being negotiated by the secretaries of the governors of New York and New Jersey.

"The New York landscape has been restored," said Patrick Foyer, executive director of the city's Port Authority, which owns the building and the 6.5 hectares of land on which the center was built.

The construction of the new WTC building cost $3.9 billion. Construction took eight years. The building is currently the tallest in the US. On the territory of a skyscraper with a height of 541 meters there is a memorial in memory of the dead and a museum that opened this year.

According to Foye, the World Trade Center "sets new standards in construction, design, prestige and integrity." Also, according to Foyer, the building is the safest office center in the entire United States.

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center opened in 1973. During the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, when two planes hijacked by terrorists crashed into skyscrapers, the towers were destroyed. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the attack. After that, on the site of the destroyed towers, it was decided to build a new skyscraper.

Ten years ago, 19 men trained by Al Qaeda launched a coordinated terrorist attack on the United States of America. It took several years to develop the attack plan. Terrorists simultaneously hijacked 4 large passenger aircraft with the intention of destroying the most famous US landmarks with their help, while taking as many lives as possible. Three planes reached their targets, the fourth crashed on a field in Pennsylvania. In one day, these acts of mass murder killed about 3,000 people from 57 countries. Of these, more than 400 dead were firefighters, policemen and ambulance crews. This event received the most coverage in the history of the media, and even ten years later, it's hard to look at these pictures. The attacks and the response to them have largely shaped the world we live in today, and it is therefore important to look at these photographs and remember what happened that day. This post is the second of three dedicated to the September 11 attacks.

1. View of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan covered in clouds of smoke and dust from Jersey City, New Jersey, September 15, 2001. (AP Photo/Dan Loh)

2. Smoke pours from a hole in the wall and from the upper floors of the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York, after a collision with American Airlines Flight 11. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

3. Flight 175 of United Airlines a second before the collision with the south tower of the World Trade Center. The north tower is already on fire. (Reuters/Sean Adair)

4. An explosion in the south tower during a collision with United Airlines Flight 175 in New York, September 11, 2001. The plane crashed into a building at a speed of 945 km/h. (Reuters/Sean Adair)

5. Collision of the aircraft with the south tower of the World Trade Center. There were 56 passengers on board (including 5 hijackers). (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

6. The explosion of 3800 liters of fuel remaining on board the aircraft during a collision with the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Ernesto Mora)

7. Two women, holding on to each other, look at the WTC buildings burning after the terrorist attack. (AP Photo/Ernesto Mora)

8. The burning twin towers are visible behind the Empire State Building. (AP Photo/Marty Lederhandler)

9. A cloud of smoke from the WTC buildings in lower Manhattan. A USGS satellite image flying over the area around 9:30 am on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/USGS)

10. People hanging from the windows of the north tower of the World Trade Center after the attack. (Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)

11. A man jumps to his death from the north tower of the World Trade Center filled with smoke and flames. (Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)

12. A man jumps from the upper floors of the burning north tower of the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

13. A man jumps from the north tower of the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

14. Security camera at the Pentagon captured the explosion caused by a collision with a hijacked American Airlines plane with 58 passengers and 6 crew members on board, September 11, 2001. (AP Photo)

15. Flame and smoke escape from the Pentagon building after the explosion. (AP Photo/Will Morris)

17. Medics provide assistance to the victims near the Pentagon, after a hijacked airliner crashed into the southwest corner of the building. (Reuters/U.S. Navy Photo/Journalist 1st Class Mark D. Faram)

19. Smoke pours from the towers of the World Trade Center after two hijacked planes crashed into them during a terrorist attack on New York. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

20. At 9:59 am on September 11, 2001, 56 minutes after the collision, the south tower of the World Trade Center begins to collapse. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

21. The south tower of the World Trade Center is collapsing, and the debris is burying nearby streets. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

22. Police officers and pedestrians run for cover during a terrorist attack in New York. (Doug Kanter/AFP/Getty Images)

23. People covered with dust walk through the rubble near the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

24. Maru Stahl from Somerset, Pennsylvania, shows a picture he took of the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93. The plane crashed near Shanksville, and Stahl, hearing the explosion, headed to the crash site and took a picture before rescuers cordoned off the area. The plane crashed in Pennsylvania shortly after the New York attacks. (Reuters/Jason Cohn)

25. Aerial photograph of the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, taken by the FBI on September 12, 2001. The Boeing 757 was flying from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco when it made a sharp turn near Cleveland and crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 44 people died. This aircraft was one of four that were part of the 9/11 attack plan, and the only one that did not reach its target. (AP Photo/FBI)

26. Firefighters and rescuers investigate the crash site of Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. (AP Photo/Tribune-Democrat/David Lloyd)

27. At 10:28 am on September 11, 2001, 102 minutes after the plane collided with her, the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York collapses. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)

28. The collapse of the WTC tower on September 11, 2001 in New York. (Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)

29. A photo of the New York City Police Department shows how ash and smoke are carried over Manhattan during the collapse of the north tower of the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/NYPD, Det. Greg Semendinger)

30. Dust, smoke and debris fill the air during the fall of the WTC tower on September 11, 2001 in New York. (Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

31. Dust, smoke and ash shroud neighboring buildings after the fall of both WTC towers on September 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo/NYPD, Det. Greg Semendinger)

32. People leave the collapsed towers, fleeing the smoke and dust. As a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in New York, both 110-story towers of the World Trade Center collapsed. (AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett)

33. The north tower of the World Trade Center turns into a cloud of dust and debris half an hour after the fall of the south tower on September 11, 2001. Photo taken from Jersey City, New Jersey, across the Hudson River. (Reuters/Ray Stubblebine)

34. People make their way through the rubble near the ruins of the World Trade Center September 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

35. A priest helps people after the fall of the WTC towers in New York on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

36. People cover their faces from the dust, crossing the Brooklyn Bridge to get away from the cloud of dust and smoke that covered Manhattan after the attacks. (AP Photo/Daniel Shanken)

37. People on the street next to the twin towers September 11, 2001. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

38. A sheriff's assistant assists a woman who was injured during the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samiolava)

39. A man sobs as he watches the fall of the WTC tower in New York on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Shawn Baldwin)

40. A firefighter rests on a bench in lower Manhattan while working on the site of the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Matt Moyer)

41. Construction debris and ashes from the fall of the WTC towers as a result of a terrorist attack fill the streets of Manhattan, turning the view of the city into a picture of the Apocalypse. Buildings collapsed, burying thousands of people under the rubble. (AP Photo/Boudicon One)

42. A fireman calls for help from rescuers to dismantle the wreckage of the World Trade Center. The picture was taken on September 15, 2001. (Reuters/U.S. Navy/Journalist 1st Class Preston Keres)

43. The chassis of one of the hijacked aircraft lies on the street next to the destroyed buildings of the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001. (Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

44. Firefighters in search of survivors under the rubble of the Twin Towers after the September 11, 2001 attacks. (AP Photo/Matt Moyer)

45. Light barely breaks through the clouds of smoke and ash at the site of the collapse of the WTC towers. (AP Photo/Baldwin)

46. ​​New York firefighters put out the building 7 of the World Trade Center, destroyed along with the twin towers during the September 11, 2001 attacks. (Reuters/Mike Segar)

47. A group of firefighters near the ruins of the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001. (Reuters/Peter Morgan)

48. Debris covers the rails in the tunnel of the New York subway on lines 1 and 9 of Cortland Street station under the WTC. The damage was so severe that more than one mile of the tunnel had to be repaired, according to New York city transport officials. (AP Photo/New York City Transit)

49. Rescuers conduct a search and rescue operation, descending under the rubble of the World Trade Center on Friday, September 14, 2001. (Reuters/U.S. Navy/Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Jim Watson)

50. A man stands in the ruins of the WTC towers and tries to call the survivors, asks if anyone needs help. (Doug Kanter/AFP/Getty Images)

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